Reviews from owners about the German Shepherd dog breed: the pros and cons of pets and whether they can be kept in an apartment

German Shepherds are one of the most popular working dogs in the world.

This is due to their exceptional intelligence, ability to learn and the need to constantly be on the job.

Yes, representatives of this breed need physical and mental exercise, without them the dog becomes bored.

A pet has a lot of advantages.

Let's look at everything in detail further.

Description of the breed

German Shepherds are medium-sized dogs with strong bones and well-developed muscles. They have a long wedge-shaped head with a slightly convex forehead, powerful jaws and dark almond-shaped eyes.

The paws of representatives of this breed are straight, set parallel to each other, the ears are triangular in shape, erect.

The height at the withers for males is 60-65 cm, they weigh 30-40 kg, females grow to 55-60 cm with a weight of 22-32 kg.

The coat is dense and hard, short on the head and front of the paws and slightly longer on the neck, with undercoat.

The breed standard
allows the following color options:

  • solid black;
  • black-backed - black with markings of yellow, red-brown, brown or light gray;
  • zonal;
  • black and tan.

It is acceptable, but not desirable, to have small white spots on the chest and light colored fur on the inner surface of the body..

Read more detailed characteristics of German Shepherds here.


An important condition for proper maintenance and care of a German Shepherd is maintaining animal hygiene.

Bathing puppies and adult dogs

Frequent bathing and use of shampoos leads to deterioration of the animal's coat. One of the rules of care when keeping an apartment: you should bathe a German Shepherd no more than three times a year. If the dog lives in an enclosure, it is unlikely that the owners will think of bathing it more often.

You should not use human shampoos or detergents, only specialized ones, for the care of shepherds or other dogs with a similar type of coat. When bathing, it is important to ensure that water does not get into your ears or shampoo into your eyes.

When keeping an animal in an apartment, of course, you don’t want to see traces of dirty paws on the floor. If your German Shepherd gets dirty, you need to wash your pet with water from the shower without using any chemicals. Dust can be removed with a damp, clean cloth.


German Shepherds are a breed that sheds all year round. Therefore, in the absence of constant hair care, there will be a lot of wool on the floor and furniture.

It is recommended to comb your pet with a special comb brush. It is better to get used to this type of care from a young age and do it once every three days. During periods of active shedding, a German breed dog should be combed every day.


When caring for your eyes, you need to pay attention to their condition. There should be no redness on the eyelids and no discharge under the eyes. Eyes should be wiped once a week with a clean cloth moistened with drinking water. If dust gets into your eye, you should rinse it with chamomile infusion.


Dental care consists of the following:

  • make sure that plaque does not form; for this, the shepherd dog is offered special bones containing fluoride or ordinary veal bones; Tubular chicken and pork bones should not be given.
  • Once a month, brush your shepherd’s teeth with a special powder;
  • The gums and mucous membranes of the oral cavity should not be inflamed.


The German Shepherd's ears also need proper care. Under normal conditions, some clear wax is visible in your dog's ear.

A large amount of sulfur, dark and purulent discharge indicate health problems. You should clean your ears once a month, use regular ear sticks and special solutions from a veterinary pharmacy.


As strange as it sounds about a large dog: nail care is needed. They often wear down on their own during active walks. But there are cases when overgrown claws prevent the animal from walking. Then they should be trimmed.

Inside the nail, closer to the finger, there are blood vessels and nerves, so you cannot cut the nail at the root. Using special scissors or regular clippers, trim the tip of the nail. When walking, the claws should not touch the floor.

Trimming a puppy's nails is not the most pleasant activity for an animal, so after the procedure the pet should be rewarded.

Important! If a blood vessel is nevertheless damaged, you can stop the bleeding with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

Advantages and disadvantages

German Shepherds have outstanding service qualities, which are inherent in them at the genetic level and allow representatives of this breed to be used in completely different areas: from protecting the territory to detaining criminals and searching for various dangerous objects.

But this is far from the only advantage of German shepherds.

Positive qualities also include:

  • intelligence and learning ability;
  • devotion;
  • unpretentiousness in maintenance and feeding;
  • lack of inclination to conflicts and aggression for no apparent reason;
  • energy, endurance;
  • the ability to establish good relationships with all household members, including small children;
  • lively character and stable psyche;
  • affordable price.

In addition, these dogs can be kept not only in an outdoor enclosure, but also in private houses and apartments, subject to daily long and active walks.

Along with their advantages, German Shepherds also have a number of disadvantages.:

  • the need for professional training;
  • the need for daily communication with a person, active games, activities and walks;
  • the possibility of aggression in the absence of proper education and socialization;
  • specific smell and presence of fur in the room, especially during molting;
  • problems with digestion and the musculoskeletal system.

Dogs of this breed require a special approach to education and training, therefore they are not suitable for inexperienced breeders.

Dispatch of natural necessities

Like any animal, a dog needs to relieve its natural needs while living in a city apartment. If the puppy is still small, you need to immediately teach him to do this outside. It is best to take your pet out early in the morning and in the evening. Of course, at first you will have to get up and take the dog out at night. But shepherd dogs are a very smart and understanding breed, so they quickly get used to sending their needs on the street, and not in the home.

Who to choose - a boy or a girl?

The choice of a dog's gender directly depends on the purpose of its acquisition. If we are talking about breeding, then you should buy a bitch with a good pedigree; if you need a watchman or a security guard, you need to pay attention to a dog.


When a puppy is purchased as a pet, its gender does not matter.

However, you should be aware of some differences between male and female German Shepherds..


Boys are more stubborn and have a tendency to dominate, which can lead to problems as the pet grows up, especially if proper attention has not been paid to training.

Owners leading an active lifestyle prefer to have male dogs, motivating their choice by their higher degree of endurance, activity and the most unfriendly attitude towards strangers.

Males experience sexual desire throughout the year and, sensing a bitch in heat, will literally suffer, refusing to eat, yearning and possibly showing aggression.

In addition, boys tend to mark territory by raising their back paw and leaving behind marks that emit an unpleasant odor.


Girls have a softer and more flexible character and are easier to train..

Sexual desire occurs only during estrus, i.e. Twice a year. At this time, the dog may behave differently than usual, becoming more stubborn and disobedient. It is important to keep a close eye on her so that she does not run away.

At the same time, the bitch can produce puppies, which, if the male is chosen correctly and has permission to breed, can bring income to the owner.

In the case where the pet has not lived up to the hopes placed on it for breeding dogs, and changes in character during the period of heat cause inconvenience, you can sterilize it.

Spayed females have no restrictions regarding their show career..

Features of walking a shepherd dog

The physical activity of an adult animal is covered by daily long, at least half an hour, walks 2 times a day. These walks are enough to cope with natural needs. Puppies and young shepherd dogs require walks 4-5 times a day.

Attention! Walking should be done before feeding.

It is better to walk in places specially designated for this purpose. In public places, the pet must be muzzled and on a short leash.

Attitude towards children

Some people's fear of getting a German Shepherd because of small children is completely unjustified..

Representatives of this breed get along well with children. Moreover, they perceive them as part of their flock, caring for which is in their blood.


Therefore, these dogs become not only good friends for small children, but also excellent nannies and protectors.

Allergy to dogs in children

Children should not be prohibited from contacting animals for fear of allergies. Scientists have proven that children growing up in sterile conditions are more likely to have allergic reactions than those whose family includes cats, dogs, and other animals.

In sterile conditions, the child’s body poorly produces antibodies to fight viruses and bacteria, immunoglobulin E, which is involved in the fight against allergens. So precautions often have the opposite effect than what was expected.

Best friends

Is it possible to keep it in an apartment?

It is possible to keep a German Shepherd in an apartment and it will not cause any difficulties, but only if several conditions are met.:

  • when choosing a place, it is necessary to take into account the size of an adult pet - the dog should be comfortable, it should be able to stretch out to its full height during sleep and rest;
  • a bed, mattress or bedding should also be selected in accordance with the size of the animal;
  • The place should be chosen so that the pet can see the entire room and doors from it - this need is due to the watchdog instincts of the German Shepherd.

However, the most important condition is regular walking of the pet, the ability to provide it with constant physical and mental stress..

Otherwise, the dog will be bored and will find an outlet for accumulated energy through damage to property and other unpleasant moments for the owners.


As for the food of the German Shepherd, in the apartment it can be of two types: natural, prepared at home, or ready-made from a pet store.

The main thing is that your pet’s diet should be strictly balanced and healthy. If the owner prepares food for the dog himself, then the menu should include the following products:

  • Raw meat (about 60-70 percent of the entire serving),
  • Boiled vegetables,
  • Low-fat dairy products,
  • Liver,
  • Rice, buckwheat,
  • Lean fish
  • Sunflower and butter,
  • Greenery,
  • Fruits.

If the food is purchased, then it must meet quality standards and be specially adapted for the specific age of the dog. The food can be dry or wet. You can alternate it in the morning and evening. It is also necessary to ensure that your pet always has clean drinking water in his bowl.

What kind of enclosure should I build for the German?

To build an enclosure next to the house you will need wooden boards, metal mesh and roofing material. A wooden floor is built in the enclosure itself, and a full-size door is made on one of the enclosure walls. The width of the enclosure (regardless of its area) should not be less than two meters.

You need to build a booth inside the enclosure. The size of the house depends on the height of the German at the withers. Bowls are placed near the booth: one for water, the other for food.

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