What dog breeds suit different zodiac signs?

Updated 06/28/2020 Before buying a dog or adopting a pet from a shelter, you need to consult with trainers, make sure that your dog will be happy with you, and realize that the pet will require time, money and responsibility. You also need to be prepared for regular trips to the veterinary clinic. Before you choose a breed, there's a lot to know about it, even if it's just a court terrier. Some people read encyclopedias, others ask dog lovers they know. But there are also those who turn to the stars. Let's see what astrologers say about dog breeds for different zodiac signs.


Most Capricorns have their own opinion on absolutely everything, and they do not intend to deviate from it. Internal independence is the main thing for them. Stubborn, but at the same time responsible, horned ones love to see things through to the end. Many of them get a dog to raise not only her, but also themselves. The Staffordshire Terrier or Rottweiler are perfect for these dogs. Capricorns who do not have the goal of self-education will do well with an English bulldog. These dogs understand their owner very well and are on the same wavelength with him.


A true comrade in arms. He won't let the enemy near. And he will hide behind his partner only to suddenly jump out at the right moment and bite everyone. A dog full of strength, courage, self-esteem and true donkey stubbornness. If ALABAI decides something, so it will be.

Those who want to argue must first move 70 kilograms of ALABAI flesh, from the tip of the fang to the tip of the tail, created specifically to crush ferocious wolves. So you're saying there are no takers? Hmm... ALABAI thought so. ARIES - too.


An honorable first place in the list of the stupidest dogs in the world. And also the most unfortunate dogs, the most clumsy dogs and the most useless dogs. BASSETS are almost untrainable. They always look like they've been told the world is going to end in a minute. In their eyes is all the sorrow of innocent humanity. BASSETS don't want to do anything. They want to lie with their butts in a warm chair. And it’s impossible to drive BASSETT away from there. He is heavy and pretends to be deaf.

But in fact, the BASSET is not a stupid dog at all. Just a BASSET - a hound dog. His head is so empty so that a trace can be placed there. If BASSET takes the trail, he will not abandon it until the end. And you will have to follow him along this trail to the final point. Because he doesn’t care about everything else now. TAURUS, by the way, too. They cannot be led astray. They don't care where to go.


Scary creature. Incredibly beautiful and incredibly friendly. The combination of these qualities makes everyone around them fall in love with HUSKIES at first sight and forever. Haha. We bought it! We bought it! A HUSKY is not a dog at all. HUSKIES are nature's infernal joke. Mixed raccoon with d'Artagnan. “Let's have fun, thousand devils! Let's chase the cats! Challenge dogs to a duel! Steal a pot of borscht from the stove and troll the owner! And now - the song! For-you-wai!”

In general, now all this is possible. Only for one reason. But we still don’t know her. But, after all, someone gets a HUSKY and lives with TWINS. Yes?


Multifunctional dog. Can graze. Can serve. Not to shepherd and not to serve, which is typical, he can never do. Even in a dream or near death. The main task of the COLLIE is to gather the entire herd together and tell it to move in the right direction. Naturally, no one asks the herd itself whether it wants to move in this very direction.

Bovid dissidents, rebels and other renegades will simply learn from their own sirloin how sharp their shepherd’s teeth are. On the other hand, if the shepherd is a COLLIE, i.e. CANCER - you can relax and just chew. They will take care of the rest. But chew more carefully.


Glamorous dog. A regular at fashion shows and stylish parties. Always perfectly cut and styled. The handbag in which she travels sometimes costs more than the dog itself. But the main thing, however, is different. The main thing is that YORKIES are considered by everyone to be the most charming dogs in the world. They are not just very beautiful. Also very brave. Ah, brave little heart. I just want to carry her in my arms and kiss her all the time.

This is roughly how LIONS live. And no one will ever know about their path from rags to riches. How almost no one knows about the dark past of YORKS, which were bred to work in the trash heap. YORKIES are natural rat-catchers. And most of the rats are in garbage dumps.


Seeing a GIANT SCHNAUZER at night, in a dark alley, is very bad news. True, the GIANT SCHNAUZER is quite difficult to see, because he is strong, fast, devilishly cunning and extremely ferocious. However, few people realize this. Because the GIANT SCHNAUZER does not have a muzzle. There's a beard on the bottom, bangs on top, you can't see the eyes, and there's no facial expressions either. And what this black ghost with the mouth of a crocodile is thinking about is unknown to anyone at all. Including the owner. But it is easy for the owner to train his dog.

Because GIANT SCHNAUZERS are smart and love rules. Actually, that’s the only reason they haven’t killed us all yet, probably. May be. Who knows what's on their minds. They are like VIRGOS. They also sit silently with a blank expression on their faces. And then the defendant falls and shouts: “Take your cannibal off me!”


Next to a CHIHUAHUA, anyone feels like a great hero. She is so small, so fragile, such a defenseless little dog. In any incomprehensible situation, you need to take her in your arms and kiss the top of her head. Otherwise, she will begin to tremble and look at you pitifully. This is not a dog at all.

It looks like a fairy. A fragile fairy who is threatened by the whole world: dirty big dogs, disgusting clumsy children with shoulder blades, treacherous crows and wild cats, more like serial maniacs. And that's why the little CHIHUAHUA wants to kill them all. Slow and painful. Actually, that’s the only reason why they are not let off the hook, just like WEIGHTS. Yes. This is, however, not much of a dog. That's one and a half kilograms of rage.


Demon dog. Infernally beautiful and completely crazy. He will go to the desired goal over the bodies of defeated enemies. And those who did not die of horror at the sight of her charming smile will bite off their heads without slowing down the trot. Life credo: “Dominate and humiliate.” True, all this concerns exclusively outsiders. With loved ones, DOBERMANS, like SCORPIO, allow themselves to be themselves: standard choleric people of the hysteroid type. But incredibly charming.


The world's best companion. A terrible reputation does not prevent STAFFORDSHIRE from putting Labradors in the belt in the matter of loving one's neighbor. These closest ones regularly set their noses, unable to withstand the meeting with the cast-iron forehead of a loving little dog. STAFFORD is always happy. "Walk? Hooray! Swim? Yes Yes! I'm coming! Into the mountains? Yo-Ho! Carrying a tire? Give me two.

More than anything else, STAFFORD loves people. Any people. Not intelligent babies, evil old ladies, strange-smelling aquavita slaves.

STAFFORD is kindness itself, sweetness itself and positivity itself. He just wants to kill all the other dogs. Everyone, you know, has their own shortcomings. However, if you don’t approach STAFFORD, like SAGITTARIUS, with obsessive offers of love and friendship, then maybe it will work out.


Standard service dog. Without work, he withers and dries up, loses his fur and the meaning of life. As is typical, he will not do his own work. Maybe he'll bring some slippers. And with this circus of yours, go, you know, to the poodles. This is not why outstanding breeders bred their berries! So, living with a SHEPHERD DOG means living in constant work. “Where did you go? Stop - she said! To the leg! Throw the stick, quickly! "

On the other hand, it is, of course, very disciplined. About the same as life with CAPRICORN. The only difference is that the GERMAN SHEPHERD will retire one day. And CAPRICORN - you don't care!


If the JACK RUSSELL TERRIER caught you red-handed (you are reading the newspaper here when the dog has not been playing for 5 minutes), you will not be able to get away. You'll have to throw the ball again, and throw the ball again. There is, of course, another option. You can give up a JACK RUSSELL TERRIER. In the sense - at the mercy of fate. Let him entertain himself, since he is such a merry fellow.

But it should be remembered that the JACK RUSSELL TERRIER is not just a funny guy. He is a hunting dog, ready to jump into anyone’s hole and fight there. So, if your JACK RUSSELL TERRIER begins to entertain itself, there is a chance that you will not be very happy with the result. I mean, you'll be tortured to hide the corpses. So, you better throw him the ball. And go to the skating rink with AQUARIUS. Otherwise it will be worse.


She is very beautiful. No. Not this way. She is very beautiful. The AFGHAN HOUND is perfection. There are no more beautiful dogs. And even the fact that maintaining this beauty requires a huge amount of time and money does not stop anyone. For this reason, you can be patient. True, the AFGHAN HOUND regularly takes an honorable second place in the list of the stupidest dog breeds. Which, of course, is untrue and an evil slander. The BORZOI simply didn’t care about people, including its owners. “Bring me a bowl, slave, and disappear.”

The GROUPZOI is simply not designed to work with humans. They have other tasks. And the AFGHAN HOUND has long since had no work tasks at all, except for one: Decorate the world with itself. They are such cats. Well, or FISH)

Source: lady21vek.com


Aquarians are usually very original and interesting people. They are witty and easily find common language with others. They are always looking for new opportunities and try to maintain internal harmony in any situation. Astrologers say that almost any dog ​​is suitable for this sign. They especially highlight the Hungarian Shepherd, Bearded Collie, Chinese Crested and English Setter. Representatives of a water sign will quickly become friends with their pet and will take maximum care of it. Most astrologers say that Aquarians do not like patterns. They always come up with something special, so the four-legged one will also have plenty of interesting entertainment.

Owner's character

Evaluate yourself as a person. Active athletes and quiet housewives need different dog breeds. There are a number of breeds known that only strong and strong-willed people can handle. Popular decorative breeds will require a lot of time and attention, and are capable of causing scenes of jealousy if someone decides to get closer to their beloved owner or mistress.

If a person has a high degree of activity and is considered a follower of an active healthy lifestyle - he loves cycling, jogging, rollerblading, an active, agile and nimble representative of the dog breed will be suitable. For example, Irish Setter, Husky, Greyhound Italian Greyhound.

Let the calm and balanced future owner take a closer look at retrievers or pugs. Business active people with a strong-willed character can purchase a German Shepherd, Doberman or Rottweiler.

If you are thinking about purchasing a decorative breed, remember that indoor pets require significant attention. Capable of being stubborn, extremely nervous and sensitive.


Pisces are very dreamy and thoughtful by nature. They don't like change. So they need an equally calm dog who won’t constantly run around headlong and shit everywhere. Astrologers recommend a Welsh Corgi or Dalmatian for such owners. Pisces will ensure that the dog obeys unquestioningly and is an ideal companion. Next to such owners, the four-legged dog usually feels very calm and happily obeys all commands. During their walks, they also have a complete idyll.

How to find a good nursery

So, if you have already decided which breed and gender of puppy is right for you, it’s time to look for a reliable breeder. There is no need to rush when it comes to buying a dog.

The animal will live with you for about 15 years, so it is so important to choose the right puppy. Refrain from spontaneous purchases at the poultry market or through free message boards on the Internet.

At a minimum, the puppy may not meet the breed standard when it grows up, and at the maximum, there is a risk of buying a sick animal that will have to be treated for a long, expensive and unsuccessful time.

The best place to buy a puppy is a specialized nursery. You can choose a pet together with an experienced dog breeder or on your own, following your heart. As a rule, nurseries have their own websites, and you can find customer reviews about them.

Lifehack: go to a dog show of the breed you dream of. There, see which dogs you like best, meet their owners and find out where they got their puppies. Usually dog ​​lovers are happy to share this information and also give valuable advice. Representatives of leading nurseries also actively participate in exhibition events and will not forget to provide you with business cards.

The number of kennels depends on the popularity of the breed and the region. Having chosen a trustworthy option, call them and make an appointment. During the conversation, ask the breeder about the conditions in which the puppy is kept and its parents. If you have the feeling that they are trying with all their might to urgently sell the puppy, this should alert you. A good breeder will ask you a lot of questions about your family, living conditions, free time and even hobbies to make sure that the puppy will be in good hands and will suit your personality.


Most Aries are incredibly energetic. They lead an active lifestyle and are not afraid to express their opinions. In addition, they often act rashly. Astrologers advise them to get dogs with a similar character. According to them, Aries will definitely not get bored with a Doberman, husky or toy poodle. Their leisure time will be intense and their walks will be long. This is one of those signs that will definitely train your dog from puppyhood.


Wayward Shiba Inu

Just as much as Libra is out-of-the-box thinking, fair and delicate, they are also snobs. Men of this air sign are often lazy, and women are overly pampered. In addition, Libra is characterized by inconstancy and doubt. The Japanese Shiba Inu dog will not let its owners doubt: it always knows what it wants, and, like Libra, it wants the best.


Taurus people are very kind and attentive to others. They are perfect for a dog that needs a lot of attention and care. Cheerful, playful and smiling. These include the cocker spaniel or Scotch terrier. At home, the owners will play with the dogs, and on the street they will give them complete freedom of action, but of course, within reason. Contact will quickly develop between the owner and the pet, and they will spend most of the time together.


People born under the zodiac sign Gemini are famous for their versatility and increased activity. An endless series of emotions is a vital necessity for them, and therefore they will love a four-legged companion with unquenchable enthusiasm.

Geminis should pay attention to collies, Dalmatians, Labradors and spaniels. A loud bark, a sparkle in the eyes and a every second desire to explore the world around us are the main characteristics of these breeds.


A distinctive feature of Cancers is mood swings. They are sensitive and often get nervous over trifles. Representatives of the sign pay great attention to loved ones and are always interested in their state of mind. Cancers need a calm dog that will calm and calm the owner. A shepherd, St. Bernard or lapdog will be excellent friends for this zodiac sign. They are flexible and very loyal. With such dogs the owner will always feel calm and at ease, especially if he takes the time to train the pet.


Hardy Huskies

Sagittarians love adventure and travel. Men of this sign are very energetic and literally cannot sit in one place, and Sagittarius women are one of the few who are willing to endure any discomfort in order to see the whole world. Loyal and hardy huskies will be the best travel companion, ready to walk tens of kilometers on a hike or simply catch up with their owner on a bicycle in the park.


Leos are passionate and creative people. They are positive and have great vitality. Representatives of this sign are, as a rule, born leaders and do not shy away from difficulties. However, they hate being ignored by others. For Leos, a Great Dane, Mastiff or Afghan Hound would be suitable. These dogs take quite a long time to train, and this is what disciplined lions do best.

Compatibility in love

The similarity between a man and a woman born in the year of the Dog creates favorable prospects for their union. Love relationships are unlikely to develop rapidly. Unsure of themselves, man Dog woman Dog look closely for a long time, evaluate, weigh. The courtship period can drag on, because both are afraid to make a mistake and trust an unreliable person.

Relationships are built on trust

Sex is not an important factor in their lives; it happens “according to tradition.” Neither husband nor wife are prone to innovation or experimentation in bed.

Their conservatism and stability are the support of family ties and enhance their compatibility. They may not be ardent lovers; their relationship is built on mutual trust and respect. They maintain interest in each other by devoting time to common hobbies, self-development, and showing signs of attention. Both love children very much and will become wonderful parents.

The marriage of two dogs can face some difficulties:


Virgos are very sensitive and do not like rudeness. They are very attentive to detail and prefer to bring everything to perfection. Representatives of this sign are valued for their rationalism and practicality. They treat pets as full members of the family. Thanks to this, almost any breed can be trained. But most of all, astrologers recommend the dachshund and miniature schnauzer. Their characters will be easiest for owners to cope with.

Features of the year

Years of the Dog: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958,1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018. Representatives of this year belong to the triad, which also includes the Tiger and the Horse. Their characteristic features are the ability to build communication, feel the interlocutor, and find arguments to convince. They always have a large number of acquaintances and friends, they are respected and trusted.

A distinctive feature of Dogs is restlessness; they are always on the alert. People of this year are honest, but cautious, and do not tolerate betrayal. Without being overly emotional, they do not create violent scenes with a stream of insults. But those born this year know how to criticize, sometimes very caustically. Organizational skills, hard work, and endurance lead them to success; they can become excellent leaders.

Love relationships do not always go well, although the Dog usually cares more about loved ones than about himself.

Those born in the year of the Wood Dog (1994) are distinguished by their hard work, desire to be part of a team, and are fond of art and collecting. Water brothers (1982) are surprisingly frivolous (especially in matters of the material plane), but are famous for their friendliness.


Scorpios are considered one of the most powerful signs of the zodiac. They are absolute leaders in almost all areas of activity. Determined, fearless and unwavering. Scorpios have the ability to surprise, even if you think you know them well. In terms of temperament, Newfoundlands, East European Shepherds and black terriers are most suitable for them. Astrologers note that it is better for Scorpios to choose large breeds. They simply don't notice little ones. Plus, this is a great way to try your hand at perfect parenting.

Should you choose a dog based on your zodiac sign?

Which dog matches your zodiac sign? A similar question is asked by everyone who sincerely believes the characteristics of the zodiac horoscope. This makes sense, since indeed people born under the same sign have many similar character traits. For this reason, pets must correspond to their inner world.

Dog by zodiac sign

However, you cannot build theories on just one zodiac sign. The year of birth also has a significant influence on a person’s character. For example, a Taurus-pig will be significantly different in disposition from a Taurus-rat.

Consequently, the choice of a dog according to a person’s horoscope is rather advisory in nature. In any case, the final choice remains with the future owner of the animal.

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