At what age is it better to adopt a puppy - features up to one year

When the decision to get a dog has been made, even the breed of the pet has been chosen, future dog owners are faced with the question: at what age can you take a puppy into your home? It is necessary to treat it especially carefully; not only how the puppy adapts to a new home, but also the health and character of the dog depends on the age of the animal. The Russian Cynological Federation tells you at what age you can buy a puppy.

“The examination of litters is carried out: for giant, large and medium breeds - no earlier than 45 days, for small breeds - no earlier than 60 days from the date of birth of the puppies, provided that the puppies have all erupted milk teeth; based on the results, metrics are drawn up, from this moment they can be officially sell. This does not mean at all that a puppy at this age is ready for independent life without a mother. I would not recommend adopting a puppy before he is 3 months old. By this age, he becomes quite flexible and will be able to adapt well to new conditions,” commented Vladimir GOLUBEV, President of the Russian Cynological Federation.

Stages of development of a four-legged friend

When purchasing a puppy, the owner is faced with the question of at what age it adapts best.
Puppies that have just been born are completely defenseless.
The mother takes responsibility and care for them. She not only feeds them, but also takes care of their cleanliness. This period ends when the puppy is 35 days old. Important! Many owners make a big mistake, believing that the baby can be given away as soon as the mother stops feeding him.
But there must be a period of socialization and education. The mother independently teaches the children the rules of behavior. The optimal age is considered to be 45 days. This is the time when the puppy can best get used to his new owners and conditions.


A small puppy is a very fragile creature. Unfortunately, sometimes babies die in the arms of their new owners in the first days. The reason is not always the breeder's deception. Often, with a sharp change in conditions, existing chronic diseases that were impossible to identify earlier become aggravated. In addition, the immature immune system suffers.

Mortality is especially high during the period of vaccination and quarantine. Moving and vaccinations are a double blow to the body; it is better to deal with this issue in advance. Responsible breeders sell only vaccinated puppies that no longer require quarantine.

Alas, it is not easy to find such people, since after the second revaccination the babies are already about 3.5 months old. Inexperienced owners try to buy very small puppies, and older pets are much more expensive. It is more profitable for breeders to sell dogs as early as possible. If you want to buy a healthy pet, try to find a vaccinated puppy.

About age criteria for acquisition

When choosing a pet, it is very important to know its age.

Dogs up to a month old are very attached to their mother

Period from 0 to 8 weeks

It is cheapest to buy a puppy that is not yet a month old. This is because the breeder has not yet invested much in it. But such an acquisition has a big disadvantage. Babies up to a month are very attached to their mother. Their immunity is still weakened. In addition, at this age it is difficult to determine the character of the animal.

Period from 8 to 16 weeks

45 days is the best period when it is better to buy a dog. The breeder had enough time to obtain all the necessary documents for the animal. The pet will be fully vaccinated, accustomed to normal food, and will be able to eat on its own. But at this age it is still difficult to determine the character of a dog.

Period from 16 weeks and above

Buying a dog between four and six months of age is the best option. The pet has already fully developed its character. But such an acquisition has one drawback. It is recommended to find out from the owner why he did not sell the dog for so long.

It is best to adopt a dog at the age of 45 days

How to choose a healthy puppy?

Japanese Spitz puppies are sold at the age of 2-3 months after vaccination: at this age they already eat food on their own and can live separately from their mother. Looking like plush toys, white Japanese Spitz puppies captivate with their incredible charm and irresistible attractiveness to everyone who sees them, especially children. Their fur is thick, soft and snow-white, and their eyes and nose are black. They are extremely friendly, happy, full of life creatures. Babies never get tired of playing with each other or with people who treat them with care without overpowering them.

Weight and height

When purchasing a puppy, you need to focus not only on its age. Often an important role is played by the parameters of the animal: its height and weight.

Weight Features

Weight is especially important for small breed dogs. For example, Chihuahua puppies can weigh only 500 g. Males are born larger.

Features of growth

Attention should be paid to the growth of the pet. If the animal is healthy, it will not lag behind in development, and, consequently, in growth. There are several stages of growth in a dog:

  • intrauterine;
  • suckling (from birth to one month);
  • puppy from one and a half to six months;
  • young animals from ten to twelve months;
  • young individuals up to 2.5 months.

At all these stages, the physical development of the animal occurs unevenly. At birth, dogs have a long body and short legs; only by a month does the pet begin to grow in height, and the body increases in width.

Important! The ears become normal in size only when the formation of the animal’s entire body is complete. Therefore, at birth they will appear very large.

The appearance of the ears will also depend on the characteristics of the breed. For example, in a French bulldog they begin to assume their correct position only at the age of three months.

When choosing, it is important to consider the weight of the animal

Assess your financial capabilities.

The dog needs proper nutrition and veterinary care. All vaccinations and examinations at the veterinarian are paid. For full growth and development, as well as maintaining good health, you need to provide your dog with adequate nutrition. The basis of the dog’s diet should be super-premium food, consisting of natural meat, containing the correct balance of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. A large dog weighing from 35 to 65 kg requires 400-600 g of super-premium dry food per day. Medium-sized dogs weighing from 15 to 35 kg require 200-400 g of super-premium dry food per day. Are you able to provide such care? For a family with a modest budget, such expenses may be unnecessary!

At what age is it best to adopt a puppy: tips and features

Dog owners need to understand that small animals need special attention and care. It is better for the owner to study in advance all the problems that he may encounter.

What problems can there be with babies?

When purchasing a small puppy, you need to understand that it is not only about the affection of the baby’s appearance and defenselessness, but also care and attention. A number of problems often arise with babies:

  • The pet constantly needs attention, this is especially true if it was separated from its mother early. German Shepherds tolerate separation the worst. It is recommended to take them no earlier than eight months. Until this age, they really need their mother's care.
  • The owner needs to regularly visit veterinary clinics with the animal, follow the vaccination schedule, and carry out deworming.
  • A difficult stage is expected in the process of teething.
  • Owners need to be prepared for the fact that puddles will constantly appear on the floor as puppies mark their territory.
  • In puppyhood, the risk of injury is increased, since the musculoskeletal system is not yet fully formed.

Important! You definitely need to watch your diet. Small puppies need to select special food so as not to spoil their stomach.

A puppy older than four months: is it possible to purchase

The older the dog, the more difficult it will be for it to get used to its family and new place. This opinion is especially widespread. But puppies at the age of three months are still adapting well. They have already developed many skills. The pet will be able to show the owner that he wants to go to the toilet. The gastrointestinal tract is stably formed.

But the new owner must be prepared that the pet has its own character. It's easier to deal with a smaller puppy. The period of maturation directly depends on the breed. For example, Dachshunds and Pugs mature faster than Labradors.

On a note! Many breeders sell the best dogs in the litter last. Therefore, adopting a puppy at four months is acceptable.

What are the advantages of purchasing mature puppies?

The procedure for purchasing an already grown dog has special subtleties. Before purchasing such a pet, you need to evaluate the pros and cons.

First of all, you need to find out why the animal was not sold for so long. Perhaps the pet was already in the family, but did not take root in it for some reason. He may be afraid when his owner leaves. This fear will greatly affect his behavior. It will be difficult for him to endure the period when the owner leaves home.

Buying a grown-up pet has its pros and cons.

There are also positive aspects of purchasing a grown-up puppy. In such an animal, all the signs of character and its advantages in appearance are already clearly visible. This is very important for those owners who take their pet to participate in exhibitions. For example, corgis or Yorkshire terriers.

Sprouted puppies are already accustomed to the toilet; they do not make a mess in the apartment, do not chew shoes and baseboards.


The future owner of a furry pet must clearly understand what problems he may encounter when choosing a particular breed, because each of them has its own characteristics of maintenance and upbringing.

As an example, consider the characteristics of Rottweilers, dogs belonging to the guard category. When choosing a puppy, you should focus on its appearance and the makings of a future guard, which begin to appear closer to two months of age.

First of all, you need to decide whether to buy a boy or a girl. Then you need to visit several nurseries and select a litter. Having decided on a kennel and litter, you can choose a puppy. The buyer should not take both the largest puppy and the smallest one. It is better to choose a medium size. A healthy Rottweiler puppy is active, curious and lively. If the arrival of a stranger scared the baby and he stopped playing with other puppies, then he will make an excellent guard. If a puppy does not play with its brothers and sisters and stays away, then it is not worth buying it at all. A promising dog is an active dog. A good option when choosing a Rottweiler puppy is to identify the leader and buy him.

Is it possible to have an adult dog?

When deciding when is the best time to adopt a dog, you need to understand that it is easier to cope with a baby. His habits, behavior, and character have not yet been formed. You can also buy an adult dog, but this entails certain difficulties in getting used to it.

For example, Yorkies and Spitz dogs have a very difficult time moving to unfamiliar territory. They become depressed and experience severe nervous tension. They can begin to behave in two ways: constantly being in fear or, conversely, showing aggression, showing everyone that they are in charge here.

When purchasing an adult dog, you need to find out from the owner the reasons why he is being given away. You should definitely inquire about the animal’s health status.

Important! An adult dog has already fully formed eating habits. It will be difficult for the new owner to accustom him to new products and regime.

What you need to know from the breeder when purchasing

Before concluding an agreement to purchase a dog, you need to ask the breeder a few questions and clarify certain points. The new owner will need to know:

  • The state of health, diet and characteristics of raising the pet.
  • Vaccination schedule. The breeder must provide a veterinary passport in which all vaccinations are noted.
  • Number of teeth.
  • Do parents have certain mental characteristics?
  • Documentation. When concluding the contract, a veterinary passport and metrics are attached. The metric states the origin of the dog.
  • Features of the walk. This factor depends on the needs of the breed. For example, a Yorkshire terrier, Jack Russell or spaniel does not need to be walked for a long time, but a husky needs to splash out its energy during hours of jogging outside.

Advice! If for some reason the breeder cannot provide detailed information about the dog's health, it may be better to refuse such a purchase.


The future owner of a furry pet must clearly understand what problems he may encounter when choosing a particular breed, because each of them has its own characteristics of maintenance and upbringing.

As an example, consider the characteristics of Rottweilers, dogs belonging to the guard category. When choosing a puppy, you should focus on its appearance and the makings of a future guard, which begin to appear closer to two months of age.

If the arrival of a stranger scared the baby and he stopped playing with other puppies, then he will make an excellent guard. If a puppy does not play with its brothers and sisters and stays away, then it is not worth buying it at all. A promising dog is an active dog. A good option when choosing a Rottweiler puppy is to identify the leader and buy him.

The examination of your future pet should begin with the teeth. A healthy Rottweiler puppy should have six incisors above and below, as well as a scissor bite: the lower jaw is tightly covered by the upper jaw. Lips and gums are dark in color.

The puppy's stance also requires the attention of the future owner. A healthy dog ​​has a straight back line and straight, powerful paws.

If you are planning a show dog, the length and shape of the ears requires special attention. They reach the middle of the cheeks and are triangular in shape. The inner edges are pressed to the head.

Rottweilers grow in 8-10 months. But shortcomings can be seen in a puppy at one and a half months. It is worth making sure that there is no umbilical hernia. The fifth toes on the hind legs must be docked. There should be no creases on the tail. The ears, eyes, and skin of a small Rottweiler must be clean. The nose is wet and black. The skin is elastic, blue-gray on the back and pink on the stomach, without redness or dandruff. The coat and undercoat are black.

Legal side of the matter

Purchasing a purebred pet is a transaction that must comply with all legal standards. When signing documents, you need to carefully study the text of the agreement. This is a legally binding document.

Important! The breeder must include guarantees for certain qualities of the animal. If they are not confirmed, the new owner has every right to demand a reduction in value or termination of the contract.

Buying a puppy at any age has its own nuances. Attention, love and proper upbringing will help your pet adapt faster to a new family.


Many owners think that the puppy begins to receive training only in a new home. This is wrong. The first and main educator is the mother. It lays the foundations for socialization. Until about 7 weeks, the baby masters primary skills: learns to bark, regulate strength, compete and recognize emotions by gestures and intonation.

An adult dog teaches children good manners. The puppies watch their mother and repeat her actions. For example, a bitch can accustom babies to a diaper or even to a tray if she relieves herself there. With proper adaptation, bowls do not cause shock in the patient. He begins to understand the owner much faster.

Already at 2 months the puppy can move to a new home. The pet has basic skills, so living with him will be comfortable. Still, it is recommended to wait a little longer.

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