Leashes, harnesses, muzzles and collars for Chihuahuas

Before going for walks with your Chihuahua, you need to think about safety rules. Dogs of this breed are considered the smallest among all dogs, and many dangers await them on the street, such as large animals or fast cars. To avoid problems while walking your pet, it must be accustomed to a leash or harness in advance. And the muzzle will prevent the decorative dog from picking up anything dirty from the ground. In this article you will learn how to choose the right leash, harness, muzzle and collar for your Chihuahua.

Dog collar

The choice of collar must be approached with all responsibility. It must be selected in size so that it does not squeeze the dog’s throat and at the same time she cannot jump out of it.

Usually collars are selected for growth, but a Chihuahua does not need such a calculation, because it does not grow more than twenty-three centimeters at the withers.

In general, dog collars are divided into the following types:

  • classic walking;
  • classic training;
  • classic guard;
  • noose;
  • strict;
  • exhibition.

But dogs of this decorative breed do not need guard or strict collars, much less a noose. Therefore, we will consider the remaining types of collars.

For a walk

Classic walking collars are suitable for daily trips outside or visiting. This is the most popular type of collar. This dog accessory has one ring for fastening. It must be fastened around the dog's neck so that it does not dangle. Ideally, the owner's finger should fit under the collar. If this cannot be done, then the collar will put pressure. If more fingers fit, the dog will be able to pull it over the head.

Walking collars can be made of canvas or leather. Durable genuine leather, of course, will always be in fashion and will last for a very long time, but the dog’s skin can begin to fray underneath it. Therefore, wearing a leather collar too often is not advisable. Also, such an accessory is unsuitable in rainy weather and requires careful care. Before purchasing a leather accessory, run it with a wet hand. If there are traces of paint on your hand, it means it is of poor quality.

Tarpaulin is the most durable material for collars. It is not afraid of rain or falling into a body of salt water. Caring for it is very simple - you just need to wash it when it gets dirty and take care of the metal buckles. Another nice bonus is that this collar comes in many colors.

Regardless of your preference, there are a few tips that will help you choose a collar made of any material. Firstly, it should be strong, but not hard. Preferably with a double layer.

Secondly, there should be a lot of holes on it. This is very important for long-haired Chihuahuas - during shedding, the volume of the neck may become slightly larger.

Thirdly, the ring for attaching the carabiner to the leash must be reliable.

Fourthly, a collar for a small dog should be light.

And most importantly, if you are a fan of glamorous collars, then always carefully inspect the decorative elements. They should not cause any discomfort to your pet.

For the exhibition

Such collars should be discreet so as not to distract attention from the Chihuahua. At the same time, they must be comfortable, lightweight, reliable and durable. There are two types of show collars:

  • synthetic cord;
  • chain.

The requirements for them are the same as for classic walking collars. Before purchasing, pay special attention to the chain. Its links should be light, solid and strong. This collar should not be worn in rainy weather, and the links require careful care. Otherwise, over time they will become covered with rust.

There should not be any unnecessary parts on the cord, otherwise the decorative elements will put pressure on the pet’s neck.

We put it on and train it

After choosing a suitable collar, you need to put it on your pet, while at the same time accustoming it to a new thing.

Call the dog by name with the command “come to me.” When she runs up, give her a treat and praise her. Gently pick up the Chihuahua. While he is eating, pull the collar over your pet's neck and over his head. Secure the clasp. Praise your dog again and give him a treat. Then put the dog on the floor and start some kind of game with it to distract attention from the inconvenient accessory.

For the first time, five two to three minutes is enough. Try again after a while. Over the course of several days, increase the time you wear the collar by a few minutes until your Chihuahua becomes completely accustomed to it. As soon as you notice that she has stopped paying attention to the new thing, you can safely put on a leash and go for a walk.

How to cut

After all the necessary dimensions have been taken and the materials have been prepared, you can begin making the harness.

The most popular option is a walking product. For this option, you will need to make a pattern in the form of the letter “H” according to size. On each side you need to leave a couple of centimeters for allowances. If the DIY harness is made of leatherette, then leave 5 centimeters for allowances.

For miniature dogs, you can make a harness according to the diagram below. It will wrap around the back and hold the pet tightly.

Sewing pattern

Leashes for dogs

After choosing the right collar for your pet, you need to decide on the choice of leash. There are few requirements for it. It should be fairly safe, that is, light in weight, without any unnecessary parts. Otherwise, it will be extremely inconvenient for a small dog to carry such a weight.

You also need to choose a leash that is suitable in length. A short leash will not give your pet enough space to walk, while a leash that is too long will simply get tangled. The best option for your Chihuahua is a tape leash. It is lightweight and its length can be adjusted. You can also choose a thin leash made of leather or nylon.

Always pay attention to the quality of dog equipment. To prevent the leash from falling off at an inconvenient moment, its carabiner must close well. Look at the seams that hold the material of the leash together - they should have been stitched well. Otherwise, such an accessory will quickly become unusable. Be sure to hold the leash in your hand before purchasing to see if it is comfortable for you. It shouldn't rub your hand.

Considering the anatomical structure of the Chihuahua's respiratory tract, a collar and leash are not the best option for dogs of this breed. Pulling the leash forcefully can disrupt the dog's breathing or injure the cervical vertebrae.

A separate decorative collar is perfect for the beauty of your pet at home or away. It is best to walk a small dog with a harness.

Taking measurements

To ensure that the dog is comfortable and that the harness does not rub on one side and does not dangle on the other, a do-it-yourself harness pattern for a small/large dog is done as follows. The step-by-step master class includes measuring the product using an ordinary tailor's meter.

Important! To make a pattern for a harness for a cat or dog with your own hands, you need to measure the circumference of the chest at the widest point - behind the elbows of the front legs.

The main measurement is the width of the back from the beginning of the withers to the base of the tail. The neck circumference is measured at the place where the collar is usually worn. After this, before writing down the size, you should add 2 cm to the resulting figure so that the equipment is slightly loose and does not restrict movement.

How to take measurements correctly

Dog harnesses

A coordinated system of straps and straps is called a harness. The main advantage of the harness is the correct distribution of the load on the pet’s shoulders and chest. And the variety of colors will please any picky buyer. There are several types of such equipment: towing, cargo, medical, recreational. For Chihuahuas, only the latter type is suitable.

The walking harness can be used every day while walking along the streets or visiting. The attachment ring should be in line with the Chihuahua's withers.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a harness, you need to know a few subtleties.

First, you need to choose the size accurately. The harness should not restrict your pet's movements, but it should fit snugly enough without squeezing. The belts should not put pressure on the armpits and chest, and the distance between them should not exceed three centimeters. Secondly, it is advisable to choose a concave fastener so that it does not dig into the Chihuahua’s body.

Once you have decided on the size, you will need to learn how to properly place the harness on your Chihuahua. To do this, first place the dog on the table. Carefully put on the harness so that the connecting strap with the leash ring is on top. Then slide the animal's paws through the ring of the first strap so that each paw is separated by the lower connecting strap. Ready. All that remains is to connect the leash and you can go for a walk.

While you are putting on the harness, do not forget to talk to the dog in a gentle and calm tone, rewarding with treats. As with collar training, give your pet time to get used to the new thing.

Sewing instructions

Do-it-yourself harness for a cat - the pattern is made in the same way as for a dog. To get a cat or dog accessory, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Initially, you need to take measurements using the method described above. After this, you will have to make a pattern, taking into account the seam allowances. If nylon is used for sewing, then the allowance will be 2 cm. If leather is used, it is necessary to leave approximately 5 mm for the seams.
  2. The pattern must be placed on the selected lining material and the lining must be carefully cut out. You need to make a stitch along the inside of the future harness.
  3. Having attached the pattern, the product must be opened around the entire perimeter and a soft braid must be sewn on. On the straps you will also have to make stitches on the outside.
  4. Next you need to assemble the product. Steel rings should be attached to the back. In order to make an adjustable leash, you will have to attach the rings to the straps.
  5. The next step is choosing the decor of the product. For small puppies, you can use bright stickers, bows, multi-colored pebbles, and beads.

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Correct tailoring of the product

If you wish, you can learn how to make a pattern for a bed for a cat or dog.

Muzzles for dogs

Another important attribute of Chihuahua equipment is a muzzle. Many owners do not attach much importance to this item, believing that a small dog does not need it. But that's not true. There are several options where a muzzle can come in handy:

  • traveling on public transport;
  • during a visit to the doctor;
  • during education;
  • during training;
  • during exhibitions.

You also need to take into account the character traits of the Chihuahua. She is a very jealous dog and may start to show it at parties or in public places. Many people may be afraid for themselves or their children. In order not to spoil your relationship with others and not to listen to possible complaints, it is better to put a muzzle on your pet once again.

There are several types of muzzles: metal, solid leather, plastic, “baskets”. For Chihuahuas, soft nylon muzzles are an excellent option.

This muzzle completely fits the dog's muzzle. In it she will not be able to lift anything from the ground. It will not be possible to bark or bite in such a muzzle, but the pet will be able to breathe calmly - the nose in this muzzle remains open. Another important advantage of a nylon muzzle is that it can be used in the rain. And it’s easy to care for – you just need to wash it when it gets dirty.

If it’s too hot outside, you can purchase a mesh muzzle for such a case. But this is a short-lived option. The Chihuahua will very quickly chew through walls made of breathable fabric.

Selecting the size

In order not to be mistaken with the size of the muzzle, measure the Chihuahua's muzzle before purchasing it: length, girth, width, height. Also measure the distance from the back of the dog's head to its eyes, and the volume of the neck.

To find out if the size of the muzzle is right for your pet, carefully examine its skin after removing the accessory. There should be no marks from the straps on the dog's face.

We put it on and train it

To accustom a Chihuahua to a muzzle, the first thing you need to do is put a “yummy” in it and call your pet by name with the order “come to me.” The dog will naturally be interested in the treat, and you will let him know that the new item is completely safe.

Once your baby gets used to the muzzle, gently put it on for a few minutes. Talk calmly to your pet and praise him. After removing the muzzle, reward your dog with a treat. Gradually increase the time by distracting the Chihuahua with play. When she stops trying to pull off the muzzle, you can go outside.

If your dog refuses to be muzzled, then to transport it you can use special bags or crates, which you can purchase, like other dog equipment, in specialized stores.

Tell us what equipment you chose for your Chihuahua and how you trained your dog to use it?

Manufacturers and prices

Sled harnesses Dandy Dog, Alaskan malamut (from 1500 rubles), ManMat (from 1800 rubles), Pettra (from 1900 rubles) have become widespread. The cost of harnesses for puppies is significantly lower, but in reality the costs are higher, since you will have to buy new equipment as the puppy grows.

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