Some breeds have a positive effect on sleep: the dog sleeps next to you. Is this useful?

Almost all dogs love to sleep with their owner, but most of them do not have this opportunity. The rules for raising four-legged animals clearly state that a dog has no place on upholstered furniture, and certainly not in a bed. However, this is not what we are talking about now. Who knows for what reasons a dog wants to sleep with its owner, because there must be motivation.

Why do thousands of owners boldly ignore the rules of training and take their pets to bed and is this a whim? Let's clarify the reasons why your pet wants to come to your bed, what you lose and gain if you let your dog into your bed.

Reasons for co-sleeping

Some dog owners don't see anything wrong with sleeping together with their pet. However, not all four-legged friends prefer close contact with their owners.

For example, guard breeds do not want to stay in the house for a long time, and can even sleep on the ground. Decorative dogs want to sleep exclusively with their owners. Quite often, an animal chooses to sleep together, and there are specific reasons for this.

One reason could be the heat. Sleeping next to the owner is much more comfortable and warmer, especially in the cold season. Finding a source of heat is considered one of the main reasons for miniature and hairless breeds.

Another important reason is lack of attention. This may be due to the owner's busy work schedule. If the animal does not have enough attention, care and affection, then the dog will literally attack its owner’s bed.

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Also, an animal may want to sleep with its owner when it experiences extreme fear. This may be due to loud sounds and noise. This happens especially often if there are small children in the house. The four-legged friend regards his owner as a protector, which is why, when he is scared, he seeks protection from the owner.

A dog may want to go to bed with its owner because it likes the smell of the owner's sweat. The animal can also calm the beating of a person’s heart.

On the pillow

As a rule, the softest place, on the pad, is chosen by small and very tiny dogs. First of all, this is because it is softest there and the dog, due to its small parameters, fits. Plus, you put your face on the pillow, and the dog in this position is in the closest emotional proximity with you. If your pet chooses this particular place, it means that he loves you endlessly and is attached to you more than anything in the world.

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Is sleeping with dogs beneficial?

There are several pros and cons to co-sleeping. The big advantage is that a person’s sleep becomes stronger and deeper, and his mood also improves significantly. Another big plus is that you can feel much more comfortable in winter, since the dog is a kind of living heating pad.

Many pet owners choose to sleep with their dog because that's what they did as children. This returns them to a comfortable state.

There are some dog breeds that prefer to sleep with their owners more than others. These are the breeds.

Compromise solution

If you want your four-legged dog not to suffer because of the ban on sleeping with you, but at the same time you want him not to interfere with your rest, then try to place the dog’s bed as close to your bed as possible.

Read the rules for keeping dogs in an apartment, where the issue of properly equipping a sleeping place for a pet is considered. Place one of your clothes in his bed so that he can smell you and not feel lonely.

Rat Terrier

If you are looking for a dog that will give you warmth, then you should buy a Rat Terrier. These small animals love to be close to their owners and give them warmth.

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Most rat terriers are big sleepers, which is why they will happily lie next to their owner under the same blanket. However, you need to remember that it is important to exercise the animal during the day so that they are tired enough in the evening.

Precautionary measures

If your dog sleeps with you, there are some precautions you need to take:

  • Your pet must be vaccinated and treated against parasites.
  • After each walk (especially in the evening), thoroughly (with tar soap) wash your pet’s paws, belly, and butt. It is not necessary to wash the body with soap every time; simply wipe it with a damp palm.
  • From time to time, check your pet for fleas and skin infections that can be dangerous to humans (lichen, fungus). If something is wrong, you will immediately notice changes in the skin and coat (redness, hair coming out, etc.).
  • Be sure to maintain hygiene. Clean your animal's teeth, ears, and trim its nails.
  • Do wet cleaning of the room where you sleep more often.
  • Ventilate your bedroom before going to bed.

Well, if you still can’t get enough sleep when your dog sleeps with you, then you need to come to some kind of compromise.

At my feet

It is not uncommon for dogs (just like cats) to sleep at people’s feet. And most of us regard this position as the animal's utmost devotion. However, this is not entirely true. Indeed, your dog is very devoted to you, but by this he also wants to say that in your sleep you toss and turn too much. Its position at the feet is explained by the fact that if you make any sudden movement in your sleep, the dog will be able to quickly jump out of bed so that you do not crush it.


Sleeping with your dog can also relieve anxiety and provide a feeling of safety and security. Your light sleeper will alert you to anything unusual so you can rest easy throughout the night.

Dogs also make ideal bed warmers, keeping you warm on a cold night.

The study found that while society may not currently view co-sleeping in the best light, due to the many benefits, there is no need for unnecessary care.

I think those of us who already share our beds and bedrooms with our dogs already know that any disturbance or inconvenience is worth the time.

What health problems may arise?

Owners definitely need to know what health problems may arise in puppies in the first days of being at home in order to pay attention to alarming symptoms in time and take the necessary measures

Doesn't eat

The reason that the puppy does not eat in the first days of being in the house may be a radical change in diet. In this case, you need to contact the former owner and clarify the menu.

If refusal to feed is accompanied by lethargy, inactivity, tension and pain in the abdominal wall, vomiting, diarrhea, or nervous symptoms, then it is necessary to urgently contact a veterinarian.

Decreased appetite can be caused by intestinal parasites. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out deworming.

Sometimes food refusal is caused by overeating. An overly caring owner overfeeds his pet, thinking that this will speed up its growth and development. But in addition to decreased appetite, this leads to digestive problems, obesity, and deformation of the spine and joints.

Doesn't drink

The reason your puppy doesn't drink water could be:

  • poisoning;
  • blockage of the esophagus by a foreign object;
  • intestinal obstruction as a result of excessive compaction of stool, accumulation of helminths, ingestion of a small foreign object or plastic bag;
  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • nausea caused by an infectious disease.

In any case, the dog must be urgently shown to a veterinarian, as puppies quickly become dehydrated, leading to irreversible consequences.

Before the doctor arrives, the pet should be placed in a cool room, the mouth should be moistened with water, and, if possible, a subcutaneous injection of saline should be given.


The reason that your pet is lethargic and apathetic may be:

  • stress caused by weaning;
  • overheating or cooling;
  • overheating viral or bacterial infections;
  • helminthic infestations.

If your baby still has an appetite and is urinating and defecating regularly, then there is no need to worry. But the absence of these factors should be a reason to contact the clinic.


If a puppy begins to have diarrhea, he should be seen immediately by a veterinarian, since an acute form of viral enteritis can be fatal within a few hours.

Doesn't go to the toilet

Reasons why your pet does not go to the toilet:

  • helminthic infestations;
  • blockage of the intestines by a foreign object;
  • flatulence as a result of overeating or intestinal obstruction;
  • an incorrectly selected diet that lacks fiber or contains small chicken bones.

If the abdominal wall is painless, then it is worth giving an enema and giving a gentle laxative. But in the case of pain and fever, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Sleeps a lot

It is normal for your puppy to sleep a lot, as long as he remains active and has an appetite during the breaks. Normally, a pet can spend up to 16 hours a day sleeping, interrupted by toileting, feeding and walks.

Doesn't sleep at all

The main reason that the puppy does not sleep at all at first is the strong mental stress associated with a change of place of residence.

An overly sensitive baby suffers from insomnia, experiencing feelings of fear, melancholy and helplessness.

  • Incorrectly placed seating area.
  • Lack of outdoor walks.
  • Your puppy may often wake up at night feeling hungry or thirsty.
  • A disease accompanied by pain, nausea, diarrhea, etc.

Constantly whines and cries

The reason that the puppy constantly whines and cries may be nervous shock associated with weaning from its mother. In this case, the owner needs to show maximum patience and affection in order to allow the baby to feel safe.

The second reason may be pain. The pet should be examined for bruises or other injuries that it may have received during transportation. Carefully examine the oral cavity and ears, palpate the stomach and chest. If there is pain, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian.

What to do?

To become the “leader” of your pack once and for all and not lose control of your puppy, you must adhere to several rules:

  • Prohibit your dog from sleeping anywhere except in its bed, basket or bedding;
  • Accustom the animal to the fact that she will receive her portion of food after everyone has eaten;
  • All games must be controlled by a person, not allowing the dog to win;
  • The dog should enter the house after the person;
  • From a young age, teach your puppy to obey through commands.
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