How to throw the best birthday for your dog

A beloved dog is a real member of the family, which the owner needs to take care of, and also needs to encourage him and arrange surprises for him. A great reason to thank your pet for his love and devotion, as well as reward him with special attention and treats, is to celebrate the dog’s birthday. The holiday should be fun, full of surprises for the dog and filled with his sincere joy.

How to celebrate a dog's birthday?

When organizing a celebration, an individual approach is important - this way you can please your four-legged pet as much as possible. Focus on your pet's key qualities, habits, and preferences when creating your dog's birthday party concept.

Let's remember the main points without which the festive atmosphere is unthinkable:

  • present;
  • guests;
  • holiday decor;
  • delicious treats;
  • entertainment, games;
  • photography and video shooting.

Among the many fun and simple ways to organize a dog’s birthday in a special way, we suggest taking note of seven of the most interesting congratulation ideas.

Treats for dogs - 3 proven recipes

Wishes, games, cards - all this is great, but it’s impossible to imagine a full congratulations to a dog without something tasty.

Set the table separately for your four-legged pet. Bake him cookies or a cake. Here are some Christmas dog food recipes.

Recipe No. 1. Layered cake

Have to take:

  • 700 g of beef, chicken and liver or kidneys in any proportions.


  • 5 tablespoons of buckwheat,
  • 100 g cauliflower,
  • 2 tablespoons bran,
  • 1 egg white
  • some milk,
  • 0.5 tablespoon each of bone meal and dried seaweed.

Form pancakes from the mixture and bake them in the oven.

Use baby puree or canned dog food as a cream.

Recipe No. 2. Liver cake


  • 300 g chicken or beef liver,
  • 150 grams of zucchini,
  • 1 medium sized carrot
  • 2 chicken eggs,
  • 100 ml milk,
  • 100 grams of flour,
  • 150 ml low-fat sour cream,
  • 1 tablespoon olive or sunflower oil.

Grind the liver and zucchini in a meat grinder, add the remaining products (except sour cream) and mix well.

Shape the skin and bake in the oven. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, simmer, and place on the prepared skin.

Pour sour cream on top of the puff pastry.

To decorate the cake, you can boil 1 more egg. Slice and top with egg wash or shortbread.

Recipe No. 3. Sweet tooth cookies

Need to:

  • 3 cups flour,
  • a little less than a cup of apple puree,
  • 100 grams of butter,
  • 0.5 glasses of water
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil and honey.

Mix all the ingredients, gradually add flour, form cookies and bake the pieces in the oven. The recipe is suitable for those dog lovers who have a sweet breed pet, such as a Yorkie.

Cakes can be decorated with funny inscriptions and congratulatory poems. You can put a picture of a dog next to your confectionery masterpiece.

Treats made using these recipes are suitable for dogs and will not harm them. Thanks to them, the day of celebration will be a really big day for the dog, and after this day the dog will not need to be on a diet for a week and will not need to be treated.

Treat your pet with a fun gift

Want to give your dog the best possible birthday experience? Start by wrapping the gift. Wrap a toy or other object prepared for this occasion in special paper, and let the dog try to unwrap it on his own. Rustle, turn over, chew - how interesting it is! Keep an eye on the birthday boy so that he doesn’t accidentally swallow a piece of gift wrapping.

Give yourself a gift that honors your dog.

Buy something for yourself to celebrate your relationship with your dog. It could be a piece of art, a framed photo of your pet, or a keepsake of how much you love them. Whatever it is, it will be something you can look at and always remember how close you are. We especially love these personalized Grandin Road dog breed prints.

Sweet cookies

  • 3 cups flour.
  • 1 cup applesauce.
  • 100 gr. butter.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • Olive oil and honey, 2 tbsp. l.

Mix everything except flour until smooth. Add flour, mix thoroughly. Form cookies, place on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes. Turn over and leave in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Have a game day

A dog's birthday will be special for her if she spends it actively: frolicking, running, jumping, sniffing and looking for hidden things. Use interesting games:

  • frisbee dog;
  • hide and seek;
  • catching up;
  • overcoming obstacles;
  • ball game;
  • searching for hidden treats.

Take a break between games, allowing your pet to quench his thirst and hunger. End the play marathon on your dog's birthday with a special treat that will help him replenish the energy he lost.

Make cupcakes that both humans and dogs can eat.

Believe it or not, you can bake a cake for a dog's birthday that people will like and will not be contraindicated for dogs. Just use the right ingredients: whole wheat flour, baking soda, eggs, applesauce or baby food. Add chopped vegetables (like carrots) to make the treat more nutritious. And for decoration you can use cream cheese, peanut butter or bananas.

Don't feel like baking something? No dog will ever turn down peanut butter topped with his favorite treats.

3. Trust the birthday boy with the choice of gift

A great option to make your dog’s birthday unforgettable is to let him choose the gift himself. Find a pet store that you can go to with your pets, and go there with the birthday boy. Allow your dog to walk around the store and choose the toy that he likes the most, and maybe several.

Man is a dog's friend

Dogs have always been faithful helpers to humans: they protected and saved in a variety of situations. Dogs helped to hunt and obtain food, protected livestock from predators and homes from uninvited guests, and even served as a means of transportation. The dog is the only animal in the world that has special professions: guide, fireman, sapper, bloodhound, shepherd, rescuer, security guard and many others. Dogs work in the police, customs, army, Ministry of Emergency Situations, some dogs can even provide first aid! And then there are dog performers.

Thanks to their keen sense of smell, dogs are important participants in search and rescue operations, helping to find or trace missing people. The names of hero dogs, participants in wars, including the Great Patriotic War, who saved people, were the only means of communication, and helped transport and rescue the wounded, have remained in history.

It has been proven that dogs can provide psychological assistance; they relieve feelings of loneliness and insecurity. There is even the concept of canis therapy - trained dogs work with children and adults with severe forms of illness: from autism to Alzheimer's. Sometimes a dog has a better effect on a person than medicine!


Go to an amusement park

Today there are many specialized places where you can have a fun and useful birthday party for your dog. Take your pet to one of these establishments or organize leisure time yourself, for example, like this:

  • set up a massage parlor;
  • fill the dog pool;
  • set up an obstacle course;
  • fill the room with tennis balls;
  • hang dog bones at different heights;
  • Have a photo shoot in dog costumes.

Decorate the room for the holiday

You've probably helped your friends decorate their rooms for all sorts of holidays many times. Believe me, decorating your home for your pet’s birthday will be more than appropriate!

The standard set is balloons and streamers. There are also plenty of dog themed ways to decorate your holiday. For example, you can order a cute banner in the shape of a bone. Or build it yourself from plywood and twine. Scatter confetti all over the tables. Or another clever move - make a board with a holiday menu.

If you don’t rely on your imagination or you don’t have enough time, you can order kits for decorating a dog party online.

6. Throw a dog party

Invite your friends and family, along with their friendly pets, to the party. The presence of a few dog friends will be enough.

Your dog's birthday party will be fun and relaxed if guests have something to do all the time. To do this, create a holiday program, for example:

  • We welcome guests;
  • handing out party hats;
  • bring out the dog cake;
  • sing a song for the birthday boy;
  • handing out bags of dog treats;
  • we play games.

In warm weather, you can host a dog party outdoors. The main thing is that pets have free access to drinking water and the opportunity to hide from the sun in the shade.

home party

How to celebrate your dog's birthday if he doesn't like to go for walks in nature? Organize a birthday party at home.

A pet whose owners are at work during the week will be especially happy. When the owner is around all day, how can you beat it?

You can play, eat and play. For the big day, try taking an extra day off and pampering your dog with your presence.

Build a compact maze at home and crawl through it with your dog.

Play soccer with your dog using the balls you bought the night before.

If your dog loves guests, invite friends with their pets if possible. But if he's a little wary of strangers, keep his feast at home.

You can congratulate the dog in poetry and prose, song and even dance.

How to express joy on your beloved dog’s birthday is up to you. The dog may not understand all the words, but you will have a lot of fun. And your dog will share your good vibes.

Don’t forget to take pictures of touching moments, thanks to which the holiday will remain in your memory for a long time.

Story 11. If the puppy gets sick

It's strange, but one day I got sick. I don’t know how or why. I don’t pick up anything on the street (I’m not allowed) and I don’t eat anything. I felt very bad; my stomach was rumbling and churning. So I suffered all day. In the end I just lay there.

The owner Lenochka came up and stroked me, asking why I didn’t go for a walk. "Go play!" - she called, but I couldn’t, I looked at her and lay there. And her mother asked: “Sunny, why are you so sad? What happened to you?". How can I tell them that I feel bad? I didn’t know and just lay there and lay there.

And when everyone went to bed, I felt worse, I vomited, then diarrhea began. Mistress Masha did not scold me, she just stroked me and said: “Poor thing.” She also became sad and did not sleep at all, checking everything to see if I was getting worse or better.

When morning came we went to the vet, I wasn't afraid at all. I just didn't have the strength. They stroked and kissed me all the time, it calmed me down. Some woman in a blue robe examined me and gave me an injection. It hurt a little. Then we went home, and soon I felt better. My hostesses immediately cheered up, and we went to the dacha again.

How to organize unusual children's parties


You can come up with the text yourself, and entrust the design and decoration to the children. Fold a thick album sheet in half, with a picture on the outside and text on the inside. Applique from magazines, colored paper, fabric with a suitable pattern, and small ribbons are suitable for decoration. Everything is attached with glue, small details are drawn.

Unusual children's holidays: pet's birthday.

Birthday gift

You definitely need to find a gift for the birthday boy. To do this, a gift and pieces of paper with riddles are prepared and hidden in advance (a riddle is the name of a thing). Children, guessing, go along the chain, from item to item, and come to the gift.


Our holiday is mainly for children, although adults also have a lot of fun at it, so you need to focus on children's tastes. Pizza, pies, cookies, creatively designed sandwiches, fruits, juices and fruit drinks are suitable. You can play on the theme of a “hot dog” - a hot dog. If the reception of guests will take place outdoors, you can fry sausages or kebabs; it is better to offer them a couple of salads; it is more convenient to use colored disposable tableware.


The birthday cake can be prepared in the shape of a bone. It needs to be covered with white glaze, the guests will be delighted. You can make a cottage cheese cake without baking, layered with cookies.


The caps were glued together and decorated by the children themselves (we enjoyed participating in this ourselves). The base can be cut out of colored cardboard or even wallpaper (practice on old newspapers). From colored paper, self-adhesive is suitable, we cut out silhouettes of dogs, bones, balls, flowers and others. We glue the appliqués onto the base, then fold the caps into a cone and glue them together. You can attach a bunch of New Year’s “rain” or colored threads to the top.

Room decoration

We decorate the room like it would be for a birthday party, but with a dog theme. We hang balloons, a garland of flags (cut from bright glossy magazines), bows from bright ribbons or pieces of fabric, bones from thin foam plastic, pictures with figures of funny dogs.


Offer to remember all famous dogs from history, movies, cartoons, songs. Both children and adults usually recall nicknames and names with excitement.

In the invitation, write that each child should tell the birthday boy a poem about a dog (for this there is a prize or a beautiful candy).


Everyone sits in a circle. One of the players sticks sticky pieces of paper (with the names of animals) on the players’ foreheads. Someone also comes up with the name of the animal and sticks a piece of paper on it. Each player sees the inscriptions of others, but does not know his beast. By asking questions to other participants (Do I have horns? Do I swim? Do I bite?), guess what kind of animal you are. The answers are only “Yes” and “No”. Having received a positive answer, ask another question; if a negative answer, you pass the turn to the next player (in a circle).

"Color Dances".

Everyone dances to the music. At any moment, the leader shouts out the name of any color, and all players must touch an object of that color. The last one is out. A very funny competition.


Everyone stands in a circle and, to the music, toss the ball, clap their hands and throw it around the circle. The host turns off the music. Whoever has the ball “hit a mine” and is eliminated from the game.

"Guessing game."

Words are selected, the letters in them are funnyly rearranged. Points are awarded to the first one to guess correctly.

You can choose other competitions based on your interests. It is better to alternate active ones with calm ones.

Don't forget to prepare small prizes for participating in competitions.


At the end of the holiday, children are given funny certificates on behalf of the birthday boy (made either by applique from scrap materials, or printed on a color printer). The certificates are prepared in advance by adults.

According to this scenario, you can hold holidays like “Birthday of any pet,” you just need to change the attributes. For cats these are mice, bows, fish; for aquarium fish - the seabed.

Congratulations to those born in the year of the Dog

The stars are favorable to almost all signs. And this year they give Dogs both money and happiness. Problems will recede. The dog is ready to accept change!

The Dog can handle everything! She serves faithfully. But the Dog also needs a year of rest. And in the New Year, I wish the Dog that his work will be respected by people.

The dog is reliable, honest and faithful. It protects you from troubles and adversity. Over a cup of tea, in the warmth, for the soul, you cannot find a more beautiful listener.

We only wish you success in life! And you will be happy, we promise! We are glad that we met along the way such an example of kindness and beauty!

According to your horoscope, you are a Dog, which means you will be the best sign, you don’t know the share of fear in anything, you might even be a simpleton!

Please accept our congratulations, We want to say kind words, Good luck, happiness, inspiration, We wish you throughout your life!

After all, the Anniversary is a good holiday, And it doesn’t always happen, So, enjoy it, And always be beautiful!

The dog doesn’t ask for too much and doesn’t harbor grudges in his soul, The dog won’t leave you in trouble, It will save and protect. I wish you from the bottom of my heart: May your friends be faithful!

The dog is very strong, cheerful, active, whoever was born under this sign is faithful, affectionate, like a dog.

Let loyalty and kindness, as your best trait, be useful to you throughout life, and help you not to stumble in an instant.

We have never seen a bolder grunt, But also a nobler and more honest one: It was not in vain that you were born in the year of the Dog. You would have argued with her in fidelity!

We do not hide either love or friendship, We do not regret the free vodka, We only pour the glass fuller, To wash off your joyful holiday.

Concluding our wise pun, We make this healthy toast: Let it stand, solving all problems, Your huge and fluffy tail!

The dog is fair by nature, loyal, honest, and sometimes obstinate. It can be stubborn and selfish, sharp-tongued and critical.

She is purposeful, emotional, intelligent, logical and loyal, sociable, responsible, generous, cheerful.

We wish her happy love, So that the paths are successful, So that everything you want comes true, And what you start always succeeds!

The dog is reliable, faithful and honest. It protects itself and others from lies and attacks, although it itself is capable of biting in defense of rights.

The dog is modest, very selfless. She is always among the first at work. She is careful in everything, always on the alert, noisy gatherings are not to her liking.

In the kitchen, over tea, in the warmth and silence, you won’t find a better listener. The Dog is soulful and in feelings of love, But it’s too flighty - everything pulls into the bushes.

Dog, there is no one more reliable than you, And the loyalty and decency in you is admired! We are glad that we met on our way such an example of purity and beauty.

We only wish you success in life! You will be happy, we promise! We are your great friends forever and reliable in friendship, taking our example from you.

Story 17. Dog school

When I was almost a year and a half old, I was enrolled in the Dog School. I don’t know why they decided that I’m not smart enough, I seem to do everything they ask, I don’t play pranks at home, and I’m generally good. They themselves constantly take me in their arms, stroke me, kiss me and say: “Our little boy... so sweet... pretty...”. And then it’s off to school! In summer. And I thought we’d go to the dacha.

But when the classes started, I even liked it. So many new dogs! Of course, you need to obey the owner, follow commands, walk next to him, look into his eyes... It's so difficult! There are dogs all around, you really want to approach them, smell them, play with them, run around. It turns out you can't. The instructor is very demanding and strict. When I don’t obey my mistress Masha, she does the exercises with me herself. But I already love her, and she loves dogs, it’s obvious right away.

But at the end of classes they let us off the leash, and we run and play. I like it.

Story 12. Puppy training

When I appeared with my mistresses, they immediately began to teach me. First I learned the “sit” and “give paw” commands. Then “lie down.” It was not difficult at all, because they gave me a tasty treat for it. They also taught me such interesting tricks as “waltz”, “figure eight”, “hurdle”, “somersault”, “high five”. “snake”, “up”, “back”.

But, apparently, this was not enough for the owners, they began to teach me on the street in the presence of other dogs - my familiar Sheltie and Collie. The main one was a girl - the owner of very smart and well-mannered dogs. She told and showed how and what to do. The following commands were taught: “near”, “to me”, “sit” and “lie down” for endurance. We played a lot. It was easy and fun. Training is good!

Dress up your pet for the party

Put a party cap on your dog - there's nothing cuter in the world. It’s easy to make a holiday hat yourself by gluing it in the shape of a paper cone. The cap can be colored with a marker, decorated with pompoms, tassels or any other accessories. This way you will make the holiday even brighter and more fun!

What if your pet refuses to wear his party hat for more than 20 seconds? You can make a tutu skirt for the birthday girl with elastic bands from tulle. And tie a smart scarf around the neck of the hero of the occasion.

Story 14. “Clean” mood

I usually get washed once every two months. And then I get a “clean” mood. How they can tell whether I’m dirty enough, I don’t know. And I don’t really like the washing process itself, but I like it when I’m already clean.

After washing, I am blotted with a special absorbent cloth. I have a lot of water, because I am very woolly. Then I shake myself off - and for some reason everyone starts turning their faces away, covering themselves with their hands and shouting: “Oh, no! Not this! Strange! But I don’t pay attention to such little things, I’m clean. I feel good and easy. I start running back and forth along the long corridor, my fur fluttering and swaying.

Sometimes I feel like I haven't been dried out enough. But nothing. I know how to fix it. I just wipe myself on the sofa, wall, chest of drawers and other things that come my way. I'm so happy! I really want to show my grandmother how clean I am. I fly up onto her bed, but for some reason she screams: “Ah! On my white blanket-oh! And I run down the corridor again. And Lena rejoices and laughs with me.

Story 13. Home alone

All day long I sit at home alone and wait for my people from school or work. Mostly I sleep in the hallway on a cloth, because... I feel sad after they leave. But then I fall asleep and wake up in a good mood. I play with toys that my owners scatter throughout the house before leaving. Why they do this, I don't know. I would be great at finding them myself, because they are always in a basket on the shelf in the nursery.

I also like to look out the window. First I jump onto a chair, then onto the windowsill. And then a wide view of the yard opens up. I see everything: cars, people, birds and, of course, dogs. I shout to them: “Hello! I'm here!". But they apparently don’t hear me, they run about their business. Then I get tired and feel sad again. Then I go to Mistress Masha’s bed, lie down and lie there, remembering how kind she is to me. Then I go to the bed of the owner Lena, then - Lada, grandmothers.

Sometimes they come back quickly, and sometimes I wait forever. But when they come and open the door, I jump and jump for joy, they pet me and say nice words.

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