What smell do dogs not like: how to scare a dog away from your house or property

It is customary to remember about odors that dogs cannot tolerate when the pet commits another misdeed, which the owner cannot influence in any way. Whether it’s dug up flower beds in a country house or a marked corner in an apartment, powerlessness prompts you to look for workarounds to influence the animal. Despite the fact that the olfactory system of dogs is much coarser than that of a cat, it is still superior to humans by many times. Dog noses also cannot tolerate certain categories of odors that do not cause much discomfort to humans. We’ll talk further about what smells dogs don’t like and how to use them without harming the animal’s health.

What smells do dogs not like?

No. 1. Hot peppers

Hot peppers such as jalapeno peppers, chili peppers, and poblano peppers are natural dog repellents. They are effective for one simple reason: they are spices.

The tingling sensation in the tongue and nose is completely foreign to dogs and is not something they like. As a result, they move as far away from the place where they found the pepper as possible.

In many cases, simply sprinkling ground pepper on the area where the dog is pooping is enough to repel the dog.

While we can't always smell a spice right away, the strength of your pup's olfactory senses ensures that they will sense it.

The spiciness of peppers comes from chemical compounds called capsaicinoids. You can easily create a repellent spray by crushing pepper and mixing it with a little water.

It is important to be careful when doing this.

Dogs are very sensitive to spices and may sneeze. In severe cases, they may even suffer from respiratory problems.

Never feed your dog hot peppers or spray their fur with them.

Instead, you can use a spray to keep your puppy away from plants and certain parts of the yard that are toxic to dogs.

If your dog is particularly sensitive, you can create a pepper spray that has no seeds or white veins.

Interesting on the topic: Can dogs eat sweet bell peppers?

You can also use ready-made preparations with a smell that dogs do not like:

Beaphar Stop it Dog spray for repelling dogs

Thuja is the most popular conifer.

Among the various exotic coniferous trees, thuja occidentalis occupies a strong dominant position. This is the most popular plant among visitors to nurseries and garden centers; rare landscape projects today can be done without the use of thuja. Plantings of this tree and shrub plant are found in parks, squares, and summer cottages in both big cities and small towns. Thuja has become a characteristic element of the Belarusian landscape. And it came to Europe from North America, where it naturally grows in the eastern part of the continent.

Thuja forms vary in height, size and crown shape, and have different growth rates. There are columnar, pyramidal, spherical, cushion-shaped, heather-shaped crown shapes. The color of the needles is also varied - from emerald green to golden and whitish.

The most popular among landscapers and amateur gardeners is the compact cone-shaped thuja Brabant with densely growing branches. It is distinguished by its rapid growth, has a height of 15-20 m and a crown diameter of 6 m. Thuja Smaragd has similar properties. The plant received its name for the emerald color of the needles and a very narrow cone-shaped shape with densely spaced branches. The plant reaches a height of 5-7m and looks especially good in single plantings and small groups. Thuja occidentalis Columna has a columnar shape. In terms of habit, this thuja resembles a cypress, growing up to 8 m in height and 1.5 m in width. All three of these species can be successfully used in creating a hedge (in some cases, the effect of a hedge is achieved without pruning).

Other cone-shaped forms of western thuja are also known: Europe Gold - a slow-growing form 4 m high, with golden-yellow needles; Holmstrup - dwarf thuja with green needles, 3-4 m in height; Sunkist - narrow cone-shaped, very dense and compressed, with golden-yellow needles, up to 4-5 m high; thuja with golden needles Ellwangeriana Aurea.

Pyramidal and columnar thujas serve as decoration for regular and landscape compositions in parks and squares, giving objects solemnity and pomp. These forms are used in alley plantings, on boulevards and when creating hedges and bosquets. When choosing a planting site for tall trees, keep in mind that trees planted near buildings will quickly grow, darken the windows, and the roots will damage the foundation and blind area.

Low-growing (dwarf) forms of thuja with various shades of needles, along with other types of conifers, will serve as decoration for rocky gardens, rock gardens and alpine slides. The spherical thuja western Danica with green needles reaches 0.6-1 m in height in 20 years; Thuja occidentalis Recurva nana is a dwarf plant with a cone-shaped shape, grows up to 2 m; Reingold form - a flat-growing, semicircular plant with golden-yellow branches; Tiny Tim form - a slowly growing bush up to 0.5-1 m high with branches twisted in the form of shells. The spherical thuja Globosa with a diameter of 1.5 m is also widely known.

Group plantings, where different forms of thuja are used, are highly decorative. The combination with flowering trees and shrubs, as well as plants with original foliage colors, creates a colorful picture throughout the year. When creating landscape groups, the biological characteristics of each plant should be taken into account. The tallest plants are planted in the center or in the background, and the shortest plants are planted in front or on the sides, as their size decreases.

Globular and bush-shaped thujas are good in single and group plantings. Without cutting, they retain their shape throughout their lives. But over time, the bush “falls apart” into individual stems and loses its decorative effect. Such thujas are not suitable for hedges, but they look good in linear plantings along paths and on ridges.

Often, wanting to immediately get a spectacular picture, gardeners try to plant coniferous plants close to each other, without taking into account their growth rate, crown size and shade tolerance. By saturating group plantings with a large number of different species and forms, we create a motley picture in which it is impossible to appreciate the beauty of each plant. It is desirable that the number of trees and shrubs in a group does not exceed 5-7 pieces.

When planted very densely, the needles and branches, not receiving enough light, quickly die, the stem is exposed, and the decorative effect is lost, which is not restored even over time.

No. 2. Ground spices

Your dog's reaction to ground spices is very similar to how your dog reacts to hot peppers.

Ground chili powder, cayenne pepper, ground mustard and more are great for keeping your dog away from areas you want to keep away from canine mischief.

Many ground pepper spices are used in commercial dog repellents due to their effectiveness. If you want to try the spices, you can simply sprinkle them on part of your yard.

Again, never blow it in your dog's face. Fine particles can easily get into your dog's nose and cause burning and irritation.

No. 3. Citrus

Citrus scents can be found in a wide variety of household products. It is used in cleaning products, room deodorizers, candles and more.

This scent is pleasant to us, but dogs absolutely despise it.

The problem with citrus fruits is that the oils in the skin can irritate your pup's respiratory tract.

Citrus oils are commonly used in products designed to prevent dogs from urinating in certain areas.

Instead of shelling out a lot of money, you can easily make the product yourself.

All it requires is the peel of oranges, lemons, limes or grapefruits. Simply place the skins on the ground and your dog will avoid the area.

You can also use fruit juice to create a spray.

If you want something more powerful, citrus essential oils are also available. They are very concentrated, so you can dilute the oils with a little water before spraying them around your home or yard.

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Repellent odors

Smells that cause disgust in dogs can be divided into several categories. These include natural scents, artificial scents and special repellents designed to keep dogs away from restricted areas. Let's talk about each of the categories in more detail.

Natural smells

Natural odors include the odors of fruits, vegetables and plants, which do not require complex manipulations to obtain. In most cases, it is enough to place strong-smelling objects around the desired location to achieve the effect.

Natural odors have a gentler effect on your pet’s sense of smell, unlike chemicals.


Pepper is a universal “repellent” due to the intensity of the aroma it emits. Both the negative and positive sides of pepper converge in the effectiveness of this product. Its aggressive influence on the olfactory system imposes certain prohibitions on its use: it is undesirable to resort to it when training puppies or hunting breeds that have a more sensitive sense of smell.

Pepper repels dogs both in its original form and in powder form.

Cayenne pepper scattered around the perimeter of the flowerbed will scare away domestic and stray dogs from it and ensure the safety of the plants. The dose of the product is determined by the size of the treated area. The main disadvantage of this method of dealing with uninvited guests is the need to re-treat the area after each rain.

Pepper can also be used in the form of a crushed pod, wrapping the product particles in gauze and spreading it around the house or around the dacha area. Shoes rubbed with such a pod discourage the puppy's interest in them after the first acquaintance.

You can rub a decoction of pepper on plants and objects without worrying about them spoiling.

Treating plants with a decoction with the addition of pepper will be effective. To prepare such a decoction, just dissolve one teaspoon of red pepper in a glass of water and boil the resulting liquid.


This type of tobacco may be known to many thanks to movies in which criminals hid their tracks using shag. On animals, shag produces a negative effect, prompting them to move away from the territory it has marked. Finding shag can be not so easy, so tobacco from ordinary cigarettes may be suitable as an analogue.

Thanks to its pungent odor, shag repels any animals with sensitive noses.

Shag can be used in dry form - just sprinkle it on an object or area that is forbidden to the dog. It is also possible to brew this type of tobacco and, if desired, mix it with other caustic ingredients (such as ground pepper) to enhance the effect.


The smell emitted by citrus fruits is the worst enemy of both cats and dogs. You can use citrus fruits in any way: by laying out orange slices or orange zest, or by rubbing the fruit on surfaces that dogs cannot access. It is worth keeping in mind that hostility to citrus fruits is individual in nature.

Grapefruit peel is a real olfactory bomb in the fight against animal curiosity

The most aggressive fruit is grapefruit; oranges and tangerines have less impact on animals and may even attract them. The most effective is citrus essential oil, which can be purchased at any pharmacy and soaked into surfaces.


This remedy is little known in wide circles, but its alternative name “volkogon” speaks for itself. Hellebore does not grow in all regions of Russia and is currently popular in the taiga. A few stems of this plant are enough to discourage a dog from the forbidden area once and for all.

Due to the toxicity of this plant, it must be used with knowledge of the possible consequences.

The main disadvantages of hellebore are the difficulty in acquiring the plant and its toxicity. Unlike citrus fruits, shag and pepper, hellebore is fraught with real danger and can be fatal if ingested by a pet.

Large predator

Of course, supplying a garden flowerbed with bears to scare away dogs would be a completely pointless undertaking. However, formally, it is the smell of predators that gives an unambiguous command to the dog to retreat and hide in a safe place.

Animals smell the scents of their relatives over long distances and avoid encounters with strong individuals.

Probably, in the not so distant future, the odors of large and dangerous predators will be successfully synthesized and will fit into a compact bottle. In this case, this particular scent will be one of the most effective.

Artificial smells

All artificially synthesized odors, one way or another, produce a depressing impression on animals, forcing them to stay away from the source of the aroma. You can verify this by spraying deodorant near the animal and observing its reaction. Most likely, the dog will wrinkle and run to another corner.

Any sprayed substances cause dogs to want to move away from the source of the smell.

What can we say about more aggressive chemicals such as acetone or calcium carbide. Chemical odors should be used with extreme caution so as not to burn the animal’s sinuses or cause an acute attack of allergies.

Calcium carbide

If desired, calcium carbide can be purchased; it is sold in kilograms. However, one can hardly find the use of this compound in everyday life. It is not poisonous, but it emits a noticeable aroma in any condition. The smell intensifies when water comes into contact with calcium carbide, becoming unpleasant not only for the animal, but also for humans.

Calcium carbide is practically not used at home because it can be harmful

Moreover, this substance tends to release alkali, which is harmful to both plants and floor coverings. It is unacceptable to leave calcium carbide in the presence of children, as it can cause skin irritation if handled carelessly.


Smells that please people often cause sharp rejection in pets. This is partly due to the alcohol found in most perfumes and antiperspirants, which dogs can barely tolerate. However, there are individuals that demonstrate striking indifference to both fragrances and alcohol base.

Despite the fact that perfumes have a rich aroma, dogs' reaction to them varies from person to person.

In addition to an unpredictable reaction to perfume, it is also possible for your pet to become accustomed to certain, even strong odors. Addiction occurs faster if the aroma of perfume is filled with positive associations with the owner. As an aside, it should be noted that many dogs are intolerant of mouthwash.

Volatile organic compounds

Dogs do not perceive odors well:

  1. Gasoline;
  2. Household chemicals;
  3. Solvents;
  4. Essential oils;
  5. Varnish;
  6. Vinegar.

Dogs share a dislike for volatile organic compounds with humans.

It is these substances that ideally fall into the VOC category. You can often notice a negative attitude of a dog towards a tipsy owner who is trying to pet the animal, sometimes even turning into aggression. It's all because of the smell of alcohol, which seems unbearable to the dog. The combination of an unpleasant odor and a beloved owner causes internal dissonance and causes the animal to experience double stress.

It is unlikely that any owner would dare to use gasoline or solvents at home, since the aromas from these products are harmful to all living beings, without exception. But vinegar or pure alcohol can be very useful in the fight against an intractable dog without causing poisoning or burns.

Alcohol is the least toxic volatile compound, but its duration of action is short

It is enough to moisten a cotton wool or swab in the chosen liquid and place it in the right place to shock the dog’s sense of smell. The only weak point of such products is their rapid evaporation. In this case, mothballs, which have a persistent aroma, can come to the rescue - a pleasant bonus of using them will be getting rid of moths along the way.

Video - Smells that turn off dogs

No. 4. Fresh herbs

Many dogs don't like fresh herbs like mint or rosemary. They have a very pungent aroma that dogs don't like. You can use this fact to your advantage and plan for fresh herbs in your garden.

You can also create a simple spray solution by soaking the grass in water to extract the oils.

Although most dogs cannot tolerate the smell of grass, some will have no problem with mint.

In fact, there are many mint-flavored treats that can help combat bad breath. Before you start purchasing mint products, see how your dog reacts to the smell and taste.

How to get rid of unwanted pets

A dog-repellent scent can be used against uninvited guests who wander onto your property, lawn or flowerbed. You need to know how to discourage dogs so that they don’t come back, but also not harm them. It is better to use natural repellents - lavender, vinegar, garlic, alcohol. You can turn on the ultrasonic repeller once. If dogs are aggressive, it is better to spray an aerosol.

Dog repellers have an unpleasant odor

A dog's sense of smell is famous for its keenness. The dog is able to distinguish all kinds of aromas. Unpleasant odors irritate the animal and cause it stress, so such “stinkers” should be used only as a last resort.

No. 5. Vinegar

Vinegar is a very versatile ingredient that is used in many home remedies. There are several different types of vinegar available on the market.

Some, like standard white vinegar, can be used to keep your dog and his urine away from furniture, corners, and your yard.

It is safe, non-toxic and relatively affordable. Just pour it into a spray bottle and get to work.

The downside of vinegar is that it really doesn't smell very good to us humans either. It is sour and very sharp. Although it reminds many of the smell of marinated kebab.

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No. 6. Mothballs

These tiny white beads have a very distinct smell that you will immediately recognize if you have used them at some point in your life. They are designed to prevent moths from eating your clothes.

Mothballs act as a pesticide and deodorizer to control mold odors. Due to their chemical composition, moth balls are very dangerous for both dogs and humans.

If you plan to use mothballs to keep your dog out of the room, make sure the mothballs are securely attached. If your dog eats even one mothball, he will be at immediate risk of death.

To prevent problems from occurring, you can store mothballs out of reach or use a specially designed holder. As long as the strong smell of mothballs permeates the room, it will do its job.

We save furniture

All the means described below (and their various combinations) will help not only wean cats from marking the territory of the house, but also from scratching, gnawing and otherwise damaging interior items. An important detail: all fragrant “repellents” tend to fade, so they should be renewed periodically.

  • Citrus. This group of fruits is not at all dangerous for cats, but it does cause them a distinct dislike. You can sprinkle the furniture with lemon, orange or grapefruit juice, drop a little essential oil or put a few pieces of peel.
  • Mint. This fragrant plant will not only effectively repel furry pets, but will also give the room a pleasant, fresh smell. If it is not possible to grow a mint bush or buy a bunch of its branches, this is not a problem - it can be easily found in the form of a dried seasoning that almost completely retains its rich aroma.
  • Ruta. This herbaceous perennial plant with a spicy onion-garlic odor, used in cooking and folk medicine, is considered almost the most “killer” means of repelling cats. Rue is not always safe for humans either - it is a fairly strong allergen, especially for young children.
  • Lavender and rosemary. These plants, in sachet or dried twig format, are often used for bedding to give them a light, soothing scent and repel moths and other insects. And they are also very effective against cats, so you can, as they say, kill two birds with one stone.

  • Cats also don’t like the popular confectionery additive cinnamon. Sprinkling the seasoning is not very convenient due to its fine grinding, so this product is usually used in the form of essential oil or an aqueous solution.
  • Several other odors are irritating to cats, but not pleasant to humans either - table vinegar, garlic and onions. Few people like their scent throughout the entire room, so they are rarely used.
  • Special repellents. The effectiveness of these remedies, depending on the composition and manufacturer, can be either very low or quite good, but they all have a significant drawback - a significantly higher price in comparison with folk remedies.
  • Perfumery. A light and pleasant aroma for humans can be very irritating for a sensitive cat's nose. But here you should carefully test which smell repels the animal, and which is ineffective or unexpectedly attractive.

It is important not only to scare your pet away from furniture and other places in the house, but also to provide your furry pet with an alternative, otherwise all the measures taken will be of no use. This means that if a cat goes to the toilet in the wrong place, he needs to be accustomed to the litter box and keep the litter clean; if he scratches the wallpaper, build a scratching post or donate, for example, an old bedside table.

However, a cat that marks furniture will most likely have to be neutered.

This is not the best option, since in the strong half of cats, after surgery, not only hormonal levels are disrupted, but also metabolism, obesity appears, and character often changes. It is better, if only the place of residence allows, to let the cat out into the street, where he can do all his business without causing much inconvenience to people.

No. 7. Alcohol

Standard rubbing alcohol has an unpleasant odor to dogs. You can spray alcohol onto cotton balls and place them on the area where your dog is acting up.

The effectiveness of alcohol will depend entirely on its concentration. The higher the alcohol percentage, the stronger the smell.

As with any chemical, it is important to keep your dog safe. Never spray it on your dog. Many veterinarians do not even recommend rubbing alcohol on a dog's skin after an injury, so it is important to avoid any contact with the dog.

In addition, alcohol is highly flammable. Keep this in mind when placing alcohol-soaked cotton balls around your home.

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No. 8. Household cleaning products

Has your dog ever left the room when you started cleaning your kitchen countertops or floors? It's not because they are so polite and appreciate your cleaning work.

This is because they absolutely hate the ingredients in regular household cleaning products.

Many products use chlorine or ammonia. Additionally, some have added citrus scents, making the smell worse for your pup.

Never use cleaning products as a direct repellent on your dog, especially if they contain strong chemicals such as ammonia.

Inhaling ammonia can cause burns and irritation to your dog's throat.

It is always recommended to keep your dog outside when you are cleaning an area they frequent. While it would be dangerous to use household cleaners to repel your puppy, you can simply keep the room clean.

For example, many owners don't want their dog to come into their bathroom. So they just clean it regularly. Once the strong fumes have subsided, your dog will not be in danger.

However, this small amount of odor will be enough to make them reluctant to enter the room.

Other repellents

In addition to exposure to odors, there are other methods of repelling dogs. In addition to the sense of smell, you can also influence the animal’s hearing through ultrasound, or even taste buds, which are very sensitive to unpleasant tastes.

For ultrasound to be effective, its frequency must be at least 21 kHz

Since the need to get rid of the dog’s annoying attention arises in different circumstances, the methods of dealing with animals should be different. We will talk further about alternative ways to scare off a dog and prohibit it from certain actions.

Table 1. Dog repellents

Grannick's Bitter Apple SprayThe composition of the spray is completely safe for dogs even if ingested. Bitters, water and twenty percent isopropyl alcohol make the spray effective in combating dogs' excessive attention to forbidden objects. To use this substance, just apply it to an object. Non-aggressive components allow the composition to be applied not only to shoes, but also to other more delicate surfaces. Some owners even apply it to their hands if necessary. Disadvantages include quick odor dissipation and ineffectiveness when used outdoors.
HALT Dog Repellent SprayThis drug is suitable primarily for cyclists who are tired of the intrusive attention of dogs. The main component of the spray is capsaicin, which is extracted from peppers and has a sharp effect on the dog’s sense of smell. Since the composition is used in emergency situations, it must be directed directly at the four-legged pest to cause a quick reaction. When particles of the substance enter the dog’s nasal mucosa or oral cavity, the effect is achieved immediately. When spraying a substance, care must be taken to ensure that the person himself does not come into contact with the released stream.
The Company of Animals Pet CorrectorThis product is not widely used in household conditions, since its influence extends to the dog’s hearing. When you press the cap, a compressed gas is released from the cylinder, which in itself is completely neutral. The effect is exerted by the sound itself with which the gas is emitted. Remotely, this sound resembles the hiss of a goose or snake before an attack and informs the dog that danger is nearby. Most often, this drug is used when training a grumpy pet to discipline it. This method of control is not very effective against wild or aggressive dogs.
Hoont Electronic Ultrasonic Handheld Dog RepellentThis device works using ultrasound, which is unrecognizable to humans, but has a negative effect on dogs. The product helps to instantly distract the dog from an unwanted action, but does not consolidate the result, since the dog does not associate ultrasound with a specific offense. Therefore, the device is more suitable for attracting individual attention. The device is completely safe and operates at a distance of up to 15 meters. Individual reactions to ultrasound should be taken into account - not all animals are sensitive to it. Some buyers noted the uselessness of the device, while others were satisfied with it
Havahart Critter Ridder 3146 Animal RepellentThe repellent is intended for treating soil that the owner plans to protect from attacks by pets or stray animals. The mixture contains natural ingredients: pepper and capsaicin. The product is great not only for fighting dogs, but also cats, squirrels and other animals. Its advantage over ordinary ground pepper is its durability - the particles of the mixture continue to affect the pet’s sense of smell even after rain and do not require renewal for a whole month. However, plot owners have repeatedly noted the dubious effectiveness of the repellent and the frequent ignoring of it by pets when mastering the beds
Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion Activated SprinklerThe device is an automatic sprinkler with a built-in sensor that responds to the approach of animals. The device is equipped with night and day modes, allowing you to protect the area from encroachment around the clock. By taking into account the consumed liquid and battery, the sprinkler prevents the consumption of unnecessary resources and operates in an economical mode. According to reviews from site owners, this miracle of technology is the most effective in the fight against uninvited guests.

If desired, you can combine several repellers to achieve the optimal effect depending on their scope of application. Thus, repellents scattered over the beds turn out to be completely useless when meeting stray dogs on the street, which ultrasound will help scare off, and vice versa. Below we will tell you how to choose an ultrasonic repeller so that the device turns out to be the most effective.

Choosing an ultrasonic repeller

No. 9. Perfume or cologne

Perfume and cologne contain a number of ingredients that dogs will avoid. Puppies often ignore their owner the moment a scent is applied to their skin.

This is because perfume products contain chemical compounds, essential oils and alcohol.

All of these ingredients have a strong odor that dogs hate. Not only that, but the scents mask your body's natural odor.

Dogs primarily identify you by your unique scent. Even if you don't feel like you smell much, you have a scent that identifies you.

This smell calms your dog. When you cover it up with strong perfume, your dog won't like it. Although perfumes and colognes are smells that dogs hate, you should never use them as a repellent, no matter how effective they are.

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Mice cannot tolerate the smell of certain plants, which are called natural repellents.


The leaves and stems of wormwood contain an essential substance called thujone, which gives it a specific pungent, bitterish odor. The aroma of this herb repels rodents. Bundles of dry or fresh plants can be placed in residential and commercial premises. You can smoke pests out of holes by burning bunches of grass in front of the entrances.



A herbaceous plant with umbels of yellow flowers is widespread throughout Russia. The flowers have a sharp, slightly sweetish, spicy scent that repels mice. Fresh plants in bunches are laid out in sheds and cellars.



The shoots and flowers of the bush contain tannins and hydrocyanic acid - substances with a pungent odor, poisonous to mammals. Shrubs can be planted around fruit trees; for the winter, elderberry branches are tied to the tree trunk.



The plant has long been used in rural areas to repel and bait rodents. A few branches in the center of a haystack will prevent mice from building a nest in it. The juice and decoction of the plant are used as poison in rat bait.

The herbaceous plant can be planted on the site next to outbuildings and fruit trees. Dry rhizomes, stems, and seeds can be laid out indoors, in the trunk of a car.



The name of this evergreen shrub, common in temperate and northern latitudes, comes from the old Russian word “to poison, to suffocate.” All parts of the plant are poisonous.

The smell can cause headaches in humans; it should be used with caution. To repel mice, fresh leaves and branches are laid out indoors



All representatives of the Lamiaceae family, that is, varieties of mint and lemon balm, contain organic substances with a pungent odor - menthol, various acids. Mice avoid areas planted with mint.

Mice in the apartment will be repelled by plants planted in pots. For these purposes, you can also lay out bunches of dried plants.



The medicinal plant is widespread and is considered a weed by gardeners. To repel mice, you can scatter dried crushed or whole flowers near their habitats and place them directly in holes and passages.


No. 10. Cosmetic products

Nail polish, hairspray, and other cosmetic products contain chemicals. Think about how familiar these foods smell.

Most adults can easily identify these foods without even looking at them, especially if they are familiar with them. If the smell is strong for you, it will be almost unbearable for your puppy.

Never use cosmetics as a deterrent. If you plan to use them on yourself, keep your dog in a well-ventilated area that will not be exposed to the fumes.

Additionally, you can buy natural beauty products or those that do not contain harsh chemicals.

Why do you need a dog repeller?

Fear is a basic emotion for survival. By acting on it, you can scare away the animal for a long time. Then the dog will stop attacking aggressively, shitting in unnecessary places, damaging property and destroying landscaping.

You can influence the animal's vision, hearing, smell or taste. Depending on this, repellent devices are divided into the following types:

Some odors common to humans are unpleasant to dogs.

Gas cartridges

Filled with a special mixture. When sprayed near an animal, they affect vision and smell.


Affects the animal's hearing, is safe for people. There are portable and stationary repellers. You can carry mechanical (whistle) and electronic devices with you.

For your information! Stationary ones contain a motion sensor and turn on when a dog appears in the coverage area.

Portable ultrasonic repellers are compact and easy to use

Stun gun

They scare away animals using an electric discharge: sharp bright flashes of light, loud crackling, impact on pain centers.


They affect the dog’s sense of smell and have a pungent odor.


Dogs are very sensitive creatures and can be affected by smells you can't even smell. Every dog ​​is different, so your puppy's reaction may be different from another's.

Over time, you will learn what your dog likes and doesn't like.

When you discover something that your puppy hates, you can use it to keep him away from a certain place.

You can also use this information to help keep your dog comfortable and safe in your home.

What means do you use to stop your dog from crapping anywhere and chewing on useful objects?

Please write in the comments!

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