Cropping the ears of a Central Asian Shepherd: a whim or a necessity?

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, Alabai or Asians have a majestic and intimidating appearance largely due to the breed’s exterior. The dogs have a powerful body, a large massive head with short triangular ears and a short thick tail. Currently, docking of the ears and tail of the Alabai is carried out only in the countries of the former CIS for aesthetic reasons. Abroad, the operation of cutting ears and tails without medical indications is prohibited for humanitarian reasons. The decision on the advisability of carrying out the procedure on his own dog is made by the owner of the animal.

Why do Alabai dogs have their ears and tail docked?

Central Asian Shepherds are also called wolfhounds. This stately breed was bred in Asia to help shepherds protect numerous flocks of sheep from predators. Since ancient times, newborn babies have had their ears and tails cut off for practical purposes:

  • wolves in a fight with a mighty dog ​​tear the long hanging ears and tail with their teeth. Painful wounds cause disorientation and death of the dog from bleeding or numerous injuries;
  • docking of tails and ears was used for dogs that attacked a person, so that in the future people would be afraid to get involved with an aggressive dog;
  • in Turkic mythology there is a mention of a beast without ears and tail, which terrifies local residents and animals. Following this legend, shepherds independently cut off the ears and tails of newborn shepherd dogs using a bloodless method. This gives dogs a terrifying appearance from ancient times to the present day.

Ear cropping of Central Asian Shepherd dogs at any age is carried out if there are indications for the operation. These include: necrotizing inflammation or ulcerative dermatitis of the auricle, tumors in the area of ​​the ear cartilage, lacerations or ear injuries. Tail docking in Alabai is indicated for injuries, neoplasms, necrosis or neoplasms.

Docking the ears and tail of an Alabai is not necessary if the dog does not participate in fights with wolves

In Russia, the practice of cutting the ears and tails of Central Asian Shepherd puppies before they reach 14 days is widely used. Despite the conformation standards of the breed, judges allow undocked dogs to enter Russian exhibitions. On the contrary, international experts always ask questions about the reason for a competitor's ear cropping.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the procedure include:

  1. Cupping as a prevention of injuries among Alabai at tournaments or when serving as security guards for various objects.
  2. Carrying out the procedure for medical reasons. In this case, it is performed if the pet is found to have: a malignant tumor that cannot be treated conservatively, necrosis, serious injury or an ulcer.
  3. Aesthetic factor, as well as compliance with the Alabai breed standard.

Disadvantages of cupping:

  1. Problems with the musculoskeletal system, since the tail is a continuation of the spine, and cutting it off cannot but affect the dog’s health.
  2. Problems with coordination of movements. Tail docking increases the load on the hind legs, and this in turn leads to their deformation and improper development.
  3. Dog scientists have been able to establish a connection between tail docking and aggressiveness. They found that after such a procedure, dogs are always more angry, less sociable, and they also more often experience various mental disorders.

When to dock the ears and tails of an Alabai

Most often, the issue of developing short ears and tails is dealt with by Central Asian Shepherd dog breeders. They carry out the circumcision procedure independently or in a veterinary clinic. Owners decide whether to crop the ears and tail or not. It is better for owners of newborn Alabai puppies to contact specialists in Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. Irregular shape or different lengths of shells may disqualify the dog. Incorrect home surgery tactics can lead to cartilage damage, overgrowth of the auricle and chronic otitis media.

The ideal age for surgery is considered to be the 2-5th day of life of newborn puppies, provided:

  • safe birth of the mother;
  • good puppy appetite;
  • normal physical activity of the baby.

At this age, the nerve endings in the ears are not yet fully formed, and the vertebrae of the tail are very soft. Thanks to this, the procedure for shepherd cubs is virtually painless and does not cause complications. At this age, there is no need to use anesthesia or stitches.

Weakened or underdeveloped individuals and puppies with symptoms of various pathologies are not allowed to undergo surgery.

It is necessary to crop the ears and tail in the first days of the puppy’s life.
If the surgical method of cropping the ears and tail of an Alabai is carried out after the age of 10 days, the procedure requires anesthesia and suturing. According to common veterinary practice, conscientious doctors crop the ears of Central Asian Shepherds only for medical reasons. However, there are specialists who perform similar operations on animals aged 2-6 months at the whim of the owners.


Like any other operation, this procedure has certain contraindications. If they are present, ear cropping cannot be carried out:

  • general weakness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • lack of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • loose stools;
  • apathy.

If any of these symptoms are present, you should take your pet to a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment.

Docking is prohibited if the puppy has developmental abnormalities

How to properly trim the ears and tail of an Alabai

Today, there are several standard forms of ears suitable for Turkmen wolfhounds:

  • undocked ears;
  • standard - the ear cartilage should be of medium size, the shell is cut in a straight line or in a semicircle;
  • bear - leave longer cartilage, making a semicircular cut into half of the ear pocket;
  • Caucasian - the auricle is cut in a semicircle, leaving a third of the cartilage.

a and b - standard ear cropping, c - bear, d - Caucasian.
Sections should be even, symmetrical, without corners or notches. Inexperienced specialists often leave one ear larger than the other, which deprives the dog of high marks at shows.

Breed standards for Central Asian Shepherds require short cutting of the tail vertebrae. It is correct to dock the Alabai's tail, leaving a third of the length. The incision is made in the area where the newborn puppy's tail is visible to thin.

What is cupping?

Docking is an operation that results in giving the dog’s ears or tail the required shape . The purpose of such intervention is to “adjust” the puppy’s exterior to the breed standards. Schnauzers, Doberman Pinschers, Boxers, Great Danes and Argentine Dogs are usually docked. This procedure is required if you plan to take your pet to exhibitions.

Preparation and technique of surgery

The owner of Central Asian Shepherd puppies is highly discouraged from carrying out the procedure for developing the exterior standards of the breed himself. Only an experienced veterinarian can crop ears and tails at home. Sometimes the breeder takes on these functions. In any case, aseptic and antiseptic standards must be observed.

The operation must be performed together; the owner must fix the newborn on the table in a lying position and close the animal’s eyes with his palm. The pet will make attempts to free itself and may twitch or squeak at the time of the incision; the owner’s task is to maintain a stationary position of the head or tail during the entire procedure. Typically, the ear and tail docking process takes about 3-5 minutes.

Ear cropping can only be performed by an experienced specialist.

The baby's ear is straightened, the skin is disinfected with a 70% alcohol solution, the auricle is slightly stretched, and the soft tissue is cut with sterile scissors. The wound is immediately treated with an antiseptic solution or spray. The second ear is cut in a similar way. Docking the tail is done by pulling the skin fold towards the base of the tail with cartilage scissors, followed by treating the wound with an antiseptic.

Features of the operation for dogs of different ages

The advisability of using anesthesia, pain relief, suturing and shaving hair at the incision site depends on how many days old the little patient is:

  • when the operation is performed at the age of 2-5 days, specialists do not anesthetize or sew the surgical wound;
  • puppies 10-14 days old - local anesthesia and suturing are applied;
  • in older age - the operation is performed under general anesthesia, the surgical field must be cleared of hair and disinfected, the edges of the ears and tail are sutured.

Within 10 days after the operation, it is advisable to wean the puppies from their mother to avoid licking the wound. Babies are brought in for feeding 6 times a day and the mother’s behavior is carefully monitored. If docking was performed on an adult pet, experts recommend placing a collar on the dog’s neck until the wound is completely healed and the stitches are removed. The bedding on which Alabai puppies live must be changed daily, washed and boiled.

Ear cropping of an older Alabai should be carried out in sterile conditions under general anesthesia.

Possible complications after cupping may include bleeding, scarring, or suppuration of the incision site. Most often, problems with wound healing are observed in adult pets. If the ears and tail become red, blood or mucopurulent discharge appears, you must immediately contact a specialist to avoid blood poisoning.

How does the procedure work?

Tail docking technique:

  1. Before surgery, the animal is kept on a fasting diet for 12 hours, while the temperature is measured hourly. Normal body temperature for a dog is 37-39.5 degrees.
  2. 2 weeks before the procedure, the dog must be dewormed (cleansing the body of worms).
  3. Before the operation, the amputation site is trimmed and shaved, and the fur is removed at a distance of at least 2 cm on each side. This area is then disinfected.
  4. If the puppy is older than 3 weeks, then a tourniquet is applied to the base of the tail, and local or general anesthesia is also used.
  5. If the dog is more than a month old, then it must be fixed on the operating table.
  6. During the operation, two fingers are used to pull the skin of the tail at the base, gathering it into a fold. Then, using a scalpel, part of the tail is cut off in the right place.
  7. After amputation, the skin is released and it completely covers the wound, which prevents infections and promotes speedy healing.

Stages of ear cropping in Alabai:

  1. The dog is kept on a starvation diet for 12 hours before surgery.
  2. Administration of antipsychotic and local anesthesia.
  3. Closing the ear canal with a cotton swab to prevent blood from flowing into the ear.
  4. After the shape of the ear is chosen, a special flare (pattern) is applied to the auricle. To do this, the skin of the auricle is shifted as much as possible towards the base so that the shape of the stump is correct. When applied, the lower end of the flange should be closer to the auricle, and the upper end should be on the border of the upper and middle thirds.
  5. When everything is ready, the auricle is cut off using a sharp scalpel, while the cut off part serves as a template for the second ear.
  6. Cupping of the second ear.
  7. Just below the flap, an intestinal clamp is placed on the auricle to prevent bleeding, and after 10 minutes the flab is removed.
  8. Stitching. In this case, the skin is pierced first from the inside of the auricle, and then from the outside. For sewing, use catgut or thin silk threads.
  9. At the end of the procedure, the ears are placed on a gauze pad at the back of the head and bandaged.
  10. The bandage is removed on days 3-4, and the stitches on days 7-14 after surgery.

How much does ear and tail docking cost for an Alabai dog?

The cost of the procedure depends on the location of the operation, the age of the pet, the need for anesthesia and additional examination, and the price of the painkiller. On average, ear and tail docking in a clinic for East European Shepherd puppies aged 2-5 days costs about 500-600 rubles, and at home – 800-1000 rubles. For such an operation on a one-month-old dog, you need to spend about 4000-6000 rubles.

To dock or not is up to the dog owner to decide. Many owners do not accept a dog with long ears, but some selflessly love their four-legged friend the way nature created him.

Rehabilitation period

When the dog wakes up, the owner should be nearby to make the pet calmer and easier. In some cases, dogs can remain asleep for a long time, but if there is measured breathing, it is not recommended to wake them up. In this case, you need to move the staff to a warm, cozy place and cover it with a blanket. You can additionally use heating pads, since after recovery from anesthesia the dog will freeze.

Within 12-24 hours after surgery, the staff may experience general lethargy and refuse to eat. During the rehabilitation period, it is important to help your pet recover. Therefore, the owner must talk to him, periodically stroke him, and sometimes turn him over to the other side. At first, the dog will have an unsteady gait and poor coordination of movements, which is considered normal and should not cause concern.

If your pet refuses food and nutrition, it is necessary to stimulate its appetite. To do this, drop water into the mouth or smear honey on the staff’s lips. If the reaction is positive, offer the dog his favorite treat.

Important! In case of wound bleeding after surgery, it is necessary to periodically apply a cotton pad moistened with hydrogen peroxide to the cut site.

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