How to name a dog a boy and a girl menacingly: the best names

Passion for fighting dog breeds is a very specific activity. And the point here is not only the “bloodthirstiness” of dog fighting. Representatives of the so-called “fighting” breeds are distinguished by special character qualities, such as increased aggressiveness, courage, stubbornness, and self-confidence. In order to raise such a dog, the breeder must himself have a strong and unyielding character, be disciplined and punctual, because working with such dogs needs to be systematic.

The nickname is of great importance in communicating with such dogs. It should reflect the pet's character. It is advisable that the name be short and sharp, like a clap or a shot, so the dog will learn to react to it with lightning speed. And obedience and good reaction are the main qualities of a well-mannered fighter. In our selection you can find a wide variety of nicknames for fighting dogs, both boys and girls.

Thor needs a steady hand

Popular names

Let's start the selection with the most popular names that are preferred. Despite the formidable appearance and tough character of their pets, the owners put all their love into their nicknames. Judge for yourself:

  • Aconite
  • Fighter
  • Archie
  • Ike
  • Brutus
  • Harrison

Staffor Krepysh

  • Granta
  • Grenada
  • Jack
  • Diego
  • Zorro
  • Catfish
  • Sturdy
  • King
  • Combat
  • Sergeant Major
  • Oscar
  • Reno
  • Soldier
  • Romeo
  • Scythian
  • Stu
  • Snoopy
  • Spike
  • Chappie
  • Jump
  • Grabber

Stubborn Romeo

  • Troll
  • Tracker
  • Travis
  • Dave
  • Diva
  • Turbo
  • Eugene
  • Inigma
  • Wendigo
  • Flora
  • Navi
  • Sherry
  • Sailor
  • Gray
  • Agaroth
  • Aster
  • Nara
  • Bast
  • Gaia
  • Gloria
  • Jarrah
  • Gina
  • Dana

American Bulldog

This breed originated at the beginning of the 17th century. The American Bulldog is intended for driving and guarding livestock. But since this breed was too rough, and there were often attacks on animals, they decided to give it to fights and street shows.

The American Bulldog chased bulls, rams and goats with the goal of killing the victim. The outcome was different: either the dog died or was injured, or the livestock became the victim.

Nicknames of “fighters” from cinema and animation

No animal has such cinematic fame as the dog. Among the masterpieces of cinema and animation, there are many in which the dog is not a pet, petted animal, but a brave fighter and protector. The names of such movie characters may well serve as nicknames for real pets. So what we have:

  • Togo (film "Togo")
  • Max
  • Duke (dogs from The Secret Life of Pets)
  • Beck ("The Call of the Wild")
  • Coco (movie "Coco")
  • Cliff (film "Clifford the Big Dog")
  • Crypto
  • Batman (dogs from the movie "Super Pets")
  • Lulu (film "Dog")
  • Friend
  • Ruslan (film “Faithful Ruslan”)

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A harmonious physique is the calling card of “fighters”

  • Spartak ("Spartak and Kalashnikov")
  • Palm
  • Lassie
  • Hachiko
  • Wynn
  • Dixie
  • Rex (Megan Leavey film)
  • Max
  • Hooch
  • Jerry

Good Benji

  • Lee
  • Marley
  • Ginger
  • Shad
  • Chance ("The Road Home")
  • Bella ("The Way Home")
  • Benji
  • Duke ("Duke Duke")
  • Skip ("My Dog Skip")

Features of choice

The nickname should please not only the owner, but also the dog. It is necessary that the puppy react positively to the new name, so he will quickly get used to it and with age he will be able to distinguish it well among other words and sounds. Therefore, when choosing a nickname, you should follow simple recommendations:

it is better if it is short, only 1-2 syllables; the nickname should be clear and sonorous; tailed animals have difficulty perceiving dull and hissing sounds by ear; should not be consonant with the main commands, for example, Funtik is very similar to the command “Fu!”, and Fars resembles “Fas!”; It is not recommended to call the dog a name that is too popular; it is better to choose something original; When choosing a name, look at the puppy’s reaction; what matters is how he reacts to a combination of sounds.

The miniature size of the dog can be called by names such as Pixel, Gnome, Tiny, Button, Bead, Atom, Mouse and Micron. They are ideal for a small dog. In addition, they can be combined with beautiful foreign names, thus obtaining a double nickname, for example, Little Lucy or Baby Webster.

For small decorative breeds, English names with an aristocratic connotation are suitable:

  • Barry;
  • Buffy;
  • Becky;
  • Jane;
  • Webster;
  • Linda;
  • Maxwell;
  • Molly;
  • Oscar;
  • Rigby;
  • Spencer;
  • Sandy;
  • Tilde;
  • Chelsea;
  • Sheila;
  • Sherlock.

Among the Italian names you can also find worthy options that will emphasize such characteristics of the animal as love, sociability and cheerful disposition:

  • Gigolo;
  • Anetta;
  • Bambino;
  • Vanessa;
  • Gucci;
  • Gemma;
  • Giovanni;
  • Cappuccino;
  • Mario;
  • Susana;
  • Simone;
  • Fabio;
  • Elda.

If you want to pamper your pet, dress him in beautiful suits and let him sleep on pillows, choose an elegant French name for him:

  • Adele;
  • Bijou;
  • Jacqueline;
  • Cavier;
  • Kenzo;
  • Leon;
  • Lucy;
  • Maurice;
  • Paulette;
  • Reni;
  • Tison;
  • Chevalier.

You can give the puppy a Russian name:

  • Bandit;
  • Bim;
  • Squirrel;
  • Julia;
  • Doll;
  • Weasel;
  • Paw;
  • Perun;
  • Peach;
  • Snowball;
  • Fog;
  • Toshka;
  • Umka;
  • Chance.

When choosing a name, you should also take into account the animal’s physique: elegant French names are suitable for thin, smooth-haired dogs, and English names are suitable for well-fed and fluffy dogs. You can name a dog based on the characteristics of its color:

  • for a completely black dog the names Ugolyok, Chernysh, Little Imp, Blackie or Obama are suitable;
  • for white - Snowball, Marshmallow, Sugar, Chalk or Belyash;
  • red can be called Red, Fox, Pepper, Pomegranate, Fox, Honey;
  • for a dog with chocolate fur, choose a name after your favorite sweets, such as Snickers, Brownie, Mocha, Mars, Chocolate, Twix or Toffee;
  • for males of smoky or gray color, the names Ash, Gray, Silver, Smokey and Smoke are suitable;
  • puppies with a spotted coat are often called Harlequin, Pied or Fifteen.

From an early age, the dog shows its character; observe the puppy’s behavior:

  • the pet eats often and a lot - he is probably Zhorik, Loaf or Pie;
  • for those who bark loudly, the names Bell, Hooter or Klaxon are suitable;
  • the dog learns quickly and demonstrates high intellectual abilities - call him Jobs, Freud or simply Smart Guy;
  • if an animal shows leadership qualities from the first day in a new home, give it the proud name Tsar, Leader or Pharaoh.

Nicknames based on natural elements

Uncontrollability, ferocity, onslaught, strength, destruction... These are the qualities that can be characterized by nicknames given by the names of natural elements. Let's look at the options.

  • Fire
  • Aqua
  • Chaos
  • Darkness
  • Landslide
  • Volcano
  • Fog
  • Buran
  • Blizzard
  • Snowstorm
  • Tsunami
  • Typhoon
  • Wind
  • Hurricane

The storm knows that it is impossible, but cannot resist

  • Storm
  • Tornado
  • Storm
  • Fire
  • Fire


This breed is considered one of the most terrible and evil in the whole world . Such dogs tend to establish relationships with only one person, and after getting closer, trusting another owner will be problematic.

The Rottweiler originated in Germany. The original intention of creating the breed was spectacle and pleasure. The dogs were released into stadiums where they ran cross-country, after which they also began to be used for fights.

“Sharp” nicknames

It is not known why, but most people associate fighting dogs with sharpness. Therefore, the nickname Fang or Blade is quite a common name. What “edgy” names can you choose for a dog?

  • Nail
  • Dagger
  • Rapier
  • Katana
  • Fork
  • Button
  • Spoke
  • Sword
  • Scimitar
  • Harpoon
  • Cleaver
  • Machet

Juan relaxing in nature

Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd)

Dogs like Alabai are intimidating and intimidating just by their appearance. 80 cm at the withers, strong jaw, powerful paws, 60 kg weight. This breed was bred in Turkmenistan. It is one of the largest ancient breeds.

Alabai was also created for fighting, but over time this breed has ceased to be famous in places of fights. She became a domestic, watchdog.

The most warlike rulers

History has known many formidable and tough rulers, whose names are firmly entrenched in people's memory. Why not name the fighting dog after one of them? Let's look at the most suitable names.

  • Shi
  • Juan
  • Qin
  • Gaia
  • Caesar
  • Caligula
  • Attila
  • Zeta (Wu Zetian)
  • Khan
  • Chingiz
  • Batu
  • Thomas
  • Timur
  • Grozny
  • Drac
  • Tepes
  • Mary
  • Echeda
  • Leo
  • Talat
  • Pasha
  • Mehmed

Baby Leo with mom Mary

  • Ben
  • Adolf
  • Hitler
  • Franco
  • Choi
  • Balsan
  • Mao
  • Floor
  • Sweat
  • Amine
  • Go
  • Pin (Pinochet)
  • Ferdi (Ferdinand)
  • Selim
  • Charles
  • Enri (Enrique)
  • Tudor

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What to name a puppy

The name for the dog should be beautiful. It can have both foreign and purely Russian origin, cause funny associations, be unusual and bright.

Most beautiful

Without a doubt, it is better to name a boy dog ​​Archer, Sharik, Luke, Bim, Rex, Snoopy, Gordon, Gaston, Count, Lord, Prince or Beetle. Nicknames that sound good include: Aslan, Orion, Sirius, Altair, Barney, Bobik, Bambi, Jack, Blade, Bimbo, Bosun, Balto, Wolf, Valdai, Thunder, Duke, Smoke, Zephyr, Zeus, Kuzya, Casper, Fang , Lucifer, Baby, Nord, Pirate, Fluff, Spikey, Umka, Filya, Caesar, Artemon.


If the owner approaches the choice of a pet's name with a certain amount of humor, then a sloppy dog ​​can be called Funtik (a pig from the cartoon), a sneaky one - Shpuney, a cunning one - Locky, a grumpy one - Eustace (the capricious boy from the fairy tale "The Chronicles of Narnia"). A large and very proud puppy can be called Gaius Julius Caesar, Octavian, Porthos, Aramis. Bungler, Noise, Bully, Tall, Goofy, Dumplings, Slicker, Naughty, Carcass are also good options for a pet.

Unusual nicknames

Quite unusual nicknames for toothy ones include: Abraham, Lucky, Tiffany, Wilfred, Shakespeare, Hamlet, Zach, Gucci, Aslan, Mark, Jerry, Lisma, Carter. An unusual name can be found in a book or while watching a movie, or you can come up with it yourself. The main thing is that it is unique, sonorous and attracts the attention of not only the person, but also the dog himself.

Terrible nicknames

Fighters should be called with menacing and screaming words. Such dogs are suitable: Commissioner Rex, Terrible, Altair, Grim, Marshall, Gray, Lord, Thor, Marcus, Spike, Lucius, Kai, Dodge, Tramp.

Russian nicknames

If we talk about exclusively Russian names, then you can choose: Bima, Sharik, Zhuchka, Tyapa, Kuza, Tema, Mukhtaru, Zhuzhe, Terek, Boy, Druzhka, Count, Borka, Zhivchik, Muffa, Joker, Shalun, Shalopae, Kaya, Prince, Tuzik, Rogue, Thunder, Cannon, Handsome, Zhorik, Barbosa, Tishka.

In order for a dog to remember its name and quickly begin to respond to it in the first few weeks, you need to call it by its chosen call only for good reasons. If the puppy is constantly mischievous and therefore often suffers punishment, then calling him by name for another unpleasant suggestion is wrong.

The dog will begin to associate his nickname exclusively with something unpleasant and therefore will not respond to it, for fear of receiving a serious scolding. You can address a poorly behaving dog by name only after it has become accustomed to it. This simple method will help avoid misunderstandings between the owner and his four-legged friend.

Names for true ladies and gentlemen

Strength and courage are for gentlemen. A well-bred dog is fully worthy of bearing an aristocratic name.

  • Archie
  • Amur
  • Alexa
  • Angel
  • Baron

Did you know? That purebred puppies of fighting breeds are very expensive, but nevertheless quickly find homes.

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