What to do if a cat marks in the apartment, how to deal with it

There is a popular belief that only cats can put marks on the corners of walls, doors or furniture, while such unforgivable behavior is not observed in females. However, this is not at all true; it happens that a cat marks like a cat. The pet usually approaches its fifth point to some vertical surface, lifts its tail up, shakes it and releases several streams of urine. And she doesn’t just pee (females relieve themselves in a sitting position), this is how the mustachioed prankster puts her “signature” marking on the surface that interests her. In this article, we will understand why a cat marks its territory, and we will also find out how to deal with this behavior.

What do cat marks look like?

Cats approach any vertical object, straighten their tail and lift it. At this time, a small amount of urine is released. Sometimes cats can change their position, but the main sign of a mark is the release of a very small amount of liquid, no more than 1 ml.

The cat marks the territory

Cats, unlike cats, do not excrete urine to mark their territory, but rather rub their faces against certain objects. Often, owners think that in this way the cat is showing affection or wants to be paid attention to, but here everything is much more complicated. There are special glands near a cat's eyes. They emit a specific smell that humans cannot smell, but other animals immediately begin to understand that the place is occupied.

Among other marks of cats, it is worth noting the sharpening of claws. There are also small glands on the paws of cats, and when they tear objects, they leave a mark wherever they need to. In this case, a person does not feel the smell, but the visible trace is obvious.

Cat mark on the floor

Another way cats mark is by secreting saliva, but this mark does not carry any information.

Duration and frequency of sexual heat

Characteristic behavior lasts from 3 to 10 days. The period when a cat is in sexual heat and allows a cat to approach her is called estrus. At this time, the ovarian follicles produce the maximum amount of estrogens and sex hormones.

In the very first days of estrus (1-4 days), the cat demonstrates sexual arousal, but does not allow mating. This time is called proestrus, “forerunner”. Unlike dogs, cats do not have a clear boundary between estrus and proestrus, and it is difficult to determine these periods.

If sexual intercourse does not occur during estrus, then ovulation does not occur. In this case, sexual heat returns every 10-14 days. The period between estrus is called interestrus, this is a time of rest for the uterus and ovaries. In some cats, the concentration of estrogen in the blood does not decrease, and the animal walks constantly.

Prolonged heat is a sign of follicular ovarian cysts, which must be removed surgically.

Complete rest of the ovaries, which means the absence of the reproductive instinct, is called anestrus, the absence of estrus. In stray cats, this period occurs in late autumn or winter, due to short daylight hours and the action of the hormone melatonin. Anestrus does not occur in domestic cats due to constant light and nutritious food.

A distinctive feature of the breeding system in cats is induced ovulation. Simply put, an egg is released from the ovary only in response to vaginal stimulation. Natural ovulation occurs due to mating, but artificial ovulation is also possible - as a result of manipulations in the vagina.

Ovulation occurs 1-2 days after intercourse, and after another 1-2 days the estrus stops. The ovary forms the corpus luteum, which produces the hormone progesterone to maintain pregnancy.

If the egg is released and fertilization does not occur, progesterone will be produced “by inertia” for 1-1.5 months (less than a true pregnancy). Progesterone prevents the resumption of estrus.

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In cats, sexual function does not decline until death; even at 16-19 years of age, estrus is observed from time to time in non-sterilized animals.

I'm 14 years old, motherfucker, how old can you be?

How is marking different from urination?

When cats begin to mark, they leave the smell of urine in the room or rub their faces against the furniture, leaving behind an odorous trail from special glands located near the eyes and on the paws.

How to stop a cat from marking territory in an apartment

If a cat rubs against furniture, then in this way she makes it clear that she is calm in this house and she feels protected. Marks left by urine are a kind of manifestation of aggression and thus, a cat shows its rights to own a particular territory.

Important! Basically, this reaction occurs in connection with the appearance of another animal in the house or as a result of a change in the usual environment.

Most owners are concerned with the question of how to distinguish a territory mark from arbitrary urination past the tray. If the cat just wants to go to the toilet, then she does it while sitting. If it leaves a mark, it does so while standing on all fours, lifting its tail up and leaving a small amount of liquid. This behavior is typical not only of cats, but also of males, especially during sexual desire.

Features of behavior

The habit of marking territory is common to all predators. This helps to mark boundaries that other individuals are not allowed to enter. Your animal in the same way designates its possessions in an apartment or house, which means “I’m in charge here.”

Some owners mistakenly confuse marks with ordinary puddles on the floor. In fact, in this way the pet does not simply empty its bladder, but follows the call of nature and expresses its readiness to reproduce. Therefore, such marks contain a lot of pheromones. A pungent odor can be felt throughout the apartment.

The cat does not care at all which of your things will be damaged: expensive furniture, a blanket, or toys. If he decides to put a mark somewhere, he simply sprays the required object with a strong stream. It is difficult to predict the behavior of an alpha male.

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What time do cats start marking their territory?

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This criterion is conditional, and marks left by cats can become noticeable in different ways. It all depends on the age of the animal, its character, nutrition and living conditions. According to veterinarians, on average, cats begin to leave marks from the age of eight months, because it is during this period that hormone levels rise, and the cat is looking for a way to attract a sexual partner.

For your information! The marks are accompanied not only by marks on furniture and curtains, but also by calling cries.

Also, the period when territory marking begins can be tracked by the behavior of the animal; you can observe it quite carefully. When puberty occurs, character and behavior changes, the body acquires clear outlines and becomes muscular.

During this same period, aggressive behavior towards other animals occurs. Pets often begin to mark their territory as a defense.

Age at first estrus in cats

It is impossible to definitively answer the question at what age these animals begin to mark their territory. This depends on many factors: the breed, the personal qualities of the pet, the predisposition of its body, the speed of development. In 75% of felines, puberty occurs at 7–8 months. It is from this moment that they begin to mark the territory that they consider theirs.

If the cat begins to mark surrounding objects in the house, it means:

  • he experiences sexual desire and tries in this way to attract a partner for mating;
  • he lacks the attention of the owner;
  • the pet is in a state of fear or stress;
  • the animal is feeling unwell;
  • the cat is jealous of the owner;
  • The tailed inhabitant of the house is fighting for his territory.

For most cats, the first heat begins after the female reaches a weight of 2.5 kg. This rule does not apply to large breeds such as Maine Coon or British cats.

The age of puberty ranges from 4 months to 1.5 years. Most often, a cat first begins to ask for a cat at 6-9 months. This age depends on several factors:

  • Heredity.

Some cats are more temperamental than others, and some, on the contrary, are late maturing. In mixed breeds, the onset of the first heat is difficult to predict in advance, but among purebreds, patterns have already been identified.

The fastest maturing are the short-haired “oriental” breeds - Thai, Siamese, Burmese, Abyssinians, Bengals, Cornish Rex. On the other hand, cats of long-haired breeds sometimes begin to walk at 10-12 months and later - Persian, Maine Coon, Siberian.

Young cat of the Bengal breed

  • Daylight hours.

March cats are not a fiction. Increasing the duration of daylight hours encourages the onset of estrus. If the cat is six months old in the spring, you should expect the onset of estrus soon. If the same age falls in October-December, then the onset of estrus is more likely only next spring.

In an apartment, this dependence hardly manifests itself due to constant heat and constant artificial lighting.

  • Conditions of detention.

Exhausted cats lacking vitamins and fats do not go into heat. Therefore, street animals mature later than domestic animals, and their estrus occurs less frequently.

  • Communication with relatives.

The presence of another cat in heat or an unneutered cat provokes the onset of heat in young teenage cats.

To delay the onset of the first heat as much as possible, the owner needs to keep the cat isolated in the apartment and turn on the light for no more than 4-6 hours a day.

The cat marks the territory: the main reasons for unwanted behavior

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The smell left by a cat is a unique way of communication between animals. By leaving marks around the house or yard, they seem to show strangers that this territory has an owner and it is better not to set foot here. With the help of such marks, living in the wild, the animal provides itself with protection and the opportunity to get some food.

As for domestic animals, they also leave marks, but this already happens at the level of instinct. There are several main reasons for leaving such traces:

  • puberty;
  • the appearance of a new pet in the house or a change of environment;
  • there is not one cat living in the house, but several;
  • the owner smells of another cat;
  • stressful situations, such as renovations or moving.

Cat owners share their experiences

All cat owners who have extensive experience communicating with their pets unanimously say: cats should be raised from the first day of their appearance in the house. Lack of attention to a furry friend is simply unacceptable - the kitten does not develop, withdraws into itself and becomes a hermit. The educational process best takes place in a playful way. You need to talk to your baby in the same way as you would to a small child. Fluffy feels the attitude of his owners very well and tries to repay their love with gratitude. At the onset of puberty, most cat owners recommend castration. It is believed that this is better than hormonal effects. The main advantage: castration has much less impact on the cat’s health.

In general, each owner has his own tactics, developed from his own experience. Much also depends on the character of the animal, because each cat has its own unique behavior pattern.

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Nothing can be done about instincts, they can only be muffled. This truth should be firmly grasped by those who are planning to take home a cat. Raised tone and violence towards animals are unacceptable - this only aggravates the situation. If you become your pet's friend and leader in the pack, he will obey, just don't overdo it with leadership.

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Why does a cat mark its owner?

It is surprising not only how cats mark territory, but also why they mark their owner, who feeds them, shows care and looks after them?

There may be two options here:

  • The pet is trying to challenge the rights of the owner and force him to act according to his own rules. This behavior is typical of cats or cats that came into the house as adults from the street and are accustomed to defending their place in the sun.
  • In the second case, by leaving marks on the owner, the animal thus marks that it is his and no one else’s. And this is so, because someone else’s cat will never approach a “marked” person.

How long do cats mark after castration?

If a pet lives in an apartment and the owner wants it to stop marking its territory, then the only solution in this case will be castration or sterilization. This operation is performed during puberty.

After surgery, the animal may leave marks for some time. This is because the hormonal background of an animal cannot change in one day, but this will take about 2 months, or maybe more.

Worth knowing! If castration was carried out several years after the onset of puberty, then the desired effect may not be achieved.

Why doesn't castration or sterilization always solve the problem?

Sometimes a neutered cat marks its territory even after a long time after surgery. It continues to do this if:

  • was castrated in old age and leaving marks became his habit;
  • has such a feature as cryptorchidism, when one or both testicles are located not in the scrotum, as it should be normally, but in the groin area or abdominal cavity, and during the operation an inexperienced surgeon did not take this point into account;
  • there are other relatives in the home - a castrated animal still has to protect its personal boundaries.

Repelling with foil, sprays and other methods

If a cat is marking its territory, what to do is a question that cannot be answered definitively. There are several methods.

You can scare away your pet by using regular foil. Basically, the animal chooses one or several places for its tracks. Having found them, you need to lay foil there. Cats do not like to touch this material because the rustling sound irritates them.

You can stop your cat from marking his territory using foil.

If you don’t have time for experiments, then you can purchase a proven product in the form of a spray, which contains cat pheromones that help improve the psychological state of the animal. You can purchase this product at a pet store.

Advice! When you have absolutely nothing at hand, you can use folk remedies, for example, lemon juice or citrus-scented essential oils. Their smell has a deterrent effect on cats.

What to do when a cat marks in the house and how to stop it

If a cat marks objects in the house, then the surest way to stop him from doing this is castration. But changes in the animal’s hormonal background will continue to occur for quite a long time. In this case, there are several effective ways, not so drastic:

  • Place peels of citrus fruits, the aroma of which animals cannot tolerate, in places where there are regular marks.
  • Buy a special repellent spray.
  • If the appearance of marks is associated with stressful situations, you must try to eliminate them by paying more attention to the animal.
  • If the cat was caught in the act of a crime, then you need to lift it by the scruff of the neck and hiss, looking into the eyes. Hold the animal until it starts meowing and averting its eyes.

Worth knowing! There is no one 100% effective way to stop marking territory, because it is a natural instinct against which animals are powerless. But the above methods will help you get rid of leaving marks at least for a while.

The cat marks in the house

What should you not do when trying to stop your pet from marking?

Many owners of these animals are faced with the acute question of how to wean a cat from marking its territory. This problem can be solved in several ways. In order for a cat to stop leaving marks throughout the house (on the bed, personal belongings of family members, vertical surfaces), you need to place an individual of the opposite sex with the pet or use deterrents.

Raising a pet should be done from early childhood. If this is the first time a small cat has left a mark, you should reconsider your attitude towards the baby. Perhaps he lacks affection and attention from the owner, and by leaving odorous traces, the kitten is trying to convey to him that he should be given more time.

If the pet begins to leave marks when alone in the apartment, when leaving home, it should be provided with a sufficient number of toys - then it will be able to occupy itself in the absence of the owner. A kitten should not grow up in permissive conditions. On the first day a new member arrives in the family, you need to show him who is in charge. The animal should not be afraid of the owner, but must respect and obey him. He should be prohibited from climbing on the bed and damaging the personal belongings of family members.

It has long been known that cats feel like masters of the house. To show your pet that the territory is not assigned to him at all, you should resort to such an effective technique as leaving your own marks. To do this, you need to irrigate the places chosen by the tailed prankster with eau de toilette, deodorant or laundry fragrance. You can also wipe the surfaces marked by the cat with stale laundry.

Psychological techniques can also be used:

  • Having caught the cat at the moment of leaving the mark, you need to take it by the scruff of the neck and hold it in this state for several minutes. An adult animal will feel its vulnerability and understand who is in charge.
  • While leaving marks, you should approach the cat and start hissing at him, pretending to be an aggressive relative. The tailed prankster retreats, deciding that this territory is already occupied by a formidable fellow.
  • Having seized the moment when the pet is ready to mark the object, you need to sharply click it on the nose, simulating a fight between animals. This must be done unexpectedly, but without causing pain to the animal. After such manipulation, the cat will no longer feel like the boss in the house and will stop marking.

To prevent a pet from leaving marks, it needs to find a mate to satisfy its physiological needs. If a sterilized cat is marking her territory, introducing a male to her will not entail any consequences. If we are talking about an animal that has not been sterilized and castrated, when using this method it is necessary to take care of the offspring in advance, which will be the logical result of pets of different sexes living in the same territory.

You can stop your pet from marking objects in the home using foil. Having realized which places the tailed hooligan has chosen, you should cover the floor near them with foil. Cats do not like the touch of this material and the sound it makes.

If you don’t want to waste time and try different methods that can get rid of this problem, you need to use special tools. They are produced in the form of sprays containing cat pheromones that normalize the psychological state of the animal, and are sold in pet stores. You can’t do without improvised means.

It is not always possible to solve this problem immediately. It is difficult to say how long it will take to wean your pet from leaving marks. It happens that, despite all efforts, the animal still continues to do this. If after using all available methods the problem is not solved, the only way out is castration or sterilization.

It is advisable to castrate a male cat before puberty. A castrated cat continues to mark objects in the home for some time after surgery. This is normal. He will do this during the first 1–3 months. Unlike a neutered pet, leaving the marks spayed is more likely because...

When trying to wean an animal from leaving marks, you cannot:

  • poke your pet into a puddle with its muzzle;
  • forcefully place the offending creature in a tray and hold it in it;
  • yell at the cat;
  • use physical force.

The listed methods can cause a backlash, and the animal will begin to mark surrounding objects even more actively, especially the personal belongings of the offender. The cat simply does not understand what they want from him. Cats are very vulnerable creatures. Raising your voice and using physical force against them can cause them severe stress, which will negatively affect both their well-being and behavior.

In addition to the main and common reasons, there are many prerequisites for a cat to start marking your home:

  • Moving. Instinctively, a cat explores and marks a previously unknown territory as a cat, thus protecting it from the encroachments of other animals. In such a situation, it is worth being patient. Over time, she will calm down and the desire to mark will disappear.
  • Other cats leave marks on the front door. The problem often arises among owners of private houses. Foreign odors cause stress for your pet, prompting you to mark the furniture.
  • Crowded housing of a large number of animals in a cramped room. Cats are by nature territorial creatures: just as street fighters take their places in the hierarchy, so a pet will strive to win a place in the sun by marking the boundaries of its territory. The more living creatures per square meter of an apartment, the higher the likelihood of marks occurring.
  • Physical violence - when a cat is squeezed against its will, or, even worse, harsh methods of punishment are used for misdeeds. She is under constant stress, which prompts her to mark for self-soothing purposes. Owners are advised to reconsider their attitude and parenting methods.
  • Excessive spoiling of a pet is the other side of violence, when the cat’s misdeeds get away with it. Over time, the owners realize that it is time to start raising their pet. Punishment or refusal to do something, such as giving food from the table, can cause protest. She begins to aim to harm her owners.

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If a cat systematically marks, this should not go unnoticed. First of all, it is necessary to identify the reason for this behavior.

  • If your cat marks during heat, you should consult your veterinarian, he will suggest medications to suppress hormonal levels. It is strictly prohibited to abuse such substances; they have many side effects.
  • For preventive purposes, if the pet does not have breeding value, it is strongly recommended to sterilize it during puberty. The sooner this procedure is carried out, the greater the likelihood that the cat will stop marking after sterilization, but do not delude yourself, there are no guarantees.
  • The use of violence is highly discouraged. The best way to stop a cat from marking is to shout loudly, clap, or use a spray bottle inconspicuously. Punishments should be systematic and immediately after she has done something dirty. Otherwise they have no effect.

If a fresh tag is detected, it must be removed quickly and effectively. Rinse off the discharge with clean water, then wipe the area with a cloth and vinegar.

Acetic acid will help remove unpleasant odors, and its aroma will be irritating to the animal. You can secure the result with a veterinary spray to eliminate odors, or repellents such as antigadin.

In places where the cat has begun to mark, you can place cotton wool soaked in vinegar. However, many people do not like this smell, and it can be replaced with citrus or clove essential oil.

Such measures will help discourage the desire to label interior items in the apartment. The most important thing is to be patient, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Is it possible to wean a neutered cat from the habit of marking premises?

If the cat is neutered and still continues to mark the territory, this can be facilitated either by stress, for example, due to a change in environment, or by a complete lack of attention from the owners.

You should definitely remove traces of cat marks by wiping the area with vinegar or spraying special deodorizing agents that are sold in veterinary pharmacies. Special cat pheromones, which are currently on sale, will also help to wean the animal from marking. But before using them, you should consult a veterinarian.

What to do if your cat is marking her territory during heat

A very difficult period for the owner is the moment when a cat begins to mark its territory during estrus. In this situation, you should not shout or intimidate, because such methods will not help.

It's worth using a few tips:

  • Talk to the animal in a quiet and calm voice, without showing aggression.
  • Pet him on the head or tummy, but under no circumstances should you touch the tail.
  • To drive excess energy out of your pet, you should periodically give him different tasks, for example, catch a mouse and bring a toy.
  • Give food in very small portions, but access to water should be constant.
  • You can bathe your cat in warm water, but make sure that there are no drafts in the room.

All these methods calm the animal and relieve stress, as a result of which there is every chance that it will stop crap in the room.

How to find cat marks

To find a cat's mark, you can use an ultraviolet flashlight. If you turn off the lights in the apartment and turn on the flashlight, the marks left by the cat will be illuminated with green light. Thus, you won’t have to wash half the apartment, but it will be enough to eliminate only the trace left behind, which emits a cutting, foul odor.

Traces of cat marks under ultraviolet light

Tag prevention

To prevent the appearance of marks in the house, experienced breeders and veterinarians recommend using the following measures:

  • Emasculation. An effective method of preventing the appearance of marks, only if the operation is performed before the onset of puberty.
  • Proper education. This is not the most effective method, because if leadership qualities are inherent in a cat’s nature, then it will be quite difficult to fight them. If the cat is obedient and flexible, then with proper upbringing everything can work out.
  • Accommodation in an apartment for a female and a male. This method does not fully guarantee that the cat will stop marking its territory. In addition, there will be another problem associated with permanent offspring.

Thus, there is no 100% effective way to prevent marks in a Scotsman, Briton or other breed, but you can fight marks with the help of educational and hygienic measures.

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