Reviews from owners about the Shar Pei breed: character traits, care features, keeping in an apartment, pros and cons

The Shar Pei is a popular pet that everyone now recognizes. This outwardly funny dog ​​with a folded skin and a purple tongue seems to be a calm, sweet hulk. But in ancient times the breed was used as a fighting dog. Character qualities allow the Shar Pei to serve as a guard, watchman, shepherd and hunter. Although now these dogs have become companions, they are kept as decorative ones. This is an intelligent, sociable and loyal pet. But not every owner can cope with it. Before getting this breed with a thousand-year history, you need to study its description, pros and cons, and reviews from the owners.

  • History of the origin of the breed
  • Description of the appearance of the Shar Pei breed
  • Body
  • Limbs
  • Features of wool
  • Shar Pei: possible colors
  • Disqualifying faults
  • Varieties
  • Character traits
      Education and training
  • What care does a Shar Pei require?
      How to feed
  • Health
  • How to buy a Shar Pei puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Breed traits

    Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

    Shar Pei
    Activityin the house2.6
    on the street3.3
    Dominationin family2.5
    over dogs3.8
    Defending your territoryfrom people3.5
    from dogs3.9
    Sociabilityin family4.4
    with strangers2.9
    with dogs2.7
    Concentrationin family1.7
    in front of strangers3.2
    with dogs3.1
    Aggressivenessin family1.8
    to strangers3.2
    to the dogs3.3
    to cats3.4
    Family behaviorcalmness3.8
    demand for affection3.7
    excessive barking1.8
    behavioral breakdowns1.9
    Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.6
    over 4 years old3.7
    Institutional usewatchman4.6

    This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: English Bulldog, Labrador Retriever, Cane Corso, German Shepherd, American Staffordshire Terrier.

    Interesting photos of Shar Pei dogs, by which they are easy to recognize:

    Shar Pei

    Shar Pei

    Owner reviews

    • friendly dog ​​with a stable psyche,
    • the breed is suitable for experienced owners - despite its innate intelligence, when raised, the dog can show stubbornness, which is not so easy to deal with,
    • good protection of the house and household,
    • The breed is prone to allergies and therefore requires special nutrition,
    • very affectionate breed, but never imposes itself , having self-esteem,
    • A very clean breed that prefers to relieve itself only outdoors.

    General characteristics of the Shar Pei breed

    Many people know what a Shar Pei looks like - a dog with a large wide head, short hair and folds on the body. This ancient Chinese breed is now one of the most popular, although until recently it was on the verge of extinction.

    These dogs are valued not only for their unusual appearance. They are smart, easy to train, and good-natured. And at the same time strong and fearless. A Shar Pei can become a reliable guard, protector and nanny for a child. Suitable even for homebodies and inactive people. But this breed is not without its shortcomings; the Shar Pei is an independent dog and loves to dominate. She requires the unquestioned authority of her owner and early socialization.

    country of originChina
    breed registration time1981
    group of breeds according to the ICF classificationMolossians, mastiff subsection
    heightfemale 44-48 cm, male up to 51 cm
    weightfemale 18-25 kg, male up to 35 kg
    life expectancy9-11 years
    attitude towards a personnot aggressive, but friendly only with family members
    care needsmedium, sheds little
    working qualitiessecurity guard, bodyguard, watchman, hunter, companion


    This Chinese breed has only recently become popular throughout the world. Dog breeders immediately noticed her advantages, unusual appearance and easy-going character. Shar Peis have lovers who consider them the best pets. This can be explained by the many advantages of owning such dogs.

    • Shar Peis live quietly at home. Thanks to their small dimensions, you can keep these dogs even in a small apartment. They are unpretentious and adapt to any conditions.
    • Suitable for families with children, elderly people, single people. They do not require much physical activity.
    • These are obedient dogs that become attached to their owner and strive to please him. Therefore, they are easy to train.
    • They do not conflict with other animals, but react adequately if they or their owner is in danger.
    • Shar Peis have a balanced, peaceful character. They do not bark for no reason, they behave calmly at home, even a puppy will not chew furniture or shoes.
    • These dogs are clean and avoid dirt on the street. They learn to use the toilet quickly, and an adult dog will never crap in the house. There is no dog smell from the fur.
    • This is a good watchman and security guard, a devoted companion. For a child and teenager he will become a faithful friend and protector.


    But these dogs need an experienced owner who can maintain authority and give them enough attention. The Shar Pei has the following disadvantages:

    • in the absence of socialization, can be aggressive with strangers;
    • strives to dominate, can be stubborn, touchy;
    • is very attached to the owner, does not tolerate loneliness;
    • if a dog's lips are saggy, he often drools;
    • has poor health;
    • tendency to gluttony, obesity and food allergies.

    Interesting facts about the breed

    This ancient Chinese breed dates back several thousand years. Therefore, many interesting facts about her have accumulated.

    • The name of the breed translates as “sand skin.”
    • This is one of the most ancient breeds. There are images of similar dogs from three thousand years ago.
    • Because of its blue tongue, the Shar Pei was called “the dog that licked the sky” in ancient China. It was believed that they could ward off evil spirits.
    • The Shar Pei is the dog with the most recognizable appearance. Many folds on the skin, a stocky build and a wide muzzle - these features are unlike other breeds.
    • These dogs cannot tolerate restrictions of freedom. Violence, even being examined by a veterinarian, can cause them great stress.
    • Despite the fact that the Shar Pei's coat is short and sheds lightly, they often cause allergies.
    • One of the unusual characteristics of the breed is monotony. Some individuals have a nose, paws and skin colored in the same way as their fur.
    • In the 70s of the 20th century, the Shar Pei was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed.

    You can also learn interesting facts about the breed from the video:

    Video: Interesting facts about the Shar Pei breed

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages of this breed include:

    • since the dog is medium in size, it can be kept at home;
    • short-haired species practically do not shed;
    • caring for their coat is very simple;
    • The pet has a calm disposition, he gets along well in the house with other animals
    • The dog looks unusual because of its appearance, attracts people's attention and causes affection.

    Significant disadvantages include poor health. The dog is susceptible to hereditary diseases, is prone to allergic reactions, has breathing problems and snores. The problem of noisy sleep especially worries puppies; their snoring can be stronger than that of French bulldogs. With age, this disadvantage may disappear; the owner should carefully monitor this feature.

    Would you like to get yourself a Shar Pei?

    History of the origin of the breed

    The Shar Pei is a Molossoid-like dog. This is one of the most ancient breeds. The Shar Pei shares common ancestors with Mastiffs. And the relationship with the Chow Chow is indicated by the blue tongue, which is characteristic only of these breeds. Genetic analysis has revealed that Shar Peis existed already 3 thousand years ago.

    In ancient times, they were the dogs of Chinese peasants, helping them guard their livestock and property. They were also used as fighting weapons. Coarse hair and many folds in the skin, which did not fit tightly to the body, helped them avoid serious injuries during dog fights. At that time, these dogs were larger, weighing up to 80 kg.

    The breed flourished during the Han Dynasty, when representatives of the nobility became interested in these strong, hard-working dogs. Due to the presence of hunting instincts, they began to be used in hunting large game. Since the 13th century, the breed has become less popular due to constant wars. Interest in Shar-Peis arose again in the 18th century. These dogs were valued for their working qualities and were owned by both peasants and rich people.

    In the middle of the 20th century, with the communists coming to power, the breed was on the verge of destruction. These dogs were declared useless. First, a high tax was imposed on them, and then they began to be completely exterminated. By the end of the 60s, representatives of the breed survived only in Taiwan and Macau.

    Shar Peis were rescued by dog ​​breeders from the USA. 5 representatives of the breed were included here. They attracted the interest of breeders, who began to buy surviving Shar Peis and transport them to Hong Kong. Those dogs were more graceful, tall-legged. The first breed standard was created in 1976.

    It was first registered under the name "Chinese Fighting Dog". Then the ancient name stuck. The standard was changed several times, bringing it closer to the description of these Chinese dogs. Now adopted in 1981, since that time the breed has been recognized throughout the world. Shar Peis appeared in Russia only in the 90s.

    Description of the appearance of the Shar Pei breed

    The standard describes this dog as a compact animal of square format and medium size. Unlike their ancestors, the weight of modern representatives of the breed should be no more than 35 kg. But they seem more powerful due to their strong physique. By standard, this is an active, strong dog, trotting while running. Characteristic features of appearance are folds on the body, a wide muzzle, a purple tongue and a sullen frown.

    The Shar Pei breed is immediately recognizable, as can be seen from the photographs:

    Shar Pei breed

    Shar Pei muzzle


    The head is disproportionately large in relation to the body. It is flat, wide, and resembles the face of a hippopotamus. The stop is weakly expressed; it does not taper towards the nose. The folds on the muzzle fall down, forming a drop. There are no folds on the nose or cheeks. The nose is large, black in color or the same as the fur. The jaws are powerful and have a scissor bite. Lips are plump. Not only the lips are pigmented, but also the tongue. It can be black or blue.

    The Shar Pei's eyes are dark and almond-shaped. They are not large in size, set deep, the eyelids droop in folds. The look is frowning, sullen, which is partly explained by the large number of folds around the eyes. The Shar Pei's ears are disproportionately small and set high. They are triangular in shape, rounded at the tips, soft and curve forward towards the eyes.


    The Shar Pei is a medium-sized dog. The build is stocky, muscular, and square in shape. The chest is wide, deep, reaches the elbows, and has a dewlap on the neck. The withers are pronounced, the back is smoothly curved. The body from the shoulders is covered with frequent folds of skin, the number of which decreases with age. The tail is thick at the base, tapering greatly towards the end. Set high, curved like a sickle or twisted into a ring.


    The limbs are muscular, parallel, with clearly defined joint angles. There are no folds of skin on them. The paws are compact. The movements are light; while running, the dog pushes off strongly with its hind legs.

    From the photo you can see what this dog looks like:

    Old Shar Pei

    Shar Pei

    Features of wool

    The coat is without undercoat, hard, short, 1 cm long. On the body it is straight, standing upright. On the limbs it is adjacent to the body. It is bristly to the touch and looks like velor. There are varieties with wool up to two centimeters long, which is softer. What makes the Shar Pei special is its skin. It does not fit tightly to the body and gathers in folds. But in an adult dog they should only be on the head, chest and withers.

    Shar Pei: possible colors

    The color is solid, any colors except white are possible. The coloring is lighter on the tail and back of the thighs. Shades of wool can range from light sand to blue-black. The most common colors are black or fawn. Gray, cream and russet are also popular.

    The light-colored Shar Pei often has dark areas on its face around the nose. Darker hair on the back and tail is acceptable. There are unusual colors: blue, apricot, chocolate.

    Photos show the color types and coat characteristics of the breed:

    Shar Pei chocolate color

    Shar Pei black color

    Shar Pei blue color

    Disqualifying faults

    The standard gives a clear description of the breed, from which there should be no deviations. Dogs that have defects are not allowed to be shown or bred. The following vices are especially not allowed:

    • big ears;
    • soft wool more than 2.5 cm long;
    • pink tongue;
    • malocclusion;
    • low tail;
    • muzzle tapering towards the nose;
    • speckled, spotted, brindle and white colors;
    • a large number of folds on the body of adults.


    During selection, several varieties of the breed appeared. They are not very different, but are not officially recognized. The only breed type described by the FCI standard is the Chinese Shar Pei. But other varieties are also popular among fans:

    • The American Shar Pei is usually black, has fewer folds, and has higher legs;
    • the English Shar Pei is calmer, the protective instinct is not expressed, the body is elongated;
    • the fluffy Shar Pei was bred by crossing with the Chow Chow and is common in Europe and the USA;
    • dwarf or mini pei, height less than acceptable according to the standard.

    Character traits

    At first glance, Shar Peis seem gloomy and sad. This is due to folds of skin hanging over the eyes. But by nature these dogs are cheerful and good-natured. Although for those who need a playful, active pet, Shar Peis are not suitable. This is a reserved, calm dog, not fussy or noisy.

    These dogs love children, but are not a suitable breed for families with toddlers. It is undesirable to leave them alone; the dog will not tolerate the child’s rudeness. And due to the characteristics of the skin, which blocks peripheral vision, he may react inadequately to sudden movements around him. But Shar Peis easily find a common language with teenagers.

    Representatives of this breed can live in any conditions, but they need the attention of their owner. Shar Peis are people-oriented, they are empaths, they intuitively feel their mood. This is a faithful and devoted friend, affectionate and obedient. A good guard and protector, he is always wary of strangers.

    But they also have negative character traits:

    • this temperamental, strong dog can become stubborn, capricious, and unpredictable;
    • Without proper socialization, Shar Peis can be aggressive;
    • often strive to dominate if the owner does not have firmness in upbringing, they become uncontrollable, some family members may be ignored and not obeyed;
    • do not get along well with other pets, dogs may be perceived as rivals, and small animals are often hunted.

    The photo shows the character traits of these dogs:

    Shar Pei folds

    Shar Pei

    Shar Pei

    Education and training

    Despite their slowness and calmness, Shar Peis require serious training. These are strong, intelligent and independent animals. Without proper training, a puppy can turn from a good-natured bumpkin into an arrogant, uncontrollable dog. Dog training should begin before three months of age.

    Socialization is especially important for a puppy. From an early age, you need to teach your pet to react adequately to surrounding people, other animals, and cars. The dog must understand what is possible and what is not, to control its behavior.

    Training sessions for Shar Pei puppies should be short, as they quickly get tired and lose interest in exercise. It is necessary to notice which stimuli the dog reacts to faster and apply them during training. Usually this is a caress or a treat. It is unacceptable to show aggression, shout or use physical punishment when interacting with a pet.

    Despite the fact that Shar Peis are very smart and can even learn on their own, they often only follow commands that they like. To teach your pet the necessary skills, you may need the help of a professional.

    After watching the video, you can understand how to raise dogs of this breed:

    Video: How to properly train and train a Shar Pei

    Who to choose - a boy or a girl?

    When choosing the gender of a puppy, you should understand that, despite the common features inherent in both male and female Shar Peis, they also have some differences.

    Thus, girls are more attached to home, they are more obedient and better amenable to training, and have more developed security and watchdog instincts. Apart from the inconveniences associated with mood swings and changes in behavior that are provoked by the biannual heat cycle, female dogs do not cause problems.

    Males are permanently in a state of heat and react violently to all females in heat throughout the year. They are also more stubborn, independent, and more likely to show aggression towards other dogs.


    There are plans for the dog to participate in breeding the breed; you should buy a female.

    What care does a Shar Pei require?

    Many breeders note that the Shar Pei is an ideal pet for the city. Innate protective qualities, powerful jaws, and unusual appearance make him beloved by many dog ​​breeders. But there are several features in keeping and caring for this dog that you need to know.

    • The Shar Pei's coat is self-cleaning, so it does not require frequent bathing. Just wipe with a damp towel and wash your paws after a walk. But skin folds require special care. To prevent the development of dermatological diseases, they need to be regularly examined and wiped.
    • The coat is brushed every week. These dogs shed 2-3 times a year, but not much, since they do not have undercoat.
    • The ears and eyes of these animals are prone to inflammation. Therefore, they are checked several times a week and wiped with a special lotion.
    • This dog does not require long walks or active physical activity. It is enough to take an adult Shar Pei out twice a day for half an hour. But he still needs movement, since the breed has a tendency to obesity.
    • Shar Peis do not like cold or water, so they refuse to walk in bad weather. For the same reason, in winter it is advisable to wear warm clothes for your pet.

    How to feed

    We need to take feeding these dogs seriously. Shar Peis are prone to overeating and gain weight quickly. Therefore, it is advisable to find out in advance from the breeder or veterinarian what can be given to this dog and how much food he needs per day. An adult Shar Pei needs to be fed morning and evening. It is acceptable to give natural food or dry food.

    When eating natural foods, you should give preference to dietary products. The owners note that it is difficult to find suitable food, since this dog is very picky about food. Dogs of this breed require a large amount of protein, so the main place in the diet should be meat - lean, boiled. Better beef, rabbit, turkey. You can give Shar Pei offal and sea fish.

    The meat is mixed with porridges - buckwheat, rice, millet. They give eggs once a week. Fermented milk products are necessary for normal bowel function. Be sure to give fresh vegetables and fruits, except for onions, cabbage, and potatoes. It is recommended to grind food, as Shar Peis swallow it without chewing. You cannot feed your dog from your table. It is forbidden to give legumes, pork, smoked meats, sweets, baked goods, milk, fried and spicy foods.

    If this dog is fed prepared food, you need to choose a hypoallergenic one. It is better that the protein content is no more than 21%. Options based on fish, turkey, and lamb are usually recommended. For Shar-Pei, super-premium or holistic food is suitable:

    • Go Natural;
    • Orijen;
    • Innova Evo;
    • Acana.


    Shar Peis are not long-lived; even with proper care, they live no more than 12 years. If you create suitable conditions for your pet, get the necessary vaccinations on time and treat them against parasites, he can live an active life without disease. But Shar Peis have several breed-specific diseases that are associated with the characteristics of their appearance. Such diseases can be congenital or acquired due to improper care:

    • ectropion of the eyelid and other eye diseases;
    • ear diseases – otitis media, fungus
    • joint dysplasia;
    • hypothyroidism;
    • systemic amyloidosis;
    • atopic dermatitis, seborrhea and other skin diseases;
    • allergy;
    • indigestion.

    These dogs are characterized by a hereditary incurable disease, which is called “Shar-Pei fever.” They are also prone to various gastrointestinal problems. After eating, the pet should not run or jump, otherwise intestinal volvulus may occur.

    A detailed video will tell you how to care for these dogs:

    Video: Care, character and maintenance of the Shar Pei breed

    Treatment against ticks

    A tick bite can cause demodicosis in a dog. To ensure that the treatment of demodicosis in Shar Pei does not fall on the shoulders of the owners, it is necessary to carry out treatment and prevention in a timely manner.

    It is necessary to treat your Shar Pei with parasite medications once a month. However, different products cannot be mixed and used at the same time.

    After every walk in the park or in nature, you should carefully examine the folds of the skin, especially on the stomach, groin area, armpits and ears. If you find a tick, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. See the article: What types of ticks are found on dogs: what do they look like?

    How to buy a Shar Pei puppy

    If you decide to get a pet of this breed, you need to choose a breeder; it is recommended to contact well-known nurseries. When choosing a puppy, they study the living conditions of the animals, their behavior, and the appearance of the parents. Babies should be active, clean, and free of unpleasant odor from their fur. A healthy puppy has a moist, cold nose, smooth fur without bald spots, eyes and ears without discharge. You need to choose a curious, playful baby who does not show aggression or cowardice.

    The peak of Shar Pei popularity in Russia occurred in the mid-90s. At that time, the price of a puppy reached $4,500. Now the cost of a purebred dog is 35-50 thousand rubles. Pet-class puppies suitable for breeding in Moscow cost 25-35 thousand rubles. If breeders ask less for a dog, it means it has flaws, genetic diseases or no pedigree.

    The photographs show what Shar Pei puppies should look like:

    Shar Pei puppies

    Shar Pei puppies

    This video will help you make a final decision about whether a Shar Pei is suitable as a pet:

    Video: Advantages and disadvantages of the Shar Pei breed

    The Shar Pei is an unusual dog with a unique appearance. It is unpretentious in maintenance and does not require complex care. But it is only suitable for an experienced owner who is able to gain authority and pay attention to the pet. With proper upbringing, this dog can become a devoted friend and reliable protector.

    Useful video

    The video talks about the features of keeping Shar Peis:

    2019-03-31DescriptionPhoto gallery

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