Presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world Tiger presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world (grade 1) on the topic

The tiger is an animal that belongs to the feline species, and is one of its largest representatives. This animal is a predator and, in addition to its impressive size, has great strength, as well as beauty and grace.

All over the world, there are six varieties of these animals, despite the fact that just a hundred years ago the number of tiger varieties was nine. The number of tigers on the planet is becoming smaller with each passing day. The reason for this unfortunate phenomenon is man, or rather, some of his actions. In particular, the reduction in the number of these cats was affected by both total environmental pollution and, in some cases, uncontrolled attacks by poachers. Many people, when they look at a tiger, wonder: “What does the largest tiger in the world look like?”


As already mentioned, this is the largest tiger on Earth, which lives in the Far East. But it’s not just its size that puts it in first place among other subspecies. The Amur tiger is strong and resilient. It easily tolerates persistent frosts because it has long hair. Despite their power, there are no cannibals among the representatives of this species. The predator tries not to cross human territory and does not pose a threat to people. However, severe and debilitating hunger can turn an Amur tiger into a killer.

The decline in the number of large predators over the past decade has caused confusion even among ordinary citizens. Today, zoologists say that the subspecies is not in danger. But, given that the habitat of these beauties is increasingly populated by people, we will have to argue with this. Today there are 470 individuals in the world, and the fine for killing a “Siberian” is 100 thousand rubles and the actual term of imprisonment as well.

The length of the Amur or, as it is also called, Ussuri tiger reaches 3 meters 80 cm. And the largest mass that zoologists have recorded is 384 kg.


Many people know what a tiger looks like. Mainland cats are more impressive in size compared to the “islanders”. For example, the largest tigers - Bengal and Amur - weigh 180-280 kg, some individuals reach 300 kg. Body length varies from 1.5 to 3 m. Tail length is 90-100 cm. Height at withers is 60-110 cm. Average life expectancy in the wild is 25 years. The photo of the animal perfectly demonstrates the full power of this beast. The average weight of a tiger is 220 kg

The body is elongated, massive, flexible with pronounced muscles. The front part of the body is larger than the back; the cat's shoulder girdle is located above the sacrum. The long luxurious tail is evenly covered with hair. The front paws have five toes, the hind paws have four. The claws are hooked and retracted.

The facial part is protruding, the forehead is convex, the head is round, the skull is large and massive, the cheekbones are expressive. White vibrissae are arranged in five rows.

The eyes are slanted, the iris is amber, the pupils are round.

The dentition consists of 30 teeth. On the upper and lower jaws there are six incisors and two canines up to 8 cm long.

The coat is of moderate length, sparse, dense in the “southerners”, high and fluffy in the “northerners”. The main color is rusty red, rusty brown, the belly, back of the ears, chest and inner surface of the paws are much lighter. Stripes - brown or black. Along the body and neck the stripes are located transversely and vertically. They go down the sides and onto the stomach.

The lower ends of the stripes are sharp, sometimes forked. On the back of the body the stripes are more dense. The pattern from the sacrum goes to the back of the thighs.

Reference. Tigers have well-developed night vision and partially color vision. Due to the special structure of the vocal cords, animals emit a terrifying roar, but they voice only during the period of sexual hunting.

Sumatran tiger


Not quite a tiger, but not a lion either - that’s what happens when you cross these species. The hybrid is an undeniable giant in the cat family and one of the leaders in size. The length reaches 4 meters, and the liger can weigh 800 kg. In 1973, such a representative with a mass of 798 kg entered the Guinness Book of Records. Of the living ligers, the largest is Hercules, who lives in Miami. If it stands on its hind legs, then the height of the animal is 3.7 meters, and the weight of the living leader is 400 kg.

Natural crossing of a tiger and a lion in nature is impossible, since the habitats do not intersect. Ligers are bred exclusively in captivity. And then, the percentage of a happy accident is approaching zero. Today there are 20 ligers in the world, which are significantly larger in size than the average tiger.


The word tiger comes from the Latin "tigris", the Romans, in turn, borrowed the name from the ancient Greeks. Presumably the word came to ancient Greece from Persia; translated from the Persian tiger it means “sharp”. In ancient Iran, tiger meant arrow, which may be due to the animal's quick reaction and lightning-fast jump.

The tiger was first described by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in his monumental work “System of Nature” in 1758; he also assigned the scientific name “Felis tigris” to the animal, translated from Latin as cat tiger. Since 1929, the animal has been assigned to the genus Panthera with the scientific name Panthera tigris, which it bears to this day. The tiger's closest relative is the snow leopard, and not the lion, leopard and jaguar, as previously thought.


The most common species on the planet is also one step away from extinction. Today there are no more than 4 thousand Bengalis. This powerful predator is found in India and Pakistan. According to research, Bengal tigers grow up to 220 kg and have a body length of 3.1 meters. They also differ in their original color. The stripes are duplicated on the animal's skin, so even a hairless body will also be striped. By the way, this species often gives birth to completely white tiger cubs, which is also a subject of discussion among scientists.

White and black tiger

The animal has other color options - white, gold, snow-white without stripes, black. They are practically never found in the wild due to a sharp decline in the population, but are regularly observed in animals in captivity. The white tiger has white fur with light brown stripes.

The golden tiger has pale yellow fur with an ashen tint and reddish-brown stripes. The snow-white color is characterized by almost invisible, very pale stripes and reddish-brown rings on the tail.

Both white and golden tigers are not a separate breed, but the result of a genetic mutation, a lack of pheomelanin in the body, the pigment responsible for the orange color of the fur. Black tigers are the result of pseudo-melanism. In true melanism, the coat color is black. The main color of black tigers is not black, but the usual orange, so they are not melanos. The dark stripes of black tigers are disproportionately large in size, and behind the large stripes the main color is difficult to see, so the skin appears dark in color.

In the middle of the 20th century in Asia they tried to specially breed white tigers by crossing white individuals exclusively with each other. To inherit white color, both parents must have the genetic mutation. This led to inbreeding. Due to inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity, white tigers born in captivity have developed many health problems not common to these animals. In the wild, the chance of an animal being born white is 1 in 1,000. Currently, zoos prefer not to crossbreed white tigers so as not to increase the genetic anomaly and preserve genotypic variability.


Another population that requires a scrupulous attitude. Interestingly, this subspecies of tiger was identified only in 2006. Previously, Indo-Chinese were confused with Malay due to their external similarity. However, zoologists have identified genetic features that contributed to the emergence of a new species. Today there are no more than one and a half thousand Indochinese tigers. They reach a length of 3 meters and their average weight is 190 kg.

Transcaucasian, up to 230 kg (extinct)

Its other name is Turgan or Caspian tiger . Once lived in Central Asia and the Caucasus. It was bright red in color.

The Transcaucasian tiger was large, weighing about 240 kg, but scientists do not rule out that there were larger subspecies. He lived in reed thickets along the banks of rivers, which the locals called tugai.

In Central Asia it was called “julbars” or “yulbars”, which could also be translated as “striped leopard”. The local population believed that tigers were not dangerous to people. They began to be destroyed after Russian settlers appeared there.


Surprisingly, until 2007 this subspecies was considered extinct. Thanks to the observation of one farmer, it was discovered that Chinese tigers are still present on the planet. True, today there are critically few of them - only 20 individuals. And this is a good reason to throw force into preserving the population of this amazing animal. The endangered subspecies reaches 2.6 meters in length, and the largest recorded weight is 177 kg.

The Chinese tiger is considered the fastest, but unlike the Sumatran tiger, it does not like to chase its prey for a long time.

Javanese, up to 130 kg (extinct)

This subspecies once lived on the island of Java, but to date there are no representatives left. Presumably they died in the 80s of the 20th century. But they have been on the brink since the 1950s, when their number did not exceed 25 pieces.

The Javan tiger was last seen in 1979, and there are speculations that there are still animals left somewhere on the island, but this has not been confirmed. They were seen in that part of the island that is covered with virgin forest. But it could also be leopards.

Males of this species weighed from 100 to 141 kg, their body length was about 245 cm. The weight of females was even less, from 75 to 115 kg.


The name of the tiger was given by its habitat - the island of Sumatra. The remaining 700 individuals in the world are distributed only there. Characteristic features of this subspecies are increased aggressiveness and small body size. The fact is that in dense jungle conditions, it would be difficult for a larger animal to hunt. The tactics of “fighting” among the Sumatrans are very extraordinary. The tiger prefers to pursue the prey for a long time until it becomes exhausted.

Another distinctive feature is that the male, together with the female, takes care of the offspring as long as it is required. After the cubs grow up, the parents resume their solitary lifestyle. The size of the Sumatran predator, according to research, reaches 2.7 meters. And the weight does not exceed 130 kg.

What do they eat?

What does a tiger eat in the wild? Their main food is ungulates: red and sika deer, wild boar and nilgai, roe deer, black-backed tapirs. Sometimes the animals hunt large herbivores - Indian buffalo, gaur and elk. Periodically, wild cats feed on monkeys, pheasants, hares, reptiles and large fish. The cat eats the carcass of a killed animal for several days. At one time, a tiger can eat up to 50 kg of meat.

There is a known case where a tiger killed an adult Indian rhinoceros. Sometimes cats attack dogs, cows, horses and donkeys. Cats eat nuts, grass and fruits in the summer.


This species is common in the southern part of the Malay Peninsula, which is represented by dense forests. The peculiarity of these predators is that they prefer a twilight lifestyle. The fact is that vision does not allow tigers to hunt at night. According to available information, a greater number of cannibals have been recorded among the Malays. When attacked by poachers, the tiger fiercely defends itself and its offspring, often killing a person and eating him. In general, these predators are patient and are ready to stalk their prey for hours, anticipating the moment of attack. An adult male of this subspecies reaches a weight of 120 kg, and the maximum recorded body length was 2.37 meters.

Malayan tigers love water, often devoting the whole day to swimming.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to speak with complete confidence about the conservation of the population of each of the listed species. The smaller the number of individuals, the more valuable their skin is on the black market. It’s a pity that demand creates supply, and poachers go to great lengths to get what they want. Thus, individuals of the Javan, Bali and Caspian tigers completely disappeared. However, saving animals does not require heroic deeds. All you need to do is change your attitude towards nature and all life on Earth.


The moment a female Amur tiger turns three years old, she will be ready to reproduce. The sexual activity of these animals reaches its peak in the second half of the winter season. Tiger cubs are usually born between April and June. Male tigers often do not take any part in the subsequent fate of their offspring. The male leaves the female almost immediately after mating.

Tiger care

The gestation period of Amur tigers is 112 days. Typically, two to four kittens are born at a time. A female tiger usually hides her cubs, and in case of danger, takes them to a safe place. Tigresses are usually very careful in protecting, protecting and caring for their cubs. Tiger cubs begin to see 2 weeks after birth. The cubs usually remain next to their mother until they are 4-5 years old.

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Tiger claws are up to 10 centimeters long

They are used to capture and hold prey. Each paw has four claws and one specialized claw located higher on the foot. It does not touch the ground when walking and functions similarly to the human thumb in that it is used to grasp prey and assist in climbing.


A tiger's claws are retractable and are held in place by ligaments within a protective skin sheath when not in use. The ligaments are in a relaxed position when the claws are retracted. Tigers retract their claws to keep them sharp longer so they can silently sneak up on unsuspecting prey.

Tiger claws are curved, which allows the animal to easily grab and hold large prey and climb trees head first. However, the curvature of the claws, the size and weight of the tiger are a big obstacle when descending from the trees. Tigers must either crawl backwards or jump from trees, making them the least capable climbers of the big cats.

The tiger practically does not use the sense of smell when hunting

Tigers have a small number of olfactory cells in the nose and a reduced olfactory area in the brain that identifies different odors. These big cats primarily use their sense of smell to communicate information to each other, such as personal territory boundaries and reproductive status.

Tigers, like other carnivores, have a Jacobson's organ on the roof of their mouth. It is a pouch-like structure located directly behind the front incisors. This vomeronasal organ has two small openings that, when inhaled, direct fragrant particles from the air to nerves located inside the structure. The nerves then transmit the message to the olfactory region of the brain, which identifies the smell.

Tigers often exhibit a behavior called flehmen, in which they detect scent with their upper lip and lift it toward their nose to identify odors. From the outside it seems that the tiger is silently roaring.

Photo: Dan Dennis

“An incredibly huge beast, just a monster”

For the first time, attention was paid to the giant tiger in Anyui National Park in 2022. In an interview with the Khabarovsk Territory Today news agency, Alexey Gotvansky described the beast this way: “This tiger is a real monster. He's so huge. He was first noticed by his paw prints. Usually males have heels up to 12 centimeters, but this one has 13.5. Then he got caught in a camera trap. An incredibly huge beast, just a monster. It’s good that I managed to meet him not live, but through a camera. There is a shot where this male is looking directly at the camera trap. It’s a pity that only half of his huge muzzle was caught in the lens.”

According to scientists, the Beast was distinguished by a ferocious disposition, which, apparently, made him attractive in the eyes of the tigresses. He paired up with a female, who, of course, received the nickname Beauty.

In 2022, the Monster had already disappeared for some time from the field of view of specialists, and the grown-up sons of the tiger even managed to occupy its territory. However, then the father returned and kicked the offspring out of his hunting grounds.

Habitat territory. Where does the Amur tiger live? Read more

Where does it live?

The habitat of this predator is located in the Far Eastern part of the country. He lives in the valleys of the largest Far Eastern river, the Amur and its tributary, the Ussuri, where the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories are located. The species is most concentrated in the foothills of the Sikhote-Alin. According to experts, every 6th Siberian tiger lives there.

The Amur cat feels most comfortable in forest valleys located between low mountain slopes overgrown with coniferous and deciduous trees. The Amur tiger does not like to climb mountains; only a deep feeling of hunger will force him to do so.

Tigers live alone. Each has its own specific territory, which they fiercely defend from competitors - other tigers. In males it reaches an area of ​​2 thousand square meters. kilometers, for females - 400 square meters. km. The territories of males and females may overlap.


Striped animals have few natural enemies among animals. The cat is at the top of the food pyramid, so it has almost no competitors. Sometimes a tiger has to confront packs of Indian red wolves.

Brown and Himalayan bears periodically take prey from tigers, for which they receive a well-deserved punishment. Another potentially dangerous predator is the crocodile, with which the wild cat periodically has clashes.

The most terrible enemy of these giants is man, who, over centuries of his destructive activity, has brought this species of wild cats to the brink of extinction.

Each individual has a unique coat pattern

Like human fingerprints, the striped fur pattern of each Siberian tiger is unique. Their fur is lighter than other tigers, and becomes even lighter in winter. This ensures reliable camouflage for the predator during the hunt.

The fur of the Amur tiger is thicker than that of its counterparts living in warm regions. Wool consists of two layers. The longer outer layer of fur consists of guard hairs that provide camouflage and protection from the elements. The bottom layer of fur provides thermal insulation, keeping the animal warm in harsh winter weather. The thick fur on tiger paws keeps their feet warm, allows them to walk silently when stalking prey, and makes their paws act like snowshoes.

Many subspecies are on the verge of extinction


The Wildlife Conservation Society estimates the total tiger population at less than 5,000. The following is a random estimate of the number of tigers in each country:

  • India and Nepal: 2,045
  • Malaysia: 500 to 600
  • Myanmar (Burma): 500
  • Thailand: less than 200
  • China (South China subspecies): 20 to 50
  • Sumatra: 400 to 500
  • China (including both North China and Siberian subspecies): 50 to 100
  • Siberia: from 250 to 300
  • Vietnam: 200
  • Laos: less than 200
  • Cambodia: less than 200
  • Butane: 200
  • Bangladesh: 500


Representatives of the cat family cannot be classified as nocturnal or diurnal animals - they can be active at any time of the day. But tigers still prefer to hunt in the morning, evening or night, and rest during the day.

Usually animals move in large steps, but they can also develop greater speed, especially in the process of chasing prey. Tigers love water and have proven themselves to be excellent swimmers, but they do not climb trees. A small exception is tiger cubs under 2 years old and weighing up to 60 kg.

Tiger in the water

For subspecies living in hot countries, swimming is a necessary activity that allows them to cool down. At the same time, predators are not afraid of low temperatures. They molt in spring and autumn.

Tigers rarely make any sounds except during the breeding season, during hunting, or in case of aggression. The animal has developed a habit of tracking down prey, moving along their tracks and trails.

It is extremely important for a tiger to mark its territory and protect it from strangers. Predators mark territories with an individual scent and this is the main method of communication between individuals.

Males occupy large territories - about 60-100 km2, and females occupy smaller territories - about 20 km2. Otherwise, the occupied area is determined by the habitat, the amount of food and the number of females (relative to males). Male tigers allow females (up to 4) into their territory, where each of them occupies its own area.

Animals move within their zone regularly along the same route, simultaneously marking the territory. They also provide several places for rest - a kind of den.

If another male violates the occupied territory, you can expect a serious fight, since this issue is extremely serious for tigers. Even walking through the designated area is unacceptable. Tigresses are not aggressive in this regard and often share their prey with other females.

Tiger fight

Felines do not hunt together. They single-handedly ambush prey in the winter or quietly sneak up on it (in the summer). When the distance between the predator and its target is reduced as much as possible, the tiger attacks sharply. He is able to jump 10 m in length and 5 m in height.

If the animal managed to escape, pursuit is possible, but not further than 150 m at high speed. The tiger can carry caught prey weighing up to 100 kg in its teeth. It will drag a larger animal along the ground.

Interesting fact : tigers do not know how to hunt from birth. In order for the predator to survive and provide itself with food, the mother tigress must teach her offspring hunting techniques.

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