How to teach a husky to sing, howl and talk: effective methods

Pets love it when their owner pays attention to them. And it is extremely pleasant for a person to communicate with animals. If you have a dog, you can teach it various commands. This way you will teach the animal to be disciplined. The ability to obey the owner will come in handy when you are playing on the street or visiting. Next, we will look at not just a command, but an interesting and fun skill that will delight you and your loved ones. In a musical family, you can teach a dog to howl, then the evenings will become more fun. But even if you don’t own any musical instrument, we’ll tell you what you can come up with.

Basics of education

According to the specialization of the breed, huskies had to work in harness, transporting various loads in the harsh conditions of the north.
Often the life and fate of the driver and the cargo depended only on the instincts and intelligence of the animal. Huskies are able to make their own decisions and have an independent and strong character. Listening to the musher’s instructions, the dog first assessed the importance and necessity of the order, and only when it considered it correct did it carry out

An inexperienced owner should not train his dog independently at home. There is a high probability that the animal will get out of control. Correcting mistakes in training is much more difficult than properly raising a dog from scratch.

Representatives of this breed are ready to obey a real leader, their respect must be won. One of the important points is to establish trust and mutual understanding between man and animal. By spending a lot of time together, walking and playing, the dog and the person build a friendly relationship. Husky training begins unobtrusively in games and fun.

You should not be too strict with pets of this breed. Apart from making the animal angry, the owner will achieve nothing. Excessive affection will also not give the desired result; the husky will simply become spoiled. The owner needs to find a middle ground between severity and praise when it comes to training a husky. You can take the upbringing of a child as an example. This is how, in the process of play, patiently, with reasonable restrictions, a playful puppy is raised into an adequate adult dog.

Huskies give commands in an even and calm voice, pronouncing the words clearly. Excessive fuss and frequent repetitions of the same command are useless.

When to start training

Experienced dog trainers advise training a puppy starting from 3 months. At this age, the baby is actively exploring the world around him, he is ready to learn new things before he acquires unwanted skills.

At this age, it is difficult for a puppy to concentrate on work for a long time. Work with him for 10-15 minutes, 4-5 times a day. Each lesson begins with a repetition of the lessons learned, followed by learning something new.

As soon as the puppy appears in the house, it is necessary to clearly set the boundaries of what is permitted for the baby and strictly adhere to them. It’s a good idea to come to an agreement with your household so that there are no discrepancies in instructions. For the puppy, the place of the bed and bowl is immediately determined. They buy special toys for him or make them with their own hands.

Practical advice from experts

Some practical tips to help with training:

  • There is no need to force the dog to work when it is “not in the mood”; it is better to postpone the activity for a more favorable time.
  • You cannot use harsh correction methods or hit the dog during training - this will lead to the pet’s rejection from the owner and a lack of trust in the relationship.
  • When the puppy already knows what they want from him, it is necessary to achieve the fulfillment of the order.
  • The first workouts do not need to be stretched out for a long time; 10 – 15 minutes is quite enough.
  • It is better to start each lesson with a repetition of already learned skills, and end with the successful execution of a newly introduced command.

Positive and negative character traits

Among the advantages are:

  • Friendliness. The breed is suitable for families with children and animals, it is sociable and does not experience aggression towards strangers;
  • He loves sports and enjoys riding in a harness;
  • It has no foreign odors, is clean, and owners do not have to spend a lot of effort caring for their pet;
  • Has no habit of barking for any reason.

Of the minuses it is worth noting:

  • When left alone, the dog howls long and drawn out;
  • Their irrepressible energy does not allow them to sit still, they strive to chew something, make a dig, etc. They like to run away;
  • Not adapted to hot climates.

A husky puppy is not the best solution for protecting your home and property, since it is devoid of aggression towards people and is non-conflicting.

Husky attitude towards children

This is one of the few dog breeds that does not have aggression towards humans, so you can be calm about your child.

The only problem is the size coupled with the activity of the husky: a dog that is not trained to behave correctly can simply knock down a baby in a game.

Therefore, all communication between the animal and the child should be under your control.

How to play with the Husky breed?

On the street you can offer outdoor games: catch-up, hide-and-seek, race. Developmental activities at home are suitable:

  1. Leave the room, close the door loosely and call the dog. Khasenysh must open the doors himself and find the owner.
  2. Hide a treat in another room and invite the puppy to find it. At first, the baby will not understand what the owner wants. You'll have to get on all fours and crawl with him in search of goodies. Over time, Khasenysh will get used to it and learn to fetch any item or toy.
  3. In front of the puppy, wrap a treat in a scarf (do not tie it). Continue to unfold it yourself.
  4. Hide the food in a slightly open drawer so that the baby can reach it. Offer to get the treat yourself.

Games need to be dosed and stopped before the pet loses interest in them. The best time to play is the moment the beloved owner arrives (immediately from the doorstep, before changing clothes, dinner and watching the news). Five minutes is enough, and then you can go about your business.

Features of character and temperament

A husky baby is hyperactive in the first months of life. He needs movement and new experiences. He pokes his curious nose into all the cracks. Over time, around the second year of life, the dog’s behavior changes and he becomes calmer.

By nature, Siberian beauties are good-natured and independent. There is no innate aggression in them. This is why Huskies cannot be trained for service dog breeding or guard duty. They are not able to learn to attack a person.

As a leader, the “Siberian” chooses the strongest and strictest member of the family, even if someone else feeds and takes care of him. Huskies perceive concessions as weakness and take on the role of leader. Sometimes there are problems with following orders. An independent dog will gladly fulfill the request of his beloved owner, but may ignore the order.

Choosing a training method

In cynology, there are 11 main methods of training; several are suitable for teaching a pet to give voice on command:

  • Way of imitation.
  • Behavior selection system.
  • Method of active defensive reaction.
  • Unspoken methods of arousing interest or “resentment.”

A dog barks when excited - that's all you need to know when choosing a training method. An attentive owner will notice what puts the pet in a tense state. Each dog is individual, and the choice of training method should be based on its character characteristics.

Arousing interest

Puppies are very curious creatures, sometimes to cause barking it is enough to hold a piece of treat in your fist and let the dog sniff. First, the pet will try to get the desired piece with its paws, tongue, and teeth. But when he realizes that this is pointless, he will most likely start barking, demanding to give him the treasured treat. At this moment you need to command “voice” and immediately give the reward.

You can try to arouse the dog's interest with a toy, relying on the hunting instinct. To do this, you need to tie the puppy or hold a leash in your hands so that the pet cannot reach the toy on its own. It is necessary to tease the dog, as if reviving the object in your hands. Wave it in front of the child’s nose (provided that this does not frighten the child), move it from side to side, squeak (if the toy has sound effects) - but do not let him grab it with his teeth.

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At the peak of irritation, throw the squeaker aside - in 99% of cases the dog will rush to bite the object of desire, but will not be able to because of the leash. Which will cause a lot of indignation and, as a result, loud barking. At this moment, a command is given and encouragement follows in the form of that same toy.

Calling out "resentment"

Resentment is an exclusively human concept; it does not exist in the canine family. But there is a certain series of actions that will make the dog “offended” - that is, it will excite the nervous system.

The simplest option to force your pet into a stressful state is to tie it up on the street and start running away. 95% of dogs become extremely excited by such actions and begin to bark, calling the owner to return. Reinforcement in this case will be the return of the beloved owner.

Imitation method

Research by zoologists and the practice of dog handlers has proven that dogs are capable of learning through imitation. Young dogs under one year old are especially prone to this. Inexperienced individuals, looking at how trained animals work, begin to repeat the same actions, wanting to receive encouragement.

Defensive reaction method

This method is not the best for dogs prone to aggression. At least for a companion living in a family as a pet.

  • Inducing a defensive reaction is achieved by causing the animal unpleasant or even painful sensations, which the dog can only avoid by “snarling.”
  • After giving the voice, the pet is rewarded with a treat. With each repetition, it is necessary to reduce the unpleasant sensations in order to encourage barking, and not anger.

Behavior selection method

The easiest option to teach a dog the “voice” command is behavior selection. Suitable for melancholic and “silent” dogs.

The training method is that the owner needs to closely monitor the puppy, catching moments of excited barking. The algorithm of actions is as follows: the dog barks - encouragement and praise are immediately given: “well done voice”, “good voice”. Sooner or later, the pet will associate reinforcement with barking.

Which breeds are easy to train and which are not?

The “voice” command has nothing to do with the dog’s ability to learn. There are a priori silent dogs, and there are those that simply do not know how to bark (the Basenji is a prime example of this). On the contrary, there are very “talkative” individuals.

The most silent breeds include:

  • Akita Inu;
  • Shar Pei;
  • Chow chow;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Doberman;
  • German dog;
  • Neapolitan Mastiff;
  • Rhodesian Ridgeback;
  • Setters;
  • Cane Corso;
  • English bulldog;
  • Basenji;
  • Newfoundland;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • Sennenhunds.

Basenjis simply cannot bark, and Akitas are simply very silent dogs. In Japan there is even a proverb - “if your Akita barks, expect trouble,” since it is almost impossible to hear the treasured “woof” from these dogs.

There are also completely opposite types of pets that absolutely love to “talk”. The noisiest breeds, as a rule, include livestock and shepherds, namely:

  • Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs;
  • Collie;
  • Sheltie;
  • German Shepherds;
  • Retrievers;
  • Russian dogs and Estonian hounds;
  • Beagles;
  • Giant Schnauzers (and schnauzers in general);
  • Almost all terriers;
  • Huskies and Malamutes (howl);
  • Border Collie;
  • Shorthaired Kurtshaars;
  • Maltese dogs;
  • Dachshunds;
  • Basset Hound;
  • Chihuahua.

Of course, there are a lot of breeds, you can’t fit them all into the lists; there are more than a hundred species of shepherd dogs alone, and they all love to show their voice. This is connected with breeding stories; shepherd dogs “at work” were supposed to keep the herd together by barking. Hunters use their voice to drive the animal or notify the guide of their location. Talking about whether it is good or bad to have a “talkative” dog is not appropriate in this case. Every pet does what its instincts tell it to do.

How to teach your dog basic commands yourself

Before teaching a husky puppy commands, the preliminary step is to accustom the dog to its name.

It is important to choose a nickname that is short and sonorous. The faster the baby will remember the nickname, the more often the owner begins to pronounce it during play, when feeding and in other positive circumstances.

How to teach your dog the command “Sit!”

The execution of this simple command begins to be trained at 4-5 months.

At this age, the puppy can already maintain attention on the owner for some time. A piece of treat is hidden in the palm, encouraging the baby to raise his head up

At the same time, with the other hand the dog is patted on the croup so that he sits down. All manipulations are accompanied by pronouncing the word “sit”. After completion, the puppy is given a tasty piece.

Command “Come to me!”

The trainer demonstrates a treat or toy, and then calmly and encouragingly calls “Come to me!” When the baby runs up, he is praised and encouraged. In addition to edibles, you can use stroking or play.

Command "Near!"

According to the rules, the dog must move on a leash in step with the owner. To teach this, the pet is led on a short leash, held in the desired position. If the dog tries to get ahead of the person, then the reins should be pulled. If necessary, you can even slightly lift the animal off the ground and shake it.

Advice! When the baby has walked at least a few meters correctly, he needs to be encouraged.

The indication “Place!”

It is better to teach this skill when the dog is tired and wants to sleep. The pet is placed on its bedding and the command is repeated. If the puppy resists, do not hold it. With persistent, calm repetition, the command will be quickly learned.

Release command

Team "Walk!" usually does not require training with huskies, as it is intended for service dogs. A representative of this breed is already ready at any time to play and run freely. If the need for this still exists, then it is best to learn the order in pairs with other commands so that the puppy feels the difference in intonation. The verbal formulation can be accompanied by a clap so that the baby has no doubts - he is invited to frolic.

Team "Ugh!"

The word is pronounced when the dog aims to pick up some object from the ground or chews something inappropriate. The voice should be stern and firm, but not intimidating. Following the command, the dog is sharply pulled by the leash

It is important to maintain consistency: first the command and only if there is no reaction - physical impact

The command “Lie down!”

This action begins to be learned when the order to “sit” is worked out; the training actions are similar. The dog is allowed to sniff the treat hidden in the fist, after which the hand is removed, lowering it down. The puppy, following the movement, lowers its muzzle down, reaches for a treat and lies down.

The order “Voice!”

In order for the dog to start following this command, it will have to be teased. They sit her down and let her sniff the treat on her palm. When the puppy reaches for the smell, the food is hidden in his fist. If the dog barks, it is given the command “voice” and rewarded.

Husky in harness

Huskies should master the following set of commands by one year. After successfully working through this list, you can begin more complex training, preparing the dog for sports competitions and harness racing. For these purposes, you need to contact experienced dog handlers by enrolling in special courses.

Why is your husky howling?

A Siberian Husky may howl all day long when his owner is away, if he is suffering from separation anxiety or if he is lonely. If this is the case, take care of the dog and make sure he is well distracted and occupied before you leave. You may need to change your routine, at least temporarily, to help your Husky deal with separation anxiety.

The Siberian Husky may also bark for other reasons:

  • confinement in an enclosure, especially if the pet is not used to it
  • need to communicate something
  • loneliness and need for attention
  • illness or injury
  • anxiety, long separation
  • protection and designation of one's territory
  • this dog may also howl to release some energy, especially if it hasn't had a good walk
  • sometimes he can sing just for fun

If you want your Husky to reduce his howling, the first step is to find out the cause and then take steps to eliminate it.

How to get rid of a husky howling

You will never be able to completely eliminate this breed trait.

When dealing with Siberian Husky howling, it is important to understand that howling is how any dog ​​communicates. The most you can do is take control of your pet.

As soon as your husky starts howling uncontrollably, you need to act immediately. Give a firm command so that the husky feels that she now needs to be silent, and this reaction should occur every time the dog hears the command. Enter the command, which can be as simple as "QUIET" followed by the dog's name. Say the command in a firm tone and maintain eye contact. When giving a command, do not yell at your dog to shut up. To your pet, it sounds like you're just barking and he's just barking back.

When your husky howls, do not pet him or shower him with attention. This will only make it clear that howling actually attracts the owner's attention, and the dog will use this technique as an attention-seeking mechanism

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Give the command “QUIET,” and until the dog stops, remain vigilant. Be confident and show your Husky that you are a leader and he should do what you tell him to do.

How to Reduce Husky Howling and Singing

To reduce your Siberian Husky's howling, you must first eliminate the situation that is causing the behavior. Remember that instinct can never be completely eliminated. Siberian Huskies should be allowed to howl occasionally, but in moderation.

Train your Siberian Husky to howl less while he's still young. It's easier than trying to train a dog that sings and howls non-stop all its life, considering howling is not such a good thing, especially for your neighbors, they have unwittingly become hostage to the situation. However, even an experienced breeder trains his pet with the help of a professional and a large dose of patience.

There are also tips and features when a husky howls, but you can’t influence the situation in any way:

If there are children in the family, teach the dog to sing lullabies to the child, this will happen at the same time. At the same time, the husky sings and is happy, and you are happy that you don’t have to put the baby to bed yourself.

Don't leave your Husky outside between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am, when most people are sleeping. She will not disturb someone else's sleep, and will not feel lonely.

If you have several dogs of this breed and they start howling in a group, do something to distract them, such as slamming the door hard and very firmly saying, “QUIET!”

And most importantly, do not forget to train your pets. So that later you don’t get angry at their disobedience.

Some owners complain about their dog's howling, others have never heard it, but neighbors never cease to say the opposite, while others encounter it every day when they come home from work.

Why does the dog howl? To begin to fight this, it is important to identify the true reason for this behavior.

What not to do when trying to stop a dog from barking

A consistent and fairly firm owner will be able to stop a dog from barking at everyone. Often people, trying to rid an animal of the habit of barking, behave incorrectly, making the following mistakes:

  1. Swearing and screaming in response to a dog barking
    . It happens that the owner himself behaves no better than his unruly dog. It’s not so rare that in response to a dog’s barking, the owner shouts (“Shut up!”, “Tut!”, “You’ll get it from me!”, etc.). Such behavior on the part of a person will not only not calm the dog, but will even more excite it;
  2. Raising a dog occurs from case to case
    . You can stop a dog from barking at home only through daily hard training;
  3. Beating as a means to silence a dog
    . Cuffs are a prohibited technique that should never be used;
  4. Inattention to the cause of the dog's barking
    . Yes, there are situations when an animal barks incessantly and for no particular reason (for example, he wants the owner to unplannedly treat him to a cutlet from the table). But sometimes our pets try to warn us about something important by barking (for example, about a stranger entering the house or about the smell of burning). So first, it is important to recognize why a dog barks;
  5. Following the dog's whims
    . As we have found out, animals sometimes manipulate people. For example, many “watchdogs” like to burst into loud barks when they want to be treated to something from the table. So, you shouldn’t follow the lead of animals by giving them pieces of food from your plate. Dogs are cunning, and therefore they will bark every time to get what they want.

Team "Voice". Start date

Thanks to training, the dog will be able to take part in the hunt, barking to notify the approach of a stranger. Any dog ​​training has a similar principle: in order to teach your pet to perform the desired action, you must first initiate the desired behavior, and then associate it with a command. Training begins the moment the dog barks. Smart students quickly realize that barking when ordered is beneficial, and willingly demonstrate the capabilities of their vocal cords.

How to teach a German Shepherd the voice command? Follow the established rules and you will soon achieve success:

  • start training when the dog has already learned the basic commands (“Fu”, “Nearby”);
  • exercise 2-3 times a week for 30-40 minutes;
  • do not tire your pet, alternate new material with familiar tricks;
  • use his favorite treat to encourage your ward;
  • At the same time as you raise your voice, work on the “Quiet” command.

Your voice during lessons should be loud and stern, but not irritable. Dog experts recommend starting training at the age of 2-4 months. Every dog ​​by nature knows how to voice, but some “silent” ones stubbornly refuse to bark. If the animal does not succeed, stop training.

General learning algorithm

When practicing vocals with a dog, you should show patience and respect for your pet. It may not work out as perfectly as you would like. In addition, the dog does not always “hit the notes.” If your pet can sing along, that's good.

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You need to know that it is easier to teach a dog to howl if you turn on slow music or a song. At first, the dog may not understand what you want from him. But when he sees what you do when the song comes on, he will try to repeat it. To prevent your pet from getting tired, allow about 2-3 minutes for the first lesson. Then you can gradually increase the time to 5 minutes. Performing the exercise does not require excessive expenditure of physical energy from your pet and can even amuse your animal. Watch how diligently the dog howls every note.

To conduct the lesson, sit opposite or next to the dog. Next, turn on the music on your phone, start playing yourself, or use any available method. If you sing yourself, your pet may even try to sing in a human voice. Of course, by nature the dog does not have the ability to pronounce, but it still catches some words and tries to imitate the sounds.

An important rule also applies to your communication during the lesson. When teaching your dog to sing, pet him and praise him. Moreover, try to sing in a duet. If you manage to captivate your pet, you will hear him howl to the melodies. It is better to start training when your pet is in a good mood and try not to be impatient. Every day, devoting a little time to such an exercise, you can achieve the first result in two to four weeks.

You can work on singing one sound. For example, start with “a” or “y,” which are easiest for your dog. Then you can even move on to learning words. Some owners teach their dog the word “mama” or “yum-yum.” If your dog already knows how to pronounce sounds, you can choose easy words and reinforce this behavior.

Why does a dog howl: reasons

Why does a dog howl during the day?

The most common cause of mournful howling is loneliness. Some dog breeds find it difficult to bear the need to be left alone in an empty house and perceive separation from their owner as a huge tragedy.

Loneliness is the main reason for howling.

Usually these are animals with a choleric temperament, very emotional, affectionate. There is a breed predisposition to such expressions of despair and grief: Dobermans, huskies and huskies, dachshunds and bloodhounds howl very often. But even pets with a strong nervous system can howl when separated from their owner for a long time, in an unfamiliar place, such as a hotel or clinic.

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The howling does not begin immediately, the animal first rushes around the house, whining, then begins to howl, and only then emits a full-fledged howl. Such dogs are so happy to see their owner return that it takes several minutes to calm the jubilant dog.

Musically gifted pets may howl at the sound of music, car alarms or sirens. Many dogs howl at the sound of a certain song, which is successfully used by owners, demonstrating to guests the extraordinary abilities of their pet.

Many male dogs, smelling the scent of a female dog in heat, whine and howl for several days. The bitch can be quite far from the dog, but until the heat is over, the male will behave restlessly. Males of decorative and hunting breeds, temperamental and active, may stop eating and begin to constantly rush around the house, not responding to the owner’s commands.

Males can howl with passion.

Why does a dog howl at night?

Night howling is not typical for healthy pets. The exception is the periods of the full moon, when anxiety increases in animals and ancient, dormant instincts awaken. It is characteristic that representatives of ancient, primitive breeds most often howl at the moon: huskies, northern sled dogs, huskies. The dog begins to behave restlessly, walks around the room or around the yard, quietly howling, then sits down and begins to howl loudly and with pleasure.

If the owner hears a dog howling in the middle of the night, it means that something is seriously bothering the dog. This may be pain that disturbs the pet and worsens during sleep. Some dogs living in an enclosure or cage begin to feel sad at night, howling to express a lack of love and attention. Even very confident, adult dogs can be very sad and suffer at night, left alone with the darkness.

What can you do to stop your dog from howling in your absence?

Sometimes, even without training, the dog begins to howl. This may happen in your absence. Very often neighbors may complain about a pet. But you can’t stop a dog from whining, and you can only try to teach it to voice and howl on the street.

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To begin with, work to ensure that the dog stops behaving this way when you leave. Firstly, you need to learn how to leave correctly, namely, without unnecessary goodbyes, unnoticed. Come back too. The second rule is to give due attention to walking your dog in the morning. To avoid your pet barking for no reason, increase the duration of your walk. It is also important to leave a sufficient number of toys so that the dog does not get bored.

If you are sure that it is your dog that is howling, work on care. To do this, you can leave the apartment often, but for a couple of minutes, telling the dog “No, you need to stay.” When you return from a walk, enter the house first, without allowing the dog to push you aside. Try an exercise that will give you the opportunity to find out if your dog is howling and stop this behavior. First, move into another room, forcing the dog to remain outside the threshold. When you return, you can praise the dog. Then you need to get dressed and go outside. Howling upon return is recommended to be suppressed, and positive behavior to be approved and praised.

At what age should you start learning?

Experienced dog trainers recommend starting to train skills from 2-4 months of age. It has long been noted: the younger the pet, the easier it is to train. An adult dog can also learn to bark on command, but training will take much longer and require more persistent effort.

Before you start training, check whether your ward is a barker. Not all breeds are taught the “Voice” command. For example, Basenjis do not bark.

All breeds of shepherd dogs, Labradors, and Chihuahuas easily learn to bark on demand. Before training those who like to talk and bark to their heart's content, for example, huskies, you need to think carefully about whether this is necessary. These breeds are also capable of learning to voice. But if the owner teaches and allows it, the husky will happily howl day and night, sing and howl.

The skill of giving voice on command is necessary primarily for service dogs:

  • hunting - to track and catch prey;
  • guard and shepherd dogs - to react to the approach or removal of a threat;
  • search dogs, guide dogs - to detect an object, a person, to notify of danger.

For city and apartment dogs, the skill of barking on demand is not so necessary. Rather, it serves to entertain the owner and demonstrate the dog’s good manners. This skill will come in handy if you like hunting, picking mushrooms in the forest with a four-legged friend, or if you live outside the city limits. They begin to master barking on call after learning the exercises “Come to me”, “Fu”, “Nearby”.

When starting training, consider your pet's temperament. Phlegmatic, melancholic natures, especially in adulthood, are quite difficult to teach this exercise. The most amenable to training are inquisitive sanguine and choleric puppies, who constantly revolve around their owner, are interested in their surroundings, and like to play and run for a long time.

Training methods:

1. Get your pet interested in food or a favorite toy. More often, a treat is used that you give the dog to sniff. Next, you should make sure that the dog is interested in food, and then raise your hand with the piece desired by the dog beyond its reach. After such a provocation, the dog will jump and demand food. Stop these actions. The dog will become indignant and, therefore, will raise his voice. At this moment, loudly and clearly say the command “Voice!” At the same time, praise the dog and give him the desired treat.

2. Irritation and resentment are considered the surest ways to cause a dog to bark. Just tie your puppy to a tree and start walking away. At this moment the dog will definitely start barking. Once you achieve what you want, say “Voice” loudly and approach the dog to present the treat.

3. With the help of imitation, you can quickly teach a dog a command. Invite someone you know with a dog already trained in “Voice”. As your dog watches the command from the side, it will also start barking and demanding treats.

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If the owner is a fool, then the dog is also a fool.

How to teach a dog to vocalize 3 or more times

Dogs are incredibly smart creatures, and are quite capable of learning to bark not just once, but 3 – 5 or even more times . It is not difficult to teach this; you can use the behavior selection method and reinforce only the required number of “woofs”.

Or, if the dog has already learned to give a voice once on command, give the order the required number of times and reinforce only the last one. In the near future, the pet will realize that he is given a treat only after the third “woof”. Wanting to speed up the process of getting the coveted piece, the dog will begin to omit unnecessary moments and bark the required number of times.

How to train your pet to howl

There are several options for teaching your pet to make sounds. He can simply sing while listening to a song, or repeat the chant after you. At first, the dog will listen attentively to the melody, and perhaps even begin to howl.

In this case, it is important to praise the dog and treat it with a treat. After rewarding this behavior, reinforce the command “sing”

You can also use a clicker or a preliminary stimulus word. Both are used if you need to let your pet know that he is doing the right thing.

If you want to teach your dog to sing, stock up on a few songs or tunes. Tell your dog to “sit” and sit him next to you. Your hand should contain food or your pet’s favorite treat. Once your puppy is interested, turn on the song and start singing along. This is one of the most famous ways to teach a dog to howl. It doesn't always work. But it's worth trying with different songs. Very often, a dog can choose one favorite song. Sometimes it is not necessary to teach your pet separately, since he himself can show talent. This pattern is observed in families where there are musical instruments or love to sing.

How to train a husky to behave outdoors

The Husky is a lively, hyperactive dog, and it needs to be carefully taught how to behave outdoors.

From about two months of age, the puppy can be accustomed to a collar and leash. At first, this can be done at home, because until the baby has received all the vaccinations, you should not take him outside. Make sure that the collar is not tightened too tightly so that it puts pressure on the neck, but not too loosely so that the puppy does not take it off. It will take a little time and the husky will get used to the collar.

Initially, you should walk the dog in quiet, uncrowded places so that it gradually gets used to the noise of the city, other people and animals. Here you need to strictly monitor your pet, prohibiting him from picking up sticks and bones from the ground or pestering people and other animals.

Where to train

  • For quality training, in order for the dog to be controllable in any situation, classes must be carried out in various environments. The more places classes are held, the higher the chances of your pet being obedient in stressful situations and with a large number of distractions.
  • But the first training should be carried out in a quiet place where nothing will disturb the puppy, so that he gets used to concentrating on his owner. You can start practicing at home, gradually making it more difficult to practice in new places, first quiet, and then with irritants.
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