Metis dachshunds - popular crosses with other breeds, characteristics of hybrids

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The Jack Russell Terrier will be a good friend for active people or families with children. This cheerful, lively, energetic dog breed is one of the small breeds. The dog gained worldwide love and popularity by participating in the famous films “The Mask” and “The Artist,” where the Jack Russell Terrier plays the leading role. Many Russian celebrities - Philip Kirkorov, Alina Kabaeva, Oleg Deripaska - have this cute dog among their pets.

Jack Russell Terrier.

Taming of the Shrew

Since puppies are already endowed with unbridled energy from the breed, as well as the desire to “pump up their rights,” the first thing you should do is “exorcise the devil.”

Professional trainers note the fact that this animal requires a special approach. You shouldn’t follow the dog’s lead and forgive it for various pranks, which often lead to tyranny, but you shouldn’t overdo it, driving this animal “into a corner.”

If the Jack Russell is not pacified in a timely manner, then he may:

  • Growling, lunging at strangers and biting.
  • Hunt various animals and kids.
  • Do not execute any commands, even basic ones.
  • He can easily turn the living space into something like a toilet.
  • He is capable of rendering unusable any objects that come into his field of vision.
  • Whine and howl when begging for food or when left alone.
  • Show unrestrained disobedience, regardless of the conditions in which he finds himself.

The main task of the owner is to promptly stop all his attempts to become the boss in the house. This breed is quite intelligent and immediately begins to figure out when to start “twisting the ropes” out of its owner. In short, you should immediately make it clear to the dog that he is in submission, and not vice versa.

This breed has functions for constant movement, so when raising a dog, you need to remember this feature. To release his energy in the right direction, you should acquire a lot of different toys, otherwise the living space will resemble a cluster of trash torn to shreds. This dog needs to be spent a lot of time outside, and again, you need to play with it, forcing it to expend its energy.

The dog should not be allowed to chase animals, especially children. In dense bushes and near highways, it is better to keep your dog on a leash.

Training a Jack Russell Terrier is not particularly difficult, since he is quite intelligent and quick-witted and grasps everything on the fly, the main thing is to be persistent and consistent. Too much activity of an animal is significantly reduced if it is constantly loaded, including in various games like mini-agility, where this breed has no equal.

A little history

These hyperactive creatures were born thanks to the English pastor Jack Russell, who lives in Devonshire. The clergyman hunted on horseback and practiced breeding fox terriers. He was the first to describe this breed. Taking part in exhibitions, his conclusions about a particular breed were considered decisive.

Interesting to know! The modern breed is the short-legged Parson Jack Russell Terrier, which in the century before last was considered a fox terrier.

In developing a special breed of hunting dog, Jack Russell crossed Fox Terriers with other dog breeds. For example:

  • With small bull terriers.
  • With Lakeland Terriers.
  • With border terriers.

After the death of the clergyman, breeding work did not stop, and the bred dogs began to be called Parson Jack Russell Terrier.

In the process of selection work, individuals appeared, both long-legged (up to 30 cm) and short-legged (up to 28 cm). The tall-legged individuals were very popular and were called Parson Russell Terriers. Short-legged individuals were somewhat inferior in their popularity and were few in number and little known, and were called Jack Russell terriers.

All about the breed - Jack Russell Terrier

Various versions

According to the first version, dogs that looked like terriers lived in Europe in the sixth century. But England is considered to be the homeland of terriers. The upper echelons of society valued these dogs because they could catch rodents, which lived in abundance in English castles. Terriers guarded food and exterminated rats.

Terriers also found use on poultry farms, where they were used to hunt small rodents and foxes in order to maintain the poultry population.

They were ideally suited for these tasks due to the following qualities:

  • compact size;
  • savvy;
  • courage;
  • sufficient cruelty to catch the victim.

Precisely because of your abilities? dogs and received the nickname “terrier”, from the Latin word “terra” - “earth”. They were usually called earth animals.

The exterior of ancient terrier-like dogs was different, but the size remained compact. The coat and undocked tail were also similar. At that time, terriers were perceived only as working dogs, so no one paid much attention to their appearance. Among them it was almost impossible to find animals with white coat color, since breeders of that time considered this a defect.

But at the beginning of the eighteenth century the situation changed. The nobility, who loved hunting, often confused terriers with prey because of the similarity of colors and accidentally killed innocent dogs. That is why the breeders decided to breed terriers with a new coat color, different from the usual one. And then the choice fell on white.

There is another version of the origin of the breed. According to her, the Jack Russell Terrier breed originates in the mid-eighteenth century in Great Britain. At that time, bloody shows were popular among the English people, where various animals and people mutilated each other. For example, dog fighting or bull fighting. Terriers took part in such spectacular shows as baiting or completely destroying rats or badgers.

This “entertainment” took place at the bottom of a deep and large ditch, where rodents and dogs of this breed were released. The winner was the dog that killed the greatest number of victims. Pets were required to be not only strong and brave, but also hardy and fast.

But the terriers could not cope with the task, since they did not have sufficient power and cruelty. That's why they started happening to older type bulldogs. Many scientists believe that Jack Russell Terriers got their white coat color thanks to such crossings.

To obtain the necessary skills, ancient terriers were bred with different dogs, so they were not considered a separate breed.

Breed in Australia

It was in Australia that work continued on the introduction of this breed, while the right of England to be the ancestor of this breed was not ignored. In 1972, the first Jack Russell Terrier Club was organized on the Australian continent, where the basic standards relating to this breed were described.

As a result of the persistence of the Australian club, the International Canine Federation in 2001 approved a complete list of standards at the world level.

As a result of the successful work of breeders from different continents, it was possible to ensure that Jack Russells more or less meet certain standards.

As a result, Australia was able to define Europe and the United States with the proposed short-legged variety, which appealed to many dog ​​breeders.

There is an assumption that this breed in Australia was crossed with Australian terriers, which is why Jack Russells have a rough coat.

Beginning in the last century, “Australian” Jack Russells became the basis of European breeding work, in the guise of the Australian champion Rojen Maximus, born in 1990. As a result of his crossing with European champions, a breed was born that is distinguished by a strong skeleton, parallel legs and a coat as hard as wire.

Who are the mestizos?

Mestizos are dogs that appear as a result of crossing different breeds. The reason may be:

  • conscious selection work of the breeder;
  • random mating.

It is extremely difficult to predict what appearance and qualities a crossbreed will have.

Mixing blood often leads to a positive result - babies are born with strong immunity, good health and without hereditary diseases. Their psyche is stable, their intelligence is high, and their disposition is friendly. But there are also exceptions.

Breed in Russia

The first dogs that represented the Jack Russell Terrier breed appeared in Moscow after they were brought from the USA, from the state of Virginia. They appeared in 1999, and a year later they had offspring, after which the process of breeding Jack Russells began in Russia.

In 2003, a domestic club of this breed was organized, which included both varieties of Jack Russell. At the end of the same year, a national exhibition was organized, in which 10 Parson Russells and 18 Jack Russells took part.

Currently, it is prohibited to cross these related breeds, so it is much easier to acquire Jack Russells, although it used to be easier to acquire Parson Russells.

Modern Jack Russell exhibitions attract a large number of individuals, since they are among the five most popular breeds bred by domestic dog breeders.

Main version

History has brought to us a wonderful legend that the British priest John (Jack) Russell turned out to be the ancestor of the hunting breed of Jack Russell Terrier. Yet scientists have not fully proven whether he had a special influence on the breeding of dogs as an independent breed.

The priest was born on December 12, 1795 in Dartmouth, Devon, England. Over time, he decided to become a priest, like his ancestors. But he had an athletic build and was interested in boxing and professional hunting.

Terriers were already popular, especially those with white coats. John Russell respected and loved such dogs very much. Despite the fact that he owned a variety of dogs, for him terriers always had advantages over other animals.

In 1819 he bought a white bitch in Oxfordshire named Trump. She had a coarse coat with brown markings on her head and tail. Having a developed intuition regarding the characteristic features of dogs, Jack Russell immediately realized that Trump had all the qualities necessary for professional hunting: masculinity and ingenuity.

Since then, it has been generally accepted that Trump was the first ancestor of a new independent breed of dog. But the pet was nothing like the current Jack Russell Terriers, only in coat color. After all, Parson Russell selected only compact, coarse-haired terriers for his purposes. All animals of this breed had narrow shoulders, developed limbs, were no more than thirty-five centimeters high and weighed from six to seven kilograms.

For John Russell, ideally, a terrier should have such distinctive features as ingenuity, masculinity, speed, and compactness. He must be able to bark loudly and drive any prey out of the hole. Russell did not approve of the crossing of Jack Russell Terriers with Bull and Terriers - the ancestors of Bull Terriers, which was carried out only to develop the instinct to kill. In his opinion, terriers should not do this.

History says that in the nineteenth century, John Russell was widely known as a breeder and seller of terriers. But here opinions differ regarding the breeding of dogs of this breed.

Some scientists believe that John Russell did not register terriers and did not compile their pedigree, and sold animals without documents. Others claim that everything was there: registration and pedigree. But no one found any books with any records.

Despite this difference of opinion, in 1873 John Russell and his colleagues opened the English Kennel Club, and in 1874 he became a judge at the first dog show, where Jack Russell terriers were shown. But for the priest this was the only attempt to participate in such an official event. After all, he firmly believed that such dogs were intended specifically for professional hunting, and not for an exhibition career.

The famous breeder died in 1883, after which representatives of this breed began to be officially called Jack Russell Terriers. Also, what was the name of the first breeder.

Description of the breed

As a result of the hard work of breeders around the world, a hyperactive and strong breed was born, weighing on average about 7 kg. The dog has a regular physique, the height at the withers ranges from 25 to 31 cm, while the length of the body is greater than its height. Although the dog’s skull is wide, it narrows comparatively towards the eyes. At the same time, the transition to the muzzle, on which there is a mustache and a kind of beard, is almost invisible. The eyes are dark and deep-set, distinguished by the shape of the tonsils. The teeth have a scissor bite.

Interesting fact! The tips of the ears are directed forward and form the letter “V”, while their bend begins at the level of the line of the skull. Jack Russells have ears that lie closer to the head compared to Parson Russells.

The relatively long but strong neck widens towards the shoulders. The chest is quite wide, the lower edge of which is below the elbows. The loin is slightly rounded, while its top is straight.

The docked tail reaches a length of about 13 cm. The front legs are parallel and correctly positioned. The hind legs are stronger, on which the knee joints stand out.

The breed allows three types of coat:

  • Hard.
  • Smooth.
  • Intermediate.

Characteristic is the presence of a short but soft undercoat. The main color of the breed is dark brown, as well as light brown with black spots. The Jack Russell breed allows for a significantly larger number of colored spots compared to Parson Russells, but the breed does not allow uniform white coloring.

Jack Russell Terrier. Description of the breed | Character, features of care and maintenance

"Flying Dog"

It is not for nothing that this dog has such a unique nickname, since individuals literally hang in the air when catching plates, sticks and balls. This breed of dog is not suitable for people who are weak, inactive, or busy people. This category of people simply cannot withstand the fast pace of the Jack Russell, as well as its unique temperament.

If a person is not ready to accompany and train a pet throughout the day, then it is better to have an animal with a calmer temperament at home.

Interesting to know! The Jack Russell has a very peaceful character, so it is almost impossible to anger this dog. While on a walk, this dog will never support dog fights, but will support any active games, even in the company of children.

Jack Russells thrive both in urban environments and in the private sector. At the same time, they spend all their energy in nature. In addition, Jack Russells are not afraid of either frost or heat and easily play both in the sun and on snow cover.

Character of Jack Russell Terrier

At first it may seem that the Jack Russell Terrier is an ideal companion dog for keeping at home. Cheerful, cheerful, small - how could it be better? But this misconception is the biggest mistake of inexperienced owners.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a very energetic dog breed. Phlegmatic people are better off not getting a Jack Russell, but taking, for example, an eternally sleeping pug, because Jack constantly needs active games and communication. Without receiving sufficient physical and mental exercise, a dog can destroy the entire house.

A serious mistake for novice owners is to perceive the Jack Russell Terrier as a decorative dog. This is another misconception. The Jack Russell is a working terrier with all the ensuing consequences. He is a hunter of mice, cats, birds, squirrels, toads and other small natural inhabitants. The dog has a very strong hunting instinct and therefore, as a rule, it does not get along well with cats and other small pets. If the dog is not taught the correct behavior from childhood, it will run after everything that moves - instinct will take its toll.

The Jack Russell Terrier is primarily a hunter.

Jack Russell Terriers love to bark loudly. In the absence of proper upbringing, they often show their independent nature. Dogs are wary of strangers and aggressive towards other dogs. Therefore, when walking, you need to keep your pet on a leash and let it go only in calm and familiar places.

Dogs of this breed have high intelligence, so they are easy to teach commands even without a trainer. They enjoy training and remember commands easily. But dogs can be stubborn during training. You need to maintain dynamics by alternating different commands and use treats to positively reinforce the material covered.

Maintenance and care

Caring for this breed is considered traditional and is no different from caring for other short-haired breeds. In this case, the main attention should be paid to the condition of the coat, the condition of the eyes, ears and teeth.


The peculiarity of coarse wool is that it is capable of self-cleaning.

If someone does not want to deal with the care of coarse hair, then they may prefer smooth-haired breeds, although they are the least suitable for people prone to allergies.

As a rule, the shedding of a Jack Russell is almost impossible to notice if the dead hairs are not combed out in a timely manner. As a last resort, you can contact trimming specialists who can easily cope with this problem.

After walking through parks, squares and forests, it is necessary to inspect the animal for the presence of various parasites. As a last resort (and maybe absolutely), you can use a special collar, or treat the fur with various preparations against parasites.

The dog needs to be bathed at least once a month, including before being sent to an exhibition.


To relieve fatigue and inflammation, wipe the pet's eyes daily with a cotton pad soaked in weak tea.


Teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a week with a special paste, using a brush or a special finger attachment. A small piece of tomato included in a dog’s diet will prevent the appearance of tartar.

Important warning! It is necessary to ensure that all toys and objects that the pet takes into its teeth do not contain sharp edges, otherwise the dog can injure its gums.


The ears are inspected regularly, and they need to be wiped at least once a week with a damp cloth. This process must be controlled and care must be taken not to damage the membrane.


It is important to know! When a dog enters a house from the street, after walking, its paws should be washed or wiped with a damp cloth.

It is also necessary, at least once a month, to trim your pet’s claws using a nail clipper. The cut edges, as expected, should be processed with a nail file.

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It is permissible to feed a pet with natural food, commercially prepared diets, or feed both at the same time. It is not recommended to give pork and lamb. As for other products, the following are suitable for inclusion in diets:

  • Lean meats.
  • Sea fish, always without bones.
  • Various cereals.
  • Various vegetables, except legumes.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products.
  • Chicken or quail eggs are given once a week.

You should not give your dog various sweets, as they can cause allergies, dental and liver diseases.

If you eat natural foods, you should include vitamin complexes in your menu that improve the condition of tooth enamel and coat.

Dog diseases

Like any other animal, especially if the breed is artificially bred, it exhibits breed-specific ailments. Therefore, the Jack Russell Terrier may get sick:

  • For Legg-Perthes disease.
  • For hip dysplasia.
  • Have congenital deafness.
  • Have a collie eye abnormality.

If the diet is excessive, your pet may gain excess weight.

Where to buy a Jack Russell Terrier

You can buy a Jack Russell puppy second-hand, and even in the deep provinces, if there are no special requirements for the purebred of the future pet.

For a puppy that does not have a pedigree and will not take part in various exhibition shows, you will have to pay a little more than 10 thousand rubles. For a puppy that has a passport indicating its pedigree, you will have to pay about 35 thousand rubles.

If you plan to take part in exhibition shows with your future pet, then for less than 50 thousand rubles it is unlikely that you will be able to purchase the corresponding specimen. Such puppies are sold only in specialized nurseries, which are available in almost all major cities of our country.

How to distinguish a dachshund puppy from a crossbreed?

At the time of purchasing a puppy, dachshunds are most often shown with their mother. Based on its appearance, you can form an opinion about the future appearance of the puppy. The second parent of the dachshunds is indicated in documents or simply named verbally. You can distinguish purebred dachshunds by several characteristics:

  • brand on the ear or stomach;
  • proportional, well-fed, dense physique;
  • Brown eyes;
  • scissor bite;
  • pink tongue;
  • rounded ears;
  • back without deflections;
  • the tail is straight, continuing the line of the back;
  • the color is darker than that of adult dachshunds;
  • nose, claws black;
  • absence of white and light markings on the coat, “socks” or “shirtfront”.
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