Your pet will never get lost: rules for correctly selecting GPS trackers for animals

The most popular advice is: “Give your dog a tracking chip and you won’t have any problems.” When I read this for the first time, I choked, technology has advanced and I didn’t even notice. But after briefly talking with experts on cyborgization (and we are talking specifically about the creation of a cyborg - a living being, part of whose body is a radio-technical device), I was disappointed. No one could say anything specific; they referred to the Internet, which knows everything, and to acquaintances who had had such a chip implanted long ago and that was all. Well, that is, familiar to animals.

So, I hasten to disappoint cyberpunk fans. It's all a lie, dear friends. Ignorance and lack of education are the only source of this wonderful news from the distant future. And here's how things really are.

The history goes back to the pet identification system, namely branding. The brand used to be branded with a hot iron, but now they have come to their senses and are using tattoos. Here's an example. This makes it possible to identify the animal well, which is especially important for breeding. But we still live in the 21st century, and we have come up with many other ways to label everything. For example, radio tags (RFID). The ones that beep at the exit of the store if you try to steal something without first wrapping it in foil, or if the cashier forgot to deactivate the tag. They look something like this.

So, I digress a little, but this is necessary to understand the main thing. What do dogs have to do with it? And despite the fact that they have learned to make radio tags very small. How small? So. This is a full-fledged RFID tag, only very small and coated with biologically inert material. This mark is inserted into a special syringe with a thick needle and injected under the skin of the animal. Where it becomes overgrown with fibrous tissue and remains for life. There is a unique number written on it, by which the person with the device (usually a veterinarian or customs officer) can make sure that in front of him is the same animal whose passport he is holding in his hands. Read more in detail again on Wikipedia, and you can also go to the website where a database of microchipped animals in Belarus is maintained -

This is all understandable, you say. But what does all of the above have to do with tracking the location of an animal? Absolutely none, I will answer. To track anything in real time, you definitely need 3 things: 1. GPS module to determine the location, 2. Radio module to send data, 3. Battery! All this can be collected into one device and hung on the dog’s collar. But keep in mind that such GPS trackers cost from $200 to $600. Cheap ones work from 10 hours to a day - the battery won’t last for more, and they need to be recharged at least once a day (however, expensive ones work up to 300 hours). And if “the phone doesn’t pick up,” for example in the forest, they don’t work. More details here –

That's it, now you know the whole truth about microchipping dogs and tracking their location.

How did a cat or dog appear in your home? Sometimes this happens unexpectedly: for example, friends gave it as a gift. In many cases, such a decision becomes the result of lengthy debates at the family council, where its small participants express dozens of arguments in favor of a silent friend. It also happens that the question of whether to have or not to have a reliable security guard in the house remains an issue.

GLONASS GPS beacon for animals or chipping?

Yes, animals quickly get used to their owners, and even if they decide to go “AWOL,” in many cases they return home on their own. However, it is not uncommon for dogs and cats to disappear without a trace. Look at the current advertisements in the first newspaper you come across: there are plenty of requests to return the dog or cat.

Is there a solution to the problem? Yes, and many people know about it. Microchipping animals is a common practice, but it is not without its drawbacks. Allergic reactions, inflammatory processes - such consequences of chip implantation are not uncommon. This is why many dog ​​and cat owners prefer GLONASS (GPS) beacon for animals. This device does not entail side effects, since it does not involve implantation under the skin.

Each character has its own model

The goal of buying a collar with GPS is clear and obvious - not to lose your dog, and if lost, to quickly find it.
But what dog? With what character? Under what circumstances is your four-legged friend at risk of being lost? Let's look at the three main types of canine character and behavior that dictate their GPS collar model.

Type – “well-mannered city dweller”

An obedient, calm dog, walked on a leash in urban environments. They don’t take her fishing, hunting, or take her on hiking trips.

In this case, the smallest and most compact tracker with GPS, with a minimum set of functions, is suitable.

Even the simplest models of GPS collars are usually equipped with an “SOS” button, pressing which immediately sends the owner a message with the coordinates of the lost person. In order for a simple passer-by to understand why a button is needed on a lonely dog’s collar, you need to hang a keychain nearby with an inscription like: “I’m lost. Press this button so the owner can find me.”

Type – “gambling pursuer-researcher”

An obedient dog that leaves the owner's control as soon as it sees a cat, another dog, a bird or something else interesting moving.

This also includes cases of isolated disobedience and escapes due to fright (firecrackers, firecrackers, other unexpected sharp sounds), due to the call of blood (a male who sensed a bitch in heat).

The same list includes participants in exhibitions, competitions, and dogs that their owners take with them when going on a trip.

For all these cases, you need a functionally more sophisticated type of satellite collar that provides more information.

In this case, the option of tracking the dog in real time is useful, that is, the owner does not need to send requests for the pet’s coordinates every 5 minutes.

They come to him on their own, without a reminder, which gives a more accurate picture of the dog’s movement and makes it easier to find.

A feature called “speed limit” is very useful in the event of a dog being stolen when the thieves are transporting it in a car. The owner will receive a message from the collar that his pet is temporarily unable to move independently.

It will be useful to be able to find out (listen) what is happening around the dog - the “what’s around?” function. It is more to reassure the owner with the sound of the dog’s breathing, barking, and movement: “Thank God! Alive! A calmed owner is capable of adequate actions and immediately begins an active search for the pet.

Function “virtual zones” - cottage, field, yard. If the pet violates the boundaries of the “virtual zone”, the owner receives a signal on his device.

Type – “real hunter”

This category includes all dogs of hunting breeds that are used for their intended purpose. During the hunt, in the excitement of chasing game, the dog may lose orientation or fall into a ravine, or get into other trouble. And here it’s difficult to do without a GPS collar for hunting dogs.

For hunting dogs, you need a satellite navigation collar that does not require a phone, laptop, cell phone or internet. This collar comes with a tracking device - a navigator with a screen and touch controls (latest models). The manufacturer has already loaded maps and all the necessary programs into this device. The information on the device is updated every 5 seconds - you can watch your pet in real time and see what the animal is doing - running, lying down, standing.

Using the downloaded map, you can quickly calculate the shortest path to the dog.

Using one navigator remote control you can track the movement of several dogs.

Using the remote control, you can control the dogs, give them commands, coordinating their actions. This is true for young hunting dogs. Since the commands given to the dogs using the navigator are vibration or sound signals, before hunting the dogs need to be trained to respond correctly to such “navigation” commands.

On a note! The coverage area of ​​the navigation satellite collar is 15 km in open areas and 5 km in hilly and mountainous areas. Also, the signal quality is affected by weather conditions - strong wind, rain. Therefore, the ideal option is to use both a navigation collar and a tracker at the same time.

You can also extend the signal range by using an amplified antenna that attaches to the GPS collar.

How does GLONASS GPS beacon for animals work?

First, let's talk about what the device looks like. First impression: an ordinary credit card, maybe a little thicker than usual (6 mm). The simple design and low weight (40 grams) hide almost unlimited possibilities, turning the GLONASS GPS beacon for animals into a multifunctional device.

Without exaggeration, this is the “all-seeing eye” and “all-hearing ear”, which is supported by the satellite global positioning system. Thanks to it, the owner of a dog, cat, or horse receives reliable information about the location of the object at certain intervals (they are set up in advance). The most commonly used interval is 2-3 hours. In a force majeure situation, a special SMS must be sent to the GLONASS GPS beacon for animals, after which the device is switched to alarm mode. Then data about the movement of the object will be sent to the phone every 5 minutes. Thus, the animal is under close attention all the time, and it can be found very quickly.

The best GPS beacons for pets: a review of 5 devices for 2020

Among the popular models of GPS beacons for animals in 2022, the title of the best was earned by:

  • TK STAR LK110. A universal device designed to be attached to a collar of any size. It has a high degree of moisture resistance – IP65. Android compatible. Detection accuracy up to 15 meters. Operating time in sleep mode is 10 hours. Price ~ 5800 rubles.

  • Tractive GPS ikati. A cat tracker collar that respects all the structural features of the animal. Autonomy – 120 hours. Possibility of setting geofences. Tracking animal coordinates in real time. Price ~ 5500 rubles.

  • MonkeyG Dest D79. GPS beacon for cats and dogs of small size, allowing you to track the animal with an accuracy of up to 5 meters. It has a high degree of security. Provides autonomy for 5 days. Price – from 3500 to 5200 rubles.

  • GARMIN ASTRO 320 T5. A radio beacon designed for hunting dogs. Range – over 10 km. In active mode it remains operational for 10 hours. Chen - from 40 to 50 thousand rubles.

  • FutureWay FP03. GPS tracker for small breed dogs. Autonomy – 5 days. Positioning accuracy – 5 meters. Magnetic USB charger. High degree of protection from negative environmental factors. Compatible with iOS and Android. Price – 1500–2000 rubles.

GLONASS GPS beacon - for animals and more

The scope of application of the device is quite wide, and it began to be used for pets not so long ago. GLONASS GPS beacons for animals have been purchased and are now being purchased for the following purposes:

  • Protect your vehicle from theft. The traffic police statistics on thefts of cars and motorcycles are gradually improving, but still do not inspire optimism. Still, owners of various vehicles are horrified by the fact that the alarm “for some reason” did not work, and the garage turned out to be “a little box that just opened.” And when the criminals carried out their plan often remains a mystery.
  • Ensure constant monitoring of valuable cargo. Managers of enterprises operating in this area know that it is very difficult to remain calm until the cargo is delivered to its destination. Have there been any unexpected stoppages? Is the route strictly followed? Has anyone coveted an expensive product? These and other questions will not remain a mystery if a beacon is installed in the car.
  • Be confident in the safety of children and elderly relatives. The terrible figure - about 20,000 cases of disappearances of small Russian citizens - is terrifying. Of this number, 10% of children are never found... Need I say that reliable means of protecting relatives are simply necessary? By the way, it’s not worth making a secret of installing a beacon in these cases. It’s better to explain to your family how to use the panic button: it will be needed in unforeseen circumstances.
  • Make sure your other half is faithful. Some jealous spouses just need to understand once that they are wrong, or, alas, confirm their suspicions. Mistrust is the main enemy of married life, and it is easy to get rid of it with the help of a small device.
  • Monitor the work of your personal driver. The driver was late - the excuse was that there was a traffic jam. Is this always true? The driver used the company's transport for his own purposes - but denies it. It won’t be difficult to check such facts: the bug will not deceive you one hundred percent.
  • GLONASS GPS beacon is used not only for pets. These devices are purchased by farmers - for example, owners of expensive breeding cows, and management of hippodromes who have very expensive horses at their disposal.

Main selection criteria

When selecting a tracker for pets, its external data and functionality are taken into account. Among the main selection criteria, the greatest attention is paid to:

  • size and weight;
  • quality of material and ease of fastening;
  • durability, dust and moisture resistance;
  • battery capacity (working time);
  • user-friendly interface, ability to interface with various gadgets;
  • manufacturer's reputation.

In principle, beacons for cats and dogs differ only in size and shape. However, trackers have their own nuances.

For cats

Most cats are not accustomed to collars and try to quickly get rid of foreign objects on their bodies. Therefore, a beacon collar for cats, when securely fastened, should not create discomfort for the animals.

For domestic and hunting dogs

A dog tracker for location tracking needs more features. Unlike cats, dogs are not averse to swimming in a puddle and running in the rain. Therefore, trackers have high degrees of moisture protection. Dogs are more active. To avoid damage to the device, care must be taken to ensure its strength. Since this type of pet is sensitive to the owner's voice, many devices are equipped with a speaker and microphone that allows you to control the pet using voice commands.

A GPS tracker for hunting dogs has short communication intervals with the owner’s gadget, which allows you to quickly track the animal’s movement in unfamiliar terrain.

Monitoring small pets

In addition to their miniature size, beacons for tracking small pets are distinguished by their communication system. Due to their constant presence in limited spaces, these animals do not need expensive and complex trackers. Finding a kitten or hamster within an apartment is quite possible using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices.

How to purchase a GLONASS GPS beacon (for animals, cars, relatives)?

Using our website it’s easy! Leave a request (it will be processed quickly), discuss delivery details with our consultant, if necessary, ask the manager any questions you have and wait. The product will be sent as soon as possible - and it will “arrive” to you within the specified time frame.

When will payment for the order be made? Only after receiving the GLONASS GPS beacon for animals in your hands after handing it over to the courier.

How did a cat or dog appear in your home? Sometimes this happens unexpectedly: for example, friends gave it as a gift. In many cases, such a decision becomes the result of lengthy debates at the family council, where its small participants express dozens of arguments in favor of a silent friend. It also happens that the question of whether to have or not to have a reliable security guard in the house remains an issue.

The first days after the pet appears, everyone gets used to each other, then the adaptation period is replaced by an absolute understanding that the new friend is a full member of the family. And if one day he disappears, the family is not just panicked - everyone perceives it as a great tragedy.

TOP best multifunctional dog GPS collars

BSPlanet BS3999

This popular model is equipped with a GPS tracker, which allows you to track your pet's movements during training, walking or hunting. The data is updated every few seconds. Special attention should be paid to the presence of a beeper, as well as a bark and motion sensor. According to experts, the beacon built by the manufacturer has a range of 70 km, provided there is flat terrain. For forest thickets, the maximum is 15 km. It should also be noted that there are built-in free maps that are updated automatically. The built-in transmitter is waterproof and has an IPX7 protection rating.

The autonomy coefficient reaches 90 hours. This allows you to hunt for several days. According to buyers, other sensors that help detect standing, running, and even barking also deserve attention. There are three modes for training, including sound, vibration and electromagnetic pulse. The receiver, like the tracker, is packed in a special suitcase. Its material is plastic.

Average price – 99956 rubles.

BSPlanet BS3999


  • autonomy;
  • can be purchased in the company’s online store;
  • equipment;
  • built-in maps that are updated for free;
  • range;
  • multifunctionality;
  • high quality fastenings.


  • high price.

Garmin Alpha 100 TT15

This model from one of the best European manufacturers is in deserved demand among dog breeders. It is based on the use of a modern GPS tracker. Designed specifically for experienced breeders. Based on the description provided by the brand, the design meets all necessary standards and quality requirements. The package includes a portable device Alpha-100, as well as a device with a dog collar. Suitable for any neck circumference as the design is adjustable. The device is waterproof and can be submerged in water for half an hour.

The built-in lithium-type battery, which holds a charge for 20 hours, is responsible for increased convenience in subsequent operation. The built-in memory is enough to save data from 200 devices. The maximum range of the sensor is 14 km. Information is updated every 2 seconds. To avoid mistakes when choosing, it should be noted that the device allows you to simultaneously track the location of 20 dogs.

How much does the accessory cost? The purchase will cost 86,800 rubles.

Garmin Alpha 100 TT15


  • minimal data update time;
  • moisture protection;
  • excellent model for dog breeders;
  • the ability to simultaneously track 20 individuals;
  • appearance;
  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • adjustable strap.


  • high price.

Martin Positioning System

This popular model from one of the best Belgian companies will be the best solution for dog training. This set not only includes a collar, but also a detachable receiver and transmitter. The maximum range is 60 km, provided there is flat terrain. The built-in battery is enough to operate for 2 days. This device allows you to simultaneously track the movement of 32 dogs. The installed transmitter is protected from moisture and is housed in a shock-resistant housing. Despite the high price, the indicated characteristics do not include data regarding the number of steps taken or calories burned. The device also does not analyze the animal's sleep.

Average price - 72,400 rubles.

Martin Positioning System


  • impact-resistant design;
  • moisture protection;
  • ability to control multiple collars;
  • range;
  • autonomy;
  • design;
  • copes well with the designated functions.


  • The model does not belong to the budget category.

Garmin Astro 430 T5

This is the best model to buy for breeders who regularly train animals. Can also be used for hunting. It is based on the use of a modern GPS tracker, which operates on the basis of Glonass. This allows you to accurately determine the location of your pet. It will take a few seconds for the device to update the information. When ordering online, free cards will already be installed on the device. It should also be noted that you are allowed to upload your own maps. The built-in memory is enough to save over 200 tracks, which eliminates the risk of losing your pet. If necessary, a special program can be installed on a laptop, which will allow you to work with it and automatically save data to third-party media.

Special attention should be paid to the possibility of working in conditions without access to the Internet. Among other functionalities, the presence of a waterproof case and a high autonomy factor of 20 hours are noted. The maximum range of the transmitter is 14 km.

You can purchase the set at a price of 70,990 rubles.

Garmin Astro 430 T5


  • ability to work without the Internet;
  • autonomy;
  • moisture protection;
  • it is possible to install the application on a laptop;
  • location accuracy;
  • You can buy it in almost any store.


  • high price.

GLONASS GPS beacon for animals or chipping?

Yes, animals quickly get used to their owners, and even if they decide to go “AWOL,” in many cases they return home on their own. However, it is not uncommon for dogs and cats to disappear without a trace. Look at the current advertisements in the first newspaper you come across: there are plenty of requests to return the dog or cat.

Is there a solution to the problem? Yes, and many people know about it. Microchipping animals is a common practice, but it is not without its drawbacks. Allergic reactions, inflammatory processes - such consequences of chip implantation are not uncommon. This is why many dog ​​and cat owners prefer GLONASS (GPS) beacon for animals. This device does not entail side effects, since it does not involve implantation under the skin.

Where to microchip a cat?

It is recommended that cats be microchipped at a veterinary clinic. This guarantees:

  • compliance with all hygiene standards;
  • use of original chip;
  • registration of a microchip in a unified database of microchipped animals;
  • recording information about microchipping in the pet’s veterinary passport.

To carry out the procedure at the ZooMedic veterinary clinic, you must first make an appointment. You can do this by calling +7 (495) 797-18-05

How does GLONASS GPS beacon for animals work?

First, let's talk about what the device looks like. First impression: an ordinary credit card, maybe a little thicker than usual (6 mm). The simple design and low weight (40 grams) hide almost unlimited possibilities, turning the GLONASS GPS beacon for animals into a multifunctional device.

Without exaggeration, this is the “all-seeing eye” and “all-hearing ear”, which is supported by the satellite global positioning system. Thanks to it, the owner of a dog, cat, or horse receives reliable information about the location of the object at certain intervals (they are set up in advance). The most commonly used interval is 2-3 hours. In a force majeure situation, a special SMS must be sent to the GLONASS GPS beacon for animals, after which the device is switched to alarm mode. Then data about the movement of the object will be sent to the phone every 5 minutes. Thus, the animal is under close attention all the time, and it can be found very quickly.

Mobile applications that support GPS tracker data

To be able to remotely monitor the movement of your pet via a smartphone, you need to install a special mobile application on it. With its help, signals coming from a GPS tracker for animals will be converted and displayed on the display of a smartphone or tablet.

For various modifications of trackers, manufacturers release their own mobile applications that allow you to make full use of all the capabilities of the device. For example, for the Tractive line of GPS collars, a special Tractive GPS PetFinder application has been created. It gives the user the following options:

  • Determine the location of the animal.
  • See the history of his movements.
  • Set up a virtual boundary zone.

Similar functionality is provided by mobile applications for other modifications. For example, for Futureway collars this is the Future gps application, Amazin Locator - for the line of GLONASS trackers of the same name. As a rule, all mobile applications are freely available in the GooglePlay or AppStore online stores, respectively, for smartphones running Android and iOS. Some of them are compatible with each other, allowing you to track devices from other manufacturers. But, for correct operation, it is still better to install the application recommended by the manufacturer of the GPS device.

GLONASS GPS beacon - for animals and more

The scope of application of the device is quite wide, and it began to be used for pets not so long ago. GLONASS GPS beacons for animals have been purchased and are now being purchased for the following purposes:

  • Protect your vehicle from theft. The traffic police statistics on thefts of cars and motorcycles are gradually improving, but still do not inspire optimism. Still, owners of various vehicles are horrified by the fact that the alarm “for some reason” did not work, and the garage turned out to be “a little box that just opened.” And when the criminals carried out their plan often remains a mystery.
  • Ensure constant monitoring of valuable cargo. Managers of enterprises operating in this area know that it is very difficult to remain calm until the cargo is delivered to its destination. Have there been any unexpected stoppages? Is the route strictly followed? Has anyone coveted an expensive product? These and other questions will not remain a mystery if a beacon is installed in the car.
  • Be confident in the safety of children and elderly relatives. The terrible figure - about 20,000 cases of disappearances of small Russian citizens - is terrifying. Of this number, 10% of children are never found... Need I say that reliable means of protecting relatives are simply necessary? By the way, it’s not worth making a secret of installing a beacon in these cases. It’s better to explain to your family how to use the panic button: it will be needed in unforeseen circumstances.
  • Make sure your other half is faithful. Some jealous spouses just need to understand once that they are wrong, or, alas, confirm their suspicions. Mistrust is the main enemy of married life, and it is easy to get rid of it with the help of a small device.
  • Monitor the work of your personal driver. The driver was late - the excuse was that there was a traffic jam. Is this always true? The driver used the company's transport for his own purposes - but denies it. It won’t be difficult to check such facts: the bug will not deceive you one hundred percent.
  • GLONASS GPS beacon is used not only for pets. These devices are purchased by farmers - for example, owners of expensive breeding cows, and management of hippodromes who have very expensive horses at their disposal.

Clarification: the device is not able to prevent force majeure. For example, if a criminal decides to steal your car, which is not equipped with an alarm, immobilizer or other anti-theft device, he will most likely be able to do it. However, how far will the attacker go? No! The owner of the car will receive information about the movement of vehicles and, by switching the device to “alarm” mode, every few minutes he will know where the object is at a specific second. Returning the car will be a matter of time – and not for long.

⇡#Dogs can be biters

Not only from the life of a dog, and therefore you can use special collars that can protect yourself and the people around you from sudden aggression from the dog. More precisely, we are talking about electric collars, electric shock collars, training electric shockers - many names have been invented for this device.

In fact, such a collar is designed to tell the dog at the right moment that the style of behavior he has chosen is wrong in the current situation. Verbal suggestion is reinforced by an electrostatic impulse, which is regulated in level and duration.

Simply put, the dog is given a weak electric shock, and therefore such collars are often used for training, but it would also be useful to walk something of a fighting breed in such a collar. As specialized sites write, the main task of such a system is to create unpleasant, uncomfortable sensations for the dog during or while it performs an undesirable action or fails to comply with a command.

In this case, the dog is wearing a collar, and in the hands of the owner or trainer is a remote control, which usually provide a range of 200 to 1500 meters and allow several degrees of adjustment of the electrostatic effect (from 5 to 20 on average). Shockers (although dog breeders themselves do not like this name) come with or without an antenna, with or without an LCD display, with or without screen backlight. For your money, any whim, as they say. Among the additional bells and whistles, we need to mention the transmission of a voice command directly to the speaker in the collar.

Cruel, inhumane? There is little. But still not as inhumane as children bitten by a dog on the playground.

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