Choosing a dog to keep in an apartment - TOP 30 best breeds

If you are thinking about what kind of dog you can get in an apartment, pay attention to the list of breeds adapted to living in a small area. The four-legged animals included in it are united not only by modest dimensions, but also by certain character traits, as well as conditions of care. Some large and giant breeds can do without a holiday home - so don't rush to choose the first puppy you come across without looking at all the possible options.

Which dogs are suitable for living in an apartment?

In fact, you can keep any dog ​​in an apartment - even a giant one - but in this case it will have to be provided with decent living conditions. Such a pet should have a lot of free space, and long and active walks will be required for its health.

Due to many restrictions, the TOP best dog breeds for apartments include those that meet the following criteria:

  1. A sedentary lifestyle and the possibility of litter box training. Lazy pets are ideal for city life. They are ready to lie at the feet of the owner all day and do not mind missing another walk due to bad weather.
  2. Tiny size. Thanks to their small dimensions, decorative dogs feel great even in a studio apartment.
  3. Calm and reserved character. The absence of aggression and an adequate reaction to external stimuli excludes a sudden attack on neighbors and loud barking at any noise.
  4. An adequate attitude towards loneliness. Many owners work outside the home, so the dog should not suffer much during his absence.
  5. There is no heavy shedding or unpleasant odor. Such pets are suitable for allergy sufferers and clean people who cannot stand the dog smell from the wet fur of four-legged animals.
  6. Love for children and other animals. Some breeds perceive other household members as competitors and cannot tolerate children's pranks. Instead, it is better to find someone more loyal, ready to become a nanny for your child or a best friend for your cat.

Care itself also plays a significant role. Contrary to popular belief, many long-haired dogs take up much more of their owners' time than large short-haired dogs.


In addition to the above breeds, there are many others, both medium and small. Don't forget that there are also beautiful mestizos! Before deciding which dog to bring into your home, it is good to evaluate many aspects, such as the presence of children or elderly people, the time you can devote to them, the physical and behavioral characteristics of the breed.

However, there are also large dogs that, due to their docile nature, are well suited for small spaces as long as they are given frequent walks and exercise. Among them it is worth mentioning the Labrador, Golden Retriever, Dalmatian, and German Shepherd. But in a private home they will feel better.

As for mestizos, in this case it will be more difficult to determine the character in advance. However, you can ask the person you are adopting it from about the dog's behavior.

Pay attention to whether there are people in the house who are allergic to dog hair. In fact, some of the breeds mentioned do not shed much hair during shedding and are therefore suitable for people with allergies.

The laziest

Workaholics who love dogs should not refuse to buy them because they are busy. It is enough to choose your favorite among those who walk little and do not need intense physical activity.

Basset Hound

Because of their love for comfort, the British call Basset hounds “couch athletes.” These long-eared short-legged creatures are very cunning. If the owner forbids them to sleep on the bed, then they will still climb there, waiting for the two-legged overseer to go to work.

Caring for basset hounds is quite problematic. They often drool and get their lunch all over their faces. Due to the abundance of folds, male dogs do not always smell pleasant, so they are washed with tar shampoo, avoiding water getting into the giant hanging ears.

English bulldog

Representatives of this breed have to be literally forced to go outside, because otherwise they will simply lie on the sofa. Because of their short muzzle, Bulldogs often snore in their sleep and make loud gurgling noises.

When caring for a bulldog, special attention is paid to the folds on its face. Dirt and moisture quickly accumulate in them, forming pathogenic microflora. Lack of regular care can lead to dermatitis and infections.


Friendly Pugs make wonderful companions. The peak of activity in these dogs is observed in childhood. After a year, it practically disappears, so instead of active games and walks, pugs prefer a quiet holiday next to their beloved owner.

During the shedding period, pugs' fur must be combed every day, and the rest of the time - once a week. Due to their short fur, representatives of this breed do not tolerate cold weather well, and due to their shortened nasal passages, they do not tolerate high temperatures. In winter they are walked in warm overalls, and in summer they are kept in a room with powerful air conditioning.

The smallest

Decorative dogs are suitable for small apartments. The smallest animals are those with a weight of 2-5 kg ​​and a height of 28-35 cm.


Chihuahuas are the smallest dogs in the world. As adults, they weigh no more than 3.5 kg, and the recorded minimum for this breed is 450 g.

Despite their modest size, Chihuahuas are real badasses. They easily attack even a pit bull, so it is recommended to walk them in public places only on a leash.

Features of caring for a Chihuahua depend on the length of the coat. Long-haired individuals are bathed once every 1-2 months, and short-haired individuals - once every 3-4 months.

Yorkshire Terrier

The average weight of a Yorkie is 1.35-3.2 kg. This energetic pet is very friendly and sociable. He happily gives his love to all household members, including other four-legged animals.

Yorkies are picky eaters and often suffer from allergies. When feeding them, it is important to avoid sudden changes in diet and monitor the reaction to all new foods.

Pomeranian Spitz

Fluffy “bells” have excellent guard qualities and a very loud voice. Despite their dominant character and courage, their maximum weight is only 3.5 kg.

To care for your orange's coat, you need an impressive arsenal of tools and a lot of free time. For this reason, many Spitz owners prefer the services of a groomer.

Owner reviews

Alla G.

“I don’t recommend anyone getting large dogs for an apartment. The best choice is medium and small breeds.”

Evgeniy F.

“We have a small apartment, we got a Labrador. He has enough space, but he needs to take a long walk every day, otherwise he has too much energy.”

Pavel V.

“We have a Yorkshire terrier. I think this is the perfect dog for an apartment.”

The cleverest

The smartest animals are those with good working qualities, high learning ability and the ability to make independent decisions. They are easy to train, so even a novice dog breeder can handle their training.


Thanks to their extraordinary intelligence and artistic abilities, poodles take 2nd place among the smartest dogs. Regardless of size, these dogs are famous for their friendliness and complete lack of aggression.

Poodles are unpretentious and long-lived. In the absence of chronic pathologies, their life expectancy is 15 years.

German Shepherd

One of the most popular four-legged animals takes 3rd place. German Shepherds are very energetic animals, so when kept in apartments they need frequent walks and intense physical activity.

If you follow all the rules, even a child can handle training a shepherd puppy. Representatives of this breed do not show stubbornness and unquestioningly recognize the authority of their owners.


Papillons are in an honorable 8th place on the list of smart cats. These little extroverts perform well in agility, so it is recommended to direct their training towards sports.

Due to the lack of undercoat, Papillons shed very modestly. Representatives of this breed are bathed only when dirty and are always dried with a hairdryer. Otherwise, their fur curls, making combing difficult.

Review of breeds by criteria

There is no point in arguing about the best breed; different pets will be ideal for each dog breeder. But you can make a list of the most popular animals suitable for apartments.

For allergy sufferers

People who suffer from allergies to the fur or smell of dogs should not give up their true friends. There are a number of pets that do not shed and do not cause allergic reactions . You can choose either a large breed or a small one.

Bichon Frize

A type of lapdog with curly, springy coat of pure white color. This is a small, playful dog with a high level of intelligence, easy to train, and capable of performing tricks of any complexity. The breed can often be found in the circus arena or in street show programs. Bichon height is 23-29 cm, weight is 4-7 kg . Dogs are considered decorative, they are the strongest of this group, and therefore are suitable for families with children. The average price is 25-50 thousand rubles .


Miniature Schnauzer
A group of dogs that includes 3 breeds that differ in size and typical colors: Miniature Schnauzer, Miniature Schnauzer and Giant Schnauzer. Difficult animals with a strong independent character. Bred for service in law enforcement agencies, they have a strong protective instinct. Recently they have been used as decorative. The size can be in three variations: 30-35 cm, 44-50 cm, 60-70 cm . The average price is 20-70 thousand rubles .

Miniature Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzer

Bedlington Terrier

A pet that looks like a lamb due to its curly short hair and the unusual shape of its muzzle (the bridge of the nose is arched). Considered one of the most flexible terriers, suitable for calm families. At the withers it can reach 41 cm, and weighs from 8-10 kg. The average price is 40-50 thousand rubles .

Dogs without smell

There are a number of breeds with a certain set of characteristics that eliminate their unpleasant odor. These include hairless dogs, pets with long or short hair, but without undercoat, and Poodle variations are included in a separate group.


A breed with 4 height varieties, 2 coat types and about 5 main colors. Animals with one of the highest intelligence among dogs. Pets learn quickly and cope with circus programs, although they were originally bred for aquatic hunting. They are calm in nature, practically do not bark, small representatives do not particularly need physical activity, although they are active by nature. Height: 24-28 cm, 28-35 cm, 35-45 cm, 45-60 cm . Regardless of size, the Poodle is suitable for apartment living. The average price is 10-70 thousand rubles .

Mexican hairless dog

This is an open and sociable pet that will not shed or emit odors. Gets along easily among other animals, is friendly and active. Suitable for keeping in an apartment, does not require frequent walks and easily tolerates separation from the owner, despite the affection. The breed is bred in three height variations: 25-35 cm, 36-45 cm, 46-60 cm . Price – 8-150 thousand rubles . Similar dogs are the Peruvian Hairless Terrier and the American Hairless Terrier.

West Highland White Terrier

The cheeky dog, despite its size, becomes an ideal hunter and watchman. Its coat has no undercoat, which eliminates the unpleasant odor. The pet is a fidget, suitable for active families. He gets along with children, but does not like bullying and will not tolerate mischief. At the withers they reach 28 cm and weigh no more than 9 kg . Price: 15-35 thousand rubles .

Brussels Griffon

The Brussels Griffon and related similar breeds (for example, the Yorkshire Terrier) do not shed because they do not have an undercoat. For the same reason, they do not emit unpleasant odors. These are miniature decorative dogs with an easy-going character and interesting appearance. They are difficult to care for due to their long, coarse fur. Height – 26-32 cm, weight – 3-6 kg. The average price is 10-30 thousand rubles .

The cleverest

Researchers have identified 3 aspects by which dogs' intellectual abilities are assessed:

  • Instinctive - the animal copes well with the functions for which it was bred (type of genetic intelligence);
  • Adaptive – the pet can make decisions independently;
  • Worker – good learning ability, quick reaction to new commands.

In general, the list of the smartest dogs is long; about 80 breeds have passed the test. But not every one of them will be a good apartment pet. When choosing a pet, you should pay attention not only to its size, but also to its independence. Animals with high intellectual abilities can be wayward and try to dominate the family.


This is the smartest decorative dog, not counting Poodles. In addition to their cute appearance, pets have extraordinary training abilities. They are flexible and kind, but can become uncontrollable and like to manipulate people. Such an animal needs mental stimulation and good upbringing . Height – 28 cm, weight – 1.5-5 kg. Price – 12-80 thousand rubles .


The Doberman is a large working dog, popular in European countries. Suitable for apartment living, but requires comprehensive training. Genetic functionality - defense and attack; for families with children it is better to choose a different breed. Intellectual abilities allow the Doberman to be trained as the owner needs. Height – 63-72 cm, weight – 40-45 cm. Average price – 10-40 thousand rubles .

Breeds that don't bark

In urban high-rise buildings, it is very important that the dog does not disturb the neighbors. In this case, breeds that cannot or do not like to bark are best suited.


This is one of the most mysterious breeds, it is the only one that cannot bark at all. Dogs also rarely whine. The native dog, one of the most ancient, was found in central Africa. In addition to the fact that the animal is silent, it is also hypoallergenic, does not emit odors and does not shed. The pet can be wayward, but easily gets along in the apartment. Height – 40-43 cm, weight – 9-10 kg. Price – 10-25 thousand rubles .

Shar Pei

The Shar Pei is one of the most recognizable dogs, characterized by thick folds of skin distributed throughout the body. Animals really do not like to bark for no reason, only during play or to warn of danger. The pets are not too big: 44-51 cm at the withers , so they easily get along in apartment conditions. The average price is 10-50 thousand rubles .

For beginner dog breeders

Owning any pet is a big responsibility, so the whole family must make the decision. It is worth understanding that a dog is not a toy; it cannot be put on the shelf when it gets boring. This is a living creature that requires attention, education and care. For the first time, it is better to choose an unpretentious breed with a soft, easy-going character.


Pugs are funny, plump dogs that are rarely overly active. They are genetically programmed to be phlegmatic and sedentary. They do not need long and frequent walks; on the contrary, they get tired of them. Dogs easily get along with other pets and children and do not require special hygienic care or training. Suitable even for pensioners. Height – 28-32 cm, weight – 6-8 kg . Price – 15-30 thousand rubles .

Bernese Mountain Dog

Despite its impressive size, it is an almost ideal family dog. They can get along in any area, are quite lazy and unpretentious in maintenance, although they need long walks to maintain physical health. Herding dogs easily cope with the role of nannies for children and get along with other dogs. Height – 60-70 cm, weight – 36-50 kg. Price – 10-40 thousand rubles .

Apartment security guards and watchmen

Even the smallest pet can be endowed with a strong protective instinct. Therefore, it does not matter whether the dog is large or small, its guarding abilities do not depend on this.


One of the best options for a guard dog can be considered a boxer. These animals have all the necessary qualities of a watchman, but are non-aggressive and love children. They are medium in size - 53-63 cm at the withers, short-haired (do not require careful grooming). But such pets need physical activity. The average price for Boxers is 15-30 rubles .

Amstaff or Staffbull

Amstaff or Staffbull are two related fighting breeds that are ideal for apartment living. The animals are medium-sized (38-48 cm at the withers) , moderately aggressive, wary of strangers, but affectionate and kind to household members. They usually get along with children. They require special education, training and physical activity. The average price is 15-60 thousand rubles .


Boston Terrier

This is a dog similar in appearance to the French Bulldog, which is justified by its common roots. The breed is classified as a small molossoid, which is where good guarding abilities come from. The pets are not large - only 38 cm at the withers . They are hardy and brave, suitable for active people. The average price is 10-35 thousand rubles .

Small apartment dogs

Of course, small decorative dogs that do not require active walks and intensive training are best suited for an apartment. They can even be trained to use a litter box at home, but you should not deprive the animals of the joy of fun walks.

Jack Russell Terrier

The breed became popular after the release of the film "The Mask". These dogs are active and playful. They were bred for burrow hunting. They have a small but strong body and good physical qualities. Suitable for urban apartment maintenance and do not require special care. Height – 25-30 cm, weight – 5-6 kg. The average price is 15-40 thousand rubles .

Yorkshire Terrier

This is a dog that ranks first in the tops of the most popular. Indeed, now many people want to get this cute and funny pet. Despite their size, Yorkies have a serious, strong character. They need to be educated and given a lot of attention. Their fur requires special hygiene procedures (cutting, bathing, combing). But even older people can have such dogs. Terriers are affectionate and flexible. Height 18-20 cm, weight – 1.5-5 kg. Price – 10-20 thousand rubles .


The famous hunting dog is unpretentious in maintenance and care, gets along well with large animals and children. Animals are active, funny, and easily cheer up their owners. A characteristic feature is a stretched body and short legs. The breed has variations in size, coat type and hunting ability. Height – 30-35 cm. Price – 5-20 thousand rubles .

Medium dogs

Medium-sized dogs are suitable for apartment living. But the room must be spacious enough.


The status of the saddest dog can safely be given to Baset. His incredibly sad eyes make you want to feed and cuddle the poor thing. But in reality, these dogs are not that sad. They like to be with their family and lift the spirits of their household. Active walks are not for them; the best way to spend time is to watch TV at the feet of the owner. Height – 33-38 cm, weight – 18-29 kg. The average price is 25-40 thousand rubles .

English cocker spaniel

The English Cocker Spaniel and related breeds are not too large, but active and flexible pets. Their height is 38-41 cm. Suitable for active people who love long walks. They have not yet lost their working qualities and can serve as hunters. They get along even in small apartments. Feature – long hair that requires specific care. The average price is 10-30 thousand rubles .

Large breeds for apartments

Even large breeds can be kept in an apartment. It is important to choose a low-active dog that does not need a lot of space to run around. But it’s worth considering that even the laziest dog can feel uncomfortable in cramped rooms.


Of course, the most popular breed is the Labrador. These are the best pets with an ideal reputation. They are often trained to work in volunteer centers as comfort dogs or as guide dogs. The animals are completely devoid of aggression, quickly train, and easily make contact. They are always positive and friendly. Their height is 53-63 cm. The average price is 30-50 thousand rubles .

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd cannot be called an ideal apartment pet, but it is capable of living in urban environments. She needs active physical activity and frequent walks. In addition, the animal must be properly trained. The height of the shepherd is 55-66 kg. The standard type has a medium thick coat, but there are non-standard long-haired ones. The average price is 10-25 thousand rubles .

Golden retriever

One of the best family breeds, has a kind character, calm disposition and loves children! The Golden Retriever is a very smart dog, has no conflicts, and gets along well with other pets. The only negative is the long coat and year-round shedding. The average size of a dog is 51-61 cm . A Golden puppy costs from 15 to 30 thousand rubles .

The most unpretentious

Unpretentiousness can be expressed by optional walks, rare hygiene procedures, omnivorousness and other factors. One way or another, any dog ​​needs care and attention.

Toy Terrier

The Toy Terrier is a small decorative dog that can be smooth-haired or long-haired. Regardless of the length of the coat, it does not require frequent bathing or combing. In addition, Toys do not need long active walks. A very fragile pet, not suitable for living with children or large animals. Height – 20-28 cm, weight – up to 3 kg . The average price is 20-60 thousand rubles .


The Beagle is a pet that is unpretentious in care and nutrition, but needs physical exercise. They are suitable even for beginners. They quickly adapt to urban conditions and easily get along in an apartment. Their height is 33-35 cm, weight is up to 15 kg . Cost – 10-30 thousand rubles .

Calm domestic breeds

Shih Tzu
The calmest breeds are considered to be oriental: Shih Tzu, Pekingese, Japanese Chin. They seem to be carriers of Zen, they are distinguished by their balance and good manners. Perhaps this is due to their imperial past, life in palaces. All dogs are similar in appearance: long hair, a fountain-like tail, short legs and a shortened muzzle. Such animals are suitable even for older people because they are not prone to excessive playfulness and activity. Their height is no more than 30 cm , and the price varies from 8 to 30 thousand rubles .


Japanese Chin

Active pets

Active pets are ideal for athletic people who enjoy sports and long walks. They need frequent walks and exercise.


This is a long-legged dog belonging to the greyhound group. They need obstacle runs and other active activities. Dogs are cheerful and playful, easily adapting to the rhythm of their owner’s life. They can get along in a city apartment. Their height is 54-60 cm , price is 15-50 thousand rubles .


Despite all the negative comments and warnings, this is an affectionate dog with no obvious aggression towards humans. If the puppy is chosen correctly, it will grow up to be a good pet. He needs to be trained correctly and for a long time. Such an animal will happily keep company for morning runs and bike rides. Cable height is 40 - 42 cm, female - 37 - 40 cm . The average cost is 12-60 thousand rubles .

The choice of a pet should always be conscious. The owner must understand that the dog will spend every day with him for 10-15 years. Therefore, buying an animal should not happen spontaneously.

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The calmest and quietest

Unreasonable barking can be corrected through training, but defensive barking has to be tolerated. If you are purchasing a four-legged pet not for protection, choose calm and quiet breeds that bark only in the most urgent cases.

Shih Tzu

The seasoned character and stable psyche of the Shih Tzu allow it to adapt to any conditions. They are playful with children, and calm and imposing with pensioners. If it is not possible to go outside, the Shih Tzu relieves itself in the litter box without question.

The fur of representatives of this breed constantly mats and gets dirty. To maintain a neat appearance, it is regularly combed and curled into curlers.

Shar Pei

The Shar Pei is an independent and somewhat reserved dog that needs an experienced owner. When training him, it is important to overcome stubbornness and suppress the desire to dominate.

Like all folded breeds, Shar Pei often suffers from dermatitis. To avoid skin problems, it is necessary to regularly inspect all folds on the body and clean out dirt from them.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The charming Mountain Dog is the calmest and quietest large dog, suitable for an apartment. These smart pets are phlegmatic and patient. They do not require increased attention from their owner 24/7, but they never refuse affection.

The long coat of Mountain Dogs sheds very intensely. She is brushed every day.

Easily bear loneliness

One cannot but include in the TOP dogs for apartments those who easily tolerate loneliness. Such animals do not get on their neighbors’ nerves and calmly wait for their owners to get home from work.

Boston Terrier

Unlike most brachycephalics, Boston Terriers do not suffer from drooling. Their face is always dry and neat.

In hours of loneliness, representatives of this breed do not try to destroy the apartment and do not throw demonstrative hysterics. With regular walks to release energy, Boston Terriers can calmly remain alone with their thoughts.


These independent dogs do not depend on human attention. During hours of separation from their owner, they prefer to bask and “learn Zen” on the sofa.

Before each combing, the hairs on the Pekingese coat must be moisturized with conditioner. Otherwise, the four-legged dog will begin to go bald.

Chow chow

Independent and stubborn, Chow Chows are reserved in their emotions. When alone, they behave very quietly: they do not irritate neighbors with loud howls and do not damage the owner’s furniture.

The Chow Chow's coat repels dirt and is self-cleaning. It is washed only 2-3 times a year.

Hypoallergenic and odorless

The presence of long hair is not an indicator of allergenicity. Most often, a negative reaction is caused by a protein contained in biological fluids: saliva and urine. Despite this, many owners choose hypoallergenic pets. They don't shed, don't need constant brushing and bathing, and don't smell like dog.


Despite their dislike of water, Basenjis are one of the cleanest four-legged animals. They wash themselves with their paws like cats, and their fur does not have the characteristic dog smell even when wet.

Basenjis become very attached to their owners and get along well with other dogs. Due to the developed hunting instinct, problems arise only when communicating with birds and rodents.

Maltese (Maltese)

Sociable and peaceful Maltese breeds almost never shed. Despite their long and thick fur, they are classified as hypoallergenic breeds.

Lapdogs love to be in the center of events and quickly find a common language with others. Among their shortcomings are stubbornness, which complicates training, and fear of loneliness.

Chinese Crested

Chinese Cresteds are completely hairless and have a little fluff. Due to their small amount of fur, they are vulnerable to cold and heat. Warm clothing and sunscreen can help prevent frostbite and burns.

Light and soft hairs constantly get tangled and require careful care. Despite the absence of shedding and the unpleasant odor of a dog, pets with long hair are suitable only for those owners who have free time or money for a groomer.

Those that get along easily with children and other pets

Good-natured companion dogs are suitable for apartments. Such pets quickly find a common language with other four-legged animals and are happy to babysit children.


Friendly Labradors are constantly trying to please people. Thanks to their gentle disposition, they get along well with cats and children of any age.

Extra effort is not required when caring for a Labrador. Only strict diet control deserves special attention. These four-legged animals love to eat and often suffer from obesity.

Golden retriever

Retrievers are family dogs that get along well with children and other animals. In psychotherapy, these animals are used to treat prolonged depression.

The main problem of the retriever is excessive shedding. Even regular combing of the fur and a powerful vacuum cleaner cannot cope with it. For this reason, it is worth coming to terms with this shortcoming, since the good nature and boundless love of this dog is overwhelming.


Shelties are known as the most responsible babysitters and loyal friends. They love to play and communicate, so they have great difficulty surviving hours of loneliness. If it is not possible to work from home, the owner will have to find a replacement. Another four-legged dog can become a playmate for the Sheltie.

Representatives of this breed practically do not smell like dogs. A slight “aroma” appears only when exposed to rain.

Should you adopt a mongrel or animal from a shelter?

Adopting a mongrel or an animal from a shelter is a very noble deed, but it is better to take a dog for a child only from trusted kennels. The character of mestizos is not predictable, and an abandoned purebred pet needs special attention and long adaptation.

In both cases there is a high risk of aggression or cowardice. An animal with an unhealthy psyche is difficult to train and often attacks its owners, so it is better to avoid such increased danger.

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Large and giant apartment dogs

Large breeds and medium-sized dogs are also suitable for apartments. When keeping them, the owner's financial security is important, since such pets eat much more than toy dogs.

German dog

The Great Dane is the tallest dog in the world, but due to its innate calmness and intelligence, it is kept even in an apartment. When resting, he likes to stretch out on the floor, so make sure that your apartment is not too small for such a tenant.

These four-legged animals are excellent guards. Despite their feigned indifference, they constantly monitor the territory entrusted to them and watch over the safety of their owners.


Shaggy Newfoundlands are polite and delicate. Because of their good-natured attitude towards others, they cannot be trusted to protect housing and property.

Keeping these giants in a small area is possible due to their low activity. Newfoundlands love water, so it is recommended to maintain their physical fitness by swimming or playing with a ball in a pond.

Saint Bernard

In a studio or one-room apartment, the St. Bernard will feel uncomfortable and is highly likely to knock over all objects placed on horizontal surfaces. For a comfortable stay, a three- or four-room apartment with a minimalist design will suit him.

Saint Bernards love to babysit children and enjoy participating in their pranks. Regardless of the impudence of the kids, these dogs never allow themselves to be aggressive towards them and steadfastly endure all their pranks.

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Briefly about the main thing

  1. There are a huge number of dog breeds in the world, but not all of them are suitable for families with children.
  2. It is worth having a child when he reaches 10-12 years old.
  3. The dog breed is chosen depending on the temperament and hobbies of the future owner.
  4. Children are taught to take responsibility for caring gradually, demonstrating in practice.
  5. The best breeds for a child are Labrador, Retriever, Collie, Sheltie, Miniature Schnauzer.

What kind of pets do your children have? Which breed do you consider the best to be a companion for a child? Share your opinion and experience in the comments, please.

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