Dog food Monge – which is better to choose dry or wet food for different animals?

Italian dog food Monge is produced by Monge & CSpa, which enjoys well-deserved recognition among European dog breeders. It has been present on our market for several years, but more recently its supplies have become regular and the product has begun to gain popularity.


“Monge” is an Italian super premium food for dogs and cats, with which in 1963 the history of the development of not only this brand, but diets for pets in the country as a whole began. Today it is a well-known European brand of high quality food.

In 2013, Monge was recognized as the leader in the production of dry animal feed in Italy.

The use of the latest technologies in meat processing allows the manufacturer to provide the required amount of animal protein in this food, as well as an attractive taste. No flavorings, coloring substances or preservatives are used in production.

The range of feeds offers a choice of mono-protein, gluten-free diets, as well as dietary food that is specially designed for animals in need. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of ingredients produced in the European Union.

Product cost

The high-quality composition of Monge and the positioning of the entire range as super-premium determines the high market value of any packaging of dog food. But one pack, in accordance with the feeding table, is enough for a long time, because the standard dosage of Italian food is small. And diet is not the best way to save money. The health and longevity of your four-legged friend directly depends on it, so choosing expensive products is completely justified. Especially if you are going to give it to a puppy, elderly or nursing dog.

Hepatic and other medicinal mixtures cost from 722 rubles per kilogram. Sometimes Hepatik, Renal and other medicinal mixtures can be purchased at a lower price. But for this you need to make a wholesale purchase. Prices for canned food in small packages start from 75 rubles per 100 grams. On average, the cost of a pack is calculated using the formula 150 rubles per 100 grams of food. Dry food is measured not in grams, but in kilograms. So, for three kilograms of dry food for adult Special dog dogs you will have to pay from 1032 rubles.

Video: Monge dog food, its composition and reviews


The main ingredient of each of the Monge brand diets is a source of protein - meat. In the line of dry food it is presented both in dehydrated and fresh form.

The following components of this type of diet are:

  • sources of carbohydrates – rice, corn;
  • fatty acids – fats (both animal and fish);
  • beet pulp, which acts as a source of fiber;
  • hydrolyzed cartilage and crustaceans;
  • chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, which benefit dog joints;
  • prebiotics and spirulina.

Grain-free nutrition has its own characteristics. It contains components that make each diet in this line unique.

Wet food includes fresh meat, berries or fruits. It does not contain gluten, preservatives or coloring agents.

The composition of the medicinal product is enriched with lactobacilli, vitamins, and microelements.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of Monge nutrition include:

  • significant meat content;
  • natural ingredients;
  • enrichment with vitamins and minerals;
  • no preservatives, food colors, GMOs;
  • the ability to choose an individual product for your pet;
  • exclusive recipe;
  • affordable price.

Among the disadvantages, according to reviews from dog breeders, are:

  • failure to specify the meat ingredients, which makes it unclear whether by-products are included in the feed;
  • the presence of corn, which calls into question the classification of such diets as super premium;
  • problems with purchasing in regular pet stores.

Analogues of Monge food, its pros and cons

The advantages of Monge food include a sufficient proportion of meat ingredients in the composition, as well as essential fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. Cats love them and are relatively inexpensive. The main complaint that critics make about Monge diets is the presence of gluten and corn, but their harm is questionable. In general, these foods are not bad and do not require replacement if they suit the animal.

Replacing food is always a difficult task: even the best and most expensive food chosen by the owner may not be liked by the pet or may not be suitable for some reason. Often, a cat experiences long-term indigestion, despite a gradual transition to a different diet, and has to look for something new. Theoretically, super-premium food or holistic food from other brands - Trainer, Leonardo, low-grain and grain-free recipes from Farmina - can be considered as analogues of Monge. However, in practice it is difficult to say whether the tailed conservative will approve such a replacement.


The Monge factory is located in an ecologically clean area of ​​Italy and is considered one of the best in Europe for creating diets for pets.

The manufacturer of this brand is the family company Monge & CSpa, which was founded by Baldassard Monge in 1963.

The idea was prompted by an understanding of the growing need of dog and cat owners for quality nutrition for their pets.

The accompanying business of raising poultry, which still plays an important role today, has had a great impact on the development of the enterprise, since the raw materials are used to make animal feed.

And the quality of the meat is confirmed by the facts about its supplies to the best restaurants in Italy. Another advantage of this manufacturer is that the feed manufacturing process undergoes strict step-by-step control.

Daily norm

The amount of food an animal should consume per day depends on its age, physical characteristics and lifestyle. The specific dosage can be determined by reading the table on the package.

The number of meals a puppy has is from 4 to 6 times a day, the total daily volume: 5-7% of its weight. An adult usually has two meals a day, with a daily feed amount of about 3.5% of body weight.

Reviews from veterinarians

Veronica: “As a specialist, I welcome pet owners’ choice of quality food for them. This prevents many health problems from occurring. Of course, Monge brand diets are included in the list of leaders and are recommended for use.”

Evgeniy: “The Monge line of special foods is a wonderful companion in the prevention and treatment of a number of common diseases in dogs. Food enriched with essential microelements and vitamins contributes to the animal’s recovery.”

Peter: “Monge food appeared relatively recently, so it’s too early to give an unambiguous assessment. At the same time, it has a good composition, a line of medicinal foods, as well as diets based on a single protein source, which have already been tested on several allergic dogs.”

An analysis of the Monge diet line, as well as reviews from veterinarians, suggests that this is a good quality product. A definite plus is the availability of therapeutic diets, as well as special types of feed. This allows you to diversify the dog’s nutrition, taking into account the needs of its body in each age period.

Feed overview

The brand's products are characterized by variety - 40 dry granulated dry and 20 wet canned food. You can choose products for everyday consumption or a veterinary diet for pets with health problems. There are options for active, obese, sensitive digestion, allergy sufferers and picky eaters.

We recommend: The best super-premium food for dogs.

Types and types of feed

Choose the following types depending on age and breed:

  • puppies;
  • adults;
  • whelping and lactating;
  • old

The following options have been developed for animals of different sizes:

  • mini, for small breeds <11 kg;
  • medium, for medium breeds >11<25 kg;
  • maxi, for large breeds;
  • for dogs of all sizes.

Veterinary diets:

  • Monge gastrointestinal for animals with sensitive digestion;
  • Monge dermatosis for dogs with food allergies;
  • diet for heart disease;
  • therapeutic nutrition for liver diseases;
  • diabetic diet;
  • Obesity, to reduce live weight;
  • Renal for renal failure.

Dry food for adult dogs of all sizes

Feed composition

We analyze the composition using the example of food for adult dogs of all breeds with duck and potatoes.

The first position is occupied by duck meat, dehydrated and fresh. The manufacturer has made the food hypoallergenic, eliminating dangerous chicken. It is logical to use duck fat as a source of energy, as well as essential fatty acids.

This type of food is grain-free. The dog's body absorbs potato carbohydrates better than the starch of grain feed. Instead of defective glutens, we used balanced potato protein. Located in the middle of the list, brewer's yeast is rich in B vitamins and lysine. The cell walls of hydrolysis yeast contain the prebiotic substrate MOS.

Whole eggs are rich in lecithin. This phospholipid conducts nerve impulses, strengthens the heart muscle, helps the liver perform a detoxification function, and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels.

Beet pulp absorbs excess moisture, binds waste, and stimulates peristaltic contractions of the intestines. Salmon oil is rich in omega 3 unsaturated acids. Duck liver hydrolyzate contains easily digestible amino acids and is at the same time a taste corrector.

Sodium phosphate prevents the formation of tartar, choline chloride is a precursor to lecithin. The source of the prebiotic FOS is not specified. Ginseng is a general strengthening and tonic medicinal plant. Apple, pineapple, chestnut contain pectin substances - soluble fiber that binds toxins, as well as components that strengthen wool and skin. Spirulina is a powerful detoxifier. All phytocomponents are included in cosmetic medical products that strengthen hair.

Yucca deodorizes feces, binds foul-smelling gases, and turns them into odorless solid compounds. MSM, glucosamine, chondroitin take part in the formation of cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. Restores the lining between the rubbing bones in the joint.

The feed mixture has a high concentration of proteins and fats - 30 and 20%. A fastidious dog breeder noticed the low crude fiber content - 2%. The analysis method does not take into account the amount of soluble fiber in herbal supplements, and the formulation bypasses this indicator. If your dog has normal stool consistency, it means there is enough dietary fiber.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Italian quality;
  • no or few grain components;
  • proteins come from animal feed;
  • dry food, canned food, veterinary line are present;


  • supply disruptions;
  • relatively high cost.

Duck pate.

Daily norm

The dosage depends on the following factors:

  • conditions of detention - on the street or in an apartment;
  • physical activity, the portion for service dogs is increased;
  • living in the North.

Adjust the daily dose according to the individual characteristics of the animal.

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