What does a dachshund cross look like: photos of mestizos, their description and character traits + what is the difference between a mixture and a mongrel?

Dachshunds are small dogs belonging to hunting breeds.

They are distinguished by their unusual appearance - elongated body, short legs - and cheerful character.

The weight of an adult is from 6 to 12 kg, while the maximum weight according to the breed standard should not exceed 9 kg. Height at the withers is 14 - 21 cm, life expectancy is 12-15 years.

The dog has a fairly high tendency to bark, dig, and also has a high need for communication.

Dachshund mix: designer breed or mestizo?

For the first time, people started talking about hybrid “designer” dogs in the 80s of the 20th century, when American breeders began breeding purebred representatives of various breeds in order to combine certain traits of appearance or character in their descendants. Over time, this began to become increasingly widespread and affected all the most popular breeds, including, of course, the dachshund. Thus, puppies from purebred parents with documents are called “designer”, but if they are born from dogs without a long pedigree they can only be called mixed breeds.

The value and popularity of different mestizos varies. If high-performance dogs with many titles were used in breeding and their hybrids are in demand, the price of puppies can reach $1,500. Special clubs are involved in registering such babies; they even hold exhibitions between hybrids. In Russia and many other countries, such crossings are not as popular as in the USA. Mixed breeds are more often the result of random matings of dogs without documents and are considered out of breed. They are distributed free of charge or for a purely symbolic price.

Dachshunds mixed with other breeds can inherit the appearance and character traits of their parents in an unpredictable order. Potential owners should familiarize themselves with the characteristics of both breeds so they know what to expect from their pet.

Contrary to popular belief, hybrids are not exceptionally healthy dogs. They can inherit any breed diseases of their parents or suffer from acquired ones.

The name of designer breeds is formed from parts of the names of the original breeds. One would expect that a cross between a dachshund and a spaniel would be called a tackle, but no. Its name is Docker. Because in English the name of the Dachshund breed sounds like Dachhound, abbreviated as dixie or wiener (from wieners - sausages).

Dachshund and Toy Terrier (Doxy Terrier)

There are many varieties of toy dogs and their popularity varies in different countries. For example, in Russia you can more often find a cross between a dachshund and a Russian toy, in America with a rat terrier, and in Europe with an English toy terrier. All dogs are small in size. Rabbit or miniature dachshunds are often chosen for mating. Doxiterriers are smart, playful and timid apartment dogs that adore their owners.

Dachshund and spaniel (Docker)

A cross between an American or English Cocker Spaniel and a Dachshund is called Docker. Small dogs are affectionate, playful, loyal and loving. They usually inherit beautiful feathering on their paws and ears from cockers, and a long body and short legs from dachshunds.

Dachshund and Chihuahua (Chiwinnie)

The comic name of this designer breed is the Mexican hot dog. The official name is Chiweenie. Small dogs are characterized by boundless devotion, playfulness and sociability.

Dachshund and Jack Russell (Jequinnie)

Dachshund and Jack Russell Terrier mixes are energetic small dogs that can be quite stubborn, but are highly trainable with the right approach. The official name of the designer breed is JackWeenie.

Dachshund and miniature pinscher (Doxy-pin)

A cross between a dachshund and a miniature pinscher is called Doxie-Pin. This small, curious dog has a courage that belies its size. Prone to excessive barking. Requires serious education and training in the rules of behavior.

Dachshund and Labrador (Dachsador)

The mixture of a friendly and intelligent Labrador with a cunning and courageous dachshund can take on very diverse forms. The dog in the photo clearly shows the features of the original breeds. Such mestizos are called Dachsadors.

Dachshund and Shepherd

Mixed dachshunds and shepherds make good guard or herding dogs, some are even capable of guarding property. They are smart and well trained. In addition to the German Shepherd, you can find a cross between the Dachshund and Aussie and Malinois.

Dachshund and mongrel

A cross between a dachshund and a mongrel is not uncommon. In most cases, such matings are spontaneous and are not included in the plans of the owners. Puppies are given away for a purely symbolic price. But there are also unscrupulous people. They sell babies under the guise of taxi drivers without documents. When the puppies grow up, it becomes clear that they are only partly purebred.

Dachshund and Spitz (Dameranian)

Of all the existing Spitz dogs, Pomeranians are most often mated to Dachshunds. This designer breed is called Dameranian. Purposefully breeding these mestizos began in the late 90s and early 00s. For the most part, these are small dogs with a friendly disposition and attractive appearance.

Dachshund and Corgi (Dorgi)

Corgi and dachshund mixes are stocky, small to medium-sized dogs, often with large erect ears and a friendly beggar-like look. Well trained, smart and obedient. Suitable for apartment living. They get along with children. Energetic and playful.

Dachshund and pug (Dawg)

By nature, dachshund-pug hybrids are calm, friendly and sociable dogs. They do not tolerate prolonged loneliness well. They get along well with children. They can be stubborn, but with proper upbringing they are obedient and do not cause problems at home or on walks. Various structural health problems may be inherited. The name of this designer breed, Dawg, is derived from the names of the original breeds: Dachshund - dachshund and Pug - pug.

Dachshund and Yorkshire Terrier (Dorkie)

This popular mestizo also has its own name - Dorkie. Commonly used for breeding are rabbit dachshunds and miniature Yorkshire terriers, which produces a very small lap dog with an elongated body, short legs and soft, long hair. They are loving and friendly family dogs, easy to train and get along well with other pets. Moderately active and playful.

Dachshund and pitbull/amstaff (Pitvi)

The Dachshund-Pitbull cross is a very rare designer breed, also known as the Pitwee or Doxi-Pit. People first started talking about Pitvi in ​​2015, when a photo of Rami, a mixed breed from Georgia (USA), who was looking for a home, appeared on the Internet. After this, breeders began purposefully crossing a dachshund with a pit bull or amstaff, wanting to get dogs similar to Rami. Two such doxy pits can be seen in the photo below.

Dachshund and Rottweiler (Dachweller)

A cross between a dachshund and a Rottweiler is rare, but even it has its own name - Dachsweiler. In his review of the breed, the owner of a mixed breed named Caesar writes that his dog is very smart and obedient, and is a good watchman and security guard.

Dachshund and Shar Pei (Sharny)

The name of this hybrid is Sharnie. The character of Dachshund and Shar Pei mestizos is not simple. There is stubbornness and independence in him. Possible aggression towards other dogs.

Dachshund and Husky (Dachsky)

The dog in the photo below is a nine-month-old dachshund-Siberian husky mix. This is just one of the options for what a cross between these two breeds might look like. Another name for the hybrid: Dachsky. A rather rare and unusual cross that contains features of both breeds. He will be a good companion, but is difficult to train and can be quick-tempered, so it is not recommended for inexperienced owners and families with small children.

Dachshund and Jagdterrier

A mixture of Dachshund and Jagdterrier is rare. They are usually the result of accidental matings. Mestizos often have a strong hunting instinct. They are smart, but stubborn and difficult to learn.

Dachshund and Pekingese (Pikehund)

This designer breed is not very popular. Registered by several registries under the name Pekehund. Appearance can vary greatly. The photo shows only one of the options. The coat can be long or short, the legs are always short. Temper in most cases is complex. The dogs are moderately active, difficult to train, become strongly attached to the owner, and can be jealous and aggressive.

Dachshund and French Bulldog (French Dachshund)

The French Dachshund is the name given to a cross between a French Bulldog and a Dachshund. Small, energetic dogs love their family and play. But at the same time they are not overly energetic. Based on the appearance of these dogs, it can be very difficult to determine who their parents were.

Character of dogs

The guard dog Yorkshire Terrier, the photo of which is given below, has excellent hearing. Even before the guests arrive, you can hear them. Its appearance resembles a small toy animal. These are fearless, brave and inquisitive real dogs. Yorkshire terriers also love to be the center of attention, to feel their uniqueness and individuality.

A playful and sociable toy terrier becomes a devoted friend and the main source of positivity in the family, gets along well with other friendly animals, and is always cheerful. This smart, easy-to-groom and very neat toy terrier can live both in the city and outside it. He does not experience discomfort when he is in a confined space.

Who are they?

The Dachshund breed is represented by animals with well-developed hunting instincts. Dogs stand out from other representatives of pets with their elongated body, active and friendly disposition, and short limbs. As a rule, the size of dachshunds rarely exceeds 20 centimeters at the withers; weight varies between 6–10 kilograms. Dogs live no more than 15 years.

Since this breed is very popular among breeders of hunting dogs, as well as among dog lovers who keep them at home, today you can find a cross between a dachshund and a variety of large and small dogs. Mestizos adopt exterior and behavioral characteristics from their parents, and are also distinguished by their increased training abilities in comparison with purebred and purebred animals.

Hybrids are positioned as designer dogs, however, due to the loss of purebred qualities, they are not allowed for exhibitions. When breeding mestizos, it can be quite difficult to predict the result of the crossing, since not a single breeder can reliably state how the animal’s body will behave. Dachshund crosses with mongrels can be particularly unpredictable.

The demand for hybrids is due to their low cost, as well as immunity to many diseases, which dogs usually acquire from different breeds. Today, there are many crossbreeding options, each of which is popular among dog lovers.

Origin story

Interbreed outbreeding is the mating of dogs of different breeds in order to obtain new qualities, both working and exterior. The history of mestizos goes back more than 14 centuries. As soon as man began to breed purebred dogs with certain qualities, then half-breeds appeared.

They arose when breeders needed to “inject” fresh blood, achieve the appearance of certain character traits, appearance, and get rid of breed diseases.

Among the most unusual mestizos are:

Pomsky – Pomeranian Spitz + Husky;

pitski – pitbull + husky;

Golden Siberian Rehasky – golden retriever + husky;

porgy – toy poodle + corgi;

The list of famous mestizos could go on for a long time. Along with mestizos bred by man, there are half-breeds created by nature itself. With random crossing, it is impossible to predetermine the result of mating.

Advantages and disadvantages of hybrids

Such hybrids, like any other animal, have inherent strengths and weaknesses. The advantages of mixed-breed dachshunds include the following qualities:

  • as a rule, most of the crossed hunting dogs have stable immunity to various diseases;
  • The life expectancy of mestizos in most cases will be higher than that of purebred individuals, this is due to genetic characteristics;
  • lactating bitches have a high level of milk production, so they will be able to feed more puppies;
  • dogs do not stand out for their high cost, therefore they are available to most breeders.

Among the disadvantages of hunting dachshund hybrids, the following should be noted.

  • In every case of crossing animals of two breeds, there is a risk of obtaining a completely unpredictable result. This applies not only to the exterior of the dog, even if it is small in size, but also to its behavioral qualities. Thus, an outwardly attractive dachshund can acquire a very aggressive disposition, especially when using an ordinary mongrel as a second animal.
  • There is also always a high probability that a mestizo will inherit from his even purebred parents not only the positive characteristics of the breed, but also the negative ones.

There have been cases where a hybrid was genetically transmitted diseases from both breeds at the same time, which seriously affected its life expectancy.



A group of hunting dog breeds, descended from medieval Spanish dogs, whose purpose was to hunt game birds from dense thickets. Currently, spaniels are divided into those who hunt on land and the so-called “water ones”.

All spaniels share common characteristics of the breed - long ears and, as a rule, soft and silky, straight, wavy or even curly hair.

Most spaniels are short in stature. Only the Irish Water Spaniel, which measures 51-59 cm, can be considered a large breed.

Among modern spaniels there are also such exotic breeds as the Tibetan spaniel and Japanese chin. Despite their name, they are not related to real spaniels and are considered to be decorative dogs.

The colors of spaniels can be very diverse, both single-color and bicolor or tricolor.


Spaniels are characterized by poise, affection, activity, friendliness, intelligence and intelligence. They make not only excellent hunting dogs, but also wonderful companions - favorites of the whole family.


Spaniels are used as gun dogs. They can hunt waterfowl, field birds, as well as swamp and pine forest game. At the same time, they search for prey either by upper sense or by following the scent, but they do not make a stance on the bird.

Crossing options

Mixes of dachshunds with any other breed are not recognized by the FCI and FCI. Therefore, the main purpose of such a dog remains to interact with humans as a pet and companion. Today there are many hybrids, among which the following are the most popular.

Spaniel mix

In terms of exterior, in most cases the animal will have pronounced features of both breeds, but with greater similarity to the spaniel. These dogs typically have the same elongated body as a dachshund and an incredibly active disposition. The body of the animal will be covered with long hair, the color of the animal can be different. As a rule, a dog at the withers reaches 25–30 centimeters and weighs about 10 kilograms. Since both breeds are hunting breeds, the hybrid will have similar instincts and will therefore require long walks in the fresh air.

Dachshund and Jack Russell Terrier

The dog will be smaller than average in size, the pet is characterized by a playful disposition, the color is usually inherited from the Jack Russell, and the constitution of the dog is similar to a dachshund. Dogs are very loyal to humans and suffer greatly when alone.

Dachshund and Chihuahua mix

An active hybrid with an elongated body. The animal remembers well and follows commands. The dog's muzzle will be small, its ears will be small, erect, and set wide apart.

Hybrid with Yorkie

The pets are active and friendly, ideal for families with small children. The animal is contact not only in relation to humans, but also to other pets in the home, if there are any. The exterior is more reminiscent of a dachshund, and the mestizo will inherit the character of the Yorkshire terrier.

Yorkie and Dachshund are the breeds most often kept in the home, so this hybrid is in high demand.

Dachshund-Spitz hybrid

The animal will inherit the external qualities from the hunting breed parent, however, the coat and color will resemble the exterior of a Spitz. The dog loves outdoor games and is distinguished by its courage. However, during the training process it can show stubbornness, so there may be problems with learning.

Pug mix

In this case, the hybrid will have a strong torso and the presence of skin folds with an elongated body shape. The dog is non-aggressive in contact with humans and gets along well with other animals in the house.

Mixed breed with husky

The animal will inherit its size from the dachshund, the dog’s legs will be short, and the muzzle will be more like a husky. This also applies to coat color and thickness. At the withers, the hybrid will not grow more than 30 centimeters, while the weight of the pet can vary between 10–20 kilograms. Wayward notes will be predominant in the character, while the pet willingly spends time with younger family members.

Mixed breed with poodle

The dog's exterior will be more reminiscent of a poodle, but only as a mini-copy. As for the coat and limbs, the animal will inherit them from the dachshund. An active dog, but easy to train.

Papillon mix

Dogs with short legs and an elongated body, the hybrid will have a pronounced hunting instinct, the animal is very devoted to its owner.

Dachshund and toy terrier

The pet is suitable for active breeders because it has a hyperactive disposition. The animals are characterized by medium body sizes, as well as good innate hunting skills. The average weight of a dog will be 5 kilograms. Her ears will be erect, the color may be different.

Mixed breed with pit bull

The exterior of the dog will stand out for its uniqueness, since the animals will inherit the small body of the dachshund, while the head will be disproportionately large, since its external characteristics will resemble a fighting dog. Typically, the height at the withers of mestizos is 35–38 centimeters.

During the training process, the breeder should pay special attention to the socialization of his pet.

Hybrid dachshund and mongrel

In this case, it is quite difficult to predict what exterior qualities the mestizo will inherit, and this also applies to the pet’s character. In most cases, the animal will outwardly resemble a yard dog, since outbred genes will be dominant. There is great variety in the color of these dogs. On average, their weight will not exceed 10–15 kilograms, with a height of about 30 centimeters.

Photo gallery

From this review it is obvious that there are a huge number of different combinations for mixing dachshunds with other breeds. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the results of these crossings by viewing our photo gallery.

How to maintain?

Caring for hybrid dogs of different breeds comes down to performing mandatory activities related to maintaining a four-legged friend’s home. If the pet has inherited long hair, the animal will need to be brushed regularly; brushing the dog 2-3 times a week is considered optimal. Since every mestizo will inherit from the dachshund a tendency to dig, hybrids will have to be bathed more often, and you can also visit grooming salons with your pet.

Mandatory hygiene measures include cleaning the ears and eyes. This is best done with damp cotton pads. In some breeds, the organs of vision are a vulnerable part of the body and therefore require regular care. The dog's nails need to be trimmed as they grow back.

For these purposes, you can use a nail clipper or seek the help of specialists in the salon.

Every week, your pet needs to brush its teeth using a brush and toothpaste designed for dogs. Some hybrids will not be able to live on the street or in an enclosure, so before choosing, it is worth studying the features of keeping each breed. Pets will need two daily walks in the fresh air.

Dachshunds are prone to gaining excess weight, despite their activity, so the breeder needs to strictly control the diet of the mixed breed. For feeding, you can use industrial feed or natural food. It is important to provide the dog with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. A couple of times a month you can give your dog fasting days. The mestizo menu should consist of lean meat, dairy products, vegetables and boiled cereals. Industrial feed must be premium. Hybrids will need vitamin complexes regularly.

An important point when keeping such dogs is socialization and training. Animals must obey their owner, since even a small dog that considers itself the leader in the family, due to lack of proper upbringing, can pose a danger to humans. The breeder is not recommended to show aggression or beat the dog. Training should be regular, best done in the fresh air.

Some dogs can be trained to relieve themselves in a special litter box in their home.


Possible diseases: Acanthosis nigricas - a disease associated with changes in the secretion of the sebaceous glands, causing thickening of the skin and hyperpigmentation of certain areas (inner thigh, chest, abdomen, armpit); Swimmer's syndrome is a disease associated with osteoporosis that causes puppies to be unable to stand up and crawl on their stomachs; Discopathy - deformation, displacement or damage to the vertebral discs; Idiopathic epilepsy, which consists of the appearance of seizures (impaired coordination, vomiting, involuntary urination, muscle tremors); Eye diseases (optic nerve or retinal atrophy, cataracts); Enteritis is an inflammatory bowel disease that is caused either by poor diet (non-infectious) or by viruses and bacteria (viral); Baldness (alopecia) associated with weakening of pigment; Infectious diseases - plague, rabies, leptospirosis, adenovirosis.

Disease Prevention

To prevent the occurrence of various diseases it is necessary: ​​When coming from the street, immediately clean your shoes; Wash the floor regularly; Prohibit the dachshund from picking up something from the ground, as well as from playing with unfamiliar dogs; Do all vaccinations on time; Give antihelminthics once every three months. To avoid diathesis and obesity in your dachshund, you need to feed it simple and healthy food. Prevention of discopathy consists of: Proper physical activity (long walks, running, climbing stairs, swimming); Good nutrition; Control the weight of the dachshund (avoid obesity); Prohibition of unwanted behavior (jumping, standing on hind legs, playing with large dogs). To avoid many infectious diseases, vaccinations are necessary. The dachshund vaccination schedule may vary. Dachshund puppies from 1 - 1.5 months are vaccinated twice, with an interval of 2 - 3 weeks (fixing vaccination). Adult representatives of this breed receive a comprehensive rabies vaccination every year.

How can you tell a purebred puppy from a mixed breed?

The main distinguishing feature of a hybrid from a purebred animal will be its exterior; in addition, a person, having observed the behavior of a dog, may discover in it some behavioral qualities that are not characteristic of the breed. This will also indicate that the dog is a cross between another breed. When planning to purchase a purebred animal, you should study the established standards inherent in such pets. There are no similar parameters for mestizos.

In addition to independent analysis of the exterior and behavioral qualities, a chip or a brand on the dog will indicate that the puppy is purebred. The number indicated on them will be recorded in the pedigree, which will become a clear confirmation of the purebred origin of the animal. Mestizos will not have such “tips” due to their hybrid origin.

You will learn about what a dachshund and toy terrier mix looks like in the following video.

Dachshunds are small dogs belonging to hunting breeds.

They are distinguished by their unusual appearance - elongated body, short legs - and cheerful character.

The weight of an adult is from 6 to 12 kg, while the maximum weight according to the breed standard should not exceed 9 kg. Height at the withers is 14 - 21 cm, life expectancy is 12-15 years.

The dog has a fairly high tendency to bark, dig, and also has a high need for communication.

Keeping puppies at home

Spaniel mixes are always positive and playful, happy to have owners and small family members. They love communication and get along with almost everyone.

When it comes to caring, you need to follow a few simple rules, and then keeping such breeds will only bring you joy.

The peculiar structure of the body leads these puppies to frequent problems with the ears - otitis media and hearing loss are not uncommon phenomena here, and therefore careful care is required for the ears to avoid rubbing, scratching and swelling. You need to constantly clean your ears, wipe your ears with a cloth with a bactericidal solution or even just water, wiping them dry. The coat must be constantly washed and combed diligently - this also applies to the ears, since falling hair can get into the ears.

Dogs require frequent and long walks. Not all owners are ready for this. The musculature of these dogs requires sports, activity, constant movement and games.

Nutrition should be complete, vitamins and minerals taken into account

You need to purchase a bowl for both food and water, which should be available at all times, because both the puppy and the adult pet are always active.

It is important to visit the veterinarian promptly for routine examinations and vaccinations, as it is very important to monitor the animal’s hearing and vision.

The collar should not be chosen tight, but according to the size of the neck, since often the dog can tug on the leash out of emotion and cause inconvenience to itself: choking itself and rubbing its neck.

You can learn how to toilet train a dog by watching the video below.

Popular types of mestizos

Mixed breeds are dogs that are born by crossing two different breeds.

They do not differ at all in their characteristics from their purebred counterparts. But, at the same time, they can seriously differ in appearance and character.

When it comes to health and learning ability, mixed breeds are often superior to purebred dogs in these indicators.

The most common dachshund mixes:

  • Spaniel mix . The dog usually takes on the characteristics of both parents, but is more reminiscent of a spaniel, with the difference that such a pet has a longer body and a more explosive character.
  • cross is not a large, very active dog, similar in color to a Jack Russell, and similar in body structure to a dachshund. The dog is active, devoted to its owner, and does not tolerate loneliness well.
  • A hybrid with a Chihuahua has an elongated body structure, a miniature muzzle and widely spaced ears. This is a loving, active, sociable animal, easily trainable and does not tolerate loneliness well.
  • mix is ​​playful, active, and quick to learn. Such animals are very friendly, get along well with children and others and pets, have the appearance of a dachshund and the character of a Yorkie.
  • Spitz mix . In size and body structure, it is more like a dachshund, and its coat is more like a spitz. This dog is very mobile, active and fearless. At the same time, he is proud and stubborn, and is also difficult to train.
  • cross has a strong body, many folds and an elongated body. The dog has a calm and good-natured character.
  • cross looks very harmonious, it has a slightly elongated body, medium-height paws and smooth fur. These dogs are active and good-natured.
  • Welsh Corgi mix. These pets are very cute and have a cheerful character.

Mongrel cross

If we talk about purebred dogs, then everyone knows that they have certain characteristics (breed standards). This includes color, conformation, size, proportions, etc. Thanks to this information, any owner of a purebred dog knows what size it will grow to and what to expect from it.

You can never predict what size a pet will grow to and what qualities it will have. All this also applies to a cross between a dachshund and a mongrel.

In most cases, such a hybrid will more closely resemble a mongrel, since the genes of a mongrel dog are often stronger. Dachshund-mongrel crosses are most often grey, grey-black or multi-colored.

In this case, the dog may have a body shape similar to the dachshund. The size of the hybrid also depends on the size of the mongrel. If the dog is quite large, then the size of the mestizo will be larger than the dachshund, but smaller than the mongrel. On average, the size of such dogs is 21-30 cm at the withers, weight 8-16 kg.

Photos and descriptions of crossbreeds

Here we will look in more detail at the features of the most common dachshund mestizos.

With a spaniel

This dog is similar in appearance to a spaniel. He has long wavy fur, floppy ears and a strong build. His body will be more elongated, and his legs will be shorter. The color of such a dog is most often pale brown, cream or caramel.

The dog has a lively and bright character, it is sociable, active, and easily finds a common language with all family members and other pets. The size of the dog is about 25-35 cm at the withers, weight – 10-18 kg.

With Jack Russell Terrier

This mixture can equally possess the qualities of both parents.

As a rule, this is not a large dog with pronounced hunting qualities; it gets along well with children and other pets. At the same time, the dog is prone to depression and does not tolerate loneliness well.

Outwardly, the dog resembles a Jack Russell terrier, but is slightly larger and wider in bone, while the legs of the mestizo are shorter than those of the Jack Russell, but longer than those of the dachshund. The shape of the muzzle is elongated, built towards the nose. Height at withers – 23-33 cm, weight – 7-12 kg, color – light with black or red spots.

With a chihuahua

These mestizos are classified as pocket pets; they are friendly, loving, love children and become strongly attached to their owner.

The body structure is reminiscent of a dachshund (elongated body and meek paws), the muzzle is that of a Chihuahua, and a pronounced feature is large erect ears, like those of a bat (dominant feature).

The height of the dog at the withers is 15-25 cm, weight is 4-7 kg. As you can see, the hybrid of a Chihuahua and a dachshund is quite miniature; it is a fragile pocket dog that can be taken with you on any trip, for walks, to visit, etc.

With a shepherd

This is a unique animal, it has the body proportions of a dachshund, but is slightly larger in size. This crossbreed is slightly taller on the paws, has erect ears and a muzzle that resembles that of a shepherd dog .

We can say that Ovchaksa (the name of the crossbreed) took the features of both parents. In most cases, the dog has a zoned black and tan color (like a shepherd dog). This pet is suitable for both an apartment and a private home.

This is a kind, intelligent, moderately active animal that is easy to train. In addition, the sheepdog is an excellent watchman and security guard.

Pet sizes:

  • height at withers – 25-35 cm;
  • weight – 10-17 kg.

With Yorkshire Terrier

This is a medium-sized animal with a slightly elongated body, short legs and a wide muzzle. The coat of this individual resembles that of a Yorkie (long, soft, slightly wavy) and requires regular brushing. Color – black and tan with gray hair.

These are kind, sociable dogs, they love children and active walks.

But they also have their disadvantages, these are:

  • Tendency to dig holes.
  • Stubbornness.
  • Slight aggression towards other pets.
  • Manifestation of jealousy.

Dog sizes:

  • height at withers - 22-30 cm;
  • weight – 6-8 kg.

With Spitz

The lush and thick coat of a Spitz is a dominant trait, and hybrids most often have just such a coat. The dog has an elongated body and short crooked legs. The muzzle is elongated, more like the muzzle of a dachshund, the tail is curled into a ring. Color - from light beige to dark red.

Such a dog is usually larger than a Spitz - dog sizes:

  • height at the withers – 15-25 cm;
  • weight - 4-9 kg.

The dog is prone to excessive barking, is slightly cocky and stubborn, but at the same time very loyal to its owner, active and affectionate.

With Pekingese

Such a dog is characterized by a certain inconsistency, since it combines the features of both breeds, and they are very different from each other.

This pet has an elongated body and a slightly flattened nose, short legs and a curled tail. Their coats vary, some have long, thick coats (like the Pekingese), while others have smooth coats like dachshunds. The same applies to colors, they can vary, from light red to black and white and dark fawn. Sometimes the dachshund gene turns out to be stronger and the dog has a black color with red tan marks.

By nature, the hybrid of Pekingese and Dachshund is moderately active, has a sense of self-esteem, but is not at all against walks and outdoor games. Such a pet is quite jealous and selfish, and in adulthood it perceives new pets negatively.

Dog sizes:

  • height at the withers – 15-25 cm;
  • weight - 4-8 kg.

With a pug

Metis has a dense, compact structure (large impressive head, large eyes, folds on the skin). At the same time, the dog has an elongated body and shortened legs. The tail is curled into a ring and resembles the tail of a pug. In most cases, such individuals have a fawn, fawn-red or fawn-beige color with darkening on the face and ears.

This is a moderately active, kind, but stubborn dog, it easily finds a common language with all family members, loves care and attention. In adulthood, the dog becomes lazy.


  • height at the withers – 20-28 cm;
  • weight – 6-10 kg.

With a beagle

It looks very harmonious, it is usually taller than a standard dachshund, has a less elongated body and a muzzle reminiscent of a beagle. Externally, the dog looks more like a beagle than a dachshund. The color of such pets is very diverse from light beige to black with tan.

The dog has pronounced character traits of both breeds. These dogs are stubborn, willful, active, they love walks and active games in the fresh air. At the same time, such pets are kind, inquisitive, and devoted to their owner.


  • height at withers – 25-35 cm;
  • weight – 6-13 kg.

The disadvantages of the breed include a tendency to dig holes.

With Labrador

This mestizo can be called a smaller copy of a Labrador with short legs. The dog has a slightly elongated body, a wide muzzle, dark eyes and short legs.

This is an excellent hunter and companion, the dog is good-natured, cunning, but obedient. Color - from light fawn to black.


  • height at the withers – 30-37 cm;
  • weight – 10-18 kg.

It is a favorite of children and a wonderful companion for the elderly.

With husky

These are medium-sized dogs with strong bones, an elongated body and short legs. The muzzle of such a dog is more similar to a husky than a dachshund, and the same applies to color. As a rule, this is: black and white or gray and white with a characteristic mask on the face. The coat of a mestizo is dense, thick with a soft undercoat.

Approximate dimensions:

  • height at the withers - 20-30 cm;
  • weight – 10-27 kg.

The pet is willful, prone to digging holes and running away, but he loves children, is friendly and active.

With Rottweiler

In appearance and body structure it resembles a dachshund, but larger and calmer. The color is usually black or brown with lighter tan marks, the legs are short, and the body is elongated.

The pet has powerful bones and a wide chest. This mixed breed is much larger than a dachshund, but smaller than a Rottweiler. The character of the dog is calm, persistent and powerful; if it is not raised correctly, it may have a tendency towards aggression.


  • height at withers – 35-45 cm;
  • weight - 20-28 kg.


Chapter 1

In the morning, the owner of the dog Kashtanka, carpenter Luka Alexandrovich, took her with him and went to the customer. On the way, the man visited the tavern and friends more than once. When the carpenter and the dog found themselves on the “unfamiliar sidewalk,” the man was already pretty drunk. A regiment of soldiers passed by them, playing as they went. Kashtanka, unable to bear the music, “thrashed about and howled” and “threw across the road onto another sidewalk.” When she came to her senses, the owner was no longer there - she could not find him even by following the trail. “When it became completely dark, Kashtanka was overcome by despair and horror.”

Chapter 2

Kashtanka “sank into a heavy slumber from exhaustion.” Suddenly, a man approached her and called the dog to follow him. “No more than half an hour later she was already sitting on the floor in a large, bright room.” The stranger ate and threw tidbits to Kashtanka.

Before going to bed, the stranger brought a small mattress, placed it by the sofa and told the dog to sleep on it. Kashtanka lay down on the mattress and sadly remembered Luka Alexandritch and Fedyushka. The boy “forced her to walk on her hind legs,” pulled her tail hard, “let her sniff tobacco.” It was especially painful when Fedyushka gave the dog a piece of meat tied to a string, and then “with a loud laugh he pulled it back out of its stomach.” Gradually Kashtanka fell asleep.

Chapter 3

“When Kashtanka woke up, it was already light.” She sniffed all the corners in the room, went into the stranger's bedroom, and then into the small room leading from there. There the dog “saw something unexpected and terrible” - a gray goose was walking towards her, hissing and spreading its wings. A white cat was lying on a mattress to the side. Seeing Kashtanka, he jumped up and also hissed. Kashtanka barked at the cat, and he hit her with his paw. Hearing the noise, the man woke up and scattered the animals.

The stranger called the cat Fedot Timofeich, and the goose Ivan Ivanovich. The man called Kashtanka Aunt.

Chapter 4

A little later, the stranger brought some “strange thing, similar to a gate and the letter P. On the crossbar of this wooden, roughly knocked together P, a bell hung and a pistol was tied.” At the man’s command, the goose performed all sorts of tricks: bowed, curtsied, jumped over a barrier and through a hoop, pretended to be dead by pulling special ropes, shot from a revolver and rang the bell.

Then the stranger asked the old woman to call Khavronya Ivanovna. The woman let in a “black, very ugly pig.” At the stranger’s command, the animals depicted an “Egyptian pyramid”: the goose climbed onto the pig, and the cat onto the goose. Then the man taught Ivan Ivanovich to ride a cat and teach him to smoke.

Chapter 5

Every day the stranger trained the animals for three to four hours. In the evenings, the man usually went somewhere with a cat and a goose.

When Kashtanka “has completely gotten used to her new life and has turned from a skinny, bony mongrel into a well-fed, well-groomed dog,” the owner said that he would make an “artist” out of her too. The man taught her to stand, walk and jump on her hind legs, and then dance, “run on the line”, howl to music, ring, shoot and even replace the cat in the “Egyptian pyramid”.

Chapter 6

The aunt woke up from the piercing scream of Ivan Ivanovich. The goose was dying - a horse stepped on it during the day. The upset owner tried to give the goose water to drink, but the bird’s head “remained in the saucer.” “When it was completely dawn, the janitor came, took the goose by the paws and carried it away somewhere.”

Chapter 7

“One fine evening” the owner took Aunt and Fyodor Timofeevich with him: the dog was supposed to replace the late Ivan Ivanovich. The man was very worried that the number had not been learned, there were few rehearsals and nothing would work out. They arrived at a “big strange house that looked like a tureen.” Entering the small gray room with the animals, the owner put on make-up, put on a wig and a clown costume.

It's time for the host to speak, or as he was announced, Mr. Georges. The man hid the animals in a suitcase and left. At the beginning of the performance, the man opened his suitcase. Kashtanka jumped out and “ran around her owner and burst into ringing barks.” Remembering previous lessons, the dog began to follow the man’s commands.

Suddenly, in the middle of the performance, somewhere upstairs, “someone gasped loudly” and called Kashtanka. The dog recognized the screaming ones as its former owners and quickly ran to the gallery. “Half an hour later, Kashtanka was already walking down the street behind people who smelled of glue and varnish.” Everything that had happened: the teaching, the circus “seemed to her now like a long, confused, heavy dream...”.

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