How to make friends between an adult cat and a puppy: advice from experienced owners

Owners who already have a dog often take a kitten under their care. Of course, these pets, incompatible in many respects, may have conflicts that have irreparable consequences.

It is known that the easiest way to accustom a puppy to a kitten. If you raise and educate pets together from a young age, in the future they will become inseparable friends and no misunderstandings can arise between them. However, the situation is completely different with an already adult dog and a small kitten.

How to litter train a small kitten

Most often, babies learn on their own when they repeat after their mother. But if for some reason this is not possible, you will have to solve the problem yourself!

Watch your diet

On average, a kitten wants to go to the toilet about half an hour after a hearty dinner. Or after prolonged active games and running. If you stick to the regime, in just a couple of days you will be able to accurately predict the time.

Show the tray

The kitten needs to get comfortable, look around and sniff. Bring him to the tray periodically and don’t disturb him if he wants to play, dig around, or just lie there. Take him there after sleeping, playing and eating, and if you see that he has already begun to settle down in another place.

Teach you to dig

If a kitten sees a tray with filler for the first time, he simply does not understand what they want from him. Gently show with your finger that you can dig there, but don’t pull the animal’s paws - it will only get scared!

Special means

Now there are all kinds of sprays and other special products with different scents. Some of them attract cats - and they can be used to treat the litter box. Others, on the contrary, scare away, so they are suitable for treating places where the animal has already managed to go before.

Clean up the mistakes

If the kitten has already done its business in the wrong place, the smell needs to be removed. Special detergents, citrus essential oils and other strong odors are suitable. It’s better to carefully collect the pile with a spatula and transfer it to the tray so that the kitten can see and remember.

Use tricks

If the kitten has already chosen an undesirable place, there is no way to move the tray there, and endless washing does not help, then temporarily move the bowls with food and water there. Clean cats do not go to the toilet where they eat and drink!

Don't scold

There is no need to scold the animal, poke its nose somewhere, or even beat it - this is completely ineffective! The kitten will only begin to be afraid, and maybe take revenge, or learn to hide even better. Talk calmly and praise your pet when he has done everything right.

An adult purr and a small puppy

Of course, it is better for animals to live together since childhood, but if this did not work out, then do not be upset.

If you already have a cat in your home, get a puppy between three and twelve weeks of age. This way they can get along quite easily, especially if you don’t allow them to come into close contact at first. It’s just that a little puppy is always friendly, but if he wants to play with a cat, he can meet with resistance. It's better to introduce them at a distance first

It is necessary to pay attention to the purr so that it does not seem that it is now an unloved animal

As a rule, puppies do not show aggression towards cats due to their friendliness and age. Very often, adult purrs take custody of doggies. Sometimes they remain indifferent. In any case, existence should be peaceful.

During the introduction, keep an eye on the cat. If she bites the puppy’s tail, lies on top or in his place, then she is friendly towards the baby. If a small dog wags its tail and takes characteristic poses for playing, then it also expresses sympathy for the purr.

Ideal age

To ensure that a cat and a dog live peacefully in the same apartment, get a puppy and a kitten of the same age. Kids are not so aggressive, they are easy-going, and their natural curiosity helps them quickly establish friendly relations with each other.

But how to make friends between a cat and a dog of different ages? Animals will have to be given more time to adapt. Be patient, take your time, and most importantly, do not use physical punishment for disobedience.

Adult dog and kitten

It will not be possible to accustom an adult dog to a kitten right away. Never leave your baby unattended. An adult animal can cause serious injuries to a kitten even during play.

Provide the kitten with a comfortable place to rest at a height so that the dog cannot get there. Feed the animals in separate rooms for the first weeks of living together. Give food to the older pet first. In the future, each animal should have its own bowl for food and water.

Adult cat and puppy

Adult cats are usually aggressive towards dogs, but if the puppy is not allowed close, then there will not be any problems. Animals should be kept in separate rooms. A cat may scratch a puppy who is naturally curious and playful. Animals should have separate places to rest and eat. The cat can quickly get tired of the puppy's games. She will want to retire and sleep. She should have this opportunity, especially if the pets are in the same room.

Adult animals

Is it possible and how to make friends between a cat and a dog if the animals are already adults? The situation is complicated. The dog perceives the cat as prey or an object to play with. Therefore, the dog must be kept separately. If it is not possible to separate your pets, purchase a dog enclosure. When you first meet, keep your dog muzzled and on a short leash.

Bring the animals together for a few minutes every day, but keep them at such a distance that the cat does not start to hiss and rush. If she does rush, tie the dog nearby, give the command “sit”, go up to the cat and pet her to relieve fear and tension. Then go up to the dog and pet him too. Encourage your pets' calm attitude towards each other with various treats, but do not fully feed them in the same room until they really become friends.

Mr. Cat recommends: tips for first meeting

Even before meeting, pets should be taught to adequately perceive representatives of another species. So, when walking, you need to scold them for barking towards cats or reward them for being friendly. In the future, the success of reconciling pets will depend on following the following tips:

  • It is necessary to teach your pet the “Near” and “Sit” commands as early as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to control him.
  • Cat's nails should be trimmed regularly.
  • You cannot physically punish your pets.
  • At the first signs of friendship between pets, you should not rush to arrange for them to live together. Animals left alone can quarrel and fight.
  • When choosing a puppy in a shelter, it is important to find out from the workers which of the wards reacts calmer to cats.
  • The most aggressive dogs towards cats are hunting dogs. Owners of such breeds should think carefully before making such a serious decision.

Puppy and kitten

Cubs weaned from their mother instinctively seek closeness and attention. Differences between species do not matter to them. The main thing is to have someone to play with. Friendly pranks gradually lead to strong friendship.

But, in such a situation, size matters a lot. A large breed puppy grows quickly and does not know how to dose strength. Hitting a kitten with a large paw can cause injury.

Conversely, a Maine Coon cub may seem like a giant to a Chihuahua puppy and cause fear.

In our entrance, on the third floor, there lived a small French lap dog. When she went for a walk and saw our Siberian cat Vasily on the first floor, she refused to come down. The owner had to carry her in her arms.

How to make friends with a dog and a cat?

The problem of the relationship between a dog and a cat continues to hide many myths. Some owners are still convinced that dogs and cats are bosom enemies, although this is far from the case. There is no global war between dogs and cats, there is mutual wariness

However, this wariness can manifest itself in both cats and dogs, including in relation to their relatives, which is usually not paid attention to

Rumors of never-ending feud between cats and dogs are somewhat exaggerated

There are cats who are friendly towards other animals, there are dogs who are open to making friends, and vice versa. Much depends on what behavioral attitudes the animal is losing. If a pet has had a negative experience with dogs or cats, of course, he will transfer it to other individuals. This feature allows animals to survive in the wild.

The relationship between a cat and a dog is influenced by their temperaments and previous communication experiences.

Genetically determined behavior patterns in different animal species also play a role. Thus, cats prefer to retreat and avoid conflict, while dogs will not miss the opportunity to go on the attack even if there is a mortal threat or superiority of the enemy. You can read about the nature of aggression in cats and dogs, as well as its manifestations, on our portal.

If you are planning to get a puppy, it is important to study the personality of the desired breed in advance. Some individuals are predisposed to hunting cats, but there are breeds that get along well with animals of other species

We talk about these breeds below.

Dog breeds that get along with cats


The tips below will help smooth out the adaptation of your dog and cat to each other as much as possible.

Table 1. Tips for conflict-free bonding between a dog and a cat

Advice Details Feed animals separately Having bowls nearby will only increase the likelihood of new conflicts breaking out. Aggression associated with the protection of food resources can be easily avoided by feeding animals at different times and in different places. Give the cat the opportunity to retreat. As already mentioned, cats do not like open confrontations. The opportunity to avoid an unpleasant confrontation will be provided by a play complex elongated in height, after climbing on which the cat will feel safe. Dose the first meetings of pets For the first meetings, it is enough to spend 5-10 minutes - the animals will begin to get used to new smells without getting fed up with each other’s company. Increase the time of “dates” gradually, tracking changes in the moods of your pets. Under no circumstances rush things. “Getting in touch” with each other is a matter of time. Cats are reserved animals, so every new acquaintance is stressful for them. Dogs also need time to develop an effective strategy for behavior with a cat. Refuse physical punishment. Any violence against a cat or dog will give an unambiguous signal to the other animal to “destroy” the offender. Both the cat and the dog should perceive themselves as full-fledged members of the pack, and not as rivals waiting for any reason to attack. Give the animals time alone with each other. When the pets get used to each other, step away from relentless control. After a month of your constant observation (provided there are no conflicts), the animals will be ready to live side by side

Intrusive attention will only hinder them

Terriers are partial to cats and rarely miss the opportunity to chase them

The principles of living under one roof

  • To accustom a cat to a puppy, you need to arrange living areas for both representatives from the cat and dog world. You can buy a high scratching post for your cat, on which he can watch his “neighbor”; for a puppy - a cage or enclosure (depending on where the owner lives).
  • To teach animals to live together in harmony, during your absence you need to make sure that eye contact is maintained, but they cannot physically communicate. That is, for example, a dog can be locked in a cage (for its own safety). Or place the animals in different rooms.
  • When the owner is at home, it is necessary to let the puppy out of the shelter so that he gets to know the cat better. If a cat’s “brother” begins to become impudent and tries to beat a young dog, the owner must stop this immediately, clearly indicating the need to unconditionally accept the new member of the pack. There is no need to persuade under any circumstances.
  • Feeding both the dog and the cat should happen at the same time. But the bowls should be placed separately. Perhaps even to different levels. You need to make sure that no one steals food from someone else's bowl.
  • One of the basic rules for teaching two animals to live in peace and harmony is to pay attention to both of them. Moreover, this must be done simultaneously. If the owner has petted one pet, then he should immediately call and pet the second one. Otherwise, jealousy will “destroy” the owner’s efforts to improve relationships between animals.
  • In order to accustom a cat to “good manners” and accept a new family member, you always need to restore justice in fights, “thefts” of toys and food. Otherwise, the cat’s impudence will know no bounds.

Perhaps the moment will come when the owner begins to be jealous of the cat and the puppy, because they will find a common language and will frolic and play, thereby bringing pleasure to the whole family.

Kitten and adult dog

Small kittens adapt to changes more easily. Their childish curiosity pushes them to explore a new world. They fearlessly rush to catch the wagging tail and climb with all their paws into the huge dog bowl.

Not every dog ​​will tolerate such impudence. It depends on the person whether the petty adventurer will be torn into tiny pieces or not.

Each owner carries out explanatory work in his own way. Some harshly reprimand with prohibiting commands, others conduct pacifist conversations with their pet about forgiveness and love for one’s neighbor. Can be combined. The main thing is to save the baby’s life.

Gradually, the inexplicable charm of kittens melts the ice in the most incorruptible hearts of stern dogs. Our one-year-old Dalmatian dog suffered from a false pregnancy at the time when our daughter was given a month-old British kitten. The bitch raised him like her own puppy. And she took full responsibility into his upbringing. So much so that he has maintained ideal behavior for eight years now.

Cat and adult dog

It is very difficult to make friends with animals that are already in adulthood. This process is a little easier if they previously had experience of coexistence with a representative of the “enemy camp”. In another situation, it is better to think carefully about such a step and weigh whether you and your loved ones have enough strength, patience and time for the complex process of bringing your pets together. Be prepared for the fact that it will not be possible to achieve peaceful relations, and you will have to choose which of the two to leave in the house and which one you will have to part with, no matter how cruel it may sound.

A lot depends on the atmosphere of the first meeting of future neighbors, so when introducing a cat to an adult dog, great care should be taken. If she immediately runs away from the dog in panic and fright, then stop all attempts on his part to catch up with the elusive “game”

Command your dog to “sit” and praise him for following the command. She must understand that if she treats the cat peacefully and does not chase it, then the owner will always praise and encourage her. But in the first days of acquaintance between pets, it is best to put a muzzle on an adult dog and not remove the leash in order to hold the pet by it at any time.

You should understand that it will take a cat quite some time to get used to the presence of another animal in the house and adapt to the new neighborhood. This often takes several months or even more, especially if your pet has never encountered dogs before. To ensure that the process of habituation and adaptation takes less time and is not too traumatic for the psycho-emotional state of both animals, make sure that the cat always has a place where she can feel safe.

At first, make a large desk such an “oasis of comfort.” The ideal option would be another room where the dog cannot enter. You need to put a bowl of food there and place a house if the purr likes to sleep in it. Remember also that the dog needs to be blocked from accessing the litter tray, otherwise it will create inconvenience for the cat, and then for you, because she may refuse to use it out of fear. Experts advise making some changes in the life of an existing animal in advance, so that later it will be easier for it to adapt and come to terms with the appearance of a “stranger” on its territory.

Meeting new “neighbors”

Of course, the easiest way to accustom a cat to a dog is when they appeared at the same time in infancy on the owner’s territory. If kids grow up together, then in the future they will have no problems with sharing territory, toys, etc. It is much more difficult to establish contact between a dog and a cat if one of them appeared in the apartment or house before his newly arrived “brother”. The “old-timer” rightfully considers himself the master of the house (and, as a rule, this is a cat), so you need to teach the cat to accept the new neighbor without beating around the bush.

Teaching friendship: secrets and nuances

Before introducing one pet to another, it is necessary to take into account some basic rules that will simplify the process and lead to a positive result. Therefore, let's look at how to accustom a dog to a cat.

First meeting

When a new pet comes into the house, he often reacts warily to everything that happens and hesitantly explores the apartment. For some period he can hide, be completely inactive.

At this time, introducing him to other inhabitants of the house is not recommended, as you can scare the new resident, especially if the pet that has been living in your apartment for a long time is an adult.

For example, if you buy a small kitten and immediately place it in the same room with the dog, it will probably try to run away from the curious and playful dog, and the latter will try to catch up with the baby and the consequences can be unpleasant for both animals.

Therefore, when you bring a new pet into your home, place it in a separate room that you do not forget to lock. An animal living in your house for a long time will smell a new smell and characteristic sounds, to which it will gradually become accustomed.

After some time, you can bring the new resident of the apartment into a room with another pet for closer animal contact.

Important! It is not recommended to leave your pets alone while they get used to each other, as a conflict may arise between them, and you should take the baby in your arms at any time for protection.

Owner's attention

Perhaps the main reason for hostility between a dog and a cat in the same apartment is the attention of the owner

If a cat by its nature is not attached to affection from its owner and calmly tolerates its absence, then it is very important for the dog that it receives a lot of attention, and it regards this as the main indicator of love.

But when a rival appears in the house, the cat’s behavior changes radically - it tries to attract attention to itself, competing in every possible way with the dog for the affection of its owner. When the dog is taken for a walk, the cat may meow desperately, indignant, and demanding to take it with you.

The dog is less jealous in this regard, but still will not allow the cat to be its owner’s favorite, and will try in every possible way to shift attention to itself. In this case, animals can be compared to small children who are jealous of their parents and try to attract attention to themselves.

Therefore, you should evenly distribute your time, paying attention to both pets, so that they feel needed and full-fledged members of the family

Everyone has their place

In order not to provoke conflicts between pets, it is recommended to arrange for them to relax in separate places that they have chosen.

It is advisable that they be in different rooms, in this case you will be able to control that one animal does not drive away the other, each has its own territory where the cat or dog can feel protected.

Lunch together

As for the food intake of the pets in question, their attitude towards food is radically opposite. A cat will never overeat if she always has food in her bowl. This animal eats little by little, returning to the food bowl regularly throughout the day.

The dog eats everything at once, regardless of what is offered to it. Therefore, she can eat all her food and switch to the cat’s bowl, which will soon also be empty, which the animal is unlikely to be happy about, returning after a while to once again refresh itself. Over time, the cat, of course, will get used to this behavior of the dog and will try to eat the maximum amount of food at one time, so as not to go hungry the rest of the time.

Due to the above-mentioned eating habits, it is recommended to feed your pets together so that each of them receives the required amount of food.

Loneliness and arrogance of cats

Cats are antisocial by nature and prefer privacy in particular. But, despite their asociality, cats know how to regulate their instincts and, in necessary situations, can be active and sociable. During the spring period of sexual heat, cats become especially proactive.

  • Marking territory, inherent in cats, also indicates a desire to delineate personal space and allows you to protect your territory from competitors.
  • It is known that even cats living in the wild and having the opportunity to unite in packs avoid such aggregations for a long time (except for the mating season) and lead a solitary lifestyle.
  • But we must not forget that some cat breeds are very sociable by nature and will not tolerate indifference towards themselves. Even the most avid solitary cats sometimes need human attention.

Cats can often appear to be arrogant animals due to their natural tendency to be isolated. But this kind of “arrogance” is only the result of the evolutionary process.

Dog and kitten

You need to be especially careful when you take a kitten into the house with a dog. After all, the dog, due to his natural instincts, has always treated cats with hostility and wariness, so even in a young creature he can see a problem.

If the dog is tolerant of cats, then their acquaintance should go smoothly, and further cohabitation will not be a burden to anyone.

The first meeting must take place under constant supervision; you need to very carefully monitor the reactions of the animals.

Before the first meeting, be sure to walk and feed the dog. This way you will reduce the dog’s aggressiveness and relieve him of additional reasons for concern.

Isolate the animals for a couple of days so that they can get used to the new smells and feel the proximity, but not be too close. After moving in, immediately feed both pets, so you can create pleasant associations with them - a foreign smell and delicious food. Thanks to this, the dog will quickly accept his new neighbor.

Next, feed your pets in the same room, but at a distance. So both animals will associate the new neighbor with a pleasant meal. But still, be careful at first. Over time, the animals will get used to each other, perhaps even sleeping together.

Cats and dogs are animals with different behavior and worldviews, so you need to approach their introduction carefully. It’s different in every home: in some cases they get along great, in other cases they don’t get along so well. We hope that you understand how to make friends between a cat and a dog. As a result of this, our tips will help you introduce two different, but such beautiful creatures of nature.

Basic rules that are important to remember

There should be no jealousy between a cat and a dog, otherwise they simply will not be able to live peacefully together. Agree that not every owner will like it when his pets behave “like a cat and a dog.”

  • How to accustom a cat to a dog if one of them appeared in the house much later? This greatly complicates the task, because unmotivated aggression immediately appears on the part of the cat, regardless of who came first to the owners. In order for the dog to be able to establish a relationship with the cat very quickly and without losing the moral and physical health of the pets, it is advisable that they move into the house at the same time.
  • Small pets (in terms of age, not at all in size) are better at finding contact with each other, so accustoming a cat to a dog will not be difficult in the early stages of acquaintance.
  • The conservative nature of cats sometimes confuses owners. After all, the serenity of a puppy can lead to beatings from an adult and experienced “cat” fellow. Therefore, it is important to try to teach your cat to restrain his emotions. To do this, the cat's territory must be fenced off from encroachments by the young dog.
  • The owner needs to be prepared for the fact that the animals will maintain cold neutrality. Teaching them to live together in peace and harmony means curbing the impudence of the cat’s character. In any case, cats always win, and dogs have to put up with it. Therefore, you need to train your cat not to tease his “neighbor” in the apartment too much.

Reasons why animals are not friends with each other

For what reasons may animals not be friends with each other, even after making friends at first? Zoologists identify the following reasons in this case.

Lack of attention from the owner

Many have heard the hackneyed phrase “A cat that walks by itself.” Some people really believe that cats are independent and do not like too much attention from their owner or family. But this does not mean that they should be given less attention; they need it just like dogs. Dogs are simpler in this matter: if they require the owner’s attention, they will show it with all their appearance.

If a dog and a cat live in the house, the struggle for the owner’s attention will be active. This can manifest itself in different ways, from who will be the first to meet the owner at the door from work, ending with the place near the owner

If more attention is paid to one pet, the second will show aggression, both towards the second animal in the house and towards the owner himself.

Important! Owners should understand that in terms of jealousy, animals resemble six-month-old children, so it is important to pay equal attention to both

Food as an object of increased attention

If there is a dog and a cat at home, many owners know how often one looks into the other’s bowl, even if he himself has a thicket of goodies. Zoologists say that cats, for the most part, eat without much appetite; a dog, on the contrary, will eat everything from the bowl and ask for more. Therefore, in a house where a cat and a dog live, the first ones will have to change their eating habits.

Food is an eternal object of contention

Owners must remember: the dog is prone to overeating, so a certain part of the cat food will be eaten. A cat can walk around half-starved. Because of this, pets can quarrel with each other. If possible, you need to place the animals' bowls so that one cannot look in and feast on the other's bowl.

Rules of peaceful coexistence

It is based on equal attention from the owner to both the cat and the dog. This will help avoid manifestations of jealousy on the part of the dog. Played with the dog? Pay attention to the cat. Did you pet the dog? Do the same with another family member. Try organizing joint games.

During the adaptation period, it is important to constantly monitor the presence of animals together. The owner is obliged to regularly encourage their friendship. And then the cat will understand that the dog can be used as a heating pad, an interlocutor, a friend.

Many cats love to sit on top and contemplate everything that happens below. Give your cat this opportunity during the period of adaptation to the dog. If he climbed onto a closet, you shouldn’t kick him out of there. He is so comfortable and calm. Over time this will pass.

When deciding to place a cat in a house where there is a dog, you must take into account the breed of the dog. Many watchdogs (for example, Dobermans) are very jealous of the appearance of kittens in the house, no matter what breed they are. Therefore, carefully observe the first reaction, be vigilant and careful.

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