How long do huskies live: what affects the life expectancy of representatives of the breed

Laikas are a native breed. The formation of such dogs took place in natural conditions with minimal human participation. Natural selection and the absence of intervention have led to high life expectancy and excellent health. Nevertheless, there are factors that can affect the number of years a husky lives, both upward and downward. And it depends only on the owner what the life of his dog will be like. Let's find out how long likes live.

Keeping a husky in a kennel with an enclosure

Laika was literally created by nature itself to live outside, but even here she needs her own warm home and an area for play.
A do-it-yourself kennel for a husky, the dimensions of which should be such that the dog feels comfortable in his own home in any position, regardless of whether he is lying, sitting or standing. The entrance to the house for a husky should be of such a size that the dog can easily enter it, but not wider, so that the heat is not ventilated by a draft. In the winter season, you can nail a curtain over the entrance to reliably close the entrance from wind and precipitation. We talked about how to make such a curtain with your own hands in our previous articles. To give the husky a place to play, you can stretch a steel cable along the fence, along which the dog can run on a chain, or better yet, install an enclosure for it.

Many owners of dogs of different breeds, in their quest to independently build a doghouse for their faithful four-legged friend, visit a lot of forums and thematic sites, where they can learn a lot of new and useful things from experts.

But there are many such forums and in order to obtain comprehensive information on issues of interest you will have to spend a lot of time. For those who want to build a dog house with their own hands, we have prepared this article and hope that it will be useful.


Before purchasing a West Siberian Laika, you need to carefully study all the characteristics of the breed. This will give you an idea of ​​the pet. The boy can be called Jerry, Jim, Tom, Kevin, Ice. Another option is to give a name based on the dog’s character, for example, Fierce, Leader, Excitement, etc.

A suitable nickname for a girl would be Amira, Branta, Zara, Kira, Kora, etc. Some owners prefer to highlight some special qualities of the puppy, for example, the nickname Mink indicates the beautiful fur of the animal.

History of the breed

The West Siberian Laika is a descendant of aboriginal hunting dogs that have lived beyond the Ural Range since time immemorial. It is worth noting that until the beginning of the 20th century. In the taiga villages there lived many breeds of huskies, each of which had its own distinctive features and loyal fans among local hunters. There was no talk of division into breeds and intrabreed types at that time, so animals freely crossed with each other, giving humans the right to select the most successful “specimens.” Nevertheless, even in such conditions, the stratification into leaders and outsiders was quite natural. Therefore, when in 1939 there was talk of standardizing huskies, experts immediately turned their attention to the Mansi (Vogul) and Khanty (Ostyak) offspring, which had established themselves as excellent hunters of taiga animals. Also in 1939, a meeting of Soviet cynologists was held, at which five main breed types of animals were approved, which included the wards of the Khanty and Mansiysk fishermen.

The purposeful breeding of the ancestors of West Siberian huskies began in the 40s of the 20th century. due to state necessity. The country waging war needed money, which could be obtained, among other things, from the sale of furs and meat. Well, it was up to Siberian hunters and their four-legged assistants to get this valuable product. According to the official version, the mission to popularize the breed was entrusted to the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery, although in fact, breeding and a kind of PR of animals were also carried out in breeding nurseries of the Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk and Perm regions.

In 1947, the Soviet cynologist E.I. Shereshevsky proposed classifying domestic huskies according to the geographical principle, according to which the Khanty and Mansi offspring were united into a common, West Siberian group. The proposal was not immediately accepted for consideration, but in 1952 the section of northern hunting dogs was replenished with three new breeds - the West Siberian, Karelian-Finnish and Russian-European Laika. A sharp jump in the popularity of the ZSL occurred in the 60-70s, after which foreign breeders and cynological associations became interested in the animals. And in 1980, the breed was finally recognized by the FCI, which opened the way for it to international exhibitions and competitions.

Important point. It is not entirely correct to consider the West Siberian Laika as a pure descendant of Mansi and Khanty hunting dogs. The breed did not develop in isolation, so mixing the blood of other offspring into its phenotype was common. Experts are confident that today's WSLs have inherited part of the gene pool of the Udmurt, Ural, Nenets, Evenki and Zyryansky (Komi) Laikas, as well as some breed traits of German Shepherds.


East Siberian Laika: description of the breed

The dog must have a strong and dry build. She has developed endurance, swiftness and activity, these qualities are important for hunting. The West Siberian Laika has pronounced sexual dimorphism - the male is larger than the female.

Note! Within the breed, two types are conventionally distinguished - Mansi and Khanty. The first group has a wider head, the second is not so massive.

The head of the ZS Laika is generally elongated with a scissor bite; it has a triangular shape. The skull is narrow, the muzzle without much relief, the stop line is smoothed.

The dog's nose should be black or brown

The eyes are dark in color, slightly slanted, and deep set. The ears are erect and triangular. The neck is muscular and dry. The body is proportional, lean, the tail is curled and thrown over the back.

Acceptable colors are red, piebald, red, white. They can be combined in different variations. The weight of the husky is about 22 kg, the height of the female is 58 cm, the height of the male is 62 cm.

Description and features

Experts draw data on the history of the origin of various ancient dogs from chronicles. Unfortunately, nothing was preserved about the West Siberian Laika breed. However, it is claimed to be one of the oldest dogs in the world, with a history of discovery dating back more than 1,000 years ago.

According to the most common opinion, in Ancient Rus', huskies were exploited as ordinary yard animals guarding buildings and livestock. Men also often took them with them hunting. This is due to the versatility of the breed. Its representatives actually perform many functions, from companionship to hunting.

Let's take a closer look at the last function. Laika is not only hardy, but also very strong and fast. She is capable of catching up with a deer, elk or even a ferocious boar in dense terrain. A dog that is not bloodthirsty by nature, of course, cannot win a fight with the last beast, so it hunts only in pairs with its owner. What also makes this dog versatile is its ability to catch swamp animals.

It is better that the owner of such a pet, who goes hunting with him into the forest, has a gun with him. In the forests of Siberia, where huskies are most often exploited for this purpose, there are many wild ferocious animals that can be the first to attack a dog, crippling it. Therefore, it is not advisable for her owner to go there with her without having a weapon.

Further. The representative of the breed is an adequate and reliable watchdog. He deservedly takes his place in this career niche. Trains well and quickly, is open to new information, and easily assimilates it.

As for sociable inclinations, the West Siberian Laika definitely has them. The animal quickly gets used to the house, the people who live there, and strives to protect them at all costs. Loves everything new. At home, he regularly explores the territory and strives to please himself by searching for interesting objects. The curiosity and activity of huskies knows no bounds.

The owner of such a pet must always remember this. An unemotional life will make such a dog unhappy. She is bright and energetic, so she needs regular feeding with new things. We are talking about the need for frequent walks with her, meeting different people and animals, buying beautiful toys for her, etc.

Hunting is Laika's passion

How long do huskies live in home “prisons”, without hunting and sufficient exercise? Alas, the life of such Western Siberians is terrible and short-lived. The dog is unlikely to live more than eight years. She will be nervous, irritable, or even begin to regularly use her teeth and snap at her owner. It would be better to remain silent about the destroyed apartment. A hunting dog bored and alone is a ticking time bomb.

The West Siberian Laika is considered a born all-round hunter. They go with it to hunt wild boar, elk, and small game. You can even hunt ducks with such a pet.

How long do huskies that regularly visit forests live? They can easily live up to 17 years; cases are not isolated.

Life expectancy and health

Husky and Shepherd mixes do not live long, their lifespan is usually 9-14 years. This feature is due to the non-purebred nature of the breed. In order not to shorten the life of his pet, the owner must provide him with normal living conditions, nutrition, and physical activity. The dog may exhibit defects as well as diseases.

  1. Congenital vision problems. The animal may suffer from blindness, weak vision, and eye diseases.
  2. Diseases of the hearing organs, otitis.
  3. Dysplasia of a large joint, problems with the spine.
  4. Myositis, osteomyelitis.
  5. Frequency of allergic reactions.
  6. Diseases of the stomach and digestion.
  7. Endocrine system disorders, especially in bitches.
  8. Cryptorchis.
  9. Disease of the heart and blood vessels.

Most often, the animal suffers from diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, visual organs, and also the psyche. Shepskis may also be predisposed to dysplasia, hind limb failure, dermatitis, epilepsy, and cataracts. A cross between a shepherd and a husky was bred to become a service dog that would be suitable for working in northern climates. The result was a domestic type pet that is an ideal companion.

The animal is endowed with an unusual appearance; it successfully combines the characteristics of two breeds. Due to its characteristics, it is becoming more and more popular among “dog lovers”. Shepsky is a smart, kind and hardy dog. It does not create problems when kept at home. The pet inherited strength and power from the shepherd, but from the husky the activity and perky character, however, exceptions are possible.

The characteristics of the animal include a love to make loud sounds like a siren, as well as a desire to escape, so the owner must be vigilant. Having adopted a puppy, the owner will not be able to predict its character, since the animal can inherit the personality traits of its parents in different proportions.

For an overview of Husky and German Shepherd mixes, see below.

Pros and cons of the breed

Suitable for hunters and sports peopleQuite a rare breed of dog
Well trainedNot suitable for apartment living
If trained correctly they can be companionsDoes not get along well with cats, rodents and birds
Good with childrenRequires professional training
Neutral towards strangersRequires a high level of physical activity
Unpretentious in conditions of detention
Have good health

Laikas are hunters by nature. They need an owner-leader and constant stress. This dog will not be happy lying on a rug in the hallway. Her calling is to follow the trail, to be on the move, to hunt. Therefore, before you get a husky, you need to soberly assess your own capabilities.

Character and behavior

The West Siberian Laika is a strong and courageous dog with a balanced psyche and a friendly but firm character. She quickly gets used to people and demonstrates an equally equal attitude towards all members of the owner's family. The West Siberian Laika respects the laws of the pack and adheres to hierarchy. The dog considers its owner a comrade and mentor, so it will never compete with him for leadership.

She treats children with benevolent patronage and will never allow herself to be pulled by the ears or pulled by the tail.

In ordinary life, the West Siberian Laika does not show aggression towards strangers and is loyal to other pets, especially if it has known them since puppyhood. But if the dog finds itself in the forest, it will immediately turn into a dexterous and ruthless hunter. The dog clings tightly to its prey and does not open its jaws until it hears the owner's command.

Where to buy a puppy?

We found out how long husky dogs live. Now let's talk about where you can buy a puppy and what the cost of the baby is.

Now there are many nurseries that specialize in breeding Samoyed huskies. Only these are not working dogs, but show dogs. They are incredibly beautiful, but sometimes there is trouble with their psyche and health. The true purpose of a teddy bear is hunting.

A show-class dog can be purchased from a specialized nursery. A Samoyed husky will cost the future owner at least 40,000 rubles. The West Siberian representative of the breed is slightly cheaper: from 30,000 rubles.

For hunting, it is best to buy a puppy from hunters. Firstly, such a dog will have a strong psyche and adequate behavior. Secondly, a brother-in-law will not give bad advice to his brother-in-law. And the risk of getting a weak puppy when buying it from a hunter is extremely low. Unlike dogs from a kennel with long pedigrees almost up to the seventh generation.

A West Siberian husky puppy will cost about 10,000 rubles. Samoyed - from 12,000 rubles. Some hunters sell puppies for 2-3 thousand, don’t be afraid of this. The price does not indicate that the puppies are bad. It’s just that the owner doesn’t have time to take care of the offspring, so he sells it cheap.

By the way, hunting huskies are the only dogs that are valued for their working qualities, and not for their documents. When buying a puppy, they always focus on how the parents, in particular the mother of the baby, hunt. What are the reviews about the dog in a professional environment? Good dogs are known not only in a narrow circle of hunters.

How many times a day should I feed?

The feeding schedule varies depending on the age of the dog. It becomes stable when the husky reaches 2 years of age. Then she needs to be fed 2 times a day:

  1. Breakfast is served at 7:00–8:00. It is advisable to feed the dog after a morning walk.
  2. Dinner is served at 22:00. It is also better after vigorous activity.

While participating in hunting or competitions, the husky's diet is supplemented with a third meal. Then the pet is fed at approximately 15:00 (morning and evening meals are saved).

Husky puppies under 12 months of age are fed more often than adults:

  • 1 month – 6 times a day;
  • 3 months – about 5 times;
  • 3–4 months – 4 or 5 times;
  • 5–8 months – about 4 times;
  • from 8 months – 3 or 2 times.

As they grow older, the number of meals is reduced to two.

When feeding with concentrates, the portion is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. If a husky is fed natural products, then the daily dose of food is about 3% of its weight.

The dog's menu changes depending on the season. In late spring, summer, and early autumn, their appetite decreases. During hot weather, huskies are given more water, fruits and berries.

In winter and early spring, they need more fiber, which allows them to create more energy in the body to heat the body. The diet is supplemented with vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.


Before buying a West Siberian Laika, it is worth studying the description of the breed, this will allow you to get a general impression of its characteristics. These are very active dogs that need long walks of at least two hours at a time.

At this time, it is advisable to include not only walks, but also active games and activities on a special site. You should be more careful when walking through the forest belt, as the husky can get too playful and run away.

If you don't spend enough time training your dog, it won't listen. Therefore, at every walk you need to remember the basics of training. You can borrow training techniques from different canine schools, since all dogs require an individual approach.

Factors influencing life expectancy

Pedigree is not the primary influence on a dog's life expectancy. There are a number of factors that determine how long a particular dog can live:

  • Dimensions of the animal. There is a general relationship - the larger the dog, the shorter its life expectancy. This is explained by the fact that a large weight creates a large load on the body; dogs of gigantic size more often suffer from diseases of the heart, joints and digestive tract. In addition, it is more difficult for a large dog to find enough food on the street.
  • Genetic diseases. The presence of congenital pathologies in a particular individual directly affects its life. But it is worth noting that hereditary pathologies are less common in mongrels than in purebred dogs - in the process of natural selection, animals with defective genes are eliminated, which gives mongrel dogs good health.
  • Food quality. Eating spoiled food, leftovers from human meals, or long periods of fasting - all this greatly shortens the life of any animal. But a complete diet, providing the mongrel with everything necessary, will be a significant contribution to its longevity.
  • Conditions of detention. Any mongrel dog that lives in the house with its owner and is regularly walked will live no less than a purebred dog, and due to good health, probably longer. If the dog is kept outside, then it should have a warm and dry kennel in case of bad weather, as well as the opportunity to run around the area for at least several hours a day. The best option is when the dog is kept on a chain during the day and released at night to guard the territory.

How to choose a puppy and its price

The price of any dog ​​depends on its characteristics and who is offering it to you. If this is an official breeder, then he will have both a pedigree and a vaccination card. It is best to take the Siberian Laika from a nursery. Of course, the price will be considerable, starting from $250, but there will also be a guarantee that the husky is not sick and has all the necessary documents. If you buy it second-hand, it is not a fact that it will be a purebred animal, and it is also far from a fact that it is healthy. Some unscrupulous breeders use purebred dogs as an incubator for the constant reproduction of offspring, not allowing the animal to even recover after the next birth. The puppies of such a weakened dog are also born frail and cannot fully realize their destiny as hunters and hardy companions of humans.

Important! By buying a dog secondhand, you may well become a sponsor of a cruel business where the dog is only a tool for making a profit. Buy dogs from special kennels!

He actively explores the world and is always cheerful. A sick puppy will not be active and may have a swollen belly and dull fur.

Also pay attention to the proportions of the body: the head should be massive and the bone should be wide. For the pedigree of a hunting dog, the achievements of its parents are important; special attention should be paid to this

The price of the dog also depends on this. If the puppy is from dogs trained for fur-bearing animals, it costs less. If from those who once drove a large animal, then the price will increase.

How to feed old huskies

After 8-10 years, huskies spend much less energy. The caloric content of the diet must be reduced to avoid obesity and kidney overload. The need for daily fats and carbohydrates drops by a third, and protein by a quarter. The share of meat is reduced in favor of easily digestible fish and fermented milk products.

Older huskies are prone to obesity, so the caloric content of the diet must be reduced.

Heavy cereals (barley) are excluded

It is important to leave enough vegetables to promote normal digestion. All food is thoroughly chopped (the consistency is like through a meat grinder, very small pieces)

When allergies develop with age, the diet is adjusted by a veterinarian.

Maintenance and care

If you live in a private house, then feel free to let your dog frolic in the yard, but this will not cancel active daily walks across rough terrain.
If you got this dog in the city, then it will lack freedom and space. You can smooth out the situation somewhat by walking your dog at least twice a day; the walk should last at least an hour, and preferably two. Do not be surprised if during the hunting season the dog becomes more nervous and extremely energetic, as the “call of the ancestors” speaks in it.

Laikas have dense double fur

During the molting period, which lasts up to three weeks, the dog sheds quite heavily. To avoid walking on floors strewn with wool, pay attention to combing the wool at least a couple of times a week

If you are planning a walk in nature, then protect yourself from tick attacks. In pet stores you can buy drops on the withers, sprays and collars that protect against parasites.

Life expectancy on the street

Constantly being outside affects the dog’s life, including its duration. A mongrel is more likely than a purebred dog to spend his life on a chain. And although such dogs are excellent guards, life on a leash does not contribute to longevity. In such conditions, the life of a dog is 8-12 years.

For proper development, the animal needs physical activity. Being in a confined space, it is difficult to maintain muscle tone. Keeping it in an enclosure is better than keeping it on a chain, but it depends on its size. The owners, feeling guilty towards the dog, try to feed it more thoroughly. The result is obesity and premature death of the pet.

Mongrels living outside adapt to their living conditions. In winter, the undercoat thickens, and they are not afraid of the cold. In the summer heat, it also protects the dog from overheating. To ensure that your dog stays comfortably on a leash, you should provide him with:

  • a booth corresponding to the size of the dog;
  • rational nutrition;
  • constant access to water;
  • annual vaccination;
  • moderate physical activity.

Character of the West Siberian Laika

Laikas are like that... huskies and West Siberian are no exception. Therefore, before acquiring such an active pet, it is better to ask yourself the question: do I have enough energy and patience so as not to turn the dog’s and my own existence into an eternal struggle for interests? The “talkativeness” of the breed should not be discounted. Barking for an SSL is not just another attempt to get on your nerves, but a means of communication, so don’t expect to hear a loud “Woof!” pet only for hunting.

Their agility, innate playfulness and curiosity make West Siberian Laikas wonderful hunters and athletes, but they are not the most outstanding companions. Accordingly, if seasonal trips for trophies do not interest you as such, there is no point in getting involved with the breed. Chasing an animal for a husky is perhaps the main purpose of its existence, and depriving an animal of this joy is simply cruel.

For the West Siberian Laika, any person is either a friend or a future buddy, which, of course, affects the dog’s security and watchdog qualities. On the one hand, the animal is not deprived of them and, with proper training, is capable of driving away unwanted persons from its home. On the other hand, too ardent defense of the owner’s property indicates the instability of the four-legged comrade’s psyche, which is unacceptable in principle for a hunting breed.

West Siberian huskies respect the laws of the pack and never measure their strength with those who are weaker, so it is quite reasonable to leave them to look after children, to whom the dogs are friendly and patronizing. It is believed that APs are inclined to demonstrate independence and should not be limited in this. Nevertheless, representatives of this breed will not fight with a person for the right to be a leader for any price. The owner of a husky is a friend and mentor, with whom she sees no point in competing, because working in pairs is much more interesting and correct.

The hunting instincts of representatives of the West Siberian Laika breed make themselves felt not only in the wild. In particular, SAWs are very intolerant of any animals they are not personally acquainted with. Experienced dog lovers also know that keeping several ZSL males in one territory is an amateur’s pleasure with a very consistent character, since the dogs almost never stop competing with each other and finding out “who’s boss.”

How to extend the life of a husky

Representatives of this breed are able to live more years than other large dogs. However, the task of any owner is to provide the pet with everything necessary, as well as take care of its health.


Content of huskies is possible on:

  • dry food;
  • natural food.

The first option is good because it saves the owners time on cooking. There is no need to think through a balanced menu. The main thing is that the food has a good composition. The proteins in it should be of animal, not plant origin. These requirements are met by food of classes higher than premium.

A dog's natural diet should include:

  • meat and offal (more than half of the total);
  • lean fermented milk (30%);
  • cereals or vegetables (20%).

In addition, it is worth checking with your veterinarian whether your husky needs to be given vitamins and minerals.

Physical exercise

These dogs live longer when given proper exercise. Laika is a working breed that requires an active lifestyle. She needs long walks (at least 2 hours a day) and additional activities, which include sports competitions and outdoor games.

A good option is Frisbee, fetching, and overcoming an obstacle course.

You can determine whether your pet has enough exercise by looking at its behavior:

if the dog is relatively passive and somewhat lazily reacts to the owner’s attention, then there was plenty of work; if the dog runs around, misbehaves, chews something or howls all the time, then he needs more exercise.


West Siberian huskies do not have hereditary health problems. Other breed varieties have genetic deviations, but their list is minimal.

Laika is considered one of the.

However, huskies have problems that are common to all canines. The most common:

  • panleukopenia;
  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • lice and fleas;
  • ticks and the diseases they carry.

To avoid these diseases and troubles, as well as maintain overall health, there are preventive measures:

  • vaccination according to age (for puppies in accordance with the schedule drawn up by the veterinarian, for adult dogs - annual comprehensive vaccination);
  • seasonal treatment for ticks and other external parasites;
  • periodic deworming (for apartment dogs - at least 2 times a year, for enclosure huskies - 4 times a year);
  • monitoring the pet’s condition (if the dog does not eat, is lethargic, or there are other signs of deviation from the norm, this is a reason for an unscheduled visit to the veterinarian);
  • undergoing preventive annual veterinary examinations.

Hygienic care

Laikas have a developed undercoat, which reliably protects them in bad weather. The dog must be combed in a timely manner. This is especially true during molting periods. During this time, the dog is brushed daily.

It is recommended to bathe your huskies once a year. When small dirt appears on the fur after a walk, you should arm yourself with a brush and a damp sponge. This will be quite enough, since huskies do not have an unpleasant odor.

As a rule, huskies do not need to trim their nails; they grind them down on their own due to increased physical activity. If for some reason this does not happen, the keratinized areas of the claw are trimmed as necessary using a guillotine (it is better to buy a device for large breeds).

Japanese husky shiba inu

The Shiba Inu is a very ancient breed. This breed was bred in Japan. Previously, this breed was used for hunting. Now these dogs play the role of wonderful companions. The breed has gained popularity far beyond Japan.

Appearance of Shiba Inu

The height of the Shiba Inu dog is 35-41 cm, and its weight is 8-10 kg. The head looks like the head of a fox. The transition from forehead to muzzle is very pronounced in this breed. Shiba Inus have compact paws. The tail is often curled into a ring. The color of the Shiba Inu can be very diverse: white, red, sesame, black and red, brindle. The dog should have light areas on the cheekbones, chest, neck, belly, as well as the bottom of the tail (even if the dog has a dark color).

Shiba Inu character

Shiba Inus are quite independent and active. They will never do anything they don't like. They also do not like excessive affection, although they are always ready to give love to their owner. These dogs can really smile. For every life situation, they have a specific smile that can express a variety of feelings.

To raise this dog, an owner with character is needed, since only he can work well with it and cope with its stubborn disposition of the Shiba Inu. This animal needs socialization from the first days of life, because it has a very strong hunter instinct. However, in public places the dog should still be kept on a leash, otherwise it may start racing after the cat.

Dogs love to play with small children, but with unfamiliar adults they will behave suspiciously and show aggression. In addition, this breed has a highly developed sense of possessiveness, so they will not allow anyone to approach what they rightfully consider personal (toys, territory, furniture).

How to keep a Shiba Inu?

Shiba Inus can take care of their own appearance. She tends to avoid dirty places and lick her paws after a walk.

It is easy to care for a dog's fur, since due to its rigidity it does not get dirty easily. It is necessary to occasionally brush the Shiba Inu's coat with a brush that has coarse bristles.

You need to bathe your dog only when necessary, otherwise, due to carelessness, you can wash off the natural protection from its skin.

During the spring and autumn periods, dogs need to be brushed 2 times a day. During these periods, active molting occurs.

Dogs of this breed require brushing of their teeth, as well as weekly trimming of their nails and the hair between their paw pads.

Shiba Inu dogs require a lot of physical activity, which is why the best owner for them would be a person who prefers exercise. It is best for such dogs to live in a large country plot or in a house, as they need a large area to play.

How to determine age?

To determine the age of a dog, including a Samoyed, there are several methods, but first of all you need to examine the pet.

The first method is to determine the age of the animal by its teeth. This is one of the most accurate techniques that currently exist.

The condition of your dog's teeth will tell you what stage of maturation the animal is in.

So, here are the rules that apply when the dog is in puppyhood:

  1. The newborn puppy is completely missing teeth. The first teeth (deciduous fangs and hooks) appear only on the 20-25th day. You will see the puppy's incisors at 30-35 days. At the age of 1-2 months, the Samoyed already has a full set of teeth.
  2. In the second stage, the puppy's baby teeth change. The dog's toes and front incisors change at 2-3 months, at 3-4 months the straight teeth - the middle incisors - change, at 4-5 months the edges change, and by six months the change of teeth is completely completed.
  3. The last stage of teeth change. Until the dog stops growing, his teeth continue to grow and change. Only by the age of one year does the dog have all the necessary teeth. In a one-year-old dog they are snow-white and have characteristic tubercles.

NOTE! The Samoyed is a large breed, which means that its teeth change faster.

In subsequent years, you will also be able to determine the dog's age by its teeth.

But for this you will have to look exactly at their shape:

  1. At 2 years old, the dog’s tubercles on the toes of the lower jaw wear off;
  2. At 4 years of age, washing occurs on the upper jaw, the enamel changes color from snow-white to matte;
  3. At the age of 5, the wear of the tubercles occurs on the incisors, the enamel turns slightly yellow, and the fangs become slightly dull;
  4. At the age of 6, due to abrasion, the incisors acquire a concave shape, it is difficult to determine whether the bite is correct;
  5. From 8 to 10 years, the crowns have time to wear out, the fangs become dull and short, the teeth are already noticeably yellow;
  6. After 10 years, teeth begin to loosen and fall out. Tartar and caries appear.

In addition to determining age by teeth, there are also other methods:

  1. A look at muscle tone. The young dog's muscles are fine. She is active and loves to run rather than lie around all day. Older dogs are more prone to inactivity, which causes obesity or muscle wasting.
  2. Wool. Young Samoyeds have shiny and dazzling white fur. It is silky to the touch, and the undercoat is dense and easy to feel. The older the Samoyed, the faster the coat becomes dirty; black Samoyeds develop gray hair on their muzzle.
  3. Eyes. A clear and pure look, filled with interest, is characteristic of young individuals and puppies. The older the dog is, the more dull and opaque his eyes become, and various diseases appear.

Disqualifying faults

Karelo Finnish Laika: description of the dog breed

Any deviations from the standard are considered unacceptable, especially if the defects concern the exterior. These include malocclusion, paw placement, defects in the structure of the body, etc.

Important! Aggression and other behavioral disorders are also considered defects.

The standard describes in detail what exactly the West Siberian Laika should be like. In male dogs, by the age of one year, the descent of the testicles into the scrotum must be checked, since cryptorchids are not allowed for breeding.

Deviations from colors are also considered defects. For example, albinism (where a dog is completely white with pink skin) is considered unacceptable. Sometimes puppies with a non-standard color appear in the litter - tiger, blue or chocolate. All this is considered a vice.

How the dog behaves also matters. Her character should show courage, determination, and independence. Cowardice or aggressiveness is considered a serious vice. Therefore, before being allowed for breeding, all Central Siberian huskies undergo testing.

Are there any disadvantages?

Like any other breed, huskies still have their drawbacks. This mainly concerns health:

  • Shedding is the main disadvantage when dogs begin to lose their fur, acquiring an unsightly appearance, and shreds lie on rugs and carpets indoors. You should definitely comb the coat with a sparse comb at least once a week, although bathing these dogs frequently is not recommended. The thick undercoat does not get wet well, takes a long time to dry and can lead to irritation of the skin and, accordingly, to the development of infection. It is better to limit yourself to combing with a comb, gently wiping the coat with dry shampoo or foam, and drying with a hairdryer.
  • Diseases. When tracking prey, dogs walk for a long time through forests and meadows, and insect bites, fleas or infection are not uncommon. It is imperative to carry out vaccinations in a timely manner and not to neglect the timing of rabies vaccination, when a dog can become a carrier and eventually even die, especially after violent clashes with wild animals. Also, in order to avoid infection with parasites or helminths, it is recommended to give your pets anthelmintic and antiparasitic drugs at least 2 times a year.
  • Plaque or tartar is a common problem in huskies, which can lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the gums, root system, and caries. If plaque appears and your pet’s teeth are not white, it is advisable to show it to a veterinarian or try to clean the plaque yourself.

When choosing a pet, you should pay attention to the price and breed characteristics. You should not try to turn a guard husky into a sofa dog, since the love of hunting is in their blood

If you neglect the rules for maintenance and care, and develop a kind of domestic creature in your pet, then the innate instinct of a hunter can be irretrievably lost.

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Puppies for sale, advertisements on the lapkipet Telegram channel. How to sell a pet quickly

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44 Small Dog Breeds That Make Ideal Companions – Part 3

The final part of the article is about 44 popular and rare small breeds of dogs weighing from 1.5 to 15 kilograms, which can become your inseparable friend for many years and at the same time will not embarrass you either in the apartment or in the country. In the third part you will get acquainted with the following decorative breeds of dogs: Miniature Schnauzer (Miniature Schnauzer)

Feeding the Samoyed Husky

How long do Samoyed huskies live with the best care and proper care? 14 years old. There are long-livers who have jumped 15 years of age. There are few of them, very few.

What to feed your pet? Just like its West Siberian counterpart. Natural products are preferred.

So, breeders recommend feeding their pets with expensive holistic food. Real hunters feed their dogs high-quality food, and no dog has ever died due to lack of dry food.

Signs of aging

Likes sometimes remain active even after crossing the ten-year mark. However, if the dog has become calmer, health problems have begun, its appearance has deteriorated (its eyes have faded, its coat has thinned) - these are signs of approaching old age.

During this period, it is better to change a number of aspects in keeping your pet:

  • take you to the veterinarian more often for preventive examinations;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • adjust the diet by providing your pet with supporting supplements (in consultation with your veterinarian).

Laika is a healthy breed that does not require special attention and complex hygienic care. However, in its content it should be taken into account that the breed belongs to the indigenous variety.

This means that a natural diet is preferable for the dog, and increased but reasonable physical activity is also of great importance.

Perhaps the only drawback of a dog as a pet is that its life is much shorter than ours. The lifespan of large breeds is often 9–10 years (less than their miniature relatives). There are breeds that were even less fortunate (for example, Shar Peis): the Second World War practically destroyed their population, and amateur dog handlers reconstructed the appearance of dogs from pictures and photographs, using the meager gene pool of individuals that managed to survive. Due to the large number of inbreeding (closely related) crosses, dangerous breed diseases have become established in the genotype. Such dogs often die from them before reaching biological old age, at the age of 6–7 years.

Health care

Attention to its body is of great importance for a long and healthy life of a dog. More often, serious problems begin with minor symptoms, which not every owner attaches importance to.

Symptoms of dog diseases:

  • Redness of the eyes, watery eyes, inflammation, copious discharge from the eyes.
  • Increased amount of earwax, uncharacteristic discharge from the ears.
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the animal.
  • Tumors or swelling of the animal's limbs.
  • Lameness.
  • Bald patches, bald spots, shedding.
  • Increased fatigue, decreased physical activity.
  • Poor appetite.

There are cases where dogs of this breed lived up to 20 years, but such animals do not live in apartments - an enclosure is more suitable for a dog. Attention and care will help prolong the life of the husky, even if it is not possible to keep it in an enclosure.

Basic rules of training

Training a husky begins with the puppy's first appearance in the house. If the pet will not go hunting, but is brought in as a companion, then it is enough to teach it obedience and basic commands

If the husky serves its main purpose, then the owner pays attention to professional training

Dogs of hunting breeds must understand all necessary commands and obey the owner unquestioningly. There is no opportunity to repeat during a hunt.

How long to train

Training times are selected individually, based on the puppy’s characteristics. Some pets are ready to spend hours practicing on the playground, learning new commands and serving their owner. For other puppies, 10 minutes is enough for them to get tired.

Experienced dog trainers recommend conducting classes daily, devoting no more than 25 minutes to teaching commands. If the husky trains for more than an hour, then you can train the dog every other day.

Rewards and punishments

You can stimulate interest in training by rewarding your dog. Laikas love to be praised for the work they have done, so they are ready to move mountains for this. The following is used as a reward for a completed command:

  1. Voice approval. Soft intonation, kind words - the husky understands and accepts everything.
  2. Stroking.
  3. Delicacy.
  4. Favorite toy.
  5. Permission to play and run.

Punishments are used to achieve set goals during training if the dog has misbehaved. Both physical and emotional influence can be used.

In the first case, devices such as a strict collar, a noose, or a twig are used. Secondly, a clear, stern shout. At the same time, punish the pet when it approaches the command “Come to me!” forbidden.

What should be prohibited

During training, the husky should not be distracted by its own affairs. Forbidding a puppy to play and run while concentrating it on activities is problematic. Therefore, before training, the pet should release a little energy and calm down.

Causes of premature death

Premature death of huskies can be associated with various factors:

  1. Rabies, tick-borne encephalitis, etc. are common diseases among canines. Therefore, it is important to vaccinate your pet and treat it against parasites.
  2. Accidents. Being active dogs, huskies get carried away by chasing “prey” in the form of a cat and get hit by a car. Therefore, you should not let the dog off the leash when the owner is not confident in its obedience. If you can’t cope with your husky on your own, you can always turn to a dog handler for help, who will solve behavioral problems.
  3. Skirmish with a large predator. Happens with huskies, which are used in hunting large animals. You probably won’t be able to protect the dog, but you can train it competently during baiting.

Life expectancy of animals in the wild depending on the species

NameLife expectancy according to average statisticsMaximum value
Badger10-12in captivity - up to 16 years
Polar bear25-3045
Raccoon2-315-16 (in captivity)
Hedgehog5-716 (in captivity).
Kangaroo620 years (in captivity)
a lion15-1730

How long do purebred pets live?

The lifespan of a dog at home directly depends on its breed. On average, small dogs live several years longer than their larger counterparts.

The least amount of time is allocated to giant dogs (Mastiffs, Mastiffs and others). These breeds have many genetic characteristics and a large load on the skeleton and heart. Most often, their limit is 10-12 years.

But don’t despair and deny yourself the dream of having a giant pet. Good care will allow them to get the most out of life and possibly live several years longer than usual.

It should be remembered that although small dogs live longer, their nervous system is very excitable. Some breeds are very susceptible to stress and can die from fright (for example, Chihuahuas, Yorkshire terriers).

The life expectancy of some breeds can be seen in the table below. If you have not found the breed you are interested in, write to us in the comments and we will answer you immediately.

The Irish Wolfhound is one of the largest dogs in the world.

BreedAverage number of years
Irish Wolfhound6-8
German dog7-8
English bulldog8-10
Saint Bernard8-10
Shar Pei9-11
Basset Hound9-11
Caucasian Shepherd Dog9-11
Chow chow9-12
Giant Schnauzer10-11
Golden retriever10-12
English Spaniel10-14
West Siberian Laika10-14
German Shepherd10-14
Bull Terrier11-14
Akita Inu11-15
Toy Terrier12-14
Cocker Spaniel12-15
Yorkshire Terrier14-16
Chinese Crested13-15
Dogo Argentino13-15
Spitz dwarf15-17

The Maltese is a dog with a long lifespan.

Life expectancy with illnesses

Like humans, the length and quality of life of a dog largely depends on congenital or acquired pathologies. Preventive measures will help protect your pet from suffering and will significantly increase the time it spends with its owner.

Pulmonary edema


It develops against the background of other pathologies - an abnormal amount of fluid accumulates in the respiratory tract, alveoli and lung tissues. The dog is choking, coughing, and experiencing oxygen starvation.

Impact on life expectancy:

Depends on the nature of the underlying disease against which the swelling develops:

  • non-cardiogenic nature - does not affect life expectancy;
  • cardiogenic in nature - requires treatment from a veterinarian. Death may occur as a result of an attack aggravated by pulmonary edema.

Heart failure


  • disruption of the heart muscle and pulmonary circulation;
  • pulmonary edema and asphyxia;
  • persistent cough of unknown etiology.

Impact on life expectancy:

  • requires complex treatment by a veterinary specialist.
  • therapy is selected individually.
  • failure of any etiology is dangerous for the dog and threatens early death.



  • infectious disease dangerous to humans.
  • incurable.
  • annual preventive measures are required to protect your pet - vaccinations.

Impact on life expectancy:

The “survival” period depends on the form of rabies and the location of the bite - on average 6-11 days, then death occurs.



  • accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • lethargy, fatigue, severe shortness of breath for no reason;
  • sudden weight fluctuations;
  • is a symptom of another, more serious disease.

Impact on life expectancy:

Depends on the “main” disease. As such, ascites does not affect the duration of the life cycle, provided that you contact a veterinarian.



  • dyspnea;
  • weight loss;
  • thirst (due to large amounts of toxins);
  • neoplasms;
  • lethargy and apathy.

Impact on life expectancy:

Cancer shortens life expectancy and is diagnosed late. Proper therapy will allow you to live an extra few years. A dog with lymphoma without treatment dies in a fairly short time.



  • disorder of the brain as a result of disruption of interneuron connections;
  • seizures, loss of consciousness;
  • incurable.

Impact on life expectancy:

  • lifelong treatment with anticonvulsants, observation by a doctor, diet.
  • With proper care and compliance with doctor’s prescriptions, epilepsy has virtually no effect on the dog’s life expectancy.

Hip dysplasia


  • disturbance in the development of the joint, resulting in its destruction;
  • pain, difficulty moving;
  • lethargy, immobility.

Impact on life expectancy:

It affects the quality of life to a greater extent, but with severe damage to the joint (4 or 5), the dog may lose the ability to move.

Kidney failure


  • impaired kidney function, the body does not get rid of toxins, water balance is disturbed;
  • thirst, frequent urination;
  • vomiting, no appetite, lethargy;
  • specific odor from the mouth.

Impact on life expectancy:

A timely visit to the veterinary clinic will help restore the filtering functions of your pet’s kidneys and will not have a serious impact on life. An advanced disease in the terminal stage means the death of a pet.

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