13 dog breeds on the list of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - about the law, list of breeds, walking rules and fines

For many years now, public debate has continued about which dog breeds should be recognized as dangerous. Things got to the point where, within the framework of Russian jurisdiction, a state act was developed and adopted, which “popularly” is simply called: a prohibited list of 13 dog breeds on the list of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We’ll talk about why exactly so many species are banned, what danger these dogs pose, and what this law actually regulates in today’s article.

13 dog breeds on the Ministry of Internal Affairs list

South African Boerboel

The South African Boerboel is a very formidable and loyal breed of dog . They are tall and powerful and will defend you with as much physical strength and aggression as is required. But oddly enough, they are very gentle with their owners, including small children, and calmly accept even tough games. But nevertheless, these dogs were banned in Denmark .


This breed is famous for its loyalty and intelligence. It is considered the best guard dog - it attacks only if it is provoked or the owner and his property are in danger. The breed was developed in Germany by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. They can show aggression towards strangers and other dogs, but cases of aggression towards owners are extremely rare. Aggression coupled with size and strength make Dobermans potentially dangerous.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

But the Rhodesian Ridgeback, originally from Africa, is not suitable for everyone. It requires a strong character and strong-willed owner, otherwise the dog will become your master. Although he gets along well with all family members, he is nevertheless determined and strong enough even to hunt lions, leopards and baboons . Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to get such a breed.


The Kangal dog breed has been known to man since ancient times. In Babylon they were used as warriors in battles , and in peacetime they went hunting for large game. They went with these dogs to hunt lions and wild horses and drove away wolves without much difficulty. They are excellent shepherds, guard animals, look for lost sheep and herd them into the flock. Therefore, kangals are not suitable for an apartment . They need space and fresh air where they can show their power.

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An animal lover moving to Japan may be disappointed to learn that most Japanese apartments do not allow pets. My favorite animal companion would be a parrot, but my rental terms and conditions clearly state: "You cannot keep dogs, cats, chickens or other pets." ...

Pets are NOT allowed
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Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff)

The Cane Corso or Italian Mastiff came to us, as you already understood, from Italy. Such a dog should be kept in a well-fenced area, because loves its family. She will easily determine whether you are friend or foe to her owners and will naturally defend her territory from strangers. Therefore, stay away from Cane Corsos you don't know.

Sanctions for breaking the law and improper keeping of animals

If a violation of the established rules for walking dangerous dogs is detected, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs draw up a protocol. Sanctions are set by the court, and the severity of the punishment depends on the severity of the offense.

For a “regular” (without harmful consequences) walking a pet without a leash and muzzle, owners will have to pay from 1 to 3 thousand rubles. In situations where the dog was without protective attributes and attacked another dog, the fine will increase to 5 thousand rubles. If the owner deliberately set the dog on the victim, he will have to pay twice as much.

The law is very strict regarding dog aggression towards people. An attack by a dog on a person is qualified as causing grievous bodily harm through negligence (Article 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Under this article, the owner may be subject to the following sanctions:

  • A fine of up to 80,000 rubles (or up to an amount equivalent to six months’ income);
  • Six-month arrest;
  • Compulsory work for up to 480 hours;
  • 2 years of correctional labor;
  • Imprisonment (up to 3 years).

In addition, if the dog damages property, the owner will be required to cover the damage caused to another person.

Chinese Chongqing

The Chinese Chongqing is one of the rarest dog breeds . They were previously used to hunt badgers, foxes and birds. But they have enough courage and fearlessness for 10 dogs. They will protect you from everything, even from snake attacks. It’s a pity that besides China, they can hardly be found anywhere, and in China itself there are no more than 2000 dogs left .

Pit bull ban

There are thousands of dog breeds on earth. Some appeared thanks to nature, others owe their appearance to man. Among this diversity there are companions, shepherds, guards and many others.

What dog breeds were bred in Russia

Some that appeared during selection are considered dangerous breeds and are banned in most countries. The main purpose of prohibition laws is to prevent injuries and deaths from their attacks.

Important! In which countries is the pit bull banned or considered a dangerous dog? For example, in Italy, Germany, England, USA,

The American Pit Bull Terrier breed appeared in 1800 in England and in 1835 in America after the ban on fighting between dogs was lifted. Originally used for corralling bulls. Later they began to let it into fighting rings, where the tenacity, endurance, stamina and aggressiveness of the breed were fully demonstrated. It was only in 2007 that a ban on dog fighting was officially introduced in the United States.

According to standards, a dog that has shown aggressiveness is disqualified and not allowed for breeding.


In 2015, Chinese geneticists developed genetically modified dogs from the Whippet breed . Big Wendy , the name of one of the dogs, is considered the most muscular dog in the world . As a result of the abnormality, she developed “double muscle mass.” But, unfortunately, such dogs are unlikely to live long. Scientists expect that dogs will subsequently be more resilient, stronger and will show all their power while serving in the police or army.

Presa Canario

Dogs of the Presa Canario breed have earned themselves a bad reputation . In 2001, two representatives of this breed mauled a man to death . These are indeed very formidable fighting dogs that are not bred for entertainment. Therefore, countries such as Australia and New Zealand do not allow the import and breeding of Presa Canarios .

Prohibited dog breeds

A dog is man's friend. However, many people forget that this is still a wild animal, which is not always successfully trained. For example, in the late 1980s, cases of dog attacks on people became more frequent. As a result, pit bulls and related breeds fell into disrepute.

There was even a wave of bans on certain types of dogs. For example, in 1991, the Parliament of the United Kingdom officially banned the adoption of dangerous dog breeds such as Japanese Tosa Inu, Dogo Argentino, pit bulls and Fila Brasileiro.

This initiative was supported by several other countries. Even in those states where such breeds have been officially approved, owners have found it quite difficult to obtain insurance.

American Bulldog. These dogs are officially banned in Singapore, Denmark and some other countries. The breed has become famous since the end of the 19th century. It is one of the closest and most intact relatives of the English Bulldog. The breed originally appeared in the south of the country, where these bulldogs were used as watchdogs. They were especially trained to hunt wild pigs. But these creatures weigh several hundred pounds and are quite ferocious. That is why the trained dogs were large, strong and quite dangerous. When attacking its victim, the American bulldog would cling to its throat until its owner approached. The peculiarity of the breed is its high pain threshold. And American bulldogs weigh from 27 to 54 kilograms.

Bloodhound. Since the Middle Ages, the word “bandog” began to refer to large dogs used as guards. Modern bloodhounds have lost their purebred nature; they are bred from breeds such as mastiffs and pit bull terriers. The size of such a dog is comparable to a Great Dane. Veterinarian John Swynford began breeding the breed in the late 1960s, and it soon became famous. The most famous representative, the Bantu dog, was extremely cruel and famous for its military exploits. Now this breed is banned almost everywhere. And these aggressive animals can weigh from 30 to 50 kg.

Neapolitan Mastiff. Another nickname for the breed is neo. She was born in Italy. This type of mastiff was immediately used as a military dog ​​by Roman legionnaires. She also acted as a kind of gladiator in bloody fights. Today, Neapolitan Mastiffs serve as guard dogs. The breed is large and has wrinkled skin, sagging cheeks and loose fur. It was the Neapolitan Mastiff that was taken as the basis for creating the image of the giant Hagrid from the Harry Potter epic. Dangerous dogs are prohibited by law in Singapore, and in Romania, the owner must undergo a preliminary interview with a psychologist before acquiring such a pet.

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (Czechoslovakian Wolfdog). This breed was developed in 1955 in Czechoslovakia by crossing a German shepherd with a Carpathian wolf. The intertwined genetic structure gave the wolfdog an unpredictable character. It's difficult to say when she will behave like a wolf and when like an ordinary dog. Representatives of the breed have a clearly expressed prey instinct. This is why sometimes a child is seen as a potential victim, resulting in cases of attacks on children. In general, the dog is considered a good pet, but in Norway its keeping is prohibited.

Boerboel. This dog became widespread in South Africa. Outwardly, she somewhat resembles a sporting bull. The name of the breed literally means “farm dog” in Dutch. Boerboels take their origins from African and guard dogs. In 1920, the breed appeared on the mainland from Europe, specifically for the protection of diamond copies in South Africa. Dogs are excellent guards, they love children and do not show outright aggression. The huge dogs reach a weight of 60 kg and are banned in Denmark. Boerboels are very strong and resilient, however, the owner is required to carry out constant grueling training.

Dogo Argentino In 1928, the breed was created by Dr. Antonio Martinez. 10 different breeds took part in the creation process. This includes the Great Dane, Dogue de Bordeaux, Irish Wolfhound, and English Pointer. Each of them gave the new breed something of its own. Irish Wolfhound - speed, Great Pyrenees - endurance and white color, Great Dane - height. The breeder bred these dogs specifically for hunting mountain lions and pumas. In a pack of five dogs, at least two turn out to be suicide bombers, which requires courage from the dogs. They are a real pile of muscles, and weigh up to 65 kg. The Dogo Argentino looks like an enlarged pit bull. Breeding this breed is prohibited in 10 countries, including Portugal, Australia and New Zealand. True, despite its terrible appearance, the dog was never used as a fighting dog.

Presa Canario. The Dogo Canario comes from Spain. The breed was recognized relatively recently, in 2001. At the same time, a dog marked the first case of killing a person. The victim died right in the corridor of his house. The owners of that dog were found guilty of murder and sentenced to long prison terms. She guards well and senses her territory, loves tranquility. The appearance of an uninvited guest can lead to an outbreak of aggression. The dangerous animal is banned in New Zealand and Australia. The history of the development of Great Danes goes back several centuries. They were not bred artificially; this breed developed naturally in the Canary Islands.

Fila Brasileiro. The large Brazilian Mastiff was once used to hunt jaguars and wild boars. The ancestors of the breed are most likely mastiffs. Of all the prohibited dogs, this is the most disobedient. The Brazilian Mastiff is an excellent guard dog who does not trust strangers. Some fanciers even value this breed for its aggressiveness. Even at exhibitions, judges are not recommended to touch them. This breed is banned in the UK. Although the dog is loyal to its owner and his family, numerous guests can cause aggression.

Japanese Tosa Inu. This breed is also called the Japanese Mastiff. She was bred at one time in the Principality of Tosa just for dog fighting. Local Japanese dogs crossed with bulldogs, mastiffs, Great Danes and St. Bernards imported from Europe. The result is a breed that can fight silently and is distinguished by increased durability. She does not rush at the enemy and does not growl, but tries to pin him with her body. Although sales of Tosa Inu from Japan itself are extremely rare, this breed is banned in Malta, Norway, Denmark and other countries.

American Pit Bull Terrier. This dog is a real terror to man. Meanwhile, most fears are in vain. Pit bulls were bred from early bulldogs and terriers specifically to fight other dogs. In this they really have no equal. This is a strong breed, capable of fighting to the end and winning no matter what. However, today, unfortunately, pit bulls are a symbol of criminal offenses associated with dogs. But an attack on a person is associated only with poor care of the dog and its poor training. Initially, she was not bred to attack people, so she does not show aggression. This good-natured pet should not be considered a deadly enemy. True, it was banned in Miami-Dade County, Florida, the Canadian province of Ontario and some countries.


The Bandog is a breed of dog that was developed by crossing a pit bull terrier and various mastiffs. Do you know why? To get a real monster. He is very fierce and before, before bloodthirsty battles, only chains could hold , because... his energy burst out. Now the bandog is used as a security guard, bodyguard, and for work in law enforcement agencies. Apartment burglars are very afraid of such dogs. She will not bark outside the door and give away her presence. But he will not allow a stranger to leave the house. There have already been tragic deaths when the bandog dealt with several robbers at the same time .

Write in the comments what kind of dog you would like for yourself, and which one you wouldn’t get for free.

It all started with Hachiko

In Japan, they love animals, in particular dogs, but sometimes people go too far with love. Take, for example, the story of Hachiko. It is already known in every corner of the globe, because it is based on real events.

A dog named Hachi actually came to Shibuya Station to meet his owner even after the man was gone. In 1934, a bronze monument was erected at the station to this faithful friend, at the grand opening of which Khati was personally present.

Every Japanese admired the story of this dog, and when Hachi died, a day of mourning was declared in the country. The dog was cremated and buried next to the owner's grave. And his statue has become a symbol of love and fidelity; today it is the most popular meeting place for couples in love.

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