Siberian Husky dog. Description, features, care and price of the Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies have become incredibly popular in the last couple of decades. They have earned the love of thousands of owners with their beautiful “wolf” appearance, expressive muzzle and bottomless eyes. Therefore, there is a huge demand for them, and many owners have started breeding and selling puppies.

There are many factors that influence how much a Husky dog ​​costs. And the main one is why the future owner needs a dog. You can buy a handsome show dog for crazy money or just buy a friend for a reasonable price.

Breed characteristics and character

The Siberian Husky is considered a temperamental breed, characterized by an independent and independent character, willfulness and stubbornness. At the same time, these are kind and friendly dogs.

The owner needs to constantly engage in training in order to be able to control the stubborn temperament of the Siberian Husky. Regular training, proper care and maintenance of the pet, as well as maximum physical activity for the dog will help with this.

It is not recommended for weak-willed people or those who are overly fond of dogs to own a Husky. The owner must always be persistent and achieve obedience from the pet. From the first months you need to teach the puppy commands and obedience.

Siberian Husky puppy age 3 months

The ancestors of huskies are northern dogs and real wolves, so they love open space, they have a spirit of freedom and wolfish habits. Therefore, even the cutest puppy with blue eyes can catch up and tear apart small prey.

Despite the fact that Siberian Huskies are cautious and attentive to strangers, they are not intended for protection; it is not recommended to choose them as a guard and protector of the family and home. Huskies are more suitable for family entertainment, games and warm communication. It is noteworthy that representatives of the breed cannot bark at all. They have an amazing timbre of voice, and instead of barking, they produce a melodic soft sound, similar to a howl.

Husky in the forest in winter

Breed standard

Siberian Huskies have their own distinctive features and characteristics. Deviations from the breed standard are considered defects or developmental disorders. The Siberian Husky is a breed of northern sled dog. This is a strong and robust medium-sized breed, with well-developed muscles and a fast gait.

The height of the Siberian Husky at the withers reaches 60 cm (males) and 56 cm (females). Weight reaches up to 28 kg (males), up to 23 kg (females). The standard defines the following external description:

  • Siberian Huskies have different colors - black, gray-white or brown. White ones can rarely be found. The coat is thick and of medium length.
  • The muzzle is of medium length and width, tapering towards the nose.
  • The ears are triangular, medium in size, set high on the head.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, ranging in color from brown to blue. It is noteworthy that the eyes can be partially differently colored or completely different shades, that is, one eye is brown, the other is blue.
  • Nose – can be black, brown or flesh-colored. The presence of pink veins on the nose is also allowed.
  • The neck is of medium length, arched and proudly raised. The chest is strong, of medium width.
  • The tail is long, carried down, located slightly below the level of the back line. An alert dog has its tail curled over its back in the shape of a sickle.
  • Limbs, both front and rear, are moderately spaced, parallel and straight.

Chocolate white husky

Care and maintenance

The Siberian Husky does not require special care. Simple rules for caring for a dog are as follows:

  • A small puppy should be taught to comb its fur so that it becomes a normal procedure for him that does not cause aggression, irritation and the desire to run away.
  • You should periodically check the condition of your dog's teeth, examine its paws and ears.
  • There is no need to wash Huskies regularly; they are a clean breed. Special shampoos should be selected for washing. After bathing, the coat should be dried thoroughly.
  • Monitor nails and paw pads weekly. Regularly trim your dog's nails so that they do not interfere with their walking and do not cause discomfort.
  • Monitor the condition of your dog's eyes. It is recommended as a preventive measure to prevent the development of eye diseases, rinse them 2 times a week with special solutions and use drops.

Siberian Huskies adapt well to any place of housing, be it a cramped apartment or a private house with a large plot. They can easily live both at home and outdoors, withstanding severe frosts.

Different eye colors are considered normal for the Husky breed.

Since they tolerate cool weather better than heat, their kennel must be placed in the shade. In hot weather, it is not advisable to leave them outside for a long time. In winter, straw or hay should be placed inside.

It is recommended to build a flat roof for the kennel, as huskies love to lie on it. It should also be taken into account that Siberian huskies love to dig tunnels, they need a spacious enclosure. When deciding to purchase a Siberian Husky , you should take into account the required conditions for its maintenance.

Despite its rather large size, the Siberian Husky can be kept in an apartment if it is possible to provide daily multi-hour walks. However, there are important disadvantages of keeping a husky in an apartment, which mainly upset housewives:

White is a rare color for a husky

  • Since Siberian Huskies are very mischievous, active and sociable dogs, they need daily physical activity. For the full development of a husky, it is necessary to provide 4-5 hours a day of active walking and running in open areas. Thus, these dogs are not suitable for quiet or elderly people. Without physical activity, the husky will become less obedient to its owners, become excitable and begin to act out or become aggressive.
  • Huskies shed twice a year, which lasts at least three weeks. During these periods, the dog completely loses its undercoat, and to reduce dirt, it is recommended to periodically comb the coat. During other periods, Siberian Huskies practically do not shed and require minimal grooming. In addition, there is no need to cut this breed of dog, and it is not even recommended.
  • The Siberian Husky loves to chew. Special toys for dogs may not help if the dog is not given enough movement, walks and activity during the day. Deprived of intense loads, a husky can destroy the entire apartment and chew everything from shoes to furniture.

Husky chews a pine cone in a coniferous forest

What to remember when choosing a husky

First of all, you need to know about the health and living conditions of the puppy.

What do Huskies get sick with?

Dogs of this breed, as a rule, have excellent health. Among the common diseases, eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts) are distinguished, which can lead to blindness of the animal. In rare cases, hip dysplasia may occur. It is extremely important to have your Husky examined in a timely manner to prevent possible health problems.

Conditions of detention

It is extremely undesirable for a husky puppy to live in an apartment. They require movement and constant training , which is sometimes impossible to achieve in an urban environment. Therefore, the ideal option for its maintenance is a country house. And the fur is quite dense, making the dog’s stay in the apartment difficult for it. The animal will be very hot;

Before buying a puppy, you should pay attention to the following nuances of its character:

  • You should not let your dog off the leash while walking, as there is a risk that the dog will run away. Huskies are extremely curious and energetic creatures and will go on adventures whenever possible;
  • It is important to remember that huskies are quite cunning. And they may refuse to follow many commands, even if they are perfectly familiar with them. In this way, they are simply testing their masters;
  • Huskies don't really like traveling in a car. And if you need to teach an animal to behave peacefully during a trip, you need to start this from a very early age;
  • You should walk with a puppy and an adult dog for at least several hours a day, while creating a special training load for it;
  • Huskies don't like to be alone. You should not leave your dog alone at home, otherwise there is a risk that the pet will damage, for example, furniture;
  • This breed is not suitable as a guard dog. Due to their natural characteristics, huskies do not have a protective instinct, since initially their main purpose was to work well in a harness;


Huskies eat the same foods as other dog breeds. This can be ready-made food, or natural, independently prepared. Dry ready-made ones must be selected taking into account age and breed.

When feeding natural products, it is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet containing vitamins and beneficial components. The basis of the diet should be protein and fat foods.

Natural food should include meat every day, preferably beef. It is not recommended to feed pork and lamb. Meat should be given in pieces; there is no need to grind it into minced meat.

You can give fish, preferably sea fish. In addition, different types of cereals should be present - rice, millet, buckwheat. Cooked food should be warm. It is important that there is always water available in an accessible place. Mixed types of natural and dry feeding are unacceptable. You should feed immediately after a walk.

Husky eats poultry

In Chelyabinsk, the owners found a missing husky thanks to her love for minibuses

Happy homecoming. In Chelyabinsk, the husky ran away from her owners and set off to explore the world. Finding herself in a neighboring city, she decided to return by public transport. This method did not go unnoticed by local residents, who published a photo of the furry passenger on social networks.

A one-year-old husky from Chelyabinsk named Fox is now a local celebrity. Her New Year's adventures, which are more reminiscent of a Brazilian TV series, have been followed in the Urals since the beginning of the year by animal lovers and all concerned. The dog ran away from home on December 20th. The owners were looking for her, at first they didn’t even doubt that the dog would return.

“She left many times. They caught me at the entrance, she opened the door. She returned quickly. She has already been brought to our home many times,” said the dog’s owner, Evgenia Baranova.

More than ten days have passed. But the dog never returned. Neither searches nor announcements in groups about lost animals helped. Until one day, while browsing social networks, Victor noticed a photo of his dog in a public page in the neighboring town of Kopeisk, which is 15 kilometers from Chelyabinsk. Surprised local residents posted a photo of the husky as a passenger boarding local minibuses, apparently intending to leave somewhere.

The dog was unable to take a taxi home. But caring residents temporarily sheltered him while waiting for his owners to call. This is where the real “Santa Barbara” began. In addition to the real owners, one more man responded to the ad. He also claimed that the photo was his dog.

The man who took the dog introduced himself as Vladislav. He said that he and her family sheltered her, cold and hungry, on December 31st. They thought they were taking it forever. But on Christmas Eve, the pet escaped, somehow opening the front door. Apparently, then the dog went to the bus station, where it became the heroine of social networks. It became clear who its owner really was when Vladislav personally brought the animal to Chelyabinsk and saw a meeting with a three-year-old boy Andryusha, Victor’s son.

“My husband called her by his nickname, she came up to him, sniffed him, sniffed her son. That's all. And they went home,” says Evgenia.

Hundreds of people commented on the touching story on social networks - they congratulated Victor and were happy for the huskies. However, the majority still do not believe that this return home of the red-haired traveler is the final point in her adventures.

Tatiana Sidorova.
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Possible diseases

Siberian Huskies have fairly good health and strong immunity; they are adapted to northern living conditions and persistent frosts. The health of a pet largely depends on the care and concern of the owner. As a preventive measure, you need to provide the necessary care to your dog:

  • Maintain a balanced diet;
  • Provide regular walks in the fresh air and physical activity;
  • Surround with love and care.

It is especially important to monitor growth, development and health during puppyhood. However, like any other breed, the Siberian Husky is susceptible to diseases. Some diseases can be hereditary and transmitted from the mother, so it is advisable to pay attention to studying the puppy’s pedigree. The most common diseases:

Husky dogs have good health

  • Different types of parasites. This species, such as Helminth worms, is transmitted from the mother. External types of parasites (fleas, ticks, lice) appear quite rarely in Siberian Huskies. If external parasites are present, using special flea shampoos or collars will help.
  • A lack of zinc in a dog’s body can manifest itself in the appearance of bald spots, sometimes with bouts of vomiting or diarrhea in the dog.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland and joints are associated with heredity. Also, various eye diseases - this is a weak point of the Husky - can be inherited from the mother.
  • Unfortunately, it is in the Husky breed that cervical spine injury is a common disease. This is due to the inexperience of the owner and is the result of improper distribution of the load on the dog’s cervical spine when harnessed to a sled.
  • Myositis is also a common disease in Huskies. It occurs as a result of improper care of the dog during active running in the cold season. The dog definitely needs a pre-warm up and warm conditions after the run to cool down.
  • Atopic dermatitis is a manifestation of an allergic reaction, mainly to food consumed.

The most beautiful Siberian Husky puppies

How much does a husky puppy cost in Russia?

The price of a puppy can vary depending on many factors: the health of the parents, pedigree, physical qualities . Prices may also vary in different regions and nurseries. There are three classes of husky:

  1. Show class - the most expensive of all dogs of this breed. Puppies must fully comply with all RFK standards, have no defects and be born from titled parents. The price of such puppies starts from 60,000 rubles.
  2. Breeding class - good puppies for future procreation and improvement of the breed. Their cost, as a rule, starts from 30,000 rubles.
  3. Pet class is an ideal option for home keeping. Often puppies do not have a pedigree. Such dogs cost from 20,000 rubles.

If the choice falls on a husky puppy, you should seriously think about where and in what conditions it will be kept. And also take into account whether she will be provided with the necessary physical activity and nutrition . Due to the fact that the cost of a husky in our country can vary significantly depending on the region, before purchasing it would be a good idea to inquire about prices in different nurseries.

Husky dog


Siberian Husky puppies are quite in demand. Because there is demand, the price for this breed can be high. The cost, first of all, depends on the puppy’s pedigree. Without a pedigree, you can buy a dog for up to 10,000 rubles.

A puppy with a pedigree and meeting the standards will cost about 25,000-45,000 rubles, although the price of a Siberian husky can be much higher. There are many nurseries where you can buy puppies.

Using a Husky in a dog sled will give them great pleasure. However, this is possible only in the winter season and in climatic conditions with a large amount of snow. Well-trained Siberian Huskies will become your true friends.

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