Country of origin of the Yorkshire Terrier - history of the breed

  • Decorative
  • Companions
Sizesmall (up to 10kg)
Main features
  • Sheds little
  • Very devoted
  • Friendly
Included in
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Frequent illnesses
  • Patella luxation
  • Open "fontanel"
  • Hemivertebra
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Video Yorkshire Terrier | All about the breed

Pointed ears, beady eyes under unruly bangs, a cheerful tail - such a funny Yorkshire Terrier dog. These handsome guys will charm anyone. Many lovers of small dogs dream of owning a Yorkie, although keeping them is associated with quite serious expenses. After all, clothes for a tiny pet are not a luxury at all, and a personal hairdresser is a vital necessity. It will also take a lot of time to care for it.

However, not everyone is susceptible to York addiction. Fans of large breeds of dogs believe that cute babies have a complex and even quarrelsome character. They are stupid, poorly trained, too intrusive and bark for no reason. And in general, this is not a dog, but a small thing, and an unpleasant one at that.

Let's tell you without bias about the Yorkshire Terrier dog, find out what a Yorkie needs for a happy life and what kind of owner will like it.

History of the Yorkshire Terrier breed

The homeland of the Yorkshire Terrier is Great Britain; the breed appeared at the end of the 18th century. She has worker-peasant origin. Among the ancestors of the Yorkie are the Waterside Terriers. These small dogs with blue-gray fur were bred by peasants. The law did not allow them to keep large animals.

According to some reports, a new breed of weavers was developed. They crossed terriers from different regions of England to create a small, fearless dog for exterminating rats in factories. Other sources say that brave Yorkies went underground with miners, again to hunt rodents.

However, it is not known exactly when the workers’ favorite was washed from coal dust, combed and began to be fed with delicacies. There is speculation that professional breeders bred Old English Terriers with the exquisite Maltese. It was from them that Yorkies inherited long and soft fur, like silk. Learn more about a similarly long-haired breed, the Australian Silky Terrier, or Silky.

The first Yorkshire terriers were more elongated and about twice as heavy as modern ones. They weighed an average of 6 kilograms. And the dogs of this breed were called Scotch terriers, that is, Scottish.

The current name of the breed was adopted in 1870. And the ancestor of modern Yorkshire terriers is a dog named Ben of Huddersfield, who was born in 1865. He lived only 6 years, and died under the wheels of a horse-drawn carriage. However, during his short career, Ben managed to win 74 prizes. And most importantly, he became the father of a huge offspring.

At the end of the 19th century, the Yorkshire Terrier was officially recognized by English dog lovers. They organized the first national breed club. Over the next hundred years, breeders worked to reduce the size of the dog. The beginning of the 20th century was not marked by important events in the history of the breed. They forgot about miniature Yorkies for some time; service and large dogs became the peak of popularity.

It was only after the end of World War II that Yorkshire Terriers began to slowly become a fashionable breed. In 1947, 953 puppies were registered with the British club, in 1949 there were over a thousand of them. In 1960, the new generation of English-bred Yorkies numbered 4 thousand puppies.

In the United States, the history of the breed was much the same. Small terriers were brought to the New World back in 1872, and four years later a club for Yorkie lovers was opened. Then they were forgotten for almost half a century. And interest was revived in the late 40s of the 20th century.

In the USA, Yorkshire terriers have become incredibly popular thanks to the dog Smokey. An American soldier found her in 1944 in the forests of New Guinea. This Yorkie is considered the first "therapy dog". She served at the hospital and lifted the spirits of the patients. In addition, Smokey became a television star, she took part in 42 shows. The dog also performed complex tricks. For example, I walked on a tightrope blindfolded. In the United States, a monument was erected to the legendary York.

The Yorkie was brought to Russia only in the early 70s of the last century. The dog was given to ballerina Olga Lepeshinskaya abroad. In the early 90s, the first single-breed nursery was opened in the Moscow region. Now there are more than 75 of them.

In recent years, the popularity of the breed has been steadily growing. In 1998, Yorkshire Terriers were ranked ninth in the American Kennel Club's rankings, and since 2006 they have risen to second place.

Key facts

In recent years, Yorkshire Terriers have become very popular in the world, and this is not surprising. This adorable little companion dog is friendly, energetic and easy to keep even in a small apartment.

Brief characteristics of the Yorkshire Terrier breed - it is a brave, hardy and intelligent small dog, surprisingly delicate and intelligent. The male is usually larger in height and weight than the female. The height at the withers can reach 28 cm, but on average it is 17-20 cm.

York chooses a leader, whom he considers his master. He's a great friend to everyone else. York is an energetic playmate for children and a devoted and selfless companion for older people.

Small dogs live in country houses and small studio apartments. In training, the Yorkie grasps everything on the fly, but is restless.

Descriptions of the Yorkshire Terrier breed focus heavily on appearance. The beautiful fur of a Yorkie is his pride; it requires careful care, namely washing and combing. Making simple haircuts is easy for the owner himself. But it is better to entrust model haircuts or preparation for an exhibition to a professional groomer.

The Yorkie is very selective when it comes to food. Due to the breed's tendency to allergies, you should not treat your pet from the common table. It is best to feed your dog with properly selected balanced dry food.

Due to its tiny size, the Yorkie is prone to injury, so you need to be very careful about its health and active play. To purchase a purebred dog, you should contact trusted breeders. The life expectancy of a Yorkshire Terrier directly depends on care and timely treatment. With a good owner, the baby will live for 15 years, or even more.

Pet nicknames are invented by the owners, and the name in the pedigree is usually complex, consisting of several words. The name of the kennel comes at the beginning or at the end, if the kennel begins with a preposition (for example, “from the Yorkshire house”), and then the nickname itself consists of 1-2 words, and all names of the litter begin with a certain letter.

Despite its miniature size, the Yorkie has the character of a real terrier. The courage and devotion of this little one evokes genuine respect. The Yorkie is one of the most popular breeds in the world, adored for its appearance and disposition.

Yorkie appearance

The Yorkshire Terrier is a small but very proud dog. This is noticeable in her appearance. She has a harmonious figure, straight and important posture, and long, beautifully flowing fur. This is what the breed standard says. A Yorkie should weigh no more than three kilograms and two hundred grams; there are no height requirements.

On the small head there are erect ears with a sharp tip. The latest breed standard does not recognize the semi-drop type of ears. The dog's dark eyes look at the world carefully. The expression of the muzzle is extremely intelligent. The small nose is black, as is the lining on the eyelids. The bite is exclusively scissor bite.

Yorkie named Big Boss was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest dog. His height is only 12 centimeters and his weight is 480 grams.

The Yorkie's neck is set beautifully on its graceful body. The straight line of the back continues with a strong lower back. The ribs are slightly rounded. The tail can be docked or full length. It is straight, decorated with long hair of a darker color than on the body, and raised slightly higher than the back. The limbs stand straight, the fur on them is thick, light golden in color. Round feet with black claws. The dog moves easily and freely.

These baby terriers have a long, perfectly straight, soft and shiny coat that falls down the sides of the body and adorns the head and muzzle. The standard color is steel bluish, with a bright golden color on the head, limbs and chest. The tan should be a clean, rich tone, without dark hairs. The color is deeper at the roots and lighter at the ends. You can appreciate all the beauty of Yorkies only at exhibitions. In ordinary life, they are cut short to reduce the hassle of caring for them.


For boy

Popular names for male dogs:

  • Aidan.
  • Archie.
  • Billy.
  • Caden.
  • Connor.
  • Dylan.
  • Ethan.
  • Evan.
  • Layam.
  • Jack.
  • Jackson.
  • Small.
  • Henry.
  • Leo.
  • Lucas.
  • Logan.
  • Matty.
  • Nid.
  • Noah.
  • Ollie.
  • Owen.
  • Sammy.

For girl

Popular nicknames for girls:

  • Abi.
  • Aria.
  • Bella.
  • Brandy.
  • Boni.
  • Brookie.
  • Callie.
  • Chloe.
  • Clara.
  • Emma.
  • Flory.
  • Gracie.
  • Anna.
  • Izzy.
  • Laura.
  • Lexi.
  • Liv.
  • Lottie.
  • Mia.
  • Riley.
  • Sarah.
  • Sophie.
  • Zoe.

Personality of the Yorkshire Terrier

This dog has a toy appearance, but the temperament is like that of a full-fledged terrier. Yorkies are brave, agile and quite independent. They carefully observe everything around them, but do not interfere without reason. They have a balanced but cheerful disposition. Yorkies can become hysterical if they were raised incorrectly or if they have an unstable psyche from birth.

These handsome guys are excellent manipulators. If they need something, they tenderly look into a person’s eyes, lick his hands, wag their tail - and very often get everything they wanted.

Yorkshire Terriers are sociable and friendly, they really like to be the center of attention, show off and communicate. Therefore, it will not be difficult for the owner to place a pet for one of his relatives or friends while he is away. In addition, the dog will not suffer too much due to separation, like Hachiko. He will quickly find new friends and interesting entertainment.

Yorkshire Terriers are renowned for being empaths. They are sensitive to a person’s mood and respond well to intonation and gestures. These dogs are true companions, they are sad and happy with their owner.

Yorkies are friendly towards children and don't mind playing with them. But little dogs are quite gentle and impatient people. If they were hurt, for example, if they stepped on a paw, they may bite the offender. Not out of malice, but simply reflexively. Therefore, a Yorkshire Terrier dog is not suitable for the role of a nanny for a baby and will not be a living toy. You can get a dog for a school-age child who knows how to handle animals carefully.

Yorkies usually get along well with other pets. They are friendly with cats, but may not like rats or other rodents. Perhaps this hostility is an inheritance inherited from mousetrap ancestors. A terrier that is easy-going at home can become aggressive on the street towards strangers. This behavior is especially typical for young male dogs. When they see a stranger, they rush to attack, but they don’t care what size the enemy is. Therefore, the owner needs to be on alert in order to intervene in an unequal fight in time. By the way, castration partly solves the problem of cockiness.

Like all terriers, Yorkies love to run, jump and misbehave. They can bark with pleasure. But this will not be a problem if the dog splashes out energy and plays pranks during a walk. Therefore, you will have to find time to walk your pet and play outdoor games.

A big mistake is to have a pet as a decoration for your home or as a fashion toy. This is a full-fledged member of the family who needs to be raised and trained. Otherwise, the baby will begin to show the worst qualities of character. He will become overly cowardly or, conversely, aggressive, will bark incessantly, constantly demand attention to his person and spoil things.

Pros and cons of the breed

Yorkshire Terriers have a whole range of wonderful qualities. Thanks to them they have become so popular. However, dogs of this breed have their disadvantages. Basically, they appear if the puppy was raised incorrectly or did not undergo socialization in time. But there are also difficulties that do not depend on the owner.

The advantages of Yorkies include the following qualities:

  • very compact size, the dog can easily live even in a small apartment;
  • attractive appearance;
  • practically does not shed;
  • can go to the toilet like a cat, in a tray or on a diaper;
  • treat others kindly;
  • quite smart, well trained;
  • can make friends with other pets;
  • you can take him on a trip, they will even allow you to take your Yorkie on board the plane;
  • Feeding expenses are very small.

Now let's talk about the few disadvantages of this dog breed:

  • grooming is troublesome and expensive;
  • needs special hygiene;
  • cocky character towards other people's dogs;
  • wardrobe expenses will be required;
  • high cost of Yorkie puppies.

Owner reviews

Yorkshire terriers firmly hold the palm in popularity among lovers of decorative pet dogs. The high popularity is not associated with the working characteristics of the breed, but with its moral and mental indicators, which allow the animal to find friends, both among people and among other pets. One of the very important advantages of the breed is the fact that the dogs do not shed, and they also do not emit the characteristic dog smell. These animals can be recommended for keeping both elderly, lonely people and families with children. The only problem is the difficulty in predicting the future color of adult animals, since it is necessary to raise the animal from the age of one month. The white spot in the chest area completely disappears only after 6 months of life, which must be taken into account when choosing a puppy.


Raising and training the Yorkshire Terrier

Some people think that a cute toy dog ​​doesn't need to be raised. This is a fatal mistake. Without proper upbringing, a Yorkie will grow up spoiled and even harmful.

From the very first days, the puppy must be accustomed to the place, shown him what not to do. Then accustom him to the nickname, and then teach him basic commands: “come to me,” “sit,” “lie down.” Further, as you wish. You can come up with your own commands and tricks following the example of circus jumps and somersaults. Or you can limit yourself to basic skills. The main thing is that you and your Yorkie feel comfortable living under the same roof, so that the pet and you understand each other. It is also important to adhere to the same rules. All family members must act in concert. Then the dog will quickly figure out and remember what they want from it.

Yorkshire Terriers mature faster than large breed puppies. At about 6 months they already look like adult dogs, and reach their maximum size on average at 8 months.

Many Yorkie owners try to teach their pets to go to the toilet in a diaper or in a litter box in the apartment. This must be done consistently and patiently. We must remember that puppies relieve themselves immediately after sleep and some time after eating. Therefore, after waking up and 10-15 minutes after eating, take the baby to a diaper or in a tray and hold him there until he is done. If he did what was required, praise him and give him a treat. And you will have to do this every time until the kitten gets used to it. You cannot punish for puddles and piles in the wrong places, especially if this did not happen right now. You can scold the puppy a little if you catch him at the “crime scene” and immediately take him to the toilet.

Yorkies at a young age are especially restless and active; they still cannot concentrate for long periods of time. Therefore, the “teacher” must show patience and understanding. Puppy lessons should be short, best done before meals or towards the end of a walk. For success, you need to sincerely praise your pet and give something tasty. You cannot be punished for refusing to carry out a command. Perhaps the puppy is tired. Then you need to switch his attention to the game, and then return to learning again.

Many Yorkshire Terriers successfully master general training or obedience courses. They are trained in agility no worse than large dogs. It is only necessary that the obstacle course be adapted to the small size of the Yorkie.

When the puppy gets comfortable at home and has received all his vaccinations, it is time to get acquainted with the outside world. Nowadays this is commonly called socialization. This is a very important process, especially for small breeds. These dogs become hysterical and aggressive because they are afraid of everything and everyone. Therefore, a young Yorkshire terrier needs to be taken out into society more often, and allowed to communicate with strangers, dogs and other animals. The puppy must get used to street noise and behave calmly in transport. If something causes anxiety in a pet, the owner should reassure and reassure him.

Special mention should be made about walks. Yorkies are very active and curious. They feel bad without fresh air and new experiences. But on the street it is better not to let them off the leash near highways, as well as in unfamiliar and crowded places. These dogs often die under the wheels of cars, and they can also be harmed by larger dogs. In addition, they can run to the side and lose sight of the owner.

A well-trained and socialized Yorkshire Terrier will become a balanced, friendly and confident dog. He will not give you any trouble in any situation.

Feeding the dog

Yorkies have an extremely sensitive digestive system. Some breeders believe that these animals should be given only special high-quality dry food, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes. However, if necessary, you can feed Yorkies with natural products. Diet planning should be approached with all responsibility.

These animals can be given:

  • chicken or beef scalded with boiling water;
  • boiled fish;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • buckwheat and rice porridge;
  • offal;
  • vegetables and fruits, raw and boiled;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • kefir, etc.

Some Yorkie owners try to pamper their pets with something tasty. However, a number of products are dangerous for the animal.

These include:

  • mushrooms;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • baked goods;
  • semolina and oatmeal;
  • butter;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • chocolate;
  • cabbage;
  • nuts;
  • citrus fruits, etc.

Yorkies need a balanced diet.

Care and maintenance of Yorkie

The Yorkshire Terrier is ideal for keeping in a city apartment. He doesn't need a lot of space, and he can go to the toilet on a diaper or in a litter box, like a cat. But in order for the dog to feel comfortable, the owner will have to buy a lot of things. Yorkies love to sleep in warm houses or on soft beds. The puppy will also need bowls for food and water, a leash, a collar (or a harness, it’s more convenient), and a variety of toys. The more entertainment your baby has, the fewer things he will ruin.

You can't do without clothes for walking. A jumpsuit or jacket for a dog of this breed is not pampering, but a real and urgent necessity. Yorkies do not have an undercoat, so they get cold quickly. It would be nice to add boots to a warm wardrobe. The reagents that are sprinkled on roads in winter cause irritation of the skin on the paws. If the terrier is not cut short, you will need bows and elastic bands to keep the hair in ponytails.

Hygiene and care procedures

Yorkies' fur is very similar to human hair; these dogs practically do not shed. You don't need to comb them out, but you will have to bathe them with a special shampoo and conditioner about once every 10 days. Otherwise, the fur coat will look untidy. Long hair becomes matted and tangles can form.

If a dog takes part in exhibitions, its coat must be cared for in a special way. The owner will need a whole set of special tools. The hair is grown, washed, oiled, curled into curlers, and combed.

Regular pets are usually groomed once every 2-3 months. A short-haired Yorkshire Terrier is much easier to care for. However, visits to a dog groomer cost a lot, so it makes sense to master grooming yourself. You will still have to wash the dog, but less often, 1-2 times a month is enough.

If your Yorkie is never trimmed, his coat will be approximately twice as long as his height.

It is very important to accustom your pet to mandatory grooming procedures from an early age. Reward him for good behavior with something tasty. Then he will calmly, and perhaps even with pleasure, endure all the manipulations.

Yorkies require careful eye care. First of all, you need to make sure that the hairs do not irritate the cornea. To do this, they are cut in a timely manner or put into a ponytail. And the eyes themselves are wiped daily with a napkin moistened with a special lotion, infusion of tea, chamomile, or simply boiled water.

You should brush your teeth at least once every two days. To do this, you can use a special brush or a regular gauze pad coated with veterinary toothpaste.

Nail trimming is another important procedure. Toy dogs that don't run much on the pavement have their claws grow quickly, especially in the front. If you notice that your Yorkie is moving noisily, tapping his claws, or seems awkward in any way, check to see if it's time for a pedicure. To do this, purchase a nail clipper and a nail file. It is better if the veterinarian or groomer shortens the claws for the first time, and you watch how to do it.


Yorkshire Terriers are quite picky eaters. In addition, they often suffer from indigestion and allergies. Choosing a natural diet on your own is a difficult task. Half of the menu should consist of protein products: lean meat (beef, turkey, chicken) and sea fish fillet. These products are lightly boiled. Some owners prefer to give them raw, after scalding them. The second half is cereals (rice and buckwheat), fermented milk products and vegetables. You can add fruit to your diet. You cannot mix different proteins at one meal.

A serving of natural food for an adult Yorkie is approximately one tablespoon per 500 grams of the dog's weight. Feeding twice a day, morning and evening, there should be no snacks. If there is food left in the bowl, you need to remove it and reduce the portion.

Food from the master's table is not suitable for the Yorkshire Terrier. The following products are also strictly contraindicated: candies and other confectionery products, smoked meats, sausages, pickles, yeast baked goods, bones, legumes, potatoes. Be careful when serving grapes, bananas, and citrus fruits.

Experts do not recommend mixing natural diet and ready-made food. You need to make a choice and stick to one type of diet. It is much easier to give your dog dry food and canned food. Yorkies eat very little, so you don’t have to skimp on quality.


Only healthy, purebred individuals are allowed to mate.

A girl's first heat begins at the age of 8-10 months. It is divided into two periods. During the first, dark, round droplets appear. During the second, they brighten. This indicates imminent ovulation. The estrus itself lasts up to 20 days.

The female is ready for her first mating at the age of 1.5 to 2 years. Mating is not allowed if the girl is over 8 years old.

Consider the weight of the animal. It should be 2-3 kilograms. With less weight, the bitch may not bear offspring.

Preparing individuals for breeding:

  • Choose a couple in advance and introduce them.
  • Give your pets all necessary vaccinations no later than a month before estrus.
  • Get rid of worms from future parents.
  • A week before breeding, wash and cut the dogs.

Pregnancy lasts 58-64 days. 2-3 weeks after conception, the mother begins to show symptoms of pregnancy: her nipples swell, her tummy becomes round, her appetite sometimes disappears, she becomes lethargic and sleepy.

The normal basal temperature of a bitch is 38.5°C. Immediately before the babies are born, the girl’s basal temperature will drop by 1-2 degrees. It will be 37-37.5°C.

Childbirth does not last long. If your bitch is giving birth for the first time, it is better to enlist the help of a veterinarian.

3-4 puppies are born at a time.

Photos of the puppies are presented below.

Health and illness

Yorkshire terriers are considered long-lived among dogs; they can please their owner and remain cheerful for quite a long time. The average lifespan of small dogs is 15-16 years, but some reach 18 and even 20 years. However, the once unpretentious rat catchers have turned over the last hundred years into delicate and fragile decorative dogs. Modern Yorkies are not super healthy.

The first thing puppy owners may encounter is a problem with changing teeth. At about six to seven months, the baby fangs must fall out for the permanent ones to grow. But it happens that new teeth push in, but the old ones are still in place. They will have to be removed at a veterinary clinic. Moreover, the procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. As dogs get older, they can develop periodontal disease and other oral diseases. Therefore, for prevention it is very important to carry out hygiene procedures.

Recently, dogs of superminiature sizes have become especially popular. At the same time, a standard Yorkie weighs from one and a half to three kilograms. But owners want their dog to be not just small, but tiny. For the sake of fashion, unscrupulous breeders try to produce mini-dogs, but end up with offspring of dwarfs with developmental disorders. They have huge heads, bulging eyes, and unovergrown fontanelles.

Yorkshire terriers have problems with the musculoskeletal system. Perthes disease is a congenital pathology that leads to destruction of the head of the femur. The puppy suddenly begins to limp. This can only be treated surgically. Another problem is a weak kneecap, which causes dislocation. The problem is corrected by a veterinary surgeon.

The spine, or rather its cervical region, is also a weak point of Yorkies. Due to congenital pathology of the vertebrae, the spinal cord is pinched, resulting in neck pain. The dog's posture changes, coordination is impaired, it gets tired quickly, there are breathing problems and fainting. Getting rid of the problem is an expensive surgical intervention.


Due to weak sexual dimorphism, a boy can be distinguished solely by his genitals.

Both sexes require a lot of attention from their owners. Yorkie men are less capricious than women. This is especially noticeable in cases where castration has been performed.

Sometimes boys try to establish themselves as the leader of the pack. This must be prevented immediately. You must become a leader for your pet from a very early age.

How to choose a Yorkshire Terrier puppy

The Yorkshire Terrier is an excellent companion. If you need a miniature and cheerful friend, a dog of this breed will be the best choice. The mini dog will find its place in a large family with children. York will not harm them, and will play with pleasure. Only kids need to be taught how to handle it correctly. An elderly person can also easily cope with such a dog. But you shouldn't get a pet if you're away from home all day. A living creature requires attention and care. In addition, evaluate your financial capabilities. York is an expensive breed; you will have to pay a considerable amount for a puppy, and you will also need to spend money to maintain a tiny dog.

Of course, you can save money by buying a puppy without documents. But illegal “breeders” will not guarantee that you will get a healthy pet. Therefore, you should choose a Yorkie from a nursery or from a private breeder who will provide puppy statistics from the club.

Yorkshire terrier puppies are given to a new home only when they are three months old. By this time they should have received all vaccinations. When choosing a puppy, pay attention to its physical and mental health. Your future pet should have clear and curious eyes, clean ears, and shiny fur. He is moderately well-fed and active. Observe the behavior of little Yorkies; aggression, apathy, and excessive timidity are signs of mental problems.


Sexual dimorphism in individuals is weakly expressed. The differences in weight and height are very minor.

Yorkie lovers believe that females are more affectionate than males. This is a wrong opinion, since both sexes are equally affectionate.

If a female Yorkie is spayed, it can cause her hormonal changes and affect her mood. Bitches may want to spend time alone and have less fun.

Yorkshire Terriers, as a rule, require a lot of attention, love and care from their owner. Female Yorkies are more demanding than males.

There is a common belief that girls are more obedient and submissive. This is not an entirely correct statement. Whether it is people or dogs, the behavior of an individual person or dog depends on upbringing and the specific personality.

How much do Yorkie puppies cost?

Yorkshire Terriers have become a highly desirable breed. Therefore, they are bred not only by honest and responsible breeders. Often matings are carried out without any control, and then they offer to buy Yorkie puppies without any documents. On the Internet you can find offers for 5 - 10 thousand rubles. But there is no guarantee that the kitten is healthy and meets the breed characteristics.

In nurseries, the cost of Yorkie puppies is determined by class. Show dogs sell for a higher price. They can cost 50 - 60 thousand rubles. The more titles a litter's parents have, the more expensive it sells. Breeder-class puppies are suitable for breeding, but they are sold cheaper than future show champions, for about 30 - 40 thousand rubles. House pets (pet class) are not exhibited and cannot be used for breeding. They are valued at 15-25 thousand rubles.

Photos of the Yorkshire Terrier from our visitors

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