Breed standards and sizes of husky from puppy to adult dog

Huskies were originally created to race across the icy expanses of the Far North, outrunning the wind.

Not surprisingly, the correct height to weight ratio is extremely important for these dogs.

After all, an overweight working husky would become exhausted too quickly, and a dog with excessively low body weight does not have sufficient strength and endurance.

A harmonious ratio of height and weight is extremely important for show dogs, since animals whose sizes do not correspond to the standard will not be highly appreciated in the ring and will not receive permission for breeding.

Brief history of the breed

Husky is one of the oldest breeds, whose homeland is the northeastern part of Siberia. It is generally accepted that the ancestors of modern representatives of the breed were bred by the Chukchi. The word "husky" is interpreted as a corruption of "eski" (Eskimo). This is what Eskimo dogs were called.

In the harsh climate, the indigenous inhabitants of the Far East, nomadic tribes, hunted and fished, and in this they were helped by working sled dogs. One owner kept from 9 to 12 dogs. Such a number of individuals was necessary for the harness.

Since 1908, Americans began importing Siberian huskies from the Far East, selecting the hardiest and fastest individuals for selection. The breed standard was registered in the USA by dog ​​handlers in 1934.

Important! The Husky dog ​​breed has gained popularity and is known for saving the entire community of Nome from diphtheria in the early 20th century by delivering a healing serum just in time. For saving the city, the leader of the team, a dog named Balto, had monuments erected in New York and Alaska.

Today there are three types of huskies:

  • “Show” is an exhibition class consisting of European and American subspecies.
  • Racing Huskies. Sports dogs, distinguished by endurance and specific exterior. Capable of developing high speeds.
  • Workers. The rarest class of husky. These are smart, incredibly hardy, fast, unpretentious dogs.

Modern Huskies are different from their ancestors. But it cannot be said that this breed is popular solely because of its external characteristics. Huskies are smart, friendly, quick-witted, and loyal. The dogs are absolutely non-aggressive. They get along well with children and get along with other pets. They need constant physical and mental stress and are ready to work side by side with a person.

Where to start training a puppy

1. Recognizing your own nickname. The methods are quite simple. Call his name when you call your pet to a bowl of food, and after the baby wakes up, gently stroke him, saying his name. The results will not keep you waiting.

2. Husky, as a pack dog, needs a leader, so from the first hours of being in your home, let it understand who is in charge. Moreover, be careful - even when communicating with members of your family, you must behave as an unquestioned authority, and the puppy must see this. The husky is very smart and will immediately sense if you give in to “slack” in relations with other members of the pack, and the dog perceives all household members this way.

3. Execution of the simplest commands: “Nearby!” and “Come to me!” achieved by the traditional method - with the help of tasty treats and praise.

Many owners are concerned about what to do in cases where the puppy reacts violently to strangers coming into the house: it behaves annoyingly, gets underfoot, begs for food. There is only one answer - ignore it. Don’t stroke, don’t admire (the husky is just waiting for this), but simply don’t notice. The method works flawlessly. The dog, realizing that no one is interested in him, will very soon leave for his place.

Among the general recommendations for raising and training a Siberian Husky, the following can be highlighted:

  • do not forbid your pet to communicate with other dogs;
  • do not pick up the dog, especially holding it belly first;
  • do not tire your husky by performing the same command many times in a row;
  • respect your friend and treat him fairly.

Height and weight of husky puppies by month

When purchasing a purebred husky puppy, not all breeders have an idea about the parameters and dimensions of their pet.

  • At birth, the average weight of a husky puppy is 400-500 grams.
  • A husky weighs about 3 kilograms per month.
  • At two, the puppy should weigh 5.5-6 kg.
  • At three – 11-12 kg.
  • The dog's height at six months is 52-53 cm, weight increases to 20-21 kg.
  • By 10-11 months, with proper care, the parameters of a young husky are almost equal to those of an adult.

After a year, development continues. Full formation of a dog is noted at the age of 2.5-3 years.

The height and weight of the husky by month are shown in the table:

4 weeks3 kg
2 months4.7-5 kg29-30 cm
3 months9.3-9.5 kg39-40 cm
15-16 weeks13-15 kg43-45 cm
20-22 weeks17 kg50.5-52.5 cm
26-27 weeks20-22 kg55-55.5 cm
30 weeks22.5-23 kg56-56.5 cm
36-38 weeks23-24 kg56-57 cm
10-11 months25-26 kg58-59.5 cm

To what age do they grow?

Until six months of age, all puppies of this breed grow at approximately the same rate, but later their development acquires some differences, depending on the gender of the pet.

Bitches grow actively until about 8 months, after which the final growth spurt continues for up to a year . Weight and muscle mass continue to increase until approximately 2 years of age - until the dog is fully formed.

In males, the active growth phase is somewhat longer - up to approximately 9 months. Then, up to 1.5 years, the dog continues to develop, and is finally formed only by 2-3 years.

The bitch's growth may slow down with the onset of her first heat , but later it most often recovers and continues for several more months .

How to measure a Husky correctly

To understand how the dog's proportions change according to the physical development of the puppy, you need to know how to correctly measure khaki. Measurements are a complement to the visual inspection of dogs in show rings. The main parameter of the breed standard is the height of the husky at the withers.

Important! The withers are the highest point of the body, located between the shoulder blades. It is formed by five vertebrae of the spinal column of the spinal column. Height at the withers is the distance from the support to the point where the neck and shoulder blades meet.

To determine the height of a husky, place the dog in a standing position on a flat, horizontal surface. If the dog is distracted and lowers its head, attract attention with a treat, holding it in front of the dog's face. To determine the starting point at the withers, place a book on it, which should be parallel to the horizontal surface, and from there, measure the distance to the floor with a tape.

Things to consider when measuring your dog:

  • Take measurements in a quiet place, preferably before meals at the same time. The dog should not be distracted by anything, so calm it down before taking measurements.
  • If your pet has long, thick fur, part it and take measurements from there. The corner and ruler should be in a vertical position.
  • To get an accurate result, the same measurements are performed 3-4 times with an interval of several minutes. Write down their meaning. From all the results, determine the average value, which will be correct.
  • If the dog is a large breed, place it near the wall, make a mark and measure the distance from it to the floor. It is convenient to measure the height of small dogs by placing the pet on the table.

Teach your dog to take measurements from an early age. This way the dog will calmly accept the procedure.

Main characteristics

  • balanced proportions;
  • the average size;
  • free and easy movements;
  • neat head shape;
  • moderate backbone (skeleton);
  • appropriate length and condition of the coat;
  • tail of correct length and feathering;
  • friendly character.

Similar articles:

  • Keeping a Siberian Husky in an apartment or private house
  • Character of the Siberian Husky
  • Why do huskies have different eyes?
  • Siberian Husky colors
  • Longhaired Husky

Sizes of clothes and shoes for huskies

The sizes of clothes and shoes for a husky depend on the age and size of the pet. Each manufacturer has its own size chart, so when choosing, base your choice on the measurements taken from your pet.

When choosing clothes for a husky, you need to take several measurements:

  • Measure the length of the back from the withers to the base of the tail. The dog is placed on a flat surface. The ruler is applied to the spine. Take measurements, rounding them down.
  • Breast volume. The measurement is taken under the forelimbs.
  • Neck circumference at its widest point. This parameter, as a rule, coincides with the size of the collar. Also measure your neck height. The model, depending on the style, may have a loose collar or a high neckline.
  • Waist circumference. Measured in front of the hind legs. In male dogs, the measurement is carried out in front of the genitals.
  • For male dogs, the distance to the genital organ is also measured (from the base of the collar along the chest to the tummy).
  • The length of the front legs is measured from the sternum to the pastern, the hind legs - from the belly to the hock.


In the first days after birth, the puppy has to undergo a special quarantine. After vaccination, he cannot be taken outside, so all the intrigues and dirty deeds of the child will become an integral problem for the owners. You can read about how to accustom a husky puppy to a diaper in our article. A little patience and perseverance will save you from treacherous puddles on the floor.

Advertising: Advertising: Irina Kutsak

Higher education: Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. Year of graduation: 2010. Specialty: Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Medicine. Work experience More than 7 years of experience in a veterinary clinic. Experience of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian Center for Quality and Standardization of Medicines for Animals and Feed"

Dimensions of collar, harness and muzzle

Dog owners purchase ammunition for their pets from pet stores or online stores. To select the size of a collar, harness, or muzzle for a husky, you need to take the correct measurements.

To measure sizes before purchasing a collar or harness, use a sewing meter. It is convenient for them to measure the girth of the required part of the pet’s body.

Harness sizes

Husky harnesses come in sled and non- sled types. For non-drivers, three measurements are taken:

  • girth of the sternum at the widest point behind the paws;
  • distance from the withers to the base of the tail;
  • neck circumference at its widest point.

Before purchasing a riding harness, carefully measure the distance from the withers to the base of the sternum between the front legs, as well as the distance from the base to the end of the sternum, including the base of the tail.

Riding harnesses must be selected strictly according to size. The harness should not press, sag, or restrict the dog’s movements. The palm of your hand should fit freely between the equipment and the dog.

Choosing a muzzle

To select a muzzle, take the following measurements:

  • The length of the muzzle . The distance from the tip of the nose to the transition of the muzzle to the forehead.
  • The circumference of the muzzle at its widest point, 1-2 cm below the eye line.
  • Length to the back of the head (from the line of the eyes to the back of the head of the animal).
  • Neck circumference. Neck circumference in cm behind the ears.
  • The width of the muzzle at its widest part.
  • Muzzle height. Measured at the highest point. The pet must have its mouth closed.

To take measurements, use a flexible measuring tape. The parameters are written down in a notepad. Before purchasing, it is advisable to measure the dog's muzzle. It should not cause discomfort to the pet.


It is the most important condition for a good dog. It is the competent upbringing of the puppy that will determine in the future whether the dog will bring you only joy or vice versa.

How to educate correctly?

There is no single instruction on how to properly raise puppies. Everyone needs their own approach. It all depends on the character of the dog itself, and not on whether the desired object of education is a girl or a boy.

When to start?

The sooner you start training, the better for you and easier for the puppy. Conscious and more difficult commands or behaviors should begin to be taught after the pet learns its name.

What to teach before 3 months?

Within three months of birth, you can learn basic behavior with a husky puppy:

  • do not rush at the owner;
  • sleep at night and not wake up;
  • wait patiently for food;
  • run down the street at the feet of the owner;
  • start training the basic commands: “Ugh!”, “Come to me!”, “Sit!”.

What should a 4-month-old pet be able to do?

Must be trained in all of the above manners and unquestioningly follow the commands: “Come to me!”, “Sit!”, “You can!”.

How to stop a husky from littering the house?

Since it is not permissible to let puppies go outside until they are four months old, and you don’t want to put up with puddles, it is necessary to train them to a litter box. You need to understand that the puppy physically cannot endure it. Scolding and punishing a dog will achieve nothing, because all its actions occur at the level of reflexes.

REFERENCE. To calculate the frequency of puppy relief to the age (in months), add 1, the result in hours.

How to toilet train?

Where the pet relieves itself, we put a newspaper in that place. After wetting it, we put it in a tray and put it in the place where the puppy did these things most often. We use absorbent diapers to place them in other popular places, and from week to week we reduce the number of diapers.

On the street

It is worth accustoming after 6 months. Take him out for walks an hour after eating and wait until the dog finishes all his work. It may not work the first time, and the puppy will endure it all the way home. Next time you should take soaked newspaper with you and increase the duration of your walk.

How to stop biting?

It is important to understand that biting the owner or family members on the legs in puppies under 4 months of age is normal behavior and will go away on its own over time. But you shouldn’t encourage him in this either. It is necessary to point out from an early age that he is not the leader here. If an animal shows aggression, demonstrate force, but under no circumstances hit. It is enough to pull the collar so that his muzzle is as close to the floor as possible, and hold in this position for several seconds. Then defiantly ignore the puppy for a few more minutes. Such procedures should be carried out regularly if circumstances so require.

Why does a puppy howl and how to wean it off?

For a husky, howling is a means of communication with the outside world, a way to convey emotions. He can howl both from grief and joy, or simply to attract attention. It is impossible to completely wean off this habit. You can only understand the reasons and reduce the frequency of these incidents.

We teach the kitten to talk

Not every individual can imitate human sounds. But such simple words as “mom”, “yum-yum” can be used by almost any pet. It is necessary to sing the sound, so the dog recognizes speech better, and train it with treats.

How to punish?

Punishment is a lack of praise. It is unacceptable to use physical force; it can have a detrimental effect on the puppy’s psyche. Not strong, but strict pats on the pelvis or clicks on the nose - this will be enough for an adequate dog to realize guilt. Stern voice and ignoring for the period of punishment.

At what age can you wear a harness?

There is no age limit for the harness. There are restrictions on the type of harness. For a husky puppy, only a walking harness is used.

Leash training

If you teach it from infancy, there shouldn’t be any serious problems. This breed has harnessing in its blood, so it takes a leash for granted. If the puppy rushes forward and pulls the leash, you should pull it back with one sharp movement and stop, and then continue moving.

Dimensions of the bed and booth, house or enclosure

Regardless of the contents (apartment, enclosure), the dog’s place to rest and sleep should be as comfortable as possible, so you need to know what the size of the bed, house or enclosure should be.

Husky enclosure

An enclosure for a husky can have different designs and be:

  • open type;
  • half-closed;
  • closed.

The enclosure should be comfortable for the pet. It contains a booth, a place to rest, sleep, and a play area. A separate section is reserved for drinking bowls, food bowls, and food.

The size of the enclosure depends entirely on the size of the dog:

  • if the height of the husky at the withers is less than 50-52 cm, the enclosure should have 6 m2;
  • with a dog height of 53-65 cm, the optimal size of the structure is 8-9 m2;
  • if the husky's height is 65 cm or more, the area of ​​the enclosure should be at least 10-12 m2.

For two pets, the above parameters increase by 1.5-2 times. Do not forget that females bring offspring, so immediately build a spacious enclosure so as not to change the design in the future.

Husky kennel

Purchased booths have standard sizes, so it’s best to make it yourself. In order not to be mistaken in sizes:

  • Using a measuring tape, measure the height of your husky from head to tip of paws. Add 10-13 cm to the resulting value. This will be the height of the structure.
  • Measure the length of the dog from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. This parameter is the length of the booth.
  • The width of the kennels is selected taking into account the size of the dog. Measure the width of the dog, add 15-20 cm to this value.

As for the entrance, the opening to the booth, the height of the hole should be equal to the height of the husky at the withers minus 5-6 cm. But the width of the opening is 5 cm greater than the width of the pet’s body.

And so, for medium breeds of dogs, a booth of the following size (w, d, h in centimeters) is suitable - 115/75/80. Opening parameters (w, h) – 35/50 cm.

Husky bed dimensions

The size of the bed depends on the size of the dog. While resting, the dog should stretch out to its full height. Therefore, measure the length of the dog's body from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. You can add 5-6 cm to the resulting value.

Important! The larger the pet, the more spacious the sleeping area should be. For an adult husky, the optimal bed size (l, w) is 90-110/60-70 cm.

As for the shape, observe how your pet likes to rest and sleep. If your dog sleeps curled up, a round or oval-shaped bed with sides is suitable for him. If the pet sleeps on its side, stretching out its legs, the shape can be rectangular. A regular mattress will do. You can also buy a sofa, a house, and a sleeping bag for your husky.

Main settings

For any breed, there are a number of characteristics that must be observed by breeders when breeding the breed in order to maintain its purity.

Color: its types and permissible deviations

Types of colors

The classic coat color for huskies is a combination of black, gray or brown with white.
A common occurrence is a black or white mask around the eyes and two vertical stripes on the forehead near the nose.

White, unmixed huskies appear quite rarely; more often they are simply black in color.

Rarely found are brown without impurities and brown-white color, fawn, brown, spotted ( peabold), as well as simply white and black.


Albinos are present in any breed. As a result of a gene mutation, such individuals lack melanin, which leads to disturbances in the color of the skin, eyes and coat. However, not every snow-white husky is an albino: for representatives of this species, such a color is rare, but not a violation.

With partial albinism, some parts of the body may be pigmented, and the eyes may have a blue or natural color; with complete albinism, the color is completely devoid of pigment, and the eye color is red or pink.

Muzzle color


The color of the muzzle is consistent with the rest of the color, and there may be markings and patterns, such as a double vertical stripe on the forehead.


Typically, there are black or white circles .

Eye color in purebred huskies

The eyes of purebred animals can be blue, brown, amber, olive, different in color and even differently colored .

Wool length


The coat should be thick, short, and not bristly. The undercoat is soft and absent during shedding. A coat that is too long, harsh or soft is considered a fault.

IMPORTANT! It is allowed to trim Huskies only on the sides and between the toes, otherwise the animal will be disqualified from competitions.

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