17 best dogs for guarding a private home: breeds of medium, small and large sizes

There are a huge number of ways to protect your home, and every owner of a private home has the right to choose the appropriate option for himself. Before the rapid development of modern society, people preferred guard dog breeds - the best option for home protection was not invented.

In times of technological progress, the owner has the right to choose a security system for his home, but sometimes it is faulty and does not perform its functions. A special guard dog will become an excellent guard of the land and will protect the health and property of the homeowners.


The largest and best guard dogs for the home:

Cane Corso

Italian breed, which is a national treasure. This breed was officially declared only a couple of years ago. Not long before this, the breed was on the verge of extinction, but now the situation has returned to normal.

The Cane Corso's relatives were Molossian dogs that lived in Ancient Rome. They descended from the mastiff-shaped dogs of the Etruscans, the Macedonian dogs and the war dogs of the Persians and Carthaginians. For more than 1000 years they have served and protected man.

This is evidenced by the name of the breed. The word “cane” is translated from Italian as “dog”, and “corso” means guard.

Italian dog breeders combined the following properties in one breed:

  • Submission;
  • Honor;
  • Strength;
  • Determination;
  • Athleticism;
  • Speed.

The dog is not afraid of any task, be it protecting the area or hunting a bear.

The future of the breed was under threat during the fall of Rome, where primitive selection was carried out. After the collapse of the empire, the breeding of dogs of this breed began to be chaotic and unscientific. The frequency of stillbirths increased because ordinary people did not have the necessary knowledge.

The Cane Corso was used for protection and maintenance in rural settlements, therefore, as society transitioned from agricultural to industrial, the demand for the breed decreased

Interesting Facts! The ancestors of the Cane Corso were gladiator dogs who fought in mortal combat against bears and lions.

In Europe, the Cane Corso is used to guard elite boutiques and jewelry stores. Prestigious and beautiful, and, at the same time, dangerous and strong breed. It has well-developed muscles, a proud figure, and a wide chest. Height at the withers is 70 cm for males and 55-60 cm for females. Average weight 45 kg. The head is large and heavy, the jaws are powerful enough to snap bones in flight.

Appearance evokes fear and respect. A serious expression on the face indicates to others who is in charge here. Representatives of the breed clearly distinguish between the owner, his family and strangers. Loves children and willingly plays with them. With proper training and adaptation, he will become friends with a cat if there is one in the house. Unpretentious to food and environmental conditions


He is called the king of terriers. He received this title due to the fact that he is the largest representative among the representatives of this group. The breed was bred in the Aire Valley, located in Yorkshire. It was bred to hunt otters and river rats. These dogs have long, curly hair that hides powerful muscles. Endurance and strength, honor and courage are combined in this amazing breed.

During the First World War, a dog named Jack was recognized as the best signalman. This “private” carried messages to headquarters even from the most dangerous shooting ranges. He was not afraid of explosions and gunfire, for which he was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for Valor.

At the moment, the breed is extremely rare, and it is difficult to get it and it is extremely expensive, however, it can serve as an excellent guard and companion for you and your children. Unpretentious to frequent walks - once a week is enough. If the weather is bad outside or you are not in the mood, the dog will definitely feel it and will not insist.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The main difference is its strong grip , which will stop any robber or attacker. In 1896, veterinarian Pierre Mengem published a short book on the Dogue de Bordeaux, standardizing the breed. Characteristic features are a large skull, a round muzzle, and limbs of medium length. Height is about 60 cm, weight is 40-50 kg.

The character is wayward, sometimes arrogant. However, he loves children very much , considers them his peers, and obeys his owner and his family. Loves to chase cats and gets along well with other dogs. Adaptation to new conditions occurs easily and quickly.


Friedrich Louis Doberman, creator of this unique breed. He lived in Germany and worked as a tax inspector and a policeman at night. It is easy to guess that not everyone wanted to repay the debt, and Mr. Doberman had to think about how to increase work efficiency and protect himself from aggressive debtors.

In his free time, the policeman visited a shelter for stray dogs, but could not find the right combination of speed, strength, endurance and size. Then he decided to act independently and gave birth to this special breed.

The dog's height is quite high - from 80 cm, weight - 50-60 kg. The character is aristocratic, but only in relation to strangers. Very easy to train. Loves active games, walks, jogging, adores children. Does not attack cats if you wean him from this in childhood.


A compact, stocky dog ​​with impressive muscle mass. He has average speed and maneuverability in everyday life, but as soon as an extreme situation arises, he without hesitation mobilizes all resources to fight strangers. The weight of the individual is about 60 kg, height at the withers is 40-50 cm.

Does not like cats and other dogs, but is neutral towards children . He doesn’t really like to play, but if you want to turn him on, he won’t refuse. It adapts poorly to a new environment, and to speed up the process you will need the help of a trainer or the moral support of the owner.


There is still debate about the real homeland of this breed, but most are inclined to believe that it is Egypt. There she was involved in herding livestock, protecting farms and politicians, as well as transporting letters and parcels. The dog's height is 60 cm at the withers, weight is 70 kg. A massive beast that will obey only its owner.

He is very easy to train and loves children; he can give little ones rides on his back. Unpretentious to environmental conditions, it can live both in an apartment and in a private house. Doesn't bark at cats or chase cars. He is friendly towards other dogs.

Separately, it is worth noting these two breeds, which are beyond competition.

Moscow watchdog

A dog breed that has been considered one of the most popular among Russian dog handlers for 60 years. Large and powerful dimensions, which are combined with a good character and loyalty to the trainer.

The pride of Russia: Moscow guard dog with photos, detailed characteristics and description of the breed

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd is suitable for those who want to have a responsible guard, and at the same time. Such dogs become strongly attached to the family and all its members, love children and, with proper upbringing, do not attack pets.

You can read more about it in Instead of an alarm: guard dog breeds

Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai)

A very powerful defender and reliable guard of any objects with pronounced territorial behavior. Representatives of this ancient breed are not distinguished by a strong emotional attachment to humans, are unpretentious and are accustomed to survive in harsh conditions.

Alabais are devoted to their owners, balanced, independent, always strive to control the environment, are aggressive towards other people's dogs and in difficult situations warn about themselves with a loud growl. Being first-class guards, they are willful and disobedient “students”, so work on their education should begin from puppyhood.


Which medium-sized guard dogs would be best for protecting a private home:


A German fighting breed, which is distinguished by its charismatic appearance, athletic and muscular physique, and kind character. Easily fits into families or work teams, intuitively senses people with bad intentions. He loves children, but it takes a little effort to get him into the game.

Chases wild cats and doesn't particularly like domestic cats. At the slightest threat to the owner or his family, he rushes to defense, but does not attack as a last resort, as if biding his time . As practice shows, when you see such a dog, thoughts of attack immediately disappear. Despite its impressive muscle mass, the dog can develop high speed. At the same time, the dog is very funny and goofy with his loved ones.

Australian Shepherd

Something between a hyena and a husky. A very unusual breed, with protruding ears. The color is most often light, but there are also white or black and white options. Very friendly and calm towards other dogs and children. Doesn't like cats, but will make friends with a house cat. He is reluctant to learn commands and often reduces the learning process to a regular game.

He loves to go for walks, sometimes he breaks into the street himself. Does not require special nutrition, except that it loves fish and seafood. A good choice for those who lead an active lifestyle and walk a lot. This breed will be an excellent hunting or fishing companion, and will also serve as a nanny for your children.

Giant Schnauzer

The energy from this breed is in full swing every minute. If you are an active person, then this is a faithful and kind guard who loves children. He subtly senses the owner’s mood and does not insist on a walk if he sees that he is not in the mood.

An interesting fact is that only representatives of this breed have unique facial expressions that are very similar to human emotions. Even after a small offense, the dog feels guilty and tries to make amends for it. Does not attack domestic animals, but does not tolerate stray cats.


A breed from China that combines the features of a French bulldog and a pit bull. The dog is smooth-haired, the color is brown, red, brown. The character is wayward, but compromising, it can make concessions so as not to spoil relations with the owners and their environment.

Does not require a special diet or too frequent physical activity. Minimum: walks three times a week. He is not interested in street cats, but he can have a great quarrel with domestic cats. He perceives children as friends or brothers and does not attack unless provoked. He loves training and willingly learns new commands. Doesn't make noise at night and maintains discipline.

Shar Pei

Another visitor from China, with characteristic features - small, deep-set eyes and wrinkled, folded skin. The structure of the body is very powerful; considerable muscle mass is hidden under the folds. The character is calm, but to some extent arrogant.

The dog does not recognize everyone, you need to earn its respect so that it opens up and trusts you. Any food is suitable, because this breed is omnivorous. The only rule is less sweets. As for training, he shows miracles of logic, memory and learning speed. He loves cats and children, but in a conflict situation he shows his character.

Shar Pei, despite many disputes, is an excellent guard; if you are in danger, then Shar Pei will fight until his last breath!

Samoyed Laika (Samoyed)

A small fluffy animal that can protect your sleep and peace of mind. Very active and fast, he spent most of his history hunting. Can tolerate any climatic conditions. He eats only meat and does not like sweets.

He has a very positive attitude towards children and loves to play. Learns commands quickly and unquestioningly. Doesn't chase cats and is very friendly with other dogs. Nevertheless, he distinguishes well between “friends” and “strangers”, barks only when there is a real threat . Doesn't attack without a command unless you touch him first. Loves walks and active games in the fresh air.

Photo and video review

You need to carefully choose a four-legged defender so that you don’t regret your choice later. You need to carefully study the characteristics of the breed, pay attention to the dog’s appearance and finally make your choice.

There are 400 varieties of dogs known to the world, and each individual group has character traits and is intended for a specific type of activity. For example, a lap dog will never be able to become a full-fledged defender of the home; it simply does not have the qualities necessary for this.

Therefore, it is recommended to approach the choice of a watchdog carefully, so as not to demand the impossible from him later and not to regret the decision.

Little ones

What small dogs are best for home guarding?


The birthplace of this breed is South Africa. Primitive tribes needed an ally in hunting for game and other everyday matters. This dog also showed itself well as a guard, because it could not sleep for several nights in a row.

At the moment, the dog lives in many families, where it finds understanding and love, and in return gives its protection and courage. A small and unpretentious breed. A very adaptive dog, he easily tolerates changes in environment and climate. He starts games with the children and maintains a friendly atmosphere in the family. Sometimes he likes to bark at night, but in conditions of silence and poor lighting, a process worked out by evolution is activated when you need to monitor the situation around you, without making noise, so as not to attract wild animals.


Yes, yes, don't be surprised! A small guard dog with a great watch character. A true hunter and guard who served and protected man for more than one generation. Adaptation and getting used to new conditions is extremely difficult, because the dog is mischievous and can bite, so it is better to take puppies so that they get used to discipline and order from an early age.

Inside every dachshund lives a huge bull terrier. A dachshund will tear anyone and everyone apart for its owner, and besides, these dogs have a well-developed sense of ownership. You don’t even have to teach your dachshund the “guard” command; it will do it without your prompting. You can safely leave the dachshund next to your suitcase or bag, and he will not let anyone near him except you. The Dachshund does not feel jealous of children and tries to spend a lot of time near the baby, ensuring his safety.

You can safely go to work, leaving your dachshund alone at home. She will proudly carry out her post, and even if a criminal tries to break down the door and take valuables out of the house, then an unpleasant surprise awaits him in the face of an angry dachshund. Any criminal will run away with his heels shining!

The diet should be predominantly protein, with a small proportion of cereals and vegetables. Dachshunds need physical activity every day. This is a restless dog that will destroy the whole apartment if you make it bored. Relationships with children also need to be built brick by brick. Relationships with cats and other animals are just as tense, although there are exceptions when the dachshund is neutral towards other pets.

Miniature Pinscher

Of course, the smallest purebred dog of their guard class and its name: pinscher. The miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher) is often called a miniature Doberman, but this is not true. This happened because of the courage, perseverance, and bravery of the representatives of these breeds. Its compact size did not prevent it from gaining love and adoration among dog handlers around the world for its responsibility and protective qualities.

A very energetic and fearless breed with an extravagant gait. Height at the withers is only 30 cm, weight is about 15-20 kg. It is difficult to adapt to new conditions, which means you need to create the most friendly atmosphere possible so that the dog quickly joins the team. Neutral towards cats, children and other dogs. He listens only to the owner, and he, as a rule, is alone. In the absence of activity, he finds something to occupy himself with, but he cannot stand isolation and lack of communication.


Miniature short-haired guard with cute floppy ears. The color is most often white-gray-brown. The muzzle is expressive, the eyes are emphasized. It has well-developed, sculpted muscles that grow from any physical activity.

He grew at the withers - 35-40 cm, weight - up to 30 kg. A very active but reserved dog. Never barks at passers-by or cats. Treats other dogs well and politely, makes contact easily. Protects the territory responsibly, but is distracted by extraneous factors.

French Bulldog

And again, put aside your surprise! In accordance with the classification of breeds adopted by the FCI, the French bulldog belongs to the group of companion dogs for protection and is in the subgroup of small-format fighting dogs .

Bulldogs are very brave dogs with good reactions and are easy to train. But due to the fact that most “Frenchies” are individualists, they are sometimes aggressive towards other animals.

The French Bulldog, thanks to its love of games and the constant need to take care of someone, is especially suitable as a companion for children and as a companion for the elderly.

A compact, “pumped up” dog that can provide reliable protection. Loves children and pets and is easy to train. He doesn’t adapt to new conditions very quickly, but if you make a little effort (spend more time with him, play with him, feed him treats), the process will go faster.

The character is calm, but can sometimes be harmful if you deprive her of communication with family members or other dogs. Sometimes he likes to bark out the window. Snores at night.

Features of guard dogs

All guard breeds intended to protect private households must warn the owner of the threat. A guard dog is specially trained to protect a home and its inhabitants on its own, so you should choose it in good faith. It is strongly recommended to pay attention to the individuality, character, and nuances of training the animal. The pet must be distinguished by intelligence, intelligence, and the ability to bark loudly.

  • Alabai

The future security guard must undergo a special training course; he is taught to independently determine the approaching danger. A trained pet never barks without a reason, so the owner is able to understand the reason for the dog’s anxiety by intonation. There are several criteria that a watchdog falls under:

  • medium or large sizes;
  • thick undercoat;
  • distrust of strangers;
  • ability to easily remember commands and skills;
  • endurance;
  • perseverance;
  • lack of interest in other pets.

The size of the guard is important, since thieves are unlikely to break into a room guarded by a large dog. If a small dog meets you on the doorstep, it will not so much scare as it will surprise the thieves.

Chow chow

A guard breed bred in Ancient China. The Chow Chow is distinguished by its developed intelligence, courage, excellent reaction, learning ability, loyalty to its family and a close relationship with its owner. The ability to stand up for themselves and a strong sense of ownership, combined with a distrustful approach to strangers, make these dogs wonderful guards of the house and garden.

They always warn of an approaching person and, if that person shows aggression, they are capable of instantly turning from a slow bumpkin into a lightning-fast warrior. For this breed, free space is of great importance; they will happily guard a large territory.

We hope this rating will help you decide and choose the best breed of dog to guard your private home! If you have questions and other candidates for our TOP, write in the comments!

Second place – Staffordshire Terrier

Some people believe that Staffords are angry and unbalanced dogs. However, this is not entirely true, or rather, not at all true. The character of the Staffordshire Terrier depends directly on its upbringing. If you raise a dog correctly, it will be a good friend and even a “nanny” for children. The Staffordshire Terrier is ideal as a guard dog. Dogs of this breed do not like and do not accept strangers.

Read more about the Staffordshire Terrier breed

Sixth place – Doberman

The Doberman is an excellent home guard dog. This breed is a service breed, so these pets are very smart and quick-witted. The house is under the supervision of a Doberman and never receives unwanted guests. Having such a dog, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your money and other valuables. In addition to its security abilities, the Doberman is an excellent companion and loyal friend.

Read more about the Doberman breed

Giant Schnauzer

A large, multi-purpose breed from the Schnauzer group, bred in Germany. By nature, these dogs are distinguished by balance, self-confidence, courage, activity and loyalty. They are hardy, unpretentious, easy to train, have excellent immunity and unusually developed sensory organs.

Giant Schnauzers are suspicious of strangers and have excellent search, detection and guarding skills. They can be stubborn and require attention, regular exercise and walks. Well suited for guarding country property with accommodation in a spacious enclosure.

Swiss Mountain Dog

Dimensions:Height of males is 65–72 cm, weight 50–64 kg. Bitches height 60–69 cm, weight 48–54 kg
Character:Calm, balanced, active, sociable
Where used:Sennenhund is an excellent watchman, guard, companion
Lives:10–11 years
Color:Black with white and red tan

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog was bred in the Swiss Alps. Uncontrolled selection of native species with the mastiff imported from Italy is likely. A versatile dog, it is ideal for keeping on a farm. The Swiss Mountain Dog is a watchman and guardian of the territory, livestock and owners. Carries luggage and gives rides to her adored children.

Active, in motion, yet calm, balanced and friendly. The Swiss Mountain Dog is good as a family dog ​​and companion, but prefers a yard and spacious premises. The dog is large and strong, with heavy bones and developed muscles. The breed standard calls for a three-color coat: black with a white chest, white and tan muzzle and red tan marks.

By the end of the 19th century, the Swiss Mountain Dog breed was almost lost. Cynologist enthusiasts restored her. One legend claims that the Mountain Dog descended from large mastiffs that accompanied Roman legionnaires in the Alps. Another one tells the story of the Phoenicians and Spanish dogs who gave rise to the Mountain Dog breed a millennium BC.

South Russian Shepherd

An ancient herding breed with a spectacular appearance, remarkable guard skills and boundless loyalty. These dogs are lighter than their Caucasian and Central Asian relatives, but are not inferior to them in height, endurance, independence, innate fearlessness and ferocity.

Thanks to their unpretentiousness, extreme suspicion of strangers and thick fur, South Russian Shepherd Dogs can be effectively used in the security service even in the harsh natural conditions of the northern regions. However, this breed is not very popular among owners of suburban real estate due to its long white coat, which requires careful care.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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