How to make a leash? DIY dog leash

Sociologists report that 41% of Russian residents own dogs. Among other pets, only cats are ahead in number of “man’s best friends.” This is not surprising; after all, a dog is an animal that requires a person to invest much more time and money than other representatives of the tailed animals. The average Bobik living in a city apartment definitely needs at least one set of collar and leash. Unfortunately, prices for ammunition are rising every year. But experienced dog lovers know perfectly well how to save money and provide their pet with a set of accessories for any occasion. This article reveals their secrets on how to make a leash with your own hands from available materials.

Roulette leash

Thanks to the internal mechanism, it twists and unwinds without sagging or dragging on the ground. A roulette leash for dogs can be convenient as a walking option for owners of small and medium breeds. Not recommended for strong animals, as the roulette mechanism cannot withstand sudden jerks. Such a leash can be tape or cable, but it is worth remembering that any roulette leash for dogs teaches the animal to pull. Unfortunately, this is the only model, the manufacture of which at home is almost impossible without specialized materials.

Leash training for your pet

The dog is taught to walk on a leash after it has become accustomed to the collar. When the puppy no longer pays attention to the strap around his neck, you can fasten the leash.

The collar is first put on the pet at the age of 1.5 months. At this time, kids usually joyfully perceive all innovations. But the character of puppies is different and some of them may resist and be against wearing equipment. In such a situation, the owner will have to be patient and start raising and training the dog.

Training is carried out in a calm and familiar environment for the puppy. The number of people around at this moment should be limited, the dog should be well-fed. Before you put a new accessory on your dog, you need to let him sniff it. But you should not allow your dog to play with the leash or chew on it.

Leash training a puppy

If the puppy is too active, he will be taught to use a leash after a walk, when he is slightly tired.

The training period can take from 7 to 30 days, depending on the dog’s temperament, the regularity of training and the persistence of the owner.

When teaching a puppy to a leash, adhere to the general rules of raising and training dogs:

  1. They always seek obedience.
  2. They do not start a new stage of training without completing the previous one.
  3. During the training process, the puppy is not punished or shouted at.
  4. Success is rewarded with a treat.
  5. The training should not be continued for longer than 15 minutes so that the baby does not get tired.
  6. Choose comfortable equipment: the collar should not be too tight and the leash should not be heavy.
  7. Accessories should not have a strong odor.

    How to reward your dog with treats when training

Training is carried out with a leash no longer than 2 meters in order to be able to constantly control the dog and at the same time give it freedom. A roulette leash is not suitable for training.

In the first days, just fasten the leash to the collar, accustoming the puppy to this manipulation. The dog is then allowed to move in a limited area, but is not held on a leash. When the puppy gets used to this, his behavior begins to be controlled by the tension of the leash.

If the puppy refuses to go with the leash, you should not pull him, you should simply distract him with a toy and try again. An effective method is to encourage movement with a bowl of food.

If the dog, on the contrary, runs forward and pulls on the leash, it should be stopped. The movement continues after the ward approaches the owner.

Material selection

Since you need to make a leash that is strong and reliable, you also need to take care of the right choice of materials. Many modern models are made of nylon sling. This is not the best choice, since such material is often excessively slippery and hard, and its edges are sharp. When tugging, a nylon leash will definitely burn your hand.

Tarpaulin is distinguished by naturalness and increased strength. You can sew a fairly heavy carabiner onto it, and the dense fabric material will not sag under its weight. There are two downsides to tarpaulin - just like nylon, it slips and burns your hands, sometimes to the point of blood, and besides this, its appearance is far from beautiful and graceful.

Soft leather, especially calfskin, the so-called “fat” leather, is an excellent material for leashes. The most expensive and comfortable models are made from it. The leather does not slip and does not cut your hands if it is soft. This material is beautiful, light and comfortable. The only drawback is its ability to tan after interacting with water. But this can also be avoided by purchasing soft, expensive leather. Unfortunately, these tips are of little use for making them yourself, since making a leash from leather materials at home is quite problematic.

The right option for DIY sewing would be a synthetic sling without a hard edge, trimmed with a softer, possibly colored or reflective cotton braid.

Features of leash training for an adult dog

The stages of training an adult animal differ from those described earlier. If a dog has spent a long time in an enclosure or a kennel cage, its training begins with a leash about 8 meters long. Work with the dog in an open area, the leash should hang freely. The leash is shortened gradually as you get used to it. Usually an adult animal does not want to walk on a short leash. Treats are used for training. When luring the dog with a tasty morsel, they make sure that it does not run ahead and block the owner’s path.

One lesson with an adult dog should not exceed half an hour in duration.

Leash training an adult dog requires patience from the owner.

Rules for self-tailoring

Making your own harness is not difficult. There are some features that should be taken into account when creating a product. It is important to pay attention to the fittings and lining fabric.

Weights for harnesses

Weights are not installed on all harnesses, but only on items that are intended for training dogs. Such products are suitable only for large and service dogs.

It is permissible to use ammunition only after the animal is over a year old. Until this moment, bone formation occurs, and a harness with weights can cause harm.

However, in some cases, veterinarians even recommend using such an accessory so that the dog grows strong and healthy.

It is important that the harness is comfortable for the animal

Rings for fastening

For fastening, it is best to use metal carabiner rings. It is worth choosing durable fastenings, but the accessory should be light so that the dog feels comfortable and comfortable in it.

The fasteners should also be comfortable so that the owner does not have to struggle with them when putting the equipment on the pet.


For riding, cargo and winter types of equipment, a lining is required. It should be natural and absorb moisture well. For this purpose, it is best to take felt, fleece, or flannel.

Denim material is perfect - it is durable, but does not retain moisture, so the animal will be comfortable. In some cases, foam rubber is laid between two layers of fabric.

Why is the dog resisting?

First of all, it is recommended to determine the degree of complexity of the situation, which is determined by the reasons for dog disobedience.

The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Lack of rigor on the part of the owner. If a person regularly follows the direction given by the animal, then he develops the habit of taking the initiative. The pet must be trained to unconditional obedience, but first you must establish your authority. In other words, violence against the will of the animal should be completely eliminated. The decision to obey should be a natural consequence of a person's authority.
  2. Regular tugging on the leash. Almost all beginners think that sharp twitching, which causes discomfort in the animal, leads to a desire to follow the owner. However, the result is the opposite: the pet specifically tightens the leash so that the owner stops hurting. Yes, yes, this is not a reservation. The fact is that before twitching, a person greatly weakens the tension, which instills in the dog the following associative connection: relaxation - pain.
  3. Too much excitement. This is a rather complex problem that is associated with behavioral disorder. Symptoms of overexcitation: low concentration, regular barking, disorientation in space. The animal will pull on the leash not because of a desire to perform a specific action, but because of a behavioral disorder. If such a dog pulls on the leash, how to wean him from the habit is a secondary issue. You should take your pet to a veterinarian who specializes in animal behavior.
  4. Regular use of a leash-roulette, which accustoms the tailed one to control the situation.

It is necessary to stop following the dog and also pulling the leash. What to do then? The answer is simple: if the owner feels that the animal is starting to change pace or direction, then he should stop and encourage the pet, pointing out the correct movement. Very often, people fall into the trap of thinking an animal is stupid, but getting offended when it doesn’t do the right thing. The most correct option is to establish emotional contact, severity and respect.

You can also purchase a leash controller for dogs, which is perfect for naughty dogs. Such a device not only does not harm the animal, but also helps it get used to an ordinary leash. Many people are interested in the question: how much does a leash for a dog of this kind cost? Currently, prices for leash controllers are affordable for everyone. On the contrary, you should get rid of tape measures.

If the owner has several pets, then it is worth purchasing a leash for two dogs - they will behave more submissively. This may seem strange, but in such an environment animals tend to focus on maintaining tempo and direction. Separate leashes, on the contrary, promote dog play.

Main and lining material

In most cases, nylon is used to create a harness. It is often combined with leather. For small decorative breeds, it is better to choose a softer material, such as velor.

For the lining of the belts, it is best to use natural fabrics, because this part will come into direct contact with the fur and skin of the animal - the pet should be comfortable. In addition, natural materials give the product durability. You can also use paracord - this rope is quite strong.

For large dogs, the equipment must be durable

DIY dog leash

You can buy a leash for your pet in a store or make it yourself.

The first step to making an accessory is selecting accessories. Branded factory-produced models are usually equipped with high-quality fittings. Metal carabiners, half rings or rings must be of high quality.

The carbine is selected according to the size and temperament of the dog. They use special fittings and do not use parts for the production of bags, as they will not withstand the jerk of an animal. Carbines are sold in pet stores and retail outlets selling hunting and fishing gear.

Carabiners for leash

Rings and half-rings must be welded.

Sometimes rivets are placed on the product, but you can get by with stitching with strong threads.

The next stage is the choice of material for the leash. They also don’t skimp on quality. The product should be strong and elastic. The accessory is made from ribbons and cords of various materials. Cords can be purchased at a sewing accessories store, equipment for mountaineers, or braided yourself. A homemade cord can be made of synthetic or leather.

Cord for making a leash

One of the most popular materials for making your own ammunition is nylon sling. But it is not the best option. This tape glides in your hands. The dog's jerking on it causes pain to the owner, especially if the sling has a sharp edge.

A canvas leash is very durable, but can also damage the owner's hand. This material is used in the manufacture of leashes for trained and balanced large dogs. The accessory is not very aesthetically pleasing, but it can be decorated.

Canvas dog leash

The leather leash is soft and comfortable. Calfskin leather makes the most comfortable products. To avoid the negative effects of moisture, the leash is treated with a special compound.

Leather leash for dog

IMPORTANT! It is difficult to sew a leather leash at home without special skills. The product will not be of high quality. Therefore, for self-production, most often they choose a synthetic cord and cover it with a softer material.

Step-by-step instructions for making a leash with your own hands

Most dog owners have a question: how to make a leash for their pet at home? The cost of such a leash is minimal, so this option is suitable for dog owners with a small budget.

To make your own leash, you will need:

  1. Durable linen or canvas tape
  2. Carabiner and connecting ring
  3. Sewing machine
  4. Scissors
  5. Lighter

Items needed to make a leash

It is advisable to buy carabiners used in the production of bags.

On average, the length of the leash should be 2.5 m. One side of the product needs to be adapted for a carabiner, and the other will serve as a handle for the owner.

Such carabiners are used in the production of bags

Before making the leash, you need to treat the ends of the ribbon with a lighter so that it does not unravel.

One end of the nylon strip is threaded into a carabiner, folded in about 30 mm and folded inward. The resulting three layers of tape are stitched in several directions.

It is necessary to wrap the edge of the resulting tape so that you get a loop for the carabiner

Attaching the strap to the carabiner

After installing the carabiner in the loop, you need to stitch it several times on a sewing machine for strength.

It is necessary to sew the tape on a sewing machine for strength

On the opposite side of the tape a handle is made in the form of a loop. The size is determined as follows: wrap the material around the arm and add an extra 4-5 cm. Make a three-layer hem and stitch it.

Hand loop on leash

Handle manufacturing diagram

Your product is ready.

DIY leash for your pet

But do not forget the fact that the carbine and ring must be of high quality, because not only the strength of the product, but also the safety of others and your dog will depend on this.

In the same way, you can independently make not only a leash for walking your pet, but also a leash-driver.

Why choose a controller?

The leash controller is a device made of a nylon cord approximately 3 meters long. The product was created by dog ​​handler Antoine Najarian in order to make the animal understand who exactly is in charge. The controller allows you to adjust the pet's behavior so that it clearly understands what is required of it and does not try to dominate its owner.

A leash controller is a great accessory for dog training.

The positive aspects of such a device include the following:

  • Unlike a collar, the controller does not cause serious harm to your pet.
  • One slight movement is enough for the dog to understand what is required of him and not try to change the trajectory of movement.
  • Can be used as a collar and leash at the same time.
  • A quality product has a good metal clamp that holds the leash at the most sensitive point of the animal’s neck. At the same time, it will not slide off with any action of the dog, so it does not require constant monitoring.
  • The controller is quite light and thin, it is easy to hold and control the dog.
  • After the dog is active, there is no need to adjust the collar; it always remains in the correct position.
  • The device can be used on two dogs at once if you make a second similar collar from the handle of the leash.

Attention! The controller leash is suitable for any breed of dog. The device is so durable that it can withstand a load of more than 500 kg.

The advantages also include the absence of sharp parts on the product, which significantly reduces the risk of injury to your pet, and the ability to attach the leash to your belt during cycling or other outdoor activities. In addition, this is a truly effective tool that allows you to train your dog and teach it the necessary commands without causing it pain.

Some online stores sell low-quality accessories

The negative aspects of such a device include the low quality of some products, especially when purchased from unknown online stores. However, the design itself is quite simple, so it is sometimes possible to correct shortcomings yourself.

Attention! Before using such an item, it is recommended to study the instructions so as not to cause discomfort to the animal.

Types of swivels

In addition to the fact that swivels differ in their linear dimensions and the thickness of the wire from which they are made, they can also have different design features. According to this criterion, they are divided into the following types:

  • frame;
  • cylindrical;
  • ball;
  • with bearing.

Each angler chooses the model that is most suitable, in his opinion. In addition to their design features, swivels also differ in equipment. There are the following types of fittings:

  1. A swivel with a clasp is used for quickly changing bait or leash.
  2. A swivel with a carabiner performs the same function, although it is slightly inferior in mobility, but gains in connection reliability.
  3. A swivel mounted in a feeder or sinker allows you to minimize the number of elements for some equipment.

Special mention should be made of the triple swivel. It is mainly used for a retractable leash when fishing with a spinning rod, but many people also use it when installing feeder rigs, for example, in a paternoster.

At the end of the chapter, we will mention the fishing swivels that modern Kulibins make with their own hands. Some people are simply bored on winter evenings, others simply like to make things on their own, because this piece of equipment is cheap and does not require any special financial costs. If you are planning to make a swivel yourself, take a metal plate and strong wire, and the design can be borrowed from factory samples.

Features of sewing a riding harness

Riding harnesses are made of durable material. At the same time, it must be natural and pleasant, because the dog will have to stay in it for a long time. Similar things are used for animals with light weight that move long distances.

Note! To make a riding harness with your own hands, you need to select a soft fabric that does not get wet - nylon, jeans or tarpaulin.

It is not recommended to use leather in this case. The sewing process is absolutely the same, but you should pay attention to the size of the product so that it fits your pet exactly.

During a walk, such a device helps to control the animal.

Making a reel of fishing gum

You can see the new reel for reeling in fishing elastic equipment in the photo.

My reels for almost all fishing gear are made of hard foam, since when fishing I don’t bother with removing leashes with hooks. When assembling the elastic components, I stick the hooks into the ribs of the reel, and remove the leashes at home. Moreover, the leash lines, as a rule, have to be straightened.

To reduce deformation at the bends of the main line, the thickness of the reel is chosen to be 2-2.5 centimeters. In the process of making the reel, a hole is pierced in one of the corners of the foam plastic, behind which the end of the main line of the fishing elastic band is tied.

It is possible that fishermen from rural areas may have problems purchasing the right brand of polystyrene foam. Then the reel for the fishing elastic rig can be made by whittling it out of a plank, and the leashes should simply be removed when assembling the tackle.

Or stick foam rubber or thick woolen fabric on the side surfaces of a wooden reel and fix the hooks in it.

How to choose and where to buy ready-made

Choose a harness based on its purpose. If necessary, purchase several different ones, for example, for daily walking, a cargo one for training, and an exhibition one. If you have the opportunity to try on before buying, great. If you choose one without a dog, be sure to take basic measurements: neck girth, chest girth and back length from neck to tail. Read below for information on how to find out the sizes you need.

To make the purchased harness as practical and comfortable as possible, use the following tips:

  • It must be made of durable material. For daily wear, give preference to synthetic ones. They are easy to care for, wash well, dry quickly and have sufficient wear resistance.
  • A harness, especially for puppies, should have more than one fastener to make putting it on as comfortable as possible.
  • The equipment should fit snugly to the dog’s body, without squeezing it or impeding breathing and movement. The best way to check the tightness is to stick your hand under the straps. If the fingers pass normally, the volume is selected correctly. If it's tight or too light, adjust the volume.
  • Straps, especially the upper ones (clasp on the back) should be wide so as not to cut into the animal’s body when pulled or jerked.

You only need to wear a harness while walking. There is no need to leave it on the dog all the time. Just as you should not completely exclude the use of a collar - alternate wearing it with a harness to avoid addiction.

If you don’t know where to buy a harness for your dog or the selection in nearby stores is not large enough, then here is a list of several trusted online stores where you can choose equipment for every taste, color and size:

  • AliExpress;
  • Beethoven pet store chain;
  • Lemurrr online store;

The main thing is not to forget to set prices in the filter, otherwise they like to shove products on the first page for 1000-2000, removing other things for 300-400 rubles.

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When can you use ammunition with weights?

Weighted equipment allows you to keep your dog in good physical shape.

However, such harnesses are completely unsuitable for small animals. The item should not be used on weak pets or young ones. Before putting a device like this on your dog, it's best to check with your veterinarian to be sure it won't cause any harm.

Making a harness with your own hands is not difficult. It is important to choose the right materials and take measurements. The product should be comfortable, not interfere with the dog’s movements, but at the same time make it possible to control its movements.

Paracord collar

Paracord is a lightweight nylon rope with a special core.
Initially, this material was used in the line system of parachutes, but is now widely used as a universal cable. A collar made of paracord is characterized by low weight, high density and excellent strength . This accessory does not fade, does not deform and looks very attractive.

For weaving you will need: a couple of pieces of paracord up to 50 cm long, a half ring and a standard fastener:

In a certain place a ring is woven in for the carabiner of the leash. It should be noted that you need to purchase only high-quality paracord from trusted manufacturers. You can remove dirt from the finished product under running water using a brush and soap.

After you have woven the collar to the end, cut off the excess ends of the lace and burn them so that they do not unravel. Don't forget to thread the key ring to which you will later attach the leash, a tag with the dog's name and your phone number.

Taking measurements

To prevent the harness from causing discomfort to your pet, it is important to take the measurements correctly. To do this, it is quite possible to use a simple measuring tape. The following dimensions will need to be removed:

  • Length of back from withers to base of tail.
  • The chest circumference is the widest point that is located behind the pet's front legs.
  • Neck circumference is the area where the collar is located.

When taking measurements, it is necessary to press the wool tightly, without leaving any allowance for growth and freedom of movement.

Attention! It is necessary to try to keep the pet in a calm state in order to calculate the parameters correctly.

Sewing instructions

The sewing process is quite simple. Step-by-step instructions for making a dog harness with your own hands:

  1. Take measurements and make a pattern taking into account the necessary allowances.
  2. Place the pattern on the lining material and carefully cut out the lining. Place a stitch along the inside.
  3. Attach the pattern, unfold the item along its entire length and carefully sew on the braid. Make stitches on the outside of the straps.
  4. Gradually assemble the product and fasten the rings on the back. If an adjustable leash is required, the rings are secured to the straps.

After this, you can decorate the product with any decor you wish.

Why can't you walk your dog "freely"?

Some readers may argue that their dog is obedient, so there is no need for a leash. However, this is a completely wrong point of view. People around you will feel discomfort if a dog walks next to them without a leash. Secondly, dogs tend to interact with their fellow dogs. And sometimes it ends in a brutal fight.

Also, the animal can get lost, especially when it comes to traveling to unknown places. The leash can only be worn when traveling, but the animal will resist this. The fact is that wearing a leash is a habit that needs to be developed for quite a long time, otherwise the dog pulls on the leash very strongly. There is one more advantage to this approach: the animal becomes disciplined and learns to serve its owner. Also, do not forget that a fine for walking dogs without a leash will definitely hit your pocket.

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