“It's time to get ready!” All international dog shows that will be held in 2022

Moscow is the capital of Russia, the administrative center of the Central Federal District and the center of the Moscow Region, which it is not part of. If you decide to take part in a dog show in Moscow or look at show dogs, we suggest choosing a date for your visit on our website. Here we have compiled the 2022 dog show schedule.

Why are dog shows held?

The main purpose of exhibitions is to determine the best representatives of the breeds. Exhibitions are held in order to assess the general level of clubs and kennels, and to get an idea of ​​the number of dogs of different breeds. Significance

holding exhibitions is high for all its participants: breeders, dog owners, spectators.

Clubs and nurseries

exhibitions are necessary for breeding work with the breed, to maintain its purity and prestige. Expert assessments are the result of the breeder’s work. For those who breed dogs, participation in exhibitions provides an opportunity to advertise the breed and find those willing to purchase a puppy. At exhibitions, professional dog handlers share their experiences, exchange contacts for communication and cooperation.

For dog owners

It is equally important to take part in exhibitions. Why does the pet owner need this:

  • get an estimate for your pedigree,
  • obtain a title for prestige and further breeding,
  • show your pet and compare it with other representatives of the breed,
  • find like-minded people and friends, exchange experiences,
  • receive a reward: prize, cup, medal,
  • to live an active lifestyle,
  • the opportunity to travel to different cities and countries.

For viewers

an exhibition is, first of all, a show and entertainment. At the exhibition you can get a lot of positive emotions and vivid impressions. In addition, if you are thinking about buying a dog, you can take a closer look at different breeds during the ring, purchase literature and consult with breeders.

How to choose a puppy to participate in exhibitions?

The most important thing that a future owner who dreams of a champion should understand well is that the class of a puppy can only be determined after the puppy is 9 months old, when the teeth have completely changed and the opportunity has arisen to receive an expert assessment at the exhibition in the first junior certification class!
At this age, a puppy can be purchased extremely rarely, at a significantly higher cost, but even this does not guarantee the reproductive qualities of your chosen one! Therefore, no one, even the best kennel and experienced dog handler, can ever guarantee you a successful show career for a puppy purchased at a significantly early age.

But it can, with a high degree of probability, determine the prospects of a particular puppy in this very career. Therefore, of course, a puppy for participation in exhibitions must be purchased from nurseries with a good reputation, where they value their goodwill and approach breeding professionally, taking into account the genetics of several generations of ancestors and selecting the best of the best for breeding work!

In such nurseries, starting from the age of 45 days, all puppies of the litter undergo certification by an experienced dog handler, during which the puppy is assessed on its exterior, psyche and temperament and receives a metric marked promising if it is not left for review or is not rejected from breeding. And only with such an assessment the baby receives admission to exhibitions and has a chance to train in a real ring and receive an assessment from other experts who, before junior age, also evaluate only the puppy’s prospects, and only after 9 months can give a real adult assessment, which will determine the puppy’s class.

In addition to excellent exterior qualities, when evaluating a “promising” puppy, a puppy selected for exhibitions should in no case be timid, overly shy or withdrawn. By the age of one month, he should be actively interested in the world around him, willing to be held and in contact with people and fellow humans, not afraid of loud and sharp sounds, by one and a half months, show the makings of courage and stature in his movements and charm in the expression of his face and smile!

In professional nurseries, where proper socialization takes place from childhood, children are given special tests to identify their inclinations for such activities and certain sports with a high probability, their behavior in the process of development and various situations is analyzed, the timing of dyeing, the color of the coat, growth characteristics are assessed, development and movements in dynamics. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to select the most suitable puppy from the litter on your own; even after thoroughly studying the breed standard, it is better to entrust this choice to a professional.

What types of dog shows are there?

The leading cynological organization in Russia is the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF). RKF coordinates the activities of breeders and owners of purebred dogs in Russia. In turn, the RKF is subordinate to and is part of the International Cynological Federation (FCI). Depending on affiliation with federations, the following ranks of exhibitions


  • All-breed international exhibitions

Such exhibitions are held according to the annual FCI calendar and have the highest rank. Dogs of those breeds that are recognized by the International Canine Federation can take part. These are about 400 breeds with clearly established standards.

In the international ring you can receive a certificate of candidate for international champions of beauty (CACIB). Based on the results of the exhibition, experts choose a champion for each gender. You can become an international champion if a dog has received 4 CACIB certificates in a year, three of which are approved by foreign experts.

  • All-breed national (Russian)

The schedule of national exhibitions is compiled by the RKF. Breeds that are officially part of the RKF take part in all-Russian rings. The winning dogs can receive a CAC certificate and claim the title of beauty champion.

Based on the results of exhibitions of the CAC rank, you can become an All-Russian or regional champion of the RKF or another federation that is part of the RKF, as well as a candidate for champion.

  • Specialty exhibitions

This type of exhibition is dedicated to one breed. More often, such exhibitions are organized by clubs that breed a specific breed. The holding of the exhibition is coordinated and approved by the RKF.

At special breed shows you can get the title of club champion, club winner or candidate for club champion.

  • Shows and spectacular competitions

In addition to competitions for the title of world champion in beauty, competitions are held in dancing with dogs, overcoming obstacles, and obedience competitions. Dog owners and their pets can also take part in a competition for the best costume, a competition for couples, kennels, etc.

World Championships in Brazil

The Brazilian Canine Organization reports that the exact dates for the World Championship for Exhibition Animals have already been confirmed. The event was originally scheduled for June 2022 in the city of Sao Paulo. But the organization was postponed to December 10-11, 2022 (the venue remained Sao Paulo). The exact address is the largest exhibition center São Paulo Expo Events Center

Everyone who wants to take part has a whole year left to prepare and win!

Last year, 2022, the Russian woman Elena Pykhtar won the World Championship with her dog Bedlington Terrier.

The event organizers advise all participants to plan their route in advance so that they do not live far from the exhibition center, because... There are terrible traffic jams in Sao Paulo.

How to prepare a dog for a show

To get your pet to the coveted victory at the show and earn another title, you need to go a long way and invest a lot of money. Nevertheless, this path is very exciting and will bring the owner and his pet a lot of new impressions, interesting meetings and bright emotions. This is a good way to socialize a puppy and an excellent opportunity for the dog to communicate with its owner.

You need to prepare for the ring long before registering for the exhibition itself. What are the stages of preparation for the exhibition

The owner and his pet have to go through to receive the reward:

  • Study the standards and requirements for the breed

Read as much literature as possible and find out everything about the breed you want to purchase. Read reviews from dog owners and recommendations from experienced breeders. Assess your strengths and capabilities in order to get a dog and prepare it for a show.

  • Choose a puppy from a reliable kennel

In order to achieve results and become a champion, several factors must coincide: heredity, upbringing, behavior and psyche of the dog. It is impossible to determine immediately after the birth of a puppy and before the age of 2-2.5 months that he will be a winner.

Ring skills are developed gradually through training. But if the puppy has defects, then you can forget about winning the show. This is why it is important to purchase a puppy from a trusted nursery from a reliable breeder, because the main task of such nurseries is to maintain the purity and improvement of the breed.

It is important for breeders that their puppy will end up with a good owner who is willing to take care of the dog and take it to shows. This is additional advertising for the nursery, and there is a high probability that they will sell you a puppy suitable for these purposes. The cost of such a puppy will be considerable, because... he will be classified as a show class puppy.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the bravest and most lively one. Someone who likes to show off and calmly reacts to you taking pictures of him. It is precisely these inclinations that can indicate that you have a future champion in front of you.

  • Use the services of a handler


is a specialist who presents the dog at the exhibition and prepares it for competitions. Of course, the owner himself can play this role. If the dog owner has absolutely no experience in participating in exhibitions, but has a great desire to prepare for it efficiently, then it makes sense to entrust this work to a professional.

The handler already has experience in preparing dogs for the ring and must also know


  • standards, requirements and behavioral characteristics of a particular breed,
  • dog psychology,
  • what skills are needed for the ring,
  • what methods to train a dog,
  • rules for visiting exhibitions,
  • how to give first aid to a dog.

That is, the specialist takes on all the work of preparing for the ring, draws up an action plan, organizes trips and knows how to show the dog in the best light. You can find a suitable specialist through the club, at the exhibitions themselves, or from familiar dog breeders.

Introduce the dog to the handler as early as possible. The faster a professional understands your pet’s personality, the faster he can establish contact with the dog and begin training.

  • Spend time on your pet's health and appearance

When preparing for the ring, it is important to pay attention not only to the formation of skills. The dog must be healthy, and during the ring it must give the impression of a well-groomed pet and have an attractive appearance.

What is important to remember when preparing your dog for a show:

  • do not physically overload dogs during training: if the dog is tired, it should be given a rest,
  • To care for your pet's fur, use special shampoos and conditioners for dogs,
  • For hair cutting, use the services of a professional groomer,
  • The dog needs to have its nails trimmed regularly,
  • Before the exhibition, the dog must be bathed and cut.

Proper nutrition contributes to the attractive appearance of your pet. For healthy skin and beautiful coat, use the balanced food PRO PLAN® OPTIDERMA®. OPTIDERMA® Complex supports healthy skin and a shiny coat in dogs with a special combination of nutrients, trace elements and antioxidants.

Don't forget to visit your veterinarian regularly and get all vaccinations and checkups up to date. If you have any ailments, do not delay visiting the veterinary clinic. The future champion must be absolutely healthy and have a lot of strength for training and participation in exhibitions.

When to start preparing your puppy for a show

The youngest class at the show accepts puppies from 3 months into the ring. It’s too early to talk about ideal training, but it’s worth starting preparations early so that the puppy has minimal preparation for participation in the ring. Start preparing when the puppy arrives in your home. Of course, after he gets used to the new environment.

The first lessons should be held in a playful manner and in a positive atmosphere. It is important that the puppy develops the right attitude towards the training process. Be kind to your little pet, reward him with treats and avoid yelling.

What are dog shows and what are they for?

Dog shows are a breeding review of the breed's livestock, as a result of which the best dog in terms of exterior, temperament and other breed qualities is selected. This is a kind of beauty contest in which specially trained and certified experts select the best of the best high-breed animals, stimulating the owners of such animals to show their champions at major events as often as possible for visual comparison, and breeders to improve the breed.

The main goal of any exhibition is to determine the most beautiful and correctly built animals in each breed. The judge in the ring must describe the dog, note its main advantages and disadvantages, and give it a rating. The presence of a breeding assessment received from a licensed judge at an exhibition that has official status is a dog’s admission to breeding. You can count on receiving puppies from your dog with documents only by visiting the exhibition and receiving a good rating at it. This is an absolutely mandatory (although far from the only) condition.

Dogs that attend many exhibitions and have a magnificent exterior become owners of not only breeding ratings, but also various honorary titles and titles. This also has a direct bearing on breeding: puppies from titled producers are more expensive, because it is more likely to obtain high-quality offspring from them than from dogs that lose to them in the rings.

If you are the owner of a purebred dog and want “brides” to come to him, participation in exhibitions and victories in general is an urgent necessity for you. Because breeders usually strive to breed their bitches with the best male dogs - champions. And people most often come to the exhibition to look at potential manufacturers. After all, it is there that dogs are presented in all their splendor and open for viewing.

An important fact that speaks about the benefits of exhibitions is that while preparing the dog for this event, you establish contact with the dog, learn to understand and feel the dog’s mood. And the pet gets used to work, obedience, and learns to see you as a leader! This is the best socialization for a puppy!

A dog that is taken to exhibitions, and, therefore, prepared for them, works a lot and intensively together with the owner. For a dog, work is a necessary condition, even the meaning of life. Many dog ​​breeders note that dogs participating in exhibitions are much more disciplined and cheerful than those who “lie on the couch” and associate this fact with communication with the owner during preparations for exhibitions, with training and teaching it to be restrained, endurance and sociability.

By participating in exhibitions, a beginner learns to better understand the breed by comparing dogs and analyzing the comments of experts. If you know well the strengths and weaknesses of your pet, this will serve you well when selecting a mate for your dog in order to get high quality puppies.

And, in the end, you can consider exhibition as a sport, where you periodically experience the sweetness of victory and learn to accept defeat. In addition, there is such a thing as the “spirit of competition” and adrenaline. Also, this is a wonderful opportunity to meet and communicate with interesting, enthusiastic people, owners of the same breed and find new friends.

Ring skills and training

In order for an expert at an exhibition to evaluate a dog, he must see it in all its glory. The dog’s task is to show this beauty to the expert. For this purpose, training is carried out so that the dog is ready for all necessary procedures during the exhibition.

What should a dog be able to do during the ring:

  • Trot beautifully

The dog must run in a circle on the carpet, walk back and forth and in a triangle. All this is necessary so that the expert can evaluate the dog’s exterior from all sides and points of view. In this case, the owner accompanies the pet using a special leash for exhibitions - a show ring.

  • Stand at the exhibition stand

Show stand is a special skill that also needs to be taught to your dog. The pet should stand motionless with its head and tail raised. The front legs stand straight and strictly vertical under the body, the hind legs are slightly set back. The dog stands in this position while the expert evaluates and describes the pet’s appearance.

  • Allow yourself to be touched and show your teeth

For a full examination, the expert needs to palpate the dog completely and look at the teeth. The judge must reach into the dog's mouth and feel all places, including the male dog's testicles. The dog must not show aggression or fear and feel confident, otherwise it can be disqualified for the inability to give an objective assessment.

After all the procedures, you will need to run around the ring again to get a final assessment of the dog’s exterior and the degree of preparation of the pet and the owner.

How to properly train a dog and what tips you should follow:

  • accustom your baby to a collar and harness as soon as he appears at your home,
  • if the puppy is not allowed to go outside yet, practice walking on a leash around the apartment,
  • don’t skip training, regularity is the key to success,
  • consolidate skills in different conditions, change the place of training so that the puppy does not get confused in the new conditions of the exhibition,
  • use rewards and treats, try to create the most positive environment during training,
  • training should bring joy to the owner as well; the dog will quickly feel negative emotions, which can complicate training.
  • Remember that a dog is a living creature. There is no guarantee that the pet will perform flawlessly after long training. Don't get upset or angry. The main thing in this whole process is communication with your favorite furry friend.

What to take with you to a dog show

An exhibition is a whole event that lasts almost the whole day. It’s worth preparing well for this important day and don’t forget to take everything you need with you. Each owner should have a list of things for the exhibition, which includes the following things:

  • Documents:
    veterinary passport, certificate from a veterinarian for participation in an exhibition, puppy card or pedigree.
  • Cage or bed:
    a place for dogs to rest. For small pets, you can take a small cage where they can hide from noise and relax. For a large dog, take a bed or rug. A chair is useful for the owner's relaxation.
  • Show ring:
    a special collar with a chain for being in the ring. Take a spare just in case.
  • Hygiene supplies:
    diapers, bags, wet wipes for unforeseen situations. Before the ring, you definitely need to walk the dog so that it goes to the toilet. If the exhibition lasts all day, go for a walk in your free minutes.
  • Food and water:
    a treat for the dog, a snack for the owner, water for everyone. Use bowls that are familiar to your pet to show care and alleviate stress in an unfamiliar situation. If the exhibition lasts a very long time, the pet will need to be fed a little.
  • Grooming set:
    small table for small breeds, brush and comb. If the weather is rainy, bring dog coat cleaners.
  • Phone, camera, portable charger.
  • First aid kit.

Registration for a dog show

The calendar of exhibitions can be found on the website of the RKF and clubs that breed dogs. Choose the exhibition that suits you and register. Start with regional exhibitions, and over time you will reach national and international ones. To register for an exhibition, you usually need to fill out an application, pay a fee and provide the organizers with documents: a puppy card or pedigree, a veterinary passport and a certificate from a veterinarian.

When submitting an application, the owner indicates the class in which the dog will compete. The class depends on the age of the pet. Age is determined at the time of the exhibition date. If the date of birth of the pet coincides with the date of the exhibition, the owner has the right to decide for himself which class to register the dog in. Some classes require presentation of an appropriate certificate.

According to the requirements of the RKF and FCI, the following classes


ClassClassDog ageNote
BabyBaby3-6 monthsAvailability of a class at the exhibition must be checked with the organizers
PuppiesPuppy6-9 months
JuniorsJunior9-18 months
IntermediateIntermediate15-24 months
OpenOpenfrom 15 months
WorkerWorkingfrom 15 monthsYou must present a working certificate for the relevant type of test
ChampionsChampionfrom 15 monthsYou must present a champion certificate from any FCI country
Champions of the NKP (National Breed Club)Club championfrom 15 monthsYou must present a certificate of NKP champion
VeteransVeteranfrom 8 years old

Evaluations and certificates at exhibitions.

  1. 6.1.


    In the junior, intermediate, open, working, champion and veteran classes, as well as in the National Club Champion class (at specialty shows), the following marks are awarded:

    excellent / excellent (red ribbon), can only be awarded to a dog very close to the ideal standard, presented in excellent condition, demonstrating a harmonious, balanced temperament, having a high class and excellent training; its excellent characteristics, fully consistent with the breed, allow us to ignore some imperfections, however, sexual dimorphism must be clearly expressed;

    very good / very good (blue ribbon), can only be awarded to a dog that has the typical characteristics of the breed, well-balanced proportions and is presented in correct condition; a few minor faults are allowed, but the dog must nevertheless demonstrate class;

    good / good (green ribbon), should be awarded to a dog that has the main characteristics of the breed; the advantages must outweigh the disadvantages, so that the dog can still be considered a good representative of its breed;

    satisfactory (yellow ribbon), should be awarded to a dog that can be undoubtedly classified as a particular breed without possessing its main advantages, as well as to a dog whose physical condition differs sharply from the desired one;

    disqualification / disqualification (white ribbon) should be given to the dog in the following cases: - the type does not correspond to the standard, unusual or aggressive behavior of the breed, cryptorchidism, - defects of the dental system, defects in the structure of the jaws, non-standard color or coat structure, - obvious signs of albinism, any a disqualifying defect provided for in the standard of a given breed, as well as defects that threaten health;

    The reason for disqualification must be reflected in the description and in the report; description sheets (original and copy) must be certified by the judge’s handwritten signature and the signature of the owner/handler of the disqualified dog, confirming that he was familiar with the fact and reason for the disqualification;

    impossible to judge (without evaluation), given to a dog if it continuously jumps or rushes out of the ring, making it impossible to evaluate movements and gait, or does not allow the judge to feel himself, examine his teeth and bite, anatomy and structure, tail or testes, or she shows signs of surgery or treatment intended to mislead the judge, disguise or correct defects in the exterior (for example, an eyelid, ear, tail has been corrected); the same decision must be made in case of double handling (attracting the dog's attention from outside the ring), which is strictly prohibited at all shows in the FCI system; the reason for leaving without assessment must be reflected in the description and in the report.

    In the baby and puppy classes the following ratings are awarded: very promising (red ribbon); promising / promising (blue ribbon); unpromising / not promising (white tape).

  2. 6.2.


    In the ring, at the discretion of the judge, certificates may be issued and titles awarded:

    BabyPuppiesJuniorsIntermediateOpenWorkerChampionsNational Club ChampionsVeterans
    Black Sea Fleet
    Military-industrial complex
  3. 6.3.


    This table makes it possible to see at which rank exhibitions (CAC, ChRF, Black Sea Fleet, CACIB) you can get this or that certificate.

    Black Sea FleetCHRKFCACIB
    Black Sea Fleet
  4. 6.4.

    Decryption of certificates.

    You can find it here

Rules of conduct at exhibitions

A dog show is a competition in which dogs and their owners must adhere to important rules of behavior and etiquette.

Arrive on time

A huge number of dogs and owners gather at the exhibition. Arrive early and don't be late. All participants must obtain a registration number and undergo control.

Respect the Expert

The expert plays the role of a judge, and it is inappropriate and incorrect to argue with him. There is no need to comment on the final grade, show disrespect and demonstratively ask to explain why such an unfair grade. For such an attitude towards judges, you can get disqualified and lose the right to take part in exhibitions in the future.

Treat your competitors politely

Correct behavior should also be adhered to in relation to competitors. Keep your distance during the ring, do not block other dogs, or distract them with toys or treats. You should also not express your opinion about the shortcomings of other people's pets; for this purpose, an expert works at the exhibition.

Clean up after yourself and your dog

Don't forget to take bags for unexpected troubles from the dog, as well as a garbage bag to clean up after the end of the exhibition.

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