How to properly use Surolan for dogs? Detailed instructions and list of analogues

Ear diseases are a very common problem in dogs. The nature of these diseases is diverse, they can be: allergic, inflammatory, fungal, bacterial and parasitic pathologies. One of the reasons for their development is the lack of ear hygiene.

The use of special drops is an integral part of preventative ear cleaning. They are also used directly in treatment.

Therapeutic drops must be prescribed by a veterinarian after the diagnosis has been carried out and the cause of the disease has been determined, otherwise they will not help.

However, ear drops for dogs are presented in large quantities on the veterinary market, and this article will help you choose a specific drug from each group.

Types of major ear diseases

Ear diseases in dogs are a separate large group of pathologies. Without going into depth, they are classified based on the reason they occur:

  • fungal;
  • bacterial;
  • allergic;
  • parasitic. Here we are talking about ear scabies, which is caused by scabies mites - otodectosis, demodicosis, notoedrosis, sarcoptic mange;
  • Separately, inflammatory ones can be distinguished, but it is worth understanding that almost any of the ear pathologies is accompanied by inflammation.

If you are told that your dog has an ear infection, it simply means that his ear is inflamed. It is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, stage and find out what led to the inflammation. Only then fight the disease.

The nature of the disease can only be determined in a clinical setting, after carrying out appropriate tests (at a minimum, they examine the ear canal using an otoscope, take a smear and examine it under a microscope).

Indications for use of Surolan

The instructions indicate that the drug is prescribed to dogs for the treatment of:

  • acute and chronic external otitis; (on topic: Article about the treatment of otitis media in dogs)
  • otitis, which developed as a complication of ear scabies (demodex);
  • skin diseases of bacterial and fungal etiology: abscesses, pyodermatitis, infected wounds, dermatitis, dermatophytoses. (on topic: Fungus in dogs)

Symptoms of ear disease

Symptoms by which dog owners notice that there is “something wrong” with their pet’s ears:

  • the dog often scratches his ears and shakes his head;
  • redness appears;
  • The inside of the ears are dirty. Pus or other discharge appears;
  • a noticeable unpleasant odor appears from the ear canal;
  • ears may become swollen.

Contrary to popular belief, ear diseases are not at all harmless and have serious consequences. Therefore, it is very important to start treatment in a timely manner.

But it’s even better to prevent the development of pathologies by carefully caring for your pet’s ear canals using ear drops for hygienic cleaning.

Breeds at risk

It is not difficult to guess that dog breeds with long floppy ears are at risk.

  • all spaniels;
  • setters;
  • dachshunds;
  • Shar-Pei. Their ears are not long, but curved, and their thick skin complicates the situation;
  • boxers;
  • poodles.

On the other hand, dogs kept outdoors are at risk, especially if they are often in contact with street animals.

In the summer, the danger increases due to the greater likelihood of injury (pets are especially often injured by blades of grass. They easily dig into the skin, remaining invisible).

We should also highlight dogs that love to swim in ponds in the summer. This exciting activity significantly increases the risk of developing an ear infection.

Types of ear drops

  • drops for hygienic cleaning of ears;
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • antiparasitic.

Ear drops are divided into those that are used for hygienic cleaning of the ear canal, and medicinal ones.

Therapeutic drugs, in turn, also differ in their effect:

  • to relieve inflammation;
  • antibacterial. There are to combat certain types of pathogenic organisms, and there is a broad spectrum of action, i.e. work against several types of bacteria;
  • against itching;
  • antifungal.

As a rule, drugs combine several effects, depending on what active ingredients they contain.

To make it easier for you to navigate among the medications and choose the best option for preventive ear cleaning and treatment, below is a selection of the most common ear drops for dogs.


Surolan drops have positive reviews, the drug acts as intended and eliminates the negative symptoms of diseases. Drops perfectly relieve hyperemia, inflammation and itching. Their use reduces the number of crusts resulting from scratching the skin. Visually, signs of a positive effect from its action can be assessed within a couple of days. After the course of treatment, it is necessary to continue to carefully monitor the hygiene of the ears and skin.

Surolan drops are effective against long-term use of other drugs; surolan analogues for dogs do not always have a good therapeutic effect.

Many owners of their pets try to find cheaper surolan analogues for cats because surolan is not cheap. However, today the drug is one of the most effective, efficient and rapid in the speed of recovery.

Ear cleaning products

For hygienic cleaning

Hygienic ear drops Otodepin

They contain natural plant components (based on pine oil) and have an oily consistency. These drops have a rather pleasant smell of pine needles, which helps eliminate unpleasant odor from the ear. Dogs with erect ears can be brushed once a week or as needed. For dogs with floppy ears, it can be used every other day or even daily.

The advantage of the drug is that Otodepine has not only a cleansing effect. The components included in its composition have a mild anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. They are not suitable for treating an already advanced inflammatory process, but with timely treatment they can prevent the development of the disease and heal small wounds.

There is, perhaps, only one drawback - natural ingredients can cause a hypersensitivity reaction. Simply put, itching appears (the dog begins to scratch its ears with particular zeal), redness, and sometimes swelling.

If such symptoms occur, the use of drops will need to be stopped, and you should avoid other drugs that contain the same substances as Otodepin drops.

Rosinka - lotion for hygienic cleaning

Based on natural ingredients (contains extracts of calendula and some other herbs). The product does an excellent job of clearing the ear canal of accumulated wax. It is also recommended to use lotion before using medicinal drops; in addition to cleansing the ear of inflammation products (pus, etc.), “Rosinka” enhances the effect of medications, which promotes a speedy recovery. Suitable for daily use. Rosinka - lotion for hygienic cleaning

The advantage of the drug is its ease of use. The price is not high, and the consumption is very economical (no more than 10 drops are consumed at a time).

There are no obvious disadvantages noted. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug may develop, but there is nothing to worry about, you just need to avoid the substances included in its composition.

Fitolar - ear spray lotion

Yes, these are not exactly drops, but this drug cannot but be mentioned among ear cleansers. The active ingredients are: extracts of calendula, chamomile and sea buckthorn seeds. In addition to natural ingredients, the composition contains auxiliary substances, including alcohol.

The advantage of the spray lotion is that it is easy to use; you do not need to count the exact number of drops; instead, for treatment you just need to spray the drug directly into the ear canal for 2 seconds, and then everything is standard. Phytolar also has a mild anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, anti-edematous and skin-restoring effect. You shouldn’t count on it as a treatment for a developed disease, but it will perfectly relieve mild inflammation.

The downside of the drug is its price. And also a possible hypersensitive reaction of the dog to alcohol.

Epi - Otic - ear cleaning lotion

Unlike the previously described options, the active ingredients here are not of natural origin. The ingredients in the preparations perfectly clean the ear canal and soothe the skin.

One of the main advantages of Epi-otik lotion is that it has a drying effect, which helps keep the ear canal clean for a longer period of time. Does not contain alcohol.

The downside of this lotion is its price.


Kirill: “My Shar Pei Jack has had allergic otitis media for several years now. I tried everything: in different combinations and dosages. Either it didn’t help at all, or the problem disappeared only temporarily. And recently I came across Surolan: I was confused by its high price, but after reading the instructions, I decided to take it. The first course lasted for 10 days: the dog did not fully recover, but the itching decreased and the skin became lighter. After 4 weeks I repeated the treatment, and now my ears are almost healthy. The drug cured in 1.5 months what others could not do in years.”

Zlata: “My cocker spaniel is 12 years old. 2 years ago my ears started to fester. Surolan was prescribed for a course of 10 days. After 2 days the suppuration disappeared. And this year there was a relapse. They prescribed the same treatment, but this time the dog became deaf. Fully! Even after stopping the treatment, the hearing did not return. Perhaps something else had an effect, since the dog is old. But the connection between the side effect and the drug is clearly visible.”

Elena: “I have an English bulldog with allergic otitis media. The breed is specific, so we still can’t determine what he’s allergic to. Not a single drug helped. When the veterinarian was unable to see the bottom of the ear through the pus, he prescribed Surolan. I dripped 3 drops into each ear for more than 20 days. After 5 days, the discharge decreased, and after 10, the squelching sound when pressing on the ear disappeared. Everything has been fine for 2 months now, the dog has become more active and eats better.”

Ear drops for treatment

Remember, your dog must be prescribed medications by a veterinarian. Only after diagnosis.

Very important! If you don’t know what’s wrong with your dog’s ear, you should never use drops. Almost all of them can cause harm if the dog's eardrum is damaged.

In addition, do not forget that drops alone may not be enough to get rid of the disease. Treatment should always be comprehensive. By following the advice of a veterinarian and getting rid of the cause of the disease, you can quickly achieve a complete recovery.

Most drops of veterinary drugs on the market combine several effects. And sometimes the active ingredients are used alone, so it can be difficult to navigate. Below are the most popular drugs with a description of their action and recommendations.


The drug is prescribed for the treatment of otitis media, mainly caused by gram-positive microbes.


  • anandin (glucaminopropylcarbacridone) is the main active ingredient in these drops. Provides an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • gramicidin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that works against gram-positive bacteria;
  • Anandin plus drops also contain permethrin. This is definitely a plus for dogs, since this substance is active against external parasites. But you should be careful if you have a cat at home and you decide to treat it with the same drug.

Permethrin is dangerous for cats.

The drops are easy to use, safe for the animal and there are no side effects. The price tag is below average, but the drug helps against inflammation. But we must understand that sometimes stronger medications are required.


An effective drug against Otitis caused by infection and fungi.


  • Marbofloxacin is an antibiotic active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Effectively fights even advanced infections;
  • Clotrimazole is an antifungal agent. Copes with dermatophytes and yeast fungi;
  • Dexamethasone acetate is a glucocorticoid. Provides an anti-inflammatory effect and perfectly relieves itching.

Aurizon is highly therapeutically effective due to the ability of its ingredients to penetrate deep into the layers of the skin.

No side effects were noted when using Aurizone. However, its use by pregnant and lactating bitches is contraindicated.

The price of these drops can be called a minus, but the price is justified by the high efficiency.

Aurican ear drops

This drug combines several properties. Relieves inflammation, is active against bacteria, relieves pain and itching, kills ticks (acaricidal effect).


  • diazinon. A rather toxic substance, it is due to this that aurican has an acaricidal effect. It is worth understanding that the toxicity of the drug affects not only ticks. There may also be consequences for the dog. Analogs of these drops for this active ingredient include: Bars ear drops. The drugs from this list have a predominantly acaricidal effect;
  • prednisolone sodium sulfobenzoate is a glucocorticoid that provides the anti-inflammatory effect of aurican;
  • hexamidine diisothionate is an antiseptic that works against some bacteria and fungi;
  • tetracaine hydrochloride is a substance that has an analgesic effect.

This drug should not be used unless necessary. Despite the fact that these drops are classified as low-hazard substances, the toxicity of diazinon can affect the dog’s condition, so when using, be sure to follow the instructions and observe the dosage.

Amitrazine forte

Also a combination drug. It is usually prescribed to treat ear mites, but the drops also have antifungal and antibacterial effects. Therefore, they are effective in the treatment of complicated otitis media.


  • amitraz;
  • clotrimazole.

The drug can be difficult to tolerate by dogs, especially small ones, as it burns very much.

There are ear drops with the same active ingredient - dekta, they are milder due to excipients and a lower concentration of amitraz.


Broad-spectrum antibacterial drops.

Indicated for the treatment of external, middle and even internal otitis of infectious origin.


  • norfloxacin;
  • excipients - sodium chloride, disodium edetate, acetic acid and others.

Attention! The drug is potent, has contraindications, and its use may cause side effects. Do not use the drug without a veterinarian's prescription!

Oricin - ear drops

Intended for the treatment of otitis media developed as a result of mite-borne scabies and complicated by bacteria or fungi.


  • Ivermectin is an antiparasitic agent;
  • tetracaine hydrochloride - provides a local anesthetic effect;
  • nitrofurazone is a local antiseptic.

When using this drug, remember that some dog breeds are strictly prohibited from using ivermectin, as they may be carriers of the MDR1 gene, which greatly increases their sensitivity to certain medications.


Used to treat bacterial and some fungal infections.


  • triamcinolone acetonide - a substance that has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps cope with irritation and reduces the formation of exudate (discharge from the ears due to inflammation);
  • salicylic acid also helps cope with inflammation, plus has an exfoliating effect;
  • carbetopendicinium bromide - has an antibacterial effect against gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria


It differs from otibiovet drops in only one active ingredient. Gentamicin sulfate is responsible for the antibacterial effect in this drug. The difference is that this antibiotic is active against most gram-negative bacteria, and the previous drug is active against gram-positive bacteria.

This example once again shows why diagnosis is necessary before prescribing medications.


Drops with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The advantage of the drug is that it is a non-steroidal agent (not hormonal) that is responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect.


  • phenazone is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
  • lidocaine - has a local anesthetic effect.

Otipax drops do an excellent job of treating otitis media at the initial stage, as soon as symptoms appear. They relieve pain, itching and stop the inflammatory process.

Otonazole is a complex drug

Prescribed mainly for otitis caused by fungal infection. They also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.


  • miconazole nitrate is a component of the drug that actively copes with pathogenic fungi;
  • prednisolone acetate is an anti-inflammatory drug that quickly relieves itching;
  • Polymyxin B-sulfate is an antibiotic that works against gram-negative bacteria.

Otonazole is well tolerated by pets. Side effects may occur due to individual hypersensitivity.

Surolan - ear drops

It is an analogue of Otonazole.


Drops for the treatment of otitis media caused by pathogenic microflora.


  • neomycin sulfate is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The advantage of its use is that it is active against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria;
  • Polymyxin B is also an antibiotic. Its action is aimed mainly at gram-negative microorganisms;
  • lidocaine - provides an analgesic effect;
  • sulfiram is an organic compound whose action is directed against ear mites and some pathogenic fungi (Malassezia);
  • Dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid with a strong anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it relieves the dog of itching and is an antiallergic agent.

Otospectrin drops have a wide spectrum of action, but this does not mean that they will help against all ear diseases. They can only be used as prescribed by a veterinarian.

Otospectrin cannot be used in conjunction with other drops, ointments, or lotions.

Otidez ear drops

They have a very wide spectrum of action. This drug copes with otitis media of fungal, bacterial and even tick-borne origin. Such variety of action is possible due to the “rich” composition.


  • gentamicin sulfate is a broad-spectrum antibiotic;
  • terbinafine hydrochloride is an antifungal agent;
  • permethrin - is responsible for the anti-tick activity of drops. *remember that permethrin is dangerous for cats;
  • dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid with strong anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects;
  • propolis extract - strengthens the body's defense systems, and also has antibacterial and antifungal properties;
  • benzocaine - is responsible for pain relief at the site of irritation.

The use of Otidez is recommended only when prescribed by a veterinarian.


Prescribed for the treatment of ear inflammation caused by bacteria and fungi.


  • Marbofloxacin is a strong antibiotic, active against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria;
  • dexamethasone acetate - anti-inflammatory, relieves itching, promotes wound healing;
  • clotrimazole - antifungal effect.

No serious side effects from the drug were noted, but use above the therapeutic dose is not recommended.


This is a suspension, but the application is also local, i.e. it is instilled into the ears.


  • orbifloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic;
  • mometasone is a corticosteroid that has an anti-inflammatory effect, plus it perfectly reduces tissue swelling;
  • posaconazole - antifungal effect;
  • Excipients.


Suspension for the treatment of external otitis caused by bacteria and fungi.


  • hydrocartisone aceponate - has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the formation of pus, helps the animal cope with itching;
  • gentamicin sulfate is an antibiotic that works against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, including those that are resistant to penicillin antibiotics;
  • miconazole nitrate is a component of the drug against pathogenic fungi.


Human drug for otitis of fungal origin. Only a veterinarian can prescribe it to an animal; you should not use it simply because it is in your first aid kit.


  • beclomethasone dipropionate is a glucocorticoid that has an anti-inflammatory effect and also blocks the manifestation of allergies;
  • chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum antibiotic;
  • clotrimazole - the main active ingredient, copes with fungi;
  • lidocaine is a substance that provides an anesthetic effect at the site of application.

Precautionary measures

When using the drug, it is important to adhere to the following precautions:

  • unused remains of the drug must be disposed of;
  • drops should be kept out of reach of children;
  • after instillation, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap;
  • In case of contact with the eyes, an allergic reaction from the conjunctiva is possible; do not allow drops to get into the eyes.

Modern analogues of surolan are the following drugs: ordermil, otonazole and otibiovin. Unfortunately, the latter drug does not have an effective effect on otodecosis. In any case, when treating an animal with any medicine, after which the symptoms of the disease do not disappear or worsen, it is recommended to replace it with another one. Treatment for ear mites takes a long time and is not always effective. Often it is necessary to carry out multiple repeated courses of treatment with a drug to which addiction has not yet formed.

Surolan is considered the best drug for the treatment of otodecosis, dermatitis and otitis. Therefore, if you decide to find cheaper surolan analogues for dogs, it is better to abandon them. The effectiveness of surolan is several times higher than drugs similar to it in terms of their mechanism of action. Its price is justified by its effectiveness and results, which cheaper drugs do not have.

How they work and the basic rules for using ear drops

Always READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY before using any veterinary drug. Even products from the same direction may have differences in use.

Before using medicated ear drops, it is often necessary to first clean the ear canal. But you need to take into account that some of them have contraindications for use in conjunction with lotions/drops for cleaning.

Drops for hygienic ear cleaning are instilled directly into the ear canal (3-5 drops), close the ear at the base and massage thoroughly for several seconds (about 30).

At this time, the product softens all the “dirt” accumulated inside, which facilitates its rapid separation.

After a short massage, you need to take a cotton pad or gauze napkin and clean the ears from any remaining dirt. Don't use cotton swabs for this.

After this, you can begin treatment according to the doctor’s prescription.

Pharmacological properties

Active components:

  • prednisolone acetate - 5 mg;
  • miconazole nitrate - 23 mg;
  • polymyxin B sulfate - 0.696 mg.

Additional components: colloidal silicon dioxide, liquid paraffin.

Surolan has anti-inflammatory properties, can also quickly block the process of production of ergosterol membranes and membranes of fungi, negatively affects the permeability of the walls of some microorganisms, thus providing a bactericidal and fungicidal effect. Polymyxin B, which is contained in the drug, can also cause disruption of the integrity of the bacterial wall and has a bactericidal effect.

Prednisol has antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects. Miconazole and polymyxin are almost not absorbed, which is why the drug has only a local antifungal and antimicrobial effect. Prendizolone is absorbed through the skin, after which it is excreted from the body in feces and urine.

Drops are usually produced in special bottles together with a pipette with a total volume of 15 to 30 ml

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from sunlight, at a temperature of 5 to 25 degrees Celsius, away from food. The shelf life is 2 years from the date of production.

Dosage of the drug

The instructions for the drug Surolan are the same for the treatment of both cats and dogs.
For otitis media, three to five drops should be instilled into each ear canal twice a day. To treat skin lesions, drops should be applied to the affected area twice a day, after removing various dirt and hair.

For bacterial and fungal otitis, treatment should continue after the symptoms have disappeared. For the treatment of chronic diseases, the course lasts up to 2-3 weeks. For otodectosis, five drops are instilled daily for two weeks. When infested with mites, it is recommended to bury two ears at once, even if the parasite was found in only one.

Popular questions

Are human ear drops suitable for dogs?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. For the treatment of otitis media caused by ear mites - definitely not. In other cases, a human drug is sometimes prescribed.

The main thing to remember is that you should not use any drops at all until the dog has been examined by a veterinarian.

Pharmacological properties

Surolan is an antifungal and antimicrobial drug. It has antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects. Miconazole is able to block the synthesis of ergosterol in membranes and membranes of fungi, affects the permeability of the walls of some bacteria, thereby providing a bactericidal and fungicidal effect. Polymyxin B in Surolan also causes disruption of the integrity of the bacterial cell and has a bactericidal effect.

Did you know? A dog's hearing is much finer than a human's. They are capable of distinguishing ultrasound with a frequency of up to 40 kHz, while the human ear perceives sounds no higher than 20 kHz.

Safety precautions, contraindications and side effects

Main contraindications:

  • perforation of the eardrum (detected during examination using an otoscope);
  • individual hypersensitivity of the dog to the components of the drug. This is especially true for drops based on natural ingredients;
  • Some of the medicinal drops are contraindicated when used in conjunction with other medications, as well as cleaning lotions.

Side effects can occur with an overdose and if the drug is not suitable for your dog. As a rule, this is redness and swelling of the ears. Accompanied by itching.

Side effects disappear on their own after discontinuation of the drug. Otherwise, consult a doctor. Severe allergies should not be allowed to develop.

Security measures:

  1. Treatment and all medications must be prescribed by a veterinarian after diagnosis.
  2. Read the instructions for use carefully.
  3. Prepare everything in advance.
  4. Secure the dog so that it is comfortable.
  5. It is better to carry out the procedure with gloves.
  6. If your dog has a hypersensitive reaction to the drops, stop treatment with this drug!


Pharmacies offer a large selection of veterinary antibacterial analogues of Otibiovin:

  1. Anandin is an antimicrobial agent, heals wounds, helps restore the skin of the ears. Price – 150 rub. per package.
  2. Acaricidal suspension Amitrazine . Used for the treatment of otitis media and skin pathologies in dogs. Well tolerated and has no dangerous side effects. Cost – 80 rub. for 10 ml.
  3. Posatex is an antifungal agent, suitable for puppies from 3 months. The average price is 860 rubles per bottle.
  4. Oricin is a veterinary drug that relieves inflammation and relieves pain. Use may cause both local and systemic effects (adrenal suppression and slower healing process). Price – from 560 rub. for 25 ml.

To prevent dangerous conditions, it is necessary to purchase analogues in veterinary pharmacies only as prescribed by a veterinarian.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Dog ear hygiene plays a big role in maintaining healthy ears.
  2. Ear diseases can be caused by many reasons, and further treatment depends on this. These are mainly: parasites, inflammatory processes, pathogenic fungi, bacteria and allergic reactions.
  3. The main symptoms of ear diseases: the dog scratches its ears, shakes its head, tilts its head to one side, redness and swelling of the ears, dirt and a characteristic smell from the auricle.
  4. Types of ear drops: for hygienic cleaning, antibacterial, antifungal and against mites.
  5. Many of them combine several actions.

The article is based on the expert opinion of the author. Before using medications, be sure to consult a specialist.

From ticks

Otodectosis or ear scabies is a chronic disease of dogs caused by microscopic scabies mites. Insects parasitize on the surface of the external auditory canal, which causes inflammation, itching, otitis, and crusts. You can become infected with ticks through contact with a sick animal, care items, hands, or shoes.

In advanced cases, otodectosis can lead to perforation of the eardrum, inflammation of the middle and inner ear, inflammation of the lining of the brain, meningitis and death. To prevent and treat scabies, ear drops for dogs are used:

  1. Bars - contains dimpilate. Before treatment, the ear is cleaned of dirt and scabs, and 5 drops are instilled. Treatment is repeated at 5-7 day intervals until the dog recovers. The drug is used on both sinks.
  2. Normax – contains deltamethrin, propolis extract, cycloferon. Before treatment, the auricle is cleaned of crusts and scabs with a swab soaked in the preparation, and 3-5 drops are instilled. Treatment is repeated at 5-7 day intervals.
  3. Epi-otik – contains ivermectin, tetracaine hydrochloride, sodium propionate, nitrofurazone. Before treatment, clean the shells, drip 2-5 drops, repeat the treatment after 3-7 days.
  4. Decta - contains amitraz, propolis, chloramphenicol, dexamethasone. After cleansing the ear, 3-5 drops of the product are dripped into it, repeating the treatment 2-3 times with an interval of 5-7 days.

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