Natural drug for the treatment of animals "Tsamaks"

Every breeder has encountered a problem, the essence of which lies in the difficulties associated with choosing medications for their beloved pet. This article will discuss Tsamax for dogs, a drug that has proven itself and has virtually no analogues. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to choose a remedy to treat a disease without consulting a veterinarian, which costs a lot of money.

Description of the additive

Tsamax is made from zeolite and sulfur-containing substances . The structure of the mineral resembles a sponge; it contains many useful microelements.

The mineral is rich
in phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc., their effect is enhanced by sulfur-containing compounds.
The combination of active components improves local immunity and accelerates metabolism, promoting wound healing. Sulfur has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects . It absorbs pathogenic microbes and their toxins, drains secretions and restores the skin.


Indications for use of the powder are as follows:

  • scratches and abrasions;
  • interdigital cracks;
  • thermal and chemical burns;
  • diaper rash in skin folds;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • folliculitis;
  • treatment of wounds after opening abscesses, etc.

Tsamax is available in tablet form and is used as an enterosorbent . It cleanses the animal’s body of harmful substances and normalizes liver function. The medicine increases immunity and improves the condition of the coat.

Tablets are prescribed for non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and allergy relief . The drug alleviates the condition of urolithiasis and is used for impaired mineral metabolism. The use of Tsamax increases resistance to demodicosis, trichophytosis and psoroptosis.

Composition and storage conditions

Tsamaks is a light yellow or light gray powder with fine particles. 100 g of medicine contains 80 g of zeolite, 20 g of sulfur and fragrance .

The drug is available in sterile and sealed polyethylene jars, sealed with plastic lids. The weight of standard packaging is 50 and 250 g , packaged in cardboard boxes.

The shelf life of the product is 2 years from the date of manufacture, subject to storage rules. You cannot use expired Tsamax.

It is recommended to store the drug in closed packaging, separately from food and pet food, the place should be dry and dark, inaccessible to children, and the temperature should be in the range of +4...+25°C . It is prohibited to use powder cans for storing food.

How to give powder?

When working with Tsamax, wash your hands thoroughly and follow precautions regarding the use of medicine for animals. The powder is well tolerated by dogs of all breeds and ages.

Before applying the product, you need to prepare the affected area of ​​the skin - treat it with hydrogen peroxide (it is recommended to take a 3% solution).

Depending on the extent of the lesion, powder the skin with powder at the rate of 0.5-2 g, if necessary, use a bandage for fixation . Treat areas once a day, before walking, apply as needed.

Treatment with Tsamaks does not replace the use of antimicrobial and other agents prescribed by a doctor . The powder is compatible with other medications.

Medicinal properties indications for use

Tsamax is indicated for cats and dogs for:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poisoning;
  • violation of nutrient metabolism;
  • poor nutrition.

The use of vetperpart Tsamaks improves the quality of life of pets living in megacities in conditions far from natural. The drug can be used in the complex treatment of allergic diseases. Its purpose does not exclude the use of other veterinary medications or feed additives to help the pet.

Tsamax is considered a low-hazard compound; it has no teratogenic, embryotoxic effects or the ability to sensitize the body.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

Thanks to its natural composition, the powder will not harm puppies, pregnant or lactating dogs; there are almost no restrictions on its use. However, exceeding the prescribed dose is not recommended. The powder may temporarily stain the animal's fur.

The powder is suitable for all dogs; it has no irritating, sensitizing or toxic effects. Tsamax is a low-hazard substance ; the main contraindication for use is open bleeding.



Natalya, 42 years old, Nizhny Novgorod:

“I’ve been using Tsamax powder for several years now. Because of the haircut, my miniature poodle had wounds - the product heals them perfectly and is safe for animals. Pets love to lick their sores, so I refused wound-healing ointments - the dog suffered from indigestion several times.

Tsamaks quickly relieves irritation and pain. It is also suitable for other pets; sometimes I use the powder for a cat who loves to climb trees. The powder has a strong sulfur smell. It’s inexpensive, but it’s not always on sale.”

Sergey, 35 years old, Moscow:

“I am sure that powder should be in every first aid kit for pets. Tsamax is indispensable for any skin problems - scratches and abrasions heal much faster. The product has become a real salvation from eczema. Thanks to the convenient dispenser, the powder is used sparingly. The only drawback is the bright yellow color of the powder, which is not suitable for white and black dogs.”


Elena, 44 years old, veterinarian, St. Petersburg:

“Tsamax is an effective treatment for wounds; it is safe for animals and does not cause adverse reactions. The powder is suitable for animals of all breeds and ages, it can be used for other pets. The uniqueness of the drug lies in its rare combination of versatility, safety and affordable price.”

Andrey, 51 years old, veterinarian, Saratov:

“I prescribe the powder almost daily - it helps with dermatitis, eczema and various skin lesions. It is harmless for puppies, pregnant and lactating dogs. The only contraindication is open bleeding; hypersensitivity to Tsamax is rare.”

Operating principle of Tsamaks

As already described earlier, the main components of Tsamax for dogs are substances such as the mineral zeolite, which is contained in more than 90% of this medicine, as well as elemental sulfur. As for the structure of the product, it is worth comparing it with a simple sponge, the principle of which is to draw something inside. In this situation we are talking about some toxic substances that pose a particular danger to the dog. The drug is also capable of absorbing various heavy metals, as well as decay products of harmful microorganisms.

But Tsamaks also has another role, the essence of which is to perform the function of an ion exchanger, that is, to release beneficial substances while absorbing harmful ones. Thus, it is possible not only to protect the body, but also to significantly enrich it with minerals and other necessary compounds. As for sulfur, its role lies entirely in the synthesis of amino acids, which affect an important indicator - blood clotting. Sulfur also significantly activates the process of collagen production, while simultaneously strengthening the animal’s bone skeleton. It also affects the ligaments.

These compounds also have a unique complex effect, unique only to this drug. We are talking about the fact that the dog’s body begins to better resist various infections, and the exchange of microelements changes significantly, and only in a positive direction. The entire digestive system begins to perform its functions better. It is also worth noting the general changes affecting the coat and many internal organs, the functions of which return to normal.

Contraindications of the drug

It is also worth noting that Tsamax has no special contraindications for dogs, but it is still not recommended to start a course of treatment without the advice of a veterinarian. Don’t be alarmed if you notice changes after you start taking it; for example, many dog ​​owners begin to complain about loose stools, this is normal! Thus, the body reacts to the beginning of the cleansing.

As for the principle of action of the powder, it is prescribed only for external damage, for example, for wounds or deep abrasions. The product helps to resist suppuration and many other skin diseases, but do not forget to consult a specialist.

It is also worth noting the additional components of the medicine, which are created to help the body, as well as to improve its condition:

  • carbohydrates;
  • lipids;
  • unique additives;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins of groups C, E, B;
  • phytonutrients;
  • amino acids;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Is it possible to overdose?

Before the instructions regarding the drug Tsamax for dogs are discussed, it is worth discussing information about possible overdoses. Fortunately, it is completely absent. The fact is that during the entire period of using the drug, not a single case of an unfavorable outcome was identified. The manufacturer also did not report the possibility of any side effects resulting from an overdose of this medicine. And, as mentioned earlier, it is possible to state only one existing contraindication, the essence of which is the dog’s specific intolerance to a certain component, but such situations are almost impossible to predict in advance.


Before replacing wound healing powder, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian . The drug has no analogues on the Russian market, but there are products with similar properties.

Ranosan is a wound-healing medicine that has bactericidal, drying and analgesic properties. The active ingredients of the powder are chloramphenicol, methyluracil and lidocaine. Sold in plastic cans or bags of 5 g, the price of a package of Ranosan is 151 rubles.

It has a wide spectrum of action, the drug is prescribed for post-operative wounds and removal of tails or ears. The powder has contraindications: individual intolerance and damage to more than 10% of the pet’s body. Ranosan is available in the form of an ointment with a volume of 10 g, its purchase will cost 141 rubles.

Terramycin is a worthy alternative to brilliant green. The spray is a broad-spectrum antibiotic; the active substance is oxytetracycline hydrochloride. It has a strong healing effect, is used to treat various skin diseases in dogs, and accelerates recovery after surgery.

The product is very convenient to use, easy to apply, without requiring contact with the wound. Suitable for all pets, there are no side effects or contraindications. The medicine has a bright blue-green color, which must be taken into account - the spray is difficult to wash off from different surfaces. The cost of a 150 ml bottle is 449 rubles.

Tsamax is an indispensable remedy for the treatment of wounds and skin diseases. It is distinguished by a wide spectrum of action, versatility, safety and affordable price. The drug effectively relieves pain and irritation, accelerating wound healing and skin restoration.

When is Tsamax prescribed?

As you may already understand, Tsamax is an excellent remedy, but even the best medications can harm your health if taken when you definitely shouldn’t. As for this drug, experts recommend using it when:

  • Allergic manifestations. In this case, Tsamax will become an excellent component of complex therapy, and we are talking not only about mild urticaria, the consequences of which cannot seriously harm the animal, but also, for example, about allergic dermatitis.
  • Hypovitaminosis. Tsamax can replace specially developed multivitamin complexes, but before using it, it is best to coordinate it with a veterinarian, because dogs, like people, have the possibility of individual intolerance to the drug or its components. This effect in the fight against hypovitaminosis can be achieved thanks to vitamins, as well as microelements, which can be found in Tsamax, and in large quantities.
  • Old age or exhaustion of the body. The dog’s body may simply be exhausted, which is why such a nutritional supplement is often prescribed, which is necessary in such situations, because the general condition of the body improves noticeably.
  • Trophic ulcers in an old state. This disease can be treated using any form of Tsamax, be it powder or food supplement. In any case, the effect will be wonderful.
  • Weakened resistance. Dogs whose bodies suffer from unusual resistance (this indicator is often confused with the immune system) also need a similar remedy. Simply put, it will help the animal get sick less often.
  • Long-term treatment. If the dog has undergone a long treatment that has exhausted it (chemotherapy can be an example), then the drug will also work well and help cope with the damage caused to the entire body (including parasites).

It is worth mentioning that Tsamaks is used by people who organize dog shows, because, while improving the condition of the animal, it also affects external factors, for example, wool. It can change significantly in just a few weeks! We are talking about those drugs that were made with a sulfur component, do not buy counterfeit drugs!

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