How to train a French bulldog to toilet outside

Photo by Bucography on Unsplash
Bulldogs are clean and tidy, but puppies up to 2 months old make yellow puddles anywhere, which is due to an innate reflex. It takes patience to train a French pet to go to the toilet; according to the training rules, the dog is praised for its successes, not strictly punished for incorrect actions, and the voiding area is kept clean.

What vitamins should I give my French Bulldog puppy?

Vitamins and supplements

  • Vitamin A is the key to the proper development and growth of a bulldog.
  • Vitamin E is responsible for the dog’s reproductive function and normalizes fat metabolism.
  • Vitamin B - supports hematopoietic function, regulates the condition of the coat, normalizes the skin, as well as the nervous system.

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How to arrange a toilet

Dogs do not bury feces like cats, so cat litter should not be used. A French pet may accidentally swallow litter granules and become poisoned.

While the dog goes to the toilet at home, use moisture-absorbing diapers. For a French bulldog, buy a tray with low sides and cover the bottom with a diaper.

Using a detergent without ammonia, immediately treat the floor where the dog accidentally soiled. Ammonia is part of her urine, so it will make her want to pee in that place again.

How to accustom a “Frenchie” to visiting the litter box:

  • choose a secluded corner for the dog toilet, where household members will not distract the animal from a delicate task; do not change the tray and location of the toilet until you have successfully trained the dog;
  • do not place a tray in the toilet room, it can be closed by a household member from the inside when the bulldog wants to defecate;
  • put the puppy on a diaper every time he eats and sleeps;
  • keep the dog toilet clean;
  • remove carpets from the floor, which the French dog may choose as a toilet.

Signs that your puppy needs to go to the toilet

How to understand that a puppy wants to go to the toilet and that it’s time to put him in a diaper:

  • he spins around in confusion;
  • whines quietly;
  • looking for a secluded corner.

Sprays to help train your pet to the toilet

Spray is a specific smelling product that helps toilet train a pet. It contains aromatic substances similar to the smell of natural dog feces. When a dog smells a familiar smell, it develops a reflex to defecate in the area where the aerosol is applied.

The aerosol is sprayed 30 cm from the dog toilet. The procedure is repeated periodically, as the product evaporates quickly. The spray is harmless to humans and animals and does not contain aggressive substances that corrode surfaces. Suitable for use both at home and outdoors.

Popular means:

  • BioVax;
  • Api-San;
  • Mr. Fresh;
  • Animal Play;
  • Puppy Trainer.

Walking and leash training

Walks with your French Bulldog should take at least 30 minutes. Adult dogs are walked 2 times a day, preferably after each feeding. Puppies are taken for walks hourly, at least 6 times a day, after feeding, sleeping and active games. The first walk should be early in the morning, the last - late in the evening.

Choose a soft collar. While the “Frenchie” goes to the toilet at home, the collar is put on him every day for half an hour to accustom him to the accessory. When the bulldog gets used to it, fasten the leash and walk around the house for a few minutes.

How to teach a “Frenchie” to behave decently during a walk:

  • walk calmly, slowly, so that the small dog can adapt to the steps;
  • teach your French pet the “near” command;
  • stop when the bulldog starts to pull on the leash;
  • Praise your pet every time he demonstrates correct behavior.

Training an adult dog

If a French bulldog appeared in the house as an adult, then the new owner will have to fill the gaps in his upbringing. Grown-up dogs of this breed can be very capricious, especially if they were not cared for by their previous owners. Training your pet should begin with outdoor training: walks on a leash with a collar, basic commands: “come to me”, “fu”. Fresh air will cheer up the dog, and it will be easier for him to learn through outdoor games. If an adult dog cannot be trained, he should be raised by a professional and together attend training lessons from a specialist.


Since the French bulldog descended from fighting dogs, it retained a reserve of stubbornness, stubbornness, perseverance and aggression in its character.
A puppy at an early age is capable of exhibiting these qualities, and the owner must fight them.

To begin with, the simplest training rules, first teach prohibitive commands.

Then – strictly following the person’s instructions. The owner's command must have the force of an order for the bulldog. Any aggression should be stopped, even if the puppy begins to bite during play.

If the dog is too aggressive even at a young age and cannot be trained, it is better to trust an experienced dog handler and go through the basics of training with him.

The owner must learn to distract the dog's attention from the object of its aggression by any means. If a bulldog reacts poorly to other dogs, you need to pick him up, lead him away, and not let him start fights. The subordination between the dog and the person must be clearly defined, prohibiting the dog from growling at the owner, biting, hurting, or causing harm.

Stages of puppy development and upbringing

There are four stages in the puppy training system:

  1. Development.
  2. Adaptation.
  3. Socialization.
  4. The struggle for leadership.

Each of these stages is characterized by its own behavior of the dog, which the owner must take into account.


This period begins when the dog is born and lasts about seven weeks.

For the first two weeks , a newborn depends on its mother, most of all it needs food, sleep, warmth and safety.

After two weeks, the puppy perceives the world by ear and begins to distinguish it.

His mother is now the only teacher and authority for him.

At the age of three weeks, the puppy begins to explore the world on his own , at this time he is very receptive to everything that happens around him. He remembers and reinforces new actions. If the puppy develops correctly, then by the end of this period he is active, inquisitive, and ready for new explorations and learning.


At the age of one to two months, the puppy receives its first life skills and adapts to life in society. The dog’s brain is actively developing and it learns to communicate with humans. Like humans, quadrupeds have different types of characters: choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine or melancholic. At this age, the puppy just begins to show his temper and here he already needs training. During this period, it is important to teach your pet to respond to its name. Commands to teach your dog:

  1. "To me".
  2. "In place."

As soon as the dog responds to its name, you need to reward it with a treat. This will reinforce a positive reaction to the name and teach the puppy the primary reflex: call - treat.

Small puppies leave puddles about 15 times a day, it is almost impossible to keep track of this, but at the age of 2 months you need to start toilet training your dog.

How to train a bulldog to a litter tray or diaper step by step:

  1. Equip a special place (pallet, tray. Filling - newspaper or disposable absorbent diapers).
  2. Reduce the area where the puppy makes puddles. For example, when laying out newspapers, reduce the “coverage area”. So the puppy is moved towards the equipped tray. The place should be secluded and quiet so that nothing distracts or frightens the puppy.
  3. Learn to see when the puppy wants to go to the toilet. He will spin around, whine and look for somewhere to retire. At this point it must be planted in a tray.

At the adaptation stage, it is also important to instill in the dog the skill of communicating with a person. Up to 2 months, bulldogs react friendly to all strangers; later they develop a fear of new people. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately introduce your pet to all family members and let him communicate with everyone as often as possible.


The third stage occurs at the age of 2 - 4 months and is called socialization. They begin to accustom the puppy to the owner's hands so that he can be lifted and examined. Commands that need to be taught to the dog during this period:

  1. "Go for a walk."
  2. "It is forbidden".
  3. "Lie".
  4. “Come to me” and “In place” if they were not learned at an earlier age.

Under no circumstances should you spoil a dog at this age. If you do not teach your puppy obedience before 4 months, then further training will become increasingly difficult.

Even if the puppy is stubborn and doesn’t listen well, physical punishment should never be used. The dog must know that the owner's hand is for affection. The so-called “loneliness method” is used as punishment. The puppy is left alone for a while, continuing to quietly monitor him. He gets scared and gets bored. Fear displaces aggression. This method works well because French bulldogs are very sociable animals and need human company.

During this same period, puppies begin to learn to communicate with other dogs; it is important to protect them from stressful situations. In no case should any manifestation of even slight aggression towards the owner be ignored. It needs to be nipped in the bud.


At the age of three to three and a half months, puppies begin to fight for leadership with their peers. And if the bulldog ends up in a new family, then this struggle is transferred to the owner and family members. The main task of the new owner during this period is to designate his own dominant place in the house. The rules of submission to a dog are explained under the following circumstances:

  1. Control during the walk. You can’t “cool down” your dog while walking. She should not pull on the leash, subordinating the owner to her actions. The puppy is limited in its movements by using the commands “fu” and “no”, while lightly patting the dog on the rear.
  2. Close contact. The owner must establish an emotional connection with the dog so that the bulldog understands exactly when a person is dissatisfied, when he is angry, when he is caressing the dog. If the upbringing was correct, then by three months the puppy will finally recognize the owner as the leader.
  3. Regular training. The commands “sit”, “stand”, “lie” are studied. Ball and frisbee games are practiced. Both the psychological and physical stress on the dog are increased.
  4. Buying a collar with a leash. It is during this period that the dog is accustomed to a leash and collar. This is combined with encouragement and treats so that the equipment evokes positive emotions in the dog.

Toilet training outside occurs during the same period. When the puppy begins to spin, whine, and look for a place to express his needs, he is taken outside.

Useful video

From this video you will learn how to properly teach a French bulldog the following commands:

The arrival of a puppy is a real holiday in any family. In addition to joy, the dog’s owners are responsible for raising, caring for, and many other responsibilities. To prevent your pet from becoming a burden, you will need to train your French bulldog, which will help the dog adapt at home and make life much easier for its owners.

Education is a responsible process that involves many nuances. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account not only the training factor, but also age, size, the breed itself and its purpose (watchman, hunter, simple domestic dog, etc.).

Rewards during the training process

The main way to train a bulldog is the “carrot and stick” method. For obedience and correct execution of commands - praise, for disobedience and aggression - punishment (reprimand). Encouragement still occupies a leading place in the system of training dogs of this breed. Every success or even an attempt by a bulldog to fulfill a command should be rewarded with praise, affection, and a treat. This is a more effective method than constant negative pressure. It is impossible to raise a bulldog on fear alone; affectionate words, stroking, dog delicacies - these are the tools that the owner of the animal must master.

But you should not cross the boundaries of what is permitted.
An owner who is too affectionate will not inspire authority and respect in the dog.

It is necessary to find a balance between severity and excessive kindness.

For example, when explaining the “sit” command to a puppy, you can press his butt with your hand, fixate it, repeat the command and, after releasing it, praise him for doing it.

First year of life

Raising a French Bulldog, like any other dog, requires dedication. Before training, you need to remember a few basic rules:

  1. The pet's reaction directly depends on the owner's actions;
  2. Education must become a game;
  3. If you have come up with one game, do not change its rules during the learning process;
  4. You can look at the dog’s reaction, you can touch it, push it to action, but you can’t force it.

During the learning process, the dog can perceive both positive and negative skills. You should keep an eye on this, as it will be very difficult to retrain him later.

If you do not exercise with your pet, both outdoors and in apartments, then after 2-3 weeks you will grab your head. Any action of the puppy should be perceived accordingly - he followed the command, praise and feed him, if he began to behave badly - punish him.

The pet will quickly learn this rhythm of life on an instinctive level and will stop performing negative actions that lead to unpleasant consequences. Also, experienced dog handlers pay attention to the fact that even a child will not be able to execute this or that command the first time. Not to mention the “bulldogs”.

The main thing is to be patient and systematically work with your pet.

If your child doesn’t understand something or is able to follow a command, there is no need to scold him. Stroke it, caress it - after all, this is an animal, and at the beginning of its life, it may simply not understand what they want from it.

An unshakable rule - never scold a bulldog for performing any action correctly, but at the wrong time. For example, when you are standing in a formal tuxedo and he jumps at you with his paws, you should not swear at him. This means you are allowed to do this when you are wearing shorts or jeans. The dog doesn't care what you're wearing.

Never hit your pet - he still won’t understand what he gets for it, but you will lose his trust forever. He will become afraid of you.

If the dog continues to crap in the house

The first, and perhaps the most basic reason for this behavior is that the puppy in this way expresses a protest against the lack of attention to himself. If the puppy is already old enough and continues to pee at home, although it is already accustomed to the street, then in this case you need to pay attention to the dog’s diet.

If you feed him exclusively dry food, then he drinks a lot, and this is where problems arise. Try feeding your French Bulldog differently, it may help. If this does not help, then contact your veterinarian; your pet may have health problems. Remember that it is better to solve all problems at the initial stage, when they are not running.

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