How to stop an adult cat from biting and scratching: find the reason and solve it

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Reasons why a cat bites
  2. How to stop a cat from biting
  3. What to do if your cat scratches

It’s unpleasant when your beloved pet turns from a cute purr into an aggressive “fury” that bites and scratches everything that moves. Every owner should understand that cats never bite or scratch without a reason. Bites and scratches are a way of communication. It is important to learn to understand this peculiar language, listen to what the cat wants to say, and draw the right conclusions.


Temperament depends on genes and is inherited.
This is the foundation on which character is built from the bricks of experience and education. It is impossible to erect a reliable building on a shaky foundation, therefore in breeding work there is a selection of sires based on their psyche. Cowardly, aggressive individuals are excluded from breeding and castrated. The ability to learn, affectionate disposition, and sociability tend to be reinforced in the offspring. For animals in natural conditions, other qualities are more important - alertness, independence, cunning, courage. Gullibility and complaisance only harm a solitary predator.

Temperament is a common reason why a cat bites and scratches. Usually we are talking about outbred kittens taken from the street. They are dominated by genes responsible for the behavior necessary for survival in harsh conditions. They say about such cats that they are the master of the house, walk around on their own, and are tied to a place.

You shouldn’t expect that yesterday’s savage, by genetic standards, will quickly become tame. Although this happens, the flexibility of the cat’s psyche is amazing compared to other animals. But usually it is possible to wean a cat from biting and scratching gradually, little by little gaining the trust of the wayward pet.

What to choose sedatives for cats with aggression

There are special medications that can help relieve a cat from stress. But the decision to take such drugs cannot be made independently - only as prescribed by a veterinarian.

How do they work and are they dangerous?

Sedatives for cats act on the principle of regular sedatives. They may be prescribed in the following cases:

  • change of environment, moving;
  • phobias and anxiety, nervous disorders in cats;
  • sexual anxiety.

Depending on the composition, degree and period of exposure to the body, there are:

  1. Chemicals.
  2. Homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathic sedatives for cats are preparations that do not contain nootropic substances. These are tinctures of motherwort, peony, catnip, etc.

Homeopathic remedies are considered safer and more gentle. But the main disadvantage of such therapy is that the effect of such drugs is not immediately visible. That is, they are not suitable for calming a cat before visiting a groomer or veterinarian.

Chemicals are much more effective, but less safe. Any of them is taken strictly according to a veterinarian’s prescription and has its own contraindications, the most common of which are:

  • hypersensitivity to individual components;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • low blood pressure;
  • diabetes.

But experts do not recommend using “folk” sedatives. There are a lot of recipes on the Internet for making your own medicine at home. But how your cat will react to a remedy from Google is a big question.

Unique collars have been developed for kittens that imitate the pheromones of the mother cat. They are worn to facilitate the baby’s adaptation period in a new place.

5 best safe sedatives

The safest are plant-based preparations that do not contain a single aggressive substance. These include:

  1. Relaxivet. Available in the form of drops, spray, tablets, suspension, and impregnated collar. The composition depends on the form of release. In most cases these are essential oils and herbs. The suspension contains L-tryptophan and L-theanine - an antidepressant and antioxidant of natural origin. Quick effect. Relaxivet products are considered safe due to their natural composition.
  2. Doctor ZOO "Calm cat". A safe, plant-based spray that has a mild sedative effect. Safe due to naturalness. The only negative is that it wears off quickly, hence the high consumption of the product.
  3. No Stress. Diffuser with valerian essential oil. Safe for cats and people as it does not contain chemical components. One block is enough for 4 weeks of continuous use. Afterwards it can be replaced with a replacement one.
  4. Collar GOOD No stress. The impregnation consists of valerian rhizome extract, lavender and bagardia essential oil. Has a mild sedative effect. Safe due to its exclusively herbal composition.
  5. Japan Premium Pet Matatabi. Matatabi is the Japanese equivalent of the well-known catnip. A mild sedative effect plus a good mood for the cat. Safe because it does not contain harmful substances.

In any case, no remedy will cope unless the therapy is complemented by peaceful stroking of the fur and warm, soothing words. Any pet will endure all the hardships and troubles with its owner if it feels loved.

Restoring trust

It is difficult to imagine how to stop scratching and biting if the cat avoids close contact. Solitary predators are fearless to the point of recklessness and do not know how to obey. But cats know how to negotiate. These are partnerships that develop into deep affection.

But first you need to establish or restore lost trust:

  • do not go to the toilet while the tray is occupied;
  • do not impose affection when the cat withdraws from communication;
  • joint games teach that a person is a source of pleasure;
  • conversations strengthen emotional connections and calm;
  • punishment - a trust-defying act of aggression on the part of a bipedal invader of territory;
  • do not wake your pet - this way he will get used to completely relaxing. Tension will go away when people approach;
  • when the cat wants to leave, let him go. This way she will get used to the fact that she can always leave. This knowledge gives confidence, patience, endurance;
  • Eating together teaches the cat to relax around people. After putting down the food, say a couple of affectionate phrases, just stay nearby. While eating, animals are vulnerable - “I eat, a two-legged one is nearby, it doesn’t attack. He's probably not that bad."

Trust takes months to develop. But it’s worth it - a cat that trusts its owner is affectionate, obedient, humanly understanding, and patient. This, contrary to genetics, is a full-fledged member of the pack, for which people are no longer just a source of food and warmth.

The influence of early education

The relationship between kittens and humans is shaped by the cat. By her behavior she shows who a person is - an enemy, a source of food, a friend. Therefore, it will not be possible to wean a kitten from biting and scratching as soon as it gets into a new home - it takes time to forget its mother’s science. You can see from the cat how the kittens will grow up:

  • does not allow him to approach the litter, hisses, rushes - semi-feral kittens get used to people over the years, strangers make them wary;
  • Only suitable for food. The offspring are not allowed to leave the den. Growing up, such a cat scratches and bites when it feels coerced or pressured;
  • trusts people, but is wary when babies are touched. Kittens grow up to be domestic. They are patient, but release their claws due to unpleasant manipulation, fright, or violation of personal space;
  • dozens of generations were born at home, their ancestors completely trusted them, even to the point of being able to bathe, give an injection, or brush their teeth without coercion. Kittens are not able to survive without humans, they are affectionate and tame.

A semi-wild cat can give birth to fully domestic offspring, but this is rare. If a cat bites and scratches because the mother has not raised trust in the person, taming the obstinate one will take a lot of time.

Why do cats bite and scratch?

At an early age, the kitten may play, trying to bite, grab or scratch you. And here it is important that in the future he forgets this bad habit. If the cat continues to rush, bites legs and arms, it is necessary to determine the reason for this behavior:

  • Pain. Even the sweetest kitten can bite and scratch its owner if it is in pain or discomfort. An animal can also rush if a person steps on its paw or tail;
  • Aggression. If the animal is stressed, aggressive, or trying to hide, then any attempts to pick it up may result in scratches. If this behavior continues for quite a long time, it is worth taking the cat to the veterinarian;
  • Fear. This is one of the instincts of cats, so in a moment of fear, she may scratch and bite her leg;
  • Too active behavior of children. Very often, children bother cats, try to pet them and even cause pain, for which the pet can respond with aggressive behavior;
  • Smell. If a cat smells the scent of another animal, especially coming from the owner, it will rush and bite;
  • Lack of attention. If the cat is not given attention and ignored, he may try to turn it around by biting and gnawing at the person. But this is rather an element of the game than aggression;
  • Bad character. Some cats may lunge, bite legs, and scratch for no apparent reason. This occurs due to poor upbringing and insufficient measures of the owner;
  • A game. Some people themselves instill in their animals the habit of biting. This happens at an early age, when the cat plays and can “fight” with the owner. The problem is that as an adult, a cat can cross the line and cause serious injury;
  • Stress. In this state, some animals may react unusually and defend themselves;
  • Lack of social skills. If the cat has not been in contact with other animals and people, he may be aggressive towards them;
  • Changing baby teeth. During this period, even the most affectionate cat can bite, but only because it is experiencing pain;
  • Breed. Some cats are aggressive and biting by nature, but this behavior requires mandatory correction.

Do you have a long separation from your cat?
Save him from stress, order a waiting service!

order a respite

Gaming Skills

During play, the cat teaches its offspring how to hunt - how to attack, grab, bite, and drag correctly. If the kitten grabs her or a fellow cat too much, she stops the game. Babies who were taken early do not know how to control the force of clenching their jaws, and do not see the difference between a real attack and a blow with a “soft” paw. It is difficult to wean them from gaming aggression.

Most owners allow the kitten to play with its arms and legs for up to six months. It's cute, fun and funny. At six months, when a young cat bites and scratches almost like an adult, they begin to educate him. By human standards, the pet is already 7 years old; oriental cats will soon be in their first heat, which means they are even more mature.

An already formed negative skill can only be corrected:

  • Don't tease with your hands. Prohibit family and guests. This is difficult, especially when there are children in the house. But without a complete ban, it will not be possible to wean a cat from biting and scratching as soon as he is dissatisfied with something;
  • if the pet starts playing, interrupt the game and leave, ignore it for a while;
  • provide different toys - balls, mice, teasers. They should be more interesting than playing with your hands.

When choosing a kitten in a nursery, you need to tease him. A good breeder's kittens look bewildered, they may sniff, but there will not be even a hint of perceiving the hand as prey.

How to stop throwing yourself at strangers

If your cat likes to attack strangers, biting and scratching, you should put a collar with a small bell on him. Then you will hear him approaching and a surprise attack will no longer happen.

Sometimes animals can't stand one of their family friends. It will not be possible to change the cats' opinion about this person, so you can give them a sedative or lock them in another room.

Often a cat perceives strangers in the house as an encroachment on its territory and defends it. In this case, you can try to introduce your pet to guests, warning them in advance about this behavior. Give recommendations for communicating with animals: you should not impose yourself, excessive attention can provoke aggression. Give the cat a treat. If this does not help, you need to move it to another room.

List of reasons

When emotions are overwhelming, even people find it difficult to control themselves. If your normally affectionate cat starts biting and scratching, he may be feeling stressed. We need to remember the latest events, changes in the interior, lifestyle, regime. Perhaps it's chronic stress that has gone unnoticed.

FrustrationInability to satisfy desire. Sexual instinct, pigeons outside the window, a rabbit in a cage, playing with a laser pointer. The cat attacks to relieve tension. Cut off access to the irritant whenever possible. Distract with games. Castrate.
Redirected aggressionAnother pet, a child, is offending. Family member treats you poorly. Aggression is directed at the owner when the source is unavailable or the cat fears direct confrontation. Eliminate the irritant if possible. To wean a cat from biting due to the presence of an “enemy,” you need to make friends with the animals and establish relationships with family members by developing trust.
Unpleasant smellNew perfume, cream, cosmetics. Animal smell on clothes. Citrus freshener, powder, floor and dishwashing detergent. After going outside, wash your hands and change clothes. Thoroughly wash off household chemicals from your hands. Gradually get used to the new smell.
New family memberUsually this is a spouse after marriage, sometimes problems arise with preschoolers.Develop trust. Mixing odors by leaving the “enemy’s” clothes everywhere except feeding and sleeping areas is a seizure of territory. To stop biting and scratching while playing with a child, you must first teach children how to communicate correctly with a pet.
Fright, fearA frightened cat looks with dilated pupils, presses its ears, raises its fur, and crouches to the floor. Fear is caused by unpleasant manipulations, loud sounds, strong odors, renovations, and new furniture. A frightened cat is calmed down in a calm, even voice. You can’t pick him up - he’ll attack if he feels trapped.
Excess energyThere is no need to go around the territory, fight enemies, or get food. Energy splashes out in attacks from under the sofa, from around the corner. In the evenings there is screaming and wild running. A gaming complex and interactive toys will entertain you when no one is home. Joint active games in the evening. Load on the brain - educational toys, puzzles.

We find the reason - we solve the problem

Above we looked at the main reasons for the incorrect behavior of cats, be it bites, scratches or other problems. You already guessed that there are many more reasons and it is impossible to list them all. Let's understand the basics, that is, the root causes that can be eliminated or corrected.

If your cat bites and scratches your child without paying attention to everyone else, and the issue is serious, you will need a cage while the problem is resolved.

A display house or a collapsible cage, like those used in veterinary clinics, will do. All the time the cat is not under your supervision, it should be covered. Please note that a pet can cause serious injury, especially if it feels that the child is afraid of it.


Let's assume you've already made all the common mistakes associated with raising a pet. You played with the kitten with your hands and feet, encouraged bites, and now the pet has grown up, and you are at a loss. Let’s immediately agree that adequate education is appropriate at any age. Moreover, it is even easier to raise an adult cat than a kitten; if you develop the right tactics, the pet will understand you the first time.

Note! When raising an adult cat, you need to use the same approach and methods as for a kitten.

What to do with habits that have already formed? Eliminating them takes time and requires patience and consistency on your part. The cat's habitual hand biting needs to be replaced with another activity. The best solution is toys.

keep your hands out of the cat's field of vision when playing with them , for example:

  • Laser pointer.
  • Various bows and rustles tied to a thin rope or elastic band.
  • Toys with holders.
  • A balloon with helium and a long ribbon on which you can tie a toy is an option for several days, since the helium will escape through the walls of the balloon.

Your task is to practically explain to the cat that your hands and feet have nothing to do with games.

Contactless toys are just the first step, the second is the right encouragement. Agree, it is quite logical to reward correct behavior so that the cat can distinguish good from bad. How to properly encourage your cat is up to you, the main thing is to avoid contact with your hands while the pet is excited. Alternatively, you can place a treat in a bowl and gently call your cat over.

Exercise and boredom

This point is intertwined with all the rules for keeping cats. Your task is to make sure that the pet has something to do, otherwise he will solve his problem himself, but it is not a fact that his methods will suit you.

If your cat is alone at home all day and has nothing to do, this can lead to:

  • Intentional damage to furniture - tearing pillows and sofa upholstery is a lot of fun, especially if you imagine that they are attacking you.
  • Marks - when a cat is abandoned, she feels offended and vulnerable. By leaving puddles in all corners, you can take a step ahead, since a hypothetical enemy will immediately understand that a strong and odorous cat lives here.
  • Stealing - of course, a full bowl of food is good, but how much more interesting is it to get food from a forbidden source, for example, from a cupboard or from a table.
  • Overeating - the owner left a full bowl of food, and this is at least some kind of entertainment.
  • Aggression, biting and scratching - the cat will take desperate steps to attract attention: “yes, you yell at me and scold me, but this is better than complete ignorance.”

Carefully analyze your pet's daily routine. Does he get the opportunity to compensate for his needs for activity and communication? If not, don't be surprised by the consequences.

Night attacks on the legs also apply to this point. Physical activity at night is one way to compensate for the hunter instinct. It is common for a cat to hunt at night, since it is this ability that ensures the survival of its wild counterparts. The intensity of the attacks will depend on the pet's temperament. since the hunting instinct can be strong, normal or dull. For cats with a strong hunting instinct, it is important to provide maximum opportunities to compensate for it during the daytime - games with the owner, toys, a play set, the company of a second pet, walks on a harness, etc.

Tip: to keep your pet interested in toys, change them, hiding the boring ones for a few days.

Redirected aggression

Redirected aggression is exactly the case when a cat attacks unexpectedly, without reason and without warning. However, there is still a reason, something irritates the cat, but you don’t see or hear the irritant. Absolutely everyone, even the cutest cats, have the skills to show aggression and use physical force if the need arises. An angry cat is a terrible, uncontrollable, merciless creature. If a pet attacks with complete seriousness, he does not hear yours, does not pay attention to gestures, he has one goal - to send you running.

However, let's go back a little - cats do not tend to attack people unless it is about protecting their own life or offspring. What could be the reason for such aggressive behavior? As mentioned above, most often the reason is redirected aggression. Cats see and hear better than people, they have a more acute sense of smell and touch. Hypothetically, a pet can smell a dog on the street, a cat in a neighboring apartment, hear sounds from a bats’ nest (if you live on the top floor), “freak out” about the impunity of birds flying outside the window... and several dozen other possible reasons.

So what do you do if you're suffering from a threat you can't even detect? You should start by observing your pet, after which he becomes irritated.

Practice shows that cats find reasons for aggression in smells and sounds, and less often, in visible objects.

Geographically, the areas of the front door and windows should be under special surveillance. If a cat is angry near a window, you can be sure that it is irritated by the situation outside. Near the front door, the most common cause of irritation is odors.

Be that as it may, you cannot eliminate the reasons, since they do not depend on you. However, you can influence the cat's condition, its sense of confidence and security. If your cat is alarmed by the front door, place a scratching post near it. When a pet sharpens its claws, it leaves its scent, signaling to a stranger that the territory is protected. By placing a scratching post, you will give your pet a legal way to visit the area without damaging the environment. A similar recommendation applies to windows, only it is more convenient to use hanging scratching posts next to them. The second option is thick curtains, which will give the cat a feeling of additional security and secrecy.


Cats tend to become stressed when there are obvious changes in their lifestyle or daily routine. You won't be able to protect your pet from all stressors, so it's best to provide him with ways to cope with the discomfort. Any cat will be more comfortable if:

  • Set up an inviolable shelter - this could be a house, a shelf in a closet, a box, etc. The point is not in appearance, but in content - the pet must be sure that while it is in the shelter, it will not be touched. Cleaning the cat's house and washing the bedding should be done strictly on a schedule, at the same time, for example, once a month or once every 2 weeks, but not more often.
  • Give your cat access to height - if you have nowhere to put a cat play set, there is an alternative - a closet. Equip your pet with a hole so that he can sit on the closet and watch what is happening in the apartment. If you watch films about wildlife, you will see that wild cats always try to stay on high ground. Exceptions are sleeping, hunting and nursing offspring.

Try to stick to as stable a schedule as possible. At the same time, the cat should receive:

  • I'm eating.
  • Communication.
  • Physical activity.

It is important to correctly calculate the time for your cat's dinner, since after the evening meal the pet will prefer to frolic and socialize. Be attentive to your pet and keep in mind that cats tend to hide their feelings for a long time and very successfully.


The natural reaction to being hurt is to defend. Depending on its temperament, a cat can defend itself actively (biting arms and legs, attacking) or passively (hiding). If your cat has never bitten, but begins to attack hands in response to petting, she most likely has some pain. Unexpected aggression may be caused by feelings of weakness (vulnerability) or fatigue.

When a cat is in pain, she cannot sleep deeply. In just a few days, the animal accumulates severe fatigue, and the natural reaction in this case will be irritability. For example, a cat actively walks into your arms, allows itself to be stroked... suddenly bites you and runs away growling.

If you notice this behavior in your pet, contact your doctor for a routine examination. Please note that you may not notice the symptoms of the disease, since cats are good at hiding pain. The disease may be at such a stage that there is no pain yet, but weakness and poor health are present. In any case, before making any decisions, make sure that the cat is healthy.


Before taking educational measures, you need to make sure that the pet is healthy. If stress is caused by illness, it will not be possible to stop the cat from biting and scratching until the general condition improves. During treatment, the veterinarian will prescribe a sedative: RelaxPlus, Feliway, StopStress, Fitex. Cannot be used without consultation.

When talking about illness, you can notice other changes - lethargy, loss of appetite, dull hair, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory manifestations. The cat does not allow you to touch the sore spot. Not all illnesses and injuries have pronounced symptoms, so sudden aggression is a reason to consult a doctor.

The cause of inappropriate behavior may be rabies. This is a fatal disease, there is no cure. If you suspect an infection, you must leave the room, close the door, and call the SES. You must not approach an animal with rabies, try to calm it down, or provide assistance.

Cases of critical aggression

In addition to the situations discussed, uncontrolled aggression is also possible. To repay it, medical intervention is necessary. Otherwise, the animal, which finds itself in an insane state, can cause fatal injuries to people.

Unsatisfied sexual instinct

Neglect of castration and lack of mating can result in a serious problem in the future. Unsatisfied sexual instinct does not go away over the years, but constantly accumulates. As a result, in the middle or end of life, accumulated energy is redirected in a negative direction. Behavioral disorders occur, accompanied by increased nervousness and outbursts of aggression.

20 years ago, my uncastrated 9-year-old cat began to attack me, my mother, and, worst of all, my little sister for no reason. Then there was no money and ample opportunity to study why this happened, all that was left was guesswork. Later, I kept hearing from friends: an uncastrated domestic cat went crazy, caused serious injuries, and had to be euthanized. And a friend of my grandmother almost lost her arm. So castration is humane both in relation to the cat and in relation to others.

Owner Maria

The cat has gone crazy - literally

Cat madness is a rare phenomenon in veterinary medicine. In 99% of cases, aggression is associated with psychological trauma, poor upbringing, self-defense or pain. A mental disorder can only be determined using laboratory diagnostics.

If your pet attacks members of your household, make an appointment with a veterinarian. In the absence of pathologies and a stable mental state, he may need a zoopsychologist.


The rabies virus is deadly to humans, so it is necessary to clearly know the main signs of its manifestation. When infected it is noted:

  1. profuse drooling;
  2. aggressiveness or apathy;
  3. fear of light and water;
  4. perverted appetite (eating inedible objects).

The patient should be isolated in a separate room to prevent the spread of the virus. There is no cure for this infection. The only way to protect yourself is timely vaccination.


Lack of attention convinces the pet that he is not welcome. The prospect of being expelled from the territory is tantamount to death - it is an instinct. It will be possible to wean the cat from biting and scratching as soon as the family finds more time for him. Confidence will return, excess energy will go away - there will be no need to attract attention with teeth and claws.

An overabundance of attention requires the opposite action - leaving him alone, communicating only on his initiative. Many cats do not like familiarity, being carried in their arms, obsessive petting, and do not tolerate rude children or pestering guests. The pet should have a place where no one will disturb it. An enclosed house on a hill from where you can see the room is ideal.

What to do in the moment of aggression

Punishments will not work to stop a cat from biting and scratching. But it must be shown that aggressive behavior is unacceptable. It is important to remain calm, remembering that the goal is to convey dissatisfaction to the cat without scaring it with screams.

What to do when a cat scratches or bites:

  • hiss sharply, leaning towards the bully;
  • sprinkle with water. You can shake your wet fingers towards the impudent face - you don’t have to run for a sprinkler;
  • lift by the scruff of the neck. It will help stop a young or usually calm cat from biting. Open aggression excludes physical contact;
  • distract with a toy, clapping your hand on the wall - an unexpected sound or action;
  • if open aggression cannot be controlled, throw on a blanket or jacket.

You can’t pull your hand out - due to inertia, the cat will cling to the “prey” stronger. There is no point in screaming, hitting, or pouring water on them - frightened animals are not capable of learning. And in order to wean a cat from attacking, he must understand the undesirability of such behavior. Patience, trust, and distraction together give excellent results.

Aggression after castration - when possible

A special place is occupied by a subtype of painful aggression, namely the condition after castration. Sterilization is not only a huge stress for the cat, but also a painful intervention in the body. Needless to say, the pet will be, to put it mildly, angry at the execution his beloved owner subjected him to.

We will not dwell on the pros and cons of this decision, but will talk about the possible reasons for the manifestation of aggression specifically after sterilization:

  1. State after anesthesia. Disorientation, vomiting, involuntary muscle spasms and general weakness - all this is not only unpleasant for the cat, but also terribly scary. The animal does not understand what is happening to it and, naturally, becomes aggressive.
  2. Pain. Strip surgery is not a scratch. The wound will hurt and bother the animal for a long time.
  3. Postoperative period. Over the next three months after sterilization, hormonal changes occur. During this period, the cat may behave aggressively, and this is considered the norm.
  4. There is another factor, the name of which is doctor’s negligence. This includes a poorly performed operation (including incomplete castration), incorrectly calculated anesthesia, and poor dressing.

All of the above reasons can be accompanied by aggression. But stories about a cat taking revenge for its organs are pure fiction. The animal cannot possibly guess what was done to it on the operating table.

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