How to name a yard dog for a boy and a girl: the easiest names

Do you want to get a dog, but don’t know what name to give your yard dog? List of the most beautiful, funny, unusual nicknames for yard dogs. Only the best of all kinds of English, Russian, Japanese and French names for dogs of all breeds can be found on our website.

Every owner of a furry pet wants to choose a suitable name for it. This is what our website is designed to help with.

Lists with names for all possible types of animals are presented on our website. Good luck and choose only good names!

What is a mongrel, origin of the breed

Mongrels (yard terriers, dogs of the “noble” breed) are dogs that do not have a breed. In English, there is also the concept of a mongrel and the term mongrel (“mangrel”), which is translated as a mixed breed; sometimes such dogs are called half-breeds, but less often. A mixed breed (mongrel) is a dog that does not belong to any officially recognized breed and is not the result of deliberate breeding. According to estimates in Desmond Maurice's 2008 book Stray Dogs, there are about 150 million mongrels worldwide.

Although there is a term for “mixed breed dog,” many mutts have no known purebred ancestors. One of the distinguishing characteristics of mongrels is that they tend to live on the street, they may not have an owner, and they may live in their own community, which makes the offspring they produce uncontrollable. But still, a mongrel is understood as a dog without a specific breed, living either independently on the street or having an owner and living on his territory.


• The most loyal pet
• Domestic animal of the canine family, mammal

• The beast that humanizes us

• “Doggie” for email address

• sometimes sledding, sometimes biting

• people say: “. barks, the wind carries"

• in some Western European countries, the testimony of these animals is taken into account in court

• they say the only way to buy love with money is to buy it

• yard furry security

• a person's friend in an email address

• man's friend, food for the masters of his craft

• food for a master of his craft

• and. (and in the south and the West of the general kind) dog, guard, sevlyag fire. ofns. gyrcheya zap. (grumble) visled olon. abusive bark, amka: domestic animal Canis domesticus; in a broad sense dog is a generic name, dog, wolf, fox, checker, etc. species of this genus. Having taken possession of the dog and adapting it to all climates and his needs, man bred many breeds of it: diver, Danish, medelyanka, shepherd (shepherd), mongrel, mongrel, bulldog, muzzle, pug, Kamchatka, greyhound (dog, hort, krymka, etc. ), Italian greyhound, wolfhound, hound, net, osochal, brass (bloodhound, vyzhlok), kicker, Brusbart, poodle, badger (crooked paw), Spitz, lapdog, Turkish (hairless), etc. There are no wild dogs except wild dogs; they think that it is a cross between different canine species; bastards from a dog with a wolf, a fox, a jackal will be born even now. Forest, hunting, industrial dog, sib. a breed of local mongrels, accustomed to searching, grooming, exhibiting, rutting and catching game, for all purposes; They are shaggy, toothy, sensitive, ears like pitchforks, they take on any animal alone, but they are meek towards people. A cross between a canine and a shepherd, a dummy; a cross between a dog and a wolf, a top, a wolfdog, a cuff; from foxes and dogs, foxes. A dog that doesn't bark is silent. Male canine, male; female, canine, bitch; cub, dog cf. south Kutya, kitten, puppy, puppy. Dog, plant Geum rivale, burdock, forest sickle, leaf-grass. The silent dog stealthily grabs the calves. a dashing dog has even a tuft of fur. Toothless dog woof, woof! Myalatsa, Myalka. He's scolding, dog. Now you can't find him with dogs. He went to beat the dogs, chase the dogs, hang around. A dog's death, about a bad man. The dog is free to lie about the lord. The dog barks, the wind blows. A man and a dog in the yard, a woman and a cat in the hut. If she weren't a husband, she wouldn't be considered a dog. throw them a bone, so your dogs! Krylov. The dog barks, he hears from the dog. The little dog pestered me. Tiny little dog. Dog dog, dog dog from a calf. The dog crowd is enormous. The dogs attacked the trail and grabbed the scent. The yard is full of dogs. The dog remembers the good old things. A dog is a friend, and a horse is a thief. A dog is an unchangeable friend to a man. Without a dog, you cannot catch a hare. The dog ate grass, but didn’t last long (vomited). The dog sees (hears) milk, but the snout is short (or: yes, the jug is deep). The dog eats crumbs under the table, and the cat waits for spilled milk. dogs have thoughts in their tails, horses have thoughts in their ears. Like a dog lying in the manger: she doesn’t eat herself and doesn’t give it to others. The dog is a glutton, and the cat has a sweet tooth. No matter how much the dog has enough, it will never be full. The dog has enough, but never gets enough. He's got a kick out of this, master, doc. He ate the dog, but only choked on his tail. There is no point in saying that dogs bark. The dog barks and the bars move on. It will dry out like on a dog. A small dog becomes an old puppy. In a foreign land, even a dog feels sad. He who welcomes the guest feeds the dog too. If you love me, love my dog ​​too. The court ate the case and the dog ate it. It was written by a scribbler, and his name is a dog. There is nothing in the house to lure the dog into. Our hostess is all at work: even the dogs wash the dishes. We are such a craft that it has taken us to dogs, theft. There are dogs in Jerusalem. At such a time, a good owner would not throw the dog out of the gate. An angry dog ​​gives self-interest to the wolf. They live like a couple living with a cat. Whoever pokes his head in front gets eaten by the dogs. You lie down like a dog, you get up with fleas. The dog barks at the brave man, but vomits at the cowardly man. The dog knows the dog (or: does not eat). Don't tease the dog, it won't bite. The dog barks at the ruler too. Silent dog and even she will howl unbearably. Who likes people, likes dogs. There are many dogs for a coward. Gnawing at me is a dog, but a stranger (but not your own, unknown). A dog will bark (at me), but a rooster will not crow (you will not win; about your wife). The dog is given a callus to eat, gnaw, or put in front. When he speaks, the dog won’t even be able to say a word. If a dog needs to be beaten, there will be a stick. If there was a dog, there would be a stone. Miroshka is rich and has a dog and a cat. The stick will not disappear behind the dog (that is, it will remember). He loves a stick (radish) like a dog. If you cut off a dog's tail, it won't turn into a sheep. A dashing dog has even a tuft of fur. I was glad that the dog was gone. From the empty mansion there is either an owl, an owl, or a mad dog. On dogs, the fur flaps, i.e., it thrashes). Your own dogs squabble, don’t pester someone else’s (don’t meddle). The gates are colorful, the dogs are new, the windows are thatched, the roof is dragged. The dog was flying, the crow was sitting on its tail. Everyone knows him as a pockmarked dog (translated from German). Dog eat dog, and the devil eats the last one (or: the last one hangs himself). It's time to have lunch. “So there is no bread.” Do you have a whip? "Eat." Let's go chase the dogs! Four fours, two spreaders, the seventh vertun (dog). the hut with a pie, and in the yard a kalachi (dog). Timoshka is rich, he has a dog and a cat. Bark, bark, little dog, where is my betrothed? (the girls are wondering about Christmas time, knocking on the gate with a spoon). Don't hit a dog, and it was a human (turned into a dog for being gluttonous). If a dog howls at night, then turn the pillow under your heads, saying: on your head; and she will fall silent. To prevent the dogs from going crazy, drag the puppies through the wheel hub. If the dog, standing on its feet, sways, then the owner will have a hard time. The dog howls downwards (towards the ground), towards the dead man; up towards the fire. The dog digs the ground for the dead man. It is a sin to call a dog by a human name. Don't kick the dog: it will cause seizures. The dog is lying around in bad weather. Anyone who eats from a dog (after a dog) will have a swollen throat. The dog eats grass when it rains. The dog rolls towards rain and snow. You can kiss a dog on the face, but not the fur of a cat, on the contrary. It is unfortunate for a dog to cling to its owner. The dog eats little and sleeps a lot due to bad weather. If a dog does not eat crumbs after a sick person, he will soon die. When a dog crosses the road, there will be no harm, but there will not be much success either. To prevent the dog from running away, tear out a tuft of fur from its neck. A black dog, a black cat and a black rooster in the house save from a thunderstorm and from a thief (and on the contrary, they are dangerous during a thunderstorm; belief, lower). Vyak, vyak, old dog, without guts (myalitsa). The crooked dog is looking into the stove (poker). The little black dog lies curled up: neither barks nor bites, and does not let him into the house (the same). Four are laying down, two are shining, and one is lying down and won’t let anyone in (dog). Dudka-duda, there is a hole in the pipe; the pipe will crackle, the dog will run (gun). Does a small dog (small, pot-bellied) take care of the whole house? lock. Dog, bugle type of ore cart, wheelbarrow. North clumsy stick; a stick used to chase a bitch, a ball in a game; arch. a curved club at the end, used to break manure in a field. Arch. Rowan berries, in bunches, how they are saved for future use. Tver. a prickly, tenacious burdock cone. Casp. a kind of stopper, an end that serves instead of a grotagal; the dog is attached to the lower yard. Plant. Lapa tomentosa, lapuh, lapushnik, burdock, burdock. Plant. Galium, see dereza. A block placed on a firewood at the end of a log so that it does not lie on the bindings. Doggie, belittle. tenacious seed, and the very plants with such seed sticking to clothing: Agrimonia eupatoria, see burdock; Videns plant, succession; Sunoglossum plant, see larkspur; plant Linaria, see cornflower; plant Рotenilla, see scale; plant Erithronium; plant forget-me-not, Velcro, burdock, Eshinospermum. Dogs, biting pliers, needle nose pliers. machines: a part used to grip, delay, trailer. Gun trigger, trigger. A forked hook, on saw mills, that grips and holds the ratchet wheel. The dog of the weaving mill: with it, like a lever, the rear beam rotates; also a board with a wheel, which raises the legs when stepping on the footrest. for masons, a section of brick, a quarter, or a hewn small fragment. Dog beekeeper. see whip; carpentry, a block inserted with a protrusion, e.g. under threat. Dog skein, Vlad. a knot where the end of the thread is tied. Sea dog, Black Sea. fish Asanthias vulgaris. Dogfish, Blennius fish. Sobakin, sobakin, sobachenkin, whatever her name is; canine, generally related to them. Dog barking, howling. Dog food. Dog-like disposition, grumpy, scolding. Dog belongings, plants. watercress, Lepidium ruderale. berries, buckthorn tree. mushrooms, sib. Pecheritsa? lips, sib. toadstool mushrooms. Dog tooth, plant. kandyk? erysipelas, plant Lavathera thuringiaca, mallow. mint, see budra. lichen, growth of Рeltidea canina; tail, Sunosorum plant. tongue, plant Sunoglossum (all names are translated). Dog head, plant. Norsewort, Scrophularia nodosa. cabbage, vegetable chicken potion, Mercurialis annua. parsley, Aethusa cynapium plant. death, plant poison, Arosunum. Dog fly, angry fly, Sunops calcitrans. Death without repentance is a dog's death. The matchmaker walks the dog's path (i.e., secretly). A dog's howl for eternal peace. Dog meat, dog skin, dog skin or meat. In Siberia, black dogs go for fur coats. The wolf does not disdain the dog's dog. Dog lover, dog lover, dog lover, passionate dog lover; canine hunter; Lover of lap dogs. Dog lover, dog dealer. Dog lovers, plant lovers Sunoglossum; plant Eschinochloa, siskin. Dog owner, plant owner dog parsley. Dog psk. that in the south there is gitzel, who is assigned to beat staggering dogs. Dog house, kennel, dog shelter, dog factory. Make a fire. play pranks, fool around, play dirty tricks, spoil something out of pranks. whom, nov. scold, scold, revile. Get lost, dammit. dog, hang out; break and spoil something. with whom, to scold, to quarrel, to vilify whom and: each other. He always behaves like a dog and curses. As soon as the two of them get together, they start to fight. Dog training, action according to verb. How can you not get tired of this dog thing! Dog-like, scolding, quarrelsome; -ness, this property. Dogishly, arch. greedy (Shane)

Description and characteristics of mongrels

Mongrels can vary greatly in height, weight, color and coat type, head and body shape, and can be similar to different breeds. Under the influence of the environment, populations of mongrels with a common body type and similar characteristics can be formed. Sometimes these features can be used to develop a new breed.

Types of mongrels

Sometimes you can trace the appearance depending on, for example, location, time period.

Mutts can be very friendly and loyal.

Some common types of mongrels in Russia:

  • a large mongrel that looks like a shepherd dog, or a cross between an shepherd dog and a mongrel; there were many such dogs in Russia in the 80s of the 20th century, when there was a fashion for shepherd dogs;
  • medium-sized mongrels resembling terriers in appearance;
  • small mongrels are less common than others, since it is harder for small ones to survive without human care.

It is very rare to find mongrels that resemble small toy breeds, such as Russian Toys or Yorkies, as it is especially difficult for them to survive on their own.

In other countries, the types of mongrels may have their own regional characteristics.

Photo gallery: what different mongrels look like

Mongrels can look quite well-groomed

The fluffy snow-white mongrel is not inferior in beauty to the Maltese dog

The color of a large mongrel may be similar to that of a German Shepherd

The red-haired little mongrel resembles Kashtanka from Chekhov's story of the same name.

Wire-haired red mongrel clearly has dachshunds among her relatives

Despite stereotypes, mongrels also have a noble appearance

At a young age, mongrels are not inferior in their cute appearance to other purebred dogs.

Dissimilar multi-colored puppies of one little mongrel will become excellent friends for their owners

The appearance of this dog, 65 cm high, clearly shows a hound

A small smooth-haired mongrel similar to a hunting fox terrier

Well-groomed mongrels look very attractive, like this one with gorgeous long eyelashes and beautiful beige-gray fur.

Character of the mongrel

There are conflicting opinions about the character of mongrels. Some note the sociability of mongrels, their special playfulness, liveliness, energy, and lack of aggression towards other dogs. It is believed that mongrels are not capricious, easily get used to new surroundings, adapt well and can stoically endure any hardships. People are sometimes treated with caution, but this does not mean that mongrels pose a greater danger than purebred dogs. Mutts become attached to people, especially if they were taken from a shelter or just from the street; they are very responsive to affection and attention.

At the same time, life on the street in extreme conditions can leave an imprint on the mongrel’s psyche, namely, develop character traits such as distrust, nervousness, thievery, and cowardice.

There are different types of mongrels, most often mongrel puppies grow up quickly and therefore play less than the same retrievers. Many modern breeds used in sports and work are trained by playing; their play instinct, one might say, is even hypertrophied.

Mongrel is different from mongrel, of course, most mongrels are good “callers” and liars, but that’s all. They can snatch on the sly, but, as a rule, they are easily driven away in a simple way - bend down and pretend to pick up a stone.

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Mutt health

The hybrid vigor theory suggests that dogs with rich, diverse bloodlines will be healthier than their purebred counterparts. Mutts fall into this category.

Heterosis (hybrid vigor) is the theory of the superiority of offspring over parents when crossing different breeds, in particular dog breeds. The opposite biological phenomenon is inbreeding, the crossing of close relatives.

In street populations, as a result of natural selection, weak, non-viable animals are eliminated and dogs with the best genes for survival remain. A breed is the result of crossing, often of close relatives, which negatively affects the health of the offspring at the genetic level.

A number of scientific studies conducted in the United States and other countries have shown that pet mongrels are less likely to require veterinary care. Statistics on the mortality of domestic dogs in the USA (as well as in Denmark, Sweden, England) revealed that mongrels on average live longer than purebred dogs, by about 2 years. At the same time, for example, obesity has a sharply negative effect on both purebred and outbred animals. It must be taken into account that we are talking specifically about domestic mongrels. Street dogs rarely live to be 10 years old, which is due to unbalanced nutrition, fights, and stress.

Raising a mongrel, training, opinions of dog handlers

Some dog experts believe that outbred dogs are much inferior in intelligence to purebred dogs. There is some truth in this. For example, service breeds, such as shepherd dogs and schnauzers, learn commands better, since they were specially bred for service use.

Training and raising a mongrel is almost always a constant search for unconventional solutions, which perhaps appeals to those who like to create additional difficulties for themselves. When training a mongrel, unexpected things can happen in places where you don't expect them. As a rule, “hereditary” mongrels are cowardly, cautious, and simply cowardly, as a result of which working with them can be difficult, and sometimes unpleasant and even dangerous.

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But there is also an opposite opinion among dog handlers.

Mongrels are trained no worse than any other dogs (I have a mongrel, he knows about 40 commands).


Some cynological associations allow mongrels to be tested and hold competitions where dogs demonstrate good obedience. It should be noted that mongrels can be very smart. The need to survive in urban environments has given them skills such as orientation and even recognizing the colors of traffic lights. Mongrels can learn simple commands and are trainable. It is better to start training at 5–6 months, but an adult dog can also be trained. The main incentive is treats and praise from the owner.

The main thing is to be consistent. If something is forbidden, then it is forbidden; if something is commanded, then ensure that the command is carried out. First, make a list of what you want from your dog and what will be strictly prohibited. And it’s worth reading the literature. I have two dogs, both mongrels. She started studying with her youngest when she was one and a half years old, and her eldest was already four when she resumed trying to find a common language with her. Now both dogs obey perfectly both at home and on the street, run agility, and undergo dance and stunt training. No problems.


Video: technique for teaching a dog basic commands

Care and nutrition of the mongrel

If you take a mongrel from the street, then you need to consider the following: the dog may be unhealthy, it must be shown to a veterinarian. After consultation and examination by a veterinarian, the dog is vaccinated, the animal’s fur and skin are treated against fleas and ticks, worms are removed and washed well. For a dog in an apartment (private house), a place for sleeping and rest is allocated, which should be located away from radiators and windows. The pet should have its own toys, bowls for water and food, accessories for walking and grooming.

For mongrels, you should follow the usual grooming procedures:

  • The coat, if it is short, is combed every week using a special metal brush. For soft, medium-length or long wool, you need to purchase a comb with long teeth. If the hair is coarse, then it is not only combed, but also trimmed.
  • Teeth are brushed once a week with a soft paste to prevent the formation of yellow plaque, which causes caries and gum inflammation.
  • The ears are cleaned once a week by wiping the auricles with a cotton swab dipped in oil (vaseline or refined vegetable oil). If there is a lot of dirt, use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • The eyes are checked daily and wiped with a damp soft cloth or cotton swab.
  • The claws are regularly trimmed with special scissors.

Mongrels are not picky eaters, but this does not mean that you can feed them anything. For mongrels, as for purebred dogs, you can choose one of two feeding directions: natural food or ready-made food - holistic or premium. Only food of the highest category contains everything necessary for the life and health of a pet. You need to remember that if you adopted a dog from the street, it is likely that it was hungry and will be prone to overeating. You need to watch your diet and not allow yourself to overeat. Ready-made foods have standards for one feeding depending on age and weight. When feeding naturally, you need to know that the daily diet of an adult dog should be approximately 3-4 percent of the dog’s weight.

With this option, the dog is fed 2 times a day. The basis of the diet is meat and offal, porridge, cottage cheese, you can add vegetables, eggs, fish (mackerel, mackerel). The share of plant components should be no more than 1/3 of the diet. Vitamin and mineral supplements should be included in the diet periodically. Puppies are offered food 5-6 times a day, and their diet should contain foods rich in protein.

It is strictly not recommended to use chocolate, pickled, peppered foods, sweets, as well as dangerous tubular bones and bony fish for feeding dogs of all breeds. The products are given both raw and boiled. The food should be warm. Always have a bowl of fresh water next to your food bowl.

Mutts do not require frequent washing; 3 procedures per year are enough; they are washed with warm water and special detergents for dogs or using baby and laundry soap. After this, the dog must be combed.

Mongrels are kept both in apartments and outside the city. It depends on the size and coat. Some mongrels can be kept outdoors in enclosures. Mutts are usually very energetic and active, they need walks, especially if the dog lives in an apartment. It is necessary to walk with the mongrel 2-3 times a day for at least 30 minutes, and it is advisable to sometimes take long walks outside the city so that the dog can burn off its energy. A leash is required for walks, and for large mongrels a muzzle is required if necessary. After a walk, you need to accustom your pet to the procedure of wiping or washing its paws.

For boys (male nicknames)

Nicknames starting with the letter A

Asher/Vin (happy) Antrim Akaru (cheerful, joyful) Arman (strong and resilient) Ariel Ando (calm) Aldert Ariyak Akari (radiance, light) Antey (confident, stable) Amiur Altair Alger (smart warrior) Abas Asterix Aygun Arti Azbek Abo Apogee Asobu (playful) Arisha Alfonzo (noble) Peanut Alvin Agent Akron Aodh (flame, fire) Admin Isaac/Ike/Issac (laughing) Aremo Armel (stone) Ambassador Artemis Adrenaline Aragon Alton Arno Ardon (bronze) Aidar

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Bartosh Bosco Busik Blaz Brie Berenger Balt Bomais Bayard Bass Barbaros Balthazar **__** Burke Beck Bandit Bavar Boss Gray Buckingham Balto Batman Berserk Bomais Baroyan Bushui Bartosh Blue Broit Beiko Beagle Benjamin Bard Beads Benjamin Barks Bolder Bagratin Banzai Boniface Bimbo

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Wagner Magnificent Valius Vaidot Venus Veva Voldemar Wendel (“wandering”) Vikort Valshasar Weifai Whirlwind Vanaheim Free Warflomay Vester Viking Bismuth Wigle Cornflower Vasya Faithful Cornflower WhatsApp Violet Vargan Vitas Web Witcher Virus Vostok Vatan Vivaldi Valerian Viol Velten Vaynerful Vader Witelotte Noir (“living black”) Volker

Nicknames starting with the letter G

Galen/Gale/Gaylon (calm) Gold Gatsby Goth Great Green Gosha Gary Guyar Hannibal (evil genius) Gaikai (free sea) Galkin Thunder Glamor Glamor Gosha Gaspar Gulena Green Goodwill Grand Garnet Hudson Hertog Golden Gonzales Godfrey Gavin (hawk) Hyde Gall Greer Gressy Stuffed cabbage Gatsby Giray Herman Goodwin Gold (English) Gavrik Hussar

Nicknames starting with the letter D

David-Dash Dein Darklight Dell Duo Darwin Dobrynya Davidson Jess Jumper John Jake Wild Jonathan Juken (firearm, rifle) Danatello Jess George Divar Deneb (tail) Dzedzi (girl) Jamal ("unearthly beauty in Arabic") Droris Jeckle Dracula John Gilles Doc Dovney Darling Descartes Dessert Jayln (quiet voice, stopping) Darg Darth Darling Danube Jude Pow Smoke Double

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Evgesha Ephrat Erema Evstachy Erek Erang Emino Hedgehog Erema Eroh Yesen Yeran Eremey Enot Epiphanius Estigney Yegaru (joy) Egon Emino Euro Elai Yesen Erosh Yesenin Yekey (great reward) Yeshkan Esteyk Erofey Estigney Egoza Evgraf Eroh Erik Entes Yegor Hedgehog Eremey Epifan Echang Yesaul

Nicknames starting with the letter Z

Jardin Jasmine Germont Jourdain Jardine, Jerome Germain Zhmot Georgen Jeanmar Zhivchik Jean Luc Pikay Zhek Gendarme Gigolo Janine Groom Jean-Luc Germain Juan Jean Luc Pikay Jocelyn Groom Crookshanks Gigol Zostik Georgen Georgen Jocelyn Justin Jocelyn Zheik Zhuzhik Zhares Zhorzhik Geoffrey Groom Zalgiris Zhusik Zhang Izur Jeanmar

Nicknames for the letter 3

Zack, Zakaris (remembering Zac Efron) Zagor St. John's Wort Bay Zemych Zeyk Zephyr Zilber Zelot Zart Zagor Zembo Zoltan Zembi Zyusha Zephyr Zolt Star Beam Zoltan Zender Zero Zalts Zaire Zosim Zander Zenzi Zoom-Zoom Ruffnut Zavir Zuyd Zack, Zakaris (remembering Zac Efron) Asshole Zenit Zim Zeik Zeron Zlata Zorik Zvyozdny Zorkiy

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Hippolyte Iyan Ilin (smart warrior) Imperial Inenent (safe) Isis Icarus Iger Beaver Islav Izoy Eastwood Inis Iraq Ingram Isaac Iraq Illai Irutus June Iview Iraq Inter Izosim Irk Innocent Irk Iyar Iskander Isley Ilyich Invar Immortal Imar Iv Iraq Eli Ilm Irvin Inenent (safe) Irzhik

Nicknames starting with the letter Y

Yoshiko (child) Yoko Yosik Yoti York Yorick Yori Yoko Yog Yogurt Yohan

Nicknames starting with the letter K

Capa Korolevich Kant Callest Kaori (fragrant) Kaid (overweight, round) Keiko Kaisar Klin Cassidy (smart and quick-witted) Kodiak Kammei (memory, deep impression) Korikoplut Kotofey Kotofeevich Kusimir Kaplan Kamiko Kartuz Katson Cologne Katnes King Cosmos Cadmus Cupcake Kiten Knopa Cross Captain Katiko Koala

Nicknames starting with the letter L

Lucilius Lucretius Lord Voldemort Lu-lu Larry Latysh Laban (“magnificent, unsurpassed) Laigun Lavi Lo-Yo Little Lopushok Like Leo Leviathan Lipsy Lutz Loter Lorch Light Laptik Lu Lux Locks Life Luci-Furr Leps Luchar Laid Lyall (wolf) Ladis Lyle Favorite Ludwig Liv (life) Legart Lapiskat (lapjeskat) Lenore Life Laran

Nicknames starting with the letter M

Meschent (goddess of newborns) McQueen (name of a royal person) Michelin Mini Myavva Muni Magico McBuster Mason Marlo Masik Gloomy Manami (beautiful love) Micah Maz Makar Tycoon Maxim Mustang Mouse Malanya, Melyasha, Melania (dark, brunette) Margot Mezmay Mirabelle Micah Morris Mac-Buster Mavis Mick Mister Meow May Molder Must Minas Maximus De Meuchius First Mandarin Marek Morkovin Bear Marlon

Nicknames starting with the letter N

Noir Naunet (personification of the night sky) Noboru (conqueror) Nikanor Ninke (noble, proud) Neiko Nevir Neuron Neil Lagans Natsumi (wonderful summer) Nabi Naum Knife Norvis Num Nezhdanchik Nolik Nold Nex Napoleon Bonaparte Nathan Nas Nazar **__** Neyton Nabis Nux Nixie Knight Rider Ney Nikitka Norio (observer of order, law) Nati Narin Nemo Nynius Nigel Neville Nathan Neilin

Nicknames starting with the letter 0

Obsidian Ollon Alkinder (strong) Olex Oras Octavian Octavius ​​Ovid Aldous Onesimus Orth Older Glutton Optimus Charming Oswald Olris Odiven Octavius ​​Oito Mischievous Ongur Ollin Austin Auguste (majestic) Oloron Olberto Orroen Opus Glutton Oya Orel Orey Ollie, Oliver (character of Charles Dickens) Oxford Only Orson Osman Okay Orlan

Nicknames starting with the letter P

Peony Pompon Shepherd Pankrat Pokemon Slick Crawler Pilgrim Polkan Palmer Perry Pankratz Perseus Flight Parsley Preston Price Pables Pat Purcel Polosandry Pudding Parris Plump Perceval Pride Papillon (butterfly) Pex Pinny Pace Avey Piper Polycarp Twig Piraeus Plakun Porter Pieo Dumpling Pixie Fluffy

Nicknames starting with the letter R

Rubert Ritz Renoir Rustley Rubab Raf Rodeo Rokku (stone) Rivard Raban Roy Redcliffe Ryan Reykjavik Randy Rich Raphael Robert Ratibor Rudolf / Rudy (famous, famous wolf) Rabu (love) Riley Roof Raphael Ronin (samurai left without a master) Rex Robert Rob, Robbie, Bobby, Robert (bright, famous, glorious) Rolf, Rudy, Rudolf (famous wolf) Rian Ruslan Romain Regent Rumble Regent Ronald Ribuk Radar Reyland Ritz

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Smai Sachiko (happy and joyful) Stasik Steel Snow Stitch Slash Sailor Moon Stewart Skittles Carnelian Sirius Superstar Sultan Satoy (smart and quick-witted) Tornado Smog Simbad Sumi (clear) Smart Elephant Svarog Salute Istanbul Peregrine Sebastian Spy Small Cj Severus Snowball Sunray (mountain peak) Simbo Cyril Senior Simpson Stoney Sem Safars Buffoon

Nicknames starting with the letter T

Table Troy Til Turandot Timati Tigrus Curd Talisman Ty Track Timberland Tamiko (child of the beauty) Terror Taranis Tate Table Trogdor Torvil Turkul Thanos Tard Trevor Tapaz Tartar Tuzik Thundercat Trent (intruder) Trace Terney (little lord) Turin (name of an Italian city) Tris Tliltik (by - Aztec) Tremble Topgun Tybalt Tigran Tulip Timur Tricolor (tricolour) Toscano

Nicknames starting with the letter U

Uttar Ullis Uranus Ulyasha Ulvik von Lichtenstein Success Udger Uotan Ulyasha Urf Umir Wallace Upollo Ulvik von Lichtenstein Ugir Ulgram Ultramarine Clever Unique William / William Ulvik von Lichtenstein Ursul Hurricane Winfred Ulf Coal Ungas Uris Urkan Ulfy Ulzhor Uttis Uncas Urtash U ral Uruguay Ushastik Urban Uttis Uliy

Nicknames starting with the letter F

Phillips Farim Fernando Pheasant Fitz (from the surname Fitzgerald) Fary Fonzo Forex Furrball Fatyan Flex Fabman Flash Fatiz Fennel Fotik Floristan Fuzzy Frizzle Fleur Philippe Fanzi Fire Philip Flick Phantom Ferenc Fort Fantomas Fumio (smart, smart child) Fred Frant Fuzzy Fabio Pound Flirt Fetisov Flame Falchi he Frodo

Nicknames starting with the letter X

Hatcliff Hoan Hangur Hepsy Heathcliff Hay (the one who is crowned) Khomich Hokan Hank Hight Halloween Hadtar Haiku Helfair Harman HoHo Holonhay Hadar Hans Heinz Crunch Helwig Heath Hank Harpy Hake Whip Hooligan Hello Heathcliff Haz Hadley Hauan Hatrick Hamil Choir (heavenly, royal) Hano Higgins ( "smart in Irish) Haden Hans

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Centurion Tsap Tsukiko/Tsukiko (moon child) Tsap Tseik Centik Tsuprian Tsasar Tseler Tsvetko Tsetser Tsokol Tsingong Cepheus Tseuichik Circus Cinnamon Gypsy Zurich Centurion Tsukito (moon child) Flower Cepheus Tsarap Caesarion Tsori Civic Gypsy Tsukat Centurion Tsai Lun Tsvetik Caesarion Ts esei Celli Cepheus Caesei Caesar

Nicknames starting with the letter H

Ching Chingiz-Kit Chingai Chogori Chupa-Chups Chasey Chapai Chuck Norris Chamani Chikosha Changul Chaik (God's power) Clean Chitan Cheboksary Cherry Chevar Chubais Chad Changr Cheret/Cheri, Shari/Sharit (favorite) Chingiz Cat Chester Chak-chak Charles Lykkens Chipp Chelkash Chikosha Genghis Khan Cheret/Cheri, Shari/Sharit (favorite) Chogori Chaucer Chenz Genghis Celentano Cherry Chibis Neat Charvel Chupsik

Nicknames starting with the letter Sh

Shadi Chambery Shahmal Shelly Shader Shackleton Chambery Shani Shantay Bumblebee Shark Chef Caricature Shaman Shado Strauss Caricature Chopin Shaft Shandy Shakespeare Shedd Shantay Chevron Shikka Shikka Shamil Shamirat Shai Shahmani Sheil Sheikh Shaker Bumblebee Shackleton Shelby Shamirat Chance Sharik Chambery

Nicknames starting with the letter Ш

Lye The Nutcracker Enya Shchedry Lye Goldfinch Sherbet Goldfinch Shchors Sorrel Saffron Sorrel Shchez Goldfinch

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Edgewise Elko Eisha Aether Enrico Elric Eldwin Eworth Erwin Engels Emil Elf Edward Erwin Alisson Addison Eteriarch Edik Ergeben Emrik Eisha Elar Erak Emmet Emai Eskimo Ergeben Ernie / Ernest / Ernst (serious, determined) Ennimen Esote Action Estelle Elias Edin Enrico Aesop Aether Eding Angel Euclid

Nicknames starting with the letter Y

Yurik Yunesk Yuliyan Yukio (“cherished by God”) Yun Yuri Yunner Yuriko Yukko Yudai Yurkiy Yunus Yutchay Yusuf YouTube Yunisan Yukar Yurkiy Yuney Yudik Yurik Yukos Unit Yuran Unit Yuzhanin Justin Yunak Yung Yura Yuchor Yulio Yura Yusha Yusup Yuran Yuskus Yuri Eustace Yunga

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Yaron Yapik Yar Janissary Yandex Yarrus Shortcut Yazon Yandumin Yakhto Janissary Lizard Yandus Yamb Yankee Yarik Yarham Jacek Yard Yakuza Yasik Yakhel Yasik Yasha Yakhont Yazon Yard Yard Janissary Jadasson Lizard Yankel Yard Yasser Yahoo Yakov Yanle Yakim Yakuza Yanir

Pros and cons of mongrels compared to purebred dogs

Those who already have mongrels note:

  • very loyal, loyal to their owner until the end of their lives;
  • unique - you won’t find a similar dog;
  • they get sick a little;
  • well trained;
  • hardy and unpretentious;
  • They can cope well with the duties of service dogs and act as watchdogs.

The following disadvantages are noted:

  • sometimes they are unpredictable;
  • It is difficult to predict the adult appearance of a puppy; he may grow up unattractive, awkward and unsightly.

The unpredictability of size is a disadvantage of mongrels. When you think that you adopted a small dog, but after a while you see that a big dog has grown up. The unpredictability of a yard pet's character can also cause a lot of anxiety.

When choosing a purebred dog, you can focus on the breed's personality traits, some breeds have a calm temperament, and some do not.

My friend picked up a mongrel puppy on the street with an obvious terrier mix. The dog was very energetic, barked incessantly during walks, which displeased those around him, and calmed down only after many hours of intense walks. On the street she attacked small dogs, at home she rummaged through the garbage, and it was not possible to wean her from these outrages. She only became a little calmer in her old age, and the dog lived for 12 years.

Guess the riddle:

There are no clouds on the horizon, But an umbrella has opened in the sky. A few minutes later He went down... Show answer>>

You're running. There are Germans behind you, a wall in front. Which barrel will you jump into: wine or beer? Then you run. There are Germans behind, a wall in front. Which barrel will you jump into: water or oil? Then you run. The Germans are behind you, which barrel will you jump into: shit or urine? Show answer>>

You go with your friends into the forest, and he climbs onto your shoulders. He doesn’t want to go on his own, he’s very heavy. Show answer>>

Human use of mongrels

Mongrels were often used by humans as guard dogs, as well as in the circus and cinema, for scientific purposes. History knows examples of the use of mongrels in wartime. And, of course, mongrels are known as good companions.

Belka and Strelka

Belka and Strelka are well-known astronaut dogs. For experiments in the field of astronautics in the USSR, only stray mongrels were used, as they were noted for good health, intelligence, undemanding food, and a good attitude towards people. These could be found on the street and taken for free. There were many dog-cosmonauts in the USSR, besides Belka and Strelka, Veterok and Ugolyok, Dezik and Tsygan and others flew into space.

Belka, Strelka and other dogs that have been in space: photo gallery

Belka and Strelka are Soviet cosmonaut dogs who made a space flight on the Sputnik 5 spacecraft on August 19, 1960.

In addition to Belka and Strelka, there were also Chernushka and Zvezdochka - slightly less famous travelers

Currently, stuffed Belka and Strelka are in the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow


Vladimir Bortko’s film “Heart of a Dog” is familiar to many. The main role of the dog Sharik was successfully played by the mongrel dog Karai.

A monument was erected to Professor Preobrazhensky and Sharik in St. Petersburg

Pavlov's dogs

Scientist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov used yard dogs in his experiments. Pavlov's discovery of the conditioned reflex led to the creation of an entire science - the physiology of higher nervous (mental) activity.

Pavlov became famous for dividing all reflexes into conditioned and unconditioned

Other meanings of this word:

Random riddle:

The white dove flew into the hut, what she saw in the world, and told about everything.

Random joke:

Don't wake me up at dawn, Don't wake me up at sunset. Don't wake me up in the toilet, Don't wake me up on the bed. Don't wake me up under the fence, And don't wake me up when visiting. Do without words and reproaches, lie down next to him and sleep too.

Did you know?

There are approximately one hundred trillion cells in the human body, but only a tenth of them are human cells. The rest are microbes.

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