What smell is guaranteed to keep dogs away from your favorite carpet or lawn?

If you have problems with your dog relieving its needs in the apartment, of course, they need to be addressed. There are many means that are used to prevent animals from shitting anywhere. But where to start depends, first of all, on the age of the dog. How to stop her from peeing and is it worth using a scent that repels dogs if she is still a puppy? Toilet training (tray, disposable diaper, etc.) is one of the main points in raising a little four-legged friend.

Advice There are, of course, small breed dogs that are accustomed to going to a special home toilet. However, the vast majority of adult dogs do this outdoors.

It’s a completely different matter if your dog is no longer a puppy, but still craps in the apartment.

Here, behavior correction is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. We remove diuretic products from the dog menu.
  2. We increase the walking time by 30 minutes.
  3. We take a diaper and water with us when going outside.
  4. We give the animal a drink and show him where the diaper is.
  5. We praise you for accidentally relieving yourself on the grass or soil.
  6. We forget to take a diaper with us for 3-4 walks.

In difficult cases, a dog psychologist will help the owner and the dull pet. The average time it takes to train a puppy or dog to use the “outdoor toilet” is 2 months. If the process is delayed, it is better to contact specialists.

Chihua is tearing and dragging the diaper!

Jenny Kõiv

I have two Chihuahuas - girls.
One is 3 years old, the other is 1 year old. The little one is very active, just fidgety. So, I suspect that this fidget, when no one is at home (usually 3-4 hours a day), carries a “toilet” (in the form of a large absorbent oilcloth from a napkin) around the entire apartment. She tears off a piece and apparently plays with it. What to do? How to wean it off? I was advised to try newspaper. Well, it just took me longer to collect around the apartment.

What are the alternatives to toilets? We are now moving to a house with expensive parquet... if urine gets on the floor, sooner or later it will swell.


Have you tried a toilet (tray) for diapers with latches? The diaper is firmly fixed, mine is also a dirty trick, but I have never managed to get a diaper out of it. but the wallpaper came into use. so buy a toilet and see which is less “traumatic” for you, because... if he likes to play dirty tricks, he will always find something to spoil, even though we have toys, chewing toys, etc. it’s a lot simple, but the desire to do mischief never goes away

Jenny Kõiv

Thanks for the answer! I'll look... I've never seen trays. I hope it helps...she started doing this recently...everything was fine before.

Another question on a different topic: We are moving to a new house, as I wrote, and I need to teach them to sleep separately...i.e. not in my bed. I know - it’s my own fault that I taught them... but I lived alone for 2.5 years and it was very comfortable with them. And now, we need to teach him to sleep separately. What's the best way to do this? It’s impossible for me to hang my hand from the bed towards them, because... the bed is very high. Should they sleep in my bedroom or leave them in the living room with the door closed?

Basically, my girls behave well... there are few problems with them. But, of course, I would like there to be no problems at all.


How to wean a puppy off diapers?

A grown puppy gets accustomed to walking much easier and faster if its physiological characteristics are used. Owners of puppies should remember that they must go to the toilet immediately after sleep. You can use this. You need to have time to pick up the awakened puppy and take him outside. When he relieves himself, he gets a treat.

30-40 minutes after drinking water, the puppy will also want to go to the toilet. Unlike cats, for whom these processes take longer, the baby will run to the diaper as soon as the water in his body is absorbed. You can give the puppy a special drink and then go for a walk with him. So the diaper will soon become an unnecessary attribute.

The physiology of animals is such that after active play they want to go to the toilet again. Many pets make puddles of joy at the sight of their owner. These points should be taken into account when weaning from a diaper. You can simply play smart on the dog’s physiology, and teaching him to relieve himself on the street will be easy and simple.

What to pay attention to first?

Don’t think that as soon as your pet goes outside, he will immediately follow the call of nature and appreciate the convenience of soft grass. On the contrary, during the first hikes the puppy will be very scared, because even in a quiet yard he will be surrounded by a huge number of unknown things, there will be a strange surface under his feet, and all sorts of noises around him.

All this ends with the fact that, having had a walk, he goes to the toilet with great pleasure in his favorite soft and comfortable diaper. Until he gets used to being in the open air and feels free, it should not be removed.

In addition, puppies feel the need quite often - approximately every 4-5 hours depending on age, so not every owner will be happy to go outside with such frequency.

Possible problems and their solutions

Despite the fact that in theory everything seems simple, in practice the owner may encounter a number of problems. But there are solutions for everything:

  • The puppy goes to the diaper every other time.

Perhaps he is still too small and simply does not have time to run, so he pees past the diaper. This is due to the fact that they cannot restrain themselves for up to four months. This is equivalent to trying to teach a six-month-old child to ask for a potty without fail. In later life, the problem may be due to the fact that the diaper is dirty, has an unusual smell, or is distracting.

  • The puppy stopped wearing a diaper.

The reasons are the same as for periodic errors. You shouldn’t get angry at the puppy and think that he is doing this out of spite. Dogs have no such concept as “specifically, to take revenge.” For them, defecation and urination are completely normal physiological processes that do not cause disgust. Remember, a dog can happily eat his own or someone else’s poop and not wince. People are disgusted by this.

What you perceive as a feeling of guilt is flattened ears, a closed posture, eyes on the floor, not an admission of guilt, but fear. Training can be stalled if you punish the puppy for not going to the diaper. What to do in such a situation? You need to exhale deeply, drink a mug of chamomile tea, collect your thoughts and realize that the puppy did not do it on purpose. Make a rollback in your actions and start teaching from the very beginning: wearing a diaper, praising for successes and ignoring mistakes.

If the puppy poops past the diaper, then you should use an antigasin. You must also remember that soon the dog will grow up, and nature dictates that it does not shit in its den, which your home has become for it.

This is a very common problem for owners. Babies explore the world with the help of their mouths, bite and gnaw on everything, this is especially acute during the change of teeth. First of all, provide the puppy with other objects that can be tasted: balls, ropes, squeakers. Don't forget to spend enough time playing with your baby and just communicating.

There is enough attention and toys, but the puppy still eats diapers. What to do in such a situation is not always clear. And you can’t do without a diaper, and there is a risk that the pet will swallow a piece, which can cause intestinal obstruction or vomiting. In this case, it is worth replacing disposable diapers with reusable ones and using a special anti-gnaw spray.

How to train a dog to use a litter box

A plastic tray for four-legged animals is a small flat container into which a diaper is clamped with a special frame. In some cases, film is not required if the toilet for small breeds has a special mesh surface.

Such a tray is often used for an adult dog as a permanent toilet at home; for males, sometimes a post is installed in it, on which they raise their leg. With puppies, a post is usually not needed. Some toilets are equipped with a side wall to protect the walls of the apartment.

What not to do while studying

Despite the possible length of the process of training a dog to walk outside, you should not show your irritation to the animal. Fear and disruption of the usual routine will not help the dog understand what is required of it, so it is better to avoid certain actions. First of all, this concerns:

  • physical punishment for household misfires, regardless of the form in which it is expressed (you cannot hit the dog, ruffle its scruff, or poke its nose into an abandoned puddle, reinforcing your actions with a scream);
  • feeding your pet at different times with very frequent changes in the schedule (this will make it difficult for his body to get used to any one option, which means urinating at the same time will be impossible);
  • ignoring health problems and the animal’s needs for moderate physical activity or rest;
  • using only negative reinforcement and no reward for small successes.

Regardless of age, all dogs react acutely to punishment from their owner. If you hit or shout at the animal when you discover another puddle, this will most likely lead to the opposite reaction: instead of enduring it, the pet will simply look for the most inconspicuous place for the toilet, perhaps starting to urinate every time the owner’s voice raises. To avoid having to re-tame your dog, try to teach it new rules of behavior as gently as possible.

It is quite possible to wean your puppy off the diaper and train him to walk outside. All that is required from the owner is systematicity and persistence in all actions, always while maintaining maximum calm. This is the only way to achieve good results from the work done while maintaining the trust of your dog.

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Share112.02.2011 10:48:49

Hello! Archibald came to live with us a week ago, he immediately did all his diaper work, but in recent days he began to show special interest in these diapers. tries to drag them into his house or simply tears them into pieces. Neither clicking the nose nor locking it in place helps. Please advise what to do!

Share212.02.2011 10:52:01

  • Author: Vita+Linda
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dirlididi , my older dog behaved this way. We removed the diapers for several days and had to run around with a rag. then she put them back, she didn’t tear them anymore. I started vomiting again when I stopped peeing at home, and then we removed them completely. Are there any other options. Does the puppy play this way? Does he have enough toys? Maybe you just need a distraction? And you can also stick the diaper to the floor with tape, perhaps if it doesn’t move, he won’t have the desire to play with it.

Share312.02.2011 11:22:58

Natalia&Vita , thanks for the advice! Now we’re armed with a sketch and gluing the diapers to the floor

He has enough toys, they tried to distract him, but it didn’t work for long, and during the night he still tore apart the diaper that lies near his place. I hope he doesn’t outsmart us and the plan with the sketch will work

Share412.02.2011 12:16:21

  • Author: Assyle
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My little girl also tore her diapers. and now sometimes vomits. but now if only she is left alone for a long time. And sometimes it breaks, sometimes it doesn’t.

I wouldn’t recommend it about the diaper glued to the floor. At one time we bought diapers with Velcro. Those. they were glued to the floor. Gina was terribly interested in this and she tore the diaper. In general, the best way is to buy a plastic tray. and keep the diaper on him. This ultimately saved our parquet) You can glue it to a tray. I think it will be even better. The main thing is that the tray is the size of a diaper. The dog will climb on it and only then do things. This way, the number of “misses” is reduced) Well, I admit that my dog ​​got it when he touched the diapers. At the scene of the crime there is an immediate push with the fingers. Now he doesn’t tear diapers, at least in front of me. only occasionally when she stays at home for a long time and is very nervous.

Share512.02.2011 22:30:40

  • Author: Tasha
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I hope he doesn’t outsmart us and the plan with the sketch will work

What are you saying? This is a beagle! for him, your tape is additional fun, some puppies tear off the linoleum, and you - the tape

Share612.02.2011 22:33:05

Tasha , that’s what happened, I tore off the diaper along with the tape) tomorrow I’ll go look for a tray for him or I’ll have to invent something else

Share712.02.2011 22:56:15

  • Author: Mafia & Victoria
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the best way is to buy a plastic tray. and keep the diaper on him

We had the same story with diapers, until we purchased a plastic toilet for dogs (tray), interest in hooliganism quickly faded

Share812.02.2011 23:08:18

  • Author: Tasha
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  • Dogs: Started singing from the Guest House 09/11/2018; Ileen van de Woefkesranch 2003-2018

dirlididi , Just in case, if the tray is torn off and chewed (this is not banter, mine would absolutely do the same!

), try options with newspaper and rags, stock up

Share913.02.2011 21:51:49

  • Author: Artur
  • Beaglepups
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We are also vomiting, we will try to use your advice.

Share1014.02.2011 07:18:03

  • Author: Fry
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try options with newspaper and rags, stock up

The newspaper is also fun, and there is a lot of dirt from it and you can get full of it. A rag is the best way out and the denser and larger it is, the better. It’s difficult to swallow it, but it won’t be easy to carry it around with you).

When can you start learning to walk outside?

Accustoming a puppy to walking outside can theoretically begin after completing the full course of vaccination - that is, after 3.5 months. Some owners begin walking their pets as early as 2 months, 10–14 days after the first vaccine, but in neither the first nor the second case the animal is not yet ready to endure most of the day to go to the toilet outside. The physiological characteristics of the development of a small dog do not allow it to fully control urination, so it is not worth removing the diaper from the house before the age of five months. Until the pet has fully mastered walking outside, they are left in those places where he is used to defecating in the apartment, gradually reducing the amount: for example, to be on the safe side, you can lay out a temporary toilet at night and clean it for the day.

Some dog trainers advise not to return the diaper to the house after it has already been taken outside, so that the puppy understands where his toilet is now located. However, if the animal has not yet reached the appropriate age and still cannot tolerate it, the puddles will not go away and without a diaper the house owner will only have more work to do.

Important! It is advisable to begin the process of training a dog during vacation or at least on weekends, when the owner can be at home all day and will be able to constantly take the puppy outside. Once you start training, you cannot leave this process unfinished, otherwise the animal will never understand what exactly was required of it.

How to work with learning difficulties

  1. Place several diapers in those places where the dog most often misses. Gradually remove the less popular ones, those that the puppy uses less often.
  2. Pay attention to which diaper the dog wears most often. Perhaps he tells you the most comfortable place for him.
  3. If the puppy regularly misses and walks to the edge of the designated area or nearby, try buying a larger oilcloth or placing two nearby.
  4. If your baby tears up disposable bedding, plays with it, or drags it around the room, don’t swear. This is normal and natural for the baby. Offer him other toys, glue the bedding to the floor with masking tape for a while, so they will not rustle and provoke the dog.
  5. If the puppy refuses to poop in the diaper, watch the dog more closely, catch and take it to the designated place on time, and when it does, be sure to praise it.

We advise you to read: How long do dogs bear puppies?

When should you start?

You can’t go to relieve yourself on the street from a very early age. To begin with, it is worth remembering the average time periods of growing up:

  • up to 4 months – baby;
  • 4-10 months – child;
  • 10-12 months – teenager;
  • more than a year – adult;

These values ​​should be considered solely as a guide, since the timing of maturation “floats” for different breeds.

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Before the age of 4 months, it is still very early to go to the toilet outside. The main thing during this period is to accustom the puppy to cleanliness in the house. Due to his young age, he may forget the location of his toilet, and will never tolerate it, even if the need catches him in the middle of the game.

There is also no need to delay learning. After 10 months, the dog’s character and habits are more or less formed, so it’s worth explaining to the pet where and how to do its “business” before this age. Later you will have to deal with established habits, which is much more difficult than learning from scratch.

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