Why does your cat mark and how to wean him off: advice from a veterinarian

Cat marking territory is one of the most common behavioral problems. You may find urine dripping from curtains, from the side of the sofa or doors. While this can be a complete headache for humans, it is actually a normal behavior for cats.

In the wild, cats communicate with other cats through scent, and marking is one of the best ways to send messages to each other. Other ways they communicate include rubbing and scratching, but marking territory seems to be the most problematic for cat owners. So why do cats do this and how to stop them? Let's start the discussion.

Cat marks in the apartment

When cat spraying occurs outdoors, this is not a problem - in fact, it is completely natural. However, if your cat starts marking in your home, it's usually a sign that they're worried about something, and there may be a reason why they're more keen than ever to mark their territory.

Cats that spray door frames, curtains, and window sills may feel threatened by something they might see outside. If your cat begins to mark the legs of chairs, beds and dressing tables, it may be a sign that she is feeling insecure, so she surrounds herself with lots of her own scent to boost her confidence.

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If your cat has started marking indoors and you don't know why, talk to your veterinarian to determine possible causes and ways to get them back to the happy cat who marked affectionate face rubbing instead. Your veterinarian will be able to give you advice on how to prevent your cat from spraying and may refer you to a cat behaviorist who can help you figure out what is causing your cat's behavior change.

How to stop a cat from marking

If you catch a cat doing something wet or find traces later, do not rush to poke his nose into a puddle. The pet will understand you in its own way: there should be its smell in this place. Most likely, the “crime” will be repeated.

There is no need to beat or scold the culprit either. He will not understand your dissatisfaction, but will only be afraid. This method can even make the problem worse. If the cat is afraid to pee in front of you, he will look for secluded corners for this.

Scolding a cat is useless

Sometimes it is advised to scare a cat away from its favorite place with a strong smell. To do this, store-bought sprays, lemon or orange peels, pepper, and even tape are used. But there is a high probability that your pet will begin to mark another place if the cause is not eliminated. Let's look at what other methods are recommended. Let's evaluate their effectiveness.

Cat repellent spray

IMPORTANT! Do not use “White” or bleach to scare off an animal or remove its mark. Cats love the smell of these products; they can sniff or lick areas treated with bleach and “White” for a long time, which can ultimately lead to poisoning and even death of the animal.


Some owners reason like this: if a cat is looking for a cat, we will help him with this, and he will stop marking. But they are wrong; after the first mating, the behavior will be fixed, and the cat will begin to mark more actively.

In addition, it is not so easy for even purebred cats to find a partner. Titled producers from nurseries have an advantage. And if you let a cat out into the street so that he can look for cats on his own, this is dangerous for him. Animals get lost, get hit by cars, suffer from dogs and knackers. It is worth thinking about future kittens. Most homeless babies do not live to see one year of age due to hunger, disease and attacks by other animals. Therefore, animals that are taken as pets are recommended to be neutered. If you bought a kitten from a nursery, such a condition is often written down in the contract.

Getting to know each other before mating


The most effective solution to the problem of marks is surgery. Neutered animals do not seek mates and defend their territory much less. But it is advisable to have the operation done before the onset of puberty (and the appearance of marks). In most cats, this happens for about a year, meaning the surgery takes about 8-10 months. Animals of the eastern group of breeds “mature” much earlier, often by six months.

Reference. Even a neutered cat marks its territory for 1-3 months after surgery.

If you castrate a cat who has already begun to mark, he will not stop doing so immediately. You will have to wait until the body's hormonal levels change. This takes approximately one to three months. There are cases when cats continue to mark even after castration. This happens if the pet has reached adulthood a long time ago, and the behavior has had time to take hold.

Castration of a cat

How to care for an animal after castration

Medicines for cats

These are drugs that change the hormonal background of the animal, that is, a chemical analogue of castration. But they are valid for a limited time. Manufacturers claim that they are harmless to cats. But veterinarians note that such drugs can cause unpleasant side effects: nausea, tumors of the gonads, disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, etc. The longer the medicine is used, the greater the likelihood of harmful consequences. But if the cat is a pet that will not be used in the breeding program, he will have to be given drops throughout his life. In addition, if you take into account the costs over all years (even without taking into account treatment), castration will cost less.

One of the hormonal drugs for cats

There are similar preparations based on plants. They are practically harmless, but cope with the problem much worse. Often the unwanted behavior continues.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of drugs.

NamePropertiesDosagePackage volumePrice
SexBarrierSlows down the functioning of the sex glands and sperm productionFirst use - from 4 to 7 (depending on weight) drops per day for 4-6 days. Then 4 drops a day for 3 days once a month. 2, 3 or 5 mlAbout 220-300 rub. for 2 ml
CounterSexSuppression of sexual arousal due to decreased production of sex hormones10-15 drops or 2-3 tablets per day for 4-5 days2 ml bottle or pack of 10 tabletsApproximately 150 rubles. per bottle or 75 rub. per package
GestrenolThe production of hormones and sperm decreases. Contains catnip so it's easier to give 4-8 drops or 1-2 tablets for 3-5 days, then to maintain the effect - 4 drops or 1 tablet per week1.5 ml or 10 tablets200/150 rub.
Ovostop-KReduces sexual activity, general calming effect. Convenient method of application: on the withers Apply 1 ml between the shoulder blades on dry skin. If there is no effect, repeat after 24 hours Pipette 1 ml300-350 rub.
cat BaiyunCalms the nervous system, reduces anxiety2 ml or 2 tablets 3-4 times a day before meals for 5-7 days10 ml bottle or tablets (pack of 50 pcs.)Drops 100-150 rubles, tablets 75-100 rubles.


This method is used if for some reason castration is impossible or does not help. It is based on knowledge of cat psychology. The fact is that in nature, several cats (of both sexes) live in the same territory. But only one cat marks her - the main one, the rest do not have such a right. Therefore, the cat owner needs to show his dominance.

If you catch your cat doing something wet, grab him by the scruff of the neck and lift him up. The pet will take a characteristic pose with its paws down and its tail tucked.

The mother cat carries the kittens in this position, so they do not resist

If your pet is large and difficult to hold with one hand, lightly support it with the other. Or someone in your household can help you. Look the cat in the eyes without looking away. Then show your dissatisfaction. To do this, cats pinch and hit the face with their paw. When hissing, you need to exhale forcefully, making a sound between “sh-sh”, “f-f” and “h-h”. Practice in advance, listen to how cats do it before a fight. If you can’t do this in person, watch videos on the Internet.

Look the cat in the eyes without looking away

Lightly hit the cat's face with your fingertips on one side and then on the other. Under no circumstances should you hit with all your might! Continue until the cat looks away and squeaks. This means that he has surrendered and accepted your dominance. Now he can be released.

Next you need to “re-tag” the cat. Of course, you don't need to do it the same way as an animal, you just need to leave your scent instead of his. First remove the label. For this, both store-bought and traditional methods are used, for example:

  • treat with lemon juice or water with citric acid;
  • pour vinegar;
  • vodka;
  • wash with a strong solution of potassium permanganate (be careful, undissolved crystals may leave stains);
  • add baking soda, add hydrogen peroxide and wait for the reaction to take place.

The smell of citrus peels repels cats

Then you need to rub the area with a cloth that has absorbed your smell - a worn T-shirt, socks, etc. You can spray it with deodorant or perfume that you constantly use.

Video - How to get rid of cat marks


Most often, such problems begin when the cat grows up. But sometimes it happens that a mature animal begins to mark. If these are just marks, and not trips to the toilet out of place, remember if anything has changed in the pet’s life.

If the cat is scared, he hides in a secluded place

When reacting to stress, it is important to calm your pet. Pet him more and play with your pet. In severe cases, special sedatives will help. But they must be selected by a veterinarian. If possible, try to return the animal to its previous routine.


If you suspect that your cat has developed urolithiasis, you should take him to the veterinarian. This should not be delayed - the earlier the disease is detected, the easier it will be to cure it. Males of this species of animals are more often affected by urolithiasis (due to anatomical features).

The veterinarian will conduct an examination and prescribe additional tests:

  • Ultrasound;
  • X-ray;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • others, depending on the situation.

Examination by a veterinarian

In acute cases, surgery and/or a drip are necessary. In milder cases, they are treated with medications. The cat will also be prescribed a diet - they will recommend medicinal food or help adjust its natural diet. The choice depends on the characteristics of the disease and the patient’s condition. It is important to strictly follow all appointments and undergo repeated examinations from time to time.

Important! To prevent urolithiasis, make sure there is always fresh water in the drinking bowl. Don't feed cats table food - it contains too much salt and spices.

How to stop

Since your cat's marking in your apartment signals that your cat already feels threatened, the last thing you want to do is scare her by scolding her. If you yell at them for marking, this can increase their stress levels, causing them to mark even more - which is certainly not what you want for your cat or your home!

If you're wondering what to do if your cat is marking in your apartment, the first thing to do is think about what might be causing them stress. For example, is there a new cat in the neighborhood or changes in your home? The reason may be one of the following:

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  • Your cat may become scared if there are a lot of cats in the area . If there are many other cats in your area, make sure you have a secure cat flap (with an activated magnet or microchip) that keeps them out of your and your cat's home. If you notice repeat offenders trying to get inside, try to shoo them away to prevent them from entering your cat's personal space.
  • Have you recently acquired or lost another cat ? Make sure your cat still feels safe and knows that everything, such as her food, water, litter tray, bed and toys, are still easily accessible and will not be taken over by your new arrival or removed when your other cat leaves. pet. You may need to put their special items in several places to reassure them.
  • Do you have new furniture, cosmetic renovations or have you completely moved into a new home? All of these things can unsettle your cat and make her more likely to spray, so introduce new additions gradually and give them time to adjust. You can also try gently wiping your cat's face with a soft cloth to collect her natural pheromones, and wiping the cloth over new furniture or unfamiliar areas. This will spread their scent and help them feel safer in their surroundings.
  • Ask your veterinarian about synthetic cat pheromones that can be used in a similar way and may be helpful in treating stress-related problems.
  • Spray for cats . Cats often mark the same area over and over again, so if you notice this, check the area's color fastness, then thoroughly clean the area with a 10% solution of biological laundry detergent, rinse with cold water and let it dry. After this, spray with rubbing alcohol (available from your veterinarian or pharmacy) and let it dry again. You should now have a clean, odor-free space!

Why does a cat mark?

Cats leave scent signals for their fellow cats. Due to the special structure of the urethra, they are able to spray liquid onto vertical surfaces. In nature, these are trees, large stones, etc., but at home, walls, doors and furniture suffer.

In addition to urine, the tags contain pheromones. These are substances by which one can judge the condition of the animal:

  • his gender;
  • age;
  • state of health;
  • readiness for mating;
  • and so on.

That is, by spraying marks, cats simultaneously solve two problems. They call cats for procreation. And at the same time they inform the other cats that this territory is occupied. Often the same places are chosen for marks. If there are other animals outside the apartment, cats mark doors and windows more actively.

The cat marks the territory

Cats, like other domestic animals, need human affection and care. If you don’t show it towards them, then the reaction will be appropriate. Pets will begin to attract the attention of their owner. To do this, they can mark interior items.

Reference. Pets especially often try to leave their mark on the door.

Why do castrated cats mark?

Mature cats mark most often. Occasionally, castrati do this, usually due to stress. Sudden changes in life can cause them anxiety and worry, for example:

  • the arrival of a new pet or family member;
  • moving;
  • repair;
  • rearrangement or replacement of furniture;
  • an unpleasant guest who frightened the pet.

By leaving his scent, the cat is trying to regain his confidence. He seems to be telling himself and those around him that this is his territory. In such cases, you may notice other changes in behavior. For example, a cat hides more in inaccessible places, plays less, and eats worse.

Neutered cats mark due to stress

Problems with the tray

But urine in “wrong” places is not always a signal for other cats. Sometimes the reason for its appearance is related to the tray. If the litter box is dirty, uncomfortable, or contains stuff that is unpleasant for the animal, the cat may prefer to “do business” in another place.

To find out the reason, try to notice how it happens. If the cat turns its back to a wall or object and slightly twitches its tail, and the stream of urine is almost horizontal, this is a mark. And if your pet sits down, it means he is emptying his bladder. In this case, a puddle remains on the floor or horizontal surface. Urine smells less strongly because it contains less odorous substances.

The cat may not like the condition of the litter box

Urolithiasis disease

Another possible problem is urolithiasis. It hurts the animal to go to the toilet. And it tries to help itself by choosing a suitable place. And in the later stages, the cat does not always have time to run to the litter box, even if he tries to do so.

The position is different from the one that cats take during marking or normal trips to the toilet.

This is how healthy cats go to the toilet

A cat with ICD urinates in this position

There are other signs:

  • licking the area under the tail;
  • cloudy urine;
  • blood in it (gives the liquid a pink tint of varying degrees of severity);
  • frequent trips to the toilet with the release of a small amount of fluid.


Cats love to mark their territory and leave their scent on the people they love. Our feline friends also love to rub against things to confirm their ownership, and there's nothing better than being greeted by your pet headgear when you get home from work. Labeling their surroundings helps cats feel balanced and more secure. This allows other cats and animals to know everything about the cats living there and helps prevent fights that could result in injury to one or both cats.

Who is the head in this house

Clarifying the relationship between a cat and a person can give positive results. The pet does not react to a scream, and if you poke its face into a puddle, it may hate it with all its heart. You need to speak cat language:

  • Having caught the mustachioed Casanova in the act, you need to carefully grab him by the scruff of the neck. Cats don’t like this, they tuck their paws and tail, realizing that some kind of punishment will follow;
  • Look carefully into your pet's eyes and begin to hiss threateningly. This must be done with a serious and menacing look, otherwise the animal will not react as desired;
  • remembering how street cats fight, lightly (without fanaticism), hitting your own miscreant in the face. At the same time, do not look away, waiting until the pet begins to meow pitifully and looks away;
  • demonstration lesson on the topic “Who is the boss in the house” was successfully completed. The cat understands that a leader has appeared on the territory and stops putting his own marks.

To consolidate the result, you need to wash off all the old marks and apply strong aromas of perfume, cologne, shoe spray, etc. over them.

This will achieve two goals: the cat will understand that the marks were placed by the leader, and on the other hand, the strong smell is unpleasant to the animal, and it will not approach the fragrant corners for a long time.

Special means

To stop your cat from marking, you can use special means in consultation with your veterinarian. These could be pills to calm hormonal levels: Fitex, Kot-bayun, Stop-stress. But you need to keep in mind that these drugs do not affect all pets. Some drops may be harmful to your cat, so consult your veterinarian.

Lemon juice poured onto a “crime scene” can discourage an animal from marking that area. Black pepper or mustard powder can also scare away the animal. There are special sprayers with a special smell - they are sold in stores that sell pet supplies.

Difference between marks and normal urination

Wet spots are a tricky subject, they may or may not be a mark. We figured out the subtleties of distinguishing a puddle of urine from a “trace”. And the research results were presented in a convenient comparative table. Now you will definitely understand what is what.

VolumeSmall, small and frequent spotsBig, one continuous spot
Character of the jetShort, sharp, like from a spray gunCalm, long, continuous (in a healthy animal)
SmellMore sharp and causticLess harsh, not as corrosive
LocationMore affordable and easy to get toLess exposed, secluded and comfortable
Animal poseRaises his tail and shakes it.Sits down, lowers his tail
Animal behaviorDoesn’t bury, “puffs” demonstrativelyHiding, carefully burying

Difference between a mark and a puddle

How to find cat marks

You can find cat marks in your favorite places: animals most often leave marks on walls, wallpaper, furniture, shoes, and clothes. A specific smell will lead to a “crime scene.”

However, some individuals manage to mark territory in hard-to-reach places, complicating timely detection. In this case, an ultraviolet lamp will come to the rescue. A light source with a wavelength of 365-385 nm or a flashlight with an LED lamp will help identify traces of cat urine. It is best to search for tags in the dark. When illuminated with a lamp or flashlight, cat urine appears as a glowing yellow, greenish neon stain.

This is what cat marks look like under a lamp

Tag prevention

Experienced breeders and veterinary specialists recommend to cat owners

the following measures to prevent cat marks:

  • Castration is the most effective method of prevention, provided that the operation to remove the gonads is done before the onset of puberty.
  • Education is a less effective method in the fight against marks. However, if the pet does not naturally have strong male leadership qualities, then proper education can play a key role in the prevention of cat marks.
  • Permanent residence in the house of a person of the opposite sex. Having an unsterilized cat does not guarantee that the cat will stop marking its territory, and there is a big problem associated with offspring.

Unfortunately, there is no 100% method of preventing a cat from leaving marks. You can combat the natural manifestations of instinct in an uncastrated animal by resorting to educational and hygienic measures.

Weaning a young pet from tagging

After purchasing a kitten, you need to understand that from the age of six months it can begin to mark. Because of this, it is necessary to know in advance how to deal with this problem before it occurs. If it is extremely difficult to wean an adult pet without surgery, then a kitten can be dealt with without castration.

If the cat begins to mark the territory, it is necessary to be strict and show who is the owner of the room. Kittens are very susceptible to roughness and can easily be left psychologically traumatized by mishandling.

If you don’t do much with the kitten and don’t show interest or attention to it, it may start putting marks on its owner’s bed and things. You can correct the situation with games, affection and care.

Main reasons

In addition to the animal instinct to secure territory, there are other reasons for marking that are worth paying attention to.


Sometimes the smallest changes can cause stress in a cat, be it moving to another place of residence or new furniture. Marking the territory will again give him confidence that he is at home. Try to calm your pet at such moments with quiet conversation, stroking or playing. Marks may be a sign that the animal is not feeling well or is getting sick, you need to pay attention to this.

Frightened animal

They often mark the territory intensively due to the animal's fear. One of the residents of the apartment could have accidentally scared him. Also, the cause of fear could be the appearance of another animal in the house or some unusual situation. An experienced owner always senses this behavior of his pet and tries to calm him down using various methods.


This condition is an important reason for your pet to mark throughout the house. Oh, these cats are sensitive creatures and always feel a lack of attention to their person. The cat may be offended that the owner’s attention does not belong to him alone, for example, the appearance of a child in the house. Therefore, trying to attract attention to themselves, they begin to mark objects. Hold him in your arms, give him something tasty and pamper him. Perhaps he will stop continuing after this.


The marks mean that he is looking for a cat. In this case, you need to create a strong smell in those places that the cat fell in love with first. Apply ammonia, bleach, lemon, iodine or a solution of potassium permanganate to the areas it marks. Strong smells should scare the cat away.

You can make cotton swabs, dip them in the appropriate compounds and place them in certain places. Sometimes, in cases where the mating instinct is too strong, veterinarians prescribe special hormonal medications.

Raising an adult cat

Castration may not provide a complete solution to the problem, so it is worth starting to raise your pet. The owner must secure his position. This can be done in the same way as in the case of a young pet, but there are other options. After cleaning, you can start leaving your marks - this does not mean that you should spray your urine around the apartment (however, some repeated this procedure, and it turned out to be effective).

This is how the cat tries to cover up the owner's scent.

It is necessary to make sure that the owner's scent interrupts the cat's marks. To do this, you can leave clothes that smell of sweat near the marks. You will have to wear socks for about a day or some piece of fabric in the armpit for about an hour.

For your information! If the owner often uses the same perfume compositions, then they can be sprayed in the same places so that the smell is concentrated. When the cat does not find traces of his own urine, he will understand that he has failed, and therefore admits his own defeat, ceasing to leave marks on every corner of the apartment.

There is only one reason for the marks - puberty

There is a big difference between the way cats mark and the way they just pee. Marking is an instinctive action. It is established by nature and controlled by sex hormones. It is impossible to wean a cat from marking, just like it is impossible to wean a cat from eating or breathing.

The desire to mark is an instinct tied to sexual hunting.

During puberty, that is, at approximately 7-8 months, the cat demonstrates its need to mate. For this reason, he can begin to mark not only walls with furniture, but also the things of the male owner. The fact is that cats distinguish the smell of human hormones and thus try to eliminate the smell of another male in the apartment in case there is a cat at home.

A cat can mark a person in order to show his love and the fact that the owner is now the property of the cat, so that other cats do not encroach on him.

Territory marking is provided by nature and is an integral part of cat instincts. In an apartment, the animal marks when a strange cat or at least the smell of a strange cat appears on the territory. When living in a private house, be prepared that your cat will “fight” with other cats for the front door and constantly mark it and the surfaces around it.

The owner should carefully observe the behavior of his pet and clearly understand when the cat marks, which shows natural instincts, and when it simply pees, which can mean a demonstration of character, anger, or resentment. Frequent urination can be a warning sign of health problems.

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