A simple rope will make a beautiful dog leash. Do it yourself

How to make a dog leash with your own hands

A dog leash, especially the first one for a puppy, can be made on your own. There are several options. Let's look at the simplest method using the most accessible materials.

You will need:

  • braid made of cotton or nylon fabric;
  • ribbon made of decorative material;
  • soft flannel for the inside;
  • industrial small but durable carabiner;
  • strong, preferably lavsan, threads.

The manufacturing scheme is as follows:

  • The braid, flannel and ribbon are basted together. This will make the accessory attractive.
  • The edge of the sling is bent to secure the carabiner.
  • The connection must be sewn several times on a sewing machine to ensure that the carabiner is securely fastened.
  • At the opposite end of the sling, form a loop for the hand and also stitch the junction.

Two options for how you can make a dog leash with your own hands:

Stage two: creating a leash

The idea of ​​decorating the leash is to make a beautiful weave out of rope using the macrame technique. Weaving is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

First you need to do the following:

  • pull one piece of rope through the carabiner ring;
  • align the ends of the segment and let it hang freely;
  • take the second piece of rope and pass it under and then over the loop formed from the first piece.

This will create the basis for weaving a wide and beautiful cord.

Weaving is done like this:

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  • starting from the left side, braid the cord from above, below, then to the right;
  • repeat with the second part of the segment;
  • Pull the cord tighter and continue braiding to the length of the leash you need.

Once the desired length is reached, you should start shaping the handle. It's simple - just secure the weave and form a loop from the ends of the rope. The loop is fixed with hot glue.

Existing types of dog leashes

Today, modern industry offers a wide selection of this essential attribute of dog equipment. Each owner can choose the accessory that suits his pet.

Roulette leash for dogs

Widely popular among pet owners, it is often called an automatic or retractable tape leash.

Roulettes are especially convenient for walking pets inside city streets and parks, as they allow you to quickly adjust the length of the retractable part, shorten or lengthen it in one movement.

They can be cable or tape. The cable is much cheaper, but is only suitable for small pets. In addition, in this case it is dangerous to touch the retractable part with bare hands; you can cut yourself.

If the retractable part is in the form of a tape, it is absolutely safe and reliable. Its length can be from three to ten meters.

The tape measure has a mechanism that allows you to fix the set length, so the tape cannot get tangled in your legs and paws and does not get dirty, since it does not touch the ground.

The dog moves freely, runs or walks next to the person. The length shortens or lengthens automatically; it does not need to be constantly monitored.

Returning from walking the pet and unfastening the leash from the collar, the owner simply presses a button and winds the tape or cable into the box, so it does not take up much space when stored.

The disadvantages of roulette leashes include their relative high cost, the inability to use for walking hyperactive pets, and the dog’s rapidly developing habit of constantly pulling on the tape.

It is important not to allow your pet to chew on the tape - it is not very strong and wears out quickly if it bends often. In addition, the locking mechanism sometimes jams, especially with frequent jerking and tugging, debris and dirt.

Show leash

This is an exclusively exhibition accessory intended for show class dogs. Usually it is expensive and beautiful, but at the same time it is not striking and does not distract the attention of the public and judges from the dog’s exterior.

Show rings can be very different in design, but usually consist of a carabiner and two loops, one of which is put on the dog athlete’s neck, and the other on the owner’s wrist.

This is a very convenient and beautiful accessory.

Leash controller for dogs

This type of leash is designed to correct the dog's behavior. In fact, it acts as a noose; thanks to its use, the pet will quickly wean itself from pulling and tugging on the harness, rushing towards other animals and picking up pieces of food.

With the help of a leash-controller, the dog quickly learns many commands, such as “near”, “sit”, “lie down”, “no”. At the same time, this accessory can be used as classic ammunition.

Typically, the clamp on the controller is made of rawhide with a high resistance force, which allows the cord to hold the load and not fray. The tape itself is made of high-strength and wear-resistant material with a maximum tensile strength of up to 900 kg. In addition, it does not stretch when stretched.

There is also a screw carabiner that allows you to attach the cord to a regular collar; the second end can be fixed to the owner’s waist belt. In this case, his hands remain free.

There are also leash-controller models with one lock. Thus, this is a very convenient accessory that allows you to use it as a classic leash and controller for correcting your pet’s behavioral reactions, such as aggression, disobedience and others. In this case, the animal does not experience pain or psychological pressure, and does not receive any harm.

Dog leash

The dog wears a noose without a collar; its role is played by a special loop. If the dog begins to twitch and pull, it immediately tightens, preventing the pet from breaking the rules.

It is better not to use a leash-noose for walking; the most logical thing is to use it only for practicing training commands, for example, “near” or for rehearsing a performance in the ring with a handler.

Leash for dogs

This accessory is used in the following cases:

  • for walking several pets;
  • with frequent adjustment of the leash length.

Such capabilities are provided by the presence of two carabiners and several fastening rings, which make it easy to transform and refasten the equipment.

This leash is quite expensive and before purchasing you need to make sure that all welding points are reliable and made without nicks or roughness.

Leash-harness for dogs

A harness differs from classic leashes with a collar in that the equipment is not attached to the dog’s neck, but is located throughout the body.

This accessory is relevant in the case of an overly active pet or a very miniature breed (toy terriers, chihuahuas). Harnesses are also produced for very large dogs, chow-chows, Rottweilers, and sled breeds.

The material of the harness can be different - canvas, leather, textile, nylon. The product is made either in the form of an interlacing of straps and ribbons, or in the form of a vest.

When choosing such an accessory, it is important to choose the right size and learn how to put it on your pet correctly.

Chain leash for dog

On sale you can often find very beautiful leashes made of metal and consisting of a chain.

In fact, such ammunition has more disadvantages than advantages. Despite the fact that the accessory is beautiful and durable (the dog will never be able to chew it through), there are many inconveniences associated with using a chain. Thus, the pet’s hairs often get stuck between the ranks, causing him pain. Metal is uncomfortable for the owner - it is heavy (which is sometimes good for powerful dogs), and becomes covered with ice in the cold season.

The chain leash looks impressive, although it is expensive. Should not be used for constant walking and training of pets.

Canvas dog leash

This is the most common, inexpensive and widespread type of material for a regular driver leash. It can be made in the form of a loop with a lock or a ribbon with a carabiner attached to the collar.

Today, these leashes up to 10 m long are used less and less, as they have a number of disadvantages: high rigidity, inconvenience for the owner when walking (it hurts the hand), they quickly get wet and take a long time to dry, and take up a lot of space in the house.

Today, this type of accessory is successfully replaced by new ones made from modern materials.

Rubberized leash for dogs

Leashes made of rubberized material appeared on the market not very long ago.

They differ in that rubber threads are woven into one or both sides. Thanks to this, the accessory does not slip out of hands, it is comfortable for a person to hold it and does not hurt when the pet jerks. They may differ in the quality of the material used, the thickness and width of the tape, and the number of threads in it. This type of equipment is extremely convenient for walking and training, especially for large, strong pets.

Nylon Dog Leash

This accessory has already become very popular, it is inexpensive and easy to use, suitable for dogs of any size. Available in different lengths (short and up to 10 m).

A nylon tape is very convenient for training, as it can withstand heavy loads, but when walking a pet for a long time, it can tire and rub the owner’s hand.

Not suitable for hyperactive and irritable dogs, since the dog can chew or fray nylon fabric, unlike canvas leashes.

Latex dog leash

They are most often a type of nylon, with latex threads woven into the slings.

It differs in that it does not hurt the owner’s hand during long walks with the pet, since latex has an anti-slip function and does not rub the palm.

In addition, by weaving these threads into the sling, the strength and durability of the accessory increases.

Training leash for dogs

Includes a large group of various equipment designed for training pets.

Here are some types:

  • Belly leashes. The sling is attached to the collar and wrapped around the pet's belly just above the genitals. Next, the ribbon is threaded into the ring, the owner holds the second end in his hand. Even a not too sharp tug causes pain to the dog, the dog immediately refuses to disobey. Designed for a “hard” teaching method and cannot be used frequently.
  • Water-scented impulse interactive accessories. It's more of a collar than a leash. Reacts to an impulse sent by the owner and releases a water-gas mixture. It does not cause pain or physical harm to the pet, but it does cause a lot of unpleasant sensations (cold, moisture, smell, sound) and forces it to obey. It is also an accessory for "hard" training. Suitable for use only by professionals.
  • Harnesses. They can be in the form of collars, to which slings are attached to a carabiner, or solid ones. They are made from various materials, but only high-strength ones are used for training. Protect the student dog from spinal injuries.
  • Long training sessions. Length from 5 to 25 m, can be made of any durable materials. It is better for a professional to work with a student dog using gloves and a harness instead of a collar.
  • Special drivers for practicing the “nearby” command. These are the leashes described above.

Bicycle leash for dogs

Bicycle springers are becoming more and more relevant every day, as they allow the owner to walk a pet and ride a bicycle at the same time. The dog has the ability to run actively, which allows it to maintain excellent physical shape in urban conditions.

The sling is usually attached to the frame of the vehicle using a tow bar and clamp.

Leash for two or more dogs

A pack is an equipment that allows you to walk several dogs at the same time due to more than one carabiner.

This accessory is convenient, since you don’t have to walk with each animal separately, but it significantly limits freedom of movement.

The leash material may vary.

Leash for running with a dog

Most often in this case, a harness with a long sling is used, which is attached with the free end to the person’s waist belt using a clamp and a bar, like on a bicycle springer.

The sling itself can be made of various materials. It is often also equipped with a waist bag and is therefore popularly called “hands-free”. This accessory is indispensable for canicross.

Leashes for small dogs

Most often, for walking puppies or small breed dogs, harnesses or leashes made of lightweight materials - leather, nylon - are used.

Leashes for large dogs

For walking large animals, a walker is usually used - a structure with a loop through which the owner's hand is threaded.

The accessory itself is a loop made of durable material with a reliable carabiner.

With the help of a walker it is easy to control a huge pet, since he will be forced to walk next to you all the time.

Leashes for hunting dogs

This ammunition is distinguished by stronger and more durable materials. Slings are usually made from high quality nylons that have neoprene pads on the part intended for the human hand. It softens jerks and has non-slip properties.

Often, for hunting and training, one-piece accessories without joints are used. For example, a spiral cable with a carabiner from Trixie. The sling is covered with plastic (protection from dirt) and has a spiral cable that allows the leash to instantly roll up. Often the product is equipped with a shock absorber.

Also, as hunting leashes, fasteners made of ox leather with launching carbines, silent slings with fasteners made of deer antlers, and reinforced cables made of the latest biothane material are often used.

It is a high-tech composition made from nylon and polyurethane. It is ultra-durable, waterproof, easy to clean and wash, does not react to temperatures, has high elasticity and anti-slip properties.

Electronic collars and leashes

These are special models of collars and leashes. They act on the basis of impulses given by a person and are used for training and correction of dog behavior.

This accessory is also called a radio, shock or pulse collar.

Its principle of operation is to expose the dog to an electrical impulse of varying strength and duration. It can also be a vibration or tone sound, and there is also a GPS pet tracking function.

The entire device is housed in a small box, which is attached directly to the collar. It fits tightly around the pet's neck and is equipped with contacts that affect the dog's skin and muscle tissue.

The signal is regulated by a person. In the Antibark model, it depends on the sounds produced by the dog itself.

When training with such equipment, you cannot rely only on the negative impact of the collar-leash on the dog student. It should be reinforced with commands, positive and educational methods.

Training using electronic devices should only be carried out by professional dog handlers. This device was created at the end of the last century by Yason Badridze as a device for experimental influence on wolves. Industrial production has been mastered in the USA.

E-collars can act as fences to contain pets.

In recent years, this type of ammunition has been criticized quite strongly by scientists who believe that the psychological and physical impact it has on the dog is unfavorable and can cause high stress and aggression. In some countries, the use of e-collars is simply prohibited.

Dog leash carabiners

Leashes are an important part of dog equipment, and carabiners are one of their most important additions; these are accessories that ensure reliable fastening of the sling to the collar.

It is very important that the carabiner does not break, so it must be made of high quality material. Most often used:

  • Silumins are alloys of aluminum and silicon. The composition is quite fragile, the products break easily. They usually come in intricate shapes, as the material has excellent casting properties.
  • Steels are iron alloys with various alloying additives. Durable and reliable material. Quite heavy and susceptible to rust.
  • Brasses are compounds of copper and tin. Such a carbine may become covered with a greenish coating, but it is durable and does not fail for a long time.
  • Bronzes are alloys of brass with tin, aluminum, silicon, beryllium and other metals. Very high quality and reliable material. Rarely used for carbines due to high cost.

The shape of carabiners for leashes can be in the form of:

  • A hook with a lever and a swivel.
  • Links with a screw-on coupling are a climbing option with extremely high reliability. Additionally, you will have to purchase a swivel.

What will you need for work?

In order to make a beautiful and comfortable leash for your dog yourself, you will need the following:

  • a skein of durable, non-stretchy cotton clothesline or thin rope;
  • hot glue and gun;
  • scissors;
  • a piece of leather or suede, you can use artificial analogues;
  • ruler or centimeter, tape measure;
  • convenient and reliable carabiner.

In the presented project, the product is decorated with a tassel made from scraps of leather. A small wire ring was required to secure it to the leash.

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Choosing the right leash

In order for walking your pet to be enjoyable for both the animal and the person, it is very important to choose the right leash.

To do this, they are guided by the following criteria:

  • the size and weight of the dog;
  • features of walking and types of activities during the walk;
  • the original purpose of the equipment is walking, training, exhibition, competition, sports, hunting and others;
  • temperament and activity of the pet;
  • breed of dog - decorative, hunting, fighting.

For example, for a walk in the park, it is better to choose a roulette leash, then the animal can calmly run on a long strap, and if necessary, you can take it on a short sling.

To walk with a large dog on city streets or travel on public transport, you need to use a walker; for training and sports, there are different types of equipment, discussed in detail above.

In addition, it is important to choose the right leash size. Today accessories are available in the following sizes:

  • XS – for the smallest, dwarf dog varieties;
  • S – used for small pets;
  • M – suitable for medium-sized dogs;
  • L – these are accessories for large dogs;
  • XL – leashes for especially large and giant breeds, such as chow-chow, mastiff, Moscow watchdog.

How to teach a puppy to walk on a leash

To accustom a puppy to a leash, a thin ribbon is tied around his neck at a young age. When he gets used to it, a light, smooth collar is placed around his neck.

When the animal reaches 2 months, a light leash is attached to its collar daily for half an hour. Then, after vaccination at 3 months, the puppy is allowed to go outside. Walks should be frequent, but short, 10-15 minutes. In order for a small animal to quickly get used to a leash, it needs to be encouraged with treats and praise.

To be called a full-fledged and kind owner of your pet, you need to provide him with daily care and select all the necessary accessories. Then the pet will definitely reward you with its devotion and affection.

Mr. Tail recommends: how to train a dog to use a leash

In order to walk your pet calmly and without problems, it is important to accustom him to a leash in time. To do this, remember that:

  • First, the puppy is accustomed to the collar.
  • Initially, the leash is worn only at home and for a few minutes.
  • The walking time with your pet on a leash increases very gradually.
  • To teach the “near” command, first walk in a circle with a young dog.
  • The animal is always rewarded with treats.
  • The first trip outside on a leash should be short and always with positive emotions.

Also read the article on how to train your dog to use a leash. There we write about different methods for different ages and dogs.

Features of choice for a puppy

Anti-bark collar for small breed dogs

To choose a leash for your puppy, you need to take into account his tenderness and tendency to injury due to his active lifestyle. The best option is a harness. It is recommended to use it until the puppy is 6 months old. The accessory reduces the load on the spine and hind legs.

Important! According to many dog ​​breeders, a roulette leash is not suitable for walking small puppies. After all, at the age of 2-3 months, animals need to be instilled with devotion and accustomed to the rules of walking. You won't be able to control your actions using a roulette wheel.

Puppy on a leash

How to properly walk your dog on a leash

In order not to run after the dog while walking and for both parties to enjoy the walk, you should definitely draw up a plan and exercise plan and strictly adhere to them:

  • The first part of the walk should consist of natural and calm walking with the pet in the “side by side” position along the sidewalk or path in the park. At the same time, the pet learns to recognize the person as the leader in their small pack and follow him unquestioningly.
  • The second stage of walking is the movement of the dog without a leash. To do this, you need to choose an area as free as possible from people and other animals, where the pet can actively run around, mark the territory and fulfill its natural needs. The owner must always be on guard, the dog must obey and return to the person unquestioningly.
  • The third part of the walk is communication with other dogs. To do this, it is advisable to find a dog park and visit it every day. This is very necessary for the pet to maintain its sociality and friendliness.
  • In conclusion, it is advisable to do a little training, repeat the learned commands, and continue learning new ones.

It is advisable, in order to carry out a full walk and fulfill all its goals, to have two leashes with you, for example, a tape measure and a leader or re-strap.

Stage three: decorating the product

At this stage of the work you will need a couple of leather flaps. Their sizes are completely arbitrary, they depend on how exactly you want to design the leash.

One piece of leather should be wrapped around the base of the handle. The leather ring is fixed with hot glue, but, of course, beautiful stitching can also be done. The second piece of leather decorates the part of the leash adjacent to the carabiner.

In the presented project, a brush is made from leftover leather. This decoration gives the leash an original look.

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List of dogs prohibited from walking without a leash

This year, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, in addition to the law “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals,” published a list of dogs prohibited for walking without special equipment.

69 breeds of dogs considered aggressive and potentially dangerous cannot be taken into public places without a muzzle and leash. In particular, this list included:

  • American Bulldogs;
  • Doberman Pinschers;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dogs;
  • Moscow guard dogs;
  • German Shepherds;
  • Great Danes;
  • Pit Bull Mastiffs;
  • Staffordshire Bull Terriers;
  • Giant Schnauzers;
  • Rottweilers;
  • Black Terriers;
  • Shar Pei.

The inclusion of some breeds in this list is absolutely justified, but experienced dog handlers and owners categorically disagree with many points. This list is currently being adjusted and, most likely, it will be clarified in accordance with common sense.

Making a ringovka with your own hands

To make an exhibition leash, use a cord of a suitable color.

IMPORTANT! The show coat should not contrast with the pet’s coat, but should blend in with it.

In accordance with fashion, the accessory is decorated with fur, beads, rhinestones or details made of precious metals. The diameter of the cord for small breeds is 3 mm, for round ones – 8 -10 mm.

Also for the ring you will need rings and accessories for decoration. The diameter of the ring is determined by the thickness of the cord.

First, a noose is made according to the size of the dog. The pet's head should fit into the noose with difficulty. Both ends of the cord are melted. A ring is attached to one of them, at a certain distance from which a restrictive knot is made or another stop made of beautiful fittings is used. You can also use a cord clip on your pants or jacket.

Do-it-yourself ring noose

All parts are sewn with durable synthetic thread. Its edges are also melted and pressed against the cord for gluing.

If you cannot find a cord of the desired color, you can purchase a light one and dye it.

Do-it-yourself ring noose

Video - Master class on making a leash for a dog

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