At what age can a German Shepherd wear a muzzle, which one is better?

Have you already taken your pet for the first walks? So, you know that it is simply necessary to put on a collar and leash for your German Shepherd before going on a hike. But don’t forget about a very important attribute for walking, especially for such a large breed – a muzzle.

Many people believe that this need is not justified; each owner has his own favorite dog, the kindest, but this is not so. In this article we will tell you why you need a muzzle and which type is best for your dog in a particular case of its life.

Why does a dog need a muzzle?

It would seem, why does a well-mannered, balanced shepherd need a product that covers its mouth? There are several reasons for this.

Why it is needed, what devices are available for this breed and how to train a dog, we will try to explain in detail in this article.

Let's look at them:

  • First of all, it is needed so that when walking with a dog, people around you feel safe being nearby. And such a large animal can sometimes behave unpredictably. Therefore, both passers-by and the owner will be calmer if the shepherd dog is wearing this product. It is worth noting that the fine for walking a large dog without a leash and muzzle can range from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles. For an attack on a person or animal, 4-5 thousand rubles.

  • A device that closes a dog’s mouth will also be needed when training and raising a pet.
  • In addition, the accessory will come in handy when the owner is caring for a pet. For example, cleaning his ears, or trimming his nails. Some impatient animals may not bite a person too hard during hygiene procedures. Therefore, to prevent this from happening again, a product is used that covers the teeth.

  • In addition, protective equipment is needed during the same walks. In it, the pet will not be able to pick up anything from the ground and eat it, and if the product is closed, the dog simply will not be able to drink dirty water from a puddle.

What is it for?

The muzzle is designed primarily to protect others from dog aggression. Moreover, the degree of aggressiveness of the dog does not matter, since the person subconsciously feels a threat from an unfamiliar large dog, which includes the German Shepherd.

Let us describe the main situations in which a muzzle may be useful:

  • while in transport, especially public transport;
  • when going to the vet;
  • during care, training, training;
  • it is necessary to prevent the dog from picking up objects from the ground;
  • avoiding property damage.

A muzzle helps maintain calm relationships with people around you. Most of them have a negative attitude towards dogs without a muzzle when they meet them on the street, especially large breeds. They may not only quarrel with the pet's owner, but also try to poison the animal. To avoid all possible problems in the future, it is better to equip your German Shepherd.

Let's take a closer look at what types of muzzles exist.

Types of muzzles pros and cons

Before buying a device that covers the animal’s muzzle, it is necessary to study in detail what types of muzzles there are and what they are used for. Let's look at the main types of protective equipment:

  • Professional police muzzles for training,
  • Devices made of plastic
  • Muzzles made in the form of a bridle,
  • Protective ammunition made of metal,
  • Leather devices,
  • Fabric product,
  • Nylon accessories.

Let's look at each type in detail.

Varieties and materials

Currently, there is a wide range of dog muzzles on the market. Each variety is characterized by its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages:

  • If we talk about nylon models, they can be an ideal solution for small dogs, and especially for those that have a flat and flattened muzzle (these are dachshunds, pugs, terriers, bulldogs and others). The advantages of the material are high strength and the absence of discomfort that can be caused by squeezing the nose.
  • Fabric products prevent the dog from breathing with its mouth open, drinking dirty rainwater, and eating scraps and debris from the ground. This option remains effective throughout the year.
  • Summer models are equipped with special mesh inserts. For dogs with short jaws, special models of a special shape are bought. However, finding them in a regular pet store is problematic. Instead, you will have to search for a suitable solution on the Internet.
  • Leather muzzles can be either blind, tightly covering the mouth, or in the form of a basket, which is assembled from several soft strips that form a mesh. The first solution is not suitable for summer use or for long training sessions, walks and long training sessions where the dog needs to breathe a lot with his tongue hanging out. The advantages of such a muzzle include increased protection against bites and good ventilation, which is ensured by the presence of holes. The second option is an ideal solution for owners of terriers, collies and Labradors. In this case, your pet will be able to drink normally and feel comfortable - the presence of a flexible design does not put pressure on the nose, which is unusual for blind covers of a closed model.
  • In addition, metal solutions are also available for sale in the form of a mesh basket that covers the muzzle up to the eyes. A wire mesh will provide good protection for people around you from aggressive fighting dogs. By the way, some models can be equipped with a special leather pad, which will save the dog from such troubles as rubbing the muzzle and nose. But, unfortunately, in most models there is no such padding, so it is advisable to use them for dogs with thick hair (chow-chows, bobtails, Newfoundlands);

Police training muzzles

This name speaks for itself. Such muzzles are used for training and training shepherd dogs that are in police service. Training protective ammunition is in the most expensive price segment, so not all owners can afford to buy this type of dog.

But this device justifies the means. It fits very comfortably to the animal’s mouth, while having ventilation holes for free access of oxygen and air circulation.

This type is made of two materials: leather and metal. The main part can be made of whole leather or leather belts with metal plates inserted into it. This device prevents the pet from getting injured and is very convenient to use.


Whole leather leash 2-2.5 m long

This is a show version of the leash. Comfortable, functional, classic. Suitable not only for exhibition, but also for walking, for constant use in everyday life. It is preferable to have such a leash in your household, although this pleasure is not cheap.

Leash made of tarpaulin, nylon tape

Very convenient in everyday life. Suitable for literally everything: for training, training, leash. The length of the leash is selected depending on the purpose of use: to practice the skill of working on a scent, you will need a leash 10-15 meters long, for the skill of following commands at a distance - 3-5 meters, to prepare for an exhibition - 2-2.5 meters, for a walk - 3 meters , 1.5 meters is enough to move around the city. A must have.


This is, in fact, a handle with a carabiner. Low functionality. Used for training and for very manageable dogs, which need to be kept close to you only a short distance, and then can be released from the leash. Its presence is not required.


Convenient and functional, but not very reliable due to its design. Can be made of leather, canvas or nylon braid. Typically, these leashes are made 2.5-5 meters long. This is a regular long leash with carabiners on both ends and rings on the leash itself. One carabiner is fastened to the collar, the second one adjusts the length of the leash by fastening the carabiner to one or another ring. You can (but do not have to) have such a leash if it is convenient for you.

Plastic muzzles

There are muzzles made of plastic. These devices are designed for long-term training and good physical activity. The thing is that plastic is a very light material that does not put pressure on the animal’s face and does not make you feel discomfort when wearing it. This is actually its merits. In addition, your pet can take water procedures in such a device, and also wear it if there is precipitation outside in the form of snow or rain.

As for the downsides, there is only one - plastic ammunition can crack if hit carelessly.

How and what to measure?

The first thing to do is take measurements of your pet's face. To do this, it is better to use a soft tailor's measuring tape, since measuring circumferences with a regular ruler or tape measure will simply be inconvenient. If it is not there, you can use any rope or ribbon, then measure them in the straightened state.

To choose a truly comfortable muzzle, you will need to take as many as 4 measurements:

  1. The length of the muzzle is the distance from the bottom of the nose (the place where the upper lip begins) to the rise to the forehead near the eyes, where the belt that encircles the muzzle with a ring is usually located.
  2. The circumference of the muzzle is the length of this very belt. Usually another 2-4 cm is added to the measured value so that the dog can open his mouth slightly in the heat.
  3. Head length is the distance from the bottom of the nose to the bottom of the back of the head, where the muzzle is tightened.
  4. Neck circumference - from the area under the chin to the lower part of the back of the head. As with the circumference of the muzzle, you can add an allowance of 2-3 cm so that the belt does not put pressure and does not interfere with the animal’s breathing.

For convenience, you can also use the following illustration:

Bridle muzzles

This accessory is made like a bridle or loop. It holds securely on the dog's head and clamps the pet's jaws well if they are closed. This device is made of leather, but there are also fabric bridles.

The advantage of such an accessory is that it is quite easy to put it on your pet. It is enough to secure the device with two belts on the back of the shepherd’s head and you can safely go for a walk with it in a public place.

If we talk about the disadvantages, then this is the rapid wear of ammunition belts and their fragility.


A collar for a German Shepherd performs several functions at once:

  1. Protects the dog's throat from bites from other animals.
  2. Controls the movement of the pet during a walk.
  3. Saves information about the dog and its owner (tag, badge with address and nickname).
  4. Is a decorative decoration.

Collars are made from strong, durable fabric or leather. Narrow straps are intended for young animals, while wide ones are worn by adults. During fitting, take into account 2 important points:

  1. The head should not slip out of the loop.
  2. There must be a two-finger gap between the belt and the animal’s neck to prevent squeezing the airways and abrading the fur.

There are different types of collars:

  • Noose. For training and transportation.
  • Parfors. To correct behavior.
  • Beacon. For a walk in the dark.
  • Ringovka. For exhibitions.




Exhibition ring

Metal muzzles

Metal products are the most durable of all devices that close the mouth of an animal. In addition, it is the most comfortable for the dog, as it is made in the form of lattice arches. In it, the pet can freely close and open its mouth.

The advantage of such protective equipment is that it does not put pressure on the puppy’s face, as it is equipped with special fabric linings. In addition, the device is suitable for use in summer. Air circulates well in it and the shepherd can inhale and exhale freely. You don’t need to constantly look after this accessory; just wipe it with a damp cloth once a week.

The disadvantages of this metal type come from the material of manufacture. After all, during any blow the animal can be seriously injured. Unfortunately, this device is not suitable for use in the winter.

Leather muzzles

Leather products are very popular among dog breeders. They are well suited for use while teaching commands, and they are also suitable for walking outside. Some of these muzzles are equipped with special holes for air circulation.

Such devices can be of two types: completely closed (solid), or made like a wicker basket from leather straps.

The advantage of such ammunition is its high degree of protection and the absence of damage to the pet’s skin during long-term wear.

The disadvantage is that such an accessory cannot be used in extreme heat. The dog will not be able to breathe in it with its tongue hanging out.

Fabric muzzles

Fabric muzzles are the most practical device. This accessory is well suited for taking your shepherd to the dog doctor. It is not for nothing that it is also called a medical muzzle.

The advantage of this type is that it can be increased or decreased based on the size of the muzzle.

The device has many disadvantages. This type is not very durable and is not suitable for walking on the street, since the dog can easily open its mouth and pick up something from the ground, and in special cases can easily bite a passerby.

Which muzzle is best for a German Shepherd?

The wide selection of muzzles for dogs can cause confusion. A guide for the shepherd owner can be the answers to the main questions.

Why does a dog need ammunition on its face?

There is a law requiring dog owners to muzzle their pet in public places. An adequate owner will not take his dog with him on transport without this accessory. When examined by a veterinarian, this detail helps to carry out the examination and procedures calmly. Often, owners of overly active animals put on a muzzle to prevent the pet from picking up hazardous waste. In addition, an aggressive dog simply needs to be deprived of the opportunity to “test the teeth” of passing people. Shepherds, being dogs of impressive size, must appear in public places wearing muzzles.

Types of protective equipment

Ideally, you should have several types of muzzles for different life situations, but this is too expensive. It is better to choose the most convenient option for a particular shepherd. Each ammunition has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can consider the most popular of them.

Metal muzzle for a shepherd

The advantages of such an item include:

  • reliability;
  • strength;
  • convenience for the dog.

Properly selected ammunition does not touch the muzzle, is well secured and lasts a long time. It allows the dog to open its mouth inside the “cage”, which allows the animal to breathe normally in the heat.

There are several disadvantages to this design. The metal body on a massive dog can injure another dog during play. The owner can receive a noticeable blow to the leg from this design.

For the dog itself, a metal grill can be dangerous during frosts: the tongue can easily stick to it.

We can recommend such a muzzle for a shepherd dog during the warm season for quiet walks or trips on public transport. It is better to choose those designs that have a fabric spacer between the dog’s muzzle and the metal grill.

iron muzzleiron muzzle with gasket

Plastic ammunition

Plastic has some of the advantages of metal, in particular, you can breathe normally in it with your tongue hanging out.

The muzzle is lightweight and inexpensive. Its disadvantage is low strength. It is easy to break in the game, in addition, some dogs easily pull it off their muzzle.

Broken plastic can cause injury to both the dog and its playmate. In severe frosts, the muzzle may behave unpredictably, for example, crack. Hard edges touch the skin and sometimes chafe.

This type of ammunition can be recommended:

  • for the warm season for short walks around the city;
  • for use in public transport;
  • for walking near garbage dumps.

It is almost impossible to pick up something inedible through the fine grate.

Leather muzzle

Leather ammunition can be closed - solid or open, which is made of leather belts with rivets. These devices have a common advantage - naturalness, but this is also a disadvantage.

Leather has a strong odor, which is not very pleasant for shepherd dogs with their sensitive sense of smell. In addition, the material does not tolerate water well.

After playing in wet snow, the leather of the accessory dries out and becomes deformed. The muzzle loses its attractiveness. If it is made of belts, then the gaps between them may become wider, which affects the main function - protection.

The main difference between the two types of leather muzzles is that the closed version prevents the animal from opening its mouth, which can lead to heat stroke. The belts allow air to pass through well and do not rub the shepherd's skin.

open leather muzzlesolid leather muzzle

A closed leather muzzle should be worn for a short time and ensure that the dog does not overheat. The right ammunition from belts is an excellent choice:

  • for long walks;
  • games with harmless animals;
  • travel in transport.

Stretched straps will not protect against poisoned bait or street debris, so this muzzle should be updated frequently. This is one of the most comfortable models for a shepherd.

Fabric ammunition

Sometimes this device is called a medical muzzle. It is more suitable for visiting the veterinarian than for a walk. Such muzzles can be divided into 2 types:

  • with fixed size;
  • with the ability to adjust to the width of the muzzle.

The second option is more convenient, since the tape is fixed with Velcro in several positions.

The first type holds the jaw more securely.

A fabric muzzle is worn for performing manipulations in a medical office. It is inconvenient for walking because it does not allow the mouth to open. The version with Velcro can be “expanded” and used for daily walks. Please note that this "extended" ammunition will not prevent you from eating scum. The shepherd in it can, if desired, “claw” someone.

How to choose a muzzle size

The ideal option for selecting ammunition is going to the pet store with your pet. There you can choose the model you like in a relaxed atmosphere and evaluate its advantages or disadvantages.

However, it is not always possible to force an unprepared animal to appear in an unfamiliar place, and sometimes it is simply difficult to take out a large dog. In this case, you need to understand how to find out the size of the necessary ammunition. Main parameters:

  • The circumference of the muzzle is measured with a centimeter tape, 1 cm away from the eye line.
  • The length of the muzzle is measured from the nose to 1 cm from the eyes.

This distance of 1 cm is necessary for the shepherd dog so that the structure does not interfere with viewing, i.e. I wouldn't touch my eyes. The girth of the muzzle should be measured with the mouth closed, but then add 3 to 7 cm to the size. This will allow the animal to breathe.

The correct size of the muzzle can be confirmed after fitting. The remaining traces of the structure on the muzzle indicate an incorrect choice.

How should a muzzle fit?

If the design is designed for an open mouth, then you need to offer the shepherd a treat without removing the equipment. If the animal can open its mouth and stick out its tongue, then the choice has been made correctly. On designs with rivets, check their strength so that the item lasts longer.

For Veo - East European Shepherds, it is better to use additional parameters:

  • neck girth;
  • distance between the back of the head and the ears.

These dimensions will help you calculate the length of the fixation straps.

Video: how to choose a muzzle for a German Shepherd

Nylon muzzles

Protective ammunition made of nylon fits the animal's mouth well, preventing it from drinking from dirty puddles or eating anything from the ground while walking. This option, however, is more suitable for hygiene procedures than for walking.

The advantage of the accessory is that the shepherd dog wearing it will not bite its owner if it is angry with him for cutting his nails or cleaning his ears. The disadvantage is that the pet cannot breathe in this type of product by sticking out its tongue.

How to choose a muzzle size

In order not to make a mistake and accurately select the product according to the size of the mouth of your four-legged friend, you need to take measurements of the animal.

We list what measurements should be made before purchasing protective equipment:

  • Length from the back of the head to the eyes,
  • The muzzle in a circle just below the eye area,
  • The length of the mouth and its height,
  • Circumference of the cervical column (behind the auditory organs).

How to check the fit of a muzzle

To check whether the device that closes your pet’s mouth is chosen correctly, you need to put it on the shepherd correctly. After this, you need to wait a little so that the animal wears the selected accessory a little. Next, you need to remove the product and thoroughly examine your pet’s skin.

If there are no traces left on it from the straps and other parts of the muzzle, then the product is selected correctly and accurately in size.

Useful video

DIY muzzle:

When purchasing, it is advisable to try on a muzzle - it should not fit tightly to the nose, cover the dog’s eyes or cause significant inconvenience to it. If, after removing it, there are traces of belts on the muzzle, then the accessory does not fit in size and you need to purchase another one.

Which muzzle is better , you decide for yourself, based on your financial capabilities. If you are good at sewing, then you can make it yourself, since the size of your dog’s mouth will be taken into account.

How to train an adult shepherd

In order to accustom an already adult pet to a device that closes its mouth, you need to use commands that the pet knows. Let's consider the algorithm of actions for accustoming a pet to ammunition:

  • First you need to order the animal to sit down and try to put on the accessory.
  • If your pet is angry and wants to remove the ammunition, you need to give the command “FU!”
  • After the shepherd has calmed down, you should praise him and give him some kind of treat.
  • Next, you need to increase the time the dog spends in the product to 5 minutes.
  • If your pet no longer resists, you can go for a walk with him.

How to train a puppy

Of course, with a certain amount of patience, you can train a shepherd dog to use equipment at any age. But at what age can you train a puppy? This must be done from 5 months to six months of the pet’s life.

You need to train a puppy in the same way as an adult dog. You just need to put the equipment on the animal and gradually increase the time your four-legged friend spends in it. If he tries with all his might to rip off the product, it is recommended to try to distract the animal with some food or a favorite toy. When the animal sits calmly in the muzzle, you should praise it well and pet it.

In conclusion, we would like to add that the choice of protective ammunition is a purely individual matter. To make your pet feel comfortable in it, you need to pay attention not only to the appearance of the product, but also to its size. They must be selected strictly according to the puppy’s personal anatomical data.

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