At what age are puppies given away and taken away from their mother?

Do you want to buy a dog, have you chosen a breeder, but have not yet decided when you can pick up the puppy?

There are many pros and cons, and I will help you make a choice that is convenient for you and safe for your baby's health. I will tell you when the cub is ready for independent life from a physiological point of view. How personality is formed in communication with peers and relatives. We will figure out what to do with vaccinations: buy an unvaccinated puppy or wait until the breeder immunizes it.

At what age is it best to adopt a puppy: tips and features

Of course, each owner has his own age criterion, but at a certain stage of life the animal has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account. Also, for personal peace of mind, you can find out from the breeder at what age puppies can be given away without fear for their health.

Mother's milk is the best source of nutrients for a puppy

From a physiological point of view

Babies are born blind, deaf and without teeth. By 2 weeks of age, they begin to show interest in solid food, which their mother regurgitates. At 3 weeks of age, they begin to feed from their mother's container.

The transition to solid food occurs gradually. The body begins to work hard, and by the month it is fully able to absorb food and natural products. But they continue to suck mother's milk for up to 8 weeks. Milk contains all the beneficial substances necessary for the development and full saturation of a young body.

It is recommended to separate the puppy from its mother and siblings after 45 days of life.

Until 2 months, the little dog urgently needs his mother, her warmth and communication with his brothers and sisters. That is why it is advisable not to wean the puppy before this period. However, breeders begin to sell already at one month of age.

From a legal point of view

Breeders prepare a full package of documents for the dog before it reaches 45 days of life. It is from this time, from a legal point of view, that the sale must take place. But ready-made accompanying documents do not mean that the dog is ready to leave its mother and go live with a new family. And breeders do not always wait for animals to reach this age criterion.

Important! When purchasing a puppy with documents, it is important for the new owner to check them carefully.

Hygiene procedures

Hygiene is considered one of the most important aspects to ensure the health of dogs. Without maintaining cleanliness, puppies develop various diseases and parasites. Without hygiene procedures, dogs lose their attractive appearance, which negatively affects the results of exhibitions.

Preventative measures to keep puppies healthy:

  1. Bathing. Water procedures must be carried out when dogs are heavily soiled or have begun to shed. Bath pets in water at room temperature, using special shampoos for long-haired dogs.
  2. Teeth cleaning. It is recommended to perform oral hygiene in small puppies at least twice a week. The procedure is carried out using a special toothbrush and paste.
  3. Treatment of eyes and ears. This procedure is performed using a cotton pad moistened with warm boiled water. It is carried out as the eyes and ears become contaminated.

Hygiene procedures also include cutting and trimming nails. However, it is not advisable to carry out this manipulation yourself. It is better to entrust such care to specialists.

What's best for the owners?

Each age when puppies are weaned from their mother has its own characteristics that the owner needs to take into account and, based on this, make a purchasing decision.

Monthly age

At what age is it better to take a puppy home?

At one month of age, the pet will cost much less, since the breeder has not yet had time to thoroughly invest in its feeding and vaccination. In addition, the future owner will be presented with a large selection, for example, this is relevant if we are talking about the Laika and Husky dog ​​breeds, which are quite expensive.

As a rule, this is where all the advantages end. The downside of purchasing a puppy at the age of one month will be the obligation to protect the pet from a number of diseases, get vaccinated and endure the dog’s transition to food.

Important! The owner will have to independently obtain a veterinary passport. The downside is that at this age it is difficult to determine the character of the baby.

Age 45 days

At 45 days old, the puppy already has documents and all the necessary vaccinations, so it can already be given to a new family. In addition, he develops his own immunity.

Puppies should not be separated from their mother while they are drinking her milk.

The downside at this age is still the character. A dog, for example, a Yorkie or Jack, may outwardly appear lethargic, but in reality it may become active later because its potential has not yet been fully realized.

Important! The cost will differ from the price at which the dog could be sold in one month. But it is worth considering that when buying a dog at one month of age, the owner will spend the same money on food and vaccinations.

Age 4-6 months

The best solution would be to purchase a dog after reaching a period of 4 to 6 months. At this age, the pet is already developed and clearly shows its habits and character. But there is an opinion that a pet that was not sold before this period has some defects. In fact, this is not always the case and it is best to ask the breeder about the reasons for postponing the sale.

As for the price, it will be much higher, since considerable funds have already been invested in the pet for its development.

First vaccinations

The first vaccinations are given at approximately 2 months. By this time, the immunity received by the puppy from its mother’s milk is already beginning to weaken, and therefore, if the babies are not vaccinated in time, they will catch literally every infection.

As a rule, puppies, and even adult dogs, are given complex vaccines that protect them from several diseases at once..

Such diseases include leptospirosis, hepatitis, distemper, parainfluenza and enteritis - that is, the most dangerous infections for animals, which, even with early treatment, often end in the death of the pet.


They are especially dangerous for puppies, and therefore it is very important to strictly follow the vaccination schedule suggested by your veterinarian.

Usually, the first vaccine is given at 8-9 weeks . Two weeks after it comes revaccination, which should not be skipped under any circumstances. After this, the dog is vaccinated at 6 and 12 months.

Starting at 12 weeks, the puppy will also need to be vaccinated against rabies..

Age and independence

At each age stage, dogs go through their own development. That is why the future owner needs to find out when it is possible to take the puppy away from its mother and prepare for the difficulties of raising it.


Castration of dogs: at what age and is it necessary?

Newborn animals are absolutely not adapted to life, and their mother takes care of them. She takes care of them, monitors their hygiene and feeds them. This life period lasts up to 35 days. Many people believe that after this time, the pet can be separated from the female, but this is not entirely true.

Upon reaching 35 days, the dog begins the adaptation process when it learns behavior. At this time, it is important that he feels his mother’s warmth. After 45 days of age, it is permissible to take a puppy into your family.

3-7 weeks

At the age of 3 to 7 weeks, the dog learns to vocalize, bite and attack an object. In the process of playing with his brothers and the female, he learns to control the force of his bite and begins to realize who occupies the leadership position in the pack. He also learns to go to the toilet in a certain place. It is these skills that he transfers with him to a new family where there will be no animals that are dear to him. At this age it is still too early to purchase it.

Important! If the owner has decided to buy a one-month-old puppy, then he needs to prepare for sleepless nights when he will be in dire need of his mother’s warmth.

If you wean the puppy at this stage, he will become susceptible to diseases, because he will eat food and not mother’s milk, which contains antibodies responsible for strong immunity.

After 8 weeks

When is the age when puppies can be weaned from their mother? It is best to choose the period when he stops feeding on his mother’s milk and learns the necessary habits and skills from her. The best time will be after 8 weeks.

The right puppy will become the family's best friend

If you do not want to follow the vaccination schedule personally and take your pet to the veterinary clinic, then it is better to buy an animal that is 4 months old. In addition to vaccinations, by 4 months the owner will be able to evaluate the dog’s appearance and character. Of course, in the future the owner will have to vaccinate, but it will not be as frequent.

After 6 months

It is best for owners who have dealt with dogs to buy a puppy after it reaches 6 months, that is, it is already an adult. This is especially true for a service dog; for example, a shepherd dog that has been trained and accustomed to its owner will find it more difficult to settle into a new family. A representative of this breed chooses one owner, and only an experienced dog breeder can change his character.

Important! When determining the optimal age, it is necessary to take into account the breed of the pet, because some dogs mature later. These breeds include: terrier, veo, labrador, French bulldog and many other large breeds.

Rules of care

In order for Spitz puppies to be active and cheerful into old age, and for their life expectancy to be more than 15 years, they need to be provided with proper care.

First of all, in their content you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Combing. Spitz dogs have quite thick fur, which requires special care. It is recommended to brush dogs twice a week using a special brush. This manipulation will help prevent fur from crumpling and remove excess fluff. However, you cannot get carried away with this procedure. Otherwise, the puppy will lose its undercoat.
  2. Visit to the veterinarian. The very first veterinary examination should take place when the puppy is 2 months old. In this case, the doctor will be able to assess the dog’s health and prescribe future preventive actions. Then visits to the veterinarian should be carried out at least once every six months.
  3. Walks. In order for small pets to spend their increased energy, but at the same time gain strength for further development, they need games in the fresh air. It is advisable to take walks at least 2 times a day, for 20-30 minutes.

When getting Spitz puppies, do not forget about precautions. Due to their increased curiosity, small pets often strive to jump from heights such as sofas, armchairs, and chests of drawers. But jumping down is very dangerous for their health. Therefore, you should not leave puppies alone.

Difficulties at different stages

Sterilization of dogs: at what age is it better to do it?

Having studied the question at what age breeders give puppies, you also need to find out what difficulties can be encountered at each stage of development.

Puppy up to 2 months old

This baby needs extra attention. If it is deficient, it will whine until it ends up in the arms of its owner. In addition, he may get sick more often due to a weakened immune system, and his owner will also have to follow the vaccination schedule.

The baby is still afraid of the world around him. Moreover, fear is inherent not only in small breeds, for example, Chihuahuas, Spitz and others, but also in large dogs.

Dog 2-3 months old

Such an animal will get used to its new owner and this is often difficult. After all, some individuals already begin to manifest their own character and behavior at this time.

It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the baby

Adult dog

With such a pet it will be much more difficult for the owner, so taking him away is a responsible step. An older dog has a rigid character and behavior, especially if it is a mongrel. In addition, she is used to living by her own rules and orders. It will not be difficult for an experienced dog breeder to cope with it and remake it for themselves, but beginners may not be able to cope at all.

Important! Based on his own strengths and taking into account the difficulties ahead, the owner should decide what time the puppies are taken home from their mother.

What else needs to be done

When the priority chores are over, it's time to do other mandatory things.

Give the puppy a name

Visit a veterinary clinic or call a veterinarian at home

It would not hurt for your new pet (and if you adopted a puppy from the street, it is mandatory) to be examined by a veterinarian for a general assessment of its health and development. He will also advise you on the necessary veterinary treatments and their timing, and carry them out if necessary.

If your puppy does not yet have a veterinary passport, then your veterinarian will be able to get it properly issued right away.

Contact the kennel club

If you have a purebred puppy and the breeders have given you his metric (puppy card), then you should contact the kennel club to formalize the pedigree and register with the club for the purpose of further participation in exhibitions.

Small tricks

The owner of a puppy who had to distance him from his mother can use some tricks to quickly adapt. For example, it’s worth asking for something that the dog or his mother played with while at the breeder’s.

If you are purchasing a very small dog, you can place a ticking clock in a towel, wrap it on all sides and place the baby next to it. This trick will remind him of his mother's heartbeat when he was in her womb. This trick works on all breeds, be it spaniel or dachshund.

In the first days of life, the mother cares for the puppy

Thus, it is definitely very difficult to answer the question of when puppies can be distributed to new families after birth. At every stage of life, difficulties arise, so the owner should weigh the pros and cons and decide when to accept a new family member. But it is worth remembering that at any age a dog needs affection and care from its owner.

Number of newborns

Caring for a toy breed dog is especially important during pregnancy.
Pomeranians have long been domesticated, so the period when puppies are born is especially important for them - at this time the females are extremely vulnerable.

Spitz bear their cubs for an average of 63 - 64 days. However, you need to be careful already on day 58. A dog gives birth to one to three puppies. A dog's small body is not designed to carry more puppies.

Four to eight weeks: socialization period

The developmental changes and experiences of puppies during this period are so important that dog behaviorists often refer to it as the “critical period.” As the name suggests, this is the time when the puppy begins to interact with other dogs and play with their offspring. But just as any toddler should be taught certain manners from a very early age, dogs try to instill basic social norms in their puppies.

The most important thing that a puppy learns during the socialization period is the ability to play. Your dog will play most of his life and especially during the socialization period when he is just learning about this wonderful world through play. The game is of great importance in the life of a puppy and carries many necessary functions. It keeps the puppy occupied and stimulated, teaching him agility, intelligence and determination in difficult situations, as well as respect for the dog hierarchy. More importantly, through play, the puppy truly learns to communicate with other individuals, so removing the puppy from canine society can affect the formation of a lonely and immature personality in him for the rest of his life.

From birth to two weeks: neonatal period (newborn period)

Puppies are born with an incompletely developed and strengthened brain. Their eyes and ears do not function, they are unable to walk, and the only movements they are able to perform are constantly shaking their heads and crawling on the floor. During the neonatal period, the female constantly licks her puppies, giving them her scent and stimulating them to urinate and defecate, because the puppies are not yet fully capable of doing this on their own.

Konrad Lorenz in 1937 developed the theory of imprinting, according to which the image of the mother is imprinted in the minds of little goslings. A similar process of imprinting the image of the mother occurs in dogs. A dog training center in Sollefteå, Sweden, has discovered that some behaviors, such as whining, are not genetically determined but are a direct consequence of imprinting. Even the head bob of a newborn puppy follows a trajectory that is optimal for improving the imprinting process.

Thus, it can be assumed that everything that very young puppies go through has a huge impact on their future development. Even the slightest thought about separating the puppy from its mother during this period of growing up should be eliminated, because this can lead to physical and psychological underdevelopment of the puppy and even to its death.

Disease susceptibility

Toy terriers are susceptible to diseases such as:

  • enteritis;
  • plague;
  • rabies;
  • hepatitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • allergy;
  • leptospirosis.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

If you suspect the development of one of these diseases, your dog requires immediate veterinary attention.

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