Unpleasant odor from dogs when kept indoors or outdoors

Over the long centuries of friendship between man and dog, thousands of breeds have been bred for any utilitarian and decorative purposes. Let's not forget about the grateful and kind “nobles” who can be adopted from a shelter or picked up on the street. It is gratifying that, along with purebred dogs, there are more and more happy and well-groomed mongrels who proudly “walk their owners.”

Growing up, dogs get used to doing their physiological functions outside. Many owners of dwarf and small exotic breeds prefer that their pets go to the litter box during the cold season. Partially outdoor (kennel) dogs have their own specific odors. Dogs' sense of smell is a million times better than that of humans. Watchdogs themselves are sources of odors, which can be either normal for the breed or indicate trouble.

How to get rid of the smell of dog urine in the yard?

Pet dogs that urinate outside often do so in the same area, resulting in a strong urine odor permeating the patio.
In addition, the instinct of dominance forces stray dogs to urinate in the same place, or right under your fence if the yard is closed from uninvited guests. Getting rid of the smell of dog urine in the yard and teaching the animal to relieve itself in the right place is a multi-step process, but you can do it if you set a goal.

To work you will need:

Find an area in your yard that your dog has designated as his litter box, attach a spray nozzle to a garden hose, turn on the water, and thoroughly water the area, including bushes and other vegetation. The next day, when the soil and plants are dry, check for any remaining signs of the unpleasant odor. This simple method works especially well if the dog's urine is still fresh.

Rules for removing stains

It is easier to remove liquid from a smooth floor. It is enough to collect urine with a rag and disinfect it with any means:

  • If the stain appears on a carpet or other fleecy surface, you need to blot the area with a dry paper towel folded in several layers. Change the towel until it remains dry.
  • Then a dry towel is placed in place and pressed with a weight. This will allow you to absorb the liquid that has managed to penetrate deeply.
  • If you initially mix urine with water, it will be much more difficult to remove the stain and smell.
  • At the last stage, the area should be disinfected and rinsed with clean water.

Pine cones and orange peel

Place pinecones and orange peel pieces around the perimeter of the dog litter box. Animals do not like pine and orange smells, so your pet will avoid his favorite place and stop urinating there. This method can also be used inside the house if the dog suddenly decides to mark indoor plants.

Additional Tips and Warnings

By the way, here is one of our previous publications https://zhenskayaplaneta.ru/7-prichin-zavesti-rebenku-domashnee-zhivotnoe.html, where we talked about seven reasons to get a child a pet. Perhaps this information will also be of interest to you.

Article protected by copyright and related rights. When using the material, an active link to the women's magazine zhenskayaplaneta.ru is required!

And in addition to the above, we suggest you learn how to toilet train a puppy. Don't miss the interesting video below!


Cleaning and caring for a street dog. Disinfection of the enclosure

Dogs living in an enclosure also need walking, which should happen at least once a day. The walk in this case should be long, the animal should move and receive exercise. In addition, by walking your dog outside the site, you can get rid of the frequent need to clean your pet’s home. How often should this be done? Let's figure it out.

Animal handling

It is necessary to start cleaning the enclosure from the source. Don't think that a dog can lick itself. This will not help her get rid of the smell and possible parasites. Thus, it is necessary and important to take care of the pet first, but on the same day it is advisable to clean its territory and disinfect all surfaces.

Mass pet care begins. Street “guards” must also be clean and well-groomed, so it is necessary to arrange a “bath day” for them. If it is not possible to bring the dog into the house for some reason and wash it in the bathroom, then this can be done outside, choosing a suitable place on the territory. Water can be poured into basins or buckets, or you can use water from a hose if it is not very cold. After carefully dousing the animal, it is better to use shampoo against fleas and other insects. Even if there is no “living animal” on the dog, this will serve as an excellent gentle prevention. After lathering the shampoo, massage well not only the coat, but also the skin. Avoid getting shampoo in the mouth, eyes and ears. Unpleasant and harsh actions during bathing procedures can be imprinted in the dog’s memory, which will serve to develop a fear of subsequent bathing. You shouldn’t shout either; it’s better to be patient and praise your pet for its obedience.

After thoroughly soaping and washing, you need to rinse all six thoroughly with clean water. This must be done carefully, without leaving any traces of shampoo and foam. You can dry your dog with a hairdryer, after wiping it with a towel. However, not all animals can perceive the noise of a household appliance, so instead of the expected humility, you can see panic in the dog’s behavior. In this case, it is better to turn on the hairdryer at a distance from the animal and check the reaction; if there is no fear, then you can start drying. In other cases, you should abandon this method. In any case, you will have to dry your pet with a towel, and while it is naturally drying, limit its movements on the ground or soiled soil.

By the way, swimming should be done on a warm sunny day; bad weather and cold can cause illness. After complete drying, it is important to treat the dog for parasites (fleas, lice eaters, etc.), if any. The most gentle preparation is celandine powder and solution. However, even to such an organic component, dogs have a reaction. Once in the mouth, the drug causes profuse salivation; in difficult situations, poisoning can occur.

Danger Signals

Some deviations in habitual behavior, coupled with a stench, are a reason to immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

A one-time refusal to eat, drowsiness on some days, as well as hyperactivity, a one-time loose stool are possible in themselves, and are only a reason to take a closer look at the pet’s condition.

But, if the following symptoms appear, you need to run to the vet as fast as you can

  • Refusal to drink, almost complete immobility of the dog, seeking shelter from everyone in the world.
  • Dark color of urine or difficult, even ineffective, urination.
  • Incessant green diarrhea, combined with a specific stench.
  • The dog is disoriented, begins to rush around convulsively, and hits objects.
  • Yellow-green nasal discharge, accompanied by deterioration of the general condition.

In these situations, we are talking about watches, each of which is gold. In most cases, timely help saves the pet. The approach of “sit down and go away” is completely unacceptable. This is a completely defenseless family member who has completely entrusted us with his health and life.

From the dog with love: remove the smell from the dog toilet

Best products

Question from Marina Gulyaeva from Vladimir:

“We keep the dog in an enclosure, which gives it a specific smell. What are the ways to eliminate it?”

We answer Marina's question.

Foul-smelling fur, excrement and urine - this is the price of love between the owner and the four-legged pet. However, the disadvantages of dog breeding can be minimized if you choose a dog odor eliminater. How to do this and what means to pay attention to can be found below.

Advice: what to do if dog beds have an odor after washing. It is necessary to disinfect the product with potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide, then thoroughly dry and ventilate.

Classification: choosing a dog odor eliminator

Below are two types of tips: the first will help remove the smell in the dog’s enclosure, the second will help organize a proper toilet for your pet.

Ways to neutralize the stench

Standard scheme: soap solution, vinegar and baking soda. It is necessary to sprinkle baking soda on the surface, treat it with vinegar, let it dry and wash thoroughly with soap and water or dishwashing detergent.

Wood - are sawdust that increase in volume when exposed to moisture. They absorb stench well and are inexpensive.

The dark side of power: potassium permanganate and iodine solution. Due to strong coloring properties, it is not recommended to use the substances on light-colored surfaces.

Mineral - consist of ceramic granules with special impregnation. Destroy bacteria and odor.

Woody-mineral - a mixture of sawdust with additives that mask the unpleasant amber.

Advice: what substances should definitely not be used as dog odor eliminators. These include gasoline, perfumes, and turpentine. They will give a temporary effect, and ultimately lead to a worsening of the stench.

What to do if attacked or bitten by a stray dog

Now strange ideas are being implanted - any dog ​​must trust any person, must love children - all indiscriminately. That is, the animal must have some kind of far-fetched, especially highly moral foundations - which is why many do not instruct children about behavior in the presence of strangers or ownerless dogs.

Dogs don't just attack, so there are a few things to consider.

  • A frightened animal - a beaten dog can attack, overcoming fear. If you want to feed her, don't try to pet her or get close - just put the food down and walk away.
  • Puppies - If you see a female dog with drooping nipples, do not try to find the puppies or approach her.
  • Fight – if dogs are fighting, it is better to go around. If a fight is forced on your dog, the best way is to put him between your legs and turn with him parallel to the movement of the aggressor. No matter from which side he tries to attack, he should see your dog’s grinning mouth. At the same time, you need to prevent the dog from rearing - this opens the stomach. The leash must not be pulled; the head must be in a natural position, not raised, so that the neck does not open to attack. This algorithm will protect your dog and you from bites when meeting an aggressive domestic or stray dog.
  • If the attacking dog has rabies, nothing will stop it. There are a number of signs of a mad dog: drooling, tail between his legs, and a terrible howling bark.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, a disadvantaged dog will retreat - they avoid communication, especially conflicts with domestic dogs and people. An attack by a lone wanderer is unlikely.

If a dog bites, then you need to not hesitate and take several actions.

  1. Squeeze some blood out of the wound to reduce the amount of bacteria
  2. Primary treatment is generous soaping with plain soap and rinsing under running water. You need to soap and rinse several times, this breaks the protective shells of pathogenic bacteria and destroys them.
  3. An antiseptic is poured into the washed wound, without cotton wool or bandages - to avoid fibers and threads getting into the wound.
  4. Zelenka, Furacilin, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide will do.
  5. The wound is covered with a clean cloth, after which you need to urgently go to the doctor.

DuftaPet: the optimal way to remove odor in a dog’s enclosure and other places

All thanks to the fact that the spray:

Does not harm the environment, animals and people. No aggressive substances in the composition such as phenols, alcohol, bleach.

Does not require additional assistance to operate. DuftaPet will help remove the smell from the dog toilet without any household chemicals, gloves, respirators and other tools.

Doesn't mask, but removes stench. "Dufta" will help even in advanced cases when the dog bed has an odor after washing. All thanks to the plant enzymes in the composition, which accelerate the decomposition of organic odors a thousand times. The result is a pleasant “nothing” instead of temporary aromas.

After using DuftaPet Dog Odor Eliminator, feel free to take preventive measures in order to avoid smelly relapses in the future.

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How to remove an unpleasant odor near a dog's enclosure?

How to remove the smell of cat urine - proven methods

If a cat, ignoring the litter box, chooses the master's bed or another unlucky place to use the toilet, it can be difficult to retrain it. One of the main difficulties is eliminating the smell of cat urine, which in itself is very persistent. Focusing on this smell, the animal again and again uses the once chosen territory as a toilet. Often, as soon as you cross the threshold of an unfamiliar apartment, you realize that a cat lives here! Few people want their guests to be enveloped in such strong aromas. How to remove the smell of cat urine? First of all, you should think about eliminating the reason that prompts the cat to mark its territory. The solution may be castration, eliminating the stress that is tormenting the animal, rearranging the interior according to the cat's safety needs... The main thing is to find out what the problem is and solve it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to fight the smell, which is constantly renewed! Another important aspect is not to use products containing chlorine in areas of the apartment. For some reason, such products are constantly used when cleaning toilets, but bleach only intensifies the smell of urine. It is also useless to try to fight off the smell by watering the area where the cat made a puddle with perfume and deodorants, or spraying with products like “Antigadin” - most cats are indifferent to it. In addition, it is important to know for which surfaces which odor eliminator is suitable.

Cat odor removers that are always on hand:

A remedy that has become a salvation for many cat owners is vodka. Only in this case it should not be taken internally! You can wipe almost any surface with undiluted vodka, and it removes cat odors remarkably well. The only negative is that the alcoholic spirit will then have to be removed from the apartment separately, that is, all items will have to be washed a second time. Vodka fights especially well against fresh “crimes”. Another great option is potassium permanganate. You need to prepare a strong solution and wash the desecrated area with it. The main thing is to make sure that there is no sediment in the solution - it is the undissolved crystals that leave stains. It is better not to experiment with potassium permanganate on fabrics. A reliable cat odor remover is citric acid. It is necessary to dilute the juice from one lemon with 200 ml of water. You can also use undiluted juice if the surface is not too “sensitive”. The acid perfectly breaks down the elements that make up cat urine, and the remaining citrus smell also scares the cat away from this place. By the way, sometimes it is enough to place a piece of cloth soaked in the smell of lemon in a problem area so that the cat stops going there for natural needs. Ordinary vinegar is one of the leaders in the fight against the “cat spirit”. As a rule, it is diluted in a ratio of one to three. If the furniture upholstery is damaged, the solution can be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the stain, and then blotted thoroughly with a rag. To enhance the effect, after treating with vinegar, you can additionally use the baking soda method described below. At the “crime scene” left by the cat, especially if it is fresh, you need to pour baking soda and pour a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on top. At first, when the reaction begins, it will smell like ammonia, but then this smell will disappear. It is recommended to leave the soda mixture overnight and rinse the area thoroughly in the morning. Please note that baking soda can stain fabrics.


Our experts offer an overview of ways to get rid of dog smell from your carpet. Remember two rules that will minimize the problem.

  • 1. Remove carpets if there is a puppy or an elderly dog ​​in poor health in the house.
    By doing this, you will protect things from damage and get rid of unnecessary work on cleaning pile coverings.
  • 2. Try to clean the carpet as soon as it has been damaged by the dog.
    The faster you remove a urine stain, the greater the likelihood that the smell will disappear without a trace. Fresh dog urine on the carpet is removed with paper napkins and towels. Do not make rubbing movements; your hands should move vertically. Change napkins more often to have time to get wet and collect the maximum amount of liquid.
  • 3. Regularly clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner.
    The source of dog smell is dog hair. If you clean the lint from it as often as possible, then there will be no smell. It is recommended to vacuum carpets in pet-free apartments two to three times a week. Dog owners need to clean daily. The home conditions of keeping animals dictate this cleaning schedule.

Cleaning carpet from dog smell

Regularly removing fur from your carpet will minimize dog odor. Dog breeds are different, some smell more, others less. Some have long hair, others have short hair. If there is a lot of hair on the pile, the vacuum cleaner may not be able to handle it, and may even break.

To avoid damage to expensive equipment, you will have to collect the wool by hand. This is done with a brush or a hard broom. Only then do they clean it with a vacuum cleaner. It's good if the kit includes a turbo nozzle. It cleans carpets well from pet hair.

We recommend doing a deep cleaning every month with special products that remove dog odor. They are bought in pet stores. Professional dry carpet cleaning, which should be carried out twice a year, will help radically restore cleanliness and get rid of odors.

Removing urine odor using folk remedies

If the reason for cleaning is dog urine, then we recommend using vinegar, baking soda, laundry soap, and water. Before you begin, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions on the back of the carpet for acceptable care methods.

IMPORTANT: carpets made of viscose, natural lye, delicate handmade wool coverings, rare ones, and antiques should only be dry cleaned. Otherwise, you will ruin them by trying to remove dog urine using unacceptable methods.

For 2 liters of water, take 2-3 tablespoons of soda or grated laundry soap. Use a sponge dipped in the solution to treat stains or the entire surface. Be sure to first clean the pile from wool and dust with a vacuum cleaner. Leave the solution for 15 minutes, then wipe the carpet with a clean cloth moistened with water.

Washing carpet with household chemicals

If you decide to wash the carpet with household chemicals, follow the instructions for caring for the carpet and using the purchased cleaning product. Test in a small area how shampoo or active foam works on the carpet. Only after this test begin to clean the stain or carpet completely. Try not to over-wet the coating.

Clean the pile with foam, not solution. If you use Vanish, then the manufacturer’s line includes a stain remover spray. Look, maybe it will fit. Read the information on the bottles carefully and follow the directions for use described therein.

A small puppy or an adult dog can urinate indoors. They do this on the floor or on furniture. You should know what means you can use to remove the unpleasant smell of urea and from childhood teach your pet to urinate in a diaper, in a litter tray, etc. Don’t forget to take him outside regularly, at about the same time, and the house will be in order.

Those who are just planning to get a dog should understand that they are responsible for the health and life of a living creature. Puppies, sick, untrained and old animals can relieve themselves at home. You should know how to quickly get rid of the unpleasant smell of urine.

The easiest way is to immediately clean up after your pet. There are different ways to combat fresh and old odors. Let's take a closer look at them.

How to treat boards in a dog's enclosure?

An aviary made independently or purchased at a retail outlet requires constant care. For long-term use of the enclosure and a healthy, comfortable life for the dog, treating the construction materials with special solutions will help. Let's consider this topic in more detail.

Why is processing needed?

Everyone knows that cleanliness is the key to health, and this also applies to our smaller brothers. When getting a pet that will be kept in the yard of your house, you need to remember this. To maintain order, it is necessary, after removing waste and food debris from the enclosure, to disinfect the boards there; this will help eliminate unpleasant odors and pathogenic microorganisms.

Pest control is no less important. This is, first of all, treatment for mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. When the air temperature reaches +5 degrees Celsius, insects begin to become active, in particular ticks, which can be a source of Lyme disease, which is dangerous for animals. When the thermometer rises another 5-10 degrees, mosquitoes join them; they can be carriers of dirofilariasis.

Timely and regular disinsection reduces the risk of illness for your four-legged friend.

Hazard classes of protective equipment

When protecting your pet from tick bites, you need to remember that there are no completely harmless methods. There is always a risk of allergic reactions due to the individual characteristics of the body. When purchasing a product for your pet, you need to study its composition. The hazard class depends on the active substance:

Active ingredientDegree of toxicityActive ingredientDegree of toxicity
TetrachlorvinphosType 1, lowFlumethrinType 2, low
CypermethrinLow 2 typesPhenothrinType 2, low
Deltamethrin2nd gradeIvermectinLow, toxic for collies
CyfluthrinType 2, lowMoxidectinLow
Proposkur2nd gradeAmitraz3rd grade
Fluralaner4th class, no breed restrictionsAfoxolaner4th class, no breed restrictions


To avoid the problems described above, you must first take care of your dog. She is bathed with insect repellent shampoo and treated for worms. Then they begin to process her home.

Wall installation

DIY block staircase

It's time to talk about what to make the enclosure out of. The wall serves as an obstacle for the pet so that it cannot leave the territory without your desire, and also protects it from wind, bad weather and the scorching sun, and the dog also needs at least one lattice wall for contact with the environment and observation.

Nails should not be used to install walls, as an animal can tear them out; it is better to use self-tapping screws. In order to save money, you should not replace the grate with a mesh; not only can the dog break it, he can also get injured by it, as he will bite it.

For a large adult individual, a distance of 10 centimeters between the rods is suitable, for small ones - less. The main thing is that the dog's head cannot get stuck in the bars.

What to process?

Before starting sanitization, it is necessary to remove all foreign objects and debris from the enclosure. The following disinfectants are currently commercially available.

These substances cope very effectively with any microflora, but they are not able to eliminate unpleasant odors. After treatment, the walls and floor must be washed with water.

Protects all surfaces from mold and mildew and does not destroy them over time. The drug is low-toxic, so treatment by washing can be done in the presence of animals and people. Short exposure – 20-30 minutes. This time can be spent walking your pet. It is not necessary to ventilate the enclosure or wash off the solution after treatment.

The diluted product is also safe for cleaning in the presence of a dog. Has deodorizing properties. It is a green liquid with a fir aroma.

For disinfestation, the following types of preparations are used, which have repellent properties and have a detrimental effect on insects.

Therapeutic treatment is carried out taking into account the development cycle of parasites. Prevention – once every 5-8 days.

General rules for disinfestation:

In addition, to protect the dog from blood-sucking insects (various types of ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, lice eaters), use Spot-On drops on the withers from various manufacturers, such as Rolf 3D, Vectra 3D, Advantix.

There are drugs with complex action against internal and external parasites - “Inspector”, “Gelmintal”, “Stronghold”, “Advocate”, collars with repellent and pronounced insectoacaricidal action (Bars, Kiltix and longer action - Foresto). And a new product in recent years is tablets that protect animals from 1 to 3 months (Bravecto, Simparica, Nexgard).

A set of such measures and mechanical cleaning in the enclosure will protect animals from attacks by arthropod parasites.

Prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases is also the fight against rodents - deratization. You can do it in several ways.

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