Is Bifitrilak good for dogs, and how to use this product correctly?

In order for a pet to recover after a serious illness or surgery, veterinarians prescribe Bifitrilak for dogs, instructions for use and reviews of which will be discussed in this article.

The drug has the qualities of an adsorbent, probiotic and prebiotic, and contains dietary fiber and live bacteria. It is considered to contain environmentally friendly, natural ingredients. It is taken in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as a preventive course or after long-term use of antibiotics. Has no smell or taste.

Composition and action

The medicine is available in the form of a brown powder. 1 g of the drug contains:

  • bifidobacteria – 0.5 billion;
  • lactobacilli – 1.5 billion.

Several types of bacteria included in Bifitrilak ensure the high effectiveness of the drug. It contains sorbents, macro- and microelements, and antioxidants as auxiliary substances. All components are natural and non-toxic.

The medicine is used as part of complex therapy and has the following beneficial effects on the animal’s body:

  • restores beneficial microflora in the intestines;
  • prevents the reproduction and causes the death of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • improves metabolic processes and promotes the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

However, the scope of use of the drug is much wider. The combined composition of the dietary supplement has a beneficial effect on the entire body:

  1. removes toxins and heavy metal salts;
  2. increases local immunity and the body’s resistance to stress factors;
  3. reduces the negative load from the effects of drugs on the liver and other organs;
  4. eliminates intestinal discomfort.

The medicine has a wide spectrum of action, it not only normalizes the balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestines, but helps to cope with stress caused by various factors - change of place of residence, long trips, visits to the veterinarian, participation in exhibitions, etc.

The drug has an affordable price - 5 g costs only 45-55 rubles, it can be bought in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies, it is easy to use - just add it to regular food.

What it is?

Bifitrilak is a complex product that has the ability to adsorb and contains indigestible dietary fiber and live bacteria. It is used for dogs with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and to prevent their occurrence.

The drug is characterized by the following properties:

  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restores beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • prevents harmful microorganisms from multiplying;
  • improves metabolism;
  • helps in the absorption of nutrients.

The use of a dietary supplement helps:

  • removal of toxic substances and heavy metal salts;
  • reduction of gas formation;
  • stress resistance;
  • improving intestinal immunity;
  • reducing the negative impact of drugs on internal organs.

The drug helps puppies develop and prevents exhaustion of the body.

The product is used in the following cases:

  • in the treatment of gastrointestinal infections;
  • for pathologies caused by staphylococci;
  • with dysbiosis while taking antibacterial drugs.

For preventive purposes, the food supplement is used in the following situations:

  • when weaning cubs from their mother;
  • during the pet’s pregnancy in order to give birth to healthy offspring;
  • in stressful situations;
  • after chemotherapy and complex surgery.

It is recommended to introduce the product into the diet after measures to destroy parasitic worms in order to prevent poisoning of the body.

Bifitrilak MK is no different from the standard version of the drug.


Bifitrilak is useful for both adult animals and small puppies: it promotes their growth and proper development. He is able to support exhausted, weakened animals.

When the intestinal microflora is disrupted, the absorption of nutrients in the intestines decreases, which causes a disruption in the digestion process. The stomach growls, it swells, and diarrhea develops.

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Dysbacteriosis leads to a decrease in immunity, promotes the development of fungal diseases, and a deficiency of vitamins and minerals can cause the development of chronic pathologies of various systems and organs. Dysbacteriosis provokes the degeneration of cells into cancer cells and the development of oncology.

To restore the balance of beneficial and harmful microorganisms, pre- and probiotics are prescribed. The former are necessary to start the growth process of beneficial bacteria. Probiotics contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which quickly restore the microflora in the intestine.

The medicine is prescribed:

  • for dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • colienteritis;
  • other acute intestinal diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria;
  • with dysbacteriosis as a consequence of taking antibiotics, stress.

Bifitrilak will protect against intoxication of the body, which can be caused by anthelmintic drugs. In addition to medicinal purposes, the food supplement is used for preventive purposes:

  • when weaning puppies from a female;
  • changing the type of food;
  • during pregnancy;
  • in stressful situations;
  • during chemotherapy;
  • during the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions to support the body as a whole and prevent secondary infections.


Anna, 32 years old, Nizhny Novgorod:

“I work with dogs, so I know that they often have ailments associated with disorders in the digestive system. One of the simplest, most accessible and effective remedies for complaints of diarrhea and vomiting is Bifitrilak MK powder. There were practically no cases where improvement did not occur after taking it.

Depending on the nature and severity of the disease, it should be used in combination with other drugs. But, for example, when a puppy has loose stools due to a change in food, one is often enough to quickly disappear the symptoms.

Since, according to the manufacturer, the drug does not cause side effects with a tenfold overdose, sometimes it is even useful to give the patient a dose slightly higher than the specified norm.

As an emergency medicine, I recommend that every pet owner have this medicine in their first aid kit. It also has a wide range of indications for use in a variety of cases: for the prevention of gastrointestinal disorders, in pregnant animals and those that have experienced stress.”

Liliya, 26 years old, Rostov-on-Don:

“My dog’s weak point is the gastrointestinal tract; he was recently treated for ulcerative gastritis. And although I carefully monitor my diet, his past makes itself felt.

Recently, right before his annual vaccination, my dog ​​started having severe diarrhea. The doctor recommended that we take Bifitrilak before the procedure. Before that, in order to somehow stop the diarrhea, I gave Smecta - there was no effect at all.

The drug is used both for the treatment of intestinal disorders and for the prevention and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. In the first case it will take 5-10 days, in the second – 5 days. We took it for 5 days, 2 times a day.

The drug can be taken with food. My dog ​​tolerates the treatment, so I gave it from a spoon directly into its mouth. For prevention I add it to food.

The effect is noticeable after 2 hours. Fecal masses began to form immediately. The dog could already endure it for at least a few hours. The next day there was great stool."

Ksenia, 30 years old, Volgograd:

“I am the owner of 2 large dogs. And from time to time my dogs get stomach upsets. Most often due to the fact that they eat everything on the street. By disorder I mean vomiting or diarrhea.

Before Bifitrilak was used, it was necessary not to feed an animal with a disorder until the problem was eliminated. Now, if we notice signs of illness in the dog, then we skip the next meal, and after one we add Bifitrilak to the food.

I notice positive dynamics in the treatment of disorders with this supplement; the dog returns to a normal feeding rhythm much faster.”

Vitaly, 36 years old, veterinarian, St. Petersburg:

“Bifitrilak is a broad-spectrum food additive. Does not cause negative consequences. I prescribe it for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and for preventive purposes. This medicine should be in the first aid kit if there are pets in the apartment, including dogs.”

Rules of application

Any medications for animals should be prescribed only by a veterinarian after an examination and determination of the cause of the disease. The medicine in powder form is added directly to food or drink. The rules of application are simple:

  • do not heat-treat food containing food additives;
  • Do not dilute the powder with hot water, as beneficial microorganisms die when the temperature rises.

The dosage depends on the age and weight of the pets and is calculated as follows:

  • puppies of small breeds - 0.1 g (1/10 teaspoon);
  • puppies of medium and large breeds – 0.2 g each;
  • adult dogs – 0.3 g (1/3 teaspoon).

The medicine should be given once a day if it is used as part of complex antibacterial therapy - veterinarians recommend increasing the dose by 1.5 times.

For preventive purposes, Bifitrilak is prescribed in a course of up to 3-5 days, in the treatment of bacterial infections - up to 5-10 days.

Contraindications and side effects

When using the product according to the instructions in recommended doses, there are no negative consequences. Using the powder for longer than necessary and in a dosage that exceeds the norm can lead to constipation. In case of individual intolerance, allergic reactions are possible, but no such cases have been recorded.

The drug can be used by pregnant and lactating dogs, as well as puppies.

The product can be included in the diet of dogs of all breeds and sizes.


Medicines with the same effect include:

  1. Enterol;
  2. Viyo Reinforces;
  3. Zoonorm;
  4. Subtilis.

You cannot make a decision on replacing the drug on your own - each food additive has its own composition and effective scope of application. When determining the effectiveness of a particular medication, the veterinarian takes into account the results of the examination, the presence of chronic pathologies, the general health of the pet, and in the case of using the drug to treat bacterial infections, the degree of development of the disease.

About the drug

The medicine is taken orally; small granules have a beige or mustard-pearl color. On the packaging and in the instructions you can find all the important information: packaging date, storage conditions (temperature - 2-8°C, air humidity - 20-60%, dark place without sunlight), storage time (no more than 1 year) and more .

The version of Bifitrilak MK does not differ from the standard drug.

Bifitrilak means for restoring gastrointestinal flora

COMPOSITION AND RELEASE FORM Bifitrilak MK contains a composition of natural sugars, antioxidants, a prebiotic that stimulates the growth of protective microflora, micro- and macroelements, antimicrobial substances of natural origin and a natural mineral sorbent. In appearance, the drug is a light brown to brown powder with shiny particles with a pearlescent sheen, odorless and tasteless. Bifitrilak is packaged in 5 g containers made of polymer materials, as well as 400 g and 5 kg in plastic film bags. Other packaging is allowed, agreed upon individually. PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES Bifitrilak MK is an environmentally friendly, natural product with probiotic, prebiotic and sorbent properties. Helps absorb and eliminate toxins from the body. The activity of the drug Bifitrilak MK is determined by the lactobacilli and bifidobacteria it contains, which have antagonistic activity against a wide range of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms and thereby normalize the intestinal microflora, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and improve metabolic processes. Expanded vermiculite, used as an adsorbent, promotes the absorption of gases, alkaloids and heavy metal salts. Bifitrilak helps increase the body's nonspecific resistance, stimulates the growth and development of animals. One gram of the drug contains at least 1.5x109 CFU (colony-forming units) of lactobacilli and 0.5x109 CFU of bifidobacteria. INDICATIONS Bifitrilak is used in the complex treatment of acute intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, colienteritis); for intestinal disorders after long-term treatment with antibiotics or stressful situations; for bacterial infections caused by staphylococci. The use of the drug Bifitrilak MK for preventive purposes is effective. It should be administered to breeding animals during pregnancy and lactation, to young animals during the period of weaning and transfer to the main diet and after the use of antibacterial drugs. DOSES AND METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION The drug is administered orally - in a group method or individually, mixing it with milk, colostrum, water or food. A suspension of Bifitrilak MK is prepared immediately before use, shaking it until smooth. For prophylactic purposes, the drug is used by adding it to the feed for 3-5 days: For adult animals: – cows, horses, 3 g once a day; – pigs 1 g once a day; – for laying hens per 10 heads, 1 g once a day; – cats, dogs, arctic foxes 0.3 g once a day. For young animals: – calves, foals up to 6 months of age, 1 g of the drug once a day; – young cattle from 6-12 months, 2 g once a day; – piglets, lambs, puppies 0.3 g once a day; – kittens 0.1 g once a day; – for chickens per 50 heads, 1 g once a day. – for young chickens per 20 heads, 1 g once a day.

For medicinal purposes - in the same doses for 5-10 days in a row. If antibiotics are used during treatment with Bifitrilak (which is due to the resistance of lactobacilli to the action of most broad-spectrum antibiotics), then its dose is increased by 1.5 times. It is prohibited to heat treat food and liquids containing Bifitrilak MK. SIDE EFFECTS No side effects or complications were identified when using Bifitrilak MK in recommended doses. CONTRAINDICATIONS There are no contraindications for the use of the drug. Individual hypersensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Livestock and poultry products after using Bifitrilak MK are used for food purposes without restrictions. When working with the feed mixture, special precautions and the use of personal protective equipment are not required. STORAGE CONDITIONS Bifitrilak MK is stored in its original packaging, in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight and inaccessible to children and animals, separately from food and feed at a temperature of 5°C to 25°C. Shelf life: 18 months from the date of manufacture, subject to storage conditions.

The price of the medicine, where can I buy it?

You can purchase the drug at various pet stores, veterinary clinics or online pharmacies for animals. It is well known enough that there should be no problems with the purchase.

Packaging of the drug, gramsprice, rub.

If there is a need to change the medicine, Zoonorm is perfect. It also has no contraindications or negative consequences, low price and natural composition.

Precautions and personal hygiene rules

The drug is safe, non-toxic and when working with it there is no need to take special precautions or use personal protective equipment.

The following rules are sufficient:

  • do not use medication packaging for personal use;
  • wash your hands thoroughly after finishing handling the medicine;
  • do not leave the product in a place accessible to children;
  • If an allergic reaction occurs, consult a doctor immediately.

Pros and cons of the drug

  • Complex effects on the canine body. It not only eliminates gastrointestinal diseases, but relieves stress and strengthens overall immunity.
  • It will deteriorate quickly if the required storage conditions are not met: low temperature, avoidance of direct sunlight, low humidity.
  • The composition uses only natural products that do not harm the pet and are easily digestible, made without the addition of preservatives.
  • The medicine should not be taken if you have hemorrhagic gastroenteritis or personal food intolerances.
  • Low cost, which will not ruin the owner, and is also economically consumed and available in any pet pharmacy.
  • The powder has no contraindications or unpleasant side effects and is easy to use.
  • The possibility of poisoning or an allergic reaction is excluded, so it can be used in different proportions.
  • Softens the effect of antibiotics on the diseased body.
  • Approved for consumption by dogs of various ages and breeds.

Indications for use

The indication for taking Bifitrilak is intestinal dysfunction: treatment and prevention of dysbiosis, normalization of intestinal motility. It is prescribed in case of antibiotic therapy, or after taking them during recovery.

In addition, it is prescribed for superinfections and problems of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, developmental delays, vaccination and deworming. And also as a prophylactic against dyspepsia in young individuals and during periods of severe stress.

This medicine actively helps remove poisons, toxins, heavy metals and alkaloids from the body.

Find out how to take and what other probiotics are - Vetom 1.1 for dogs and cats, FortiFlora for dogs and cats, Lactobifadol.

Indications and contraindications

There are no contraindications for taking Bifitrilak for dogs according to the instructions, if you do not exceed the amount of powder and the timing of its administration, since the drug is made only from natural ingredients without the addition of preservatives and dyes, therefore allergic reactions are observed extremely rarely and only in case of individual intolerance.

Bifitrilak is used in the situations and diseases listed below:

  • Dysentery, salmonellosis, colienteritis and other acute gastrointestinal problems.
  • Diseases caused by staphylococcus.
  • Dysbacteriosis resulting from stress, taking antibiotics, or for other reasons.
  • Viral, bacterial, fungal infections.
  • During pregnancy or lactation in females, young puppies to strengthen the immune system after weaning from the mother.
  • After severe operations and chemotherapy.
  • In stressful situations, such as travel, exhibitions, visits to the veterinarian, vaccinations, etc. Otherwise, it can result in depressive disorder, apathy, and lack of appetite.

Improvements guaranteed after using the drug:

  1. Normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Restored beneficial intestinal microflora.
  3. Reduced number of harmful microorganisms (gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria).
  4. Absorption of nutrients.
  5. Improved metabolism.
  6. Mitigation of the effects of other drugs.
  7. Stress resistance.
  8. Boosting immunity.
  9. Getting rid of salts of heavy metals, alkaloids and harmful substances.
  10. Elimination of gas formation.

The drug is often recommended after getting rid of parasitic worms to avoid poisoning and intestinal disorders from their residual waste products.

The product is not considered toxic and is considered low-hazard, but should be taken as prescribed by a veterinarian to avoid allergic reactions (rare) and given after eliminating the causes of the disease. It is excreted from the body through urine and feces. Do not exceed the dose: the dog may become constipated.

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