How to make an enclosure for a dog in an apartment with your own hands

Why does a puppy need an enclosure?

In order for the puppy to quickly get used to his new home, it is recommended to purchase an enclosure for him. This will give the dog a private, limited space in which he will feel safe. The enclosure should contain:

  • bowls of food and water;
  • bedding on which the animal will rest;
  • favorite toys.

What is an aviary

For your information! An enclosure is a puppy’s own room in an apartment, where the owner and other pets do not enter.


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Feasibility of purchase

A dog house for an apartment: tips for choosing

A playpen or enclosure for a dog is convenient to use for a number of reasons:

  • the animal gets used to its new home;
  • The puppy is toilet trained. This will protect the apartment from many puddles and wet diapers;
  • The dog is sick, so he needs privacy. It is important to protect it from noise, children, and domestic animals;
  • keep a small dog, such as a Chihuahua, safe by creating a comfortable zone for it where it cannot harm itself. Indeed, for dwarf breeds, even a fall from the sofa can result in injury;
  • protect furniture and wallpaper if the pet is too aggressive and likes to chew table legs or scratches the sofa upholstery;
  • create a personal space for a pregnant dog so that everything you need is within walking distance. And after the puppies were born, they did not crawl throughout the apartment.

Note! It is impossible to keep a dog locked up in a limited area for too long and too often. The animal may become embittered, its character will deteriorate, and it will stop listening to its owner.

Start of the project

In a country house or private area there is always some space for a dog.

Drawing with dimensions of an enclosure for dogs

  • animal height up to 50 cm at the withers – 6 square meters. m;
  • from 50 to 60 cm – 8 sq. m;
  • above 65 cm at the withers – minimum 10 sq.m.

The minimum amount of space allows the dog to feel more or less comfortable in a limited space without much harm. When calculating the area, it is worth considering that a room that is too large will not only be expensive to build, but also extremely harmful for your pet, since it is very difficult to protect it from weather conditions. Next, you should find a level place to lay the foundation. The easiest way is to use a thin concrete screed as a base, which is usually used when building a garage. You should not place the building near the garden and plants. Excessive humidity will have a negative impact on the dog’s well-being, and the integrity of the plants may be at risk.

What does a dog playpen look like?

DIY dog enclosure: drawings and dimensions

A dog playpen resembles a kennel with comfortable conditions, usually without a roof. There she not only sleeps, but also eats and spends time. Such pet houses can be used in the interior. For example, an enclosure for a Chihuahua located in an apartment can be covered with a tabletop if necessary. Since dwarf dogs are small in size, they therefore require a low playpen. Therefore, it can easily be turned into a comfortable coffee table.

Metal enclosures resemble a cage, but it is easy to fold and put away when not needed. There are also canvas playpens, they weigh little and are easy to clean. In addition, they can be folded and transported, for example, to a summer cottage. Therefore, if you plan to move the cage, you need to think about the possibility of disassembling it.

Metal aviary

Where to install?

It is better to install the playpen in the corner of the room, where it will not disturb anyone, and the dog can freely observe what is happening in the room. You should not place the playpen in areas where the sun hits, as the animal may overheat. The best place would be the corner or wall opposite the window with the radiator. It is advisable that the floor inside the fence is not bare: it is better to cover it with a blanket or lay a wooden base. The exception is playpens for dogs that relieve themselves in a diaper.

In such cases, the floor should be left bare, covering a small area with an absorbent blanket. This is necessary so that the dog clearly understands where it is possible to go to the toilet and where it is not, and does not stain a blanket that is not intended for this purpose. In addition, the location where the enclosure is installed should not be in a draft or near a working TV. This is especially true for the placement of a playpen for dogs of small breeds, which, due to their more mobile psyche, will experience greater emotional stress from too loud a sound.

For a review of the dog enclosure, watch the following video.

Design options for apartments

Barrier for dogs: partition to the apartment

There are many designs of puppy enclosures used in apartments. They differ in size, modules and materials from which they are made.

Note! It’s good when indoor dog cages can be taken outside. Then it is important that they fold, disassemble and have low weight, which will facilitate transportation.

Collapsible plastic

A plastic enclosure for puppies is the simplest. It is used for small dogs. This is a relatively inexpensive design with a large number of models. You can find different options: from the location of the modules to the colors of the plastic. It is easy to assemble, install and clean. Plastic modules are simply connected to each other to form a cage.

For your information! Often a polyester awning is pulled over the frame. Then you can attach the roof to it. This kind of enclosure for small dogs is convenient to move outside or use as a coffee table when refurbished. The awning usually also has many pockets that allow you to store necessary small items.

Plastic aviary

From chipboard

A chipboard fence for dogs in an apartment has the following characteristics and features:

  • suitable for small animals;
  • lasts a long time;
  • quick and easy to assemble;
  • safe for the dog, it won’t be able to pick up a splinter and won’t get hurt.

Note! You can buy such a cage or make it yourself.

Made of wood

Wooden products look the most advantageous, and are also made from the most environmentally friendly material. If the walls are made in the form of a fence, then the dogs will chew them with pleasure. Therefore, you need to carefully ensure that the animal is not injured by wood chips.

Most often, coniferous wood is used to create wooden cages. The main thing is to make sure that it is well polished.

Wooden enclosures can also be used for large dogs.

Made of metal

Metal structures are assembled from several modules consisting of rods. They are strong and durable, easy to care for. It is enough to wipe the metal elements with a damp cloth to make them as good as new. They are easy to disassemble and are designed to be adjustable in width and height. This is especially true as the puppy grows.

Seedling fencing

One of the problems of keeping dogs in the countryside and outside the city is that they love to dig up flower beds and garden beds. The first option for protecting your garden from dogs is to build an enclosure for your pet, thereby isolating it from other areas. The second is to create a fence around places where the appearance of a dog is undesirable. Creating a fence is not a cheap undertaking. If the area of ​​the garden or flower bed is large, you will have to spend a lot of materials, since the structure will need to be very well secured. Along with this, you won’t get away with a wooden fence, since dogs love to chew on everything, including wood and even plastic. Here are the options to solve the problem:

  1. A wooden frame with a fine metal mesh is suitable for protecting seedlings from small and some medium-sized breeds of dogs. The design will withstand the pressure of a dog weighing up to 20 kg.

  2. Plastic fencing is a great option for medium to large dogs. The material is cheap and has good mechanical characteristics; at the same time, it is difficult to chew.

For the largest breeds there is no other option than creating a high iron fence with partitions. Here are some useful tips for creating a garden in your country house:

  1. If you want to build a fence for dogs yourself, then do not forget that the structure should not have dangerous sharp corners, otherwise the pet may accidentally get hurt.
  2. Also, the fence must be deepened into the soil, since dogs dig.
  3. There should not be much open space in the fence so that the dog cannot stick its muzzle inside it.

Tips for choosing

When choosing a home kennel for your pet, you need to take into account that the smaller the dog, the lower the cage it needs:

  • for miniature pets and puppies, a playpen with a height of about 50 cm is suitable. For example, an enclosure for a Yorkie should meet exactly these characteristics;
  • For a medium to large sized animal, the height needs to be increased. It is better if the enclosure is not lower than a meter. Otherwise, the pet will be able to jump over the wall, and the fence will be meaningless.

High pens are needed for large dogs, which are usually locked up to protect furniture and belongings from their claws and teeth. If you raise and train your dog, you won’t have to worry about your property. Then the enclosure will come in handy if the animal suddenly gets sick or when it is expecting offspring.

Note! Don't forget to leave room for games. On the territory of the enclosure there should be not only a sleeping place and bowls. If an animal is locked up for a long time, it needs space to move.

Rectangular enclosures are in great demand. This shape will easily fit into any room. When installing, you need to remember that there should be no battery or other heating or electrical devices nearby. It is not recommended to place the enclosure in the kitchen and bathroom.

Location in the apartment

Location and size

Thoughtful placement and size of the structure will significantly affect the dog’s comfort.

Choosing a location

Ensuring the safety of the animal is the main principle of finding the right place. Things to consider:

  • The structure should not be directly exposed to sunlight; the dog should be able to hide in the shade from the heat. A lawn surrounded by trees, partially covered with structures to curb the heat, is ideal.
  • Complete isolation from the environment will not bring positive results. It is recommended to choose a prominent place in the distance, allowing the animal to rest peacefully. This arrangement is especially useful for a nursing dog.

Size selection

Before building an enclosure, it is important to correctly determine the size. Dogs spend quite a lot of time in a closed cage:

  • during travel, departure;
  • when guests arrive;
  • when we are afraid that pets will run away through the open gate.

The area should be spacious enough for the pet to enter willingly.

The size of the structure must be adjusted to the size of the pet:

  • a playpen that is too small will limit the freedom of the animal;
  • You cannot choose the same size for a puppy and an adult dog;
  • puppies should purchase light, portable playpens of small sizes.

An ideal outdoor enclosure will allow the animal to:

  • calmly change positions;
  • sit with a vertical spine;
  • stand on 4 paws;
  • stretch out, lie down comfortably.

The cage can take up quite a lot of space. If you care about the comfort of your pet, do not skimp on the walking area. There is no need to make a huge cage if the animal is 20 cm high.

When creating a dog enclosure yourself, you must take into account the minimum floor area requirements.

Table. Minimum floor area required for animals of different sizes

Dog weight, kgMinimum floor area, sq.m
until 60,5
from 302,0

Taking into account all the factors, the dimensions of the cage for a specific breed are determined, for example, an enclosure for a husky or a German shepherd should have a length of at least 120 cm and a height of at least 50 cm. These are the minimum dimensions; it is advisable to organize areas with reserve, allowing the animal to move more.

Table. Selecting the minimum enclosure size for the dog breed

BreedMinimum enclosure dimensions, cm
Saint Bernard1406070
German Shepherd, Doberman, Dalmatian12040-5050
bull terrier9040-5040

DIY dog enclosure

Despite the huge selection of enclosures, many dog ​​owners make their own cages for their beloved pets. This way you can take into account the wishes of all family members and ideally fit the indoor booth into the interior. It is important to take into account the size of the dog, assessing how much space it needs to spend time comfortably. For example, it is not difficult to make an enclosure for a Spitz or a Chihuahua in an apartment with your own hands. Representatives of these breeds are small, so there is no need to build too large a fence.

To make a cage or enclosure for dogs, you will need:

  • material to assemble the frame;
  • wire;
  • metal grid. Chainlink should not be used, as the cells are highly mobile, which can lead to injury to the pet;
  • pliers;
  • awnings with fastenings;
  • loops;
  • locks.

The frame is usually made of metal or wooden beams. In the first case, they can be twisted together with wire or welded, which will be much more reliable. Wooden parts are nailed together. You can connect them with self-tapping screws and special mounting angles. The result should be a parallelepiped. Next, you need to stretch the mesh; it serves as walls, floor, and, if necessary, roof. You need to leave space under the door, that is, do not tighten one side.

Note! You need to put plywood on the floor and cover it with a soft cloth to make your pet warm and comfortable. Lying on a wooden surface is extremely uncomfortable; the dog is unlikely to love his booth.

Canopies are used to secure the door. A lock is installed on its other side. The door will need hinges to close.

Instead of metal mesh, you can take wooden bars. They are made into something like a fence, attached to the assembled frame. Leave a small distance between the slats or place them closely. If a whole board or sheet of plywood is screwed to a wooden frame, completely covering the wall, then it is better to make a window in it, especially if the booth is planned to have a roof. The resulting hole can be covered with a metal mesh.

What you need to know when making a playpen and what to stock up on

First, determine a place in the apartment where a playpen for puppies or a small dog will be located, a size suitable for installing bowls, a blanket, toys and a place to sleep.
It must be remembered that the house should be located away from drafts, radiators, gas supply and overly active places of family members. Buy pliers, wire, soft metal mesh, door hinges, metal rods and start making your own playpen. As you can see, there are a minimum of materials, and the result is worth tinkering with this design. The next step is to create a frame and cover it with mesh. The best option for the job would be strong male hands. That's all, the do-it-yourself playpen is ready and your pet is safe.

The playpen may be made of wood, but it will be quickly destroyed by the dog, because out of boredom he can take it seriously. The process of making a wooden frame is a little more complicated, but nothing is impossible for dog lovers, because the safety and health of the puppies depends on their care. For a fabric aviary, patterns and measurements will be useful.

Often homemade crafts turn into pure pleasure and entertainment for the whole family. All relatives are involved in the construction of the dog’s house, turning the dog’s rest room into a real boudoir with tulle, curtains and other decorative accessories. So plan construction and you won't regret it.

Armed with information, it will be easier for you to decide which playpen for your dog is better - purchased or made by yourself. And do you even need it? As you can see, it is easier to say why an enclosure is not needed - if you have purchased an adult puppy and if this puppy is a boy.

You also won’t need an enclosure if your dog is absolutely harmless and non-aggressive in nature, sleeps often and practically doesn’t move. But, as you know, there are very few such dogs. If an adult dog becomes calmer, then this is the result of socialization and proper upbringing; this is not done immediately, but in the process of long and hard training.

Comfortable enclosure

The enclosure should contain more than just the animal’s bedding and bowls. It is important that there is room for free movement and play. The dog should feel comfortable, it is bad when a limited space restricts its movements.

Note! It is better that bowls, especially those with water, are attached to the wall. By running and jumping, the dog can knock them over and stain everything around.

Bowls are secured in a spacious enclosure

Main mistakes

Here are some mistakes that dog owners often make when training their pets to crate:

  • You can't send your little eared dog into a cage as punishment.
  • You cannot forcibly push a dog.
  • Don't lock your furry friend in a crate as soon as you get one. Accustoming should take place gradually, without putting pressure on the four-legged psyche.
  • Don't leave your dog in a crate for long periods of time. The animal should not be in the cage for more than 6 hours at a time.
  • You cannot keep a four-legged animal in a cage all the time and only let it out for a while.
  • If the dog is inside a crate, it should not be wearing a collar.
  • Do not cover the bottom of the cage with diapers. Boxing should be associated with a place of relaxation, not a toilet.
  • You cannot leave a dog in a crate without water.
  • When returning, you cannot make leaving the cage an important event. Everything should happen calmly.

To summarize, I would like to note the following. If the need arises, don't be afraid to use a cage. In the end, an apartment is the same cage for a dog, and a leash and collar are the same restriction of “freedom”.

When used correctly, it is an absolutely humane, and in most cases, a necessary tool for shaping or correcting the behavior of your furry friend.

How to accustom an animal to an enclosure

The animal must be accustomed to the enclosure gradually. First, just open the door and show the playpen to the dog, let him know about its existence and understand that he can enter there. Then, during the game, throw your pet’s toy there and ask him to bring it. When the dog completes the task, you must praise him.

Important! Under no circumstances should you scold an animal if it refuses to obey, or force the dog every day to be in the enclosure, to which it will gradually become accustomed.

You can go in there with your dog and spend some time and then close the door. For the first time, it is enough if the dog spends about 5 minutes there. The main thing is that she doesn’t get scared. Rush in training will only alert the animal and you will have to start all over again. Soon it will understand that it is safe in an indoor pen, and will remain there for as long as the owner needs.

An enclosure for a dog in an apartment should be equipped with comfort, because this is the pet’s room where he should spend time with pleasure. Therefore, you need to take care of choosing a place for the playpen and making sure that the dog is comfortable there.


A guard dog, regardless of its breed and location, needs an enclosure that will be considered its personal corner. The owner can make such a space for a pet independently or purchase a ready-made structure. There are hundreds of models on sale, from which you can choose the best option.

To make your dog’s enclosure as comfortable as possible, you need to study its features.

  • If the pet is constantly kept outdoors, the pen must be carefully protected from adverse weather conditions: wind, rain, snow and hail. Equipped blank walls will help protect the animal from precipitation; in frosty winters, the lattice wall should be additionally covered with an awning.
  • A warm booth should be placed inside the enclosure. Even if the dog lives in an apartment, the pen should still have a sleeping place.
  • The parameters of the enclosure are calculated based on the dimensions of the animal. The minimum area is 4 square meters.
  • The design provides for convenient maintenance. A person should be able to clean the premises and feed the animal without difficulty. To do this, you should take care of the equipped flush. It consists of an inclined floor with holes through which water will drain into the soil.
  • Sufficient height to be positioned at human height will ensure ease of cleaning the pen and communicating with your pet.
  • The pen must be dry so that the dog does not get sick.
  • The kennel should not only keep warm in bad weather, but also match the size of the dog. The height of the side at the entrance to the kennel of at least 25 cm can ensure heat retention.
  • The area for walking the animal should be spacious. The minimum dimensions are 2 square meters.
  • The roof is located above the walking compartment so that the dog does not get its paws dirty while walking.
  • Pen doors should be equipped in such a way that they open inwards and can be pressed against the wall surface.
  • We must not forget about lighting, which will allow feeding and walking the animal in the dark.
  • Due to the simple locking mechanism, which is reliable, it will be possible to ensure the necessary level of safety for the animal and others.
  • Wood elements should be easily replaced, because the floor will begin to rot in any case. To increase the service life of the floor surface, you can use anti-rot impregnation and raise the boards above the ground.
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