How to get rid of dog odor - recommendations from experienced dog handlers on how to remove unpleasant odors in a house or apartment

A dog is man's friend! Communication with a dog brings joy, warmth, peace and harmony. You always know that you are loved and long-awaited, because... your pet remembers to remind you of this every time you return home. These animals are very devoted and faithful, and are ready to protect us and wait around the clock. In return, they need our attention and time. But sometimes it happens that communication with your beloved pet begins to cause inconvenience, and this applies to the case when your dog or the house in which you live begins to “smell” unpleasantly, and sometimes unbearably disgusting. Yes, this happens, and now it’s your turn to show your devotion and care for your pet. In other words, you need to help your friend in this “trouble.” Experienced dog breeders know that there are dog breeds that do not stink, and there are also breeds that are very prone to this, so you need to keep this in mind when your beloved dog begins to smell unpleasant. But there are times when the dog did not stink and, suddenly, out of the blue, you began to notice that it began to differ in this way, that in your house there is also a smell, like in a kennel, and you begin to wonder “What is it?” case?"

Dog breath odor

Causes. An unpleasant odor may occur due to health problems in the dog. To find the root cause, you first need to visit a veterinarian to make sure that the dog does not have a gastrointestinal disorder, does not have skin or ear problems, or suffers from kidney problems, which can cause an unpleasant odor.

  1. But the most common reason is the formation of plaque or tartar on the teeth.
  2. Lift your pet's upper lip and carefully examine the oral cavity, mainly the outer surface.
  3. If your teeth are yellow or brown in color, it means that tartar has formed on them, which requires immediate removal.
  4. Plaque on teeth is just food that is not completely removed from the dog’s mouth and over time mineralizes on the outside of the teeth.

If this disease is not treated, an inflammatory process begins on the gums, which sag over time, exposing the tooth root. Over time, teeth become loose and fall out.

Dirty socks

Sometimes dogs give off a very specific smell. Its cause will most likely be parasites . There are a number of parasites that settle on a dog’s skin and can spread the smell of dirty socks. The source of infection can be anywhere, even in the house. Therefore, if such a smell appears in a dog, first of all, it is necessary to disinfect the house or apartment, and then take the pet to the veterinarian.

Often the source of such an infection is a fungus; usually the veterinarian in this case recommends a course of vitamins to boost immunity: gamavit, hemobalance, baksin, aminovit.

Read more about this smell in the article What to do if your dog’s paws smell?

There is no definite answer to this question; you need to act comprehensively, step by step, eliminating all possible causes of the unpleasant odor.

Means for removing stones on teeth

How to get rid of bad breath from a dog? If the disease is not too advanced, then any zoological pharmacy sells different products, of different brands, at different prices for removing plaque. You do not need a veterinarian's prescription to purchase these medications.

You just need to carefully read the instructions and step by step follow all the recommendations indicated in it.

After removal of the stone, to prevent its reappearance, you must:
  • Regularly sanitize the oral cavity using toothpaste for dogs (but in no case human);
  • Let your pet chew on bones (not tubular ones), and by gnawing them, the stones themselves are removed from the enamel;
  • Buy special treats to remove plaque;
  • Make sure that there is always water in the bowl, since when you drink, food debris is washed off your teeth.

Traditional methods

If it is not possible to purchase cleaning products at the pharmacy, then you can use traditional methods and sanitize with your own means.

Parsley removes heavy perfume very well.

  • To do this, add chopped parsley to food, or give a whole sprig.
  • Many dogs love to eat parsley, and the unpleasant odor disappears.
  • You can make an infusion of parsley and give the dog a drink, but if he refuses such water, then you need to rinse your mouth with a syringe.
  • Parsley is completely safe and can be used as much as you like.

Using coconut oil will also neutralize bad breath from the mouth.

  • Adding it to ready-made food, while preparing porridge, or daily brushing of teeth will perfectly cope with the existing problem.
  • Coconut oil is an excellent antibacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal agent.
  • It will prevent the appearance of plaque, and with daily use you can notice a positive result.

An excellent remedy for combating foreign odors is yogurt, which is very useful not only for combating plaque, but also for preventing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tomato paste can be applied to gauze and wiped from the outside of the teeth every day, which will serve as an excellent preventive measure against the formation of tartar, and therefore against an unpleasant odor.

If the dog doesn’t mind gnawing on a carrot, then gnawing on it removes food debris from the teeth. Carrots can be a great substitute for bone.

You can make your own toothpaste:

  • Bouillon cube;
  • Soda;
  • Salt;
  • Parsley;
  • Water.

Mix everything thoroughly and clean the animal’s mouth with a toothbrush.

Smell in the apartment

If you do not follow the rules of caring for your dog, then over time, the apartment will become saturated with a stench, and friends and neighbors who once came “to see the light” will avoid not only the apartment, but also its owner.

How to get rid of the dog smell in an apartment so as not to confuse your guests and not drown in the stench yourself?

There are several rules that, if followed, will help maintain a pleasant atmosphere in your home or apartment.

  • The main reason is the owner's laziness.
  • If possible, do not keep “smelly breeds” of dogs, such as spaniels and shepherds, in the sleeping area and do not allow them to lie on armchairs or sofas.
  • Maintain the dog’s general hygiene - bathe, clean the ears, wipe the anus (after all, the dog cannot do this on its own).
  • In adults, inflammation of the paraanal glands may occur, the discharge of which is accompanied by a not very pleasant aroma. If, in addition to emitting an odor, the dog “rides on its butt,” licks its anus, or itches, then you urgently need to visit a veterinarian, because the pet experiences unpleasant sensations that only a doctor can eliminate.
  • Hunting dogs are prone to a disease called seborrhea. They have sebaceous glands and their skin produces 30% more oil than other breeds. At the same time, the dog emits a not very pleasant odor. To reduce its intensity, frequent bathing with special shampoos is recommended.
  • Monitor proper nutrition, as improper digestion will bring not only discomfort to the owners, but also painful intestinal spasms and stomach cramps for the dog.
  • Set aside a place for a bed, which must be constantly looked after: cleaned of wool, washed, deodorized with odor blockers.
  • Designate a place for the toilet, train your pet to use it and keep it clean.
  • Vacuum, because wool is the source of the unpleasant odor.
  • Sanitize the premises using disinfectants or vinegar solution.

But what to do if the dog makes marks in the apartment? First of all, get a water pistol and use it when you “catch” an animal at the crime scene.

After this, ignore and shame the dog for two hours. Dog handlers recommend isolating the animal for some time in an enclosure after a puddle has been discovered.

Treat the tag area with disinfectants and special odor-blocking sprays.

Common non-pathological causes

The following phenomena can also lead to unpleasant symptoms:

  1. It's not the dog that smells, but his bedding . If a dog spends a lot of time in its place, the owner may not understand that the smell is not from the pet, but from its bed. This attribute requires washing or cleaning, as the fabric can harbor parasites and pathogens.
  2. Insufficient hygiene of a long-haired pet . In addition, pets with thick, long fur coats may smell of urine or feces, since the fur in the genital area often becomes dirty during defecation. It’s easy to get rid of this trouble; it’s enough to regularly give your dog a hygienic haircut.
  3. Getting the coat wet . Many dog ​​owners notice that their pet smells the most intensely after a swim or walk in the rain. This occurs when the wool begins to dry and the aroma spreads with the evaporation. But when the coat becomes dry, the scent disappears or becomes normal.
  4. Seasonal molt . In dogs with abundant undercoat, this layer of fur coat is saturated with a layer of sebum, and when it is rejected, the aroma becomes more intense.
  5. Wool contamination . Most dogs do not need frequent bathing, and unnecessarily bathing them can be harmful. But if the dog is not bathed at all, the sebum covering the fur becomes too concentrated, and the smell intensifies. The pet will not feel any discomfort, but the owners will definitely feel it.
  6. Exercise stress . When an animal moves a lot, metabolic processes in the body, including in the excretory system, accelerate.
  7. Hormonal imbalances . Puberty, estrus, heat, pregnancy - all these conditions are accompanied by hormonal changes, and dogs begin to smell stronger than usual. Moreover, males exude a stronger “spirit” of a dog than females.
  8. Love of wallowing in sewage . This behavior has developed historically - canines get dirty in the excrement of other animals and fall to hide their scent. Until now, representatives of hunting breeds, even if they do not work, do similar things. Also, the dog can wallow in sewage due to behavioral disorders - this requires consultation with a veterinarian. Owners should not use scented detergents to wash their dogs; an extraneous aroma can cause the pet to wallow even more eagerly in the foul-smelling masses.

All of the above are completely understandable phenomena that can be predicted. The intensity of the smell can only be reduced by carefully taking care of the hygiene of your four-legged friend.

How to bathe a dog

What and how often should I bathe my dog ​​to get rid of dog smell? Dog handlers recommend this procedure be carried out once every 1-1.5 months. If you bathe too often, the sebaceous glands will begin to produce more oil than usual, which will lead to an even greater unpleasant odor.

If it’s rare, then, for obvious reasons, it’s also not very good. After rinsing, it is advisable to dry it not with a hairdryer, but with a towel that absorbs moisture well. The hair dryer dries the skin too much.

Buy shampoos only in zoological pharmacies.

  • Do not use human ones under any circumstances, as they contain too aggressive components to which the dog will develop allergies and dandruff.
  • A properly selected shampoo will not only neutralize unpleasant odors, but will also make the coat shiny and healthy.
  • Manufacturers have tried to create such detergents that even after a walk in the rain, the wool smells not like dog, but like perfume.
  • Odor blocking coat deodorants are also available for purchase.

How to fight

There are other reasons why your dog stinks. My dog ​​smells like dog, what should I do? Review your pet's hygiene. You may be breaking the rules. Maybe the animal should be washed more often, because basically the most common sources of foul odor are the mouth and fur. Forgetting to brush your teeth. This can be done with regular children's toothpaste. Recently, dog breeders have been using special dog deodorants and shampoos, try purchasing them, the smell may disappear.

There is a way to eliminate the smell: you can bathe the animal, and then apply a solution of water and vinegar, in a one-to-one ratio, to the fur. Vinegar does an excellent job of removing odors and eliminating them. Keep your pet's ears clean, treat them; there may also be an unpleasant “aroma” concentrated here. There is no need to spray your dog with your own hygiene products, deodorants, straighteners, eau de toilette, or perfume. This may cost your pet a sense of smell. After a walk, it is better to wash your dog. Here are simple rules, failure to comply with which can lead to the dog having an unpleasant odor.

The second common point is that a dog may smell bad due to poor nutrition. Let the animal be the same as you. The animal's menu should be balanced, containing all the necessary elements. If you wish, you can contact a veterinarian, he will select a special diet for your pet in accordance with the nature and characteristics of the dog. Do not give your dog raw meat and fish. Fried foods should also not be given. This can lead to infection with worms. It's better to steam your dog.

Do not salt food or add pepper or seasonings to it. Vital cereals for dogs - millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice porridge - they contain a lot of carbohydrates that the animal needs. Cook porridge in water. Meat and vegetables are also added to porridges for vitamins.

Ways to neutralize dog odor on the couch

Adult dogs relieve themselves in the fresh air, but small ones behave unpredictably and can lift their legs, marking the corner of the sofa. And if you don’t keep track, the puppy has already stretched out on the sofa, covered all the upholstery with wool and wiped his dirty paws on it, or even relieved himself on him.

How to remove dog smell from a sofa? As soon as you notice a fresh wet spot, you must:

  • Immediately collect as much urine as possible with dry wipes;
  • Pour cat litter onto the wet spot and leave for a few minutes, the granules should absorb the remaining urine (you can remove the remaining litter with a vacuum cleaner);
  • The yellow stain can be removed with dishwashing detergent, hydrogen peroxide or liquid soap.

Remove the wool from the sofa with a vacuum cleaner, and the remaining smell with a deodorant that blocks unpleasant odors.

How to properly clean wood floors from dog urine

While the most unpleasant formations can be removed from the carpet quite quickly, the pungent dog “aroma” from a wooden floor is a dangerous problem. The appearance of dampness (if the dog peed in the same place several times) can lead to damage to the varnish and swelling of the laminate or parquet. Initially, dog urine is removed using a napkin or towel. You need to blot the puddle, wash the floor with clean water, and wipe dry. Next you can do the following:

  • rub the laminate with lemon peel;
  • make a paste of soda and water (change when dry);
  • neutralize the stench by washing the flooring with a floor cleaner that smells of lavender and mint.

The use of ordinary bleach or powder is unacceptable: they will not help remove dog urine from the floor and will damage the coating (suitable only for light-colored linoleum). To prevent your dog from peeing on the floor again and the room smelling like urine, you can try a weaning spray. True, it rarely helps. If the dog begins to go to the toilet in the room due to old age, you will have to lay oilcloths or a medical diaper on the floor. Difficulties are also possible when an adult dog marks the territory due to the appearance of a cat.

Ways to neutralize odors in cars

There are times when your pet needs to be transported in a car. After this, a persistent unpleasant odor appears in the car interior due to the small area and poor ventilation.

How to remove dog smell from a car? To do this, it is necessary to regularly carry out hygienic cleaning of the car interior.

  • Remove covers and all kinds of capes, rugs from the interior, wash or wash them.
  • Wool is the main source of unpleasant odors. The interior needs to be vacuumed. If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, remove the fur with a stiff brush or slightly damp cloth.
  • Treat hard surfaces with a disinfectant.

Dogs that are not accustomed to riding may wet themselves from stress.

  • In this case, use dry wipes to collect as much urine as possible, and then treat the area with any detergent.
  • You can also apply a 0.5 cm layer of soda to the stain, and spray a mixture of 3% hydrogen peroxide and liquid detergent on top using an aerosol.
  • Leave for a few minutes, then remove from the interior and vacuum the residue.

First try on an inconspicuous area; if there are no marks left on the upholstery, then this method will work.
  • Baking soda is an excellent antibacterial agent that can absorb unpleasant odors. You can leave a container of soda in the car overnight and remove it the next day.
  • A vinegar solution (1 part and 1 part 6% vinegar) will do an excellent job of removing any odors; you just need to spray it in the cabin. The pungent odor will go away after it dries completely. Before you begin such treatment, you need to apply it to an inconspicuous area of ​​the upholstery; if there is no trace left, you can safely begin.

The most effective way is prevention. And if it happens that you need to transport an animal in a car, then cover the place where it will be first with oilcloth and then with an old blanket.

How to properly clean wood floors from dog urine

While the most unpleasant formations can be removed from the carpet quite quickly, the pungent dog “aroma” from a wooden floor is a dangerous problem. The appearance of dampness (if the dog peed in the same place several times) can lead to damage to the varnish and swelling of the laminate or parquet. Initially, dog urine is removed using a napkin or towel. You need to blot the puddle, wash the floor with clean water, and wipe dry. Next you can do the following:

  • rub the laminate with lemon peel;
  • make a paste of soda and water (change when dry);
  • neutralize the stench by washing the flooring with a floor cleaner that smells of lavender and mint.

Photo instructions for caring for a dog

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