27 Crossbred Dog Breeds You Can't Take Your Eyes Off Of

History of the breed

The Pomsky's homeland is the United States of America. The official appearance of this species dates back to 2013.

The breed is still very young. Despite this, she has already earned enormous popularity in her homeland. In 2022, UK dog handlers are already delighted with her.

Now Pomskies have spread throughout Europe and the former countries of the Soviet Union.

Photos of cute dogs with a “glossy” appearance filled the Internet even before the official introduction of a new type of mestizos.

The formation of a breed is a complex process. The thing is that a unified Pomsky standard has not yet been established.

In the future, the new type of mestizos is predicted to gain even greater fame and popularity. Today, associations of Pomsky lovers have been created in America and Canada.

But the breed has not yet received official recognition from international cynological federations.

Breed standard

The little Pomsky, which looks like a smaller version of a husky, can be confused with a Siberian mini husky or an Alaskan Klee Kai. All of the listed breeds are very similar.

Sexually mature Pomskies are 32-42 cm . Weight can be about 6-8 kg . But there are deviations from the specified parameters. There are individuals weighing up to 12 kg .

Males are taller and heavier than females. Sexual dimorphism is well expressed.

Pomski is divided into several types, according to appearance:

1. Brown Blue Eyes are the rarest type of Pomsky with blue eyes. The coat is medium length, with a dense undercoat. The coat color is deep brown. The body is dense, the muzzle is elongated.

2. Foxy – graceful, elongated physique. The muzzle is sharp. The coat is of medium length, the guard hair is smooth. The color is red-red (from deep fiery to light). Everything about this type, from shape to color, makes the dog look like a fox.

3. White - has the greatest height and weight among other varieties of Pomsky. It is extremely rare. The muzzle is refined. The coat color is snow-white.

4. Shorthair - is in the least demand, as it has the most unsightly exterior among all types of Pomsky. Its coat is very short and the hair is hard to the touch.

5. Teddy is the cutest Pomsky. The muzzle is short, it came from a Spitz. Donut tail. The color came from a husky. The coat is soft and pleasant to the touch, like plush.

The most common colors of Pomskies are blue, brown, and yellowish-brown.

The most popular coat color: husky color with a characteristic mask on the face of the breed. Marble color is not found.

Interesting Facts

Welsh Corgi and the Queen of England

  • The name corgi literally means "dwarf dog" in Welsh.
  • Queen Elizabeth II of England is a corgi lover. She prefers the look of pemurs. The photo is shown below.
  • The Welsh Corgi is closely related to the Husky. Both breeds belong to the Spitz group.
  • Here are some famous individuals:
  1. Lynnette, Holly and Willow, Elizabeth II's corgis.
  2. Skipper from the movie Robinson Crusoe.
  3. Rufus, Amazon.com's first mascot.
  4. Ein from the cartoon Cowboy Bebop.
  5. Anna, Poppy, Alice, Megan and Oliver from the movie The Queen.
  6. Ellen Mitchell from the movie Dave.
  7. Candy from the movie "Little Dog Lost".
  8. Edward from the film "The Accidental Tourist".
  9. Elvis from the movie Don't Tell Mom the Nanny Is Dead.
  • This is a funny breed of dog. Sploot is a type of their special stretch where individuals spread their small paws on the floor, and their butts look like two chicken wings. Sploot is a trademark of Corgi.
  • Some compare the pet's unique guttural growl to a Wookiee, although they are closer in size to an Ewok. Either way, they definitely remind people of the Star Wars characters.
  • Many people wonder: why are Welsh Corgis so expensive? Most likely, this is due to the ownership of the breed by the queen herself.
  • “Fluffy” is the name given to the long-haired individuals of this breed. Accordingly, the gene that is responsible for the birth of such babies is called the fluffy gene.
  • The animals have a clearly defined mouth, so it looks like they are smiling.
  • It is believed that individuals do not cause allergies. Therefore, allergy sufferers can safely take them into their home.

Maintenance and care

It is recommended to keep Pomskys in a house or apartment. This is not a yard dog, he needs to be close to people, he requires attention and comfortable conditions.

Your pet should have its own place in the house with a bed. Representatives of the breed are real cunning and sissy. They take advantage of every opportunity to find themselves on the sofa or bed.

If you give in once, the dog will constantly ignore the “place” command and will dislike his bed.

Be sure to buy toys for your Pomsky. They will provide an opportunity for a playful pet to occupy itself when the owners are not at home.

Representatives of the breed retain the puppy-like habits and activity of young dogs even into old age. So both a puppy and a ten-year-old dog will play with equal delight, for example, with a ball or chew a rubber sound toy.

Walks are required daily. Take your dog for a walk at least twice a day. It is recommended to do this at the same time, so teach her to relieve her natural needs at the hours you set.

If possible, increase the number of walks; the Pomsky is always happy to explore new territories and meet new people.

There is nothing complicated in caring for a new type of mestizos. Follow the procedures below in a timely manner, and your dog will be well-groomed, beautiful and healthy:

  • We comb it weekly, while simultaneously massaging the skin with a brush.
  • We bathe 1-2 times every 30-40 days. "Human" shampoo will not work. It is important to buy quality cleaning products designed for dogs. Make sure there are no allergic reactions. After bathing, dry your pet with a towel and dry with a hairdryer.
  • We wipe our eyes every morning, removing discharge after the night.
  • We inspect and clean the ears weekly. If we notice excessive accumulations of earwax or smell an unpleasant odor, we immediately show the Pomsky to a veterinarian. Since these symptoms may indicate infectious diseases.
  • We trim the claws as needed, adjusting their shape from time to time. The first time, contact a groomer so that he can teach you how to use a nail clipper correctly, otherwise, due to your inexperience, you may injure your pet’s fingers.
  • Brushing your teeth is extremely important for your Pomsky. We carry out the procedure at least three times weekly. You will need a silicone tip and a paste that has a specific smell and does not foam.

Recommended food for Pomsky is premium ready-made dog food. It contains all the components necessary for the pet’s body. You should not limit yourself to dry food alone; dilute the diet with canned dog food and pates.

Natural food is also not prohibited. All products must be of high quality. The basis of a natural diet is lean meat, low-fat fermented milk, porridge.

In this case, vitamin and mineral supplements will definitely be required. The quantity and composition of such supplements should be discussed with your veterinarian.


The first mating is carried out when the female has passed her second heat and the male has reached the age of one and a half years. The couple needs some time to get to know each other.

Welsh corgi puppy

Pregnancy in females lasts 2-2.5 months. By the end of the first month, the girl begins to show some signs of pregnancy. Her belly will become rounder, she may become sad, but she will eat better. However, remember, you should not overfeed the animal, as this will lead to obesity.

Make an agreement in advance with the veterinarian who must be present at the birth. This is due to the fact that they are not simple in dogs. Childbirth lasts from 12 hours, and often requires a cesarean section.

The Welsh Corgi gives birth to 3-8 babies. Wash your dog after giving birth with warm water, and wipe puppies with wet cloths. Make sure that mother and children are in a warm, secluded place.

The bitch can be fed in 2-3 hours. Later, take her for a walk.


On average, a Pomski can live to be 14-16 years old.

Regarding health, these mestizos are almost problem-free. Thanks to the heterosis effect, Pomskies do not suffer from hereditary diseases. But, like all living beings, this dog also has health problems.

They mainly arise due to poor nutrition and improper living conditions.

The most common problems with Pomskies are:

  • Dental diseases – tartar, early tooth loss.
  • Allergic reactions – most often occur to detergents, but food allergies can also occur.
  • Eye diseases are more often observed in dogs that have reached 6-7 years of age; young dogs rarely suffer from such problems.

It is important to carry out flea and tick treatment on time, especially in the warm season. Regular deworming and routine vaccination should not be ignored.

Once a year, visit a veterinary clinic with your pet, where the dog will be examined by specialists, undergo an X-ray examination and undergo tests.


The main character traits of the Pomsky are good nature, playfulness, cockiness, energy, and independence.

Such a pet joins a new family very quickly, adapting to a new life. He is friendly towards all household members, but for himself he will definitely single out only one person, whom he will consider the leader and whom he will obey.

He does not show excessive devotion, but sincerely loves all family members. This is an independent, somewhat stubborn breed. Its representatives often show a hint of selfishness and like to make their own decisions.

Left at home alone, the Pomsky will find something to do with himself. In reasonable measures, it tolerates loneliness, without upsetting its owners with destructive behavior, but this is subject to proper upbringing.

Gets along great with children. This dog remains a playful, cheerful puppy until old age. So for a child, such a dog is ideal as a pet, a tireless partner and an entertainer.

The main thing is that the child treats the dog with love and does not offend it.

They do not experience aggression towards strangers. So a Pomsky will not make an ideal watchman. With a stranger, such a dog would rather try to make friends and play than growl.

Although representatives of the breed love to bark, for a reason and just like that, in order to attract attention.

He gets along well with his own kind. While walking, he will never start a quarrel or fight with someone else's dog. Sometimes dominance is shown. It is not recommended to leave Pomskies alone with small pets, birds, and rodents.

The dog accepts them as living toys, but such games can end disastrously for small animals and birds.

Although each dog is individual in its own way. Her actions largely depend on her upbringing.


Of particular importance is how you will train your Welsh Corgi? Individuals need proper education and training so that they know what is possible and what is not. But this doesn't mean you have to take a strict or brutal approach to training. Instead, get your pets interested in treats.

Corgis love to be encouraged by their owners. Therefore, positive reinforcement training is effective with these puppies.

Welsh Corgi walking photo

Puppies may need a little more time to learn new commands and techniques. Owners must be patient and consistent to teach their pets to follow all the rules. Even after the dog masters the basic commands, he will still need regular retraining.

Early socialization is also essential for the breed. Give them the opportunity to interact calmly with strangers and other animals. This ensures that the dogs grow up to be polite and friendly.

Training and education

Pomskies are distinguished by their sharp mind and quick wit. They are able to master many different commands in a short time.

But this needs to be motivated. The dog must be interested in learning, he must be interested in training.

To do this, plan your lessons in a playful way. Classes should not be boring or monotonous. Constant repetition will make the Pomsky sad and refuse to work.

Never punish physically for failures during training. Don't be rude.

You will achieve success much faster if you use taste rewards, stroking, and praise for the correct actions of your pet.

The owner will need patience and perseverance. Consistency and regularity of training is important.

Of course, serious training is not required for the Pomsky, because it is not a guard or service dog. But obedience and ordinary commands need to be taught so that unpleasant situations do not arise in everyday life.

For a Pomsky, you need to take the simplest UGS course. A general training course would also be helpful.

Interesting Facts

  • Pomskies, like cats, “wash themselves” with their paws and lick their fur.
  • The Pomsky is one of the cleanest dogs; it is almost impossible to see him dirty. This is also facilitated by the fact that the fur of this pet has dirt-repellent properties.
  • In one Pomsky litter there can be puppies of different types in terms of appearance. For example, fox and short-haired or plush and white.
  • In the first three months, the eye color of Pomsky puppies is unstable and may change. If you want to have a 100% blue-eyed or brown-eyed representative of the breed, buy a puppy that has already reached three months of age.
  • Each subsequent litter is different from the previous one, each Pomsky puppy is unique in its own way, has a unique pattern, shade of color.
  • The instability of the exterior of these mestizos is explained by the purebred parents.
  • The unique exterior of a Pomsky is only possible by crossing purebred Spitz and Husky. When crossing the resulting mestizos (Pomskies), it is impossible to achieve the same ideal result.

How much does a puppy cost?

You cannot buy a purebred dog “from hand”, based on an advertisement on the Internet or a “wonderful offer” from friends. Corgi puppies don't come cheap. If a seller offers to buy a dog from him for 15 thousand rubles, it is hardly a purebred Pembroke. The cost of a purebred puppy with a pedigree is from 50 thousand rubles.*

Good dogs are sold in specialized nurseries that breed this breed. Of course, parents are champions with all sorts of titles - this is not a guarantee that their child will make headlines in the ring and receive great awards.

Corgi Pembroke puppy is very curious

But the nursery is a guarantee that the puppy is healthy and has a stable psyche. Breeders who have nothing to hide will always invite a potential buyer to visit to meet the puppies. And they will very jealously ask how a person is going to keep a dog, whether he has enough time, desire and funds to take care of it.

The Pembroke Corgi breed is suitable for people who understand that a dog requires constant mental and physical activity. Ideal owners are people who are obsessed with dogs and love an active lifestyle. If the first condition is absent, then the second is required.

*Prices are current as of April 2022.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Pomsky is an independent dog; it does not have a strong desire to be in the company of its owner every second. She knows how to keep herself busy.

Based on this character trait, this breed is ideal for those who are very busy and cannot devote too much time to their pet.

The Pomsky will also be an excellent pet for families with children and for people who have no experience with dogs.

If you decide to buy a Pomsky, be prepared to pay a large amount of money for it, since you can only purchase it in a nursery and then by signing up in advance.

It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the main advantages and disadvantages of this breed.

The main advantages of the Pomsky breed:

1. Beautiful appearance. 2. Compact size. 3. Non-aggressive, friendly, playful character 4. Suitable for inexperienced dog breeders. 5. Suitable for apartment maintenance. 6. Easy care and inexpensive maintenance. 7. Good health, absence of hereditary diseases. 8. Can tolerate loneliness relatively easily. 9. Good attitude towards children.


Dogs whose weight does not exceed 10 kg are suitable for small apartments and will not cause inconvenience when traveling due to their compact size.

Bichon Frize

This unusual small dog with snow-white curly fur is distinguished by its playful character , extraordinary courage and activity . The Bichon Frize loves regular and long walks, and its coat requires careful care.

Jack Russell Terrier

A charming, funny and perpetual motion Jack Russell Terrier with a memorable appearance from the movie “The Mask” will not let you get bored. Suitable only for active people who are ready to be accompanied by a pet around the clock.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Like something straight out of a magazine cover, with its silky coat and piercing eyes, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will be a good friend for families with children of any age. They cannot be alone for a long time, they are completely dependent on the attention of their owners and love tactile contact.


A funny appearance and a complete lack of aggression is what distinguishes these kids. A pug as a friend is suitable for calm people and homebodies ; he will happily lounge with his owner on the sofa and will not cause problems in caring for him.


A charming girl with a doll-like appearance and a constant need for human attention will become the favorite of all household members. The good-natured Maltese is wary of strangers and requires careful grooming.

Pomeranian Spitz

Fluffies with a clear voice are loved by many families around the world. The Pomeranian Spitz is cheerful and playful , loves to spend time with its owner. In the absence of education, he tries to dominate and becomes a bully.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Nice fluffy funny dogs with short legs, all of them are Welsh Corgi-Pembroke. Everyone who brought these guys into their home are incredibly happy people, and the dog becomes so attached to its person that it simply does not give him a pass and wants to be with him 24 hours a day, know all the news and be in the center of events. If you think that fun, active games are not for them, then this is not so. Despite their short legs, they run quite briskly.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Unlike its closest brother, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is a very affectionate, calm, phlegmatic and good-natured breed, will never offend anyone, and can easily win any heart with its sweet appearance, trusting eyes and boundless good nature .

Boston Terrier

A small, funny, good-natured pet that can make any two-person laugh no worse than even the funniest clown in the big top circus. This friendly fidget is ready to please his household 24 hours a day, to give them his positive energy, joy, emotions, and so on, not only to his owners, but to all people and other living beings. For the Boston Terrier, the more company, the better; he loves people very much and needs selfless reciprocity from them.

Lhasa apso

Very important representatives of their breed, upon invitation, are ready to play with members of the household, but they have special feelings only for one of their owners . Despite all its shortcomings, the Lhasa Apso still deserves its place in the ranking of kind dogs, because the Apso is very cute with silky hair, a lover of car trips and expensive shopping.

Japanese Spitz

Quite a rare breed that appeared in our country recently. For all their cute looks, these little white furballs have a strong Japanese character . With zealous zeal it will easily bark at another dog that is significantly larger in size. He is friendly with owners and guests . It is unlikely that anyone will be able to resist his cute appearance, snow-white fur and thin, characteristic voice.


This is the smallest dog in our selection, which absolutely does not tolerate neglect. In any situation, a Chihuahua will easily scan a person’s intentions in order to take any retaliatory action. If you love your dog very much , she will respond in kind and even more, and will begin to be jealous of her other passion. To summarize, we can say that this is the only dog ​​that has no equal in its efficiency, charm and overall dimensions .


Well, who doesn’t know these world-famous unusual short-legged friends. They are quite stubborn, stubborn, disobedient , real burrow hunters. And dachshunds are cute and have big, kind hearts . This is one of the best companion breeds, ready to take part in a fun event at any second.

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