Muzzle for dogs: detailed instructions on how to choose the right one and which one is better to buy (photos of types)

Sewing a muzzle for a dog with your own hands is not difficult at all. You will see this if you read this post completely. The work itself will take no more than an hour using a minimum amount of materials.

It should be noted that there are many types of muzzles for dogs: metal, leather, plastic, fabric. When choosing a muzzle, it is important not only to take into account the individual characteristics of the pet and choose a product that is suitable in size. There is one more important point: you must decide for what purpose this accessory will be used.

For example, for long walks, training and training, as well as for walking in the hot season, muzzles such as mesh baskets made of plastic or metal are perfect. The “basket” will not only allow the pet to calmly lick its lips and breathe freely, but will also reliably protect the little one from the temptation to pick up some bone on the street.

The muzzle that we will talk about today is more suitable not for walking, but for other purposes. Rather, it will serve as protection against biters, who do not like hygiene procedures (for example, trimming nails) and trips to the veterinarian.

How to train a dog to wear a muzzle

It is important that the dog perceives the muzzle not as a punishment, but as a necessary attribute of a walk. The sooner you start training an animal, the faster and painless the training process will be.

They start by inserting a piece of treat into the accessory and being able to easily get it from inside. When the dog puts its muzzle into the slot without fear, the fastening stage begins for a few seconds, gradually increasing the time the muzzle is on the animal. All this is accompanied by praise and treats.

Important! Do not let the animal play with it so that it does not perceive it as a toy; it is enough to sniff it before starting training so that the dog gets used to the new smell.

When walking an animal, it is necessary to initially encourage it with treats and praise. At the same time, do not give the opportunity to grab it with your paws and try to remove it. To do this, just pull on the leash, show your displeasure with your intonation, or distract your pet. When the dog gives up trying to remove the accessory, reward it with a piece of treat.

Pekingese diseases

Genetically, the Pekingese dog breed has good health with proper care and maintenance. However, there are both ailments characteristic of Pekingese and common diseases:

  1. Eye ailments: loss or dislocation of the eyeball, conjunctivitis, cataracts, ulcers or corneal erosion.
  2. Diseases of the respiratory system: tracheitis, bronchitis and laryngitis.
  3. Damage to the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, hernias (especially intervertebral discs), joint damage.
  4. Digestive diseases: diarrhea, constipation, hepatitis, viral and bacterial infections.
  5. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system: hemophilia, heart attack, liver failure, congenital cardiac anomalies.
  6. Age-related ailments: skin and ear diseases, tooth decay.

Types of muzzles

The choice of ammunition depends on the size of the animal, its character, and the purpose for which it is purchased. So, for a visit to the doctor, it is enough for your pet to fix its mouth for a short time so that it does not bite during the veterinarian’s procedure.

In this case, a fabric or nylon muzzle that fits tightly around the muzzle is suitable. To travel on public transport or take a long walk, the animal must breathe freely with its tongue hanging out.

Therefore, the piece of ammunition must be loose, not rub the bridge of the nose, and have narrow enough slots to prevent picking up food on the street.

Depending on the material used, there are six types of animal equipment.

  • Metal is an ideal muzzle for dogs with teeth; it is made in the form of a mesh and has the shape of a basket that completely covers the animal’s mouth. Used for large and aggressive breeds. A reliable, massive, durable accessory allows the pet to breathe freely, drink water, lick itself, receive a treat from the owner and protects others from being bitten. Its disadvantage is its bulkiness, high price and inconvenience of use in cold weather. A dog can injure its tongue or nose on icy metal. To avoid rubbing the bridge of the animal's nose, use additional leather or rubber pads. Requires extra care when walking in rainy or damp weather to prevent rust.
  • Plastic performs similar functions to metal, but is lighter in weight and more fragile. Dog handlers recommend using muzzles for large dogs that are calm, non-aggressive and have a balanced character. Plastic quickly breaks down due to temperature changes, high humidity, and can crack when hit or jerked.
  • A fabric muzzle is made from strips of fabric with rivets or a strip of fabric that is securely secured around the dog's mouth using Velcro or plastic fastener. Intended for short-term wearing. Used when visiting the owner's home, visiting a veterinarian or groomer. It does not allow the dog to open its mouth or stick out its tongue, it is securely fixed around the animal's muzzle, it is easy to use, easy to put on, and quickly washes and dries.
  • A leather muzzle of a closed or open type is beautiful, expensive, reliable, durable, does not rub the skin, is lightweight, and allows the dog to breathe. It can be used in any weather and is easily fixed on the dog’s head. But natural or artificial leather has a foreign odor, to which the animal takes a long time to get used to, can cause an allergic reaction, stretches under the influence of moisture and saliva, becomes tan when dried and requires proper care when walking the dog in bad weather.

Making your own royal bed for your furry pet

DIY making

You will need materials and tools that are used when sewing fabric products. In addition, you will need a filler. This can be padding polyester, silicone, dry sawdust, foam rubber, etc.

The fabric that will be folded into the trim. It is advisable to choose a fabric with a dense texture: teak, denim, etc. They do not have lint, do not allow the filler to come out through the seams, and do not fade after numerous washes.

It is necessary to take measurements from your pet, because sewing a bed at random means wasting time. It may be too big or small, and the animal will steadfastly ignore the new resting place.

It is worth waiting until the dog lies down on the floor with its paws stretched out freely. The pattern for the puppy involves doubling the measurements obtained. Or you will have to sew new beds as your pet grows. The finished pattern needs to be copied onto paper, cut out, and transferred with a chalk to the wrong side of the fabric.

The fabric parts are sewn together, leaving small holes to fill the parts with filler. If foam rubber plays this role, its pieces are cut out in exact accordance with the dimensions of the sides and bottom of the lounger. First, the bottom is made, then the sides are attached to it. The work can be done on a sewing machine or by hand. It depends on the preferences of the author of the product.

Rigid frame for a large breed dog, photo

A large dog has a lot of weight, so there is a lot of pressure on the bottom of the bed and on its sides. The dog will throw its paws over low “fences”, completely ignoring them. And the fragile frame at the bottom will be hopelessly crushed by the heavy body of the pet.

Therefore, you should stock up on a substantial supply of materials that are suitable in color and texture. And


When choosing a muzzle, take into account

  • Breed, weight, size and character of the animal.
  • Dog's temperament, activity during walks.
  • The price of the product and its durability.
  • The purpose of the purchase is the safety of others, frequent trips on public transport, reaction to strangers, hostility towards children, aggressive reaction to noise, a trip to the clinic, participation in an exhibition or training with a dog handler.
  • Ease of use, it should fasten quickly, not rub the bridge of the nose,
  • Comfort for your pet.

How to choose a muzzle for a dog, what factors to pay attention to when choosing material and model, it is better to learn from a dog handler.
  • The size is selected by trying the product on the pet in a pet store.
  • When purchasing from an online store, you need to measure the length and girth of the muzzle, neck circumference, and muzzle height.
  • In this case, it is necessary to take into account the anatomical features of the structure, hanging cheeks.
  • The sizes of muzzles for dogs, their articles and numbers are given in tables that can be found in a pet store or on the Internet.

Important! The equipment attribute should not block the dog’s vision during active walking, jumping, and jerking. This not only causes discomfort, but can also damage your pet's eyes!

When measuring the girth of the muzzle, take into account an additional 5-7 cm for opening the mouth for breathing or when licking.

A correctly selected accessory is a guarantee of the safety of others and your pet.

Pekingese - pros and cons

The Pekingese breed has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should definitely be taken into account before purchasing. The advantages of having a pet include:

  1. Sincere affection for the owner, devotion and love.
  2. The dog can perfectly serve as a guard with a piercing bark.
  3. Mini Pekingese, like larger representatives, are perfect for apartment living.
  4. Doesn't need long walks.
  5. Tolerates cold well.
  6. Has a moderate appetite, is clean and tidy.
  7. He is in good health and is considered a long-liver.

Among the disadvantages of the breed, breeders highlight:

  1. Loud and frequent barking, often without cause.
  2. Difficulty in caring for the coat, especially during periods of shedding.
  3. Constant noisy sounds: snoring, sneezing, sniffling.
  4. Poor compatibility with small children and pets.
  5. Willful and proud disposition.
  6. Tendency to heart and eye diseases, allergies.
  7. Negative features include how much a Pekingese costs. The price for a purebred pet-class puppy starts at $225.

Photos of the best muzzles for dogs


It is best to go shopping for a muzzle with your dog to try on the models you like. If you go without a pet, then agree with the seller about the possibility of a replacement.

A properly selected muzzle will not rub the dog’s nose or dig into the muzzle. Muzzles are not purchased “for growth” - proceed from the current size of the dog and change models as it grows. The length of the product should not extend beyond the animal’s nose, so as not to fall into its field of vision and not interfere.

The choice of a suitable model is made based on two parameters. Need to measure:

  • the length of the bridge of the nose - go down a centimeter below eye level and measure the distance along the bridge of the nose from the tip of the nose;
  • girth (circumference) of the muzzle - go down a centimeter below eye level, measure the circumference of the closed mouth. To make the dog comfortable in a muzzle and with an open mouth, add 3-7 cm to the resulting figure.

When taking measurements, the dog should stand calmly, keep its mouth closed, and breathe evenly.

Trying is inevitable

No matter how careful the measurements are, the best way to choose is to try them on. Often, having tried on a muzzle you like in a regular pet store, you can rewrite its name and size and order a similar model in an online store, which usually offers a wider range of products and the price of goods is much lower. But whatever the choice and no matter how hard the store consultant tries to help you with it, remember that your dog’s parameters are unique and choosing the right size is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Leather model for walking

Photo 2. Models for small breeds Photo 3. Ready for a walk

Photo 4. The dog chews the muzzle

Photo 5. Nylon model Photo 6. Two dogs on a walk

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