Home alone: ​​how long can you leave your dog alone in the apartment?

Dogs are social creatures and are very attached to humans. But due to many life factors, owners cannot always be with their pets. Therefore, the question of how to train a dog to stay alone in an apartment is very relevant for every owner. A number of techniques will help speed up addiction without harming the animal’s psyche.

A dog can tolerate being alone quite calmly for a few hours.

Why loneliness is bad for dogs

Most of the bad habits of dogs (jumping on people, digging in garbage, eating excrement, aggression, excessive barking and howling) are the result of a lack of contact with the owner for a long time. When a dog is left alone in the house for too long, it loses its positive character traits and becomes less obedient.

Another negative effect of loneliness is a chronic lack of exercise. This is especially dangerous for active breeds: herding dogs, terriers, hounds and sled dogs. Deprived of the opportunity to release their energy, animals can become hyperactive, aggressive, and prone to disobedience. In the case of puppies, isolation causes permanent deficits in socialization. As a rule, this is the main reason explaining abnormal behavior in adulthood.

Poor behavior of a pet without an owner

A dog left alone at home can seriously cause trouble and displease neighbors. The characteristics of accustoming to loneliness will depend not only on the cause of bad behavior, but also on the actions performed by the animal.

Howling or barking

A short period of barking immediately after leaving is normal. With proper training, it will pass over time. If the dog tries to lose his voice until you return, causing indignation throughout the house, look for the reason. A similar problem is typical for sad, frightened and bored pets.

Damage to things and furniture

Silence is not a reason for joy. Quieter-looking animals pour out their energy and dissatisfaction by damaging things: gnawing doors, damaging the flooring with their claws, or studying the structure of the sofa from the inside.

Leaving puddles and piles

The most unpleasant consequence is stinking heaps and abundant puddles left not only on the floor, but also on the furniture. Particularly diligent pets can even smear it all over the apartment by riding on the fifth point.

Movement and awards

If the owner leaves the dog alone in the apartment for a long time, the animal suffers without people. Unfortunately, destroying household appliances is usually a dog's only way to recover from the stress of loneliness. There is nothing worse than punishing an animal for such crimes. Then, in addition to the nervousness caused by loneliness, the dog develops fear, and as a result, the habit of doing all sorts of dirty tricks.

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The only way to break this vicious cycle is to provide the appropriate amount of exercise for the dog in the home, and then reward him if everything in the home remains intact. Of course, you should initially leave the dog alone for very short periods of time, and then gradually increase such periods of solitude.

All about your favorite dogs

Website of veterinary doctor Elena Valerievna Gordeeva
“Who said that money can’t buy happiness? What about the puppies?” (Zhena Hill)

How to teach a puppy aged one to three months to stay calmly at home

Usually, when buying a puppy, owners take a vacation for the first time and stay at home with their puppy. This is a grave mistake. What does it consist of? We have already said that the main thing for dogs is habits. They are produced between one and three months of age. And if the owner does not leave his baby alone for a minute, then this will be very familiar for the puppy. And when the time comes to be separated or disrupt the usual flow of life, the puppy has problems. Many have heard how dogs left alone howl. Many in their home have experienced the fear of animal loneliness. Complete destruction of the apartment is a very common consequence of the owner leaving the house without a dog.

We will, of course, teach the puppy to stay home alone. You have no doubt about it. But you must follow the rules too.

  1. If you cannot shorten your working day, and your dog will sit at home alone from 8 am to 7 pm, then you are better off not getting a dog at all or getting a couple of dwarf doggies who will entertain each other.
  2. You cannot leave a puppy at home alone (one month old for more than 4 hours), a two month old puppy for 5 hours, a three month old puppy for more than 6 hours.
  3. If the puppy is left alone at night, the light must be turned on where the baby is.
  4. There should be fresh water and possibly food available in a place accessible to the puppy.
  5. Be sure to give your puppy special toys while you leave.
  6. It will be great if, after half the time of solitude, someone checks on the puppy. Feed, play, clean up piles and puddles.

Well, the rules are written. The lesson begins.

When buying a puppy, be sure to ask the breeder whether the baby was left alone at home, how long he was alone and how he behaved. This will be the first information from which we will build in our training. I took my Elka from the breeder after I found out that the dog sits alone in a separate room all day and is not allowed anywhere. I felt unbearably sorry for her, and I came and took her.

Consequently, loneliness became a habit for my puppy, and when I left the house, my Elka would simply go to bed.

If the puppy has never been left alone at home before you, then the tactics will be different.

You take three days off and during these days you begin to accustom the puppy to being alone.

First day. Start of classes.

The puppy must play enough, eat enough and be very tired. As soon as his eyes begin to stick together, take him into the room, put him on a mat and, closing the door tightly, leave. I think the puppy will sleep peacefully, he’s tired. Do this whenever possible. Try not to enter the room when the puppy is awake and whining. Wait until the room is quiet, and then you can come in or let the baby go free.

We do the same with leaving the apartment. Don't leave when the baby is sleeping, sneaking around on tiptoe. You should leave when he is tired, full and really wants to sleep, but has not yet closed his eyes.

You should just leave the apartment several times a day, at least for a few minutes. After telling the puppy that you are going to work, go out the front door, lock it and at least go downstairs so that your fading steps can be heard. You can return in 5-10 minutes. And so several times a day. Before leaving, be sure to give him a new toy or something to chew on for a while. You can enter the apartment if the puppy is silent. If he whines, be patient outside the door, but under no circumstances burst into the apartment when the baby screams. Let the neighbors be patient for a little while, but they will be at peace in the future.

If these rules are followed strictly, then you will not have problems with care.

You get out of the house for an entire hour using all the tips I gave for the first two days. You can leave home three times already.

Now let's talk about your return.

There are pitfalls here that many people get into trouble with.

Your wrong actions.

1. Returning home, yearning for your baby, you throw your bags in the hallway and immediately start playing with the baby, kissing and stroking him. Emotions are running high.

Your correct actions.

You enter the door and calmly go into the hallway, undress, take off your shoes and then calmly walk into the room. At the same time, you talk to the dog in a gentle voice. At this time, the puppy will jump on you, bark, and whine with happiness. Don't notice it, no matter how hard it is for you. Don’t forget that the dog is not a person, and it will not be offended by your behavior.. In the room, when the baby has calmed down a little, you can give free rein to your feelings. Now do whatever you want with your beloved dog.

2. You open the door and realize that there is nothing left of your house, well, almost nothing. The kid has caused so much trouble that you want to kill him. And you immediately start scolding him, and maybe even hitting him. Well, in general, punish. These are wrong actions.

When you come home and see all this bedlam, you are, of course, outraged, but at yourself. Why didn't I remove the TV remote control? Why did you leave your new boots in the hallway? So we sorted ourselves out, undressed, went into the room and caressed the baby. He did all this because he was homesick without you. His heart was simply breaking with grief, and to prevent it from breaking at all, he ate your new boots.

Your behavior will reinforce the dog's habit of greeting you the way you want. Either calmly or knock you down. Decide what you like best.

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Music and toys

When the dog is alone in the house, doors and windows should be closed to prevent possible escape from the apartment. After all, having heard some sounds outside the house, the animal will want to know what is happening there. It has also been found that dogs left alone will feel more comfortable with a soft radio playing. In addition, you can leave a small stream of water open. This way, the animal will not pay attention to sounds from the outside, and the murmur of water will give the impression that the owners are nearby. And don't forget to leave some toys for your pet to have fun. Some timid dogs who are afraid of being alone need to be locked in a room because the large space of an apartment can frighten them.

Where to start training your puppy to stay home alone

The dog does not want to be left alone at home and this is logical; being in the wild, a month-old puppy abandoned for 8 hours will die. On the first night the baby will whine - accept it. Following the advice of the “luminaries” and “breaking” the baby’s needs by locking him separately or placing him next to the bed in the bedroom and not provoking “hysterics” is your personal choice. What you really shouldn’t do is run to the baby at the first squeak!

Important! We heard that the puppy whined - don’t run to him! We waited for silence and approached. We encourage silence, not squeaking and howling.

On the second day, the puppy needs to be introduced to its place - a box or a fenced-off part of the room. Until you are completely accustomed to your new personal space, if possible, you or family members should always be with the puppy. Do you still need to go away and leave your dog alone? – We add 1 to the dog’s age in months. For example, a puppy is 2 months old, add 1, we get 3 hours - this is the maximum time for which you can lock your pet alone. The maximum time for which it is permissible to isolate a pet is 8 hours for an adult, well-mannered dog.

Be sure to leave your baby his toys, the more the better. The baby will be able to have fun and will not feel deprived. A dog that moves freely around the apartment should bump into its toys in every room, this will reduce the desire to chew the owner’s slippers or “unravel” the wardrobe.

Note! Not all toys sold in pet stores are safe for your pet.

Socialization and walks

This does not mean that a dog owner should give up work in order to be able to stay at home with their pet all day. If the dog was raised correctly from puppyhood and walked regularly, then it will not have a fear of being left alone. Walking and contact with other animals on the street makes the animal more socialized, which means there will be no fear.

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Share11/107/2009 21:33:49

  • Author: Simba
  • Beaglepups
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  • Beagle's name and date of birth: Brownie Boy 10/4/2009
  • Last visit: 04/10/2011 23:53:26

Hello everyone, please help with advice. We are going to get a puppy, how much time should we allocate to stay at home with him? We have a problem - my husband and I work from 9 to 18, five days a week. What should we do? From what time can a puppy be left alone? And I really want a puppy.

Share207.11.2009 21:35:12

  • Author: Simba
  • Beaglepups
  • From: St. Petersburg
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  • Beagle's name and date of birth: Brownie Boy 10/4/2009
  • Last visit: 04/10/2011 23:53:26

We already have a cat, can this somehow affect the puppy's behavior?

Share307.11.2009 22:05:18

  • Author: max
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  • Last visit: 06/12/2010 01:15:35

Ours stayed at home as soon as we brought him from the breeders - from 2.5 months. Placement: balcony, open cage and litter tray. No questions. I went for a few days at lunchtime to check, but I wasn’t particularly in demand.

Share407.11.2009 22:17:01

  • Author: airian
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Ours has also been home alone since two months. We bought her a large cage: in one half there is a mattress and soft toys for sleeping, in the other there is a diaper for going to the toilet. We also put a bowl of water in the corner. While we are away, she sleeps almost all the time. True, we come home at lunchtime to feed.

Share508.11.2009 13:00:49

  • Author: tyuko4ka
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  • Last visit: 07/30/2015 15:26:50

Ours is sitting alone in the room, there is a diaper there. mother-in-law says she doesn't whine

Share608.11.2009 15:25:23

  • Author: Anuta
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  • Last visit: 08/28/2011 13:29:08

We left one right away, from the first day, and we adopted her at 1.5 months. There were no problems. In my opinion, the sooner the better, the dog gets used to it and then calmly tolerates separation.

Share708.11.2009 18:35:24

  • Author: Anna Maksimova
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We left one right away, from the first day, and we adopted her at 1.5 months.

And we did the same - we left it for 1.5-2 hours, but we tried to remove everything dangerous. We attached latches and latches to everything that could be opened, and we closed the children's room - there are a lot of wires in sight. Accessible to: living room, corridor, kitchen. Now she sits alone from 9 to 15, no losses so far. I leave her a magazine to “read” and a carrot to play with and eat. The rest of the time, apparently, he sleeps.

Share808.11.2009 23:45:34

  • Author: LuckyBeagle
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We decided to get the beagle a little used to taking him on holidays, or when I have a break from school, for example. and so we took ours before February 23, he “settled” in the apartment and already understood that this was his home and what was what. Then they left him in the enclosure, although he managed to move around the apartment in this enclosure. later they simply left him in the corridor of my room, and when it was warm on the balcony.

Maybe you can wait until some holidays.

Edited by LuckyBeagle (08.11.2009 23:46:19)

Share909.11.2009 09:42:11

  • Author: Yulia Chulyukina
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  • Beagle's nickname and date of birth: Eva (Valsi Evangelista) 07/21/2009
  • Last visit: 10/13/2017 11:29:17

We also got a puppy at 2 months. and the next day they left her at home alone for a couple of hours. But not longer. gradually increasing the hours spent alone. The most important thing is to remove everything that is dangerous to the puppy’s life.

How to understand that a dog is missing you

What are some signs that a dog is experiencing stress from being alone? Here are the main symptoms of apathy:

  • Hair loss, especially on the top of the front legs.
  • Digging ditches, destroying bushes in the garden or objects in the apartment.
  • Excessive barking and howling.
  • Hyperactive behavior.
  • Circular movements, sometimes combined with an attempt to catch the end of the tail.
  • Loss of appetite.

Some dogs tolerate loneliness better than others. This is due to the size and breed of the pet. The amount of time a dog can safely remain alone also depends on the age of the animal.

How long can a dog be left alone?

Experts from the University of Edinburgh, who research animal welfare issues (The Jeanne Marchig International Center for Animal Welfare Education), say that dogs with a normal nervous system can safely be left alone at home for up to six hours. They, as a rule, sleep at this time and sometimes seem to even be glad to be left alone - finally they can have a proper rest!

Photo: flickr.com

But loneliness that lasts more than six hours

, can already negatively affect the psychological well-being, and therefore the dog’s behavior. Still, these are school animals that experience considerable discomfort if they find themselves in isolation for a long time. Therefore, for example, in more “dog-oriented” countries, owners are strongly advised to hire a dog sitter (“dog sitter”) for their pet if the dog is left alone for a longer period of time.

However, “dog nannies” for the post-Soviet space are more exotic than the norm. Does this mean that all dog owners need to urgently switch to working from home? Does not mean.

It’s great if you have the opportunity to provide your dog with company or not leave it for a long time. But, in principle, a dog can remain alone for longer than six hours, if, of course, the necessary conditions

, including making sure that the pet does not suffer from boredom during the owner’s absence.

I will, however, make a reservation that the dog cannot be left alone for more than 12 hours.

(we're talking about an adult dog). This is a matter of physiology - forcing even an adult dog to endure it for more than 12 hours is simply cruel.

Photo: publicdomainpictures.net

Dog breed plays a role

Large breed dogs can more easily tolerate loneliness for several hours without mental damage. But do not forget about the individuality of each animal, even if the dog is large, it may experience fear from an empty apartment. Here are the dog breeds that can tolerate being left alone for eight hours a day: Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Central Asian Shepherd Dog, Akita Inu, Spanish Mastiff. The least resistant to the absence of the owner are retrievers, greyhounds, dachshunds and terriers.



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Depending on the age of the animal

A puppy under 3 months of age should not be left alone for more than half an hour. Otherwise, the puppy will have problems with socialization and adaptation, and bad habits will appear.

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Over a period of 3 to 6 months, the puppy should be gradually accustomed to being alone. Start with a few minutes and go up to two to three hours.

Dogs older than 6 months take as long as they need to get used to you. Therefore, if you leave home for work every day for 8 hours or more, think about getting a dog.

Reasons for not liking loneliness

First of all, try to find out the reason for your dislike of loneliness. Some breeds respond quite adequately to the daily departure of their owners to work. In addition to sadness, bad behavior can be due to fear, boredom, or unmet needs.


The hardest people to endure separation are puppies separated from their mother early, decorative breeds oriented toward humans, and pets recently picked up on the street. In the first case, the problem often resolves itself as it grows older, but in the second and third cases, the owner’s intervention is required.


The groups of animals listed above are not only sad, but also often afraid. In most cases, their fear is due to the unknown. They do not understand where and for how long their owner has gone. Growing panic leads to thoughts that the person has abandoned them forever and will never return.

If the dog has long been accustomed to saying goodbye, then most likely the cause of fear lies in loud sounds or frightening objects. A hammer drill that doesn't stop talking behind the wall all day long, or a robot vacuum cleaner that's started remotely can seriously harm an animal's mental health.


Left alone with himself, the puppy often does not understand what to do with himself. If he plays most of the games he knows with his owner, the chance of successfully entertaining himself alone is minimal. In an attempt to find something to do, the baby may taste shoes or test the strength of a recently installed baseboard.

Adult animals have much less energy, but they are also capable of turning the entire apartment upside down if they get bored. Restless huskies can easily dig a tunnel in a sofa, spending the whole day on this important task.

Unmet needs

The last reason for bad behavior is hunger or a very strong desire to go to the toilet. Too long breaks between feedings have a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract, so they should be avoided. In search of food, the dog may open a poorly hidden bag of food or empty the trash can.

If the matter lies in rare walks, do not be surprised by the piles or puddles left behind. Having a bowel movement in the wrong place is much better than suffering from a ruptured bladder or constipation.

Where to leave the animal

If you lock a dog in a street kennel for 4-5 hours, it will have a bad effect on its psyche and health. When it's cold, your dog may freeze and get sick, and her hair will begin to fall out. In the summer heat, the animal will be hot in its house, where sometimes it is impossible to hide from the scorching rays.

In the garden or in the local area, the pet will not be bored even for eight to nine hours. Of course, you will need to remove sharp tools, garden chemicals, or move flower pots to a safe place in advance. A dog can stay in the garden in the cold for no more than two hours.

If you live in an apartment and you do not have the opportunity to leave your pet outside, then you can use it for the animal. The responsibilities of such a dog sitter include walking, feeding and games that will prevent the dog from missing its owner.

Fear of loneliness

Looking ahead, everything is possible, even flying into space; training a puppy is not a one-day task. A little about the “essence” of a ward - wild dog puppies live in a hole for up to 8-12 months, the mother feeds the babies and goes hunting. By taking your baby into the house, you tear him out of the “dog’s” picture of the world and become the only large and warm creature that can protect, warm, and feed him. And then, you, the “center of the universe,” got dressed and went to work - naturally, the baby will be scared.

Next, look at your puppy, you see this little lump - it’s defenseless, but it already knows how to manipulate you. If he understands that barking or howling serves as a “call” signal, don’t be offended, the baby will use it. Has your baby bump already grown to 4-5 months and is chewing everything it can get its teeth on? And you, having returned home, examine the damaged slippers with remorse and justify the “bandit” by saying that he was bored. Know that you are being manipulated, during the time of teeth change, the pet is not bored, when you leave for work, he is jubilant - you can chew on everything! Bones, toys, restriction of movement, education - solve the problem, but only partially. Be prepared, some pets under 2 years of age “sin” by destroying their owner’s things.

What to leave your dog with

If the dog does not have the opportunity to walk in the garden and is locked in the apartment, then most likely he will sleep most of the time. By the way, cats behave the same way. It will be very cool if the dog can watch passers-by from the window. You can leave your dog a special bone or rubber toy, which the animal will chew and thus distract from loneliness. If possible, it is advisable to leave your pet in the company of another dog or cat if they get along with each other.

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What kind of entertainment can you leave for your pet?

The main rule is diversity. In addition to balls, ropes, rubber chickens and chewing bones, be sure to purchase interactive toys. Most of them are based on independent extraction of hidden treats. Games not only develop thinking, but also successfully shift attention. For more active games, devices with a laser beam are suitable.

Make sure any toys you buy are safe. They must not contain small parts or hazardous filler. Otherwise, the animal will choke or develop indigestion. If your dog loves soft toys, give them only under supervision.

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