Proven ways to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place

The suffering of people whose cat began to shit in the wrong place is immeasurable. Most often in such a situation, the owner's bed and shoes, the threshold of the front door, the corners of rooms and the space under the bathroom suffer. You want to solve the problem as soon as possible, but in a hurry you can only make it worse: by not following the rules, it is easy to reinforce the animal’s erroneous behavior. We will tell you how to stop a cat from going to the toilet in the wrong place.

Why did the cat start shitting in the room?

The first thing you need to understand is why the cat began to upset its owners:

  • This may be due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary system.
  • It is possible that the animal attracts attention in this way, showing that it needs help.
  • Sometimes a cat’s toilet begins to be associated with pain. In this case, any attempts to return it to the tray will remain in vain until it is completely cured.

Important! If a cat experiences pain, pain or simply unpleasant sensations, if it cannot restrain involuntary urination, then educational measures are useless. In this case, urgent assistance from a veterinarian is necessary: ​​a timely diagnosis and proper treatment will help solve the problem.

Main reasons not related to health:

  • a significant change in the situation (moving, renovation, buying new furniture);
  • non-acceptance of the premises where the toilet is installed;
  • aversion to the smell of the material from which the tray is made (or its shape);
  • antipathy to the filler (or its rare replacement);
  • conflict between cats living together;
  • lack of attention from the owners.

Sometimes an animal takes revenge for an insult in this way or protests if it doesn’t like something. This is his way of “explaining” to the owners: something is not as the cat wants. But there is no need to look for human logic and conscious behavior in such actions: everything is spontaneous, situational and subordinate to instincts.

Our article – rating of trays for cats – can help you with choosing the right accessory.

The reason can be elementary:

  • the toilet was moved (turned);
  • another cat went into the litter box;
  • there is not enough food in the feeder and not enough water in the drinking bowl;
  • The family pet is old, and these are age-related problems.

Sometimes a cat stops going because something startled her during a previous trip to the toilet: for example, someone suddenly walked by while the cat was doing her business.

A separate block is the natural need to mark the territory, protecting it from the encroachments of other animals or even guests who come to the house. And also in an effort to attract sexual partners. This is a powerful animal instinct, which cannot be overcome by educational measures.

If a kitten shits

A kitten that goes to the toilet in a place other than where it is supposed to is a special case. As a rule, it must be taught this by its mother or another adult cat. However, in practice this does not always happen. If a kitten is orphaned early or thrown out into the street by cruel owners, there is simply no one to teach it proper behavior. Even if the baby is lucky and has a recently whelped dog looking after him, she will not be able to “explain” to him how to use the litter box. The owner will have to deal with this himself. Fortunately, kittens very quickly understand what they want from them, and after being caught in time two or three times and taken to the potty, they decide that digging into the litter is much more interesting than scraping slippery parquet floors or cold tiles.

Place your baby in the litter box immediately after he has eaten or woken up. If everything went well, be sure to praise your pet. You can tell the rest of the family about his successes. Rest assured, your little pet understands perfectly well what you are talking about, especially if you don’t forget to back up your praise with a portion of treats.

If you have a very young kitten, do not let him explore all the rooms on the first day. It’s easy to get lost in a huge (by the standards of a tiny animal) house. What if he gets a tummy ache while traveling and there’s no cozy litter box nearby? In a few days, your mustachioed pet will stop hiding in the sofa at every rustle, get used to your voice, remember where his bowl and bowl of water are, learn to confidently use the litter box, and, by the way, will grow up a little. Then it will be possible to gradually introduce him to other rooms in the house.

By following these simple rules, you will quickly train your pet to use the litter box. If, nevertheless, a certain incident happens from time to time, do not scold the baby under any circumstances! Perhaps he is not feeling well. Many kittens, and adult cats too, when they have an upset stomach, prefer to poop on the floor or in a tray without litter. In this case, it is enough to adjust the pet’s diet - and the problem will be solved.

How to prevent cat misbehavior

You can never be sure of anything with a pet: it is a living creature that may have its own problems and its own views on how its living environment should be arranged. In order to protect your home as much as possible from surprises, the conditions for keeping the animal are thought out even before the mustachioed friend is brought into the house.

The cat loves cleanliness, order and clear organization of space. It would be wise to position the toilet in a way that she likes. Then she will agree to do her business where it is convenient for the owner.

Misbehavior in a cat can be prevented if:

  • choose a toilet that your pet will like (even if you have to change several in a row);
  • When purchasing a tray, take into account the size of the animal;
  • place the tray in a secluded corner with 24-hour access to the room;
  • place the feeding area away from the toilet;
  • Do not place anything with a strong smell next door.

It is extremely important to clean your cat's litter box frequently:

  • every time you change the filler;
  • as soon as the smell appears;
  • Trays used without filler are washed after each cat’s visit to the toilet.

The litter you choose is the one that suits your cat. We talked about the choice of filler taking into account the individual characteristics of the pet’s breed and age in this article. They change it without waiting for a strong smell to appear, which is individual for each animal.

Sometimes a cat shits in the room because of helminths: the pain and itching force her to look for a place where she can wipe off the remnants of the discharge. Often she looks for something soft - a carpet, a bed or a sofa. To prevent this from happening, even a healthy cat needs to be given anti-worm medication from time to time.

If your cat has urinary incontinence caused by illness or old age, you can only protect your floors and carpets by buying her diapers. This decision will be the only correct one; it will completely eliminate hassle and dirt in the house.

Which tray to choose?

Even in such a simple matter as choosing a tray, there are a lot of difficulties and surprises.

Tray size

Depending on the breed of the pet and the possible maximum growth in the future, the size of the tray is selected. At the same time, length and width are not all criteria when choosing. Depth is of great importance in the comfort of using the tray for animals. The height of the sides varies from 5 cm to 15 cm. The best option is a 10-centimeter side.

For large breeds, the size is selected so that at least 4 adult cats of the selected breed can be seated in the tray. It should also not be too large so that the animal clearly understands the limits of its capabilities. The possibility of installing such a tray in a specific location is also taken into account.

Tray material

The standard solution when purchasing a tray is to choose a plastic tray. This product is easy to clean, wear-resistant, does not absorb foreign odors, and is affordable.

But in recent years, trays made from natural materials – wood – have also become popular. Outwardly, it looks very eco-friendly and natural, but when used, such a tray is not practical. Wood absorbs odors, which are not so easy to get rid of. Wood also absorbs moisture, where if it gets constantly wet, fungus or mold can develop.

Tray models

The following models of trays are common for “cat people”:

  1. Whole. It has the appearance of a rectangle, smooth inside without obvious protrusions or reliefs. Cat litter is used for this. The most optimal and universal option for training a cat to use a litter box.
  2. With mesh. Externally it looks like a solid tray. Only a special mesh is installed inside, which serves as a kind of filter. The cat defecates, the liquids drain to the bottom of the tray, while the litter is not used, and the tray has to be washed after each visit by the cat to the toilet.
  3. With high sides. An additional side is installed on the solid tray, which serves as additional protection against the spread of filler elements throughout the room. Can also be used as a film clip. When installing the film, it is clamped with a side. After the cat defecates, the film can be removed and thrown away and covered with another one.
  4. Closed. This type of tray-house is also called. Suitable for a few people, since cats usually ignore it, which makes toilet training more difficult.
  5. Auto. It is only good for the owner, since the tray is capable of self-cleaning and replacing the filler. Cats rarely recognize it due to the noise of the cleaning process.

Cat litter

There are two main types of filler composition - natural and artificial.

It will be better for the animal if the owners buy natural cat litter (wooden sawdust pressed into granules). After a loose bowel movement, the granules swell and disintegrate. You can’t clean such an area right away; there’s not much of a smell.

Tray filler

After the granules break down into sawdust, they stick to the cat’s paws and spread throughout the home. Therefore, pet owners prefer artificial types of fillers. The principle of their action is to envelop feces, thereby neutralizing the odor. The filler does not cling to the paws and does not spread.

Nuances of the litter box training process

  • It may happen that the pet does not like the litter - excessive flavorings in the litter can scare the animal away. To begin with, it is better to get by with neutral scents or no scents.
  • If your cat stubbornly refuses to go to the litter box, reconsider your choice. Perhaps it is too big and has high sides. Try changing the type of filler, the tray itself.
  • If a cat was adopted that was already older than a kitten, then the training process is practically no different. The only thing is that an adult animal will understand the essence much faster and will not commit incidents with “misses”.
  • During training, do not allow the animal into all rooms of the home. After sustainable results, access can be expanded.
  • When defecating in the wrong place, use a special solution or make it yourself - mix alcohol, vinegar and water in a 1:1:1 ratio and treat the place where the incident occurred.
  • Repeat attempts again and again if the cat cannot get used to the place of defecation. This requires patience and calm.

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Methods to Avoid

Measures for raising an animal must be completely safe for its health.

Absolute taboo:

  • beating;
  • poking your nose into a puddle or pile;
  • dousing with water;
  • rough pushing towards the tray;
  • shout.

All this will only frighten, provoke stress and ultimately have the opposite effect. The cat will become insecure and begin to look through all corners in search of something for which it will not be punished.

A little scolding is necessary, but only if the cat was caught “doing this.” Delayed punishment is pointless, because the cat will no longer understand what the owner’s aggression is connected with.

Sometimes it is advised to lock the cat in a cramped room with a litter tray: if it cannot find another place, it will begin to go there. But this method is also quite cruel. Such treatment can frighten, offend the animal and cause a persistent aversion to the toilet.

Gestrenol: scheme for using drops

Before using the drug on a cat that has gone on a spree, carefully read the instructions for use. Pay attention to precautions and dosage. This will allow you to achieve its maximum efficiency.

Most often, Gestrenol drops are applied to the animal’s nose so that it licks them off. This method is good because the product immediately enters his body and begins to act immediately. In rare cases, it is allowed to be added to food, but do not be surprised if your pet suddenly refuses the offered treat, because they smell foreign sex hormones.

How to stop a cat from pooping all over your apartment: proven methods

It is not at all difficult to train a small kitten to use a litter tray. But if an adult cat suddenly changes its habits, or the animal is taken from the street, only those who show patience and love will achieve success.

The owner needs to show the cat that he is against him shitting anywhere and take care of cleanliness:

  • the dirty floor is immediately washed and disinfected;
  • it is possible to use an odor repellent;
  • soiled shoes are thoroughly cleaned and put away.

Many cats urinate in one litter box and defecate in another. In this case, the problem can be solved in the easiest way: just place two containers next to each other.

If the cat is left alone for a long time, you will have to get another potty, because this animal will not go into a dirty tray.

Sometimes it is enough to change the brand of litter to the one the cat is used to. If there is a need to accustom the cat to a different litter, the change is made gradually, mixing the new brand with the old one in increasing proportions.

After making sure that the animal is healthy, you can apply educational measures:

  • give a treat every time the cat goes into the litter box: to positively reinforce correct behavior;
  • put a bowl of food where it is pooped: cats do not go to the toilet where they eat;
  • in cases where “you can’t stock up on any bowls,” you can lay out dry food in areas that have been thoroughly washed of urine or feces beforehand.

If the cat gets into the habit of walking on any object that can be removed for a while (a rug, a chair), then it is better to take the thing out altogether or stop the cat’s access to the room. But it cannot be guaranteed that, having stopped shitting in the wrong place for some time, even for a long time, the cat will not eventually begin to use this thing as its toilet again.

A very effective way for a small kitten is to soak a cloth in his urine and put it in the tray. The smell will point the animal to the right place. The same can be done for an adult cat brought from the street.

A good method is to place the tray where the cat began to shit, gradually moving it to where the owner needs it. Often the cat obeys or does not notice the change in the position of the potty. But sometimes you have to come to terms and permanently move the tray to the corner chosen by the animal.

You can make a place favored by a cat inaccessible:

  • cover with something that is better unpleasant for the paws;
  • fence with a strip of double-sided tape;
  • make inaccessible (fence, cover).

Sometimes it turns out to be effective to create a situation of discomfort at the moment when the cat settles down in the corner of its choice (unexpected appearance, clapping of hands). But the animal always understands that it is doing something bad, and tries to do it when no one is around. The owners will have to keep watch, and perhaps more than once.

To prevent a cat taken from the street from marking the entire apartment, you can collect its scent on a porous fabric (by rubbing it on the fur, for example) and spread its pieces around the apartment. Then the animal will understand that this is its territory, which does not need to be marked.

To prevent pets from spraying gonad secretions and urine around the apartment, males are castrated and females are sterilized. But if this is done late, when the behavior has already become entrenched, the operation will not get rid of the marks. Your veterinarian will help determine the correct age for this procedure.

An animal that shits in the wrong place in order to find a sexual partner can simply be given the opportunity to satisfy its instinct, and silence and cleanliness will return to the apartment.

There is one more absolute rule: a cat’s misdeed, committed in front of the owner, should never go uncondemned. Because the cat must clearly understand what is acceptable in its behavior and what is not.

Let's stop marking our territory

Domestic cats, like any other animal, mark their territory. They also mark all the corners in the apartment, thereby additionally attracting individuals of the opposite sex.

Some experienced cat breeders recommend influencing your pet psychologically and proving your superiority over it. You need to wait for the cat to settle down near some corner to complete its furry business, then grab it by the scruff of the neck and hold it suspended for several minutes. You can sharply flick your pet on the ears. At the same time, he will tuck his paws and tail, thereby submitting to the owner.

It makes no sense to try to wash off the marks and treat the places where they were applied with odorous products. The cat will simply try to cover up the alien smell that is unpleasant for him and will mark even more strongly.

We reduce sexual activity with special drugs so that cats do not mark their territory

If a cat applies marks, it is advised to reduce the pet’s nervousness and sexual activity. For this purpose, specialized drugs are used (Gestrenol, Kot Bayun, etc.). The last resort and most effective measure is castration.

Video: how to protect beds from cats

Protecting your home with special tools

The industry produces many products for correcting animal behavior. At the pet store you can choose them in the form of a spray, powder, or emulsion.

There are drugs whose composition:

  • attracts to the tray;
  • scares away from the wrong place;
  • deodorizes, neutralizes odors;
  • disinfects;
  • calms during heat.

If in doubt, you can contact your veterinarian, who will advise the most suitable drug for a particular breed and age of the animal. The fact is that some of them act differently on young or old, healthy or sick, castrated or giving birth animals. Only a specialist can choose an effective and harmless remedy for a specific pet.

How to treat the area

To remove the smell of urine and feces, simply thoroughly wash the area where the cat pooped with dishwashing detergent. Often this measure is sufficient and after a short ventilation the smell of feces disappears. If it does not disappear after washing, then try using cologne or perfume with a strong smell. It is not recommended to use “Whiteness” for treatment, since its smell only attracts animals.

You can use industrial products to combat unpleasant odors. You can buy them at a household chemicals store, and some at a pet store.

Traditional methods of dealing with the smell of cat urine

Cats have lived alongside humans for about 10,000 years. During this time, people managed to pick up odors that discourage cats from shitting where they shouldn’t. Not all of them are effective in our time. Moreover, each cat’s sense of smell is individual.

But you can, hoping for a positive effect, spread it out in places that have been washed from excrement:

  • lemon, orange (you can put the peels in flower pots);
  • mustard or very hot pepper;
  • burnt paper or ashes;
  • the owner's sweaty clothes.

Cat urine odors from objects, furniture, clothing and shoes can be eliminated using:

  • iodine;
  • alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

As for bleach and vinegar, they are dangerous to health and completely useless: most likely, they will attract the pet even more to their favorite corner. Simply because they enhance the smell of urine.

Problems of education

Sometimes cats shit only because they were not litter box trained in the first place. Raising a baby is easier than retraining and eliminating bad habits in an adult, undisciplined animal.

In order to wean a cat from shitting in the wrong place, you will have to make a lot of effort. Basic tips for re-education are presented below:

An ill-mannered pet does not navigate the house and chooses for the toilet only those places where the smell of its urine is already present. Therefore, it is necessary to perform general cleaning and completely eliminate the smell of urine in foreign places. Cat urine has a very pungent odor, so regular cleaning may not be enough.

Veterinary pharmacies sell special drops (antigadin) that can be applied to the cat’s favorite place to eliminate the smell. It is important to monitor your cat's movements to find out where exactly he relieves himself most often. You can move the tray to this place for a while so that the cat gradually gets used to the discipline. If mistakes always happen in the same place, you can wash it and start placing a plate of food there

The pet will not shit where it is fed. No mistake should be left unattended. If the pet again has a place marked with its scent, all efforts to restore correct behavior will be in vain. If your cat is sick or old, he may develop problems with his sense of smell. Such individuals require special care - you need to take them to the tray more often to strengthen the skill.

Do not change the filler too often and wash the tray with disinfectants. At the habituation stage, the cat must navigate by smell. If the tray is disinfected after each bowel movement, this can provoke disorientation of the individual and push it to look for a toilet in the wrong place just because its smell is present there.

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