All about knitting. Part 2: At what age can a dog be bred, how to choose the day of mating

At what age is pet mating allowed?

In theory, dogs can be mated during the bitch's first heat, but such experiments lead to the birth of small, weak and sick puppies. To prevent such situations, it is recommended to follow the advice of dog handlers and not rush into the first litter. The optimal time for mating games is selected in accordance with the physiological and age indicators of the animal.

  1. The sexual development of a male dog goes through several stages, after the completion of which he is considered a mature dog, ready for insemination. As a rule, the testes should move into the scrotum within 10-40 days after the male is born. It is very difficult to notice this process, since they have a soft structure and are poorly perceptible upon palpation. If the prolapse does not occur before the age of one, then such an individual is not allowed for breeding, since the defect will spread to the offspring.

Upon reaching 40 weeks of age, male dogs experience a significant increase in the size of the testes, and he can already ejaculate. The required amount of hormones is produced by six months of age, when behavioral symptoms of puberty begin to appear. But mating of dogs at this age is undesirable, since not all sperm produced have sufficient mobility. The result may be a low number of puppies. For males, the optimal age for love games is considered to be from 18 months, when his reproductive system becomes fully mature and the instincts of behavior with the opposite sex are fully developed.

  1. The female is ready to bear offspring already in the first heat, which begins at 8-10 months. However, experienced dog handlers do not recommend such early mating games, as they will negatively affect the fragile body and mental state. The optimal age for the first matings is 2 years, which approximately coincides with the third heat.

In order for mating in dogs to go as smoothly as possible, one should take into account not only the age of the animals, but also their physical and mental condition. It is equally important to properly prepare the couple and the place where the love encounters will take place.

To knit or not to knit? How to solve the dilemma

Just “I want puppies” is clearly not enough. Selling children must be absolutely healthy, which means their parents must be healthy. If you plan to mate with inexperienced dogs, then the owner needs to thoroughly have information on how to help pets in the delicate issue of mating. In addition, you need to know how long this process takes, what difficulties there are and ways to solve it.

So, the knitting issue became an obsession. It's time to decide. First, a small test, the questions of which we answer as truthfully as possible:

  • The very first and most important , without which everything else will no longer make sense: are you financially and morally ready to support a pregnant dog, and then newborn puppies? Spent on increased nutrition, professional medical care, and endure the whims and inconveniences of unintelligent little ones?
  • Is your pet physically fit to bear puppies?
  • Are there any “dark spots” in your pet’s pedigree?
  • Does the area you own allow you to keep a dog and its litter?
  • Is there a guarantee that you will find reliable homes for grown-up puppies?

Now attention! If at least one question caused you doubt or turned out to be negative, then this is a reason to seriously think about whether it is really necessary to untie the bitch? Tribal standards are sometimes very strict. Failure to comply with them leads to the appearance of offspring with defects hidden for the time being. And then, when shortcomings appear, “loving” owners without regret change the ward for another, more “suitable” one, and the army of homeless, disadvantaged animals is replenished with one more unfortunate one.

It is better not to untie dogs that are not purebred, do not qualify for selection into the tribe, or do not meet any other criteria. And to avoid health problems, perform an operation to sterilize your pet.

How to determine the first signs of readiness for mating?

For the first time, dogs must be mated under the supervision of their owners, since inexperienced dogs can accidentally harm each other. To obtain the maximum number of puppies, it is recommended to crossbreed during ovulation, which lasts from three to five days. This important time can be determined by the following signs:

  • The vulva noticeably increases in size, swells, and becomes soft.
  • The discharge takes on a characteristic yellow-pink hue. You can check this by using a clean cotton pad, which is passed over the vulva. It is advisable to do this immediately after sleep, since females carefully lick themselves while awake.
  • The behavior of the female changes, she tries to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  • In company with male dogs, girls take a characteristic pose with their tail pulled to the side.
  • After running your hand along the back, especially the hindquarters, the bitch assumes a ready position and draws back her tail.

In order to carry out the first mating of dogs on time, the owner of the bitch must keep a special diary in which he records all the individual signs of ovulation. Thus, some individuals begin to eat significantly more, while others, on the contrary, consume less food, but are more active during games and walks. Such specific signs will allow you to determine the best time for intimate dates as accurately as possible in the future.

On what day of heat should a German Shepherd be bred?

There are certain days of the cycle during which fertilization is most likely (ovulation). The owner needs to know what day the dog went into heat. The appropriate time for mating occurs on the 9-15th day of estrus. At this point, the bloody discharge is replaced by transparent, and the bitch willingly allows mounting.

You should check in advance whether the dog is ready for mating. To do this, the bitch is pressed with her hands on the sacrum area. If she freezes indicatively and moves her tail to the side, she can be covered. If this is the first mating of a German Shepherd, and there are doubts about the phase of the cycle, you can resort to laboratory diagnostics. A vaginal smear or blood test to measure progesterone levels will help you know exactly when to bring your dogs together.

When mating is carried out correctly, the male covers the bitch the first time. Some breeders prefer to do 2 matings with an interval of 72 hours to guarantee fertilization if they are in doubt on what day ovulation occurred.

Are there rules for mating?

Mating pets is a responsible process for which you should prepare in advance, think through all the nuances and little things. The care of the owners will allow their four-legged friends to have a productive meeting, without problems, deviations, or excesses. The rules used when breeding dogs are quite simple:

  • Scrupulous selection of a partner is necessary, especially if the breed is quite rare or the female corresponds to show class. Owners must remember that only the boy’s high standards will ensure good offspring. If both representatives have any deviations from the norm, then they should not be identical. Before choosing, you can consult with local dog handlers, veterinarians and other breeders, but the final decision must be made independently. It’s also not worth focusing solely on diplomas, certificates and various awards, since recently a lot of scammers have appeared who have fake documents.
  • It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the girl 1-2 months before the heat, pass basic tests, and conduct a course of deworming. Owners of a bitch and a dog must conduct a bacteriological analysis for various anaerobic infections, and then provide each other with the results of the study. If any pathology is detected, there is still time to eliminate it.
  • Select and prepare a place for a future date, on which the effectiveness of the meeting often depends. As a rule, girls visit guys, since the latter in an unfamiliar environment may behave awkwardly and generally not show loving enthusiasm. It is better to conduct the first acquaintance on neutral territory, which will allow the animals to get to know each other faster, and then transfer them to the male. If the dogs are large, then it is better to allocate a fenced area near the house for the meeting, but the meeting of small dogs can be held indoors. All valuables should be removed from the room in advance, and the floor and sofa or chairs should be covered with unnecessary fabric or rags. Such simple manipulations will help protect property from damage during marriage games.

If two experienced animals meet, then they should be left alone during an intimate meeting, excluding any extraneous distracting sounds. It is recommended to supervise the first date, as inexperienced animals can scare each other away with their behavior.

Mating occurs according to certain rules that are unchanged regardless of age and breed. An intimate date includes several key steps:

  • An acquaintance that occurs immediately after the meeting of two partners and takes from several minutes to several hours. A young animal may be very nervous and not know which side is best to approach the girl, but usually after a few minutes contact is established anyway. Experienced gentlemen can be either persistent and a little rude, or very gentle individuals, gently licking the vulva, tail or ears of the female. For the first time, the bitch may get scared, press her tail, fall on her paws and even bite her partner. Experienced ladies accept the male's courtship, and then stand up, demonstrating their readiness.
  • The first sittings, during which the boy tries to find the best position, and the girl adapts to his actions. If the animals differ in size or unsuccessful cages continue for too long, then the owners are obliged to help their pets. To do this, you can carefully hold the female by the collar, lubricate the vulva with Vaseline, and place a pillow under the guy’s paws.
  • Bonding that occurs after the penis penetrates the vagina and lasts from 10 to 60 minutes. During this period, the penis increases significantly in size, and the vaginal sphincter contracts, which leads to a kind of “lock”. It is prohibited to separate animals or touch their genitals in any way during this period of time, as such actions will cause pain and physical damage. Owners are allowed to help the guy throw his paw over the girl so that their backs are facing each other.
  • The end of mating, during which the pets' genitals return to normal size and they can separate. During the first few hours, the bitch is not allowed to sit, which increases the chances of a successful pregnancy.

The fact of pregnancy is confirmed by the cessation of discharge, which can occur immediately after fertilization or a few days later. An ultrasound examination is recommended 3-4 weeks after mating.

Puberty of the bitch

At first, the dog develops without any special changes. The first heat in bitches occurs on average after 7 months. For some, a little earlier or a little later. After the first heat, the bitch becomes more aggressive and begins to mark her territory with urine. Often she begins to mount her relatives. Some mark territories like male dogs and regardless of estrus. Usually these are individuals who want to take a leading position among their relatives.

Sexual behavior of female dogs includes sexual play with mounting other dogs. This is normal and means that the animal has matured. Sometimes 3 or more bitches can participate in such games. This behavior does not require correction, so owners have nothing to worry about.

The first heat for a bitch is usually very exciting. Her sexual cycle has not yet established itself, so it may be affected by stress. In some cases, estrus may even stop due to this. The cause of stress can be separation from the owner, a sudden change in weather, or an attack by other dogs. Soon the cycle of the young bitch is established, and subsequent heats proceed without complications.

Useful tips and tricks

Mating is a natural physiological process that in most cases does not require outside intervention. But sometimes the advice of experienced dog handlers on how to help your pets in this important and exciting matter can be useful.

  • Owners of small short-haired breeds should not neglect warm clothes in the cool season. Hypothermia for both girls and boys negatively affects reproductive function.
  • It is better to record signs of estrus daily in a notebook specially designated for this purpose. Changes in behavior, the condition of the vulva, and the nature of the discharge should be noted. This simple manipulation will allow you to more accurately determine the onset of estrus in the future.
  • It is not recommended to breed a female on the first day of ovulation, as this will result in a minimal number of puppies.
  • It is better to meet partners in the morning or evening after a short walk. Before the date, you can give the girl some food, but it is not advisable to feed the male dog.
  • If the bitch is much shorter than her partner, then during mounting she should be carefully placed with her stomach on a bent knee. It is prohibited to bend the paws in any way, as this will provoke panic or aggression.
  • Mating should be no more than once a year, since only such regularity allows the production of healthy and strong offspring. In rare cases, fertilization is allowed twice a year, but additional pregnancy will not have the best effect on the health of the pet.
  • During active thrusts, it is allowed to lightly press the boy, which will prevent the penis from slipping out.

Sometimes after ejaculation there is no “lock” and in this case it is recommended to hold another meeting of partners after 1-2 days. It should be noted that a “lock” is not necessary for fertilization, but if it is absent, the number of puppies will be smaller. If this factor is not critical, then a repeat meeting may not be arranged.

Possible complications

Unfortunately, a love encounter does not always go smoothly, especially if the pets are inexperienced or aggressive. In practice, the most common complications encountered are:

  • The bitch does not allow the dog to approach her, growls, and falls on her paws. It is necessary to calm the animal and hold it in the required position; it is allowed to put on a muzzle.
  • The boy does not react in any way to the presence of a lady, which most often happens on first dates. To solve the problem, it is enough to gently poke an inexperienced male dog into the vulva of his partner.
  • The four-legged guy makes no attempts to make cages. It is recommended to sit the pet up or place it on a stand, and then place the front paws on the girl’s sides.
  • After several attempts, the male stopped mounting - this is a sign of overexcitation or fatigue. It is recommended to take the boy to another room for 20-25 minutes, let him rest and drink.

There are also physiological features of the structure of the genital organs, due to which sexual intercourse in animals is impossible. The problem can be resolved by selecting another partner or by carrying out the process in “manual mode”. In rare cases, poor sperm quality occurs, which is why pregnancy does not occur even after a successful intercourse. To prevent such situations, you should always require laboratory confirmation of the normal state of the seed material.

Terms and agreements

In order to avoid various disagreements and claims, before mating, a special agreement should be drawn up - RFK, the form of which is taken from the kennel club. It contains information such as:

  • The method of payment to the owner of a male dog is cash immediately after confirmation of pregnancy or after the birth of offspring, the issuance of child support for one or two puppies.
  • Who has the right to be the first to select the puppies?
  • Actions in case of unsuccessful sexual intercourse.

If the owners are not members of any kennel club, then a written agreement should be drawn up, in which all the important nuances of the transaction should be noted, and then certified by a notary. The document will protect against fraud and illegal manipulation.

You can read a huge amount of information about how dogs should ideally be mated, but in practice something will always go wrong. Therefore, owners always need to be ready to intervene in the process to help their four-legged friends successfully complete sexual intercourse.

How to tell if a dog is in heat

Inexperienced dog breeders may be puzzled, how can they tell if their bitch has started to leak? Believe me, this process will not go unnoticed. There are enough symptoms, and they are all quite characteristic:

  • While walking, all the males in the area are actively interested in your pet. Everyone tries to come up and sniff.
  • The dog's behavior undergoes dramatic changes. It is unreasonably aggressive or overly affectionate.
  • The nipples turn pink and soften to the touch.
  • The loop (external genital part) swells.
  • A bloody substance oozes from it.
  • If you press on the back, the dog instinctively raises its tail and bends (into a position convenient for sexual intercourse).

In order for a bitch to become pregnant, it is not enough to simply pair her with a male. This should be day "X", the time when ovulation occurs. To obtain reliable data, it is better to keep a special calendar, from the very first heat, marking the start and end days in it, this will help calculate the optimal day for conception in the future.

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