Advantix Advantix drops on the withers for dogs against fleas and ticks - reviews

Composition and action

In the spring and summer, the dog is at risk of becoming infected with ticks, which are carriers of many dangerous diseases. Fleas attack your pet all year round. And even dogs that live indoors almost all the time are no exception, so regular prevention is necessary.

Advantix begins to act quickly: within a few minutes the itching stops, and within 12 hours after using the drug, all blood-sucking insects are almost 100% destroyed. The protection is valid for a month.

The effectiveness of the medicine is ensured by the two active components included in the solution. Imidacloprid is a chemical substance, a neonicotinoid, that acts on the central nervous system of the ectoparasite, causing blockage of nerve impulses. In small doses the substance is safe for pets, but if the dose is exceeded it is toxic.


– neurotoxin. By specifically acting on the nerve cells of the ectoparasite, it causes rapid paralysis and then the death of the insect.

Important! Low toxicity for dogs, permitrin is dangerous for cats. When treating dogs, contact of the animal with cats and puppies under 7 weeks should be excluded for at least a day.

Advantix Advantix drops on the withers for dogs against fleas and ticks - reviews



A single treatment provides protection for 4 weeks


did not find

With the advent of the dog, I had to think about such a problem as protection from ticks and fleas. These parasites are not only unpleasant to look at, but can also seriously harm the health of the animal, as they are carriers of many diseases. Mite activity begins when the soil temperature reaches 7 degrees. Depending on weather conditions, they may appear as early as April. And contrary to popular belief, ticks do not live on trees, but in grass and low bushes. On the advice of our breeder, I use Advantix drops from the German company Bayer to protect the dog. These drops worked well for us, they do not cause any allergies in my dog ​​and she tolerates them well. My dog ​​is already 6 years old. During this time she was not bitten by a single tick. It is very important to carefully read the instructions before using the drug and purchase the drug in accordance with the weight of the dog. Protective drops are sold in 4 versions: for dogs weighing up to 4 kilograms, from 4 to 10, from 10 to 25 and from 25 to 40. The drug is sold in disposable dose pipettes, packaged in an individual blister. In order to open the pipette, you need to remove the cap from it, turn it over, put the back side on the pipette and turn it, thus removing the protection. Proper handling of the dog is also of great importance. Drops should be applied directly to the animal's skin, parting the fur. It is very important to apply the drops to an area where your dog cannot reach, usually the skin between the shoulder blades. In order to speed up the absorption of the drug, I apply drops to several points. It is better to treat your dog 3 days after bathing. The treated area should not be touched for 12 hours. A single treatment can protect the dog from ticks and fleas for 4 weeks, then the treatment can be repeated. This product remains effective even when the coat gets wet, for example if you walk in the rain. And you can bathe your dog with shampoo 2 weeks after treatment. Personally, I really like this, since my dog ​​is small and I wash it just once every two weeks. The box with the drug also contains stickers that need to be pasted into the dog’s passport, thus marking the date of treatment. This is convenient for both the owner and the veterinarian, especially if the dog is traveling. I really like this product, but your veterinarian should of course recommend it for your dog.



The effect is great!


Doesn't cope well with fleas

Only Advantix helps our Stafford. We live near a forest, and naturally there are huge numbers of ticks; this is the second year we’ve been using it, and we haven’t brought a single tick yet.


Good afternoon everyone. With the advent of the dog, the question arose of what drug to protect it from fleas, ticks and other insects. A friend who has had a dog for 9 years recommended Advantix drops. I trust German companies and that's why I bought them. Many write that they do not help, and there may be fakes, but after talking with people, I concluded that many simply do not read the instructions carefully or consider it unnecessary to comply with all the prescribed conditions of use. The dog should not be washed three days before applying the drops and then for another three days. Many people miss this moment. Our dog tolerates these drops well. We've been using it for three years now. The instructions say that they are effective for 28 days, but there are cases that already on the 21st day fleas begin to cling and in this case I treat the dog a week earlier. Perhaps our expiration date is expiring faster due to the fact that every day I wash my belly with shampoo and the product is washed out. A friend says she uses drops at night. We don’t do this because the dog starts wiping his back on the blanket. The drops are oily, take a long time to dry and the hair at the application site is greasy for a couple of days. I usually put a harness on the dog, choose a place on the withers where the harness does not come into contact with the skin and apply drops there (so that the harness does not get on the application site and rub the skin) and go for a walk. It dries faster outside.

The drug is sold in a cardboard box with a thick foil bag inside. This bag contains a small tube of medication in a plastic backing. Stickers are also provided to mark when the drug was applied, so as not to forget. Everything is very convenient. In my opinion, the drops are good, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

There is often a discount on the drug when you buy 2 pieces at once.

Shelest V.

I have had dogs for a long time. I am a regular customer of veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. Starting from the end of February until November, I treat my four-legged friends on a monthly basis. Since ticks are deadly parasites for dogs, I approach this problem scrupulously and carefully.

No matter what I tried and tested, but ticks were constantly caught. Realizing that any product does not give 100% results, in addition to flea and tick collars and sprays, I use drops. Most drugs, including well-known manufacturers, use fipronil as the main active ingredient. This is the same nasty thing that was used to treat fields in the thirties. Over the years, insects have adapted to fipronil and are no longer poisoned by it. I contacted the manufacturers about this , to which they say that sometimes they change the formula itself. But looking at the dogs, I understand that there is not much sense in changing the formula. It’s good that I found Advantix drops. It contains the active ingredients imidacloprid and permethrin. That’s exactly what I was prompted to try these drops for the first time.

For a dog weighing from 10 to 25 kilograms, such drops cost 416 rubles, at least in the store near me. This is the price for one pipette. Such drops are usually sold in stores and veterinary pharmacies individually. In a package if I I’m not mistaken, three pipettes. The manufacturer is very famous and popular not only in veterinary medicine but also in ordinary human pharmacies - Bayer (Bayer is a German pharmaceutical company founded in 1863).

Destroys Advantix ticks, fleas, lice eaters, mosquitoes and other insects. I have been convinced of this more than once and have trusted it for many years.

It is easy to use, like any other drops. You need to remove the cap from the pipette and pierce its nose with the back of it. Next, you need to part the dog’s fur in a place or places where the dog cannot lick the drug and apply the product to undamaged areas of the skin. There are also contraindications. They are not used for sick and convalescent animals, as well as for puppies less than seven weeks old. It is very important that before applying tick drops, do not wash the dog for several days before and after treatment. This is necessary so as not to wash away the fatty a layer with the help of which the active substance will spread throughout the dog’s body.

I would like to note that when purchasing one pipette, the seller most likely will not give you instructions, since there is only one in each package and three pipettes. But if you want to use this product for the first time, it will be better if you ask for it. They will definitely not refuse you .

As I wrote above, I drip these drops monthly. Since the effective effect is achieved within 48 hours and lasts up to four weeks. I tried not to instill it after a month for two weeks. Every day it became more and more noticeable that the effect was ending. In general, this remedy against ticks I could praise it for a long time, and all because it really works.


Advantix is ​​an effective protective and medicinal product that has an active effect:

  • for fleas;
  • lice;
  • lice eaters;
  • ixodid ticks;
  • mosquitoes;
  • midges;
  • mosquitoes, etc.

A single treatment is enough to protect the animal for 4-6 weeks. The medicine is used both for regular treatment and for the treatment of flea infestations and allergic dermatitis caused by insects. In the latter case, it can be combined with other therapeutic drugs.

Dog treatment

The instructions for using Advantix drops for dogs provide for a single treatment for a month. The procedure is extremely simple, takes no more than 5 minutes.

  1. Remove the cap from the dropper immediately before use.
  2. Push back the dog's fur.
  3. Apply drops to the withers or along the spine.
  4. Rub with your finger for quick absorption.

It is not allowed to reuse the drops for a month if the product does not work. An exception is the situation when the animal gets wet within 2 hours after treatment.

On a note!

It is recommended to apply Advantix drops a few days before a planned walk in nature. Or start processing with the onset of warm days - in April, and finish the process in the fall - in October.

Treating an animal with flea drops

Flea dermatitis

Dermatitis is a skin lesion accompanied by severe itching and redness of the skin. Flea saliva is an allergen: it contains caustic substances. If the animal's skin is hypersensitive, itching begins immediately after the bite.

Dogs of short-haired breeds are most susceptible to dermatitis: Labradors, Rottweilers, boxers, bulldogs, German shepherds and others.

Signs of an allergic reaction are:

  • severe itching, due to which the dog literally tears the skin. At the site of scratching, scratches and wounds appear, into which infectious agents can easily penetrate;
  • dry skin, seborrhea, the appearance of crusts and scales on the skin;
  • hair loss at the site of scratching;
  • depression, irritability;
  • loss of appetite up to complete refusal to eat;
  • vomit.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Can I bathe my dog ​​before and after applying the solution?

Water slightly reduces the effectiveness of the drops. But detergents wash away the lipid layer, which is needed to distribute the solution. Therefore, the pet is washed 2-3 days before and after treatment. Subsequently, bathe the dog no more than once a week.

Is Advantix harmful to cats?

Yes, the drug contains permethrin, which is dangerous for cats. If it gets on the skin or inside the body, cats develop severe side effects: fever, ataxia, epileptic seizures, muscle tremors. They lead to serious complications, including death. Therefore, after using the drops, do not let the cat near the dog for 2-3 days and make sure that she does not lick the dog until the solution dries.

Are pregnant dogs allowed to use the drops?

The instructions do not directly prohibit the treatment of pregnant and lactating bitches with Advantix. But the drug is toxic, so it is used only when absolutely necessary and under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Diseases transmitted by ticks

In early spring, as soon as it gets warmer, ticks become more active. A dog can “catch” them while walking – not only in the forest, but also in the city. Ixodid ticks are frequent carriers of dangerous diseases, including:

PiroplasmosisA disease whose pathogens enter the blood, where they destroy red blood cells responsible for the delivery of oxygen to the cells of various organs;
Borreliosisaka Lyme disease. The pathology is dangerous due to its long incubation period: in a dog bitten in the summer, signs of the disease may appear only after several months, and not every owner will associate them with the ectoparasite. The disease most often causes inflammatory processes in the joints, but can affect parenchymal organs, causing myocarditis, nephritis, hepatitis, etc. When the central nervous system is damaged, meningitis and encephalitis are possible;
EhrlichiosisIt is characterized by debilitating fever, weakness, sudden weight loss until complete exhaustion. Signs of the disease are blood in the urine, a decrease in the number of leukocytes and platelets in the blood, hemorrhages and bleeding, anemia;
BartonellosisDangerous for both animals and humans. The disease causes high fever, weakness and drowsiness, and disruption of the cardiovascular system. The disease is dangerous because it can last a long time or cause sudden death.

Veterinarians recommend using Advantix to protect pets from ixodid ticks, carrying out preventive treatment in the spring, about a month before warming (in February-March). The drug is active against ectoparasites at all stages of their development, which helps to quickly and effectively get rid of both adult insects and their eggs and larvae.

Important! The use of the drug causes the rapid death of parasites that remain on the skin. It is recommended to remove dead ticks manually.

Description of the drug Advantix for dogs

Advantix drops for dogs is a drug designed to repel or get rid of ixodid ticks, flies, fleas and mosquitoes. It protects the animal for a long time after use, thereby reducing the risk of contracting diseases carried by the listed parasites and insects. For example, if it prevents tick bites, then there will be no need to treat piroplasmosis in dogs - after all, ticks are the cause of this disease.

Active substances, release form, storage

This insecticidal acaricidal preparation contains 10% imidacloprid and 50% permethrin as active substances. Advantix drops are a transparent liquid from yellow to brown in color, emitting a slight specific odor. The product is available in pipettes of 0.4, 1, 2.5, and 4 ml, packaged in 4 pieces.

  • Release form: pipettes with a volume of 0.4, 1.0, 2.5 and 4.0 ml, packaged in 4 pcs.;
  • Active ingredients: 10% imidacloprid and 50% permethrin;
  • Storage - in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature from 0 to +20°C;
  • Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacture.
  • (Moscow)


The manufacturer guarantees the safety of the drug subject to the rules of use and dosage. The medicine is sold in convenient pipette tubes. Having pierced the protective membrane of the nose, you need to apply the solution to the pet’s skin, first spreading the fur.

The dosage depends on the weight of the pet:

  • up to 4 kg – 0.4 ml;
  • 4-10 kg – 1.0 ml;
  • 10-25 kg – 2.5 ml;
  • 25 kg – 4.0 ml.

To treat small animals, it is enough to apply the medicine in one place - on the withers; for medium and large pets - in several places along the spine. It is recommended to avoid getting the product on the fur to avoid dripping and licking of the solution.

Important! The death of fleas and lice occurs within 12 hours, ticks - within two days. The effect of the medicine lasts for 1-1.5 months, so it is recommended to re-treat it no more than once a month.

Instructions for use and dosage

Advantix is ​​used at the rate of 0.1 ml of the drug per 1 kg of dog weight. It’s easy to choose the dosage - you just need to buy packaging according to the weight of the animal.

Previously, for dogs weighing over 40 kg, a combination of pipettes was used: for example, if the dog weighed 60 kg, two packages of 4 ml and 2.5 ml were taken. Recently they began to produce the drug in a dosage for large dogs weighing more than 40-60 kg (6 ml) - this method is more convenient and cheaper.

Use Advantix as follows:

  • take the pipette out of the package and pierce the protective membrane with the back of the cap;
  • fix the animal on the floor (if the dog is large) or on the table (if the dog is small or medium-sized);
  • move the fur apart - it is important that the drops get on the skin, otherwise their effect will be reduced;
  • apply the solution pointwise to the withers, at the base of the neck or between the shoulder blades, if the pet is large - then in 3-4 places along the ridge;
  • make sure that the solution does not come into contact with damaged, irritated or wet skin;
  • After application, do not allow the dog to lick itself until the product has completely dried.

Advantix is ​​valid for up to 28 days. Therefore, the treatment is repeated monthly. Moisture does not reduce the effectiveness of the drops, but if your pet swam in a river or pond without permission, it is better to apply the drug again a week after the previous application.

Limitations and side effects

Given the minor toxicity of the drug, it should not be used for puppies under 7 weeks of age, as well as dogs weighing less than 2 kg. The prohibition on using Advantix without consulting a veterinarian applies to:

  • on pregnant and lactating females;
  • elderly animals;
  • weakened pets.

In the first three days after using the insecticide, you should avoid bathing and getting liquid (rain, etc.) on your pet’s skin.

Complications after using Advantix are rare, however, with increased sensitivity to the components, negative manifestations are possible:

  • redness and irritation of the skin;
  • chemical burns (with an excessive amount of the drug on the skin);
  • increased excitability;
  • vomiting or diarrhea.

If symptoms do not go away within 1-2 days, you should contact your veterinarian. If the medicine enters the body, the pet requires immediate veterinary assistance from a specialist.

Analogues of the drug

There are no drugs synonymous with Advantix. But there are many analogues with similar effects, albeit based on other active ingredients.

A complete review of deworming medications for dogs.

Review of flea and tick drops for dogs.

The most common of them:

AnalogueDifferencesaverage cost
StrongholdContains selamectin. Effective against fleas, demodectic and sarcoptic mites. Does not have repellent properties against mosquitoes and flies. Less toxic, less likely to cause side effects. 400 rub. per pipette.
FrontlineAvailable in the form of drops and spray. Helps against most types of ixodid mites, as well as scabies. Lasts longer: prevents infection by ticks for up to 5 weeks, and insects for up to 3 months. Spray for 100 ml – 1,100 rubles, drops – 540 rubles. a piece.
Pract-ticThe action is similar to Advantix, only it contains a different active ingredient - pyriprole. It has great restrictions: it is prohibited for puppies under 8 weeks and weighing less than 2 kg. 300-400 rub. per pipette.
BravectoProduced in the form of drops and chewable tablets. Effective against ixodid, demodectic and sarcoptic ticks. Less toxic. RUB 1,250 a piece.
AdvocateContains imidacloprid and moxidectin. Works against fleas, lice-eaters, scabies and demodectic mites, as well as helminths. 450 rub. per pipette.
BinakarDrugs based on imidacloprid, cypermethrin and propolis extract (prevents skin irritation). It works better, helps against more ticks, and also repels dipterous insects. Safer and less likely to cause negative reactions. 220 rub. one joke.
AdvantageAnother antiparasitic remedy for. Contains imidacloprid, which is effective against fleas, lice and lice, but does not work against ticks. 900 rub. per pipette.
Bars ForteThe antiparasitic effect is achieved through fipronil and diflubenzuron. The action is similar to Advantix, but does not repel mosquitoes, flies, midges and sand flies. There is a dosage for dogs up to 1 kg. Prohibited for pregnant and lactating bitches. 100 rub. per pipette.
BlochNetHelps against fleas, lice, lice (up to 2 months), ixodid and sarcoptic ticks (up to 4 weeks), repels mosquitoes (up to 7 days).320 rub. a piece.

Price and analogues

Advantix is ​​sold in a veterinary pharmacy in a package of 4 pipettes. The price depends on what animals the medicine is intended for. Information about this is contained on the packaging. The average cost of packaging is 1400-2000 rubles.

Analogues of the insecticidal drug are:

  1. Frontline - available in several dosage forms;
  2. Practitioner - drops for treatment;
  3. Bravecto is a tablet that acts on skin and intestinal parasites.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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