Dwarf dogs: a brief overview of breeds and maintenance features

What are dwarf dog breeds

Dwarf dogs are usually classified as dogs whose height at the withers does not exceed 35 cm, and whose weight does not exceed 4.5–5 kg . At the same time, sometimes a smaller pocket variety is also isolated, which does not grow above 28 cm; the weight of these pets is rarely higher than 2.5–3 kg.

Miniature animals do not need long walks every day; they can be trained to relieve their natural needs in a cat litter box or a disposable diaper. Constant physical activity, which is necessary for large-sized brothers, will be replaced by fuss and running after the owner from room to room. An ottoman or a small basket will be enough for a tiny pet, so such residents are especially comfortable in apartments with a small area.

You can take a small-sized dog with you everywhere (to a store, a restaurant, on a trip, etc.) so as not to be separated from it even for a minute. A funny and touching face peeking out of a lady's handbag will add charm to any glamorous beauty. Although the animals themselves are by no means cheap, others will be more expensive than wolfhounds, but they definitely eat several times less food, which makes them accessible to large groups of the population.

Very convenient to carry a small dog in a handbag

However, dwarf breeds often suffer from various hereditary pathologies caused by their small size. It has been noticed that in individuals weighing less than 1.5 kg, the following are often observed: underdevelopment of internal organs, problems with bite, skeletal fragility, difficult childbirth, poor metabolism, etc.


Breeding a dog is a responsible task and not every breeder can cope with it. They often resort to the help of specialists, especially when “untying” a pet. Puberty in a male Miniature Poodle occurs in the second year of life, in a female a little earlier - 20 months. At this time, the girl should already be in her third heat. Dogs can be brought together on the 11th-15th day of estrus, this is signaled by the female’s low temperature.

The owner must actively help the dogs. Due to his short stature, it is difficult for the male to get into the vagina. The breeder needs not only to hold the pets, but also to guide them. After a successful “lock”, the animals are still held for some time (about 40 minutes).

Mating must be repeated after 2 days, and in the sixth week the pregnancy must be checked at an ultrasound center.

Review of pocket dogs

There are several dog breeds, the representatives of which are distinguished by their miniature dimensions.

Japanese Spitz

A fluffy dog ​​of a snow-white color, about 28–35 cm high at the withers with a nose, pads on its paws and shiny button eyes of a rich black hue - a Japanese Spitz. An intelligent animal with a pleasant character, cheerful and friendly. A faithful companion, an excellent companion and a reliable watchman. The cost of a purebred puppy varies from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. Individuals that have prospects for exhibition or breeding activities can cost over 50 thousand rubles.

The Japanese Spitz is a real neat guy, he doesn’t like dirt and is very clean.


The miniature Japanese Chin rarely grows above 25 cm, and its weight usually does not exceed 1.8–3.2 kg. He has a very long, soft and silky, straight coat, practically devoid of undercoat. Smart, balanced and affectionate dog is spotted black and white or white and red (any shades). The price for animals from specialized nurseries starts from 15 thousand rubles, the most promising can be valued at 60 thousand. A puppy with a dubious pedigree or without it at all can be bought for 4–5 thousand.

The Japanese Chin is a toy dog ​​breed developed in Japan, the first non-native Japanese breed to gain international recognition.

Shih Tzu

The chrysanthemum dog, as the Shih Tzu is often called, is distinguished by its miniature size (height at the withers is up to 25–27 cm) and extremely long, flowing, slightly harsh-to-the-touch fur with a thick and soft down. The breed's temperament is lively, playful and sociable, and its level of intelligence is quite high. Purebred pet-class puppies (for home, for family) are sold for 25–30 thousand rubles, show animals with impeccable exterior are valued at no less than 100–120 thousand.

The Shih Tzu is an unusual breed of dog that originated from Tibet many years ago.


Chihuahuas are extremely small (15–23 cm) dogs with a large head and expressive round eyes. Their fur can be elongated (wavy or straight), soft and silky with a sparse undercoat, or smooth, shiny and short, lying tightly to the body. The character is lively, agile, inquisitive and absolutely fearless. Narcissistic and jealous dogs may take offense at inappropriate treatment. The price tag for these mini-dogs ranges from 25 thousand (pet class) to 95 thousand (show class) rubles.

The Chihuahua is considered the smallest dog in the world and is named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua.


Pekingese is a very ancient breed of small (15–25 cm) dogs with a flattened muzzle and upturned nose, which is of Chinese origin. Pets have a luxurious coat, made up of two layers: long, rough outer coat and delicate undercoat. The noble and narcissistic dog hates noise and expects constant care and attention from his owners. In a good mood he is indulgent, affectionate and playful. You can get a puppy from a kennel for 20–30 thousand rubles.

The name of the breed itself comes from the city of Beijing. The Chinese call Pekingese dogs Fu dogs. Pekingese belonged to the family of the Chinese emperor, were kept in the palace and were not available to ordinary residents.

The Pekingese is the sacred dog of the Chinese emperors, bred in ancient China more than 2,000 years ago.

Toy Terrier

The Russian Toy Terrier is miniature (20–28 cm at the withers), it has a dry, small body on long legs (reminiscent of a cute little deer). The dog's character is very emotional and lively, cheerful and loving. Toychik is intelligent and cunning, skillfully takes advantage of his owner’s weaknesses and successfully manipulates him. The coat can be either short or long. Long-haired individuals have long fur (3–5 cm), straight or wavy. The hair on the head and front of the legs is much shorter. Smooth-haired animals have short, shiny, close-fitting fur and no undercoat.

The Toy Terrier is the favorite pet of many celebrities and public people.

Bichon Frize

The French lapdog has a snow-white curly coat, the hair is long (up to 10 cm) and wavy, soft and silky to the touch. The height at the withers of a dog is never higher than 23–30 cm, but its weight rarely reaches 5 kg. Bichons are people-oriented, sociable, affectionate and playful, but can be cunning and stubborn. You can buy a funny pet for 30 thousand rubles. A puppy from titled champion parents will cost approximately 50–90 thousand.

The Bichon Frize is a type of lapdog from France that has gained popularity around the world.


A distinctive feature of the Maltese is its long (up to 20 cm), flowing coat or mantle (not divided into strands or curls), straight and light coat of pure white color (a slight shade of ivory is allowed). The dogs are small (height - up to 25 cm, weight - up to 4 kg) and neat. They are always full of enthusiasm, active, cheerful and playful. The lap dogs cost about 25–30 thousand rubles.

The Maltese, or Maltese, is one of the first known toy dogs in the world.

Chinese Corydalis

An unusual hairless horse-dog with a fluffy mane, ponytail and shaggy legs. The Corydalis is miniature (height at the withers - up to 33 cm, body weight - 2.3–5 kg), slender and graceful, its body can be completely naked or overgrown with long, silky, downy hair. The breed is characterized by extreme affection for its owner. Despite its small size, the pet, without hesitation, rushes to his defense. You can buy such exotic things for 25–30 thousand rubles.

The Chinese Crested Dog has become a real find for people prone to wool allergies.

Pomeranian Spitz

The Spitz resembles a fluffy children's toy with a fox face. He is small (18–22 cm), incredibly sweet and funny, and has an affable and good-natured character. Sometimes he can be stubborn. The coat is thick and dense, slightly harsh with a tightly packed undercoat. The fur on the head and muzzle is short. The cost of a fluffy puppy ranges from 15 thousand (a puppy without documents) to 50–100 thousand (from elite parents).

The Pomeranian is the smallest representative of the Spitz breed.

Italian Greyhound

Mini greyhound (height at the withers 32–35 cm), used in the Middle Ages for hunting hares, partridges and other small game. The animal is graceful, fragile and graceful (“thin and sonorous”), thanks to the streamlined shape of the body, swift and elastic. Italian Greyhounds are playful, affectionate and submissive, light and cheerful. They may show nervousness from overexcitement. The coat is close-fitting and ultra-short. A purebred puppy is valued at a minimum of 30–40 thousand rubles, 50–80 thousand are asked for the offspring of titled parents.

The Italian greyhound is the smallest and most temperamental representative of the greyhound clan.

Yorkshire Terrier

The smallest (height at the withers - 15-17 cm, weight - 2-3.2 kg) and extremely popular breed of decorative lap dogs. Yorkies have courage, endurance and agility; these qualities are harmoniously combined with intelligence, intelligence and delicacy. The pride of the breed is its hair-like coat, delicate, flowing (going down to the floor), silky and almost straight. You can buy this living miracle for 14–25 thousand rubles. Parents' championship titles will cost the puppy's owners 60 thousand.

Yorkshire Terrier, or York (English yorkshire terrier), is a decorative breed of dog bred in England


The calling card of the Toy Terrier, or Papillon, is its large splayed ears, covered with abundant woolen fringe, for which it is popularly called the butterfly dog. Height at the withers usually does not exceed 28 cm. Representatives of this breed have inexhaustible energy, requiring long walks. The base coat is silky and long, but not particularly soft. Papillons are sold for 30–70 thousand rubles (depending on the thoroughbred and title of the parents).

Papillon (Papillon) - indoor and decorative dogs, a type of continental toy spaniel, originally from France and Belgium

Toy Fox Terrier

The American Toy Fox Terrier is distinguished by its small height (21–29 cm), athletic build and strong terrier character. The dog is smart, courageous, proud, vigilant and endlessly devoted to its owner. The coat is not too thick, short, soft and shiny. Brave kids are sold for about 40 thousand rubles.

The American Toy Fox Terrier is a domestic breed bred in the USA almost a hundred years ago on the basis of the Smooth-Coated Terrier.

Toy poodle

The smallest poodle does not exceed 24–28 cm in height, has a good docile character and a cheerful disposition. An unusual, very thick and lush, curly or corded coat is considered a breed characteristic. The hair is thin and delicate, with a rune-like structure. A puppy without documents can be bought for 5–10 thousand rubles, a purebred baby curly will cost 30–40 thousand.

The Toy Poodle is one of the four existing varieties of poodles, distinguished by its cute appearance and miniature size.

Health and illness

It is worth being prepared when purchasing a breed that they are more sickly and susceptible to external factors and viruses. Particularly problematic areas are the joints, eyes, and mouth.

Yorkshire Terriers have fragile bones, so they often end up in veterinary clinics with fractures and dislocations. It is very important to provide your dog with the right balanced diet, enriched with vitamins and minerals.

It is important to carry out timely examinations with a doctor, vaccinations and annual vaccinations.


It is difficult to answer the question of how long mini Yorkshire terriers live. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the individual. But according to statistics, unfortunately, dwarf Yorkies have a shorter lifespan than classic dog breeds. Such dogs live no more than 7-8 years.

In order for them to live a long enough life, it is necessary to provide pets with decent care and maintenance.

Basic rules for keeping dwarf breed dogs

Keeping miniature dogs is not as easy as it might seem at first glance . Sometimes they require much more care than their larger relatives. Owners should adhere to the following rules:

  • Handle the animal with care. Do not throw it on the floor and do not allow small, ignorant children to play with it, as there is a high probability of the pet receiving injuries and fractures due to the increased fragility of the bones.

    A child can not only accidentally injure a fragile animal, but also feed it unhealthy food.

  • Almost all decorative dogs need to be dressed in warm clothes (jackets, overalls, etc.), and in winter they also need shoes.
  • Select special hypoallergenic food for small breeds (PRO PLAN Small & Mini Puppy Sensitive Skin, Bosch Mini Adult Lamb & Rice, etc.), which are high in calories (many dwarf breeds are allergic).
  • Keep an eye on the coat. Brush, wash and cut regularly.
  • Constantly visit the veterinarian (once every six months), since pocket dogs are awarded with a whole bunch of hereditary diseases.

A veterinarian I know told me that very often small, injured dogs are brought to their clinic for appointments, with which the owner’s children have carelessly played. Such games can cost pets their lives.

History of the origin of the Yorkshire mini terrier

The ancestors of Yorkshires are small hunting terriers from different parts of Great Britain. Initially, the Yorkshire Terrier was also bred to catch rats and harmful rodents in factories and mines, hunt badgers and even foxes. This happened in the counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire (England) in the second half of the nineteenth century. This is where the name “Yorkshire” comes from. And then they won the love of not only the peasants, but also the royal elite. Aristocratic Yorkshire terriers came to Russia only in 1971.

Subsequently, breeders began to improve them and, by crossing different subspecies, create new representatives. Including the dwarf "Yorik".

How to choose a dog

Helpful tips for choosing a pocket dog:

  • Decide on a specific breed. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only appearance, but also character. Difficulties in grooming (length and structure of coat, etc.) are important.
  • Choose a good nursery or a reliable, trusted breeder that has many positive reviews.
  • Do not try to buy the tiniest dog possible, since dwarfism is always associated with major health problems.
  • Do not buy an animal from an advertisement or from someone else, as there is a high probability of buying a counterfeit animal. Unscrupulous breeders often overestimate the age of puppies, claiming that they will be miniature. This way you can buy an ordinary medium-sized dog or, even worse, a known sick animal.
  • Be sure to look at the parents, their living conditions and documents (pedigree, exhibition diplomas, etc.).
  • Decide on the purpose of purchasing a pet (just for the soul, for breeding, for exhibition activities).

Where can I buy

The four largest dog breeds that will fill the entire space with their size

The safest option is to buy a puppy from a kennel or professional breeder. In this case, the risk of buying a sick or mongrel dog is reduced. In addition, professionals are always ready to help a new owner care for a new animal.

Before purchasing a dwarf dog, a person should sensibly assess his strength and willingness to work. Despite their small size, small dogs require a lot of time and attention.

Character and intelligence

Yorkshire terriers have deservedly earned the title of the most affectionate and gentle pets. Thanks to this, they easily get along with other animals, people, and children. The dogs are very energetic, active, and have an interested, inquisitive disposition.

The dwarf Yorkie does not like long walks and wants to be in constant motion. If this is not done, the dog becomes capricious, nervous, and irritable.

Yorkshire terriers are non-aggressive breeds, but even such a small dog can stand up for itself and its owner if necessary. Yorkies often chase small birds, butterflies, and insects. This is due to their hunting instinct. Yorkshire Terriers are very smart and quick-witted .

Attitude towards children and others

Mini Yorkshire Terriers get along well with children of different ages, but it is not recommended to purchase a dog when there is a baby in the house. Otherwise, there is a chance that the baby will harm the small animal while playing.

Animals do not tolerate separation from their owner and loneliness very well; they become very attached to children and their owners. It is worth noting that Mini Yorkies experience almost physical suffering when separated, but are less intrusive than other dogs.


Mini Yorkies are perfectly amenable to training and learning commands, even if you devote a minimum of time to this, dogs can quickly remember all commands and remember them for a long time. They are receptive, so even children can train the animal.

It is recommended to walk, train and exercise the dog at least 2 times a day, at least for 1 hour. If you have a dacha, a country house, or plan to go to a camp site, you can take your Yorkie with you so that he can frolic to his heart’s content.

If the dog is not physically stressed, it begins to chew furniture, wallpaper, and clothes in order to throw out the accumulated energy.

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