Tablets for dogs and cats “Inspector Quadro Tabs” against ticks and other parasites (instructions)

The antiparasitic agent Inspector is a development of the German company Neoterica GmbH. In Russia, production is established in Moscow.

The research and development company Neoterica sells over 180 products in 13 countries. Among them are vitamin and feed supplements, hygiene products, and medications. In addition to Inspector, antiparasitic medications are represented by Insectal, Rolf, Helmintal, and Protecto.

Medicines from Neoterica are good medicines that have been successfully used by animal owners, breeders and veterinarians for many years. The Inspector is no exception.

In the review, I examined: the mechanism of action of the anti-parasite remedy, the features of its use, and possible negative reactions. At the end you will find a list of analogues and answers to your questions.


  • Assignment "Inspector Quadro Tabs"
  • Compound
  • Mechanism of action
  • Duration of protection and speed of impact
  • Application regulations
  • a) Dosages of “Inspector Quadro Tabs”
  • b) Preventive protection
  • c) Treatment
  • Contraindications for use
  • Side effects of Inspector Quadro Tabs
  • Limitations and security issues
  • Distinctive Advantages

"Inspector Quadro Tabs" is an effective drug against more than 20 common external and internal parasites.

It is known that pets are at risk of infection with countless parasites all year round: ticks, fleas, and all kinds of helminths. Typically, to protect and prevent a pet, it was necessary to use 2 types of drugs: insectoacaricidal (against external parasites) and anthelmintic (against internal parasites).

The innovation lies in the fact (there are no analogues in Russia) that ONE TABLET “Inspector Quadro Tabs” provides COMPLEX protection from both internal and external parasites, and its THREE-component composition makes this protection MAXIMUM .

In this material we will consider in detail: the purpose of the drug, its composition, mechanism of action, duration of protection and speed of action, regulations for use, contraindications and similar actions, restrictions and safety issues, features of use, etc.

READ MORE: Anti-tick tablets for dogs (TOP 5 best rating)

Negative reviews


Unfortunately, this remedy is not suitable for our dog. Some time after use, the drug caused an allergy. The dog became restless and began to itch, redness appeared on the stomach and in the groin area.

The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.

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Assignment "Inspector Quadro Tabs"

Inspector Quadro Tab tablets have a wide range of antiparasitic effects for dogs and cats against fleas, ticks, and helminths, at all stages of their development.

Among them are external parasites:

  • fleas (Ctenocephalides felis, Ctenocephalides canis);
  • ixodid ticks (Dermacentor spp., Rhipicephalus spp., Ixodes spp.);
  • demodectic mites (Demodex canis);
  • scabies mites (Otodectes cynotis, Sarcoptes canis, Notoedres cati) and many others. etc.

As well as internal parasites: helminths (round and tapeworms) parasitizing the gastrointestinal tract, including Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati (Toxocara mystax), Toxascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Trichuris vulpis, Ancylostoma caninum, Echinococcus granulosus, Alveococcus multilocularis, Mesocestoides lineatus, Dipylidium caninum, Diphyllobothrium latum, Multiceps multiceps, as well as larval stages of development, for example, Dirofilaria immitis and Dirofilaria repens.

Inspector Quadro Tabs tablets are prescribed not only to adult dogs and cats, but also to puppies and kittens.

Tablets "Inspector Quadro Tabs" are used for TREATMENT and PREVENTION

  • entomosis, demodicosis, otodecosis, sarcoptic mange, notohedrosis, acarosis caused by ixodid ticks,
  • nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract (toxocariasis, toxascariasis, uncinariasis, hookworm disease, trichocephalosis),
  • cestodiasis (tenidosis, dipylidiasis, echinococcosis, diphyllobothriasis, mesocestoidosis),
  • associative nematodo-cestodal invasions,
  • and also for the prevention of dirofilariasis.

Indications for use

Inspector Total C is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of infection:

  • entomoses;
  • ear mites – otodoctosis;
  • subcutaneous mites - sarcoptic mites;
  • itch mites - acaroses;
  • ixodid ticks;
  • gastrointestinal helminths, incl. toxocara, roundworm, hookworm, uncinaria, trichocephalus.

Inspector is also used as a preventive measure against dirofilariasis. The drug has no effect on adult heartworms, but works against larval forms.


The drug "Inspector Quadro Tabs" is multi-component, which ensures maximum effectiveness against parasites. Contains THREE active ingredients: LUFENURON + MOXYDECTIN + PRAZIQUANTEL . As auxiliary elements, the drug contains lactose, pregelatinized starch, food additive "Beef Flavor", calcium stearate, gelatin, aerosil, coloring "Brown chocolate"

Preparative form – tablets for oral administration. Light beige color, oval shape with a deep mark on the cent, weight 120 mg, 240 mg, 750 mg and 1500 mg.

The manufacturer of the drug is the Russian Ecoprom.” The developer of the drug is Neoterica GmbH (Germany).

READ MORE: Prevention of TICK BITES – SEVEN ways of protection for humans and pets

General information

Dosage form: solution for external use. Inspector Total S in 1 ml contains fipronil - 100 mg and moxidectin - 25 mg as active ingredients, and as excipients: isopropyl alcohol, dimethyl sulfoxide, polyethylene glycol. In appearance it is a transparent, oily, colorless or light yellow liquid. Inspector Total S is released packaged in 0.4; 1.0; 2.5 and 4.0 ml in polymer pipettes. Pipettes are packaged in 1, 2, 3 or 4 pieces in cardboard boxes or polymer blisters along with instructions for use. The shelf life of the drug, subject to storage conditions, is 3 years from the date of production. Inspector Total C should not be used after the expiration date. Store the drug in the manufacturer's sealed packaging, in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 0 to 30 °C. Inspector Total S should be kept out of the reach of children. Unused medicinal product is disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.

Mechanism of action

  • LUFENURON (benzoylphenylurea group compound), an insecticide from the class of chitin synthesis inhibitors. This component has pronounced larvicidal properties and contact ovicidal activity, but has practically no effect on adult insects. The active substance is quickly absorbed in the stomach and slowly excreted. This ensures the maximum concentration of the drug for one month. Getting not only into the body of insects, but also into their eggs, lufenuron blocks the process of formation of chitin (the main component of insect cover). The death of larvae occurs as a result of disruption of the processes of cuticle formation
  • MOXYDECTIN (milbemycin group compound). This component is active against pathogens of arachnoenthomosis, larvae and adults of nematodes. The principle of action is based on stimulating the release of gamma-aminobutyric acid to increase the permeability of membranes for chlorine ions. This, in turn, reduces the activity of helminth nerve cells, which further leads to muscle innervation, then to paralysis, and then to the death of nematodes. Moxidectin is cleared from the body within 6 weeks.
  • PRAZIQUANTEL (a compound of the pyrazinisoquinoline group). This component complements the action of lufenuron, since its action is aimed at adult sexually mature ectoparasites and nematodes. The principle of action is based on inducing the breakdown of tegument and inhibition of fumarate reductase, persistent depolarization of helminth muscle cells. Disorders of energy metabolism in the nervous system lead to paralysis, and subsequently to the death of cestodes. This active substance is absorbed into the blood through the gastrointestinal tract 1-3 hours after taking the tablet. Then it is evenly distributed in the organs and tissues of the animal, binds to serum proteins (70-80%), is partially metabolized in the liver, and re-excreted into the intestine. Almost completely (up to 80%) is excreted from the animal’s body in urine within 2 days.

About properties

The drug Inspector for dogs is available in the form of drops. The liquid composition of Inspector Total has a slight alcoholic odor and does not form sediment. To facilitate the processing process, the medicine is placed in polymer pipettes.

Drops on the withers Inspector contain two insecticidal components:

  • Fipronil (10%) - a combination of phenyl prevents the body from absorbing chlorine, which results in blocking the transmission of nerve impulses. This leads to a blockade of the pest’s vital systems and its inevitable death.
  • Moxidectin (2.5%) is a milbemycin that affects the functioning of nerve receptors. This leads to disruption of muscle activity, resulting in paralysis and death of the parasite.

A relatively safe product for dogs, it is deadly for arthropods. In addition, the action of the insecticidal composition does not cause irritation, and also does not affect the immune system and the fetus during the animal’s pregnancy.

Drops Inspector for fleas for dogs

A wide range of applications is another advantage of Inspector Total drops. The composition is effective against:

  • fleas, lice and lice;
  • sarcoptic, ear, ixodid and demodectic mites;
  • sexually mature intestinal nematodes and their larvae.

On a note!

Inspector Total C drops for dogs can also be used to combat helminths in cats.

The cost of one pipette with a drop of Inspector varies depending on the dose from 200 to 300 rubles.

Duration of protection and speed of impact

The duration of the protective antiparasitic effect of the drug (with a single use) is up to 5 weeks.

The effect of the drug is manifested:

— INSECTICIDAL after 24 hours, reaching the maximum level after 48 hours;

— ACARICIDAL after 24 hours, taking this into account, treatments should be carried out no later than 24 hours before the animal is supposed to walk in places where ticks may live (parks, squares, forests).

Application regulations

Inspector Quadro Tabs tablets are administered orally to animals individually, in the morning feeding with a small amount of food, or forcibly administered to the root of the tongue after feeding.

a) Dosages of “Inspector Quadro Tabs”

The therapeutic dose per 1 kg of animal weight is:

  • 10 mg lufenuron,
  • 5 mg praziquantel,
  • 0.3 mg moxidectin.

BUY at a GREAT PRICE anti-parasite tablets for dogs and cats “Inspector Quadro Tabs”

For cats and dogs 0.5-2 kg (120 mg tablet)For cats and dogs 2-8 kg (240 mg tablet)For cats and dogs 8-16 kg (750 mg tablet)For dogs over 16 kg (1500 mg tablet)
20 mg/ 0.6 mg/ 10 mg *40 mg/ 1.2 mg/ 20 mg *160 mg/ 4.8 mg/ 80 mg *320 mg/ 9.6 mg/ 160 mg *
0.5-1 kg **1/2 tablet
1-2 kg **1 tablet
2-4 kg **1 tablet
4-8 kg **2 tablets
8-16 kg **1 tablet
16-32 kg **1 tablet
32-48 kg **1+1/2 tablets
48-64 kg **2 tablets

(*) - content of lufenuron/moxidectin/praziquantel in 1 tablet.

(**) - the weight of the animal (dog or cat) for which the number of tablets is calculated.

b) Preventive protection

Inspector Quadro Tabs tablets are taken ONCE, to prevent re-infestation - once every 4-6 weeks throughout the entire season of ectoparasite activity.

To achieve maximum protection for animals, it is necessary to treat booths, cages, bedding and blankets, and other items with insectoacaricidal agents. This will not only destroy ectoparasites in the room, but also prevent re-infestation. Infestation (from Latin infestare - to attack) - infection of the human or animal body with parasites.

To prevent HELMINTHISIS, the drug is given once every 3 months, and 10 - 14 days before each subsequent vaccination.

To prevent DYROFILARIOSIS, Inspector Quadro Tabs tablets are given to animals in the spring-summer-autumn period once before the start of the flight of mosquitoes and mosquitoes (carriers of the pathogen D. immitis). Then - once a month. The last dose is 1 month after the end of insect flight. Inspector Quadro Tabs tablets do not destroy sexually mature dirofilariae, but reduce the number of microfilariae circulating in the blood and can also be safely used by infested animals.

c) Treatment

If an animal is infected with SARCOPTOSIS, NOTOEDZOSIS, or DEMODECOSIS, treatment is carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. “Inspector Quadro Tabs” tablets are given according to the following scheme: 2-5 times with an interval of 7-14 days until the animal’s clinical recovery. Recovery is confirmed by two negative results of acarological studies. Treatment is carried out comprehensively using pathogenetic and symptomatic drugs.

In case of infection of an animal with HELMINTHISIS, the tablets are given once, but if the infection is severe, the drug is given again after 10-14 days.

IMPORTANT: If the next treatment is missed, the use of the drug is resumed at the same dose according to the same regimen.

Instructions for use and dosage

Inspector Total C is intended for external treatment of animals. It is applied pointwise at the base of the back of the head and on the withers (between the shoulder blades). Make sure that the solution gets on the skin: it is important that the drug is absorbed - if the liquid flows down the fur, the medication will not work.

The dosage of the Total C series drugs is calculated from the formula 0.1 ml per kg of weight, for animals weighing less than 1 kg - 0.05 ml (1 drop) per 500 g. If Inspector Mini is used, and the pet’s weight exceeds 2 kg, then use 0.2 ml per kg.

Buy a dosage form corresponding to the weight of the animal. Dosages are listed below.

If the animal’s weight exceeds 40 kg, take a 6 ml package. If the dog weighs more than 60 kg, combine two pipettes of different packaging, whose total volume is as close as possible to the size of the pet.

The procedure and timing of use depend on the purpose of use:

  1. To get rid of ectoparasites, the solution is applied to the withers once.
  2. For preventive purposes, the drug is used every 1-1.5 months from early spring to late autumn. It is advisable to apply the solution a day before walking the dog in places with a high risk of infection: forests, fields, parks, etc.
  3. If an attached tick is detected, the Inspector is applied pointwise to the parasite and to the skin at the site of its attachment. After 20 minutes, the insect is removed if it has not fallen off on its own.
  4. For ear scabies, clean the shell and instill 3-5 drops of the solution into each ear. Afterwards the ears are folded and massaged. The rest of the medication is squeezed onto the withers. The treatment is repeated a month later. Such therapy is unacceptable if the eardrum is perforated - in this case, the drug is applied between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck.
  5. For subcutaneous scabies, scabs are removed and Inspector is applied to the affected areas, covering a few millimeters of healthy skin. The procedure is carried out 2-4 times, with a break of 7-10 days between each procedure.
  6. In case of worm infestation, dogs are treated once. To prevent helminths, the drug is used monthly.
  7. To avoid dirofilariasis, dogs are treated monthly. The first procedure is carried out a month before the start of summer of insect vectors (mosquitoes, mosquitoes), the last one – a month after the end of summer.

After applying the medication and before it dries, it is advisable to tighten the pet’s jaws with braid or put on a muzzle. This trick will prevent licking. Swimming in bathtubs and ponds is also prohibited for 4 days.

Contraindications for use

Among the contraindications for the use of tablets:

  • individual sensitivity of the animal to the active ingredients of the drug;
  • functional disorders of the animal's kidneys and liver;
  • exhausted and sick animals;
  • animals weighing less than 0.5 kg;
  • females during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • puppies and kittens under 6 weeks of age.

Inspector Quadro Tabs tablets for collie, bobtail, sheltie and other breeds sensitive to macrocyclic lactones are prescribed and taken only under the direct supervision of a veterinarian.

The drug is not intended for use in productive animals.

IMPORTANT: Do not use the drug simultaneously with OTHER antiparasitic drugs containing macrocyclic lactones, piperazine and drugs that inhibit cholinesterase.

READ MORE: How to safely remove a tick? (SIX proven methods)

Top 3. Simparica

Rating (2021): 4.54

397 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Ozon, IRecommend, Eapteka, Four Paws

Best value for money Simparica is not the cheapest drug, but, given the 3 tablets per package, it can provide long-term protection. Reviews about its effectiveness are mostly positive, which indicates an optimal price-quality ratio.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 1221 rub. (3 tablets of 40 mg for animals 10-20 kg)

  • Manufacturer: Zoetis (Pfizer) (USA)
  • Active ingredient: sarolaner
  • Dosage: 2-4 mg/kg
  • Duration of protection: 35 days

Simparika chewable tablets can protect your dog not only from 9 types of ixodid ticks and fleas, but also from other parasites, namely ear mites, demodicosis and sarcoptic mange. The last three diseases are not only prevented with the help of this drug, but also treated. The manufacturer offers dosage options for animals from 1.3 to 60 kg containing the active ingredient sarolaner in amounts from 5 to 120 mg. A single dose will provide protection for up to 35 days. Simparika is quite expensive, but there are three tablets in one package, which will help prevent tick damage for more than 3 months. Animals eat liver-flavored product with pleasure. The medicine receives generally good reviews, although some dog owners note lethargy in their pets and indigestion.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Protection against fleas, ticks, treatment of demodicosis, ear mites
  • Dosage options for animals from 1.3 to 60 kg
  • One package contains 3 tablets
  • Work for 35 days
  • Dogs like the taste and eat with pleasure
  • High price
  • After taking it, some people experience lethargy and may experience diarrhea.

Side effects of Inspector Quadro Tabs

Side effects and complications, as a rule, are not recorded if the drug use regulations are followed. Individually, some animals may experience disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and increased salivation may occur. These phenomena do not require the use of medications and disappear spontaneously.

In case of allergic reactions associated with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, stop using the drug. For rehabilitation, the animal is prescribed antihistamines and symptomatic therapy.

In case of overdose, depression, refusal to feed, excessive salivation, and gastrointestinal upset may occur. Enterosorbents and symptomatic therapy are prescribed here.

READ MORE: TICK remedies for treating areas - TOP 25 drugs used

Toxicity of the drug

The dog inspector is practically harmless to warm-blooded inhabitants, but deadly to arthropods.

The drug Inspector does not harm dogs, but effectively destroys arthropods.

Recent laboratory tests have confirmed that the drug, used according to all rules, is safe for the animal being treated. It does not affect the immune system and does not cause pathological disorders in the embryo. When used correctly, there is no irritation to the dog’s skin, so we can say that this product cannot harm the pet.

Important. The drug is dangerous for fish, bees and rabbits.

Limitations and security issues

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, “Inspector Quadro Tabs” tablets belong to hazard class 4 (“LOW HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES”), according to GOST 12.1.007-76.

Subject to dosages and instructions for use, it does not have immunotoxic, embryotoxic or teratogenic effects.

In terms of its effect on bees, as well as fish and other aquatic organisms, the drug is NON-TOXIC

When working with the drug, follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety. Avoid direct contact with the drug, prevent its contact with mucous membranes. If allergic reactions occur or if the drug accidentally enters the human body, you should immediately contact a medical facility (save and provide the doctor with the instructions or label).

Rules for wearing and storage

The collar is opened immediately before use and removed from the packaging. It needs to be unfolded and put on the animal’s neck, choosing the length so that 1-1.5 cm remains until the full circumference of the pet’s neck. Then it must be secured with a special clamp, and the excess must be cut off.

The Inspector collar is effective on all insects for 4 months, on ticks – 3 months, on worms – 2 months. It should be put on the animal 2-3 days before a trip to the forest or other contact with “bloodsuckers” is expected.

If the animal is severely infested, it should be pre-washed with insecticidal shampoo and then treated with drops or spray. The litter should also be disinfected.

The Anti-Tick Inspector Collar is available for sale in 3 sizes and is packaged in sealed foil bags:

  • 75 cm – for large dogs;
  • 65 cm – for medium ones;
  • 40 cm – for puppies, kittens and mini breeds.

Collar storage conditions: 3 years at a temperature of 0+30°C in a dark place, sold without a prescription. Estimated price – within 330-450 rubles.

On a note!

Its use is not recommended in lactating and pregnant females, kittens and puppies less than 2 months old.

Possible negative reactions due to individual intolerance:

  • skin irritation;
  • increased lacrimation and salivation (salivation).

Anti-tick collar for cats

Distinctive Advantages

A number of distinctive advantages of the drug “Inspector Quadro Tabs” ensure its confident position among the TOP 5 BEST anti-tick drugs for dogs.

The main advantages are:

  1. The three-component composition of the drug provides MAXIMUM protection.
  2. Innovation - ONE TABLET , acting COMPLEXLY - against external parasites (ticks, fleas, etc. >20 species) and against internal parasites (helminths, etc.).
  3. THE ASSORTMENT RANGE takes into account not only the weight of the animal (0.5-2 kg, 2-8 kg, 8-16 kg, 16-64 kg), but also makes it possible to clearly calculate the dosage within the series (dividing the tablet into halves).
  4. It is possible to treat CATS and DOGS of all breeds without restrictions (for collie, sheltie and bobtail breeds, the drug “Inspector QUADRO” is used under the supervision of a veterinarian).
  5. It is used for both PREVENTION and TREATMENT .
  6. Treatment of pregnant and lactating females is allowed (use of the drug “Inspector” in the form of drops on the withers is allowed).
  7. Use is allowed for puppies and kittens from 6 weeks of age , as well as from 3 weeks of age when using the drug “Inspector mini”.
  8. For preventive purposes, the drug can be used throughout the WHOLE YEAR .
  9. Unsurpassed GERMAN QUALITY .

Positive reviews


We treated the cat with Inspector Total drops many times and was happy with the results, plus there were no problems with tolerance. Therefore, when a dog appeared in the house, the Inspector drops, tested many times, were also purchased for him. Our puppy is a dwarf German Spitz breed, which means the coat is very padded and thick. Therefore, when they poured the drops between the shoulder blades, they did not notice any trace or fat content at all. The puppy also seemed not to notice the manipulations performed on him. The drug was tolerated well, without any unpleasant complications. I scratch my dog ​​daily and haven't found any fleas or ticks.

The photo is a direct image to the review presented above in the review.


Excellent drops for fleas and ticks. My dog's breed is Chihuahua, weight 1.8 kg, these drops are exactly what suits her. Others tried it, she had toxic poisoning. The smell is minimal, the dog will not go, the quality is excellent. If you follow the instructions (and this means processing every 30 days), then there will be no fleas or ticks. We have been using these drops for 3 years now. In the summer we go to the countryside and into nature, it works perfectly, parasites have never been found on the dog’s skin.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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