Who makes Brit dog food and what is included in it?

Manufacturer information

The company that produces Brit dog food is called VAFO PRAHA sro, registered in the Czech Republic. It was founded in 1994 and currently employs more than 350 employees. Today, exports are carried out to more than seven dozen countries, the list includes countries of different continents, including North America, South America, Eurasia, Africa and Australia, and the islands of Oceania.

The price of Brit dog food reflects the philosophy of VAFO PRAHA sro: it strives to create economical products that will meet all ISO 9001 and HACCP standards. The manufacturer respects the well-being of four-legged friends, so the food is not tested on laboratory animals even at the development stage. When making food for dogs, the Czech company uses exclusively natural ingredients (but, as analysis of the composition shows, they cannot always be called high-quality), avoids GMOs and the use of soy.

Advantage of using

Positive reviews of Brit dry dog ​​food are more common than other foods in this price segment. After all, it has many advantages. First of all, although it belongs to the premium class, its prices are at the level of budget food. A kilogram pack can be bought for 250 rubles. And this food is available at any pet store.

In addition, there are other advantages of using this food:

  • the composition contains vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, apples;
  • the meat content is quite high - more than 40%;
  • no artificial ingredients, flavors, preservatives or GMOs;
  • a large assortment that allows you to choose the right food according to the age and size of the dog;
  • Dogs like the pleasant taste.

Feed line

Food for dogs with digestive problemsThe recipe for this food contains unusual ingredients: venison and potatoes. They are easily digested even by a weakened gastrointestinal tract. Three kilograms will cost 1,356 rubles or more.
Dry food Brit for small breed dogs AdultLamb meat is added to food for small dogs; poultry fillet is used a little less often.One pack of this type costs from 1329 rubles.
Hypoallergenic dog food Lamb&RiceThis food contains almost no controversial components such as rice and corn, but the concentration of minerals and vitamins is high, which improves the health of even a sick animal.A three-kilogram package costs 800-900 rubles.
Food from the Care line for puppies of small and medium breedsThis food is highly nutritious and caloric: its production is monitored, because small puppies especially need the right diet.A pack will cost approximately 1129 rubles.
Brit Premium food for dogs over seven years oldYou can purchase packs in S, M, L and XL variations, depending on the required amount of nutrition. Contains an increased concentration of minerals. The price for three kilograms starts at 650 rubles.
Brit Premium for large breed and giant breed puppiesFood for puppies up to 16 weeks of age has a hypoallergenic formula that allows you to quickly gain muscle and the necessary weight.Three kilograms cost 610 rubles.
Light food for sterilized overweight animalsThe diet for dogs with abnormal weight should be balanced. Therefore, food for sterilized dogs contains the optimal amount of minerals and vitamins. Three kilograms will cost 550-600 rubles.
Food for puppies and young dogsAll packs of this type include chicken meat. The division is based on the size of the dog: there is food for small, large and medium animals. A pack of three kilograms costs 610-636 rubles.
Brit wet food and canned foodIn the production of wet food and canned food, there is a division according to taste: beef with liver, beef with heart, beef with rice and heart with liver.They sell for 100 or more rubles per 850 grams.

Reviews of Brit products

Using Brit Care brand food for puppies of all breeds Puppy all breed lamb & rice, I raised a whole litter of strong, strong and healthy dachshund puppies. The food is an excellent start for future health, it is hypoallergenic, based on lamb and rice, well digestible, complete, provides stable digestion and proper growth and development. During the period of intensive growth and development, the body requires nutritious food containing vitamins and microelements, so for me the key criterion when choosing food is its composition. In cases where you are responsible for an entire litter, you should be especially vigilant! That's why I chose Brit food. The composition is quite good, hypoallergenic. The protein to fat ratio of 32%/18% is just right for puppies. At the same time, I am sure that the food is perfect for pregnant and lactating bitches. The puppies will already receive everything they need in the womb and with their mother’s milk, and the transition to food will be easier, at least I think so. The packaging is convenient and varied - there are 1 kg, 3 kg and 12 kg. In terms of price, it is certainly more profitable to take a large bag. My puppies overcame about 8 kg in 5 weeks, but for one puppy you can take kilogram packs. The packaging is very convenient with a clasp so that the food does not dry out, just five plus from me! The granules are quite large, and then after the complementary feeding stage was successfully completed, it was not difficult for the older puppies to chew the granules. Naturally, I introduced solid food gradually so that the stomachs could adapt and there were no excesses. It is better to give the first complementary foods soaked and mashed into a paste and can be tried as early as 3-4 weeks of age. Although here it is necessary to monitor the development of children. If their teeth have already erupted and they can chew the food, we offer it. My puppies immediately started poking their noses into the bowl and tasting the food. Oh, this is a touching slurp. Then, when the puppies’ milk teeth become stronger, around 4 weeks, the food can simply be soaked without mashing it into a paste. I fed exactly according to the calculation indicated on the package. I’d like to note right away that Brit Care was digested perfectly and went well right away. Our children have never had diarrhea; the output is solid, dark-colored poo—an excellent result. The weight gain is stable, the puppies are beautiful, well-fed, but with bellies swollen from overfeeding, no rickets, smooth fur, beauty. At the age of 8 weeks, the puppies moved to new families. Everyone was well-fed, strong and cheerful. The new owners received a bag of Brit Care food as a gift, I highly recommended it to them, and in the future I advised them to feed this brand of food. Yes, the price of the food is not cheap, but it is not the most expensive either. It is my firm belief that you cannot skimp on your puppy’s nutrition. It is better to immediately feed with high-quality food than to treat a disrupted gastrointestinal tract later. Moreover, the dachshund eats quite little; a 3-kilogram bag should be enough for one baby for a month and a half, no less.

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What is included in Brit dog food?

At first glance, it may seem that the diet contains about 42% meat flour, which is an excellent indicator for food in this price category. But the subtleties of the translation show that Russian suppliers are trying to hide the truth. In the original, meat is written in the list of ingredients as “chicken”, “lamb” or “beef”. This indicates that not pure fillet is used, but also residues from production: skin, bones, veins and fatty tissue.

The same applies to other types of dog food, which indicates the manufacturer’s dishonesty. Otherwise, the composition - both for puppies and adults or even sterilized dogs - is similar. In it you will find:

  1. Rice.
  2. Animal fat.
  3. Yeast.
  4. Natural herbal extracts.
  5. Flavors.
  6. Potato.
  7. Dry apples.
  8. Wheat.
  9. Corn.

Concentrated vitamins and minerals are added to the food, and there are unusual nutritional components such as hydrolyzed crustacean shells.

Advantages and disadvantages of this diet

Reviews from customers about the quality of Brit are contradictory, since the components may not be tolerated by animals. But mostly people say that the food completely pays for its low price. But in order to make the right decision even before purchasing dog food from the Czech Republic, you need to take into account both the pros and the few cons of the Brit series.

  • Among premium diets, Brit is considered one of the cheapest.
  • Some types of food contain too high a percentage of grains, and they do not provide much value for dogs.
  • The manufacturing company strictly adheres to the principle of creating environmentally friendly and safe food for dogs.
  • The origin of the meat products used to create the dog food is not disclosed.
  • The advantage of Brit is its prevalence: dry food and food in cans can be found in any store.
  • Adding to the diet not only pure sirloin meat, but also industrial waste such as skins, bones, skin.
  • Brit provides a diet for dogs regardless of their size: it is suitable for both Labrador and lapdogs.
  • It contains a high concentration of animal protein. This affects the condition of the pet's muscles.
  • Senior food for older dogs contains all the necessary microelements for the dog’s sick body.
  • The food consumption is low: for puppies it starts from 50 grams, and for adult dogs it starts from only 100 grams.
  • Regardless of the age and breed of the dog, he will receive a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins.

Brit Care Cat Missy for Sterilized food

Premium food for sterilized cats - healthy nutrition for recovery after surgery. The food is also designed to maintain normal weight, contains balanced minerals, which greatly affects kidney function and prevents health problems for the pet.

Purina food for dogs of small and large breeds

One of the consequences of sterilization is the pH level of urine. Due to the alkaline pH level, mineralization of the body occurs and irritation of the urinary system, and also increases the risk of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. Limiting the level of minerals in the product prevents these deposits. In addition, it imparts resistance to diseases associated with the urinary system.

Additional information: Sea buckthorn is a remedy for inflammation in the intestines. At the same time, it helps restore balanced digestion. Fats and supplements from psyllium, beets and apples have additional beneficial effects on the digestive system.

Main advantages of the food:

  • significant predominance of meat additives;
  • balance of mineral composition;
  • prevents inflammation and fights bacteria;
  • protection of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • presence of sodium hexametaphosphate and vitamin C.

Food for sterilized cats

Recommendations for feeding your pet

To maintain the well-being and physical health of your four-legged friend, you need to know how to feed him and what is the dosage of food. That is why Brit has a special feeding table (it is on the food package), which takes into account the age, breed and individual characteristics of the animal. This approach to nutrition allows you to maintain the dog’s immunity and stabilize the activity of its metabolic system.

For puppies and teenage dogs up to one year old, the daily food intake of Puppy and Junior types is 50-336 grams. The requirements for how much food to give to adult dogs are not much different. 13-110 grams are for small breed dogs, 110-350 grams for medium-sized dogs, the feeding rate for large breeds is 223-358 grams, and 335-607 grams for giant breeds. Sick animals or dogs that are underweight can be given a little more food.

Composition analysis

Let's look at the composition using Adult M as an example (food for medium-sized adult dogs). It contains:

Chicken comes first; it is a dietary and very healthy product. The ingredient is rich in proteins, but the problem is that the manufacturer does not indicate what part of the chicken is used for production, and this makes you wary. Corn and wheat also occupy high positions in the composition, which means there are quite a lot of them in the feed.

Chicken fat and salmon oil are sources of fatty acids that are beneficial for the coat. Brewer's yeast contains B vitamins, and apples are a source of fiber. It is not clear what is meant by “herbal and fruit extracts”, as not all herbs/fruits are beneficial for dogs. Yucca extract is a good addition and helps reduce the harshness of fecal odor.

Reviews from veterinarians and buyers

Alena, Tver

When we brought our Labrador home, I just didn't know what to do. He simply refused to eat loose food and was starving. And then I learned from the breeder about Brit. He approached: the dog first fed on Junior, and then on Adult. Even the smell reveals the quality of the food; usually loose dog food smells unnatural, chemical. But the representatives of this line are not. And the animal likes it, which is the main thing when choosing a diet.

Oksana, Voronezh

I have a small Yorkshire Terrier puppy, so I pay a lot of attention to my food choices. After all, for my pet, not only the quality, but also the size of the granules is important. The Brit Premium diet has no problems with this - the dog easily chews the granules, and the premium quality allowed it to quickly get used to the new food. I didn’t even have to resort to a trick and mix in the old one! Now I recommend Brit to all dog breeders I know.

Alexander, veterinarian with five years of experience, Moscow

The diet contains a large percentage of meat component. But the fact that it is written in the composition as “chicken” or, for example, “lamb” indicates that the meat has not been cleaned of skins, veins and fatty layers. I think this is unacceptable. Therefore, I do not prescribe Brit, especially when it comes to dogs with digestive disorders or older animals. I also warn the owners who feed them about the risks. It’s better to spend more, but know for sure what your pet eats.

Olga, doctor at the Doverie veterinary clinic, Krasnodar

I like this food, so I’m not afraid to recommend it to my clients. It contains a large amount of meat components, but the percentage of cereals is small. This suggests that even regular food from Brit will be suitable for a dog with a tendency to allergies or a sensitive gastrointestinal tract. In addition, manufacturers add fruits and herbal supplements important for intestinal microflora. I think the Czech diet for dogs is one of the best on the market.

Video: Brit Premium dog food, its composition and reviews from veterinarians

Food for older animals

When a dog reaches 7 years of age, it is considered old. Her nutrition should be special, since various health problems are common at this age. In this regard, Brit dry dog ​​food is unique. Reviews from veterinarians note that it is ideal for old animals. After all, it contains chondroitin and glucosamine sulfates, which ensure the normal functioning of joints and ligaments. This is especially important for large breeds of dogs that have a lot of stress on their paws. In addition, the food contains probiotics to ease intestinal function.


To make the final choice in favor of Brit food or against it, you need to compare the products of the Czech brand with analogues from the same price category and the same class. Which food is better: Proplan or Brit? This question is quite easy to answer: the nuances of their composition are the same, so you can choose the one that is cheaper. Brit's price is usually higher, but due to delivery to a specific region from another country, the cost may vary.

Can we say that Brit is a good food or not? To do this, you need to study a full review of it. In general terms, Brit enjoys a good reputation among breeders and a satisfactory reputation among veterinarians. Most of all, they recommend grain-free food for dogs with allergies, as well as regular diets for small dogs in the spirit of Yorkies and medium-sized animals. Therefore, you can purchase dog food from the Czech brand without any fear.

Manufacturer and official website

Brit Care food is produced in the Czech Republic. The production of ready-made animal feed is, although large, a family business. Brit Care is a dedicated line of Brit food. According to the manufacturer, the formulas and compositions of Care feed have been revised and significantly improved.

The manufacturer and official website (https://krmivo-brit.cz/en) clearly explain the production philosophy:

  • Respect for the needs of pets and buyers - owners.
  • A categorical position in relation to any experiments on animals and cruelty to them - testing of Brit Care products is carried out exclusively by scientific methods without the exploitation of dogs and cats.

Brit Care have a very good reputation. Many owners believe that this line of food is better than diets from more well-known and expensive brands.

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